Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


April 2nd, 2026 - 1800 hrs
Near Barichara, Colombia
Opening Theme

Things changed for the better in the world in the next decade. With political, technological, digital and medical revolutions seizing the globe with a fast and tight grip, many of the world's people enjoyed many commodities now, with healthcare, communication and entertainment being part of almost every household, even in some third world countries. However, with political revolutions underway, some governments have either caved in to totalitarian dictatorships or have been weakened significantly over time. Kurdistan is now independent, and so is Scotland. However, tensions between many nations are rising as the technological revolution continues to sweep the world.

However, in the midst of all of this, there exists a classification of beings, known only as the Supernatural, which include beings such as superhumans, werewolves, vampires, demons, angels and all kinds of other mythical creatures. Their existence has been recorded sparsely throughout history, and thanks to the fictionalization of such beings, no one would ever believe they existed today. Most of these beings live in other planes, other planets or other dimensions entirely, though quite a few of them exist and live amongst the many humans that inhabit our great planet. While many of them tend to keep to themselves, some of them are part of various groups all around the world, one of them being the Powerbound Alliance.

The Powerbound Alliance is a group of Supernaturals (and a few non-powered humans) who seek to destroy evil from the world and bring good into it. Ever since 1946, almost six months after World War II ended, the Powerbound Alliance was formed under the purpose to never allow the horrific events in that war happen again. However, most of the wars fought from that point on had no clear side of good or side of evil, and many other conflicts were either too obscure for the Powerbound Alliance to even know about, and thus they never did much since then. And as decades passed, members of the Powerbound Alliance have either left or passed away, and their numbers dwindled. However, the Alliance had their calling in 2014, when the Islamic State launched their attack on Kobani. There, they mopped the Islamic State up and befriended the 32nd YPG Unit, the Kurdish unit who was defending the city at the time. And ever since then, things only went up.

Together, the Powerbound Alliance and the 32nd YPG Unit kicked the Islamic State out of Syria and Iraq, and took down criminal organizations all over the world, picking up new members into the Alliance and the 32nd along the way. The Powerbound Alliance then decided to move their HQ from Italy to Colombia, in which they took down a drug cartel and seized all of their assets for that purpose. After Kurdistan was declared independent, and with the PUK taking over shortly thereafter, the 32nd was left without a job after the Islamic State was nearly eliminated, and thus became a mercenary group known only as Unit 32, performing missions for the Powerbound Alliance and black ops for Kurdistan. And since then, things were looking great, and both groups saw many new recruits.

But then, on February 4th, 2026, the Original Heroes of the Powerbound Alliance disappeared. The Original Heroes, members of the Powerbound Alliance who were part of the organization before the move to Colombia, were nowhere to be found, and they disappeared without any trace of evidence. After a month of panicking, arguing and decision-making, the Powerbound Alliance, now headed by Vance Allen, set out to recruit new heroes to help them search for the missing Original Heroes. After many months of searching, many new candidates were located, and Lisa Martinez, the second-in-command to Vance Allen, wrote personal letters inviting these candidates to meet her at Dock 32A in San Diego, California at 2:00AM on April 1st.

On that very day, each of the candidates showed up to the dock, one by one, introducing themselves and conversing amongst each other. Many showed up, some left. Lisa warned them that after going into the Powerbound Alliance, there is no turning back, as this is a very secret organization that must stay hidden from various companies and organizations, and that they go on very risky and very deadly missions. All volunteered, and the candidates all stepped onboard the helicopter, in hopes of beginning a new chapter of their life, a chapter under the banner of the Powerbound Alliance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lisa Martinez & Armando Cortez

Location: Airborne Helicopter -> Front Lawn of The Sanctuary | Near Barichara, Colombia
Interacting with: Everyone Onboard
Round Theme

It was quite a long journey. After the helicopter took off from San Diego, California, it took 18 hours of it flying in the air to get there, not to mention the 4 stops it made to refuel (allowing passengers to grab some much-needed rest). It allowed some much needed interaction in between the recruits, though Lisa and Armando were normally too busy flying the chopper and refueling the thing to talk with the recruits. The helicopter made stops in Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama, and the ride was almost torturously long, though the stops that the helicopter made, it allowed plenty of time for the new recruits to get out, stretch, get some snacks and even play around for a bit. Even though the helicopter ride was long, the fact that the seats were first-class airliner styled helped things out quite a bit.

After so many days grounded and airborne, the helicopter finally arrived at its destination. Flying through the mountains and meadows of Colombia, the helicopter made its final approach to the hills and mountains near Barichara. They were finally here.

Lisa, who was flying the helicopter (Armando was sleeping), spoke through the helicopter's intercom, her voice blaring on the speakers overhead in the passenger's cabin. "Yo! Damas y caballeros!" Lisa said loudly through the mic in an effort to wake everyone up. "We're five minutes out from the LZ! I suggest you wake your asses up and prepare for landing!" Lisa said into the mic with a smile. "I suggest you enjoy the view while you can!" Lisa grinned.

As the Sikorsky S-92 made its final approach towards the nearly flat mountaintop property, Armando started to wake up, and figure out what was going on in a heartbeat, having been familiar with the area and the route. Lisa then leaned forward a little and pressed a button on her phone, playing the Jurassic Park Theme through the intercom, adding a much-needed Jurassic Park reference to the beautiful landscape that the recruits saw before them. Armando, hearing the theme playing, gave Lisa a dirty look. Lisa looked back to Armando apologetically. "Sorry... I always wanted to do that." She chuckled.

The Sikorsky flew right over the small town of Barichara, through the beautiful scenery. The lovely, lush and tropical land rushed below them, revealing itself as true beauty of earth. Soon enough, they were right over the Sanctuary, the large mansion below them. The mansion was surrounded by nothing but woodlands, with a U-shaped driveway, the bottom of the U up at the front of the estate. There was massive flat yards in the front and the back of the mansion, with a large garden and stone in the backyard. The helicopter eventually came to a stop above the front yard.

"As much as I'd love to give you all a tour of the place from overhead, I'm just gonna set this thing down and give it to you once you guys have all rested up." Lisa declared.

The helicopter, hovering the air, soon lowered down onto the property, landing at the front yard of the estate while the Jurassic Park theme continued to blare through the speakers inside the cabin. The helicopter soon came to rest on the ground, powering down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are all free to disembark the craft. We have arrived at our destination, and I hope you enjoyed flying with Powerbound Airlines." Lisa said with a joking grin, powering down the helicopter as Armando gave her another dirty look. "You're never gonna give me a break, will you, hermano?"

Armando sighed. "You scare me sometimes, hermana." He said before chuckling a little himself. "Nice flying, by the way, Cap. I'll take care of the passengers." He said, taking off his gear and belt.

The journey has finally come to a close. They were all finally here, at the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary, a lovely and large piece of land, was home to the many heroes amongst the Powerbound Alliance. It was once a Cartel Estate that belonged to the head honcho, but since he was dealt with, as well as all of his cronies, all of the assets were seized by the Powerbound Alliance, who now owned the estate though both illegitimate and legitimate means. This place was a safe haven for those who wished to flee from society, but still remain at a comfortable distance from it to which they can return to it any time they like. A nice, quiet and beautiful place, it will always be here to serve the heroes of young and old.

As the helicopter, now resting on the front lawn, started to power down, the main door that led into the passenger cabin opened up, and it lowered itself to the ground. Armando climbed up and inside, looking to everyone. "Hola, hombres y mujeres jóvenes. We're finally here... welcome to the Sanctuary. Vámonos! Vámonos!" He gestured for everyone to get up and follow him out onto the yard.

Once everyone stepped out, they would feel the hot and humid climate hit them almost immediately. It was hot, humid and it felt like shit, but with them being up so high, the winds and the breeze of the mountains helped brush it away from the skin. It was a healthy mixture of anything.

Armando turned to everyone once they disembarked, and as the helicopter rotors finally came to a halt, Lisa soon joined them.

"Alrighty then. I'll let you all rest here for the entire night, and I'll give you all the lowdown tomorrow morning at breakfast." Lisa said with a soft smile. "Don't worry, I'm sore and tired too. I had to fly the damn thing half of the time!" She chuckled. "So... do you guys have any questions before we go?" Lisa asked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nyt Årud//Echo

Location: The Sanctuary, (Near Barichara Colombia).
Interacting with: Edwina//Lucifer - @Morose.

Nyt awoke half an hour before the helicopter touched ground. It was an arduous journey but she found herself enjoying every second of it. It made for interesting chatter among the others in the cozy airliner but Nyt reserved herself until they got “home”, which was located in the mountains of Colombia near Barichara. She definitely needed a refreshing shower and a home-cooked meal, and she figured she could make an impression on everyone that she’s serious about food. She had decided long ago she would make a simple spaghetti and meatballs recipe she learned from her adoptive mother, which include an array of spices for the meatballs, pancetta in the sauce, and fresh parmesan on top. Keeping her mind on the goal at hand, she was looking most forward to the shower and the room, in that order.
She checked out the sky one last time as they descended and waited patiently as everyone piled out, stretching sore muscles and excited minds. Finally, they had arrived to a gorgeous settlement that preceded her previous ideas of what the house would be like. When she finally made it out of the helicopter and the warm breeze hit her skin, a smile broke out onto her face. She figured it would get incredibly hot sometimes but being out in the mountains was turning out to be a major advantage. She thought she would miss the weather from Oregon but this… This she could get use to.
"Alrighty then. I'll let you all rest here for the entire night, and I'll give you all the lowdown tomorrow morning at breakfast," Lisa said smiling, "Don't worry, I'm sore and tired too. I had to fly the damn thing half of the time!" She gave a chuckle. "So... do you guys have any questions before we go?"
Nyt waited patiently as others brought up the subject of roommates and other general questions; she already had an inkling that she would bunk nicely with the redheaded girl who was kind enough to pull out all outside light during the helicopter ride so they could grab some nice shuteye. Slowly, everyone began making their way towards the mansion and she carefully looked out for the redhead, her social anxiety rising slowly. She was slightly oblivious as to how to get along with other females, only ever really dealing with her cousins and other female figures in her family such as her mother or aunts. She got along great with males, being daddy’s alien girl and playing pranks on her brothers growing up. It was constant war with them and she enjoyed every moment of being part of the Årud family. Hoping she wouldn’t scare the other girl away, Nyt finally summoned up the courage to slink up beside the female and incidentally played a song as not to completely startle the unsuspecting light-wave enthusiast.
”Excuse me, Eddie?” she politely called out to the girl as she tapped her on the shoulder. She secretly hoped the girl would like the soft song coming from her hands as she extended one out to shake Eddie’s. ”We’re roommates, right? I figured we could race to the room and the first one there gets whichever bed she wants.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized she probably came off as competitive jerk and it dawned on her that it could also come out as a come on. Oh God, I’m awkward!, her mind screamed. ”I mean! If you want! Don’t let me pressure you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax

Location: The Sanctuary, (Near Barichara Colombia).
Interacting with: Nyt Årud/Echo - @Din

Mercury had grabbed her hand during the flight, and she allowed him to do so. However, she hadn't said a word to him. Instead, she had shut out the lights on the inside, and allowed herself to go to a world without an asshole of a boyfriend. In dreams, she was able to find something close to bliss, something near to happiness. Of course, in dreams, she was able to come forth. It was the one downside to having it around, the special interest that it had taken in Eddie since she was merely six years old. No matter what she could do, she couldn't be rid of it. Without it there, she feared she would die--the pair needed each other to live, whether Edwina liked it or not.

Eventually, she felt the helicopter touch down, and she snapped awake, letting the light once more come inside. Without saying so much of a word, she disembarked the helicopter, her hands in her pockets as she glanced around at the mythical sanctuary. It looked hardly any different than a college campus, though the heat instantly made her queasy. It reminded her too much of Brazil as well.

And of course, it didn't help that she didn't have a clue what everyone was saying. She hoped that it was just Spanish, as then it'd be easy enough to type it into Google translate and figure it out. Anything more exotic than that and it'd take some more effort to learn the phrases.

"Alrighty then. I'll let you all rest here for the entire night, and I'll give you all the lowdown tomorrow morning at breakfast...Don't worry, I'm sore and tired too. I had to fly the damn thing half of the time! So... do you guys have any questions before we go?"

Edwina took another sip of her energy drink, listening patiently as everyone else asked all of the questions. All she truly wanted to do was go to sleep, and avoid the wraith that she just knew was hovering at her shoulder. Having two overprotective ghosts hanging around the place was already irritating.

Eventually, the others began to disperse. She glanced around, looking for someone suitable to pair up with. Eventually, a girl with...musical...hands approached her. ”Excuse me, Eddie?”

"Uh, yeah?" Eddie said, turning to face the girl. The music was definitely coming from her hands. She smiled a bit, recognizing the song practically instantly. She shook her hand, marveling at it. ”We’re roommates, right? I figured we could race to the room and the first one there gets whichever bed she wants. I mean! If you want! Don’t let me pressure you.”

Edwina snickered a bit, grinning. The girl had social skills to match her own. "Pleeeease. You're going down, sister!"

She took off in a sprint, having gotten better and faster at running over the past year. Did she have much of an idea where she was going? No, not really. She followed the crowd, hoping that one of them would have a sense as to where the rooms were. And of course, if she needed to, she could always glance at the sound-girl, and see where she was heading.

Crap. I forgot to ask her name...
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Marcus Williams

Location: The Sanctuary, (Near Barichara Colombia)
Interacting With: Me, Myself and I

On the flight over, Marcus had barely slept, it was an old habit mostly. He never liked to sleep in the air, on the way to anywhere, the last time he'd even closed his eyes in a vehicle it had exploded and he'd lost an arm. The only time he got even a little rest was when they were on the ground, he'd pop out, find a nice rock which looked comfortable enough as pillow, and powernap for anywhere between thirty minutes to two hours if he was lucky. He didn't mind, the flight over gave him plenty of time to thing, though he didn't have a lot of interaction with the others aboard.

Some of the others seemed familiar with eachother, others seemed to be keen on solidifying friendships or at least relationships of any regard. Marcus just spent the majority of the flight in silence, staring out the window as he waited for them to arrive. Part of it was himself questioning his decisions, questioning if coming along had been the right decision to make. It wasn't like there was any turning back now, Lisa had made that clear herself before he even got onto the helicopter, he just hoped he wouldn't have any sort of 'buyers remorse' when they actually arrived. The new recruits were an eccentric bunch, but he could work with them well enough, there wasn't any one of them he had any sort of distaste for, the only one he'd sneered at was the big werewolf who'd decided this wasn't for him. Probably for the best.

Marcus was awake when Lisa began to yell over the microphone, and he was offered some mild amusement as others were jolted away. A smirk split his lips as he looked over them, glancing to the cockpit as Amando revealed himself. Once they touched down, Marcus carefully climbed off the helicopter and looked around.

He'd stripped clear of his jacket during the flight, and he was immensely pleased for that. He now wore a plain red t-shirt, his cybernetic arm clear for all to see as he scratched at his chin idly. He waited patiently as the others formed up around him, watching Lisa as she moved to the head of the group as always. He had no questions himself, glancing over the others as he listened quietly to any queries they did have. Once he knew where he was to be bunked however, he moved off, determined to get some real sleep.

Strolling inside, he glanced around, beginning to wander the halls in search of his room. Marcus was in no particular hurry, nor was he desperately enthusiastic at that exact moment of the idea of mingling with some of his new partners or those who worked in the Sanctuary. At that time, Marcus was oblivious to how familiar some of the faces would end up being to him, particularly a few more than others. For now he was in blissful ignorance, idly wandering the halls in search of his room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alexandra Ivanov

Location: The Sanctuary
Interacting with: Lisa Martinez & Armando Cortez - @AbandonedIntel

Alexandra jolted awake from the foreign language over the intercom. "Yo! Damas y caballeros!" Alex had no clue what it meant, but thankfully their captain chose to now speak in English. "We're five minutes out from the LZ! I suggest you wake your asses up and prepare for landing! I suggest you enjoy the view while you can!"

Alex looked around in an attempt to enjoy the view. It was certainly better than the slums of San Diego, or the underside of a bridge. As the helicopter landed, Alex took in the view of her new home. Accompanied with some sort of theme music, it was great moment for her. It was the beginning of something new, and that brought a smile to her face. She stepped out of the helicopter and was immediately greeted by the hot, humid air. She was silently thankful that her new home wasn't in the middle of some dry desert. As annoying as the humidity was, it made taking care of her arms much simpler.

"Alrighty then. I'll let you all rest here for the entire night, and I'll give you all the lowdown tomorrow morning at breakfast." Lisa said with a soft smile. "Don't worry, I'm sore and tired too. I had to fly the damn thing half of the time!" She chuckled. "So... do you guys have any questions before we go?" Lisa asked.

Alex wondered why Lisa had told them to rest for the night. Hadn't they all pretty much slept the entire time? Of course there was the jet lag, but beyond that Alex felt perfectly fine. "Where exactly will we be staying for the night?" The question might have already been asked, but Alex hadn't heard the answer. She figured that they would be bunking with one another, which would have been fine for Alex. Perhaps she could make a new friend that way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It wasn't too surprising that Jenny's flight was just fine. She had always been a fan of air travel, ever since she was ten, when she rode in her first airplane. But even though it was pleasant, she didn't really spend much time awake, and when she was awake, she was usually eating her pizza and looking out the window. It was one of these pizza eating, window looking out moments that the telekinetic girl spoke over the loud speaker.

"We're five minutes out from the LZ! I suggest you wake your asses up and prepare for landing!" She said in attempt to wake the sleeping passengers. "I suggest you enjoy the view while you can!"

Even though she was awake, the loud voice still startled her. She finished off the garlic, pepperoni, and fire honey pizza (that last ingredient had been added by the generous Mercury), which was, sadly, the last piece of that particular pizza, leaving Jenny with only the supreme pizza in her hands. It wasn't long after that that the vehicle landed, and the newly recruited heroes were let out. Jen wasn't the first to exit, nor was she the last, but somewhere in the middle. Once they she was out, she noticed two of the girls, the short haired girl and the dorky redhead, sprint away into the building that stood before them, followed by the man who appeared to use his metal arm to pull off an excellent Bucky Barnes costume. Then Lisa began to speak.

"Alrighty then. I'll let you all rest here for the entire night, and I'll give you all the lowdown tomorrow morning at breakfast." She said, smiling softly. "Don't worry, I'm sore and tired too. I had to fly the damn thing half of the time!" She chuckled. "So... do you guys have any questions before we go?"

Jennifer thought for a moment, her hand toying with the handle of her suitcase, pushing it up and down a number of times, before finally thinking up a good question. "I have a question!" She said, but was interrupted by the woman with the accent.

"Where exactly will we be staying for the night?" She asked. Jenny glanced at her, then looked back at Lisa, letting go of her suitcase and pointing her thumb at the girl with an accent. "Yeah, that."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 12 days ago

Location: SANCTUARY!

Mercury stepped off of the helicopter being met with the hot warmth outside, and smiled in pleasure. ”Man, finally I was freezing my culo off! Thank god it’s hot, feels like home. Mmm nice and warm.“ He was living in Brazil for a long time so of course he spoke spanish, and of course Irish as well. He looked over at Armando, and nodded to him before walking towards the Sanctuary. His goal was to find a kitchen, and grab something to eat. Hopefully before he ate anyone else, god he’d need to get that under wraps. ”Well if anyone needs me I’ll be in the kitchen… As soon as I find it. Dios tengo hambre! If you guys want anything to eat you just may be lucky, and I’ll cook you something.“

Mercury had gotten a lot stronger, and no longer instantly started burning under the sun. Like paper that'd been lit on fire. Not he could walked through it no problem. But, of course he couldn't stay in it forever. Maybe a couple hours at the most.

When he found the kitchen he fell to his knees seeing it’s glorious majesty. Then proceeded to worship it, as it had anything an aspiring chef could ever dream for. ”Thank you sweet baby JESUS! They’ve a kitchen that’s actually a kitchen.“ He stood up, and dusted his pants off before hitting the pantry, and next the walk in fridge. He set the things he’d grabbed on the counter, and turned the oven on. He was making a cake for himself a large one, and while that baked he made himself a sandwich. But, not just ordinary sandwich it had seared pork belly, caramelized red onions, romaine, havarti, bolognaise, all on ciabatta bread.

He sat at the bar, and started chowing down, and moaned in relief as his stomach was finally starting calm down. As it was really starting to hurt on the ride over he’d tried sleeping, and ate the last of the pizzas Jennifer brought. But, it was so long that the last five hours were doing a toll on him. He licked his thumb after wiping sauce off the corner of his mouth. The smells of the cake quickly began wafting through the Sanctuary. Mercury waited a bit before pulling it out, and set it on the counter to cool.

He did his dishes that he’d dirtied. Then took a look around the entertainment room, which was a part of the whole open kitchen concept. He picked up a remote, and looked it over before flicking on the television to watch the news.

He then went back into the kitchen to ice the cake, and watched the news mostly for the weather report. Plus he liked the noise, it was what he was used to. When he was done icing the cake he brought the whole thing into the entertainment center. He lifted his mask up then took a massive bite out of it with his mouth filled with fangs, and chewed in silence. He switched the channel to the sports network, and was pleased to see a soccer game was going on. Especially when he saw it was Brazil versus America, no one was better at soccer than Brazil they were going to DESTROY the American team.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Daphne Fairchild

Interacting with: @Anyone

Daphne sat amongst the group in silence. For the most part she felt out of place and unknown in this group that seemed to know each other. At least, that's what it felt like. She studied her comrades around her. Each person stood out, which was saying something. She didn't quite gather anything other than this was a group of people being shuttled off somewhere because they got a letter saying they were needed due to their unique gifts.

As they landed and were shuttled off, Daphne took in her surroundings. It seemed almost like a college campus than anything else. She didn't know what she was expecting. Part of her thought they would be in a prison environment and forced into work, but that didn't make any sense because they chose to come here. They weren't forced. Either way, she was here now, she was a part of this, may as well make the best of it. Life as she knew it was about to change.

Lisa and Armondo introduced them to everything, but Daphne was only half paying attention. She had to admit, part of her was excited for this new change of scenery. She wanted to go off and explore a bit, see if there were anything she'd like around here. Was this like a college campus? Did it have shopping? Restaurants? A dorm?

As others stayed and talked to the siblings and others ran off she mostly walked around. She noticed a quiet area with some trees. She took a seat underneath one of them and rested her back against the trunk. It was a beautiful day outside, perfect to do some thinking before she was shooed off somewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nyt Årud//Echo

Location: The Sanctuary -> Kitchen.
Interacting with: Edwina//Lucifer - @Morose.

"Pleeeease. You're going down, sister!" Nyt was beyond ecstatic to make her very first friend after her strange sentence. Long ago, she had realized she didn’t speak normally, with a bit of an accent that was unrecognizable to most people. It sounded like a mesh of several European accents attempting to speak English, but for the most part she tried to enunciate as a precaution. Her brothers continuously worked with her throughout her childhood but in the end, it dawned on them that her alien tongue was akin only to her situation. Nonetheless, they encouraged her to use her sound wave powers to make herself be heard clearly, but she opted not to. She wasn’t ashamed of who she truly was anymore. It’s what brought her to this Sanctuary, surrounded by like-minded heroes of sorts.
She decided to let Eddie take a head-start for a few moments, looking back in time to hear Lisa mention room numbers. She grinned to herself and then commenced her chase after the redhead who seemed to be running in a meandering sort of path to the bedroom chambers. The other female was well ahead in the race and the alien decided to pull the sounds of her steps from Eddie’s earshot and threw the sound over her head. She could only imagine the confusion on Eddie’s face and threw her whispers to her friend’s ears, ”We’re room number 102!”
A second wind seem to come over her when they neared the living quarters and especially by the smell that Masquerade seemed to be cooking up at the moment in the main area. When she finally got near Eddie, she grinned and shouted, ”We’re actually 101!”, as she entered the room she wanted with a victory jump onto the bed. She rolled onto her back and laughed childishly at Eddie when she entered the room, a displeased look on her face. ”I’m sorry! I couldn’t help myself.”
She sat up and crossed her legs, looking around the room. ”I feel really bad now. I’ll make it up to you! How would you like a tasty grilled cheese sandwich? I’m always hungry after a trip and you could tell me about yourself!” She wasted no time in settling into the Sanctuary and she grabbed the girl’s hand to lead her into the fantastic kitchen out into main part of the house, which catered to the most curious food palette. Mercury was already cooking away and he seemed to be a part of his own world. Luckily, the kitchen could afford up to a few cooks at a single time and she politely asked him if it wasn't much of a bother for her to whip up some sandwiches beside him. She listened to Eddie as she tried to talk about herself and smiled as she rummaged through the pantry for sourdough bread, provolone, prosciutto, tomato, and garlic salt. As she grilled away several sandwiches with butter for her, Eddie, and whomever else wondered into the kitchen, she was fascinated by Eddie’s stories once the girl opened up a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax

Location: The Sanctuary Dorms --> The Sanctuary Kitchen
Interacting with: Nyt Årud/Echo - @Din, Mercury @Gilgex

Eddie continued sprinting, only to hear a whisper in her ear. For a moment, she took a sharp breath, remembering the way the masks had whispered to her. She shook her head, hearing Nyt running ahead of her.

Swearing a bit, Eddie went invisible. She projected a virtual image of herself directly behind Nyt, and ran as quickly as she could towards the rooms. Being extra light sensitive, Edwina could see a tiny label on room 101, stating their names. She grinned, holding back the urge to chuckle, in case Nyt noticed she was racing someone who didn't exist. She slipped into the room, opening the door slowly, like a ghost.

Taking her spot on a bed in the corner, Edwina watched as Nyt dashed inside, whooping and cheering. The fake Edwina approached the door, looking on with disappointment. ”I’m sorry! I couldn’t help myself.”

Edwina forced the illusion to look only more heartbroken, shifting its weight to the other side. ”I feel really bad now. I’ll make it up to you! How would you like a tasty grilled cheese sandwich? I’m always hungry after a trip and you could tell me about yourself!”

Chuckling a bit, Edwina snapped her fingers, and the illusion disappeared. "Well, the first thing you need to know about me is that I'm actually over here, not over there."

She smirked a bit, hoping her roommate would be astonished and impressed. Or at least, have an amusing enough reaction that Edwina could resist the urge to go scream at Mercury and hit him. Jackson would do that--not her. However, Nyt quickly dragged Edwina into the kitchen, and she scowled, wanting to be anywhere but there.

She eyed Mercury sourly. "Me cago en tu puta madre," Eddie said at him pointedly. She had looked up on Google had to swear in Spanish, just for the day when she'd get into a confrontation with Mercury or any other asshole who spoke the language.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenEcstasy
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FrozenEcstasy The Wayfaring Killjoy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jackson, The Terror

Location: The Sanctuary
Interacting with: Lisa Martinez @AbandonedIntel + Daphne Fairchild @FantasyChic + Jennifer Teller @Framing A Moose

When Jackson had gotten on the Helicopter back at the docks, he wasn't for sure what he got himself into. It seemed like a hella good time and a great way to find his daughter. However, he was suddenly in Colombia, surrounded by crazy Hispanics, and a shit ton of things to think about. The entire time over here his attention was drawn into itself as he contemplated how he was going to handle things and function in this new environment. Well, he also kept an eye on Eddie and noticed the strange shadow guy had decided to hold her hand. That was something he needed to investigate later. He was at the sanctuary now, so he had some things to look around for to get acquainted.

Jackson floated out of the helicopter and took a few spins in the air to feel the heat on his skin and get a good look at his surroundings. Taking a few moments to descend a little back down he looked to Lisa with a rather serious expression, starkly contrasting the giddiness and unprofessional-ism they had all been showing so far. "You can find people right? You said you could back at the docks. I've been looking for my daughter for the past several years, whatever sources you used to find me would have let you know that. After we do whatever you wanted to have us do initially, I'm going to have a conversation about this again, and I hope we can finally get me somewhere, capisce? Anyway, thank you so much for this opportunity, I hope to be great friends." Jackson winked as he finished his short spurt of seriousness, he talked fast and left little room for interruption. Just as abruptly as he began, he also left as soon as he winked, spiraling off into the sanctuary to look around.

Jackson didn't use the door as the others did and just dashed straight through the wall. He phased through wall after wall a little carelessly and looked through all the rooms near the entrance. He passed the kitchen where a cake was baked oddly fast, trough the entertainment room to take a look at what he'd keep himself busy with, and then he explored several rooms that looked like where they'd be staying. He smiled as he finally came to a stop in one of the rooms that seemed... right. It may have been his (It was not) so he decided to lay down on one of the beds and think for a moment (it was a bed that was in what was to be Daphne and Jennifer's room).

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Black Cat

Location: The Sanctuary
Interacting with: Lisa Martinez - @AbandonedIntel.

The helicopter ride may have been smooth for some but for Aja she had to peak into her luggage and pull out the biggest hoodie she owned, with her face plastered downtrodden as her enemy, the sun, began to show himself. The people she ended up sitting next to for the ride didn't do much for shade, and honestly -- it was a helicopter... She could feel her energy being chipped away and resigned herself for a bad time down dream lane...

Aja woke up with a minor headache to the rustling of everyone grabbing their things. Apparently the copter had landed, which meant she should find a nice umbrella to throw some shade...

Lead in by Armando, Aja felt like she had never left Florida in the first place, weather wise. The only thing this place was missing was some palm trees. Closing her Umbrella once she reached the threshold, Lisa asked if they had any questions. "Do the windows always stay so open or can i close the curtains?" She was rubbing her head again and looked pretty hot with that huge hoodie on.

Decidedly, she would scour this place for a lab. She knew she could just ask Lisa but where was the fun in that?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lisa Martinez & Armando Cortez

Location: Front Lawn of The Sanctuary -> Sanctuary Main Hall -> Sanctuary Living Quarters | Near Barichara, Colombia
Interacting with: Alexandra - @Chickn, Jennifer - @Framing A Moose, Aja - @Endrance, Nyt - @Din, Edwina - @Morose, Mercury - @Gilgex, Marcus - @Pundii, Jackson - @FrozenEcstasy, Daphne - @FantasyChic
Round Theme

Lisa looked proudly at the new recruits, who all stepped out of the helicopter and onto the meadow with them, joining her and Armando. Once she asked if there was any questions, she kept her ears out for anyone who's willing to ask. She looked to Alexandra and Jennifer and gave a thoughtful hum. "Hmm... well you'll be sleeping in the Sanctuary, but we have living quarters that come in pairs. I'll show you along the way... I think Armando has the list of who will be paired up with who. I think you will be in Room 104 with Marcus while... uhm... Jenny's in Room 103 with Daphne. The others will either go in Room 101 or Room 102." Lisa said with a soft nod. "I hope it helped." She said with a smile before looking to Jennifer, nodding to her as well. Once Aja asked her question, she looked a little concerned. "Sorry for keepin you out here... uhm... yeah you can customize the room to your liking, just don't wreck the place or stink it up." Lisa said with a nod. "Go ahead and go inside, I'll meet you near the front door." She said with a friendly smile.

Once Mercury nodded to Armando, Armando nodded back to him, expecting him to stick to the group. However, as Mercury announced his departure, Nyt and Eddie took off in a sprint towards the Sanctuary, Armando looked to them and called out after them. "Vuelve aquí! Wait! Come back!" Armando tried to give chase, but stopped. "Ah... fuck it." He said, shaking his head and walking back to the main group. He looked around. "Dammit... where did that SEAL guy go..." He said, searching for Marcus, before seeing him also head towards the Sanctuary. Dios mío... could you at least wait until we move together? He shook his head, now noticing that Mercury was gone as well. He then raised his radio up. "Heya... amigos, a whole lot of the new recruits seperated from the helicopter and are now entering the Sanctuary. Please do us all a favor and try not to spook them... I don't want anyone sleeping in the infirmary on their first night here. Kay, thanks, bye." Armando said before turning his radio down.

While that was being dealt with, Lisa was answering Jackson's question. "Woah dude... slow down, I'm still trying to process your first sentence! Talking like a Salarian up in this bitch." Lisa chuckled. "Yeah, we'll try to hook you up. We got the best tracker, and we've got tactical teams too. Well... not yet... right now they are all on a mission to liberate slaves in Fuckwhere IDontKnowLand. They should be back within a week or so." Lisa said. "But yeah, we'll help you find your daughter... once you help us. Sound cool?" Lisa asked, and once he left, she looked around. "Where the hell did everyone go?"

Armando chuckled a little, walking to Lisa. "They all ran towards the Sanctuary, Captain." He said with a smirk. "Don't worry, I already radioed them in."

"Well I guess this is the best time to have them learn their first lesson." Lisa said with a soft smirk. "Never rush the enemy, especially not alone. Follow the lead of the squad leader (me), and stick together." She said with a soft smirk. "Gonna freak 'em out by saying that they could've ran into a minefield or an AK ambush." She chuckled.

Armando rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Like that will help them."

"It will, trust me." Lisa said with a nod.

She looked to Aja, Jennifer and Alexandra. "Hey, thanks for sticking around." Lisa said with a smile. "C'mon, I'll guide you to where you guys will be sleeping." She looked back to Armando. "Hey, mind flying the helicopter back to the airfield?" She asked.

Armando nodded. "Sure thing, I'll be back in a half an hour." He said. "Remember, treat them nice." He said with a soft smirk, walking towards the helicopter.

Lisa gave a playful sigh before turning to the others. "Alrighty then, let's go." She said to the others. While she led the three towards the Sanctuary, she looked to Daphne, who was under a tree. "Hey, you alright? Come with us, I'll show you where you will be sleeping." Lisa said. If Daphne were to join her, Lisa would the continue on into the Sanctuary. If not, Lisa will most likely pester her for a half a minute before leaving her alone and continuing anyway.

For those who have already entered the Sanctuary, the front doors presented a massive front room with two floors, the second floor having a balcony with two large and beautiful staircases leading up to it. The first floor led to a dining hall, where it led into the kitchen and the few halls that led to the many rooms that the Sanctuary housed, including but not limited to the massive garage, the extensive library, the basement/wine cellar, security bunker and rec room. Upstairs also led to these places (as they took up two floors sometimes), but they all led to the offices, bedrooms and bathrooms of the Sanctuary. It was quite a large and lovely place, and it was what it was called... a Sanctuary.

Soon enough, Lisa would've led Aja, Jennifer, Alexandra and Daphne (if she joined) inside through the front door, closing the door behind them. Even though she obviously could've used her powers, she wanted to show them off the next day. Dramatic reveal and all of that. Lisa turned to the others behind her and smiled. "Yeah, so this is the Sanctuary. You can thank Manuelo and Sukaina for keeping this place up." She said. "I'll introduce you to the whole crew tomorrow at breakfast, when I'll be giving everyone the lowdown." She explained before going up the staircase to the right. "So the living quarters are all on the second floor of this place, all along this hallway down here." She said, walking up and into a hallway, revealing the hallway before seeing Marcus. "Hey, what the hell? I was gonna help you out!" She scolded him lightly. "Jackson? Mercury? You guys up here?" She called out. "I'm gonna give you all your room assignments." She looked up and looked around. "Do you guys know where the others are at? Armando's going to land the helicopter at our airfield."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax

Location: The Sanctuary Kitchen
Interacting with: Nyt Årud/Echo - @Din, Mercury @Gilgex, Sukaina @AbandonedIntel

Eddie shrugged a bit, glancing over at the newcomer.

"Don't mind the shadow dork. He doesn't know how to treat people," Eddie sniffed. She eyes the gun on Sukaina's shoulder, nodding a bit, impressed. To be honest, Eddie had expected this entire place to be a joke, filled with people who moved things with their mind but would struggle to assemble anything purchased from IKEA.

"Name's Edwina, but you can call me Eddie," she offered with a wink. "I'm in charge of lighting."

To demonstrate, she turned the boring kitchen lights into strobe lights, grinning in amusement. Hopefully no one in the room had epilepsy. That would have been a bit awkward to explain why she had given someone a seizure...on accident, this time, of course. Waving her hand for the dramatic effect, she turned the lights back to normal, and took a sip from her energy drink.

The can, somehow, wasn't empty yet.

"Oh, and this is...Nyt, yeah," Eddie added awkwardly, motioning towards her roommate-to-be. "She does weird shit with sound."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 12 days ago

Mercury Abital

Location: Sanctuary - Kitchen

Mercury heard Eddie, but ignored her eating his large cake till it was all gone in several rage filled bites. He’d sent her messages, and texts the entire time he was in Brazil. She was so childish to think that it was his fault for going after the woman that’d caused whatever was now happening to him. To make her change it back! He stood up abruptly when he finally saw Sukaina.
”I’m very sorry for not greeting you. I was very hungry from the flight over.

He looked over at Eddie lowering his mask back over his mouth of vicious teeth. Which weren’t going away into the blank darkness like usual. It’d happened during his trip in Brazil his body had altered in that year there. Even still he was changing, and she was starting to enrage him. Proof in the way he seemed to glare at her in hate, than the woman he’d fallen in love with. He turned away from Eddie again to talk only to Nyt, and Sukaina. If he ignored her maybe, just maybe she’d not annoy him as much.
”If you two would like I could make you something to eat. Nyt was it? I’m sure you’re hungry, and I make a killer sandwich. So what do you say?“ He winked at her with a friendly smile.

”So you’re in charge of electricity? Watt do you do at a job like that?“ He was snickering softly he wasn’t scared of Sukaina in the slightest. He’d seen, and done things far more terrifying than she could EVER be capable of giving out.

He rubbed the back of his head when he heard his name being called by Lisa. ”We’re in the kitchen, Slash entertainment room! Love your open concept by the way. I can go look for them all if you want.“ Anything to get away from Eddie she was giving him a stomach ache. Which was strange as he usually never got those. Perhaps it was all this anger? She’d just sorta snuck up on him, and insulted a family he never had. Something he’d always wanted, and she knew that. In those few seconds she’d done enough damage to him, enough that he was standing on a wires edge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Din
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Din The Incredible Time Traveler

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nyt Årud

Location: The Sanctuary -> Kitchen.
Interacting with: Sakaina@AbandonedIntel, Edwina//Lucifer - @Morose, and Mercury@Gilgex.

"Hey... ladies." A female voice called out to them and Nyt turned her head to look at the newcomer. "You're the new girls in town... right? Shouldn't you... be like... with Lisa or someone right now?" she asked. "I'm Sukaina... by the way, I'm in charge of weapons and electricity here."
Oh my goodness, I thought the tour started tomorrow! Should we go back, Sakaina?” She watched the girl smile in response and took it to mean that she better hurry up with the food in order to make it back to the group.
"Don't mind the shadow dork. He doesn't know how to treat people," Eddie sniffed. "Name's Edwina, but you can call me Eddie," she offered with a wink. "I'm in charge of lighting." She demonstrated by playing with the lights in the kitchen and Nyt could only smile, still in awe she wasn’t the only one able to manipulate waves. "Oh, and this is...Nyt, yeah," Eddie said rather awkwardly, motioning towards her. "She does weird shit with sound." She giggled in response.
”If you two would like I could make you something to eat. Nyt was it? I’m sure you’re hungry, and I make a killer sandwich. So what do you say?“ Mercury winked at her with a friendly smile and she blushed a tiny bit, happy he recognized her by name now.
You’re really kind to offer but I have my heart set on making Edwina a sandwich; she won her room pretty unfairly but I’ll let it slide,”Nyt said with a playful grin to Mercury and she carefully maneuvered between the bickering exes as she began her grilled-cheese-making process. The more the tension built up, the more grilled cheese sandwiches she made, hoping to satiate the frayed nerves. She could only imagine what each of them was feeling and carefully noted she might have to bring down the volume if they started a shouting match.
She was relieved, however, when he attempted to crack a pun with Sakaina. ”So you’re in charge of electricity? Watt do you do at a job like that?“ He was snickering softly to himself and Nyt accompanied him with a small laugh. All in all, by the time Sakaina had began to relax, Nyt ended up with enough sandwiches to feed the crew, until Lisa called out for Mercury and he responded with their location.
”We’re in the kitchen, Slash entertainment room! Love your open concept by the way. I can go look for them all if you want.“
Nyt could sense he was hurt, but she didn’t know well enough to pry. Even though Eddie was her roommate, she couldn’t help feel sorry for both of them. It was obvious they still cared for each other, by the way they handled themselves and not arrived to blows, but it was out of her control. It would be something she would have to get use to with people that weren’t necessarily related to her. Nonetheless, she put on a brave smile amidst the tension that needed to be cut with a knife. “I’ll bring these for everyone to take. We should go join the others, then,” she said, nodding at Eddie. She secretly hoped the two would talk about what happened later on when it was bedtime, but it could also remain a subject for later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alexandra Ivanov

Location: Outside the sanctuary --> Sanctuary hallways
Interacting with: Marcus Williams @Pundii, Lisa Martinez @AbandonedIntel, Rest of the group, kind of

Alexandra gave a slight nod once her question was answered, then waited for everyone else to ask any questions they had. The ghost boy asked if they could find someone for him, to which Lisa assured him that they could find anyone. Alex took one last look around the group, looking for any last questions. Everyone seemed to have either wandered off, or asked anything they could think of. Lisa realized this, too, and started towards the front doors of the sanctuary.

Once inside, the first thing Alex noticed was the sheer scale of the building. It looked big from the outside, but it felt even bigger on the inside. The small group followed behind their tour guide, Lisa. Once upstairs and into he hallways, their group grew by one. The guy with the metal arm, Marcus, had made his way into the sanctuary before the others and was found in the hallways to the living quarters.

"Hey, what the hell? I was gonna help you out," Lisa said to him.

"Well, it looks like he was close to finding his room. Too bad he didn't know that he's in Room 104. Of course, he would have known that if he had just stayed with the group," she said with a slight smirk, leaving out the fact that they were roommates. She then turned to Lisa. "We tour in the morning, yes? Are we dismissed, captain?" Alex wanted to be sure that they were allowed to leave the group now that they had found their rooms. She feared what kind of trouble the others might get into for not sticking with everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Marcus Williams

Location: The Sanctuary, (Near Barichara Colombia)
Interacting With: Alexandra Ivanov @Chickn, Lisa Martinez @AbandonedIntel, Sort of the rest of the group

Glancing about the hallway he stood in, Marcus was struck by one thing in particular. As a few people wandered past him, there were no second glances on account of his arm. If he had walked around at home with his arm so openly visible, he'd have people staring, coming up to question him, but everyone here seemed to just accept it. It was something of a relief to him, and he could only guess how it might have made the girl with the tentacle arms feel if she had the same experience.

Hearing the familiar voice of Lisa coming toward him, he turned to face her, seeing the group come back toward him as he forced something of an awkward half-smile. "Sorry, just a bit eager to stretch my legs." He shrugged as he excused himself, glancing over to Alexandra as she spoke up, raising an eyebrow but smiling softly at her comment, pleased to know at least now what room he was in. Glancing back up the hall, he could see the room from where he was, the plain door with the number in brass letters.

Turning his gaze back toward Lisa, he shrugged at her question. "I saw two of them run about up here, though i'm not sure where they are." He explained with a shrug, glancing back down the hall for a moment before looking over to Alexandra again as she spoke up. This time, Marcus decided not to move off, even though he knew which way to go, he'd stick around this time until at least he knew that it was alright to make his way off to his room and get settled.
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