Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Ojo chan 42 Accepted.

@Ojo chan 42 alright that being the case I think I should point out that iron doesn't actually control fae as Caoimhin run in with the blacksmith and his iron bridle seem to suggest so you might want to change it to being some form of enchanted item that prevents kelpie from rebelling. That's really a small thing though.

@LadyRunic What about Leaf and Pearl?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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@LadyRunic@BlackPanther@shylarah@Prince of Seraphs@Ojo chan 42

okay I was writing up a post and had an idea! I'm not sure how it would work, but as far as Lyra getting sick how about she is poisoned?
See there is a poem I LOVE (not sure why I didn't think of it sooner) called "Goblin Market". In it two sisters are by a river and hear goblins peddling fruits. One sister wants the fruit because it looks and smells amazing, but her sister warns her : "we must not look at goblin men, we must not buy their fruits, who knows upon what soil they've fed, their hungry thirsty roots?"
Her sister ignores her and buys fruit with a lock of her hair. The fruit is delicious but she finds that she can't eat anything but their fruit. She wastes away nearly to death because once you buy from the goblins you can never see or hear them again. She is only saved when her sister risks her life, getting beaten viciously by the goblins, to get her another fruit which she eats and is cured.

What if, because she knows Falk will unfreeze her heart, Arys decides to wants revenge before she has her heart and feelings back. So she attacks Feoras' heart : Lyra. She somehow (need to figure this out) sends a goblin with fruit to Summer and gets Lyra to eat it under the guise of a gift. Lyra eats it and is poisoned by the fruit, becoming gravely ill. And the only hope for an antidote is Spring.

What do you think?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@LadyRunic@BlackPanther@shylarah@Prince of Seraphs@Ojo chan 42

okay I was writing up a post and had an idea! I'm not sure how it would work, but as far as Lyra getting sick how about she is poisoned?
See there is a poem I LOVE (not sure why I didn't think of it sooner) called "Goblin Market". In it two sisters are by a river and hear goblins peddling fruits. One sister wants the fruit because it looks and smells amazing, but her sister warns her : "we must not look at goblin men, we must not buy their fruits, who knows upon what soil they've fed, their hungry thirsty roots?"
Her sister ignores her and buys fruit with a lock of her hair. The fruit is delicious but she finds that she can't eat anything but their fruit. She wastes away nearly to death because once you buy from the goblins you can never see or hear them again. She is only saved when her sister risks her life, getting beaten viciously by the goblins, to get her another fruit which she eats and is cured.

What if, because she knows Falk will unfreeze her heart, Arys decides to wants revenge before she has her heart and feelings back. So she attacks Feoras' heart: Lyra. She somehow (need to figure this out) sends a goblin with fruit to Summer and gets Lyra to eat it under the guise of a gift. Lyra eats it and is poisoned by the fruit, becoming gravely ill. And the only hope for an antidote is Spring.

What do you think?

Firstly love that poem.

Second you could send Raven as the agent of delivery. Since Raven is made use of by all courts she could claim that the fruit came from somewhere else or alternatively come to the Court on some other business (looking for work or bringing in another fugitive) and give the fruit to Lyra while no one is looking, or place it somewhere Lyra would find it.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs@Ojo chan 42@LAdyRunic Not sure if you want to go with crosses controlling them either, as that's a distinctly Christian thing and implies the existence of a power greater than the fey, and while it's loosely defined there's also a lot of extant lore on it. A proper iron bridal would actually probably kill a kelpie through prolonged contact, and certainly it'd lead to illness and poisoning.

Generally fey were captured for riches or wishes, not hard labor. I'm not sure why someone would, really. Also you could /kill/ the man, and that'd free Caoimhin, wouldn't it? I don't know why they didn't do that. Or curse him. Or something.

I think it's strange that Clyde trusted the human girl, but eh, Sini's done worse as a child. The whole negotiating for some /other/ fey's child seems a bit...odd, but *shrug* your chars. Though it's interesting that the kelpie who fathered Laira cared about the baby, but not the woman, and then left both...very sticky situation there. *grins* Should be fun to play with.

Interesting that Clyde and the father were both from Fall, but didn't know each other. Rival herds, perhaps, so they know only /of/ the others, but not their faces?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Belle>

Firstly love that poem.

Second you could send Raven as the agent of delivery. Since Raven is made use of by all courts she could claim that the fruit came from somewhere else or alternatively come to the Court on some other business (looking for work or bringing in another fugitive) and give the fruit to Lyra while no one is looking, or place it somewhere Lyra would find it.

Yay! Someone else who knows that poem! Usually when I mention it I get odd looks. You are the first person I've met who knows that poem too! *hugs*

That is a great idea! Although Raven seems to like Lyra so wouldn't she had a problem giving her something that could harm her? Unless she didn't know the fruit was intended to harm Lyra...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

its evil and i love it

poor feoras. he is going to lose it
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Belle Hm, I don't know how the fruit thing would work, but...yeah, that might do it. If the cure is simple, though, there's no reason to keep Lyra in Spring.

Unfortunately, because the fey know little of science (which makes an excellent reason to use it against them!) it also means they would have no way of employing it themselves.

Unless. Perhaps an exiled fey (such as the one I had the vague notion of before) with ulterior motives offers to let the Winter Queen use something he's cooked up? He sees it as a test, she gets a way to hurt Feoras, and Lyra needs extensive care. Exiled from Summer, most likely, though I could see him being from another court. He'd be in contact with either unaligned fey or low level court fey, but not allowed in the fey realm himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

its evil and i love it

poor feoras. he is going to lose it

I am a very mean person...


I was thinking less of science and more like a spell or special tonic with ingredients only found in Spring. That is a way that Nyx can meet Lyra, since we were tentatively planning to have him take her and age her up. I'm not sure if that plan is still in motion, but either way it'll add drama which I love. *evil laugh*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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dear lord you want to watch the world burn don't you XD
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Belle We'd need to know if @Prince of Seraphs still intends that, though, as the Winter/Fall alliance means that Spring really can't infuriate Summer and have any chance of surviving. Sini will advise strongly against it, at the very least. I'm quite certain Nyx already knows of Lyra, and I don't know if meeting her (and by his opinion, I'm not sure why he'd bother) would make him like her. For that matter, if Lyra was unwell I would think the potion would be made and brought back to Summer to give her. ...Come to think of it, that probably means that there'd need to be negotiation over who moves where, for the duration of treating her, if she /does/ take ill for an extended time.

Max: One court is much the same as the others, I'm sure. T.T
Yes, thank you. I don't care what you think.

Working indirectly on Lyra's heart, though. Can hardly blame Spring if her affections shift of her own accord, now can you? So either it could be deliberately encouraged when the opportunity presents itself, or it could happen by chance. Aging her up is a separate matter, and one I don't have an alternate proposal for at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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dear lord you want to watch the world burn don't you XD

Who doesn't? :)

<Snipped quote by Prince of Seraphs>

Yay! Someone else who knows that poem! Usually when I mention it I get odd looks. You are the first person I've met who knows that poem too! *hugs*

That is a great idea! Although Raven seems to like Lyra so wouldn't she had a problem giving her something that could harm her? Unless she didn't know the fruit was intended to harm Lyra...

I read a lot and fae lore and related readings have always interested me. I'm actually using this RP as a testing ground for characters I want to employ in a collection of short stories I'm writing.

As for Raven's motivations, well she's rather... fickle. She wouldn't have any problem harming Lyra should it be necessary though in this case she'd likely play both sides of the field. Have Winter employ her to poison Lyra and right after get Summer to employ her in helping the girl. Regardless she would do it for the right price.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Belle We'd need to know if @Prince of Seraphs still intends that, though, as the Winter/Fall alliance means that Spring really can't infuriate Summer and have any chance of surviving. Sini will advise strongly against it, at the very least. I'm quite certain Nyx already knows of Lyra, and I don't know if meeting her (and by his opinion, I'm not sure why he'd bother) would make him like her. For that matter, if Lyra was unwell I would think the potion would be made and brought back to Summer to give her. ...Come to think of it, that probably means that there'd need to be negotiation over who moves where, for the duration of treating her, if she /does/ take ill for an extended time.

Max: One court is much the same as the others, I'm sure. T.T
Yes, thank you. I don't care what you think.

Working indirectly on Lyra's heart, though. Can hardly blame Spring if her affections shift of her own accord, now can you? So either it could be deliberately encouraged when the opportunity presents itself, or it could happen by chance. Aging her up is a separate matter, and one I don't have an alternate proposal for at the moment.

As much as Nyx and I like to see Feoras infuriated the Archon wouldn't be foolish enough to bring that anger down on himself. More likely he would age her up and pin it on one of the other Courts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Prince of Seraphs PM them to me. Leaf and the other one.

Also, guys I'm slowing down my posts because it's getting hard for me to keep up in the OOC with family up (They leave late tommorrow). If you need something okayed or have a idea, Pm so you KNOW i'll see it, and I WILL READ IT and not feel so overwhelmed!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Prince of Seraphs
In the last RP all the fae could feel an unease that signaled Wylde Hunt rallying itself and even the plot summary says the Courts are tense as the Wylde Hunt prepares to ride. This is what I was referring to. Not a literal darkening of the skies, though I would not doubt that was within the Wylde Hunt's power they are not yet actually riding so they shouldn't yet have a physical presence in any but the Fall Court.

This isn't the same RP fully. It's a Reboot.


What if, because she knows Falk will unfreeze her heart, Arys decides to wants revenge before she has her heart and feelings back. So she attacks Feoras' heart : Lyra. She somehow (need to figure this out) sends a goblin with fruit to Summer and gets Lyra to eat it under the guise of a gift. Lyra eats it and is poisoned by the fruit, becoming gravely ill. And the only hope for an antidote is Spring.

I like.

@Ojo chan 42

Sorry, I just skimmed your character. >.< Life's been busy.

who pulled out an iron cross to make Clyde yield to his will. Caoimhin Struggled but it was to late, the holster had crosses stamped on to them, making her unable to defey the man. Forced to flee from the iron,

Crosses and religous artifacts do not affect Fae. The Fae are beyond the bounds of religion and as Falk says...
"We shaped Mortals, they were our creation that went beyond our hand. For from them came our Doom."
Crosses cannot affect Fae, the only thing that could would be promises of binding. Iron would burn painfully and KILL Fae. Especially young ones, easily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Prince of Seraphs PM them to me. Leaf and the other one.

Also, guys I'm slowing down my posts because it's getting hard for me to keep up in the OOC with family up (They leave late tomorrow). If you need something okayed or have a idea, PM so you KNOW I'll see it, and I WILL READ IT and not feel so overwhelmed!

I already posted them here in the OOC.

This isn't the same RP fully. It's a Reboot.

Then outlining those differences before I use outdated information to create a post would be most helpful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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Sini: *sigh* Men. Actually, no, fey in general. Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't dropped on my head as a child, that I see things separate from attachment so often.

@Belle I'm loving Arys so very much. <3 I think Sini would get along with her well, actually.

In fact.

@Prince of Seraphs Hey. You. So...setting aside my personal motivations. I think Spring has a serious concern when it comes what Fall is planning. It might be wise to make overtures to Winter, to discourage her from going along with an all out war, or at least from automatically taking Falk's side if he tries to start one with Spring. Sini, given her nature (respectful, cautious, and a disdain for decisions made out of emotion, a bit younger even than Arys though not by /too/ much...) might be a good person to have visit. On business, of course. But I'm sure we can find reasons for her to go there more than once, and possibly attempt to cultivate a friendship with Winter, both for herself and for the good of her court. Possibly with those instructions, though Sini might also think of the idea herself after her next encounter with Arys. ^.^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Prince of Seraphs Hey. You. So...setting aside my personal motivations. I think Spring has a serious concern when it comes what Fall is planning. It might be wise to make overtures to Winter, to discourage her from going along with an all out war, or at least from automatically taking Falk's side if he tries to start one with Spring. Sini, given her nature (respectful, cautious, and a disdain for decisions made out of emotion, a bit younger even than Arys though not by /too/ much...) might be a good person to have visit. On business, of course. But I'm sure we can find reasons for her to go there more than once, and possibly attempt to cultivate a friendship with Winter, both for herself and for the good of her court. Possibly with those instructions, though Sini might also think of the idea herself after her next encounter with Arys. ^.^

I believe one such as that is referred to as an ambassador.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs yes, right. Well no, more to it -- actually trying to become a friend in a real sense is beyond simply being an ambassador, and Sini prefers to be genuine in her friendships. Friends perform better than tools, after all. And any permanent ambassador role would take up far too much time. But I can see Sini doing a lot of different things for Nyx, depending on what's needed. Ambassador, commander, guard, steward....

But yeah, I think we might wish to pursue that idea. ^.^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Prince of Seraphs
<Snipped quote>

This isn't the same RP fully. It's a Reboot.


<Snipped quote>

I like.

@Ojo chan 42

Sorry, I just skimmed your character. >.< Life's been busy.

<Snipped quote>

Crosses and religous artifacts do not affect Fae. The Fae are beyond the bounds of religion and as Falk says...
"We shaped Mortals, they were our creation that went beyond our hand. For from them came our Doom."
Crosses cannot affect Fae, the only thing that could would be promises of binding. Iron would burn painfully and KILL Fae. Especially young ones, easily.

thats is why i made the cross iron, it may have been the mortals foolish believe that a iron cross would work. that why I wrote fleeing from the iron. and the thing with a holster with crosses, I based this of the ledgend of a laird ( lord) who captured one making the kelpie slave away. The only way to capture a kelpie is with a holster that has crosses stamped in the leather.

EDIT: and the man who did this was Elenore's father, Laira's grandfather.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

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@Ojo chan 42

he's hot...

i know, thtas why I like him so much ( usually not a good sighn for my chars :) )
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