@Ace of flames01 Well, my character also has a hell of a lot of city miles on him. Two of the most stressful jobs in the world are acting and soldiering.
To post or not to post, that is the question *holds up skull all Shakespeare like*
@mattmanganon another big problem I have with this guy's history as per mention from another already accepted character. There is NO WAY that e could have done everything he did in the time from he graduated highschool to where he is now. Somethings will have to be removed and a lot will have to be changed. For a human, this guy is incredibly OP and at this rate I really don't want to accept this guy.
@mattmanganon I think that would be better but when would he have been captured? There would have to have been sometime for him to recuperate and heal for at least one year, even then there would be emotional trauma that he would need to recover from which would have been another year at last if not longer
@Mr_pink pooooost you buuuuutt! XD so many people are waiting on you!