Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

{Dead :( }
{This post subject to change}

This world is not our own, but we may be here to stay.

It's an average day in your faction's universe when there's a great flash of sizzling red on the horizon and a boom like the thunder of a thousand cannons. At the edge of a perfect 1-mile wide hexagon, the land ends. It's been replaced with a great freshwater sea. Other islands are visible in the distance. Perhaps land continues beyond your island, but it is not what you're familiar with. Now it's up to you to survive, thrive, or possibly escape in this new world.

Islands hold dark shapes, ruined cities, strangely glowing crystals, forboding castles, massive forests, secret temples, cities towering up to the clouds, creatures of myth and legend, or perhaps even other factions.
This NRP is multiversal faction based. That means that you can select any videogame, book, tv show, movie, other form of media, or real life, grab a mile-wide hex chunk of land (or sea, or space-station), and throw it and its inhabitants into this new world. There are other islands to explore, and other factions to meet, trade with, and possibly war with. I may, as the game continues, start teleporting in even more islands, or throwing "mega events" at you (such as a hurricane, or, oh, I don't know, rearranging the hexes).

Important note: Everybody should start off at an approximately similar level of surprised and mildly screwed. So, sure, you may have star-trek technology, but you might not have power, farmland, or a large amount of people, for example. Or perhaps your magic kingdom lost its connection to the mana-field, and your chief sorcerer's are forced to research the aether fields of this strange new place. I'll mostly trust you to self-limit.

* You may also, if you like, RP a single character. Below is the character sheet to allow for that. The single character in question would get teleported to Patchwork via a "mini" red-hex event.

I'm always open to questions, comments, or suggestions!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Woo. I love that new thread smell.

Also, Queen. I love how ya went through and actually put in the links and pictures and such from the original posts. It shows commitment to the cause.

Whatever..this cause happens to be..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rising Sun

Rising Sun

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I am going to be Russia. Hopefully others join in on this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Um... You need to fill out a form, dude.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rising Sun

Rising Sun

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kalamadea said
Um... You need to fill out a form, dude.

Oh, sorry I over looked the factions part. I will just delete my post until this is accepted, if it does.

Faction Name: Russians
Universe: Real life https://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/commonwealth.jpg
Summary in a Sentence: Alternative history Russians
Description: These are alternative history Russians
Technology Level: Modern
Magical or other Supernatural Powers: None
Other: none
Important People: Russian Leader Paul Newport, Head of National security, and a group of unnamed leaders
+Name: Paul Newport
+Role: Leader
+Description: A tall, black haired white middle age man.
+Brief Bio: His been the Russian dictator for around 20 years or so.

+Name: Sarah Humon
+Role: Head of National Security
+Description: Short blonde, very white in color and likes the color blue.
+Brief Bio: She was raised in the military since she was very little. She said in school got great grades, went to college and got into politics.

Hex Location: 9,8
Terrain Type: Forest/grass
Important Terrain Features: Mostly flat with some hills.
Important Structures: Some ruins scattered across.
Other: none
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrShoe
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MrShoe A Pirate's Life For Me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ok. That's kool. I was pretty much done with my sheet when I accidentally closed the window. I'll edit this post when I finished it again...

And here it is!

Faction Name: The Sluggers
Universe: Sullivan’s Sluggers The Kickstarter. A review of the comic. My own synopsis.
Summary in a Sentence: Baseball players with military weapons
Description: The Sluggers was a baseball team that fell on rough time and resorted to playing minor league games where ever they can. While on the road they are invited to play in a small backwater town, only to be ambushed by horrific and nightmarish creatures at the diamond after the game. They escape the town but later return with military weapons and munitions to retake the town. (The biggest item they have is a single tank.)
Technology Level: Modern military
Magical or other Supernatural Powers: None
Other: They have a tendency to be immature and reckless, enjoying causing trouble.
Important People:
+Name: Sullivan Clayton
+Role: Their coach/leader
+Description: Sullivan is a large and unkempt man with various tattoos and scars. Like the rest of the team he wears his white and orange baseball uniform under his armor.
+Brief Bio: Sullivan was once a very popular professional baseball player before he hit a rough patch and fell into a rut and formed his own team. He lead The Sluggers into the town and then back out of it, returning to help them retake the town. (He actually dies in the graphic novel but I’d like to keep him alive if you would have it.)

Hex Location: 6,7
Terrain Type: Grassland
Important Terrain Features:The center of the hex is a baseball diamond, the location where they regrouped after fighting off the beasts. To the North and East it is surrounded by a corn field. To the South is the highway that once stretched across a grassy field. To the West was at one point the town, though only a single two story building and part of the street made it in.
Important Structures: The building to the West was a small corner store with an apartment above it. The only thing left edible in the store is what was stored in cans.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

MrShoe said
Ok. That's kool. I was pretty much done with my sheet when I accidentally closed the window. I'll edit this post when I finished it again...

I feel you, broski. I've done that far too many times for my own good. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrShoe
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MrShoe A Pirate's Life For Me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

HOKAY, so.

Sorry about vanishing, and then bailing entirely.

Now that I know I can log in consistently, or at least, I hope I can.

I'd like to re-enter, now that it's all sorted out and such.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Reposting my Faction Sheet for convenience:

Faction Name: The Flood
Universe: Halo
Summary in a Sentence: You ever have a nightmare where you get eaten by a monster, and then become that monster? No? Well good, I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.
Description: Far beyond the reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy a threat loomed on the horizon, an army of flesh and bone and bloodshed. Possibly so powerful to have wiped out galaxies in its wake, only the Precursors could stop them. A technology so advanced met heavy resistance, but eventually The Flood were defeated. Later to be revived by the ancestors of man, The Flood were free to wage war against all existence again. The Forerunners were barely capable of creating a tool to destroy them. At the cost of their own lives. But again, the hardy Flood rose again, and they set their eyes on Mankind once more.

They feed on the bodies of their enemies, countless in number and ranks. The Flood consume what opposes them and turn them against their allies, absorbing their biomass into a great consciousness. The Gravemind learns all that its children consume, The Gravemind know all from the past. With its knowledge and connection to its loyal army, the Gravemind is a horror to truly behold. Even without its armies, The Gravemind is more incomprehensibly dangerous than can be easily described. Its mind is so great in power that it can impose its will upon the living in close proximity.

All who oppose The Flood shall be consumed, atonement for the sins of the father.
Technology Level: Varies depending on who they absorb into their ranks.
Important People:
+Name: The Gravemind
+Role: Quite literally the brain of the Flood.
+Description: A gargantuan amalgam of flesh and bone, ancient in body and mind. Millions of bodies fused together into this hulking growth. It oozes a thick fog with every breath, a toxin so great that if inhaled will convert you to a flood in moments. It is serpentine in form and riddled with appendages formed throughout the ages. It is a rotten festering monstrosity, and even in its disgusting and inhuman form. It is still capable of locomotion if necessary, if roused from its static position it measures incomprehensibly long. Its body once filled all of the halls of the Halo ring it laid in.
+Brief Bio: Though the Spartan thought it defeated, The Gravemind fled to another ring, and eventually to the Ark itself. The Gravemind persevered even through that. The Ark was destroyed but little did the Chief know, Gravemind and some of his legions found themselves in a new and strange world, with remnants of the Ark holding them in place. An ocean surrounded them, they had been transported by some unknown force to this new realm with new possibilities for consumption. Free from the dangers of the Spartan known as John. Though this transportation came at a price, a large portion of The Gravemind was lost in the process. Its body has lost almost 40% of its biomass, and it intends to gather much more to heal its deep wounds.

Hex Location: 4'4
Terrain Type: Flood Corrupted
Important Terrain Features: Metal structures torn and rusted, wrought with the flesh of thousands of fallen foes. It is a sickly orange and brown island 1/3 natural, 1/3 machine, and 1/3 flood. The remnants of the artificial structures of the Ark came with them, along with the terrain of the Halo rings. All corrupted by a horrid flood compound that gradually grows and spreads to fill the spaces.
Important Structures: The Gravemind's Chamber, deep beneath the remnants of the Ark lies the Gravemind's enormous chamber.
Other: In the deeper chambers are hordes of infected and pure Flood roaming and hunting for any remaining survivors. These halls are filled with a pollen that once breathed in damns you to the fate of the Flood hordes. Within moments you become one with the Flood, compelled to fight for The Gravemind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It would be pretty damn interesting if one or two metroids wandered into the Flood's hex. I can't even imagine how metroids would evolve to counter them. It'd basically be two unstoppable forces colliding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

this seems to amazing of an idea to be true....i want in *goes to making her nation*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Faction Name: Maximals
Universe: Transformers: beastwars http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Maximal
Summary in a Sentence: robots in disguise
Technology Level:
Magical or other Supernatural Powers: none
Important People:
+Name: Optimus Primal
+Role: leader
+Description: standing about 8 feet tall when in his robot form and being a gorilla when in his beast mode, in his robot mode he carries a pair of swords and some moderate to heavy firepower, along with a jet pack.
+Brief Bio: Young and untested, Optimus Primal was a mere captain of an exploration ship when he and his crew were diverted off-course to pursue a stolen Predacon ship under the leadership of some crook named Megatron. The rest, they say, is history.
Though he does have a penchant for stuffy speeches, Optimus Primal is much more down-to-Cybertron than his legendary namesake. He is committed to the Maximal codes of honor and moral judgment, but he does view them with some irreverence, and is not above finding loopholes or administering unorthodox solutions if necessary. He is eternally loyal to his friends and respectful to his enemies. He is brave and selfless in battle. However, he is so committed to helping others that he can withdraw into a deep depression when he feels he has let them down. This is the only time he is self-absorbed.

Hex Location: 7.5
Terrain Type: a open mountain area that holds great greenery, in the center is a canyon over looking a raging river, the Maximal base sits broke between the open mouth of the canyon
Important Terrain Features: lots of mountains some containing engergon,
Important Structure: the axalon the maximal home base that sits in solitude when it crashed on prehistoric earth

if i messed somehing up let me know
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh, and here's my CS again for convenience purposes.

Faction Name: SR-388 Metroids

Universe: Metroid

Summary in a Sentence: An artificial species engineered to be the ultimate weapon gone horribly wrong.

Description: The Metroids of SR-388 are a race created by the avian race known as the Chozo. They created the metroids as an attempt to counteract a threat known as the X parasites. The metroids worked too well. They completely annihilated the X parasites in a matter of weeks, and then continued evolving and began to attack the Chozo themselves, and then started spreading out throughout the stars and becoming a plague-like threat. They were engineered to be the ultimate predator, and they were a massive success.

Metroids cannot spread on their own, however. The Zebesians, a race most know as Space Pirates, touched down on SR-388 and brought them to their research facility on their homeworld, a place known as Turian. From there, metroids were transported to other research facilities on other worlds, including planets such as Tallon IV (causing the Tallon Metroid to come into existence) and Aether (causing Dark Metroids to be created). They also somehow made it to Phaaze, where a Gamma Metroid was mutated into Metroid Prime, who then evolved into Dark Samus with the aid of one of Samus's suits along with her DNA. (the links are provided to show how varied metroids are)

Technology Level: Nonexistent (Dark Samus will not appear here due to being a unique individual that had never gone to SR-388)

Magical or other Supernatural Powers: They have several abilities, which vary based on their hyperevolutionary process. The most common forms are the ones originating from the piece of SR-388 that was planted on this world, and each one has their own unique abilities. There are two abilities that are always present: their energy drain and hyperevolution. A metroid, no matter how it has evolved, can suck the life force right out of any living creature. The method of doing so varies between forms, but it is always present no matter what. The energy drain causes the body to shrivel and blacken, producing a smell akin to burning bodies.

The other ability, hyperevolution, is not directly offensive. By entering a cocoon, a metroid will observe its surroundings and make an assessment of the hazards. It can then begin to adapt to these hazards, but the process is limited by their level of intellect. As they undergo further evolutionary changes, their intellect will increase, thereby increasing their ability to adapt with each subsequent stage. Currently, only the initial stage of metroids can spread to other hexes.

It's also important to describe the base evolution's abilities. By taking in air and then thrusting it out forcefully, it can float pretty much any distance above the ground. They are also immune to all forms of weaponry save for extremely cold temperatures. If a base-form metroid is frozen, they can be shattered with the slightest touch.


Important People:
+Name: The Queen Metroid
+Role: Gives birth to metroids
+Description: A very rare evolution that can only occur on the SR-388 hex, the Queen Metroid can birth metroids far faster and more efficiently than the normal splitting method can (which can only occur in the base evolutionary stage, anyway). They are rare enough that it's safe to say there's only one in existence at a time.
+Brief Bio: The Queen Metroid happens on the rare occasion that the most powerful common evolution, the omega metroid undergoes an additional evolution.

Hex Location: 0,1

Terrain Type: Rocky wasteland

Important Terrain Features: There are many caves scattered throughout the terrain. Chambers are connected by hatches that can be opened with weapons fire. Blue hatches can be opened by anything, red can be opened by missiles, green by high-explosive missiles, and yellow by extremely high-explosive bombs.

Important Structures: Other than the hatches, there are no important structures.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrShoe
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MrShoe A Pirate's Life For Me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Me waiting for Raidne to come back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For the very impatient, this post is to let you know that I'm going over everything right now. I'll edit this post with an update. -Queen Raidne
Right. Here's the update.

Maxxorlord: Haha, thanks. I am fully committed to our ambiguous cause!

Rising Sun: Your faction sheet is a little sparse (that makes some sense, because you're basically importing people from real life). So you're accepted! Conditionally.

The condition is that you provide a bit more background on the alternate universe Russians in either your faction sheet or your initial post. Of particular interest:
  • differences between them and our real-life Russians
  • What this group of people is doing in a bit of mostly-empty terrain with some ruins?

I reserve the right to change my mind. My primary goal is to make sure that everybody starts off at an approximately similar level of mildly screwed.

MrShoe: You're accepted! That's fine to keep him alive. Technically this is an alternate universe, and they can get plucked up from whatever time/mildly altered alternate universe you'd like.

[PS: That comic looks both hilarious and awesome!]

LeeRoy: Welcome back! You can pick up from where you hadn't started yet left off. Just go ahead and post in the IC.

Casterlyrock: (I like your username, by the way.) You forgot a description and technology level. At least write down the general idea of a Maximal. Once you get those taken care of, you should be good to go. Also, watch your capitalization and punctuation.
I'm going to post an IC post so that way Maxxorlord knows what your scout planes found (although I won't post for PC hexes that they fly near, of course!),
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrShoe
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MrShoe A Pirate's Life For Me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry. I didn't intend to come off as mean or anythig. I'm just excited to join this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What? No. I didn't interpret it that way at all! Damn your lack of connotation, Internet!

Edit: I've also fixed those broken links in the first post. Hurrah for productivity!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Faction Name: The Axe Cop Followers
Universe: Click Me -> Axe Cop (The best web-comic ever!)
Summary in a Sentence: Axe Cop is with brother, arch enemy, and a bunch a different scientists he was speaking to.
Technology Level: Todays
Magical or other Supernatural Powers: Axe Cop as a can hypnotize people and tell weather or not something is good, but he needs his axe and mustache, respectively, to do so.
Other: Axe Cop, as president of the word, was giving a speech to a science convention before he was taken.
Important People:
Name: Axe Cop
Role: The leader.
Description: A man, tall, carries an axe, and most likely seen in a Police Officer uniform. He wears sunglasses, has a little black hair (is bald), and has a mustache. He is very quick to judge and has a short temper, but is ALWAYS (Doesn't sleep or eat) trying to do the right thing.
Brief Bio: Brother to Flute cop, who he was separated with after his parents died. First worked as taxi driver, but became Axe Cop when he found the perfect fireman axe at the scene of a fire.

Name: Dinosaur Soldier
Role: Brother and sidekick of Axe Cop.
Description: A humanoid dinosaur who wears a tank-top.
Brief Bio: Axe Cops brother who joined his team when axe cop was still starting out. He was turned into dinosaur soldier after getting blood on him. He is an excellent fighter, like his brother, and is always looking for the latest, greatest weapon.

Name: Telescope Gun Cop
Role: Axe Cop's enemy.
Description: A shorter man with long black hair. He wears sunglasses and a basic cop uniform. Has an okay mustache.
Brief Bio: A man who is quick to be angered. He killed Axe Cops parents in the past (long story) after being rejected at Axe Cop's tryouts (To join his team).

Hex Location: 1,2
Terrain Type: Large Park
Important Terrain Features: Little Stands dotted everywhere.
Important Structures: Snack Shack
Other: N/A
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrShoe
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MrShoe A Pirate's Life For Me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ya know, maybe choosing a team of Baseball players wasn't the best idea. Especially when they're going up against Warhammer 40K Orcs. Meh. I'll make it work some how. But first I'll need a boat...
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