Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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I am curious and intrigued... *wiggles eyebrows*

I can't decide whether Arys is going to make Lyra sick or make her grow up.... decisions decisions on how to mess with

I thought I was going to get to age her up. Though I suppose Spring and Winter could hash a plan together since Spring's the more magically inclined and less likely to kill Lyra in the attempt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
Summer would not want to age her as of yet

But your point is valid

Also I could see spring doing some sort of plan with winter to form a bit of an alliance
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Summer would not want to age her as of yet

But your point is valid

Also I could see Spring doing some sort of plan with Winter to form a bit of an alliance.

Typo, meant Spring and Winter
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
Makes more sense

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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<Snipped quote by Belle>

I thought I was going to get to age her up. Though I suppose Spring and Winter could hash a plan together since Spring's the more magically inclined and less likely to kill Lyra in the attempt.

Oh! We hadn't talked about it in a while so I thought you lost interest in that plan. If you are still interested in it we can do that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Everyone ganging up on Summer lol poor Feoras is like "wtf did I ever do to you all?!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Lol pretty much

And the poor guy is breaking down on top of that
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Everyone ganging up on Summer lol poor Feoras is like "wtf did I ever do to you all?!"

Well Nyx regards Feoras as weak because of his human heritage so he hopes by causing emotional strife within the Summer King coupled with all the other crap that is happening it will show the Summer people Feoras' weaknesses as a leader. Nyx is laying the groundwork for a revolution in Summer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Might actually play out a challenger
That could be fun
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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@Ojo chan 42 I didn't read through your history up above fully. But how a season born is made is by imbuning them with Fae powers. This must take place in the fae realm and would take the course of several hundred years if the Fae was not a Greater Fae (A Ancient Fae) or a Ruler. Clyde would have been realitively young yet I believe when he turned her so it would have taken a while.

True, Clye is realtively young but he was not the one who changed Elenore in seasonborn. Laira's father did, and he can be quite acient. (SPOOF, I am not going to reveal him just yet :) ) so whot is about the minimum age to call a Fae acient. I was thinking for Laira's father to be around 1000 years or so.

and if it took hundreds of years then how did it happen with Feaoras. He was changed into a Fae while being in his mothers womb ( if i remember correctly)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42
No not in the womb
He was born and brought to the fae world where he was raised
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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*Fae used confused on Ojo, it was super efective*

what do I do, tell meeeee
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@shylarah Hundred of years is just for the more Fae Seasonborn made by one other Fae. Like I said, It's Quality that effects the time, but can be spread out with Quanity.

@Ojo chan 42 The answer if the mother was to be on Britain area. Would be the Glashtyn Ferry. He could have bribed the haulers of the Ferry to sieze her for their tithe and give her to him. Or another such great seize upon people. In other words a raid.

(Glashtyn Shanty by SJ Tucker)

@BlackPanther And while poor Summer is being beaten down, whose to say Fall won't offer a helping hand?

"I'm in the market. As for what I am little, @Belle. . . I am the Fall King."

You've never going to give that up are you?

"After this long? No. Not unless things happen."


"Fae things, Mortal. Fae things."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic SJ TUCKER *tackles*

@Ojo chan 42 1000 is not ancient by fey standards. Most of the characters are about that old. I think more like 10,000 might be ancient? Maybe older? *looks at Runic for a ballpark number* And someone like that turning humans would probably be noticed. Not to mention that, again, he'd need a group -- or risk a very high chance of failure. Plus if Eleanor was turned singly, she'd be pretty powerful compared to most seasonborn. The fey wouldn't like that possibility.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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That should be extremly interesting.
Fall and summer developing an alliance....or at least something similar to one

Actually that would be terrifying and I like it

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@BlackPanther While Spring is trying to ally with Summer and Winter...haa~ this is fun.

Sini: I'd be willing to ally with Fall, if Falk would entertain the notion. *shrug* And if I thought Nyx would be willing, as well....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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That should be extremly interesting.
Fall and summer developing an alliance....or at least something similar to one

Actually that would be terrifying and I like it

So he would ally with the guy who took his woman? Interesting...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Depends on how events play out
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

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so I though about the whole seasonborn as a mother thingy and then I came up with something. Won't it be more easy of for example Elenore was not the real mother of Laira. She raised Laira as her own but only because her lover, Laira's true father had asked of her to do so until he came to get her, for it was to dangerous to raise her in the Fae realm.

(I am going to work that out now)

So Lady, is it possible for falk to have been a Judge for Fae who disagree over something, lets say the claim on a newborn female kelpie, and whom a woman belongs to. Cuz I have a new idea that I want to work out for the seasonborn mother thing is not working out for the timelines get a tad entangled. ( anyway just let me know if I can have Clyde and Laira's father take some matters to the fall court, no need to write anything or such, and if it is not okay then I am going to brainstorm again about how we make this thing happening)

I feel like I have created such a bothersome char T,T
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah@Ojo chan 42
1000 is not ancient by fey standards. Most of the characters are about that old. I think more like 10,000 might be ancient? Maybe older? *looks at Runic for a ballpark number* And someone like that turning humans would probably be noticed. Not to mention that, again, he'd need a group -- or risk a very high chance of failure. Plus if Eleanor was turned singly, she'd be pretty powerful compared to most seasonborn. The fey wouldn't like that possibility.

Correct on all counts. Falk is considered ancient simply because of the Fae currently in the Courts either cannot remember or are younger than that age. Plus, it doens't help most of his challengers and him having to thrash the other Courts a time or two in his early reigning years killed off many of those older Fae.

"My age, my power, and my reasons concern none of you."

Falk... You're the drive of this Rp. You're a massive drive and you say that... YOU ARE THE REASON OF THIS RP!!! If I hadn't thought of your bad hawtness there wouldn't be a RP!

Fall and summer developing an alliance....or at least something similar to one

Actually that would be terrifying and I like it

Just remember that this is Falk. He'll take what he wants. Hell, he'd take Arys for his own Queen, and let Fearos have her if the two of them worked it out and there was something in it for him.

Falk is working towards something. He has always been working, and if you talk to any Fall Fae they will tell you their King never stops reading and working his ancient magics. That he retires to a chamber behind the falls and none have seen him sleep. Hence he once was dubbed the "Night King", "Sleepless Lord", and "Relentless Ruler". Of course the one that stuck was the Night King and some Fae still call him that if only for his appearance. The creator of those names. . . Well, his hide is a pleasant cushion upon a bony throne.
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