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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hana stood in front of the academy, she would start today with the academy for shinigami's and looked at the uniform she was wearing. Her shoulder long blond hair was bounded in a ponytail and she carried a bag with the tiny amount of stuff she had inside of it. She looked around and saw a few groups with other students. It looked like not everybody was new, of course not.. Probably a lot had spend their vacation time at the house of their family's. She wondered what it was to have a family or friends. She never had friends, she had always lived on the streets and their you lived for your own. She sighed and decided to search for a place in the shades of a tree, she started to walk away and looked around.

Once she saw some trees in the distance, she also bumped into someone and fell on the ground. ''Look out you stupid ass!'' she said and looked up, frowning while she had her hand on her hear. ''Didn't your mother give you eyes? Geesh..'' she said and looked up to see the one that she had bumped into. It was a guy, he already had quit some muscles and she started to wonder how long he had been working out to get them that way. She didn't know how old he was, but he looked quit manly already. Her with her silly thirteen years came just looking across the corner of growing up. Yet that didn't mean that she didn't know anything or would be naive. She knew what a man could do to a women, that and the fact about rumors from people about her last name, Kaori, said that the small Kaori clan was murdered by a group of hollows, was enough for her to try to become a Shinigami.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Quietly he strolled along the pathways found throughout the Academy, he was on his final year, ready to graduate and become a full fledged Death God, it had been a long time coming, he'd worked hard for this moment. That was when, as he walked along, he felt something run into him, and an angry voice shouting at him, a thud bouncing through his body, though he barely even staggered, eyes roving around he found the source of the noise, a newer student, very young.

"I think that's my line, undergraduate." He said, looking down and seeing the girl on the ground as he offered his hand "You were running through here full tilt with nary a care where you were going, I was just enjoying a leisurely stroll when you barreled into me." When she was on her feet he helped dust her off "If it really bothers you so much, perhaps you should pay more attention."

With that done "Now, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Even before Hana could say a word, the older boy helped her back on her feet and dusted her off. She groaned some and once she thought it was enough she did a few steps away. ''I am not undergraduate! That is quite mean to say you know'' she said and looked at him. ''I was just looking for some trees to sit in their shadows and enjoy the last minutes of my freedom... Before I would get locked up in this academy'' she said and crossed her arms. ''What pleasure do you talk about?'' she then asked and looked away. She didn't like the way he talked to her, like she was a kid, she wasn't a kid anymore.. Soon she would grow and become a teenager. Who did he think he was to treat her like a dumb kid that didn't know anything.

Suddenly a girl, around the same age as Hana came across the corner. ''Ehm.. I-I am sorry.. But are you Kaori-chan?'' she asked with a soft voice. ''I am not a Chan... But my name is Kaori yes... Why?'' Hana asked. ''Well.. I-I had to look for you.. The welcoming ceremony has started five minutes ago and.. well... They were calling up our names..'' she said. ''Pffft.. Okay..'' Hana said with a soft smile and a nicer look on her face. She then turned back to the guy she had bumped into. ''Don't think this will happen again.. Unless you slip and fall'' she said and then turned around and walked along with the shy girl, back to the entrance of the Academy. There she heard that the shy girl would be her classmate and she smiled some. Maybe she would have one friend after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arashi shrugged, she was a rather stand offish girl, but he also had the feeling she didn't understand how things worked in the Academy, she made it sound like she had just barely started here, which of course meant she was an undergraduate, with a shrug he decided her idea of getting some shade sounded pretty good, he was done with any studies he needed to finish and rather liked the idea of a relaxing nap.

So he did that, laying back in the shade, a bottle of sake in one hand that he sipped at as he laid his back against the firm bark of the tree, it's cherry blossoms flowing gently in the breeze, it was a nice day...not too warm, not too cold, the sun shining brightly, and pleasant scents in the air, if he was to ever say one thing about Soul Society, it was that the weather was usually quite nice, bad weather was uncommon. Though he did miss aspects of his old life, he most of the time avoided reminiscing too much, homesickness was a waste of time, he was dead, and that life was gone.

Besides, it wasn't like life was all that bad here, and he'd checked in on her a few times, she was doing okay without him, she'd found someone else, and once he was satisfied she would be alright, Arashi had finally been able to move on.

So, for the time being, he merely focused on working on becoming a Death God, to try and protect other people from what happened to him, If she hadn't been there that day... He thought quietly to himself, she was the one who had convinced him to join up with the Gotei 13, and he'd accepted. For a time he sat there, before he finally got up and dusted himself off, it was time to get back to it.

He may have been caught up on studies, but there was more to be done, he wasn't the top of his class for nothing.


"Students!" Barked the teacher, "Today, I have someone who will assist me in teaching you zanjutsu! He's one of the most promising students in the academy, his name is Arashi, and he will be helping teach half of you today!." Arashi rubbed his head with a wry smile and told his sensei "I wish you wouldn't say things like that, I'm not that good." The teacher chuckled "Nonsense! Quit being so modest Arashi, why you remind me of a student I had once," Raising an eyebrow he responded "Oh? And who is that?"

"Ukitake Jyushiro of course! He was brilliant, but he was just as modest are you're being now." Arashi smiled then and said "Well, thanks sensei, I'll grab this half."

Walking over to the half of the class he had been assigned to teach to, he gauged them silently, observing their spirit levels, the demeanor in their faces and body language, some of them seemed resentful he had been placed over them, and he decided to get that out of the way "My name is Arashi, as you already know, I see we have some people who have doubts, let us get that out of the way first, if you feel I cannot teach you properly then...come, attack me right now, you can even do it all at once, I'm not going to waste my time trying to teach someone who thinks I got this position out of being favored by a teacher."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zanjutsu, It would probably become Hana's most favored lesson off the day. She always had liked the way she saw people sometimes spar on the streets. It was a way of fighting where you not just used a zanpactou but also could fight with your hands and feet or any other way, you could use so much during zanjutsu. Hana looked at the teacher and felt like he was looking down on them but she didn't mind. She laid her hand on the shoulder of the shy girl but then she saw the guy she had bumped into. He took the half she was in and told that if they had doubt in this lesson, they could attack him. She didn't like this and she turned her back to him, she knew he would be able to stay on his feet.. She had felt him grip around her arms when he helped her up. The shy girl, Maddie, poked her on her shoulder. ''Kaori-san.. We have to look at him..'' she said. Hana sighed and turned around, at the moment she turned around. Three boys attacked Arashi and Hana giggled softly. ''Suckers'' she whispered and looked at what he would do. She must admit, he had sound quite nice when he introduced himself. Maybe she was the one that should take up a better, nicer attitude.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arashi merely smiled inwardly when he saw three go for their zanpaktou's, they rushed him one after another, and he casually began to dodge their attacks, he didn't even bother to draw his sword, "I sure hope you're not aiming for the 11th Squad if you fight like that." He chided them "Hell, I wouldn't even accept you into the Gotei 13 at this rate." Their anger was palpable, and their attacks grew in intensity...but also grew in how sloppy they were.

"Rage is a tool, if you cannot harness it, then you cannot fight properly in battle, right now your rage rules you and makes you weak, you will never discover your zanpaktou's name if you let anger rule you." He explained calmly as he evaded their attacks "Uncontrolled anger will block your Soul Slayer's voice, making obtaining a Shikai impossible, focus your anger, use it to power your strength, don't let it cloud your mind."

Remarkably, they began listening to him, and started using the fury to instead merely put power into their swings, not to dictate their attacks, and Arashi smiled and then said "Very good, however, it's about time to wrap this up," With that he moved, in a few moments the three were down on the ground, he'd knocked them out with a combination of Hoho and Zanjutsu, using his sheathe to deal blunt, non-lethal blows.

While they recovered he turned back to the class "Now, let us begin with that out of the way shall we."

From there he worked with them, the three lads were much more respectful now that they'd witnessed the ease with which he'd defeated them, and while he guessed there was still some resentment burning in there, he worked to teach them to harness their emotions, to use them as tools. "A true warrior feels all emotion in the flow of battle, but he is in control, not them, don't be afraid to use these feelings, but always keep them distanced from your ability to make decisions." He told them "If you can control your feelings, you will obtain inner peace, and accelerate the rate of which you can obtain Shikai, and potentially even Bankai."

A student raised her hand and timidly asked if he had Shikai and Arashi answered simply "I am getting close." And left it at that, but for now...he had an eye for the blond girl who'd run into him earlier, the rest of the class was doing fine and he took her aside to work with her personally. After several spars, he found she had a fair bit of natural talent "Well done, keep practicing hard, and you will be one of the top students." He told her when class had been finished up "You have a great deal of natural talent with sword fighting, how are you in other areas?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hana had never expected him to ask her for sparring but she did her best and used the sparring lads on the street as a reminder how it kinda worked. That and she just wanted to show him she wasn't a little girl. Keeping in mind what he said about emotions and feelings, she smiled and after the last spar he complimented her. she smiled some and then thought about her other ability's. ''To be honest, I don't know how I am in other areas.. This was the first class I had today'' she said and looked up at him. ''Ehm... Arashi-sama... For which Squad are you aiming?'' she then asked and had became quite curious about which Squad he preferred. She was still standing in the classroom while everybody else was gone already. ''Oh.. And.. I am sorry for my behavior the first time we met...'' she said, she looked down and he could feel that she didn't like to apologize. She looked back up at him and gave him a little smile. ''I think its time that I go to the next class.. Or else I'll be late'' she said
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arashi grunted "I'm going to be joining Captain Ukitake's squad, he liked the look of me and my mild manner, and I suspect my willingness to do paperwork while he's...busy." The shinigami didn't elaborate, if she wasn't already aware of Ukitake's health issues, he wasn't going to be the one to fill her in, Arashi detested gossip. "And no worries, I'm a fairly laid back guy, you'd have to work harder then that to offend me, and yes, you should hurry on, if you want to get accepted anywhere, you're going to have to work hard."


From there, some years went by, Arashi quite agreeable to tutoring the young Hana in her zanjutsu, something he happened to be quite good at, but more importantly, her shunpo, which was what he was best at, like the lightning, he moved fast. And then, when they had free time, she would come by to see him on occasion, typically to just talk, drink sake, or to enjoy his music.

A hobby of his, playing on the flute.

Soon however, those days came to the end when he graduated, and was accepted into the Gotei 13. "See ya around kid," He started to say, then chuckled "Aw don't give me that look, it's not like you're not gonna see me again, you'll get there, you've got the talent, just take your time and be patient." Clapping her on the back he stated cheerily "I bet you'll even end up as lieutenant before you know it!"

With that, they parted.

Time went by, and eventually, Arashi became lieutenant of Squad 13, in lieu of the previous tenant, Shiba Kaien, who'd had a tragic ending. Although the position was far from glamorous, as due to Ukitake's illness, a lot of the management of the squad was left on Arashi, who didn't mind and went through the business of handling these things with a constant bemused expression on his face.

A few people had compared him to Aizen Sosuke that way, who never seemed to get flustered by much of anything and always had an amiable smile on his face along with those calm, steady eyes. Though honestly, Arashi didn't like the comparison, something about Aizen rubbed him the wrong way, but he'd never been able to put a finger on it, and the man was well liked and respected, so he kept such thoughts to himself.

However, lately he wondered what Hana was up to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hana enjoyed the lessons in Zanjutsu when Arashi was the teacher. Not only she could improve her ability's, she also could make a lot of fun with Arashi. Sometimes she was playing so much that he made her fall so she would get concentrated again. She grew from her lessons with him and felt proud to be a student at the Academy. Outside the lessons she had became friends with Arashi and she liked the moments and chats with him. She liked his flute playing and learned how to drink sake without getting drunk.

The years had passed and the day Arashi left was a sad day for Hana. By other students she was called a teachers pet, because she always smiled and did more her best when Arashi helped her. She had trouble to fight against the tears, she was now fifteen and soon she would reach her sixteen birthday. ''I had just wished that you would be there at my birthday Arashi-san'' she said and smiled some. She had put a little bottle with sake in his bag and a small plate which she had decorated with some paint by herself. She hoped he would like it. ''I promise to enter the Gotei 13 soon... Yet I'll aim for squad 6 I think.. Or maybe even squad 11..'' she said and the last was a little joke, which he knew of course. Then he left and she had stand there for another thirty minutes.


Hana's exam was on the exact date that Arashi had left, now almost three years ago. She would be nineteen soon and she knew it was time for her to pass the exam and find out if her friend was still knowing her. The short blond hair had grown and was now halfway her back. During training she wore it in a ponytail or braided, when she had normal lessons, she wore it loose. The exam was though yet she did pass and was told that she would enter Squad 6, as a second lieutenant together with Renji Abarai, which was there already. She thought it would be fun to share the same rank, it would give a little competition probably.

On her goodbye there were not much other students, only Maddie came to say goodbye. ''I will not be there soon.. But do your best'' she said. ''Silly girl.. Your healing work is magnificent! Have more trust in yourself okay?'' Hana said. Maddie smiled and nodded. ''Thank you Kaori-chan'' she said. ''Your welcome'' Hana said and then turned around. She walked to the portal that brought her to the Gotei 13.

When Hana entered the Gotei 13, she went to see her Squad and Captain first. She knew that Captain Kuchiki wasn't a soft one. His pride was something he would die for and she smiled, she felt the same about it. Yet she also knew she would die for one other thing, her friends. She looked around and was curious, would Arashi-san know that she was here now? She knew he was ranked in Squad 13, yet she didn't know which rank he had now. Maybe lieutenant? Maybe even Captain! She had learned that Captain Ukitake had health problems, but he was still able to fight. She thought that was the true definition of being strong.

While she was thinking so much, it happened. She bumped into someone and fell to the ground. ''Look out where your walking!'' she said and looked up, she saw a very familiar face and a smile appeared on her face. ''Arashi-san!'' she said. ''How are you? How have you been? Did you become lieutenant? How is your Captain?'' she asked and got up. She had a smile around her lips and looked at him happily to see her best friend again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arashi grunted, he'd run into something, and from the sounds of it, someone has fallen over, somehow, he had a feeling as to who it was. There were only two people who ran around the Gotei 13 without a care in the world as to where they were going, and this particular person was too short to be the other. "Hana," He said with a smile looking down "I see you made it finally, glad to see you're doing alright." A hand was extended and he helped her up and dusted her off, in one arm was a bundle of paperwork.

Seeing her eyes glance at it all he smiled wryly "Ah yes, I manage the squad for the Captain, he's often ill enough he has a hard time taking care of this, so it's left to me, which is fine, I used to be good at this sort of thing before I uh...died." An awkward silence fell at that, it was unusual for a death god to be anyone who remembered their previous life. "Anyways, where are you based?"

Hearing her response he rubbed a chin thoughtfully, wincing slightly "Captain Kuchiki's squad eh? You're fortunate, Abarai-San isn't hard to get along with, and he acts as a mediary between the rest of the squad and the captain." Arashi didn't elaborate, ever the diplomat, the Captain was difficult to live with at times, at least if you were the sort of person who was a free spirit like Hana, it likely wouldn't have bothered Arashi all that much.

Nor did he talk about the young lass in his squad, she'd never show it, but Rukia suffered from something, something Arashi suspected had to do with the loss of the previous lieutenant, he didn't know many of the details, for Arashi had pointedly not asked, and Ukitake had as a result understood he didn't really want to know unless someone told him about it, and so far, Rukia had kept quiet about it.

"So, how are your skills progressing?" He asked with a smile, changing the subject "Had any luck obtaining Shikai? When I've got some free time which is..." He seemed to think "This afternoon, and the day after that, we can spend some time together and I can help you with the subject, in the mean time I have to ensure the patrols are going well."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

''You are still such a hard worker... I am glad that you just told me that the other lieutenant isn't that hard to get along with.. The only thing I heard about him on the Academy was that he has a high pride and that he acts a bit like a goofball so now and then'' Hana said after he had spoken and had helped her dusting off. ''You know, this kind of meeting reminds me of the first time'' she said and looked at him. She sure had missed him. ''Shikai?'' She asked and looked at the air like she was thinking hard. ''Nope.. I don't need help now with it, and also not this afternoon?'' she said. ''I rather drink some sake and listen to your flute playing this afternoon.. If I do not have to work of course'' she said, she started to slightly blush as she said: I've really missed them.. No body was able to play flute like you did''. She didn't mention what he just said about memories of his life, if she would, they would get a deep conversation and this was not the time for that.

At that moment, a red haired young man came along the corner. ''Aah! Arashi-san.. How are you? And how is Captain Ukitake?'' he asked. He looked at Arashi with a grin and then his eye caught Hana, he looked amazed. ''Are you Kaori-chan?'' he asked. ''I am Kaori Hana yes... But I am not a chan'' she said and crossed her arms. ''Well.. Your not sama eather'' Renji said. ''Oh duh.. But just say san... Peanut head'' she said and turned her back to him. ''I am the lieutenant here'' Renji said. ''So your Abarai Renji.. Your not the only lieutenant anymore'' she said. ''I am gonna show you around I guess, and then show you where you can find the Captain and were your room is'' Renji said. ''Ok..'' Hana said and looked at Arashi, her frown turned back to a smile. ''Sake, at the end of this afternoon it is then?'' she asked him. She saw Renji raise a brow, like he wanted to say that, that isn't the way to ask someone out. But this was not going to be a date, more a way for friends to share story's after a long time not seeing each other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arashi smiled at her compliment to his musical talent "Really? Do you think so? Hearing that makes me glad, I didn't learn to play it for just myself, so it's good to hear my efforts are not in vain." Then he spotted someone he knew and said "Ah, Abarai-San, how are you doing today?" After exchanging the pleasantries, he watched with amusement at the banter between Hana and his fellow lieutenant.

At her invitation he nodded, but before they left "Abarai-san," He said in a mild tone, the redhead turned back to look at him questioningly, but paled when he saw the dangerous look in Arashi's eyes "You'd best take good care of Hana here, or I'm going to be displeased with you." While he was all smiles, and his tone wasn't the least bit threatening, the flat look told Renji all he needed to know.

Waving his hands to ward Arashi's anger off he said "Of course of course! I'd never let one of our most promising squadmember's come to harm! You go and enjoy your date now." He jumped, as the look in his fellow lieutenant's eyes grew sharp like blades, "O-or whatever you're doing! Have fun!" With that Renji booked it out of there.


Turning back to Hana with a smile he asked "Where would you like to go?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hana scratched the back of her hand lightly when she saw Renji turning a little pale. Did Arashi just tell him not to try any kind of teasing, bullying or what ever Abarai-san could do to a new member? She didn't know but smiled and looked with the same smile at Arashi when he turned back to her and asked her where she would like to go. ''Well.. Since I have heard that Kuchiki-sama is very strict... It is probably better to go to a peaceful place in your squad. I would not like to clean the ponds or wash all the squads clothes on my first day here'' she said and softly giggled.

She looked around and then decided to do what she already wanted to do when she had seen it was Arashi she had bumped into. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a hug. Soft but also fast because she didn't know of course if he would like the hug. ''I have missed you Arashi-san'' she said and look at him after she had let go of him. A light blush had appeared on her cheeks but no body would say she was blushing, since it more looked like a pink flush which more girls had.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You seem like you're in good spirits," Said Arashi in faint surprise as she wrapped her arms around him, wondering what on earth had come over the girl. "And I wouldn't say Kuchiki-san is strict, most of the time he manages the squad through his lieutenant, he's a nice guy, but a bit clueless at times, you'll be fine." He told her as Arashi awkwardly returned the hug, when she released him he looked a little relieved.

For a while ,he didn't know what to say to her for a while, merely standing there awkwardly, before he broke the silence "Come on, let's go." He took her to a spot inside Seireitei that was quiet, and most of all private, he could have just taken her to his private quarters, but that would have raised quite a few eyebrows and set the gossips abuzz. There he said "Wait here." And disappeared rather quickly, the skill Arashi practiced more then any other, was shunpo, doing his best to emulate the Goddess of Flash herself, speed was the key to winning any battle next to your mind.

For with speed, he could strike an opponent down before they could even react, Arashi had already earned himself a nickname, combined with his sword skills, his shikai...and his shunpo, some had taken to calling him 'the Razor', for he struck as hard and fast as lightning, cutting his opponents in twain. But he wasn't anywhere near as quick as Kuchiki Byakuya, that was his goal, more then anything.

Arashi wanted to be faster, then even the Goddess of Flash herself. An absurd goal, but then again perfection was something everyone strove to obtain, even if you never got there, the journey itself was what mattered, he may never be as good as either, but trying would make him significantly stronger, for in Arashi's mind...if he was the fastest out there...

I can protect anyone I wish with ease, for no one will be able to evade my speed...they say I'm like lightning, but I want to be more...a lightning storm, perhaps.

When he came back, which hadn't taken him very long at all, he presented two cups, and a bottle of some very high quality sake that he'd been saving, sitting down he poured her some, and then himself "So...what have you been doing while I've been away?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hana looked a bit amazed as he took her to a place very quiet and she smiled. Yes, this was the perfect place for them to catch up and listen to his flute play. He told her to wait her and so she did, taking her seat against a tree. She thought back about their time at the Academy, she had enjoyed it more than anything and she did remember how bad she felt when he was gone. She smiled a little, as soon as he was gone, she had focused on her homework and training even more than before. Just to be able to follow him, since she felt very alone after he had left.

She looked at him as he came back and she smiled. ''Mmm, sake'' she said and softly giggled. She took the cup and patted on the floor next to her. ''Come, take a seat'' she said with a soft smile. She had felt his hesitation during the hug, feeling he had not really liked it probably. She didn't really mind, or did she? Mentally she shook her head, they were friends, maybe he just didn't expect her to hug him. ''Training and doing all the work I had to do, sometimes even more... Kinda just to be able to follow you... Its not that I am a sheep that follows her boss everywhere... More that the bully's that you kept away from me took their chance'' she said and sighed softly. It was true, Academy got hard after his leave. ''I must admit that I have missed you a lot, if I didn't understand something, I always walked to your room after class but before I even got to it, I remembered that you were not there'' she said, almost whispering the confess of missing him then she took a sip of her sake, she could taste that it was a very good one and she smiled. ''How have you been?'' she asked and looked at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After a while, Arashi didn't say anything, before apologizing "I'm sorry you suffered because of my absence, they...were afraid of me due to my reputation, if it weren't for that they would have bothered you even while I was there." He explained to her softly, Arashi didn't elaborate further, the last thing he needed to do was to scare her off by discovering that when a fight he started he turned into a psychopath rivaling Zaraki Kenpachi.

It was why he'd joined the 13th Squad, Ukitake was mentoring him and teaching him in advanced meditation rituals that helped calm his violent side, which was also why he was always amiable and mild-mannered around others, but they had heard the rumors, there were many who wondered how much of it was just a mask...hiding the man underneath it who reveled in the battle, the blood and the slaughter.

Closing his eyes he took deep breaths, falling into a breathing pattern to calm himself, when he felt in control he resumed normal breathing. then asked "You seem confused even now, look at me." When she did so, gazing into his eyes, he knew she could see the turmoil held back by tranquility, "I have something that I can teach you, something that Ukitake was teaching me even before I left the academy, I can pass on those teachings to you now, I think you will find them of benefit...to calm whatever storms beset your heart, most importantly, learning to calm yourself will make it easier to communicate with your zanpaktou, my Captain told me that it's possible to obtain Bankai easier and faster if you learn these meditation techniques."

Looking into the sky he saw they had plenty of time "There's no time like the present, I say we begin now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hana saw and felt his pain and she laid her hand on his shoulder, looking him straight in the eye. ''Arashi-san... I'll never get scared of you... Even if you turned out to be a monster or what ever.. I don't care that they were scared of you, I admire you for your strength and your way of teaching has helped me a lot... Even after you were gone... If I didn't understand it, I closed my eyes and thought about how you would have told me...'' she said. ''Like when I asked you how Spiritual Pressure can be all around us... Do you remember? You told me that is was like the wind.. You can't see it, but you can feel it'' she said, almost whispering. She smiled, feeling happy to be here with him.

He told her about meditation, she nodded and listened carefully, her head held a little to the right. She smiled and nodded again. ''I would love to learn how to control my emotions a bit more.. or, a lot more.. I do feel a lot of anger, but also hurt inside of me during my fights... And I would love to learn my Shikai faster... Bankai I don't really mind, not yet.. I am still young and I don't have any intention to die soon'' she said and laid her finger on his nose. ''I hoped that we were just going to relax, but I do know again why I came to you.. You combine rest and training in one.. Lets do it'' she said and smiled brightly. She drank the last bit of her Sake and laid her cup next to the bottle. ''That Sake is good, next time I will bring the Sake'' she said as a promise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sake isn't always capitalized

With that they got to the training, she picked it up quickly and after a practicing it herself, he saw already lines of stress easing throughout her body, when it was done, they spent a few more hours just relaxing before he excused himself "It's good to see you again, but I have to be off and away." He told her with a smile "I still have many duties to attend to and the paperwork won't do itself, Ukitake-sama is relying on me...and earlier, it wasn't that Abarai-san might pick on you, I was just warning him to make sure you do alright."

Then he got up and bid her farewell. From there a week or so passed, with them visiting on occasion but not really having time to do more, it was then that a problem arose for the lieutenant, who after getting some advise from his Captain, came to Hana "I have a...delicate matter I need you to take care of, my Captain advised me to only come to someone I trust, he'd normally send me, but my workload is too big for me to do this, I need you to go to Earth and find Kuchiki Rukia, one of my squadmates, we haven't heard any word from her in over a week and I'm getting a bit worried, can you go and find out if she's still alive, and if so if she's alright?"

He hoped Hana would be receptive "I've already cleared it with Abarai-san, who has agreed to uh...keep this little venture of yours a secret from your Captain, I don't want him to know just yet, if there's a problem we'll let him know but I see no purpose in bringing something to his attention that may be totally trivial and not a problem at all." Arashi looked at her "Can I count on you for this?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As always Hana really enjoyed the moments she had with Arashi. It wasn't just the little moments they had for relaxing, but also when she saw him walking trough the hallways she was feeling happy to see him working so hard. She was used to him working hard and so she enjoyed it to see him smile. The day he asked her for a meeting she went to him right after placing the last dot behind her part of her paperwork. She let someone bring it to her captain and then went to Arashi.

''That must be the sister of Captain Kuchiki..'' she said. She had nodded already before he even had finished his little explanation. ''Of course I will do that... Its going to be a secret and you will get the information from first hand..'' she said with a smile. ''Don't worry.. I am always happy to know that I can help you Arashi-san'' she said and smiled. A lot people had not seen her smile, the look her in eyes was mostly hard and concentrated, most people called her the ice lieutenant.. But she didn't care. She knew she 'melted' around Arashi. Just because he had been her best friend ever since the academy. ''I'll leave tomorrow morning, early... If you can make sure you give me information from the last town she was send too... I can better start there I guess'' she said.
The next morning, Hana woke up before the sun was up and she got her bag ready. She did her hair in a bun and then took her cloak, putting it on while she opened her door, she looked around. From there she walked to the place where she and Arashi would meet up for the last information. She looked around and placed the hood of her cloak over her head, so her face was covered. ''Arashi-san?'' she whispered when she had arrived. ''Abarai-kun?'' she then whispered and waited for answers.

''Over here'' Abarai said and Hana walked over to his voice. ''Good.. Your here too.. Arashi will come in a moment'' Abarai said and Hana nodded. She kinda felt nervous, this was going to be her first mission in the real world. She looked around and waited together with Abarai in the shadows. ''Make sure that you bring the information to Arashi and me first..'' Abarai said. ''I ain't dumb.. Even though I am blond'' Hana said and saw a shadow walking to them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hunter of Shadows
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Hunter of Shadows Vereor Nox

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

For a time, Arashi had no idea or report where Hana was, but he'd forced himself to relax, due to the nature of the Precipice World, time was convoluted between Soul Society and Earth(or Hueco Muendo for that matter), time could either pass more slowly, or more quickly through a variety of factors still not understood entirely, even by Captain Mayuri or the famed Urahara.

Afterall, for all he knew it could have been weeks to his few days in the human world, or the reverse, he had no way of knowing, so with a sigh he settled down and got to work for the next five days, training and filling out paperwork for his ill captain. It was then that a messenger arrived "Lieutenant! We have an urgent situation in the human world, you are to be dispatched there to deal with a hollow incursion by order of the Central 46!"

That was highly irregular "Why am I being sent to deal with a mere hollow incursion, aren't there lower ranking shinigami who can deal with the problem?" He asked the messenger curtly and the man shook his head "It is not the numbers of the beasts that has the 46 concerned, our Scout Corps has detected an enormous breach between dimensions, we believe a Menos may be attempting to break through!"

That got Arashi's attention, a Menos Grande? No wonder they'd requested his presence, that was definitely a threat for a vice-captain or above, Gillians were not foes to be trifled with, he'd seen one...once, and had never cared to repeat the experience. He'd seen what the mighty cero was capable of, the Doomflash was quite likely the most aptly named ability Arashi had ever seen, even Captain's had to be wary of it's destructive force.

"I'll head out at once." He said, and hurried to get a Hell Butterfly, grabbing his zanpaktou, wondering what the hell was going on down there...

Be safe Hana
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