Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Class Is In Session

It's the first day of the new semester at Xavier's Institute For Gifted youngsters. For the past month or so, students have been steadily coming in to settle into their new dorms, meet their new classmates, and overall prepare for the new, upcoming school year.

However, just below this school's old, musty exterior, lies a great secret that plans to have a great impact on the world of humans and mutants alike, just below it's surface. Actually, this secret lies underground, in the institute 's basement underground target range and training facility. This is where Professor Francis Latour, aka Ghost, will be teaching a handful of specialty selected students to control their powers and prepare them for the conflict just on the horizon, instead of attending the normal classes that are available. These students have all been notified to gather in the underground target range and training facilit by no later than 8:30 am sharp, and await further instruction.

Professor Francis Latour


Sophie Blackthorn

Interacting with: Each other mainly
Location: Sophie's room in the basement then in the room viewing the underground range

Francis stood outside of the metal, solitary confinement of which Sophie called her room. He was wearing a plain grey T-shirt and jeans, a rather casual attire for a teacher. He sighed as he never did like the idea of her shutting herself up in her room like she does, but understood her reasoning and has allowed it for the time being.

Francis lightly knocked on the door to her room. "Sophie, are you awake? May I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure... come on in." A quiet voice came from the other side of the door.

Francis grinned with a slight chuckle. "Alright, I'm coming in then." He replied then phased through the door to see a fully dressed Sophie, who wore a black camisole, jean shorts, sneakers, and her hair up in a messy bun, sitting on her bed.

"You could have just opened the door, ya know. You didn't have to walk through it." She replied with a slight annoyed expression, but her tone didn't match it.

Francis laughed slightly. "Yes, I suppose you are right. Are you ready for your first day of school?"

"As much as I'll ever be, I guess." Sophie said with a shrug, then stood up and walked to the door.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, I promise. Remember, all of these people are just like you and that everything will only get easier from here." Francis reminded Sophie, placing a hand on her shoulder and offering her a reassuring smile. Sophie sighed then nodded.

The two then proceeded through the maze of a basement, to a room that looked quite similar to a rather modern looking living room. It had a sofa and a few matching lounge chairs, all modern in design, surrounding a glass coffee table that had a small 3d hologram projector built into it, a refrigerator, sink, television, a couple computers that were up to date in terms of design and technology, as well as well as being something that only rich people or the FBI could afford, a large glass window that over looked the range, and lastly, a large steel door that led to the range.

The two entered the room and sat down, Sophie on the couch and Francis in the chair across from her. "It's going to be fine, Sophie. Remember what I told you earlier and you'll be fine." Francis said as he noticed Sophie's expression turn nervous. Sophie nodded in response, but her expression didn't change. The two then sat and awaited for the other students to arrive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johnny Van Ronk

Around a month ago
The Australian outback
Northern Lites

Johnny's jacket billowed in the wind as the admittedly shoddily made and probably unsafe dirt bike he rode hopped another dune. A pair of goggles hung loosely around his bare neck as he peered out into the vast, seemingly never ending desert. His jeans, once fully blue now had the added shade of yellow, as sand began kicking up and blending in with the lower parts of the trousers. A cigarette hung loosely in his mouth, as per usual.

Two questions can arise from this situation. The first, and most obvious, relating to why Johnny was in the Australian outback. It was a pilgrimage of sorts. His father had always meant to take him there, but never got a chance to before his untimely death. Johnny decided to take the trip himself, especially with all the spare time he had after the school semester had ended. The second question is much easier to answer. Why was Johnny on a motorbike rather than just running at the faster rate he could? Simply because he thought motorbikes were cool. And because he didn't want to tire his feet out.

He quickly glanced at his watch, taking one of his hands off of the handlebars and raising his wrist to his face. This was all it took for him to spin out and fall into the sand below, not a great feeling in any respect. It also made a considerable amount of noise, enough to attract a nearby gang of dingo's in fact.

Johnny drew his gun, tucked away neatly in a shoulder holster close to his chest. He drew as fast as usual, but hesitated on the fire as he saw what he was actually shooting at. The dingoes began to circle him, the situation was getting worse by the second. He really didn't want to shoot the poor things, but he also really didn't want a trip to the hospital. He sighed, a plan had popped into his head, but it wasn't the neatest and by far wasn't the nicest, to him or the dingoes.

A dingo leaped at him, he simply held out his forearm, letting out the appropriate yelp as it's teeth sunk deep into his arm. A snarl grew on both the dingo's and Johnny's face as he used it as a sort of makeshift baton to swipe away the other members of the pack as he made his way to the motorbike and got it standing. As soon as the conflict had started it had ended, and Johnny sped off, the dingo's becoming nothing more than a speck on the horizon as he shook off the one clinging to his arm.

Great, not only had he gained a considerable amount of sand in his shoe, now he had a new scar to explain.

Johnny Van Ronk

Present day
Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters
The Headmaster Ritual

Johnny raised a novelty 'The Smiths' zippo lighter to his mouth and lit the cigarette currently being held between his teeth. He was about 85% sure that the lighter was a fake, being that he bought it at a roadside store in Australia. It was back to school it seemed, and Johnny was early for once. He wore a black bomber jacket with a fur collar over a white t-shirt. Along with which he wore a pair of jeans, kept up by a black belt which matched the black boots he always seemed to wear on his first day back.

He made his way into the school, and then further down into the familiar basement training facility he had been taught in for years on end. If there was one person he was glad to see it was, Latour. He'd heard rumours that he was being replaced by some snotty strict old rich guy, and was relieved to hear that this was just hot air.

As he made his way through the labyrinthine-like structure of the basement he couldn't help but wonder how those who hadn't braved this maze in the past would keep up. Eventually he appeared before Francis and Sophie, a cigarette still hanging from his mouth as he absent-mindedly tried to remember something he had told himself to do before coming into the room.

Ah yes. That was it. Francis didn't like smoking in class. A small grin grew on, Johnny's face as he breathed out an apology with what smoke was left and took the cigarette out of his mouth, stubbing it on the sole of his shoe and tossing it into a nearby bin. He half-sat on the arm of the couch, on the away side of Sophie. Sort of the same kind of sit you'd see people doing at a bus shelter.
"Before you say anything, prof. I know this is the first time in both of our lives that I've ever been early for anything, so you can put away whatever clever jokes you thought up about me being late to the side this time." He joked, something about as rare as an eclipse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Lucian Asaunte

Xavier's Institute Basement
Interacting: Everyone

A pigeon sculled and shifted its wings outside the window next to Lucian's bed. The man, one eye open, showed his frustration, deciding that the pigeon had over stayed its welcome. As he grunted and sat up, blankets falling from his bare chest, his alarm clock went off, doing it its job, as it always did. Without as much as glancing at it, his hand darted out, picking it up and reading himself to throw it at the window in spite of the damn air-breathing, rat with wings, bottom feeder. Hesitating though, he found himself unable to do it, in the end, the pigeon decided it was time to leave and flew away anyway.

Nah, I'll will need this tomorrow morning. he thought to himself despondently as he placed the alarm clock back on the desk.

Lucian groaned as he laid back down, feeling the sunlight on his face. "Urrgh, it can't be morning already." he muttered. It felt like he'd only fallen asleep 10 minutes ago. He lay there contemplating whether to force himself up as his levels of consciousness slowly increased once again. Finally he threw back the covers and stood slouched beside the bed, his pyjama bottoms creased and hair in a frightful mess of lumps. "Looking good Luci." he said to himself as he shuffled past the mirror and yawned his way into the bathroom.

After taking a much needed shower and brushing his teeth, Lucian left the bathroom a new man once again, ready to tackle the day. But before he could leave the threshold of his own door, he remembered that Professor Latour wanted him in the basement facility by 8:30. Lucian, sighed dropping his head onto his hand, he was gonna miss breakfast for this.
As he walked down the basement steps, hunger gnawed on the edges of his consciousness, but he pushed it away. "Damn early morning meeting." he muttered to himself over and over again until he reached the room that they were set to meet in, slightly angrier due to the maze of a basement had to find he way through.

"Eh, morning everyone. Did anyone eat?" he yawned as he kneeled down in front the fridge. Grabbing himself a quart of milk, he took a seat in a lounge chair across the room from the rest. Milk would be breakfast enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SuddenSardines
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SuddenSardines Sardine of Mystery

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Erikson

Xavier's Institute Basement
Interacting: Everyone

James groaned as his alarm clock roused him from sleep. He rolled over and scrambled to turn it off, before eventually forcing himself off his bed. James stretched out for a moment as he collected himself. At least he had actually gotten some sleep this time. That meant he was finally getting used to this. At least, he hoped.

James got a look around his room. He had been living here for about the past few weeks. With no real home to go back to for now, the professor had been kind enough to let him board early. As James prepared himself for the day, he thought about his family, and wondered how they were doing. He hoped that they were OK, and that his running off had spared them the worst. Come to think of it, teleporting back was a possibility, though a dangerous one. Most of the town still wanted his head.

James shook himself from his thoughts as he finished getting ready, throwing on his jacket. He checked the time, and suddenly realized why he was up earlier then usual. He had to meet the professor in the basement today. Of course, at this point he realized if we wanted to be on time, he would have to skip breakfast. Groaning in frustration, he grabbed one of his last granola bars from his time on the run, took a swig of water, and made for the basement.

The basement itself was pretty confusing. James had a pretty good sense of direction, but even he became slightly annoyed as he took a wrong turn every now and then. Eventually, though, he found the Professor and three other people sitting around a glass table. He figured this is where he was supposed to be. He also figured he should probably say something before they thought he was weird. "Um......morning, everyone," he said quietly before sitting in one of the lounge chairs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Royzooka
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Royzooka Yandere Fanatic [Notice Me Senpai]

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Christie Rachel Marks

Xavier's Institute: Basement
Interaction: ???

Christie was in the basement level already, she was trying to work out and map where everything was. It was hard since not everything opened up to her. She wanted to learn the layout and so was up a few hours before she was even needed. So far she had been down here for a good long while. This was her first time down here and probably not her last either. Being down here felt strange yet cool, not everyone got to come down here or so she remembered the Professor saying when she met him. He was an understanding and caring man and that was one of the few reasons she came to the mansion, she imagined she could fill in for him in some way. Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Beast, Wolverine, and others also made this place even more important to Christie. Though they were gone as well she felt they were a part of her in some way. In fact, Charles Xavier and all the X-Men present signed her autograph book, they were the reason she started it.

Her odd hair was free to dangle and move as it pleased, though new she was asked to be apart of something and so the odd mutant wore her homemade Wolverine based spandex suit. The colours were different mostly, her choice of black, purple and silver were colours she liked and it felt very nice to wear. It did add a revealing figure but that did not bother her, she even had a mask part too. However, it was not actually on her head at this time, it was tucked behind her flowing hair. A big X went across the front and back of the costume, She added it because of the X-Men themselves. Even after all this time she still kind of hated her powers, hair and nail manipulation. It sounded like she was the Meg Griffin of the real world from that episode where they gained powers. She looked at the tips of her sharp metal nails, she was a sort of freak and not in a mutant way either she thought at this very moment.

The metallic greyish silver colour of her nails and hair were the one thing that stood out, people would stop and stare as if she was deformed or diseased. Her footsteps echoed throughout the basement level, she kept moving through what seemed like a maze of a basement. As she moved she could not tell if she had been here before, everything looked the same mostly. "Maybe this way, I think I heard a voice," she said to herself quietly. She got a few looks when she was on the ground level of the mansion, she was not sure if they were staring at her odd nails and hair or her costume? Either way, they were looking at her like she was weird, she could not even hide her added gift or curse. She was not sure which it was yet. Eventually, she stumbled into to room where several people were waiting. 'This must be the place' she thought to herself. She did not know these mutants powers let alone names since she had only recently turned up.

Her eyes looked over each person in the room, the room was full of good looking people, people she could flirt with. A trait she had since she was a teen. She also had a thing about petting and touching people, she had no idea why but she always found herself doing it. People were either OK with it, offended or were weirded out. Christie thought about taking a Wolverine approach but first impressions did mean something. The newbie soon walked over to those who were sitting down, she did meet Francis Latour a few times before she actually decided to join them. She stayed quite for a moment, her impulses of wanting to flirt with those in the room began to surface yet she tried to resist from doing so. If she gave in she would want to start touching them and then she would be in some weird place with them. Christie was in no way shy, she was just not sure what to say to people who were complete strangers. At least she was standing close to those sitting down.

She dreaded the incoming leer's from the group, but at least she knew she would not get any cruel remarks from them or so she hoped. Mutants were people after all, just they had a gift or curse based on ones view of thinking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Will's Room -> The Basement
Interacting With: Anyone in the Basement

Will had never been a fan of waking up early, even when he'd been a teenage runaway. To him, the world shouldn't even begin to move until 10 AM, and anything before that was a blasphemous time. In other words, he was not a morning person. But, the professor had requested he meet with the others at 8:30, so at 8:20 he rolled out of his bed, to face the world.

He stared at himself in the floor length mirror, grinning. I look hot he thought, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. He was barefoot, and wearing a baggy, black t-shirt with grey pajama pants, an outfit that held no air of formality, but did make him seem extremely comfortable, which he was. He slipped on a pair of socks and some black Converse just in case. He had no idea what the professor wanted with him, but he figured that it was safer to put on shoes.

He padded down the stairs of the house, bumping into a few kids who were early risers, all of whom gave him strange looks. It was strange to see Will out of bed at this hour, even stranger to see him in pajamas and shoes. He ignored their gazes. He didn't need to focus on them right now. He walked down into the basement and moved through the labyrinth to find the room where everyone was waiting. Yawning, he walked in and took an empty seat, before waving to the others. "Howdy,"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

location-> outside to the basement
Interaction: Everyone

Grace tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and bit her lip. The breeze was blowing slightly and she enjoyed the feeling of the fresh air on her face. She was sitting on a low branch in a fir tree outside the courtyard of the institute. She had gotten up to watch the sun come up before she went to class to face new people. It was the best way to calm her nerves. She scanned her ipod one more time an selected one of her favorite songs. "Castle of Glass" by Linkin Park. She had a few minutes before class started. "Crap", she muttered.

She jumped down and darted into the school. She navigated the halls like a champ and made it through the maze in the basement in record time it seemed. She stopped just outside the door and listened to the light chatter. Her face heated with a blush as red as a tomato and she tried to square her shoulders, making sure her wings were tucked tightly under the shoulder blades. Grace took one last deep breath and pushed the doors open. Her eyes scanned the room, panicked for a moment, and her eyes touched briefly on Professor Latour's encouraging smile. "Hi everyone," She muttered quietly, her face heating up again. She took a seat quietly and tucked her hair behind her ear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Professor Francis Latour

Interacting with: Everyone present
Location: the room overlooking the range

Soon after the other students had arrived, Francis stood up to address the class."This is about everyone, isn't it? Then let's get started, shall we? Most of you already know who I am, but for those who don't, my name is Francis Latour and I will be your instructor this year. " He then paused and sighed. "Back when Professor Xavier was alive, he was not only a teacher for those who needed guidance, but also the leader of the famous X-men. Mistique, Banshee, Cyclops, Havoc, Beast, Angel, Nightcrawler, Wolverine. These were just some of the many mutants that served to protect our world.... and now... It is your turn. No doubt you all have heard about the Equalist party and how they now threaten both human and mutant kind. You have all been selected to be our world's new protectors; the next X-men. With that in mind..." A smile grew on his face, then looked at the clock, which now read 8:30am, then back at everyone. "... Class is in session. Today, we will be introducing ourselves, demonstrating our powers to the class, and come up with our codenames, sound good? Nothing too terribly hard, today we are just going to familiarize ourselves with our new team. I'll start, and since I've already stated my name, why don't I skip to the more fun part? The code name I gave myself was "Ghost", and here's why," He said then gestured Sophie to come forward, in which she nodded then stood up and approached Francis. Francis smirked slightly, then walked through Sophie, he then extended his hand through her chest and out her back, then wiggled his fingers, before pull his hand back and returningit to his side. He smiled at Sophie then placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well done, Sophie. Now, why don't you go next?"

Sophie Blackthorn

Interacting with: Everyone present
Location: the room viewing the underground range

Sophie gave Francis a rather disapproving look and started at him for a moment, before eyeing the class and noticed a few familiar faces of the few students she had briefly talked to on the rare occasion when she left her room in the basement. For a moment, her gaze held onto a rather cocky and mischievous looking young man with golden hair and dark blue eyes. However, this didn't last long, as she soon returned her attention back to Francis. She gave him a reluctant nod. "My name is Sophie Blackthorn. My code name from now on will be 'Pyro'." She said.

"Very good, now, why don't you show everyone what you can do?"

Sophie flinched then shot Francis a worried look. Francis grinned reassuringly, he understood her concern and agreed with her. "Yes, I do believe that's quite alright. We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt on the first day, would we? Go on then." She then visibly relaxed and turned to the others, eyeing them silently once more.

"Whatever you do, stay back. Or you will die." Was the only warning Sophie gave, then entered the range and Francis shut and locked the door behind her, then ran off only to soon return with a fire extinguisher.

All eyes were now on Sophie. She took a deep breathe then closed her eyes. Suddenly, the entire range exploded in a burning hellfire, enveloping the room in a blazing inferno. Once the initial plume of fire subsided, Sophie's figure became visible, and not a single burn was on her pale flesh. A bright, orange glow of raw destructive power illuminated from the range, and the fire crawled up Sophie's small frame, yet she did not burn. This is what she was- it warm, gentle, and beautiful, yet raw, powerful, and brilliant destruction at the same time.

She extended her arm forward and tried to have the fire crawl onto her arm, but ultimately failed and the large window was instead bombarded by large fireballs.Startled, Sophie shot a looked at Francis, and he understood. With the extinguisher in hand, Francis phased through the wall and immediately put out the fire. He turned to Sophie, laughing excitedly, giving her a large, happy smile. "That was brilliant! Well done, Sophie! Pyro suits you quite nicely!" He told her happily, and Sophie blushed embarrassedin response to the praise. While Francis had read the reports of Sophie's power, he had yet to have seen it with his own eyes, and now that he has, he was quite impressed.

The two then returned to the room to the others. "Well! I must say that was quite exciting, wasn't it? I'm quite interested to see what everyone else is capable of! Who would like to go next?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; On The Highway → Basement of Xavier's Institute For Gifted Youngsters
Interacting With; Idiot on the highway → Everyone else in the basement

She was late. She hated being late and knew that Professor Francis probably wouldn't forgive her after this. She had sped her way through intersection after intersection then made it to the highway after all. She was sitting at a red light, drumming her fingers along the steering wheel as she bit her bottom lip, nervously. When the light turned green, she wasted no time, pressing on the pedal and pushing it through the light then swerved as some idiot in a truck got in front of her. No signal - No nothing.

She hardly ever got pissed but when she did, someone might want to stand back. She beeped her horn then rolled down her passenger window. "Jerk!" She shouted as the man blew back and responded. "That's why women shouldn't drive!" That comment really pissed her off but she maintained the urge to send his truck floating into a nearby building.

A few minutes past and she drove through the gates of the institute now. She had just parked her car somewhere, not really caring about how she was parked right about now. While cursing under her breath still, she asked someone nearby where everyone was and once she received a response, she immediately went back to the basement.

Charlotte stood at the door for a moment, hearing Professor Francis and Sophia introduce themselves while also giving their alias names and showing off their abilities. With a slight smirk, Charlotte concentrated on various small objects, letting them float freely in the air. She even let out a slight chuckle as she couldn't wait for everyone's response to what was happening right about now. But before anyone could comment, she waltzed into the room, her heels clicking against the floor as she stood beside Francis now.

"Hello, everyone." She offered them a small wave as the objects floated back down in their appropriate place. "I'm Charlotte Decroix. Miss Psyche is my alias but please call me Charlotte or Char. Please, no Miss before my name." She then smiled while looking at every single one of them. "Of course, I have telekinesis and also Telepathy." She mentioned while holding onto her head then removing her hand from her temple. "One of you or probably all of you are hungry, yes?" She eyed them then fluttered her eyes towards Francis. "You haven't fed them? Shame on you." Charlotte winked towards him before looking back towards everyone else, waiting to see who was going to introduce themselves next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bryson Anderson

Interacting with: Everyone
Location: Xavier's Institute Basement

"Hey... Hey! Wake up! We're going to be late!"

Bryson groaned as he sat up and stretched his arms. He stared at the hazy image of a clock on the wall, and just barely made out the time. 8:30.

"It would appear that we're already late, Corvus."

"Alright, we're leaving," Bryson said to the empty room. He rose from his bed and slipped on the closest pair of shoes. He was never one to be on time, and it didn't help that he was up all night trying to clear his mind. Sometimes, he just couldn't block them out. If it weren't for the cursed voices, he might not have been locked up for his entire life. He might have had a normal life. Unfortunately, Orion and Corvus chose him.

Bryson raced through the basement corridors, but only ended up back at the stairs leading to the main floor. That's lovely. Can one of you help us out here? We might be able to actually make it there before the meeting is over. Bryson tried to reach out to his companions, and fortunately Orion had heeded his call.

To an outsider, it would appear that Bryson's soul might have just fallen out. Well, it definitely felt like that. The translucent, red figure stood tall. It was nearly a mirror image of Bryson.

"Why are we letting this fool help? We know that I would be better for this," Corvus said.

Bryson simply ignored the crow pecking at his mind, and took off down one of the corridors. Orion, having a connection to their sort of hive mind, knew to go in the other direction. With the two of them, they covered much more ground. Unfortunately, it would turn out that Bryson was simply going in circles.

"Idiot! We're going in circles! Go find Orion, he's the only smart one here."

"That would be a wise decision, as we have found our destination," Orion said.

Bryson concentrated on the missing voice. He couldn't really explain their connection, because he didn't really know how it worked. All he knew was that he could hone in on Orion's location simply by concentrating. After about a minute, he had pinpointed his companion, and headed in that direction.

Once there, he let Orion join him once more inside his head. It took some practice, but after a few days Bryson was able to fuse with his other thirds pretty easily.

"...You haven't fed them? Shame on you," a voice said through the cracked door.

"We're starving! There better be food in there," Corvus said.

He quickly surveyed the others, and noted that he had met most of them before. However, there were a couple that he hadn't truly met.

"Hi everyone. We're sorry for being late. We couldn't sleep last night, because Corvus wouldn't shut up about how he saw a shadow in the corner of the room," Bryson said, to no one in particular. He had hoped the general apology would be enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SuddenSardines
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SuddenSardines Sardine of Mystery

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Erikson

Xavier's Institute Basement
Interacting: Everyone Present

James looked around at everyone present. Gathered around the professor were a group of people all about his age. He could only wonder what everyone's powers were, except Grace, who had told him around the time he first arrived. Come to think of it, the whole group looked pretty out of place. When the Professor began to talk, James began to calm down a bit. Things were getting on track. At least, that was until the point of coming down here was made clear. Then James got nervous again. Him? An X-Man? James could barely protect himself, let alone protect other people.

He had to admit, the Professor's power was rather interesting. That being said, Sophie's was a little more.....concerning. The Professor grabbing a fire extinguisher certainly didn't make him feel better. Then Charlotte walked in, which set James a bit on edge. He was barely comfortable talking to people. Having them in his head made him feel just that much more vulnerable. And then Bryson walked in, which was an odd experience.

Looking around, James noticed a pause in the conversation. Someone should go next. Of course, James didn't want to go next. Hell, he barely wanted to go at all. Still, it was better to just get this out of the way. So, steeling himself for social interaction, James stood up. "Um.....Hi," he stuttered. "I'm James Erikson. My alias is Traveler. And I can......well, just watch the window." James got a quick look at the inside of the range through the window, and focused on a single spot in there. James then felt the strange but familiar sensation of reality spinning around him for a split second, and suddenly found himself inside the range. To anyone watching him, it looked like he had suddenly poofed out of and into existence. James gave a hesitant wave through the window.

James was about to teleport back, when he felt his stomach growl. Apparently, his quick breakfast wasn't enough. He absent-mindedly thought of the vending machines he saw on the way to the basement. Then the world spun again, and he was suddenly in front of them. Oops. Glancing around a bit, James figured that if he was here, he might as well use them. He bought a bottle of orange juice and another granola bar before reappearing by his chair again. He glanced around awkwardly at everyone. "Yeah, um........I can teleport," he muttered, before sitting down again and eating his makeshift breakfast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Lucian Asaunte

Xaviers School Basement


Lucian watched as more and more students filtered in, his face covered by the carton of milk that he had decided was his breakfast. Everytime he drunk milk, he found himself trying to place its taste. He could never find a great way describe the taste, he found milk to be a very basic flavor. Describing the taste of milk would be like trying to describe the taste of salt. Both seemed to be baselines by which many described other flavors. He found it unusual.

He also found it unusual why the Professor invited the cute, goth, new girl to the meeting. He had been at this school for years, but she got into whatever this special meeting was on her first day. By no means was he jealous, in fact he was curious, she had to be special.

"... Class is in session. Today, we will be introducing ourselves, demonstrating our powers to the class, and come up with our codenames, sound good? Nothing too terribly hard, today we are just going to familiarize ourselves with our new team.

Lucian smiled when he heard 'demonstrating'. Show'in'Tell was always fun. Gleefully chugging his milk, he watched as the Professor walked through the skinny girl, anther he had never seen before. Phasing through things seemed to be the best power a man could wish for. Lucian imagined himself phasing through girls rooms, but quickly erased that thought, afraid that there may have been a telepath in the room, he hated those people. Next up was the skinny one, apparently named Sophie. With a small warning that Lucian found to be laughable at first, quickly found himself praising God that he did as she burst into flames, the whole range becoming a wild creature of fire who refused to be tamed, growing more and more wild by each second before completely disappearing.

"Well damn." Lucian mumbled a bit to loudly.

Next was a telepath named Charlotte. Conicidence? Despite her claim, he found himself doubtng her, no shit they were hungry. Another was teleportation, which was alright.

After a display like Sophie's, Lucian was eager to take the stage himself. Jumping out of his seat milk in hand, Lucian walked to the front of the room.

"My name is Lucian, a.k.a BREATHTAKER! Ladies? Lucian pronounced, winking at the goth girl specifically.

Glancing at Sophie, his milk mustache wrinkling as he smiled at her. "Do you think you could do what you did once again? he asked nonchalantly.

Sophie was quick to brush off the wink and flirtatious advance although it was for another, as she looked the man who addressed himself as Lucian, with a startled and confused expression upon hearing his bizarre request. "W-what?! Are you insane?! I could kill you! " She replied absolutely flabbergasted. She couldn't believewhat she was hearing. This had to be some sort of sick joke.

Lucian smiled at Sophie's reaction, typical. He had only spoke with her for less than a minute and he already understood her as if he read her mind. She was clearly afraid of her power, it was written accross her forhead. Subconsciously, Lucian created a pocket of air for Sophie to breath from normaly, while the air surrounding her was suddely devoid of oxygen. This processes went on invisible to all those in the room, even to Sophie herself. "No you won't, dont you trust me?" he said sarcastically, although there was some seriousness in his voice.

"Obviously not! I'm not going to risk killing everyone in the entire institute for some sick joke!" Sophie replied narrowing her eyes angrily. Did this guy think he was funny or something? She couldn't believe that this guy was really willing to risk killing everyone to prove some sort of point.

Why was she making with so difficult, the moment was going to pass? Although he understood her fear, he was in her position at one point. "Look, Sophie right, just trust me, you wont hurt everyone." a small smile on his face.

Sophie gave Lucian a long, hard stare then finally sighed and gave in. "Alright... but only something small, ok? I don't feel like killing any innocent children today." She agreed reluctant. She snapped her fingers. Usually, this would result in a few small flames appearing on her body, but this time, then flames didn't come. She could feel the effect of using her power stain on her muscles, yet theflames were not present. This startled and confused her. "W-what did you do to me?! Why isn't my fire working?!" She asked terrified.

Ah, there it is.

Lucian smiled, watching her strain to use her power. The fear was apprent in her eyes and voice. Her fear shackled her, the fear she experiences was like a knife in the gut slowly twisting, a fear that was like constant hammer on the head. Yet, her fear was only an illusion.

Looking back at the group, a grin plastered on his face. "I have the ablity to manipulate oxygen, hence why Sophie couldn't ignite her flame. Thanks for the help, Sophie." he explained simply. Signalling the end of his demonstration, he took a seat, finshing his milk on the way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Room overlooking the range and in the range

Grace noticed a lull in the introductions and looked around hoping that someone else would go. She hated being in the spotlight. She glanced over at James, who was munching on his breakfast. "At least you solved that issue," She whispered with a small smile. She stood up and tucked her hair into a loose ponytail. Everyone turned to stare at her and she blushed furiously. "Hi everyone. My name's Grace. My code name is Typhoon." She heard some people chuckling under their breath. Yeah, Yeah. Someone so quiet and shy couldn't possibly live up to that name, She thought to herself and bit her lip. 'I'm just going to step through here. Please watch from the windows," she suggested.

She closed the doors to the range firmly behind her and walked to a spot where everyone could see her clearly. Grace was wearing jeans, converse, and a shirt specially made for her at the institute to fit her wings. She shrugged out of her jacket and blushed furiously. "You can do this. It's okay. You can do this," She repeated quietly. She squared her shoulders and took a deep, steeling breath. "Show time."

Her wings unfolded around her. They were light gray, almost the color of smoke. Their span was 7ft from tip to tip. The feathers were soft as silk. She beat them once, twice, and then she was in the air. She rose only a few feet and hovered there. Her eyes turned a slightly different, brighter blue and the air around her started swirling. Wind appeared from no where and everything in the range was being thrown about. Grace pushed her wings together in front of her and a stream of air shot straight out in front of her and bounced off the opposite wall. Inside the range was complete chaos with the wind whipping around uncontrollably.

She stopped and lowered herself back to the ground. She looked up at all the faces in the window and sighed. "There you have it folks," she stated, "Typhoon." She tucked her wings securely back under her shoulder blades and pulled on her jacket. With a slight smile she reentered the room and took her seat. she looked down at her lap and picked at a loose string on the zipper, waiting for someone else to take the spotlight off of her because people were still staring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johnny Van Ronk

Basement Training Facility

Johnny watched as more and more people poured into the basement. He'd never seen Latour take on a class this big, one whose powers were likely to be very varied. Still, he trusted Latour to know his own limits, this was probably fine if he had allowed it to happen.

Johnny listened as he went on with his speech about Professor Xavier and his X-men and how everyone in the room had been selected to be a part of the next generation of X-men. This irked Johnny a bit as his eyes scanned the room, only 3 of them had been really trained, if they were to become X-men it could take weeks before they were all ready. He rubbed the corner of his eye with his knuckle before looking up to see the demonstrations of everyone's powers.

He'd seen Latour's on multiple occasions, namely when he had tried to sneak cigarettes in, only for Latour to phase his hand through his bag and pull the pack out. Next up was, Sophie or Pyro as she would be known in the field. Johnny thought of the name he had chosen, and how it bore no semblance to his own power. Granted, any name that did refer to his power would have probably been something corny like 'speed' or 'blur' but still, a name that did in some way give a clue to his power would have been nice. Sophie did as was expected, and lit a room on fire.

Next walked in a new girl, Charlotte who was making various objects throughout the room float. In walked another late arrival by the name of, Bryson, he had met the guy before and knew of Corvus and Orion. James demonstrated his power of teleportation just before probably the most annoying person Johnny had ever met in his life stepped up to the plate.

Johnny legitimately face palmed as he told everyone of his codename, it was going to be a long day. His power seemed useful, if a bit Machiavellian. Pigeon was up next, he'd seen her power before. After she sat down he stood up, turning to the group before introducing himself.
"Name's, Johnny. My code name is Judicator." He felt like he probably should have explained his name, but he really wanted to get onto the range so he'd leave that until someone asked him about it.

He made his way onto the range, eyeing up a set of targets opposite him. He stepped backwards until his back was against the wall. Trying to get as much distance as possible between him and the targets. In a second all of the targets were filled with holes, with a mighty bang following. Johnny stood in the same position he did before, this time with his revolvers drawn and hanging loosely at his side. He had drawn and fired his guns in under a second, something which he found relatively flashy, but also something that hurt his arms a little bit. He holstered his guns before looking up at the window.

He sped up, becoming nothing but a blur before almost instantaneously appearing in the room sitting where he was before. Of course, at such a small distance a feat like this was nothing, but at a longer distance it would have taken a lot more time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Royzooka
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Royzooka Yandere Fanatic [Notice Me Senpai]

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Basement Training Facility
Interacting: Everyone

Christie loved seeing other people's powers, her excitement grew with each person who showed off their powers. Francis showed off his powers where he walked through one of the other mutants. He had a cool power, in fact, they all probably did. Upon seeing Sophie's fire performance Christie's excitement grew which resulted in a twitch of sorts. The flames were beautiful and clearly great control and concentration were needed. The newbie's eyes soon began to sparkle, some form of jealousy started to rear its ugly head, however, Christie would not let such a thing out so easily. Soon it was someone else's turn and it turned out to be someone who just entered the room, various items began to float. One of the items was next to the newbie, she watched it float all on its own before touching it which seemed to do nothing as it continued to float. The person who had those powers soon spoke up, Charlotte was her name it seemed.

The new student felt like she was in a show and tell and everyone had something cool but her. Another mutant soon turned up, she knew nothing of him, however. The new guy had a cool power as well, upon seeing him merge with another her face light up like a Christmas tree. Her autograph book looked like it was getting some more signatures in it some point soon. The name Corvus came up, clearly something she did not know about yet. The show went on as the next mutant took his turn to show off. Christie watched as the mutant introduced himself before showing off his powers. He just disappeared from sight, another cool power was on display. Christie automatically thought of Nightcrawler though shook her head as James was his own unique person. He seemed to have had picked up some food when he returned to the group. It felt like a dream, showing one's powers was not seen often outside of fighting, but this was a safe place she was told a long time ago.

The mutant who introduced themselves as Lucian soon took the spotlight. A wink came Christie's way, as someone who flirted a lot it made her want to do it back but didn't as she controlled herself. It was all fun and games for her, sure time to time someone fell for her but things happened. She did however smile at him. Lucian soon asked the mutant Pyro for assistance to show off her powers. From what followed she could see his powers were related to oxygen, something Sophie needed to use her powers, that was a guest until the mutant confirmed it. If Wolverine was still about that power could help bring down Wolverine himself, she heard Susan Storm choked Wolverine out when Wolverine went into a blind rage. She was not sure if it was true or not, though? It was now the next mutants turn, Christie felt like a child in a candy store but inside of sweets powers were present.

Grace was the next one up, the newbie watched with such focus so she could catch every detail presented to her like she did with the other mutants before her. Like Pyro Typhoon put on a show, one of a different element but breathtaking all the same. Her wings were beautiful, a real angel was present in front of her. Christie always believed they existed, Angel was the first one she saw and she was about 12 when she saw him. Christie really wanted to touch Typhoon wings, her hands were dangling beside her, one hand started to raise itself though before it became noticeable she forced it back to where it was before. It was now Johnny's turn who gave his name and code name straight away before showing off his powers instead of explaining them. What followed was shocking, he was so fast just like Quicksilver. At this point it was really hard to contain her excitement, she wanted to explode so she could release all of it.

When he returned it seemed only a few mutants were left, Christie included. She was not too sure about her powers, they were rather lame. She thought about sneaking away but instead bite the bullet. "Hi...... I'm Christie, I have two code names and either one is fine. Lady Vibranium or Hairdusa, Christie is also fine." She paused, she was not really sure what she could offer, they all had something worthy of showing, however, Christie felt like a freak among mutants. She had confidence in herself and abilities, however, knowing she had lame powers put her in the dumps time to time. She did not show any signs of disliking her powers as her face remained neutral. She did not speak again instead decided to show off her powers as explaining it would make her feel worse about them.

She began by making her metallic silver greyish nails grow a few inches. As Christie grew her nails they got sharper and in many ways would remind those who knew of Lady Deathstrike of her. The rare metal was shown off as she put out one hand, she stayed a good distance away but was close enough for the rest to see if they were standing up. After that, Christie did the same thing with her hair. Each strand began to get longer and soon hit the floor where she soon forced her hair to form things. Each strand soon hardened as she formed what looked like a spear which then turned into a copy of Captain America's shield though in hair form. The hair based weapons were in a solid state, each strand began one with each other while the weapon of choice was formed. She even soon took one of her fingers where she began to run it down the lower part of her left arm.

The nail slowly cutting her skin apart, it hurt but she thought she would show off her other power. Blood began to drip, iron started to fill Christie's nose as she felt discomfort for a moment. Over time, the cut soon began to disappear as if it was never there. It was not instant like Deadpool's, it was more on Wolverine's level or close to it. Christie was not sure which it was but it was once much better. "Did anyone see that episode of Family Guy where Meg gained superpowers? Well I am like that but my nails hurt a lot more and my hair is the same. I can grow my hair to about 7 foot, used to be more and my nails can only grow to about 4-6 centimetres." Christie said calmly. "Oh I can also do this" Christie said shortly afterwards. The newbie began to sniff the air where she began to copy one of Wolverine's powers, she hoped they knew it was a joke. Her portrayal of Wolverine was rather spot on, she did learn as much as she about him and all the heroes and villains in the world.

In Christie's head, she imagined a narrator calling her Meg Griffin just because the useless nail powers. However, this was life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location:The Basement
Interacting With: Anyone in the Basement

Will watched with a relatively uninterested look on his face as each person demonstrated their abilities. Woop dee doo, we're all mutants, surprise surprise he thought to himself, watching each person say their name, codename, and then show off whatever they could do. He rolled his eyes at some of the codenames, but when Christie finally got up and proclaimed herself to be Lady Vibranium or Hairdusa, whichever tickled your peach, he burst out laughing. "You're serious? That's what you want the world to remember you as? Hairdusa? You know what, I'll give it to ya, that takes some balls," he said, shaking his head.

After Christie finished her demonstration, he stood up. "Well, I guess I better go next. The names Will, codename Paladin. My power is, well, I'll show you." The young mutant walked over to the range, entering it and slamming a button to bring some more targets up.

Will closed his eyes for just a moment, drawing in a minuscule amount of the energy that permeated the air, that was woven through everything in the vicinity, on the earth, and a bright green rope of light began curling around him. It spun around his body, twisting and coiling as he held it there, letting it grow stronger before letting it travel to his right arm, which he held out towards the targets. The light split itself into three discs, each hurtling at the targets. All three targets fell to the ground in two pieces, the material burning where they'd been sliced through. His clothes were burnt where the energy had passed by, but it was nothing compared to the melted mess that was now the targets. Will turned around to look at the others and took a bow, smirking a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sophie Blackthorn

Interacting with: Will @smarty0114 and Christie @Royzooka
Location: the room viewing the underground range

Sophie tensed up when she heard the one who addressed himself as Will speak to Christie in such a rude manor. She let him say his piece and put on his little show, however, after he was finished, it was Sophie's turn. She stood up and walked up to him then smiled sarcastically. "You're right, it does take balls to call yourself that. So why don't you go ahead and grow a pair of your own and stop being such an attention whore?" She said with a smile that anyone could easily find irritating. She then snapped her fingers, setting Will's pants, right next to his groin, on fire. "Oh, I'm sorry, would you like some ice for that 3rd degree burn?" She gave him an innocent look then laughed, leaving him to take care of his burning pants. She approached Christie with a genuine smile. "Don't listen to that jerk, he's just jealous he couldn't come up with a better codename for himself. I think that your powers and codename are awesome." She grinned reassuringly and placed a hand on her shoulder, then headed to the fridge to grab a quick snack.

Professor Francis Latour

Interacting with: Charlotte @HushedWhispers and Johnny @Mr_pink
Location: the room overlooking the range

Francis sighed then laughed slightly at Charlotte. "Shame on me? I wasn't the one nearly 10 minutes late for class, dear." He teased he then turned his head to Johnny. "Speaking of being late, how is it that someone who can move faster than the speed of sound, be late for last night?"

Francis then noticed Sophie... and Will's pants being on fire. "Alright you two, that's enough bickering. Sophie, no lighting anyone's pants on fire, he didn't technically lie, rather, he just stated his opinion. Will, keep your thoughts to yourself, understand?" He replied to them, his tone and expression was slightly stern.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Room overlooking the range and in the range
Christie @Royzooka

Grace sat up slightly as Christie showed off her powers. Wolverine was one of her idols, and it was really cool that she got to meet someone that had something similar to him. She looked over at Will as he made a snarky remark and then proceed to show off his flying energy disks. His power was also pretty nifty, but then again, so was everyone else's. Grace smiled as Sophie came to Christie's aid. She liked Sophie because she was kind to most people, but had a temper to match the flames she threw around. "I like your abilities, Christie," She said sheepishly and blushed a little. "They do remind me of one of my idols. Don't listen to Will. Sophie's right. it's awesome."

She glanced around the room to see who was still left to introduce themselves. She made a mental note to try and remember everyone's name and ability, but there were a lot of us. A lot more than Latour usually took on. That made Grace a little nervous. With a small smile, she glanced over at Will, who was still pulling on his pant's leg trying to douse the remaining embers. This is going to be a fun year, she thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: The Basement
Interacting With: Everyone in the Basement

Astrid woke up with a frown on her face and a crinkle in her forehead. With an audible groan she glanced at the clock and saw she was already late. "Fucking hell." Letting her body go limp she fell back into the embrace of the soft pillow. Wouldn't it be nice to just stay there and sleep. Everything was so comfortable and- Astrid's belly groaned reminding her of her responsibilities. She hated being hungry. Groaning once more, she shoved herself out of bed, and slipped on some clothes. Picking up a pair of gloves and special jumper cables she grumpily stormed out of the room.

The walk to the basement, was one filled with angry noises and sharp glances at people in the hallway. She managed not to get lost, though she could imagine some of the newer students probably had a hard time with it. The place was a maze sometimes. Opening the door to everyone, Astrid wordlessly walked in and moved to a corner. Francis wouldn't be surprised that she was late, she usually was. Sitting down in her corner, she leaned her head back against the wall. Laying a hand on her temple, she tried to cool the raging headache that was already building.

When it subsided a little bit she reopened her eyes again trying to take it what was happening. Mutants, new and old around the room demonstrating the powers. How creative Francis. Show and tell. Rolling her eyes, Astrid scooted over until she was next to a plug in the wall. Taking the special jumper cables off of her neck she placed the custom made side into the wall. She, along with some of the smarter mutants at the school had invented them, so she could charge faster. Since her time as a child her tolerance to energy had grown and if she were to try and use a fork again it would take hours.

When the cable was plugged in, she grabbed the two ends, clipping them onto her hands. Immediately the energy began to course through Astrid. Euphoria flooded her body, causing her eyes to roll up into the back of her head. On her face a small smile grew. She might have hated to get this full, but damn it felt good. When she felt she was charge enough, Astrid unattached the two ends and stood up. She felt like a new person. Her eyes opened, and electric blue. All throughout her hair spark ran. Hands trembling she slowly walked towards the front of the class. As she walked she concentrated hard, making sure she didn't get too close to anyone. Still people's hair around her began to raise from the excess static that bled off her body.

Standing near where William had just fired She focused hard and raised her right arm out towards the dummies. And electric sounding voice came out as she talked. "Stay back." Trying to steady her shaky breaths as her heart thudded at a thousand miles and hour, she slowly released the control over her palm. Immediately lightning shot out exploding as it hit the other side of the room. It would have been fairly cool if she hadn't been whipped around by the force of the shot and landed on her butt. Slowly Astrid stood up, as the burnt smell of electricity filled the air. She gave a quick little wave to everyone in the classroom, before spouting off a stream of nearly unintelligible words. "Hey, so I'm like Astrid. That's my name. Though my 'codename' is AC. Because like alternating current and my last name is Cable. So you know, AC. And right now I'm super hyper from the energy." Raising a hand to demonstrate, "See waaaaay too much, I'm shaking. Look Francis can you see, shaking. OH! But please don't touch me. That would be shocking." Her hands shot in front of her mouth as the last words came out. Giggle like a little girl she said, "Shocking, that's a good one."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location:The Basement
Interacting With: Sophie and Professor Latour @Ace of flames01, Bryson @Chickn

Will scowled at Sophie once his pants were no longer ablaze. He'd been left with a leg that was hotter than normal but he'd gotten the flame out before it had become a problem. "Looks like Pyro lives up to her name. Is that why you're here, at this place, instead of at home with your family? Could they just not take the heat? Did you try to burn your dad's genitalia off as well?" he asked mockingly, before scoffing and walking to the other side of the room. He could get nasty when he wanted to, and deep down he regretted it, but right then, he was pissed off.

He watched as Astrid demonstrated her ability, and smirked as she appeared to be high off of the electricity. I think we've yet to see a demonstration from the resident nut job. Well, the other resident nut job," he said, shooting Sophie another look before turning his head in Bryson's direction. "Would you care to show off?
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