{Dead :( }
{This post subject to change}

This world is not our own, but we may be here to stay.
It's an average day in your faction's universe when there's a great flash of sizzling red on the horizon and a boom like the thunder of a thousand cannons. At the edge of a perfect 1-mile wide hexagon, the land ends. It's been replaced with a great freshwater sea. Other islands are visible in the distance. Perhaps land continues beyond your island, but it is not what you're familiar with. Now it's up to you to survive, thrive, or possibly escape in this new world.
Islands hold dark shapes, ruined cities, strangely glowing crystals, forboding castles, massive forests, secret temples, cities towering up to the clouds, creatures of myth and legend, or perhaps even other factions.
This NRP is multiversal faction based. That means that you can select any videogame, book, tv show, movie, other form of media, or real life, grab a mile-wide hex chunk of land (or sea, or space-station), and throw it and its inhabitants into this new world. There are other islands to explore, and other factions to meet, trade with, and possibly war with. I may, as the game continues, start teleporting in even more islands, or throwing "mega events" at you (such as a hurricane, or, oh, I don't know, rearranging the hexes).
Important note: Everybody should start off at an approximately similar level of surprised and mildly screwed. So, sure, you may have star-trek technology, but you might not have power, farmland, or a large amount of people, for example. Or perhaps your magic kingdom lost its connection to the mana-field, and your chief sorcerer's are forced to research the aether fields of this strange new place. I'll mostly trust you to self-limit.
* You may also, if you like, RP a single character. Below is the character sheet to allow for that. The single character in question would get teleported to Patchwork via a "mini" red-hex event.
I'm always open to questions, comments, or suggestions!
{This post subject to change}

This world is not our own, but we may be here to stay.
It's an average day in your faction's universe when there's a great flash of sizzling red on the horizon and a boom like the thunder of a thousand cannons. At the edge of a perfect 1-mile wide hexagon, the land ends. It's been replaced with a great freshwater sea. Other islands are visible in the distance. Perhaps land continues beyond your island, but it is not what you're familiar with. Now it's up to you to survive, thrive, or possibly escape in this new world.
Islands hold dark shapes, ruined cities, strangely glowing crystals, forboding castles, massive forests, secret temples, cities towering up to the clouds, creatures of myth and legend, or perhaps even other factions.
This NRP is multiversal faction based. That means that you can select any videogame, book, tv show, movie, other form of media, or real life, grab a mile-wide hex chunk of land (or sea, or space-station), and throw it and its inhabitants into this new world. There are other islands to explore, and other factions to meet, trade with, and possibly war with. I may, as the game continues, start teleporting in even more islands, or throwing "mega events" at you (such as a hurricane, or, oh, I don't know, rearranging the hexes).
Important note: Everybody should start off at an approximately similar level of surprised and mildly screwed. So, sure, you may have star-trek technology, but you might not have power, farmland, or a large amount of people, for example. Or perhaps your magic kingdom lost its connection to the mana-field, and your chief sorcerer's are forced to research the aether fields of this strange new place. I'll mostly trust you to self-limit.
* You may also, if you like, RP a single character. Below is the character sheet to allow for that. The single character in question would get teleported to Patchwork via a "mini" red-hex event.
I'm always open to questions, comments, or suggestions!