Final Fantasy IX
This is a World of Stories; of Infinite possibilities and wonder, where terror and strife live alongside with diversity and ingenuity. Where the Mist Rolls in and brings Monsters and Heroes in it wake. This is Gaia, this is your world, What will you do.
1. This is a private Rp, those who may comment, please respect that.
2. Respect your peers.
3. No God modding unless I give you permission directly to move an NPC. Move meaning position them, not talk as them. (In some cases I may let you control their actions in fights, but not talk as them still.)
4. I ask you try to be active, but this will be lax seeing as this is a private group.
5. Have fun.
6. Anything that is more... "Adult" in terms of romance stays in a PM.
7. Post should be between 3 and 4 paragraphs, not the size of my intro. There are some cases where I can expect post to be shorter simply because it may be response heavy where you are stationary, and I'm fine with smaller post in that case.
8. Don't yell your attacks... it makes zero sense natively as does it not in any context. And let's avoid those anime tropes, you're unique characters, not archetypes.
9. Finally, please no giant walls of text.
If you have questions, post here, PM me, Skype, whatever, all of you are my personal friends anyway. But have fun.
Alexandria- is both a kingdom and the capital of that kingdom, and for a time the capital of the Alexandrian Empire. The city is centered on a plateau in the northern Mist Continent, extending out over the Zamo and Gunitas basins. The kingdom is surrounded by waters, a mote surrounds the castle.
As a monarchy, it is ruled by Queen Brahne Raza Alexandros XVI and later Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII. Alexandria is known for its all-female army led by General Beatrix and a group of male knights in charge of protecting the city, known as the Knights of Pluto led by Captain Adelbert Steiner.
As a monarchy, it is ruled by Queen Brahne Raza Alexandros XVI and later Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII. Alexandria is known for its all-female army led by General Beatrix and a group of male knights in charge of protecting the city, known as the Knights of Pluto led by Captain Adelbert Steiner.
Lindblum- is a regency located on the southernmost part of the Mist Continent. It shares a border with both Alexandria and Burmecia. It is the largest city in the mist continent and is divided into six areas: the Business District, the Industrial District, the Theater District,Horticulture District,Housing District and the Grand Castle. People transport from district to district via the Air Cabs. The regency itself is protected by the Lindblum Airfleet and lives under the rule of Regent Cid Fabool IX.
Lindblum is the largest community in Alexandria as well as the most technologically advanced. Recently, ground-breaking technological discoveries in steam power have allowed Lindblum's engineers to forge Mist-free transportation vehicles, such as Air Cabs, and even steam-fueled airships. Other advancements have been the recently developed mobile ballistics, and a city wide communications network.
Lindblum is the largest community in Alexandria as well as the most technologically advanced. Recently, ground-breaking technological discoveries in steam power have allowed Lindblum's engineers to forge Mist-free transportation vehicles, such as Air Cabs, and even steam-fueled airships. Other advancements have been the recently developed mobile ballistics, and a city wide communications network.
Burmecia,Realm of Rternal Rain- A city-state in the northwestern part of the Mist Continent. Inhabited by the Burmecians, Burmecia is a walled, multi-leveled, and warren-like city built around the king's palace and showered by constant rain. In comparison to Lindblum's industrial revolution style and Alexandria's high medieval style, Burmecia has a distinctly Gaelic or Norse design style. This nation is known for it's thirst for blood.
Burmecia is the only nation on the Mist Continent that lies below the Mist, though the constant rain that falls over the area there may dissipate the harmful aspects of the Mist. The Burmecians train to become Dragon Knights- knights who can essentially jump high into the sky, and possess arcane symbols of which that emulate that of dragon magic.
Burmecia is the only nation on the Mist Continent that lies below the Mist, though the constant rain that falls over the area there may dissipate the harmful aspects of the Mist. The Burmecians train to become Dragon Knights- knights who can essentially jump high into the sky, and possess arcane symbols of which that emulate that of dragon magic.
Cleyra- is a settlement on the Mist Continent situated on a gigantic tree. The path through the tree is known as Cleyra's Trunk.
The town of Cleyra is surrounded by a sandstorm, protecting it from harm. The sandstorm is powered by one of the four fragments of a Summoning Jewel. The Cleyran people were originally Burmecians, but, following a disagreement over the Burmecians' taste for war, the Cleyrans distanced themselves from Burmecia.
The town of Cleyra is surrounded by a sandstorm, protecting it from harm. The sandstorm is powered by one of the four fragments of a Summoning Jewel. The Cleyran people were originally Burmecians, but, following a disagreement over the Burmecians' taste for war, the Cleyrans distanced themselves from Burmecia.
Humans: One of the most common of the sentient Races found in Gaia. For what humans lack when compared to other species they make up for it with the ability to use diverse Weaponry when trained properly. Humans players start out with Five weapon slots instead of Four. Speed varies based on gear. Typically medium to heavy weight due to gear. Capable of using black and white magic, cannot have both without the aid of a familiar.
Demihumans: This race is mostly just anthropomorphic people who do not belong under any specific category of the other races. They have the same benefits of any human. Burmecians,Cleayrans,Moogles,Drakenkin and Qu do not count as this. Neither do the Genomes, Lumyians, Kumiho and Sudasians. However, there can be hybrids in terms of physiology.
Burmecians/Cleyrans: A Race of anthropomorphic Rats, the Burmecians and the Cleyrans were once unified but the Cleyran faction split from the main one around a century ago when the Burmecians discovered a taste for War. The Cleyran have since lived inside a Massive Tree in a desert protected by a millennia long sandstorm while the Burmecians dwell in the City-state of “Burmecia, Realm of Eternal Rain.” Typically a fast on the draw race.
Burmecians have access to powerful dragon magic. Have high resistance against water. Weak to heat based attacks. They can passively sacrifice magic for attack power.
Cleyrans have a high resistance to heat, weak to water based attacks. Because of their distaste of war, they rather dance and heal rather than cut and wound. Can dances and songs that alter party to enemies.
Burmecians have access to powerful dragon magic. Have high resistance against water. Weak to heat based attacks. They can passively sacrifice magic for attack power.
Cleyrans have a high resistance to heat, weak to water based attacks. Because of their distaste of war, they rather dance and heal rather than cut and wound. Can dances and songs that alter party to enemies.
Qu: The Qu are a genderless race of people that hail from Swamplands known as “Qu Marshes”. This rare species desires to discover and eat new foods, materializing in a study called the "Way of the Gourmand". All known qu have "Qu" as the first two letters of their names, this possibly being a cause of, or a reason for, their species name. An Odd looking species, they permanently let their tongues hang from their mouths and dress similarly to chefs, they have a longer lifespan than humans with 89 years of age still being young for them. Qu have access to Blue Magic by being able to devour weakened opponents/prey to learn certain spells.
Moderate speeds, weak to thunder,and foul scents. Immune to water.
Moderate speeds, weak to thunder,and foul scents. Immune to water.
Black Mages: autonomous, man-sized magician dolls mass-produced as weapons. Black mages' faces are dark with two glowing eyes and they always wear the distinctive steepled hat. Black mages are created from Mist to be the soulless magical arm of their master. They are similar to the Genomes in being artificially produced life organisms and Kuja teaches Queen Brahne how to manufacture them due to his knowledge on how Genomes are made.
Black mages differ from the Genomes in that they are made out of Gaian elements, whereas Genomes are made out of Terran elements. Black mages are manufactured as a type of magical soldier capable of casting powerful Black Magic. Black mages come in three ever more powerful variants, called Type A, Type B, and Type C. The black mages appear to be born without a will and mind of their own, and passively obey their masters' orders. It is unclear as to how aware they are of themselves and their surroundings at this initial stage. The average black mage has a limited life expectancy of about one year. The reason for the limited life expectancy is unknown; it could be anything from a technical limitation, to a deliberate method taken to keep the mages from having enough time to become self-aware, like those of the Black Mage Village have.
Type A's are mindless, but built tough. Higher resistances.
Type B's have a conscious and devotion to objective- typically arrogant. Can trance, have flight.
Type C's are self aware with personality. Can trance. Strongest of the three in terms of attack.
In trance they can cast two spells at the same time. They are fast, but have to cool down between each spell. Hits really hard.
Black mages differ from the Genomes in that they are made out of Gaian elements, whereas Genomes are made out of Terran elements. Black mages are manufactured as a type of magical soldier capable of casting powerful Black Magic. Black mages come in three ever more powerful variants, called Type A, Type B, and Type C. The black mages appear to be born without a will and mind of their own, and passively obey their masters' orders. It is unclear as to how aware they are of themselves and their surroundings at this initial stage. The average black mage has a limited life expectancy of about one year. The reason for the limited life expectancy is unknown; it could be anything from a technical limitation, to a deliberate method taken to keep the mages from having enough time to become self-aware, like those of the Black Mage Village have.
Type A's are mindless, but built tough. Higher resistances.
Type B's have a conscious and devotion to objective- typically arrogant. Can trance, have flight.
Type C's are self aware with personality. Can trance. Strongest of the three in terms of attack.
In trance they can cast two spells at the same time. They are fast, but have to cool down between each spell. Hits really hard.
Genome: Garland began creating Genomes roughly 3000 years prior to the game's beginning to act as vessels for the Terran souls so that Terra's civilization could one day be revived. Terra was an ancient planet whose civilization attempted to save itself by fusing it with a younger planet. The Fusion between Terra and Gaia was a failure. The Terran people gave up their physical bodies and laid themselves to rest, placing the burden of salvation on Garland. Garland created the artificial race of Genomes, to inherit the souls of Terra once the Fusion was complete. Due to the nature of their creation, the majority of the Genome population lack a soul, and have little to no emotional response; Genomes are nothing more than empty husks awaiting the attainment of a soul.
A Genome does not begin their life as a baby but are created as they appear; their existence is perpetually incomplete until they receive a soul. As such, the collective Genome existence is dedicated to the preparation of attaining a soul, mentally and physically. The Genomes also seem to know a great deal of the Soul Cycle and the world in which they live. Although this knowledge is useless to a vessel who will soon forget what they have learned upon receiving a soul, information is circulated among the population to prevent mental decay. The Genomes of Terra harbor production facilities in which they create more of their race. Through these production facilities, they aim to create a more suitable vessel for a soul to reside in. This could also be interpreted as somewhat recreational due to their seemingly meaningless existence.
Duel wield daggers. Fast, fastest to trance, but in short burst.
A Genome does not begin their life as a baby but are created as they appear; their existence is perpetually incomplete until they receive a soul. As such, the collective Genome existence is dedicated to the preparation of attaining a soul, mentally and physically. The Genomes also seem to know a great deal of the Soul Cycle and the world in which they live. Although this knowledge is useless to a vessel who will soon forget what they have learned upon receiving a soul, information is circulated among the population to prevent mental decay. The Genomes of Terra harbor production facilities in which they create more of their race. Through these production facilities, they aim to create a more suitable vessel for a soul to reside in. This could also be interpreted as somewhat recreational due to their seemingly meaningless existence.
Duel wield daggers. Fast, fastest to trance, but in short burst.
Moogle: The moogles' features are Feline, with cat-like ears, extended pom-poms, and they are garbed for Gaian society. Moogles can have either off-white or black fur, and their pom-poms come in various shades. As with the other non-human races, moogles are non-dimorphic; gender can mainly be assumed by the clothing they wear.
They range from 80–120 cm in height. Apart from a minority of moogles actually small enough for their wings to support, they generally cannot fly. In certain regions, moogles call themselves with the pronoun "mog," but typically end their sentences with "kupo." Their intelligence and lifestyles are similar to humans, which makes it easy for moogles to live among the hume cities. They have dexterous hands, giving them an edge in the field of engineering and playing musical instruments. It is said moogles built the first airship, a masterpiece of technological advancement. Due to Limitations of their physiology, the Moogle often use Magic or Technology when interacting with the world around them.
Moogles are sage like- can use all manner of magic except monster magic. They also tire out easier. The flying variation get knocked down easily, and when hit by wind, they are not only staggered, but slowed down. Cannot use any weapons. Sluggish on the ground, agile in the air.
The ground variation is more technologically inclined. And use gadgets. Weakness is they are dependent on gadgets. Universally easy to knock down. But fast.
They range from 80–120 cm in height. Apart from a minority of moogles actually small enough for their wings to support, they generally cannot fly. In certain regions, moogles call themselves with the pronoun "mog," but typically end their sentences with "kupo." Their intelligence and lifestyles are similar to humans, which makes it easy for moogles to live among the hume cities. They have dexterous hands, giving them an edge in the field of engineering and playing musical instruments. It is said moogles built the first airship, a masterpiece of technological advancement. Due to Limitations of their physiology, the Moogle often use Magic or Technology when interacting with the world around them.
Moogles are sage like- can use all manner of magic except monster magic. They also tire out easier. The flying variation get knocked down easily, and when hit by wind, they are not only staggered, but slowed down. Cannot use any weapons. Sluggish on the ground, agile in the air.
The ground variation is more technologically inclined. And use gadgets. Weakness is they are dependent on gadgets. Universally easy to knock down. But fast.
Kumiho: An Arboreal Race of Fox-like People, each Kumiho has anywhere between one to nine long bushy tails and a gem located in the center of their foreheads, typically they have long limbs designed for navigating their forest homes. The Kumiho are incredibly spiritually aware and seem to be able to perceive things normally unseen through the use of their gems; this spiritual inclination has led them to develop all manners of sorcery centered around Spirits and Plant life, earning them reputations as Healers, Poisoners, and Witches.
The Kumiho live in Forests all throughout Gaia but don’t claim any place as truly theirs save for a place called “The Forest Heart” which they refuse to share the location with to outsiders of their race; the Forest Heart itself may or may not be abstractly connected to all forests on Gaia as a location that exists outside the references of time and space. Kumiho that Dwell in the Cities often find work as Thieves, Physicians, Courtesans, and Illusionists. For Each tail a Kumiho gains in their lifetime they gain a measure of Spiritual Power that enhances their capabilities, Once they achieve the fabled “Nine-Tailed” State they gain strange and unusual powers and abilities.
Kumiho however are known also for their tendencies to Crave the Livers of Other Races, due to the belief that the Liver contains spiritual power (As well as them really enjoying the taste), they also have expressed fondness for Fried Tofu.
The disguises always have flaw of some sort. Can easily go berserk. Weak to ice. If struck in the forehead, they get disoriented. Moderate to fast speed, can always see the enemy weakness. Typically they use Hexs, abd illusions.
The Kumiho live in Forests all throughout Gaia but don’t claim any place as truly theirs save for a place called “The Forest Heart” which they refuse to share the location with to outsiders of their race; the Forest Heart itself may or may not be abstractly connected to all forests on Gaia as a location that exists outside the references of time and space. Kumiho that Dwell in the Cities often find work as Thieves, Physicians, Courtesans, and Illusionists. For Each tail a Kumiho gains in their lifetime they gain a measure of Spiritual Power that enhances their capabilities, Once they achieve the fabled “Nine-Tailed” State they gain strange and unusual powers and abilities.
Kumiho however are known also for their tendencies to Crave the Livers of Other Races, due to the belief that the Liver contains spiritual power (As well as them really enjoying the taste), they also have expressed fondness for Fried Tofu.
The disguises always have flaw of some sort. Can easily go berserk. Weak to ice. If struck in the forehead, they get disoriented. Moderate to fast speed, can always see the enemy weakness. Typically they use Hexs, abd illusions.
Lumyians are native to Gaia, and were believed to be one of the first races to walk the earth, as well as the upbringing of evolution. They are believed to be the most silent walking of races with foresight that allows them to see the unseen, to things others don't want any other to see - The Future, events to come, destinies.
On a social stand point, there are far less of them around, but often used as advisers in a court. Some of many help with the creation of products due to their insight. Physically they look near human aside from the feline ears on the side of their head, the tail, and of course their feline eyes.
In society, they are seen as Oracles as to what is to come, this is because of their attachment and relationship to the origin of the world, much like Moogles in that regard as to where some consider them faeries.
Typically, they are capable of capable of vision, light walking, to even having the art of imbuing elements into their attacks at will... But due to their capabilities of imbuing their elements, they are also highly resistant to elements as well. Passive Mana regeneration.
On a social stand point, there are far less of them around, but often used as advisers in a court. Some of many help with the creation of products due to their insight. Physically they look near human aside from the feline ears on the side of their head, the tail, and of course their feline eyes.
In society, they are seen as Oracles as to what is to come, this is because of their attachment and relationship to the origin of the world, much like Moogles in that regard as to where some consider them faeries.
Typically, they are capable of capable of vision, light walking, to even having the art of imbuing elements into their attacks at will... But due to their capabilities of imbuing their elements, they are also highly resistant to elements as well. Passive Mana regeneration.
Sudasians Like the Lumyians, but Canidae rather than feline. They are typically more muscular as well as tribal. Unlike their Lunar Counterparts, they shift into large beast with wide and fast attack abilities and while they'd normally have healing magic.
Socially they are more dominant and despise advancement in technology, and would prefer if things went back to a primal state in terms of the earth.
They are strong, moderate speed, can intimidate through howls. Have strong scent, typically silent. Have passive regeneration, can transform into large beast.
Lack armor in bestial form. (Take 15% extra physical damage)
Socially they are more dominant and despise advancement in technology, and would prefer if things went back to a primal state in terms of the earth.
They are strong, moderate speed, can intimidate through howls. Have strong scent, typically silent. Have passive regeneration, can transform into large beast.
Lack armor in bestial form. (Take 15% extra physical damage)
Drakenkin- A Salamander like warrior race that stands from 6ft to 12 ft tall. They are from the southern lands of Demaclies; a tropical land that stretches into a desert to a frosty mountain where their religion and faith lies. Typically a tribal race as well as known as a mercenary one.
Can carry the heaviest of weapons,armors. Slowest of races. High heath, virtually no magic. Can breathe fire.
Weak to poison and ice.
Can carry the heaviest of weapons,armors. Slowest of races. High heath, virtually no magic. Can breathe fire.
Weak to poison and ice.
White Magic - Basically the type that is devoted to healing and curing ailments, as well as light to general beneficial magic.
Black magic- The Primal elements of Earth, Wind, Water,ice, Fire,Lightning, gravity and darkness to slow.
Nature- Basically plants. Can be used for beneficial effects such as creating poisons, to remedies, or to slap, grab, slam, throw or bind enemies.
Mind- Everyone has a concept of mind, such as focus and clarity.
Bewitch- Basically curses. Negative effect spells or songs and dances.
Blessings- Positive effect spells or songs and dances.
Darkness can obscure vision as well as be uses as a camouflage to hide in. Can also be uses to hurt if the caster has enough malicious intent.
Light can blind or obscure vision, to just illuminating the environment.
Fire can burn plants as well as cut through defenses.
Ice can slow down enemies as well as be used to shield allies. Freeze water, or have it spike and pierce or be used as a blunt block.
Water, can be used to put out fire, can make steam when mixed with fire to obscure view. Can also be electrified to stun others caught in it.
Earth, can be used to protect allies, stagger enemies, to just generally knocking things down.
Lightning, generally used to stagger.
Wind, can be used to push things back as well cause bleeding by multiple slices in a single cast. Can occasionally carry other solidified forms of magics.
Gravity can be used to crush beings, objects, as well as lift and thrown things.
In short, there is a lot of combo potential.
Black magic- The Primal elements of Earth, Wind, Water,ice, Fire,Lightning, gravity and darkness to slow.
Nature- Basically plants. Can be used for beneficial effects such as creating poisons, to remedies, or to slap, grab, slam, throw or bind enemies.
Mind- Everyone has a concept of mind, such as focus and clarity.
Bewitch- Basically curses. Negative effect spells or songs and dances.
Blessings- Positive effect spells or songs and dances.
Darkness can obscure vision as well as be uses as a camouflage to hide in. Can also be uses to hurt if the caster has enough malicious intent.
Light can blind or obscure vision, to just illuminating the environment.
Fire can burn plants as well as cut through defenses.
Ice can slow down enemies as well as be used to shield allies. Freeze water, or have it spike and pierce or be used as a blunt block.
Water, can be used to put out fire, can make steam when mixed with fire to obscure view. Can also be electrified to stun others caught in it.
Earth, can be used to protect allies, stagger enemies, to just generally knocking things down.
Lightning, generally used to stagger.
Wind, can be used to push things back as well cause bleeding by multiple slices in a single cast. Can occasionally carry other solidified forms of magics.
Gravity can be used to crush beings, objects, as well as lift and thrown things.
In short, there is a lot of combo potential.
Nickname: Optional
Age: Must be older than 15.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Appearance: Picture or description. Use a hider.
Use a hider.
Personality:- Self explanatory.
Job: What do you do for a living?
Fighting Style: How do you fight unarmed?
Weapons from strongest to weakest: - Self explanatory.
Armors/Outfits Self explanatory.
Weight Class: Determines the amount of actions one can take, as well as how agile to durable one is to just raw power.
- Determines the speed you move during your actions, reaction speed and how likely you are to be staggered, hit and so on. Very basic.
A Light character is more than likely going to be knocked down despite having the most actions, but when clashing with a heavier character, they are likely to be over powered on. Fastest of magic casters, yet not really excelling at it past speed. When attacking, usually has an easy time chaining their actions together to make up for lack of strength.
A Medium weight character is more than likely able to outlast a light character in terms of assault, but less action can be taken. Your attacks are stronger and probably more proficient. And probably the most patient of the weight classes. You are more likely to not be over powered by a foe, but you are just a middle ground. Higher proficiency of casting. Usually high precision with attacks and actions.
Finally, the Heavy Weight Class not only has the lowest amount of actions. But, the most wind up for most attacks. Though you're less likely to get staggered when doing anything, but easiest to hit with magic, the slowest of casters. Easily capable of knocking down many foes and hauling the most. Can use the heaviest of weapons with ease. Precision can be off the wall, but when it hits it hurts. (Probably can cause mass bleeding.)
Familiar: Because I'm changing the summoning up, everyone get's one. First come first serve, you can be creative. However, you start with just ONE. You get one to two additional magic types. One Resistance/ absorbance. And a passive. List the strengths it gives you, as well as the passive. Nothing stupidly powerful please.
Familiar Abilities: What the familiar gives you. Strengths and weaknesses.
Movement Type: Is it Stationary like a sentry? Does it fly? Or does it walk and run?
Familiar Size: Tiny (Like a mouse or Rat), Very Small (Puppy to kitty.), Medium (Human height.), Large (Somewhat close to a Behemoth.) Very Large. (Basically impossible to miss at this point.)
Relic Weapons: These appear when summoning the familiar, they will give it to you, and these are unbreakable, and only get stronger as the familiar gets stronger. These are tailored to your character. Meaning if someone gets gauntlets, it does not mean you will as well.
Relic Armors: Pretty much the same thing as above. Tailored to your character.
Note, these do effect the trances as well to some degree.
- That degree being that these items will get buffed up to some degree.
- These however do not disrupt your default trance.
Flat State. (Your standard CS reflects this already.)
- This basically means when your familiar is inactive. Relic gear disappears until that familiar is active.
- It also means your attributes return to base value. Meaning no buffs or debuffs to compensate.
Relic Items.
- These are unbreakable, but because of that they at times will not be as strong as the items you craft.
- These however are items that do get stronger as your familiar bonds with you in battle.
- In short, good alternatives to not destroying your gear. These are not required to be used when the familiar is summoned, but if you do not wish to use them, you can have the familiar handle it.
- These don't override your gear. Though Relic armors or robes will either go over your current attire, or under based on if you are wearing Knight like armor or not.
- However, if you wish for your clothing to shift to reflect your style, that is fine. But you should state what is overrides if you wish it to.
Familiar Sizes and movement types.
- Just basically gives me a way to gauge how they fight, move and function.
- The sizes basically mean how likely they are to draw attention or stay hidden.
- And how far they may or may not reach.
Trance: Basically a form of sheer will and power. All attributes pretty much increase, as well as getting additional abilities you may not otherwise have by normal means.
- The way Trance is activated is through stress and emotions. So tension can induce this.
- Your body can shift form due to the sheer power. Such as changing figure a bit.
Pros- Your Strengths.
Cons- Your weaknesses.
Racial Strengths-
Racial Weaknesses-
Background: At least two paragraphs.
Nickname: Optional
Age: Must be older than 15.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Appearance: Picture or description. Use a hider.
Personality:- Self explanatory.
Job: What do you do for a living?
Fighting Style: How do you fight unarmed?
Weapons from strongest to weakest: - Self explanatory.
Armors/Outfits Self explanatory.
Weight Class: Determines the amount of actions one can take, as well as how agile to durable one is to just raw power.
- Determines the speed you move during your actions, reaction speed and how likely you are to be staggered, hit and so on. Very basic.
A Light character is more than likely going to be knocked down despite having the most actions, but when clashing with a heavier character, they are likely to be over powered on. Fastest of magic casters, yet not really excelling at it past speed. When attacking, usually has an easy time chaining their actions together to make up for lack of strength.
A Medium weight character is more than likely able to outlast a light character in terms of assault, but less action can be taken. Your attacks are stronger and probably more proficient. And probably the most patient of the weight classes. You are more likely to not be over powered by a foe, but you are just a middle ground. Higher proficiency of casting. Usually high precision with attacks and actions.
Finally, the Heavy Weight Class not only has the lowest amount of actions. But, the most wind up for most attacks. Though you're less likely to get staggered when doing anything, but easiest to hit with magic, the slowest of casters. Easily capable of knocking down many foes and hauling the most. Can use the heaviest of weapons with ease. Precision can be off the wall, but when it hits it hurts. (Probably can cause mass bleeding.)
Familiar: Because I'm changing the summoning up, everyone get's one. First come first serve, you can be creative. However, you start with just ONE. You get one to two additional magic types. One Resistance/ absorbance. And a passive. List the strengths it gives you, as well as the passive. Nothing stupidly powerful please.
Familiar Abilities: What the familiar gives you. Strengths and weaknesses.
Movement Type: Is it Stationary like a sentry? Does it fly? Or does it walk and run?
Familiar Size: Tiny (Like a mouse or Rat), Very Small (Puppy to kitty.), Medium (Human height.), Large (Somewhat close to a Behemoth.) Very Large. (Basically impossible to miss at this point.)
Relic Weapons: These appear when summoning the familiar, they will give it to you, and these are unbreakable, and only get stronger as the familiar gets stronger. These are tailored to your character. Meaning if someone gets gauntlets, it does not mean you will as well.
Relic Armors: Pretty much the same thing as above. Tailored to your character.
Note, these do effect the trances as well to some degree.
- That degree being that these items will get buffed up to some degree.
- These however do not disrupt your default trance.
Flat State. (Your standard CS reflects this already.)
- This basically means when your familiar is inactive. Relic gear disappears until that familiar is active.
- It also means your attributes return to base value. Meaning no buffs or debuffs to compensate.
Relic Items.
- These are unbreakable, but because of that they at times will not be as strong as the items you craft.
- These however are items that do get stronger as your familiar bonds with you in battle.
- In short, good alternatives to not destroying your gear. These are not required to be used when the familiar is summoned, but if you do not wish to use them, you can have the familiar handle it.
- These don't override your gear. Though Relic armors or robes will either go over your current attire, or under based on if you are wearing Knight like armor or not.
- However, if you wish for your clothing to shift to reflect your style, that is fine. But you should state what is overrides if you wish it to.
Familiar Sizes and movement types.
- Just basically gives me a way to gauge how they fight, move and function.
- The sizes basically mean how likely they are to draw attention or stay hidden.
- And how far they may or may not reach.
Trance: Basically a form of sheer will and power. All attributes pretty much increase, as well as getting additional abilities you may not otherwise have by normal means.
- The way Trance is activated is through stress and emotions. So tension can induce this.
- Your body can shift form due to the sheer power. Such as changing figure a bit.
Pros- Your Strengths.
Cons- Your weaknesses.
Racial Strengths-
Racial Weaknesses-
Background: At least two paragraphs.
Familiar: Because I'm changing the summoning up, everyone get's one. First come first serve, you can be creative. However, you start with just ONE. You get one to two additional magic types. One Resistance/ absorbance. And a passive. List the strengths it gives you, as well as the passive. Nothing stupidly powerful please.
Familiar Abilities: What the familiar gives you. Strengths and weaknesses.
Movement Type: Is it Stationary like a sentry? Does it fly? Or does it walk and run?
Familiar Size: Tiny (Like a mouse or Rat), Very Small (Puppy to kitty.), Medium (Human height.), Large (Somewhat close to a Behemoth.) Very Large. (Basically impossible to miss at this point.)
Relic Weapons: These appear when summoning the familiar, they will give it to you, and these are unbreakable, and only get stronger as the familiar gets stronger. These are tailored to your character. Meaning if someone gets gauntlets, it does not mean you will as well.
Relic Armors: Pretty much the same thing as above. Tailored to your character.
Note, these do effect the trances as well to some degree.
- That degree being that these items will get buffed up to some degree.
- These however do not disrupt your default trance.
Flat State. (Your standard CS reflects this already.)
- This basically means when your familiar is inactive. Relic gear disappears until that familiar is active.
- It also means your attributes return to base value. Meaning no buffs or debuffs to compensate.
Relic Items.
- These are unbreakable, but because of that they at times will not be as strong as the items you craft.
- These however are items that do get stronger as your familiar bonds with you in battle.
- In short, good alternatives to not destroying your gear. These are not required to be used when the familiar is summoned, but if you do not wish to use them, you can have the familiar handle it.
- These don't override your gear. Though Relic armors or robes will either go over your current attire, or under based on if you are wearing Knight like armor or not.
- However, if you wish for your clothing to shift to reflect your style, that is fine. But you should state what is overrides if you wish it to.
Familiar Sizes and movement types.
- Just basically gives me a way to gauge how they fight, move and function.
- The sizes basically mean how likely they are to draw attention or stay hidden.
- And how far they may or may not reach.
Familiar Abilities: What the familiar gives you. Strengths and weaknesses.
Movement Type: Is it Stationary like a sentry? Does it fly? Or does it walk and run?
Familiar Size: Tiny (Like a mouse or Rat), Very Small (Puppy to kitty.), Medium (Human height.), Large (Somewhat close to a Behemoth.) Very Large. (Basically impossible to miss at this point.)
Relic Weapons: These appear when summoning the familiar, they will give it to you, and these are unbreakable, and only get stronger as the familiar gets stronger. These are tailored to your character. Meaning if someone gets gauntlets, it does not mean you will as well.
Relic Armors: Pretty much the same thing as above. Tailored to your character.
Note, these do effect the trances as well to some degree.
- That degree being that these items will get buffed up to some degree.
- These however do not disrupt your default trance.
Flat State. (Your standard CS reflects this already.)
- This basically means when your familiar is inactive. Relic gear disappears until that familiar is active.
- It also means your attributes return to base value. Meaning no buffs or debuffs to compensate.
Relic Items.
- These are unbreakable, but because of that they at times will not be as strong as the items you craft.
- These however are items that do get stronger as your familiar bonds with you in battle.
- In short, good alternatives to not destroying your gear. These are not required to be used when the familiar is summoned, but if you do not wish to use them, you can have the familiar handle it.
- These don't override your gear. Though Relic armors or robes will either go over your current attire, or under based on if you are wearing Knight like armor or not.
- However, if you wish for your clothing to shift to reflect your style, that is fine. But you should state what is overrides if you wish it to.
Familiar Sizes and movement types.
- Just basically gives me a way to gauge how they fight, move and function.
- The sizes basically mean how likely they are to draw attention or stay hidden.
- And how far they may or may not reach.