Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@BlackPanther Considering Belle's attitude towards Falk? Not a chance. =P It'd be cute if he could, but I doubt it from a character standpoint. Of course, Sini would prefer that to Falk winning Arys, at the moment, but eh.

*impatient wiggling*

@Belle As for being left alone...that's an understandable desire, but alas, not one a ruler can expect. Sini sympathizes. Or she will. =P

I look forward to having enough interaction for a song!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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He's going to try anyway

"then if my small one is taken I get to BURN"

....should be interesting
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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@shylarah I'll pick a song for Sini after she interacts with Arys for a bit and I can see her personality more. Also I updated my post with Grexx's initial post! I hope everyone enjoys the little guy as much as I am enjoying writing for him! Maybe Sini could run into him before she heads to Winter and save him from his current predicament?

Is it really bad that I am looking forward to seeing Feoras angry? And seeing his reaction to Lyra once she is aged up? *evil snicker*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Though that is rather evil lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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A few of the songs I have assigned to various characters. If your character is not here it is not because I don't like them it is because I haven't interacted with them enough to pick a song for them. I will most likely continually add songs.

Arys to Falk = Heartbreaker by Pink
Arys to Feoras = Peter Pan by Kelsea Ballerini
Nyx to Feoras and Lyra (after he ages her up) = Daddy's Little Girl by Jesse McCartney
Feoras to Nyx = She's Mine by Steve Perry
Feoras to Lyra = In Her Eyes by Josh Groban

Raven = Girl All the Bad Guys Want by Bowling for Soup
Feoras = Monster by Skillet
Falk = Poor Unfortunate Souls by The Jonas Brothers
Arys = Let It Go by Idina Menzel (do not judge me)

Remember this is a work in progress. If you don't like the song I picked for your character I'm sorry I think of them when I hear it.

I always thought of Johnny Cash's Solitary Man when thinking of Falk. Cause he will never find love :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@BlackPanther See this is why Sini doesn't think it's a good idea. They need Feoras sensible to work against Fall's plotting with any success. And it's not worth the risk if he finds out who aged her for real. This is why I prefer the making her attached to Max or Nyx or River or Sini or honestly ANYONE other than Feoras...but preferably not Falk. =P

We can age her once she's no longer under Feoras's control. Then he has no right to say anything about it.

Edit: Hm, seems Sini dislikes treachery in general. She understands the need, but it's never her personal preference.

@Prince of Seraphs I disagree. If he can manage to be honest about it -- and for all we know, he might, eventually. =P Or he might have in the past -- possibly before he was fey. Who knows?

@Belle I'd love that, but again, waiting on Prince to be able to use Sini. If you're willing to wait for her to be free, I'd be more than happy to rescue him~ I'd like that a lot, yes. AND HE'S SO ADORABLE. Lei is going to have fun tormenting him....Ahaha. And Max will try to stop her. With mixed results.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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And Feoras has her name along with being part of the reason she exists

And if she's taken from him he might not be able to say anything but it certainly won't be comfortable for really anyone
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs I disagree. If he can manage to be honest about it...

If Falk can be honest about it...? You do hear yourself right now right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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<Snipped quote by shylarah>

If Falk can be honest about it...? You do hear yourself right now right?

Falk can be honest! Actually he's a very honest person. He's a decent sort of Fae.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@BlackPanther I would hope he'd decide against deliberately going against what /she/ wants, if she stops liking him and likes someone else. =P It's not like it'd be purposeful. *amused* And having her name controls her, but I don't know if it can command her emotions. @LadyRunic, you wanna weigh in on that? I have always thought that names can control actions but not feelings. One reason why the sirens were so feared.

As for Falk...he strikes me as manipulative but not entirely heartless. I suspect it may be a case of him locking feelings away to reach a goal. *small smile*
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@shylarah Names control actions, not feelings. Correct. Feelings cannot be changed by the name, but they can by magic (powerful magic and it fades over time). Also Fae cannot fully feel things (love, hope, dispair, anger) like a human can. They have the shadow of the emotion.

They still feel it, just not as strongly. (Don't let it effect your Rping. Just remember Fae can't really love someone or hate someone. Just really like, dislike.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@shylarah Names control actions, not feelings. Correct. Feelings cannot be changed by the name, but they can by magic (powerful magic and it fades over time). Also Fae cannot fully feel things (love, hope, dispair, anger) like a human can. They have the shadow of the emotion.

They still feel it, just not as strongly. (Don't let it effect your Rping. Just remember Fae can't really love someone or hate someone. Just really like, dislike.)

@shylarah Hence why the Siren's were slaughtered. Having magic like that channeled nearly effortlessly by something as simple as the voice was greatly feared.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic OH really? Interesting, I didn't know that. I've always seen them portrayed as having emotions, but being wary of attachments, since they live so long. I'll try to keep that in mind at least as an idea. Makes you realize that Feoras's rage is...very unfeylike. haha~

@Prince of Seraphs yes, I did mention that. =P I saw that as a major concern.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@shylarah No it's Fae like. It's just... Not complete.

"Perhaps I'll have better luck. Fearos's rage is completely Fae like. As is our sorrow and our wrath. However emotions like love cannot really be. They are amusement, lust, perhaps the alleviation of boredom. We just do not feel such emotions on the level humans do, even if it may feel like we do. The Summer King is well within in parameters-"

Falk shush, you can answer when they ask in Rp.

"But it's so incredibly simple!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Yush I am back, ( still alive T,T)


anyway belle won't you agree that this one fits falk as well....


I cannot help but feel falk is planning something, :)

Also this is the song I listend to while creating Laira ^^ (pls tell me you know from wich movie it is)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic Well at least Sini's relationship with Altan fits this perfectly. *amused* They're mostly fond and just enjoy each other. It's a quiet sort of affection, not the bright intensity of human love.

This does make me wonder how heartbreak works, since the love isn't as strong in the first place....

Max: I feel a little sorry for you lot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@shylarah Lol, Belle and I went over that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic over what? Heartbreak? Nah, not poking at her character. I wanna know because I'm curious! Well, and I wanna understand better. =P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@shylarah Lol, it's a mystery.

Nah it's really lust mistaken for love by a young Fae and the resulting anger. It could be actual love but she's not human. There's more to it but @Belle has that in the convos and its too hot to go digging.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic fair enough. I meant in general, though. =P
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