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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Klayley
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Fifteen Years Later is a role-play that takes place in the supernatural world of television shows the Vampire Diaries and the Originals. Our story will start off fifteen years after the events of season 7 of the Vampire Diaries and Season 3 of the Originals. Everything that has happened thus far in both shows is canon in this role-play which means that if someone chooses to play as Bonnie, there can be no Elena Gilbert character as because of the spell that Kai performed Bonnie has to die in order for Elena to wake. The Other Side is gone. The Ancestral Plane in New Orleans has been disconnected from the living. I admittedly haven't watched an episode of the Vampires Diaries outside of the crossover episode in 3x14 because I didn't care for the way the show killed off Kai. However, through mistagged post on Tumblr and doing research for this roleplay on the Vampire Diaries/the Originals Wikia page I understand that there were flashforwards and know most of the major things that happened in season 7. Both canon characters on both shows as well as Original characters will be playable in this roleplay.

I have created three opening scenarios that will be the main plot of the role-play when we begin. Depending on how successful this role-play is and longevity I can see us playing out all of these plotlines over the course of the role-play but I will leave it up to a vote on which one we start with. While plot based this role-play will be very much character-driven as it will be the decisions made by our characters, that determine how the story will unfold. In both shows, blood is always flowing, and bodies are constantly dropping and this role-play will be no different. Characters will be made, and a significant number of them will probably die. While the primary focus of the role-play will focus around whichever plot we settle on doing there will be subplots going on within the main plot. For example, season 1 of the Originals was all about this unborn miracle magical baby forming in Hayley womb. But, within that you had Hayley's separate arc of her finding her family and connecting with the Crescent Wolves, Klaus fight to reclaim his place as King of New Orleans and make a home for his unborn child, the witches of New Orleans fighting their way back to power, etc. While Hayley being pregnant with Klaus's child was the main focal point of the season and tied everything together, things weren't solely just about Hayley being pregnant.

Our characters no matter what plotline we choose to follow will have their own stories within the bigger story that we are telling. What will make this role-play enjoyable and successful is inclusion and finding a way to tie all the characters whether canon or non-canon. Although this role-play was created by me the story will tell will be set up by us. So, hopefully, I have struck some kind of interest in you if you are still reading this and feel free to keep reading and if you like what you see reserve a place, make a character or two and let us begin.

Plot Idea #1 - Resurrecting the Mikaelsons
It's been fifteen years since Marcel Gerald became the prophesied Beast that took down the Originals. Klaus was and has remained daggered by Papa Tunde's Blade for the last fifteen years, and his siblings Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, and Kol bodies have spent the last decade and a half in coffins while their subconscious has been in the Chambre De Chasse that Freya created. Over the past fifteen years, Hayley has spent every waking moment since the Originals fell looking for a way to fix her fractured family and through her daughter, she thinks that they may have found an answer.

Hope precognitive gifts has given her insight into a way in which she can help her mother bring their family back together. Through her precognitive sight, Hope has learned about a coven know as the Gemini Coven. While from what she and Hayley have learned over the years there isn't much of a coven left, Hope continuously gets visions of two girls (Josie and Lizzie Saltzman) who she believes is the key to healing her slumbering aunts and uncles. With no other leads to go on Hayley and Hope have been tracking down these two girls, in hopes that Hope's feeling may be right, and they may finally be able to wake their slumbering family members and rescue Klaus from his internal suffering.
In this plotline, all of the Mikaelsons are still down from the events of the season 4 finale of the Originals. Hayley with a now teenage Hope has been searching for the various cures needed to heal and wake Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Freya, who still slumber in their coffins. Hope, who has been getting visions of these two girls now for years, thinks they may be the key to getting back the family that Marcel took from her. At the start of the role-play Hope and Hayley will be in the same city or town that Alaric and Caroline are now living in with Lizzie and Josie. They don't know anything about Josie and Lizzie outside of their appearance, but Hope is certain that these girls are the key to everything and going on her hutch Hope and Hayley are determined to find and . . . well, they don't really have a plan after that, but it's all they've got.

Plot Idea #2 - The Breaking of the Sire Lines
Ten years has passed since the Mikaelson family was reunited. Hayley using the venom of the seven royal bloodlines of werewolves was able to heal Kol and Elijah of Marcel's bite. Waking the slumbering Mikaelsons, Freya had channeled a then seven-year-old Hope and used their combined magic in a spell she created to cure Rebekah of her hex. While they still haven't found a way to remedy the poison coursing through Freya's veins, her life still being linked to Klaus's through the spell she performed when she put her family to sleep keeps the poison in her system dormant. Which buys her all the time in the world to find a cure for herself; as long as Klaus manages to stay alive. Although with the Ancestors connection to the living severed by Davina using the Un Dépôt D'argent; Freya doesn't know of a way to un-beast-ify Marcel. However, that didn't stop the Originals from rescuing Klaus from the City of the Dead and stopping the unending suffering he endured from Papa Tunde's Blade.

For what was probably the first time in Mikaelson history, the Mikaelson family did not seek retribution for what Marcel had done to them. Both Elijah and Freya knew that it was their actions they took to save their family that set Marcel on his path of vengeance and led to the fall of the very ones they were trying to protect. Kol in respect and out of his love for Davina did not wish to seek revenge against Marcel for what he did to his family as well as himself. Rebekah still loving Marcel never once entertained the idea of ending his life and was just thankful that her siblings felt the same. And Klaus, after spending years in a state of endless suffering away from his littlest wolf wished to put everything that had happened in New Orleans behind him when he finally had that blade pulled from his chest. He wanted nothing more than to live his life in peace from away from the city that his caused him and the ones he loved so much agony and grief and instead decided that it was time for him, his siblings and his little wolves to have a fresh start somewhere far away from past events.

Of course, the Mikaelsons lives can only be peaceful for so long before the tide shifts against them and shift it has. Fifteen years ago, Davina Clarie performed a spell that broke Klaus's sire line and freed all the vampires whose lives were joined to his. Now the vampires who are still linked to Elijah and Rebekah want the same freedom that Klaus's sirelings have, and they will stop at nothing to get it. Word has spread throughout the supernatural world of there being a way to achieve this and now vampires from both Elijah and Rebekah's sire lines are coming for the Mikaelson family.
In the second potential plotline that I've come up with all the Originals and Freya have been alive for five years now. Going against their nature of vengeance the Mikaelson family decides to start a new and put Marcel as well as the city of New Orleans behind them. They been living in peace for the last five years; Klaus and Hayley have been co-parenting and raising Hope as a unit and depending on the what the people who decided to play the Mikaelson decide the other members of the Mikaelson family either have stayed with the Hybrid family or are living their lives out in world but of course keep in touch with the family. Something happens whether we stick with Hope having the gift of precognition or something else, but regardless something occurs that brings the family back together. They'll figure out about the vampires apart of Elijah and Rebekah's sire lines wanting to break their links and blood, magic and craziness ensues. I'm honestly not sure how to connect the characters from the Vampire Diaries to this plotline but, we can brainstorm together on that one if this is the plotline that people favor over the other two.

Plot Idea #3- The Enemies of the Gemini Coven
The Gemini Coven was once a powerful coven with more enemies than just Malachai Parker to worry about. Before the Other Side was destroyed the dead ancestors of the Gemini Coven considered the siphoners that came from the Gemini bloodline to be abominations. The coven's dead ancestors on the Other Side were one of the main reasons behind why the Geminis created the prison worlds that they banished the witches born siphons to. When Kai killed himself along with every member of the Gemini Coven the other witch covens that populated Oregon was elated to be rid of the Geminis as like with the coven's ancestors they too considered the siphoners to be abominations. However, it turned out that not every member of the coven had died as two members survived in the form of Lizzie and Josie Saltzman.

The Witch Covens of Oregon want to put an end to Gemini Coven and their siphoners and have combined their efforts to kill Alaric and Jo's twins. Caroline, who has become like a mother to the girls, refuses to let anything happen to them. In an attempt to protect her daughters from those who wish to harm them, Caroline once again looks to find Klaus as she did twelve years ago in New Orleans. She hopes that he will offer Lizzie and Josie his protection and help her protect them from those who want them dead.
In this finale plot idea, the Mikaelsons can either be awake or not depending on whether anyone wants to play any of the Mikaelsons. If they are then, we can go the route of the second plot idea and have them have been alive and living in peace for the last couple of years or so. Caroline will seek out Klaus where ever he, Hayley and Hope (and possible the other Mikaelsons) are living and beg him to help her save the life of her daughters. After everything that happened with Marcel in New Orleans some of the Mikaelson may be hesitant to help as they wouldn't want to shake the stability and peace, they've found to help some vampire Caroline screwed in the woods once. Either way, the premise is clear, and it would more than likely begin with Caroline and Co. in the new city or town where Klaus and his family reside and them luring him into a meeting where Caroline would be the one to try and persuade him to help her and her family.

• Doppelgänger • Human • Hunter
• Hybrid • Werewolf • Witch • Vampire


Qetsiyah: When they drank the immortality elixir, they violated the natural law that all living things must die, so Nature found a balance by creating mortal shadow selves.

Stefan: Doppelgängers.

— Qetsiyah and Stefan Salvatore about doppelgängers

Doppelgängers, also known as Shadow Selves, are a supernatural occurrence that came as a result of Silas and Amara becoming true immortals. Their purpose is to maintain the natural balance by dying in place of their immortal progenitors, and for this reason, doppelgängers have existed for 1,000 years being born and dying in the place of Amara and Silas not dying.

There are two known doppelgänger lines stemming from Silas and Amara respectively, of which Stefan Salvatore, Tom Avery, Tatia, Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert belong to.

Introduction of Doppelgängers

It was first believed that doppelgängers are related to one another through a bloodline; however, it was later revealed that doppelgängers appear after the creation of a truly immortal being, and are a recurrent and mystical, supernatural being. However, the doubles would be related to each other distantly. Because they're supernatural, their blood can be used as a binding agent for powerful spells, such as the spell that created the Originals, and therefore the creation of the vampire race. Because they have no actual supernatural powers, the only way that it has been confirmed that doppelgängers are supernatural was the fact that Elena killed Alaric while wearing a Gilbert Ring and he came back to life a short time later. This also confirmed Elijah's suspicion that the Gilbert Ring wouldn't work on Elena because she was technically a supernatural being. Though doppelgängers are supposed to represent mortality in the place of an otherwise immortal being, they can achieve immortality through vampirism, as was in the case of Katherine, Stefan, and Elena.

Doppelgänger Lines

Immortal Beings
Amara ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Silas
Tatia ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Unknown Doppelgänger
Katerina Petrova ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Unknown Doppelgänger
Unknown Doppelgänger ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Stefan Salvatore
Elena Gilbert ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tom Avery

• As of the fifth season of The Vampire Diaries, both Amara and Silas became mortal and died. Theoretically, being cured of immortality and their deaths mean the end of their doppelgänger lines, as nature would no longer require their shadow selves to die in their place.

• If someone wants to use Nina Dobrev or Paul Wesley as a face claim but not play either Stefan Salvatore or Elena Gilbert they could be one of the three unknown doppelgängers. For another doppelgänger to come along after them, that would mean that this unknown doppelgänger would have had to die which means they would automatically have to be a vampire if they still exist centuries later.

• If someone out there wants to be a doppelgänger, I am cool with that but as much as love Katerina *said in my Elijah voice* I don't need a carbon copy of Katherine, Elena or Stefan. Katherine and Elena were identical in appearance but were opposites in every other way as was Stefan and Silas. Just because your character may resemble their shadow selves, they are not. I expect as much originality with these characters as I do with all others.

Things that must be included in your sheet:

• Do they know that they're a doppelgänger?
• Did they know about Klaus and his hybrid curse? If so, how did they avoid him finding them and using them to break his curse?

Answer the questions in the vampire section


Humans are a race of mortal, sentient beings who are members of the species "Homo Sapiens". Humans serve both as a food source as well as a means of procreation for vampires, who reproduce by performing a ritual that will transform a human being into an undead immortal. Humans make up for the majority of the earth's population, and are commonly noted for their desire to influence and understand the environment by seeking to explain and manipulate phenomena through mythology, philosophy, religion, and science.

The primary abilities of every human being include adaptability and versatility. For the most part, humans are outmatched by supernatural beings and are most often defeated whenever confronted by a superior creature. However, some humans have been known to utilize tools and weapons and have managed to succeed in a supernatural combat. Therefore, as a means of survival, most humans must rely on intelligence, research, and teamwork to prevail.

Because humans are commonly noted for their tendency to fear the unknown, many of the humans who are aware of the supernatural have built societies, such as the Town Council, that are dedicated to hunting and killing all supernatural beings, especially vampires. Generally, these hunters use advanced knowledge of folklore to hunt, identify and murder any and all threats to humanity. They are able to modify conventional human weaponry such as guns and knives to repel and/or kill supernatural beings that are often more powerful than they are.

I get that in this supernatural that includes supernaturals playing a human doesn't seem very exciting. However, humans in my mind have the most potential in a role-play likes this because of the possibilities you have with a human character. Humans can become badass hunters, be turned into vampires, trigger the werewolf curse they didn't even know they possessed or be a witch that hasn't yet tapped into their magic. That is all up to you and your creativity.

Things that must be included in your sheet:

• Do they know about the existence of supernatural creatures?
• If yes, are you a hunter? Are you pro-supernatural or would you rather wipe them from existence?
• What made them become a hunter? What it a family thing? (like the Argent family on Teen Wolf or the Founder's Council) or did something happen in their past that set their course? (e.i. Alaric)
• How do they feel about the supernatural as a whole, depending on what and how much they know about it?


"A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire. Nature would not stand for such an imbalance of power. Therefore, the witches, the servants of Nature, saw to it that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant."

— Elijah to Elena

Hybrids are a cross-breed of two or more different supernatural species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf turned into a vampire because they were the first supernatural hybrid known to exist. However, since the werewolf-vampire hybrid's creation, there have been other cross-breed hybrids revealed in the universe, such as Siphoners which are witch-vampire hybrids derived from the Gemini Coven, and, in the rare case of Hope Mikaelson, a witch-werewolf-vampire tribrid.

Hybrids possess both the strengths and some of the weaknesses of their parent races, along with powerful attributes unique to themselves alone due to their combined heritage. For werewolf-vampire hybrids, this includes day-walking and being able to transform into a wolf without the full moon's influence. For Siphoner-vampire hybrids, they retain their ability to siphon magic for their use in witchcraft as well as gain the ability to channel their own vampirism as a nearly limitless power source; as they did not possess their own magic as humans, this is a skill that makes them immensely powerful.

• At the start the role-play the only werewolf-vampire hybrids will be Klaus and Hayley, and, the only tribrid in existence is Hope. Josie and Lizzie Saltzman are the only siphoners that exist as well.

• While at the beginning of the role-play the only hybrids will be the Klopeley family it won't have to stay that way. Hope's blood can be used to sire hybrids and with Elena now being a human being again if Klaus were to find out over the course of the role-play he can acquire her blood and be able to sire hybrids again as well. So, the possibility is out there although that doesn't mean every person who makes a werewolf character will become a hybrid.


"When the full moon crests in the sky, whoever is unlucky enough to fall under the werewolf curse turns into a wolf. [...] If it were a choice, it wouldn't be called a curse. Werewolves will attack humans, but instinct and centuries of rivalry have hardwired them to hunt their prey of choice -- vampires."

— Vanessa Monroe on werewolves

Werewolves (also called Lycanthropes, Loup Garou, Beasts, or even just Wolves for short) are a near-extinct supernatural shapeshifting species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome, and extremely hostile wolves on the night of the full moon. Even in their human form, werewolves possess superhuman physical prowess, though not to the same level as a vampire, and their abilities are not as powerful compared to those they possess on the full moon while transformed. These creatures are the most dangerous enemies of vampires due to their venomous bite, which is lethal to them. Werewolves are also hardwired to kill vampires on sight in their wolf form, though they still hunt human prey whenever there are no vampires to kill.

An Evolved Werewolf refers to the werewolves of the Crescent Wolf Pack, who were blessed with additional powers by the Unification Ritual between the pack's two Alphas: Hayley Marshall of the Labonair bloodline, and Jackson Kenner of the Kenner bloodline. These werewolves possess the gifts of each Alpha, such as enhanced speed and strength, but more importantly, they have also gained the unique powers possessed by Hayley Marshall, who is a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Evolved Werewolves have full control of their abilities which includes transformation control, which means they not can control their transformation into wolf form at all times just as Hayley can (including not turning on the full moon and partially transforming their eyes, claws, and fangs during a fight). This also means that they can access the full potential of their wolf form, making them stronger, faster, and generally superior to average werewolves who are limited by their once monthly transformations.

• Evolved Werewolves possess most of the abilities of a hybrid except those exclusive to vampires, such as mind compulsion and immortality. If someone wants to be an evolved wolf from the Crescent Wolf Pack that is fine with me.

Things that must be included in your sheet:

• Are they a triggered or untriggered werewolf
• If triggered,
- When did they trigger their curse?
- Who did they kill? Was that someone a person they were close to or a stranger?
- How many people have they killed since triggering the curse?
- Was it an accident?
- Did they know they had the curse before they triggered it?
- How do they feel about the full moon and turning?
- Do they chain themselves up or embrace the change and let whatever happens happen?
- If there was a way to keep themselves from turning would they do it?
- What do they feel are the best and worst parts about being a werewolf?
• If untriggered,
- Do they know what will happen if they kill someone?
- If so, are they afraid or paranoid knowing that it could happen?
- Would they like to trigger the curse?
• Are they a part of a pack or a lone wolf?
• What do they know about the supernatural including and outside of werewolves?


"The Italians call them Strega. The Yoruba of West Africa call them Aje, meaning mother. Where my mother was from, they called them Häxa. And here, we call them witch. Over the centuries, vampires have fought them and fought beside them, bedded them and burned them. Whether adversary or ally they have been a force to be reckoned with."

— Elijah on the Witches

A witch is a person who is born with the power to effect change by magical means (Witchcraft). While many witches are the self-proclaimed "Keepers of the Balance," other witches have been known to work against the Balance and use their power for personal gain. The origin of witchcraft remains unknown; however, it is known that witches have existed for many centuries passing down their knowledge and skills through generations of family lines. Contrary to popular belief, witches do not receive their powers from demons, nor do they worship the devil. Instead, witches consider themselves "the Servants of Nature," as they make it their duty to maintain balance within the world.

The goal of many witches is to honor the design of nature and to maintain balance within the natural world. The balance of nature is intimately tied to one's spiritual relationship with the Earth, and the idea that all living things (e.g. animals, humans, plants, etc.) are considered sacred, as they are all different aspects of nature. Contemporary witches would also agree that using modern ceremonies, rituals, and shamanic practices is the best way to attune themselves with the natural rhythms of the universe, however, according to Gloria, who referred to herself as "old-school voodoo," it is implied that not all witches follow this belief system, and have the free will to choose how they wish to practice their power.

Things that must be included in your sheet:

• Are they a part of a coven?
• What kind of magic do they practice?
• When did they tap into their magic?
• How long have they been practicing for?
• What would they say is the best and worst part about being a witch?
• What do they know about the supernatural?
• How do they feel regarding the supernatural? (opinion on vampires, werewolves, hybrids, other witches, etc.)
• Does anyone know that they are a witch? If so who?


“I have to admit, at first it felt strange, the metallic taste, but then it was like electricity coursing through my body. A million stars exploding in my mind all at once. It's like nothing I ever felt before. It was amazing. And all I can think now is I want to do it again.”

— Camille O'Connell on becoming a vampire

Vampires are magically reanimated human corpses which are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person and who closely resemble the living human they were before their transformation. Vampires feed and survive on the blood of the living, typically on that of humans, and they can also transform other humans into more of their kind. Every regular vampire that has ever existed is descended from those of their kind who are known as the Original vampires, who, unlike the majority of vampires, were turned not by dying with vampire blood in their system, but instead were transformed with a powerful spell fueled by dark magic that was cast in 1001 AD.

Things that must be included in your sheet:

• When were they turned?
• Did they know the person who turned them?
• Did they want to be a vampire?
• How did they feel when they woke in transition?
• What kind of blood do they feed on? Animal? Human? Blood bags? Other vampires?
• Have they ever turned anyone? If so, why?
• How many people have they've turned?
• Have they ever flipped their humanity switch? If so, why? For how long?
• What would they say is the best and worst part about being a vampire?
• Do they know what Original bloodline they belong to?

The Application
Just throwing it out there that I like pretty sheets! Not that pretty is the most important thing but boring is basic, and no one likes being a basic Betty!

Checklist (Things you need to have in your sheet)

• Full Name
• Nickname
• Date of Birth
• Age
• Sexuality
• Status (Alive or Undead)
• Gender
• Species (human, vampire, werewolf, etc.)

• Written Appearance Description

• Personality
• Greatest Joys in Life
• Biggest Fears
• Likes & Dislikes
• Alignment (There are nine alignments. Which one do you think best fits your character?)

• Past

• Present

• Out of Character

- Dialogue Color
- Would you allow this character to be killed?
- How often would you say you post?
- Any plot ideas in mind for your character?

• Anything else you want to add

Canon Show Characters
This is just a list of playable characters from both the Vampire Diaries and the Originals in case anyone wants to play a character from one of

The Vampire Diaries

Stefan Salvatore: Avaliable
Elena Gilbert: Avaliable
Damon Salvatore: Avaliable
Caroline Forbes: Avaliable
Bonnie Bennett: Avaliable
Alaric Saltzman: Avaliable
Lorenzo (Enzo) St. John: Avaliable
Jeremy Gilbert: Avaliable
Tyler Lockwood: Avaliable
Matt Donovan: Avaliable
Josie Saltzman: Avaliable
Lizzie Saltzman: Avaliable
Valerie Tulle: Avaliable

The Originals

Niklaus Mikaelson: Avaliable
Elijah Mikaelson: Avaliable
Rebekah Mikaelson: Avaliable
Hayley Marshall: Avaliable
Freya Mikaelson: Avaliable
Hope Mikaelson: Taken by Klayley
Marcel Gerard: Avaliable
Vincent Griffith: Avaliable
Joshua Rosza: Avaliable
Aurora de Martel: Avaliable
Tristan de Martel: Avaliable
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

@Klayley Sounds interesting I'd be up for this. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

God this is a lot of information. I've never watched the series. I'm still interested in joining, but perhaps playing as a human would work best for me. I've never played getting turned before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Klayley Is this thing alive?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Hestia
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Lady Hestia

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I would be interested, if this roleplay is still alive. If so, I would like to reserve Bonnie Bennett please.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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