Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 17 min ago

"Oh you know, can't complain," Gabe said as Soren and Ash chatted a bit. He stayed mostly quiet for this. Part of that was because he was simply enjoying his breakfast, the other part was because when Soren made those dots on the paper Gabe realized Ash was blind and he hadn't even noticed, so that was embarrassing. Soren asked about anything out of the ordinary, and after finishing his cereal quickly he responded.

"Oh nothing really, just realizing I'm incredibly thick and don't notice things, you know, the usual." He spoke next, to Ash, "I totally didn't realize you were blind man, now I feel like an idiot. Though you navigate very well for someone who can't see, are you totally blind or can you see really blurry outlines of people? I think I read somewhere that most blind people have at least some vision," Gabe realized he was blabbering on and flushed before looking down at his plate. "Sorry, I just have a big thirst for knowledge. I like to know as much as I can, so sorry if I was prying too much."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As the paper crinkled into his hand, he couldn’t help but smirk. Though he couldn’t read the words written there, the indentions could be felt with his fingertips and he was able to get the message all the same. Looks like he wasn’t the only one wanting to form a coup. When Soren described what the hospital was for he almost wanted to tell how he knew….but that could wait. They would be facing the truth tonight and he could only hope they would listen….That and not get caught. His skin was still tingling from the hair raising experience of having Saria in the same room. If She caught them it would all be over before it even started and he would no doubt end up in the darkness once more. That or dead. Neither of which seemed like a jolly good time all around.

Taking a bit of a questionable fruit that was not exactly rotten but far past its ripeness, he addressed both the people at the table. “Just out of curiosity, what exactly is the plan if little Miss Devil’s Mistress decides to check the rooms at night?” He really did not know if this was going to occur at all or if she was one to even do that kind of thing. Asher could see her manipulative grasps having a handful of men happy to do her bidding, and probably didn’t have to lift a finger in this establishment at all.

He looked down at his tray taking a bite of meat which to his surprise was actually fairly acceptable (then again it is hard to manage to screw up bacon). “Yeah, man don’t worry about it. If I was easily offended over being blind that would be a kill joy. So long as uncomfortable blind jokes don’t bother you, you can’t bother me.” Honestly, this was not entirely true. Asher didn’t mind if a friend joked with him about it, but is some random kid thought they could dominate him, he would stand his ground.

Thinking about Gabe’s comment over getting around he added, “Oh, no I’m completely blind, for now that is. But let’s just say I have friends in strange places to help me out.”
With that he went back to crunching his bacon. Asher couldn’t help but to be curious over Soren’s system to get the rest of the patients to the second floor; also, to how he managed to get around the Warden all this time. At the very least, that alone was enough to earn Ash’s respect. “So are you sort of the leader here?”

@duskshine749 @Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

☽ Lunafreya ☾

Searching around for an unsoiled napkin amongst the scattered folds of white surrounding her tray, she managed to find one and quickly plucked it up, folding it before handing it to Isadora. Luna could understand how the girl felt to a t. This place, with a cruel Devil of a warden, guards who were always making the girls feel uncomfortable, and doctors who were far too excited to prick with needles, they all tried their hardest to kill any affection left in a patient’s heart. It took effort every single day to not let this place pollute you with its melancholy atmosphere. If you let it overcome you, not only would you never be able to leave (although Lunafreya didn’t think this was even possible anymore) but They would win. The thought was putrid to her.

“People waiting….” Luna stated this mindlessly, and though it was addressed to no one but herself it seemed too heavy of a toll to think of. The only person who could be waiting for her would be her mother, and even then she wasn’t entirely sure. Through the tidbit of memories she obtained (all showing only kindness from her mom) for some reason the last memory of her made Luna uncomfortable. She wasn’t entirely sure why as she couldn’t quite recall it. She just knows something big happened…..something was wrong. Looking back towards the window she shrugged, “Yeah, I guess there isn’t really anyone out there for me at all either.”

A flash of off-white caught in her peripheral causing her attention to fall on the table occupied by the three guys. Soren’s hands slipped the note into the new kid’s without leaving any reason for alarm and he went back to his nonchalant demeanor. Luna’s eyes immediately went to the Warden’s location in the room only to find she was distracted while talking into her earpiece. A breath escaped in relief, one she didn’t know she had been holding and then she checked the clock. No doubt the meeting would be in a couple hours. They usually tried not to keep it at the same time but it had an order to it nonetheless. Tapping a finger on the table to get Isadora’s attention she merely whispered, “Looks like we are expecting a ‘Smoke’ break at 10” and with that the message was passed.

It was the time before being in the safety of the room which always made her anxious. They were always being observed, but there they would be as free as one could possibly be in a place like this. Now if only the clock could move a little faster With this last thought she finished up her meal.

@Shadow007@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

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Soren Gale

Soren couldn't help but shake his head at Ash. He was relatively new here, that much couldn't be helped until he had experience, and the man knew that first hand. "Things never happen at night. Well, aside from Stormy. You'll know her when you meet her." Choosing to leave Stormy an enigma, the man finished off his breakfast and downed the last of his water, then stood and picked up his dishes. "I'll be back in a minute." He brought the cutlery over to a sort of collection bin and dropped it inside, then made a detour over to the table where Gustav and Kit sat.

He stopped briefly and leaned over the end of the table, talking with his head down. "Smoke break at 10, gents." If he remembered correctly, all the inmates had gotten together one day to create a whole host of phrases to specify meeting places within the asylum. 'Smoke' had been among the simpler ones thought up.

Flashing them both a smile, Soren continued on his way back to his table. He sat back down just as Ash said something about having friends in strange places. Decidedly staying silent, the man remained so until the blind man beside him stopped talking. He dropped his voice to a low tone, bringing the two with him close. "Well, I wouldn't call myself the leader here. More of a... manager, kind of thing. But I've been here my whole life, and I have the connections that can free us." He sat forward and rested his elbows on the table before them, smirking slightly. "I'm usually in the common room if you need to find me for anything." He closed his mouth and sat, content for the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*Isadora Fey*

Isadora quickly dried her eyes when she saw that the warden had entered the cafeteria, she definitely didn't want that woman to see her crying. Isadora was extremely scared of her... She reminded her of her guardian, someone that she rather not think about all the time but somehow managed to continue returning to. It was extremely annoying to her, it was like he still had complete control of her after death.

She shook her head, trying to break out of her thoughts and starting eating her yogurt, knowing that if the warden didn't see her eating, she would be in trouble. But, every bite was like torture to her, she felt like she was going to be sick as every bite of yogurt that entered her stomach caused it to twist and turn painfully. She suddenly put a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide, she could feel the bile climbing up her throat. She cursed herself, trying to swallow it back down, but it continued to climb before she had no choice put to spit it up before she gagged on it and sprayed it everywhere.

She looked down at the messing on the table, yogurt still dripping from her lips and her eyes stinging with new tears and her cheeks burning. She felt so embarrassed, she had basically just thrown up in front of her new friend. Luna had to be judging her now, everything seemed to be moving slower for her as she heard the clacking of footsteps from behind her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

☽ Lunafreya ☾

At first it was almost unnoticeable, Isadora was quite fair, but as the color of the girl seemed to pale even more Luna was barely able to move out of the way before the liquid pushed itself up from her throat. The little food the poor girl ate was now covering the table, as well as the front of her shirt. Her own stomach hardening, refusing to follow suit, the only disgust Luna could feel was in hatred towards the Warden. Slapping her hands on the table she stood up abruptly all but hissing, “This is all her fault!.” Taking the ponytail from her wrist and throwing her hair up into a bun she made her way to the other side of the table, placing hands on either said of the girl’s shoulders and guiding her to stand up.

Reassuring her not to worry about the mess, she continued to guide her down the hall to her room. Let that witch and her minions worry about cleaning it up. Glancing at Isadora from the corner of her eye, she secretly hoped the others would never bring the incident up ever. As the two walked Lunes ran her hand over the girl’s hair much like a mother would an upset child. “Hey. It’s okay, okay? We’ll just take you to your room and you can take a shower and clean up. By the time you get out everyone will have forgotten and it’ll be time for the meeting.”

It wasn’t long before they were at their destination. While leaving Isa in the bathroom to shower, Luna gathered up a set of clean clothes, setting them just outside the door. Hearing the shower start she went back to her own room to clean the bits that found their way to her.

A little bit later

Small hands turned white as they gripped at their own arms, simultaneously stopping them from shaking. It was quite in the dusty hallway, all but the occasional sound of a chair shifting in the distance. Looks like I won’t be the first one after all The sound alone comforted her some. There was not much light on the second floor of the building, most of the electricity was burned in the fire causing Luna to be stuck in fear until she made it to the lit room. Walking quickly, she had to remind herself not to run, not to seem so panicked. There was no need to give anyone a reason to laugh at her. She couldn’t get there fast enough.

Opening the door she saw Soren was already there. Looking down, she slipped in finding her way to a desk. Feeling the flush in her cheeks she quickly disregarded it instead taking her thoughts to Isadora and whether she was going to be okay this afternoon. Allowing her legs to fall over the side of the desk she let them swing idly. Sighing on the matter she stared blankly at the chalkboard of today’s agenda; the room used to be a classroom for the patients who came to the hospital at a young age. Luna didn’t know how the fire started, but rumor states it was because of a patient who had a break after avoiding taking his meds. Nonetheless, it made for the perfect meeting room.

@Shadow007@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Soren Gale

Soren slowly walked down the 2nd floor's desolate halls, stepping carefully over the debris in the area. He'd been up here many times since the fire, looking for anything that might've hinted to what happened to the boy that caused it. Soren himself assumed he was dead, body probably cast into the ocean surrounding the island and any files on him erased. He let out an audible sigh as that thought crossed his mind, hating himself slightly. Had he interfered, maybe that kid would be alive right now... shaking his head, the man shrugged the regret off. Something like that was out of his control now, and couldn't be helped anymore. Arriving to the old classroom, he pushed open the door and looking around. It wasn't exactly destroyed, but there were scorch marks all over the floor and a lot of the room was blackened by smoke. Somehow, the chalkboard and plenty of desks had survived the initial destruction, and had only needed a quick cleaning to be usable again. And now, this was the best meeting place the inmates had.

Pulling one of the deskless chairs to the front of the room, Soren sat and rested his elbows on his knees, intertwining his fingers and looking down at the floor. His attention was stolen from this meditative state soon, however, as Lunafreya showed up looking nervous. "It's alright, y'know. None of us have a deathwish on each other and there hasn't been a guard up here in weeks." His attempt to put his friend at ease made, the man stood up and grabbed a piece of chalk from the tray in front of the board and wrote out an agenda carefully. Usually, they had around two hours until someone got suspicious, and he always planned accordingly. Ash would have to be introduced and given a guide to the asylum, but beyond that, he had no idea what else to do. If someone thought of something, he was all ears.

@Midnight Howl@Shadow007@duskshine749@Fae@Keksalot
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Midnight Howl
* Isadora Fey *

Isadora flinched when Luna's hands slapped the table, thinking it was the warden until she heard Luna's familiar voice. However, this did not make her feel any better, she still felt horribly embarrassed and just wanted to sink away into the floor if she could. She allowed Luna to pull her up and away from the table, trying not to start sobbing as Luna gently comforted her. She wasn't used to such treatment and it made her feel... Almost special. It was always nice to feel that someone actually cared for you and weren't actually pretending because they "had to" or they had been put in the position. When she had awkwardly walked in the bathroom, she quickly shut the door and turned the shower on, starting to sob softly so Luna couldn't hear her. She eventually walked into the shower and looked up to the water washing over her, hopefully it would wash away her tears.

A bit later...

Isadora made her way to the so called "meeting room," hoping that she wouldn't be mocked or laughed at because of what happened this morning. She relaxed when she saw Luna in the room and awkwardly shuffled over to her, she felt like a lost dog and Luna had become her owner. She hated that she had become so needy for human contact... She was disgusting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 17 min ago

After breakfast Gabe hung around with Ash until they were to head out to their smoke break, in the meantime, Gabe had a pressing question for Ash. Once he was sure there wasn't anyone else nearby and they were in a safe place he asked, "Okay, so I know I'm a bit slow sometimes, but I'm not a complete idiot." He felt the need to start with that because he felt like sometimes other people thought he was dumb, he was pretty smart, he was just also not very observant of things.

"During breakfast you mentioned you have friends in strange places to help you see, and earlier you went all Sixth Sense on me and said you see dead people, so what's the deal?" Gabe wouldn't push the issue, if Ash didn't want to say that was fine, he just wanted to know. After his answer Gabe noticed the time, "alright, we should head upstairs now."

They got upstairs without anyone noticing them, and Gabe saw a few of the others were already there. "Hey Luna, hi Isa, nice to see you guys," he looked over at Soren, "long time no see Soren." He wasn't sure if he should introduce Ash or not, because he was all but positive that introducing him would be the first order of business today. He decided not to, if the girls asked before the others got there then he would.

@Shadow007@Mega Birb@Midnight Howl
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The rush of breakfast came to a close swiftly after the two girls left the cafeteria. Finishing his tray, he decided to follow Gabe @duskshine749 until it was time to head to wherever they were going. Locked away for years, he did not know exactly what happened on that floor. On the other hand, he was pretty certain he knew who it happened to; all in all the boy was average minus his skilled ability with the flame and a temper to match. I guess someone must of pissed you off Leon. The real question is what SHE did to you afterwards. Rumors stated the boy "who managed to get a hold on matches, trying to burn the place down" had to be sent off, others stated he died. Asher could not tell which told the truth, all he knew for certain is he had yet to see the boy's spirit.

He was reading a small Braille book (a pain in the neck to get smuggled in he might add) for the hundredth time when Gabe inquired what he told him early. Hands stopping mid-sentence he allowed the book to sag a bit in his hands and he turned to the man's aura. "What if I told you, you weren't in here for being crazy...albeit you may be now. This place is enough to drive anyone mad." Hearing the tone of the clock striking, he knew it was time for them to get going. Shutting the book with one hand, he placed it under his pillow. "But I meant exactly what I said. You'll find out, along with the others, soon enough." Standing up he stretched, then began walking towards the door. Within the last hour the hall became full of those pertaining to the other world; he had to make an effort to ignore the tortured one whispering their threats and lies.

What has you all so worked up?

Withing minutes the atmosphere was replaced, now stagnant with the faint scent of soot in the air. Touching a wall at some point he rubbed his fingers together, knowing they'd been tainted with the black powder. Leon seemed to have really done a number on it all the same. Pushing the door open he could feel the presence of the others @Shadow007@Mega Birb proceeding to find himself a desk. Sitting in the chair, memories flooded back from his childhood, long before he was in a prison. He was never bad at school, doing well enough to earn the respect of teachers, though not to the extent of pretending he knew everything. Now what? No doubt he would need to tell them all of their abilities, in the hopes they'd listen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel Erdesh

Daniel aimlessly shuffled through the halls of the hospital, eyes darting back and forth before staring off into the distance, his face locked into a blank expression. Inside the patients head thoughts darted around in a chaotic maelstorm and Daniel didn't know whether he preferred this or the numbness offered by the medication. Daniel stood still and tried to make sense of the chaos inside. He could feel shocks coursing throughout his body and the walls seemed to be fuzzy almost like TV-static, sometimes he could make out brief messages on the walls ~SHHHHH~ one of the walls said.

He began to notice some of the other people in the hospital but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying inside, he could only hear what they were speaking outside. He heard one word in particular 'schizo' They said he was schizophrenic back at the old hospital, The old Hospital was nicer with friendlier Thoughts being projected within. Perhaps Daniel thought, that He had somehow made the hospital upset, was it the same hospital but now in a foul mood?

Daniel turned his head briefly to Asher. Daniels aura would probably be pretty weird given his condition.

@Midnight Howl
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

☽ Lunafreya ☾

"It's alright, y'know. None of us have a deathwish on each other and there hasn't been a guard up here in weeks."

The sound of the voice pulled her away from her train of thought as a lighthearted sarcasm took over her tone, "I don't know Soren @Mega Birb I've been planning your demise for a while now. Soon I will be the ruler of the chalkboard." feigning an evil tone she a smiled crossed lips by the end as she turned her head to watch as he made markings on the board. He was right of course and she was indeed being silly. All the same, each time they group got away with it she could only find a simple statement at the back of her head: What would happen if the did get caught? Luna could only hope luck was still on their side, breathing out the doubt, and proceeding to her usual positive self. No longer than she started on the happy train did her new friend Isa walk in.@Shadow007

Huh? Well, that was effective! Patting the tabletop of the area next to her, she watched as the small figure shuffled their way over. It did not take a rocket scientist to assume she was still thinking about the events of this morning. Needless to say, Lunes assumed it would be best to act as if it never happened, choosing rather to pat the top of the ivory hair in greeting. As the other boys walked into the room, @duskshine749 Luna gave a simple wave nudging Isa with the her left shoulder lightly in the hopes she would follow suit. With the realization Asher could not see the wave, her face once more blushed fiercely with embarrassment. A nervous voice piped up, "Uhh..Gabe, I hope you haven't been getting the new patient into any trouble." gaining a bit more confidence she slipped back into her joking mood, "No matter what he says, Ash, the Warden does not find it funny to fill her office with glitter.". The patients hadn't been allowed to use glitter since.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 17 min ago

"Luna, I would never do such a thing," Gabe said, feigning offence then laughing. "Besides, Ash is more likely to get himself in trouble. He's already said some things that might get him extra meds or something." He wouldn't get in to detail about it, Gabe figured after the meeting was officially started Ash would explain himself in full to everyone. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, but Gabe had the sneaking suspicion things were about to get a whole lot more interesting for all of them because of Ash, and he wasn't sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing.

@Midnight Howl
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Midnight Howl

Isadora Fey

When Isadora went over to Luna, she noted that her new found friend was nudging her and looking over at the people walking in. She turned her head in the direction Luna was looking and gave an awkward smile to the boys that walked in, hiding her face in her bangs and blushing furiously. She actually didn't have that much experience speaking with boys her age, or any people her age for that matter and always felt like a huge awkward mess when she had to make contact with them. She twirled some of her hair with her index finger, glancing away from the boys. She really didn't know Gabe and she was wary of trusting men. However, if Luna seemed to like him, he had to be a good guy... Right?

As Isa watched Luna confidently flirt with Gabe, she sort of wish that she was overflowing with such confidence as well, it almost made her a bit jealous to watch Luna smile and joke around with Gabe like that... She suddenly shook her head, she couldn't believe she had just thought that. Her cheeks burned from humiliation as she decided to break the question.

"Um... Mr. Asher... Why are we here again?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

☽ Lunafreya ☾ & Asher

With Gabe’s @duskshine749 response it took a little more than a slight effort not to scoff as she mentally added emphasis to his word never. At the very least he always managed to keep things interesting in this little “paradise” of theirs but there was no need for the new kid to fall into such mischievous actions. As Isadora @Shadow007 asked Asher why they were there Luna tilted her head in confusion. Isn’t this just another one of Soren’s @Mega Birb ‘Hey, let’s welcome the new kid’ spiels?’ What could this kid even have to say? Crossing her arms, her ears pricked as Gabe mentioned the boy’d been saying odd things. They lived in an asylum…wasn’t that the norm?

“Yeah, why are we here?”

As the attention made its way over to his desk Ash couldn’t help, but feel uncomfortable. No matter how he went about telling them, they wouldn’t listen. The average brain can’t wrap itself around what it always figured to be fantasy. Powers? He’d sound completely ridiculous. The people in this room probably wouldn’t even believe he’d been here longer than any of them. Looking down, he crossed his arms as well before shrugging. ”Even if I told you what was really happening here you wouldn’t believe me. Without proof you’ll just go on about your lives in this God forsaken place.”

Luna’s body shifted defensively in her desk. On the one hand she was offended the boy assumed they couldn’t handle it. On the other she was too curious for her own good. “You won’t know for sure unless you tell us. You have no right to say what we can or can’t handle.”

Over the next ten minutes Ash briefed over his experience here as a child, the Gifts, along with the real reason the kids found themselves here. The medication? All just a scam in order to control them. She was baffled; Ash was right. She didn’t believe him for a second. This kid is off his rocker. Compared to him I sound like a normal, happy go lucky individual. Bah! He must be a pathological liar..

For a moment, this though process was enough to suffice her…only for that moment. She quickly began wonder what would happen if it was the truth. Her memories were gone, but for some reason she always vaguely had the feeling she was stolen…that her mother didn’t want to give her up. What if Ash was right? What would that mean for them? Looking around the room she attempted to gauge the others responses to the news when a voice pulled her attention back to their icy blue eyes.

“At first your aura was a slight orange. You weren’t quite angry, but you were feeling defensive. It started to shift to a calmer blue; more than likely caused by you figuring this is all a hoax, assuming there is nothing to worry about. Now it’s grey…the color of storms. You’re confused…because I just might not be lying…” leaning back a smirk crossed the figure’s face as he was obviously pleased with himself. The smile faded as he added, “Which I’m not.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 17 min ago

After Ash explained everything everyone was quiet for a minute. "See, told you, Ash I know we're in a nut house but you've gotta keep it a little more under control." Gabe was half joking with a slight chuckle, but it didn't work to try and lighten up the mood. While Gabe didn't fully believe him, part of him felt like he was telling the truth. Maybe it was just his delusions of grandeur the doctors said he had but he really wanted to believe that Ash was telling the truth.

He then proceeded to read Luna's aura and tell everyone what she was feeling. "Is that true Luna? Did he get it right?" If this was real then Gabe wanted to know right away what it was he could do. "So is this why you can see Ash? Because you can see auras and things? That's really cool." During this time Gabe noticed Isa was just sitting there, quiet as always. He gave her a friendly little wave and smile just to make sure she knew nobody had forgot about her. Gabe didn't know what it was like to be shy and quiet like that, but he imagined being left out of things was common, and he wouldn't want to do that to someone.

@Midnight Howl@Shadow007
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*Isadora Fey*

Isadora sat in stunned silence after hearing what Ash had said to answer her question, she never thought of herself as special or anything... This couldn't be true... Right? However, the more and more she thought back on her guardian's death the wider her eyes became. The voices she could hear... It wasn't just in her head then? She could really speak with animals? She shuddered suddenly as she quickly started hugging herself, she had tears in her eyes. She wanted this to be a bad dream she could wake up from... Some silly nightmare that she had been living the last couple months of her life. The tears started to flow down her fair cheeks, "No..." She whispered, shaking her head. "No... No... No!" Her voice escalated to a shout.

"This cannot be!" She cried, staring into Ash's pale blue eyes, hoping to see some sort of reaction in his facial expression that would give away that he was making this all up. Her heart sank when she saw nothing of the sort, she bit her lip and lowered her gaze, letting her long hair cover her face. "Then... Does this make me some sort of monster...?"
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