I remember in 4th grade, our science teacher would get all the kids psyched about a "guest speaker".
Then he would pop in a Bill Nye video.
Then he would pop in a Bill Nye video.
mdk said
I dig these shows. Me and my roommate call them 'Earthporn.' He gets blu-rays sent in the mail and we watch them with booze and salsa. I am *always* rooting for predation. He's on the goats' side. But I usually win FUCK YEAH WOLVES
Blitzkrieg said
I remember in 4th grade, our science teacher would get all the kids psyched about a "guest speaker".Then he would pop in a Bill Nye video.
Halo said
This is why I dropped Biology as soon as possible and only continued studying sciences. Like Psychology.
Hank said
Planet Earth (and by extension every BBC nature documentary) is amazing. The fauna of this world is fascinating. Elephants are extraordinary creatures -- I can't imagine anyone would find their drinking habits boring.
Aragorn said
[2]I could actually drop the class now since I have all the science credits I need. But my teacher is awesome. :p