Pilot Appearance:
Pilot Name:Garret Mycroft
Pilot Age:35
Pilot Experience:Veteran
Pilot Psychological Profile:A warrior through-and-through, Garret would have been better suited to life in the Clans rather than in the Inner Sphere. He puts honor above most other things (within reason - it is convenient to forego it at times), and refuses to accept the notion of waging total war. Civilians, in his mind, do not deserve to be killed without first granting consent by means of taking up arms.
He isn't one to keep his mouth shut, and will comment on any and all circumstances as he sees fit, though he can't
quite be considered 'loud-mouthed'. He accepts shit-talking so long as he's able to dish it out himself, but there is a line. Crossing that line is a surefire way for others to be docked pay, be sent to clean the sanitation pipes, or otherwise be yelled at.
Garret fancies himself to be a fairly decent leader and prides himself on being able to keep a ship as big as Mycroft's Marauders running smoothly as long as it has. Sometimes this goes to his head a bit, and comes across as him being condescending towards other, lower ranked officials within the organization, even though they're necessary to complete the paperwork he would otherwise refuse to touch.
He very much dislikes being disturbed during his down time by anybody he doesn't see as being a friend, and as such, most people had better have a
damn good reason for bothering him in his quarters.
Garret is known for having berserker-like tendencies in combat, and has on more than one occasion continued to fight on foot after his mech has been disabled.
Pilot Biography:Garret Mycroft was born to a middle class family on Tharkad. He had a relatively uneventful childhood, with both of his parents working full time jobs, and was a slightly below average student during his education at a private academy, not due to a lack of effort but due to a lack of mathematical and scientific talent.
Given his lack of academic talents, his prospects for a decent career were slim, and as a result he opted to join the military for training as a Battlemech pilot at the age of 20. Years of ass kissing, scrubbing toilets, and running simulations between guard duty in his standard issue UrbanMech permitted him to advance in rank relatively quickly over the years, until striking the rank of Hauptmann at 26. His interest in administrative duties was lacking, and as such, he was never able to move beyond that rank, which he was perfectly fine with - as moving any further up would take him away from piloting duties.
In 3062, Garret was stationed on Kentares IV in a 'peacekeeping' role, where he witnessed the execution of almost the entire Dresari family in person. Major disillusionment with the then-leader of the Lyran Alliance, Katherine Steiner-Davion, and her brutal methods led Mycroft to defect to the Dresari rebel forces and commandeering a set of dropships in the process. The rebellion was over in a flash, and upon the death of Lord Marcus Roland, Garret Mycroft took his stolen Lyran equipment and left the system.
A number of high risk stock trades based on his insider knowledge of the Lyran Alliance military permitted him to gather a respectable amount of capital quickly, and by the end of 3062, he had officially started Mycroft's Marauders, a small mercenary company that would remain fairly obscure for a number of years. Some lucrative jobs passed his way periodically, but generally they were taken up by larger and more reputable companies.
In 3064, after having built up a sufficiently good reputation, Mycroft's Marauders were hired to take on a defense job on a heavily forested Earthlike planet just within the borders of Clan space. Garret personally headed the effort to defend the facility, which was suspected to be on the verge of coming under attack by Clan Jade Falcon. Upon arrival of Clan forces, Garret issued a batchall to the attackers, who had been made up of a much larger force than had been anticipated. A Trial of Possession would take place between their leader's personal Star and Garret's own Lance using nothing but the equipment they had on them at the time, to prevent foul play. The conditions were set such that were Garret to be defeated, Clan Jade Falcon would be permitted to take the facility and planet relatively peacefully - and were the Clanners to be defeated, they would acknowledge the Draconis Combine's ownership of the planet and give their leader to Garret as a bondsman.
The Trial took place at night. Rather than permit the Jade Falcon forces to have the element of surprise, Garret ordered that the surrounding forest be burned to the ground, and the light from the ensuing inferno prevented effective camouflage and night vision usage. The first shots fired were from Clan forces, and one of Garret's three lancemates went up in flames instantly. No ejection pod was recovered. Having given away their positions, four of the Clan mechs received crippling hits, killing two of the pilots. The Star leader, having miraculously avoided all incoming fire, personally took down Garret's two remaining lancemates with a single CERPPC shot to the cockpit each before having one of its legs torn off and falling into a river. The Trial was complete, and as agreed, the remaining Jade Falcon forces departed.
Successful completion of the job yielded both a substantial boost to Mycroft's Marauders' reputation, and one Bondswoman, Sheran Pryde, who would go on to become one of Garret's most trusted advisers and a rather decent (if uncultured) friend in the coming years.
Mech Type:Stalking Spider - Customized
Mech Armament:1x Clan ER PPC w/ 1x Auxiliary Capacitor
2x Clan SSRM-4 pods w/ CASE
2x Clan ER Medium Pulse Lasers
Mech Appearance: