Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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@BlackPanther Carry on for us! You must become the best for us who cannot!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

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@BlackPanther Carry on for us! You must become the best for us who cannot!

carry our honor you eternal 10 year old
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@LadyRunic@Ojo chan 42
Gonna over power my snake beyond all reason and collect everything!
Collect all the things!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Belle hey now, there's a huge difference between you and Arys. You're two different people. O.o

@BlackPanther Teleport? Salamanders can teleport? O.o That's...hm. But he's not a salamander, he's seasonborn. @LadyRunic, do you want most fey to be able to do long-range teleportation on their own? I could see maybe line-of-sight stuff, or if there's prepared spell circles set up as landing pads, so to speak. Long range teleportation at will and unrestricted is a very powerful ability. Two other rules did just up and vanish, but I assumed it was more a matter of shifting back through the portal, or possibly something short-range. ...Well, that or a landing circle, though the ability to use those from anywhere makes it hard to kill someone that can just jump away to one of those. Perhaps in battle there's a spell to keep those in serious danger from 'porting away from the field, though they can pop around within it....*thinking* I'm asking this mostly to figure out what Sini (and Lei) can do, as well as blank faces I use for story purposes. I've toyed with line-of-sight stuff, but I forget what, if anything, I decided on the matter.

I could see salamanders travelling long-range from one fire to another, perhaps. Water-elementals like undines and naiads might be able to jump from one body of water to another. It gets trickier for the air and earth ones, but I think flying on the wind is close enough for air, and earth ones could just move through the ground without need of making a tunnel. Not instant, but it'd be faster than conventional flight/burrowing/running.

Also Falk, you're just playing everyone. Jerk. *rolls* I WANNA BE ABLE TO PLAY, CURSE IT! But Max has no reason to be where Grexx is, and Lei is necessarily with him. Besides, I'd rather Sini come to the rescue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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I stated that salamanders can travel by hearth
So they go from hearth to hearth

He also has the abilities of a salamander considering that a salamander is the one that gave him the abilities

I stated this in a post awhile ago

So he would be able to travel to a hearth in fall's castle.

Since he was basically invited to
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah I'd rescue Max if I could! And Fae can teleport if they have the power to. Falk rides the winds so to speak. Kelpies use water ways. Ect. Feoras teleportation would cost a good deal of power, but he's a ruler. He could if he wished. @BlackPanther
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Which would be why he does not do so often
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic So...basically it's up to whoever is working with the species if they have the power? Hm. I think I'm going to stick to line-of-sight "flashing" for Sini, if anything, and riding the winds for swift long-distance travel.

Lei can blink, but it's very short range. Most likely several meters at the outside. Sprites use it to get into places they're not supposed to, and out of trouble.

May set up a portal network in Spring for those who know the spell keys or something...I'll have to talk to @Prince of Seraphs about that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@shylarah Just remember getting aroung via magic is taxing on that magic. It would leave more Fae short of breathe for several hours for long distances, and short distances would take twice the effort of walking.

Ie, magic makes the effort double.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@LadyRunic Hm, that's not the way I'd set it up for sprites. They rely on very short ranged blinking to get into and out of trouble, and it's a fairly simple skill for them, or at least that was the intention. Not all of them can -- probably 75%, though I might be convinced to lower it to 50. I was going for something similar to an AD&D monster I saw years ago -- I can't remember the exact name, but I'm trying to find it. Basically they use the skill to not be wherever the attack lands, though granted it's not a guarantee. And to get into trouble -- because they're sprites. The idea of using something with such limited range was to allow for a much lower cost.

As for travel by magic, I was under the impression that fey were well-versed in magic, and often very familiar with it. Fey in general that have reasonably strong magic, if teleportation is a common skill, ought to be able to do it without a huge strain. Either it's a common skill or it isn't, and I thought you just said it basically was. I might be misunderstanding, though, as I am in a bit of a fog. Taking salamanders, for example, if they're not particularly strong fey (and they don't seem to be), jumping one hearth to another miles away sounds like it would exhaust them, but it does not. So the same should be true of undines/naiads, and by extension the other elemental equivalent races should have a comparable ability, for balance. Although salamanders don't seem to be fully sentient, so maybe it's just a thing for lesser species? @.@

If you really need to be somewhere in a hurry, it'd be worth teleporting or wind-riding or whatever. It wouldn't be done all the time, but it's a skill worth having. Sini's fairly strong or she wouldn't have been a candidate for Guard Captain.

As for short-range teleportation, sure it takes more energy than walking, but it's also much faster. Running is faster and takes more energy too, so that's a fair exchange. And practice makes it easier and increases endurance. If she's going to use it in battle, Sini would have practiced extensively.

If there are designated portals and landing spots, I think much of the cost of the magic can be waived. That'd be the point of having those gates set up, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Checked the website of the people who made Pokemon Go and they say the servers crashed due to high volume and they expect to have more servers live in the next few days which means we have to be patient...

*pouts and grumbles*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Odd I've still been able to work it

I'll check

Edit: guess I'm lucky mines still working
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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If you really need to be somewhere in a hurry, it'd be worth teleporting or wind-riding or whatever. It wouldn't be done all the time, but it's a skill worth having. Sini's fairly strong or she wouldn't have been a candidate for Guard Captain.

As for short-range teleportation, sure it takes more energy than walking, but it's also much faster. Running is faster and takes more energy too, so that's a fair exchange. And practice makes it easier and increases endurance. If she's going to use it in battle, Sini would have practiced extensively.

If there are designated portals and landing spots, I think much of the cost of the magic can be waived. That'd be the point of having those gates set up, after all.

You basically summed it up. Most Fae find it more reasonable to walk, or otherwise, simple because then they can use their magic for other things. Bargains, defense, to help with their own lives, ect. While the realms are safe I can promise you nothing is 100% safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@BlackPanther Uhhhmmm... Feoras?

"Why would I have hearths in a place made of ancient stone, trees, and darkness?"

Yeah, srry mate. No hearths in the actual hall. There's some in the 'lesser' hall. Aka: The road and small outpost outside of Falk's halls.

Edit: It's not a castle so much as walled in area filled with pools, trees, and cobble stoned paths. It's indoors, yet out doors. Rain will not touch the ground, though you can see it over head. if the tree/pillars of the hall permit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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And in regard to messenger salamanders
It's their sole purpose to travel quickly with information

And there are a lot so while one group rests another group is ready to go
So it cycles

Feoras hardly teleports because he enjoys walking through the forest and doesn't really need to on a day to day basis

Edit: also oh. See I wasn't sure I can tweak
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 4 days ago

And in regard to messenger salamanders
It's their sole purpose to travel quickly with information

And there are a lot so while one group rests another group is ready to go
So it cycles

Feoras hardly teleports because he enjoys walking through the forest and doesn't really need to on a day to day basis

Edit: also oh. See I wasn't sure I can tweak

If you'd like he could pop in through a lantern. Falk has one or two that aren't Will'o'Wisps... yet?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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That...would probably not be pleasent. Figure it's like beaming in star freak. He'd be the same size when he appeared...which while hilarious would be rather...unpleasant

It's fine I'll tweak some more on him making his way up.

Edit: edited.
Let me know if it need more tweaking
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 4 days ago

@BlackPanther Lovely, post and poor Fearos. (Sorry I kill his name, That's why Falk's Falk!)

Now to wait for a post....

Looking at @Belle...

@shylarah Wher are your characters, again?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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It's fine my phone hates his name so I have to keep going back and making sure it's spelled right lol

Side note: he hates rain. Just so much hate.
"why would anyone enjoy being soaked unwillingly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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@LadyRunic I was trying to give Prince a chance to post...
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