Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sovay
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Sovay Disney Princess

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Proposed Plot/Backstory/Intro

An opportunity was presented to you, either someone approached you, a flyer through your door or perhaps a poster caught your eye, but either way the Enhanced Human Program (EHP) was brought to your attention. It advertised for everyone, from the dying to the healthy, rich to the poor. If you wanted to be a better human, a more enhanced human, do something for the human race, help push the boundaries of science forward, help protect the people of our planet, etc. It all seemed so grand, so exciting, and it was paid - paid by a lot, practically years worth of salary. You signed up, and soon enough tickets came which allowed you to get a plane to a military base off of the East Coast of England. At first you thought it quite small, for you could only see a few blocks of camouflage green buildings, but then they took you on a submarine and you delved into the ocean. Out of the porthole windows, you could see a much bigger base hidden on the sea floor surrounded by a dome. You exit the submarine, to find that this underwater military base felt just as if you were on dry land, but instead of sky, you see water.
The Enhanced Human Program was to give normal humans the chance to become extraordinary. To develop mutations, abilities, superpowers - whatever you want to call them. Once you were accepted into the program, you immediately had various samples taken, tests were ran - both biologically, physically and psychologically (mentally). If you passed those, which practically everyone did because the researchers wanted as many participants as possible, you went on to Stage 2 the next day.
Stage 2 of the program was a little more... painful. Everyone was put in a large, whitewashed room and strapped onto surgical tables. The Enhanced Human Formula (EHF) was injected into the bloodstreams of the participants and they were left for two days - no food, no water and a lot of pain. The EHF was changing everyone's DNA, making it so there was that little bit of kick to start forming a mutation. Some did not make it.
Those that did make it, were moved onto Stage 3. Even though they had the Formula running through them, it was not yet strong enough to fully develop an ability. After they were fed and watered, each individual was tortured, or put in some kind of environment - everyone was different, no one had the same punishment. This lasted for one day. You were then allowed a proper nights rest, in the same whitewashed room as before, but sleeping on beds - not surgical tables.
Stage 4 came, and it was tough. The survivors were strapped once again onto the surgical tables, but instead of injections you were hooked up to a machine that delivered a constant dosage of the EHF into your bloodstream. The pain was a lot to bare. After each day, the researches upped the dosage and this lasted for 3 days. Many didn't survive. Some couldn't take the pain, or the change in DNA. Some just developed a mutation that the researches call 'Unrankable' - where the ability you develop only causes harm to the person that holds the ability (and often ends up killing the user), for example, reverse aging where you get younger and younger and younger until you just don't exist.
This process lasted for a week. One week of pain, and torture. But finally, an ability had developed for everyone who had survived. Those who developed an ability were given a code, instead of a name, along with a dog-tag necklace (with their name, class and ability engraved on it) and had a chip implanted under their skin which nullified their abilities when activated. A large assembly occurred, informing the participants they could not yet go home, but thanking them for their services and reinforcing that they will be paid. The treatment is over, for now, and occasionally there will be tests. However, for now, you are to live in The House which is located on the base. Food, drink, warmth, everything and anything will be provided for, for you - apart from contact with the outside world.
The participants were all marched to The House, a quite odd sight. In the middle of a military base, that was already underwater, sat a large house with it's own dome surrounding it. You enter the dome and all gather outside the front door of The House. At either side of The House was a huge, thick, tall wall. As you look up, you see that the ceiling of the dome if a hologram of the real sky, with a projection of the real sun which was now high in the middle, meaning it was about noon. One of the researches yells for everyone's attention...


Proposed Character Sheet

Rank Levels:
Unrankable - Useless; Meaningless; Mute; Extremely Rare
Class 1 - Lowest; Not Much Damage; Minimal; Very Unskilled; Very Rare
Class 2 - Average; Unskilled; Common
Class 3 - Above Average; Semi-Skilled; Common
Class 4 - Above Average; Skilled; Strong; Rare
Class 5 - Powerful; Excellent Skill; Almost Unbeatable; Super Rare
Age: (16+)
Weaknesses: (4 minimum)
Backstory: (This should include (Min.): Life before the program, why you entered the program, how you survived the program (particularly what happened in Stage 3), how your developed ability relates to your character)


Anyone interested? Any suggestions?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Im interested.... I think xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sovay
Avatar of Sovay

Sovay Disney Princess

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Lady Athena
Thank you! :) If I get more interest I'll start it up :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'm definitely interested ^.^

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