Codename: Zebra
Real Name: Kesegowaase “Swift” / English-given Name – Nathaniel “Nathan” Brand; he prefers to be called “Zebra”—at least that’s what his friends and allies call him.
Other names/aliases: Demoneater, Striped Bastard, Mohawk Guy, Gadget Guy, or Creepy Mask Dude.

Appearance: Zebra is a Mohawk Native American with naturally tanned to near bronze-colored skin. As his tribe of origin hints, his head is shaven except for the long ridge of silky-black hair that splits down his scalp. His athletic frame can be seen through the light armor of his garb, a body sculpted and toughened by the ever-changing wild. Being a Gadget Specialist will demand for him to carry heavy equipment for long periods, and so the conditioning comes in handy.

His name “Zebra” derives from the scars that cover his body. When the Tengakure found him, his skin was covered in scars and dried blood from the claws of various beasts and arduous natural trials and obstacles. There were so many scars all over his body and face from just surviving the Nightmare that coupled with his Mohawk-styled hair, the clan members thought that he resembled a zebra. He still hasn’t quite figured out what a zebra is, but he figures that it must be something befitting of a warrior.

The Native American’s eyes are blue like the sky and beneath all those scars is actually a handsome young tribesman. Before he stumbled across Nightmare Island, he was to wed a British woman in secret named Sarah Hatfield.

Age: 27
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 192 lbs
Standing: Active Member
Specialization: Gadget

Listed below are gadgets that are listed under weapons due to their lethality. Some listings are just a general listing/description of what Zebra is capable of carrying on his person. This list is not to be interpreted in such a way to assume that Zebra carries these items at all times.
  • Fukiya – a blowgun that allows Zebra to shoot seven-inch wooden darts at unsuspecting enemies. His darts carry various neurotoxins, venoms, tranquilizers, and allergens. The nature of the mission will determine what type of darts he will carry on his person. The darts themselves can be used to prick or stab enemies.
  • Yatate – a pencil case that is long and cylindrical in shape. It has a rounded end where one would normally carry ink and the other lengthy half would be to carry a calligraphy brush. Zebra carries two. One actually is a yatate that carries a calligraphy brush and ink well for when he needs to collect intelligence about enemies, places, and things. The other carries his darts and the ink well will be prepped before missions with whatever toxin, nerve agent, or irritant he wishes to use.
  • Tamago – Yes, egg shells. A small hole is made in the shell of an egg, and the yolk and white are drained out. Powders are then placed inside them: pepper, salt, hot spices, iron filings, blood powders (coats victim and makes them attractive to starving predators), poison (or can be a dangerous fungus), and stink powder (to make the victim stink for tracking purposes). These powdery substances have various uses. Some blind and irritate the victim.
  • Tetsubishi – One does not want to step on these. They are iron spikes, small in size, and are easily concealed on the ground. Zebra may carry these in abundance in a special pouch and drop them behind him to throw-off his pursuers.
  • Torinoko – These small fireworks are mostly used as a distraction either for advantage or escape.
  • Berries – You don’t want to eat these berries. Zebra will often use them to send his enemies stampeding for the bathroom. The juice of these berries will bring one the raging shits. The worst aspect about them is that they don’t even taste bad and they look delicious.
  • Explosives – Zebra is capable of using four types of bombs but he can’t carry them all at once. Some explosives are heavier than others, and so the mission will determine, which type of bomb he will carry with him. The types of bombs in which he carries are: bombs (the largest, heaviest, and with the greatest blast radius), flash bombs, (basically, the torinoko fall into this category), grenades (small and weak with a blast radius of 2 meters), and finally, incendiaries (act like flash bombs, but their sole purpose is to start a problematic fire).
  • Traps – Zebra can set up traps from spiked pits to log swings. He will make tripwires that can set off explosives or spring a row of sharp spears for enemies and their cavalry to run into.
  • Tekko Kagi – The claws are roughly six-inches in length and are extremely sharp. They can block blade strikes and are small enough to not hamper the swift strikes of the wearer. While mostly used in self-defense, they also grant Zebra the ability to scale or grip walls. [Image]


Around the 1800s, the Mohawk tribes were caught up in the struggle for conquest between British and American forces. The Mohawks had allied with their trade partners (the British) and aided them in the American Revolution to the War of 1812. Zebra known then as Kesegowaase or Nathan—as he was named by the British colonists—was tired of the bloodshed. At first the Mohawk joined the war as an attempt to maintain trade, but as the wars continued, he noticed that his people were starting to be drafted in desperation to replenish British numbers. During the War of 1812, Zebra was able to convince his clan to go into hiding until the fire fight ended. They settled along the Connecticut River in Massachusetts. Nearby was a small settlement of colonists who they started to trade with and where Zebra met his love interest, Sarah Hatfield.

Sarah was a curious woman and a doctor who was interested in the Mohawk tribe. She liked to learn about their culture and she would provide the tribe with medicine and regular check-ups, which displeased the colonists. Her actions were reported to the constable and she was warned that if she continued to supply the “Indians” with medicine and healthcare, then she would be arrested. Zebra was angered by the news, and had his clan migrate again, vowing to Sarah that he would marry her when the war ended. Unfortunately, Zebra would never get that chance.

One day when out hunting for his tribe, Zebra tracked a deer deep into the forest and when he caught up to the creature, he found it gripped in the massive fist of some ogre or black devil. Having never seen such a creature before, Zebra ran and no matter how much he backtracked, he never was able to return from which he came. He was lost, which was a rare occurrence. He believed that he knew the woods better than the oldest tree, but these woods were unlike any he had ever encountered.

Zebra soon learned that the ogre was following him, tracking him as he had done the deer. Survival then became a game. Who would kill who first? Zebra evaded his adversary, opting to take priority learning the environment. In the strange woods, his senses were raised higher than they ever had been before with the realization that one mistake could get him killed. He learned that if he didn’t effectively hide at night, then the “dark spirits” as he would call them, would kill him. He learned to set traps to kill fiends and catch food. He never stayed in the same place for too long for the trees would snap and rustle, warning him that the black demon was still pursuing him. Eventually, Zebra grew fed up with running and hiding and using every relevant trap he could devise, he confronted the beast. He overcame him even still with much difficulty for the creature did not think like an animal. It thought just as well as any man.

The death of the black devil changed Zebra’s fearful attitude toward Nightmare Island. He became one of its predators in his desperation to survive, returning to his tribe and Sarah having never left his mind. The Tengakure were the first humans he had seen in weeks, and their masked and secretive nature did not put him at ease. Zebra fled from them, baiting them through his traps that some were able to easily avoid while others not so lucky. His traps lacked the most lethal of tools and weapons, and were basically primitive in nature, but his ingenuity had impressed the clan members. They wouldn’t kill him; instead, they would make him one of their own.

  • Animal Mimicry – Zebra can mimic the sounds of animals. He mostly knows the beasts of the temperate forest—jungles would be another story.
  • Camouflage – Using mud, dirt, grass, and other elements of nature. Now you see him. Now you don’t.
  • Yogen – The knowledge of mysterious compounds, dusts, poisons, and potions used by ninja.
  • Beadery – It sounds silly but the Mohawk tribe specialized in bead art. Zebra actually makes beads on a thread to allow for the counting of meters, enemies, or even kills. Whatever ninja want to use them for. Even if some kunoichi just want a fancy necklace or their hair decorated with beads—it’s possible.
  • Mask Craftsman – The Mohawk were also known for their masks usually used in rituals and tales. Zebra’s mask is different from the other ninja and strangely creepy. It even has actual hair, but no one knows whose hair it really is. [Image]
  • Tribal Paint/Tattoo – It’s basically a given. All you got to do is ask.
  • Rifle Marksmanship – He’s handled a musket before but that was way back in the day and those weapons don’t seem to be around as much.


Most of the gadgets were listed as weapons due to their lethal capabilities. Listed below are nonlethal gadgets. Similar to the above message in the Weapons section, just because you see a gadget listed here doesn’t mean Zebra carries it on his person at all times. It depends on the mission what he will take.

  • Kawanaga – A clawed hook bound to a long rope to act as a grappling hook to scale high places.
  • Kite – Kites suit various purposes. Some deliver messages/signals, and some are used for the sake of alerting other ninja to the whereabouts of a target whether the target is stationary inside a building or moving by carriage. They can also deliver objects to ninja who are in high places.
  • Climbing Pole – A three-meter pole with collapsible rungs. The pole can be used for quickly scaling tall walls or probing.
  • Doka – A small container for safely carrying live coals. The coals are used to light fuses and warm hands during the cold season.
  • Air Bags – used for hiding underwater. The bags contain an unspecified volume of air—usually four breaths at most—that a ninja can use to his or her advantage.