Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Space Boyfriend @Empath

I will gladly do my best to explain it further, though there isn't really much to explain. Kedalup isn't really a traditional deity, and it's certainly not one that is recognised throughout Eden or even the Dreamscape. No, Kedalup is an Ansharin belief only. Kedalup is what the Ansharin call the world. While most of the other civilisations scattered across the world would refer to it as Eden; the Ansharin call it Kedalup.

Kedalup is also their 'God' in a sense because the Ansharin are a tribe who live off the land. The land is what gives them their crops, their water, their livestock; it keeps them alive. Without the land, Kedalup, the Ansharin would perish. For this reason the Ansharin have a very spiritual respect towards the land and recognise it as their God; the one that gives them life. There are no religious practices that the Ansharin perform to worship Kedalup, it isn't that kind of religion. The key principle of the Ansharin people is to take the gifts that Kedalup grants them in exchange for respecting the land.

A more appropriate comparison to an actual religion is the Dream. The Dream is what the Ansharin teach to one another, it is as sacred as a religious scripture to them. The Dream is what they celebrate with prayer, ceremonies and days of festivities. It is not their God, but their history, which in their eyes is what truly deserves to be celebrated. And while many do believe that without the grace of Kedalup, the Dream wouldn't exist, they are two separate entities that are of equal importance to the Ansharin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Space Boyfriend

Space Boyfriend Yo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh I see. That makes sense, and rereading that section on their culture I see where you did say that. I just didn't put 2 and 2 together haha. Thanks for explaining that though :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Space Boyfriend No worries! I'm happy to shed light on anything else, provided it doesn't include spoilers ;)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Yvain
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Yvain Lets mosey...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm gonna have to drop out for now, sorry. I'll continue to lurk though just in case.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Yvain Sorry to hear that! No worries, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Space Boyfriend

Space Boyfriend Yo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name | Yala Jarra-Binalku
((Yah-lah Jah-rah-Bin-ahl-koo))
Gender | Female
Age | 23

Appearance | Yala is of medium height and was quite lanky in her youth but has since filled out as a young woman. She has the dark features expected of the Ansharin except for her eyes, which are a lighter brown with discernable amounts of green. Yala was born with her fathers hair which she wears in long locks that are most often tied back and unadorned for convenience, unless participating in a ceremony.

Personality | Quiet by nature, Yala is a woman of few words preferring to listen and observe, although she is not slow to action when it is called for. However, this has the unfortunate effect of making her seem cold and distant to others when really that is not case. Yala is quite affectionate towards those she comes to know well and shows a motherly concern over those younger than her. Sadly, she does not find a lot of time for making friends her age and spends most of her time with her mentor, Kirra. She is usually quite focused and her patience is long but not limitless, and her anger can be fierce when it's provoked.

Skills |
Dream Keeper (in training) - Yala has devoted much of her life to developing a deep and exact knowledge of the Dream. All Ansharin are familiar with the Dream, both young and old enjoy retelling the lore of their people, and always in ways as unique and alive as they are. However, knowledge cannot be stay true if it changes with each telling.
To ensure that knowledge remains consistent, a few individuals are selected from every generation to learn the Dream as it has been told since The Silence. They might not make for the most enthralling recountings but this process is what keeps the Dream intact and to Yala there is nothing more important than that.

Painting - Yala's favourite form of interpretation of the Dream is art. With a steady hand and eye for detail, Yala paints the symbols and imagery illustrating great stories on sand, instruments and on the bodies of others when certain ceremonies call for it.

Equipment |
  • Woven shoulder satchel
    • Ochre and dyed powders + associated painting utensils
    • Small waterskin
    • Small Ngarlak tusk knife with a rounded end for grinding

Biography | With two of her grandparents being Elders and her late father a brave hunter that is remembered within the Dream, Yala grew up with the esteem of most in the tribe. At first, it was expected that she would become a hunter like her father but, while she did show some natural talent, Yala became more inclined towards the pursuit knowledge.

In her fifteenth year, Yala was chosen to become one of her generation's Dream Keepers. Whether or not either of her grandparents had to do with the choice – as is sometimes quietly suggested by the tribesmen and women – none can say she did not take to her new duties with dedication. Under the mentorship of Kirra, Keeper of her mother's generatine, Yala spent the next seven years learning the tales of the Dream she herself would eventually pass on.

One day however, she overstepped her boundaries and asked her mentor about The Silence. Kirra's usually kind face immediately turned stony. Her words were spoken with thin patience as she told Yala she would never inherit that information. In fact, Kirra herself would not either. The current Elders had made a decision that, for the safety of the Ansharin people, their knowledge of the time before The Silence would die with them.

Yala heard but could scarcely believe. The Elders do not need to be told the Dream is the history of their people, the world; it contained lessons on what to hunt and what to leave be, Songlines which told the hunters what paths the animals would follow in certain seasons and where the other tribes of the Dreamscape lied in relation to their home. You cannot simply cut out what you do not wish to... Yala could not understand. When she argued as much to Kirra, she was harshly dismissed and told to meditate on her transgression; after all, she was by no means above the taboo.

Disconcerted, she returned home. Yala had always thought the Elders right in keeping dangerous knowledge a secret but it is one thing to safeguard against misuse, this was another entirely. Yala followed her mentor's advice and thought deeply about that days' lesson.


Ok, CS up, finally. I took some creative licence with some Ansharin traditions and some actions of the Elders, let me know if it's not in line with what's going to be happening in the IC and you want me to tweak anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Space Boyfriend Everything is fine, I am pleased with how you have expanded upon the culture. Jala is accepted!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Space Boyfriend

Space Boyfriend Yo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Leslie Hall Awesome :) I'll go pop it on up in the character section now then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name - Nortooga
Gender - Male
Age - 22
Appearance - 175 cm tall, athletic build with a mesomorph body, not too buffed but not too skinny either. His skin shade is that of a Burnt Umber. He has a rough face complexion scarred by an ocular burn(white eye) which is connected by a small and thin burn trail on his skin continuing to large burns from below the right side of his chin extending from below his ear covering all his right side of the neck going towards his shoulder. His hair are black and grey with grey hair covering almost 40% of his head mostly located on the sides and front. He has straight rough hair and keeps em short(as short as a knife can allow). His jaws are wide and strong and his eyes are sharp, his left eye being a bright amber and if you look intently into his eye you can make clouds of amber constantly floating around forming a mesmerizing effect. He has a cloth peace wrapped around his neck continuing to his right shoulder and down to his wrist, also having another cloth piece covering his left arm but starting from the top of the arm instead. These are mostly used to hide the burn marks and countless self-inflicted cuts on his arms as a form of repent and failed suicide attempts.
Personality - Quiet and thoughtful. He spends a lot of time, which is found during guard duty, pondering on what ifs and replaying different scenarios in his head.He values honesty above everything else and he gives everyone a chance listening to what they have to say. He never judges people on how they looks but on how they truly are and mostly sees the good in people while also keeping their negatives in mind but putting them aside. He always puts other's safety before his own always being in the front line during wild beast hunts attracting the predator's attention to himself leaving the others some breathing space and opening for a lethal strike to the beast. He doesn't show fear to die or to pain. That's what he is known for the most.
Eye of WALINKOI(left eye)- Unnecessary to blink
Curse of WALINKOI- Needs to stay hydrated unless he is reduced to dust(human blood is a lot more potent than water for that matter while every other being's blood is a little more potent than water)
Equipment - Multiple water-skins(dehydrates quickly) / Vertebrae of Ryushomon(1.3m long, every inch of it is sharp which can be used as a spear when hard or bend when it is relaxed depending on where you hold it)
Biography - Nortooga wasn't his real name, it wasn't the name he was given at birth by his now deceased parents. It was a name he decided to carry around at all times as a constant reminder of what had happened in the past. He came from a neighboring tribe which was in a very unfortunate prediction.
Nortooga ran and ran without looking back and without thinking about those he left behind as his mind was in chaos possessed by fear. He just ran for hours and hours, without a second thought about them, more concerned over his life than anything else. His wounds still ached over the cold air of night, he just ran as far away from the mountains, as far away from his dead friends. Until he blacked out...
An Ansharin hunting party found him laying on the ground and brought him back to their village where he grew up and learned their traditions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Bishop the character is fine, but I'll have to ask you to remove his phantom eye for the same reasons as the other characters.

I'm fine with Nortooga being a pseudo vampire, but I do have to stick by my rule of none of the characters possessing magic at the start.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Leslie Hallarent 4 people enough? This IS a small group after all.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Bishop we do have one more character in the works I believe. I plan to get things going today provided work doesn't call.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

I wrote up two very brief Character sheets for a couple of important NPC's. They're not incredibly vital to read, but they do establish a bit more about what's going on; particularly Kwilana.

Also, I will be writing up the IC tonight. So get ready! I'll also be setting the RP to 'full' so we don't have anymore applicants. @LokiLeo789 and @Empath, you two are still able to finish and submit sheets. Though I must insist on getting those finished up soon. PM me if there are any issues.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

I apologise deeply, but I was sidetracked this evening by a few things I had to do. I could write up the IC now before sleeping, but I'd rather not rush the first post.

I am working tomorrow, so expect the post tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully this gives enough time for those who haven't finished up their CS yet to do so.

I should also mention that yes, while this is a Small Group roleplay; it may grow into a large group depending on how things go. We can go about this story in 2 ways:
  • Our small party of 4-6 Ansharin travel the world and face the obstacles alone (Antagonists can be played by you guys if you want btw, just putting that out there).
  • We start out small, travelling the world and going to different locations, but every so often we might come across someone who joins them in their journey for a brief period of time or maybe until the end? Who knows. Preferably this will be done by recruiting others into the Roleplay at a later time.

What we do really depends on what you guys want, and if we can even get interest later on (Speaking personally, I'm not a big fan of jumping into already in-progress roleplays. Though I know some people are). So yeah, just thought I'd throw that out there. Let me know your opinions, because I want this to be enjoyable for you.

Speaking of, if any of you have any ideas for any locations/obstacles/side events that you'd like to incorporate into the roleplay; let me know. I'll work with you to incorporate it into the roleplay eventually. This can include personal arcs for your characters btw.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Space Boyfriend

Space Boyfriend Yo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah I certainly wouldn't mind having more people come on board later, especially as the story moves into different parts of Eden and we meet new people. I think'll make for a really interesting cast of characters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Space Boyfriend I'm glad you think so!

I'm going to be writing up the IC now that work is over. I apologise for the extended wait!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Space Boyfriend I'm glad you think so!

I'm going to be writing up the IC now that work is over. I apologise for the extended wait!

Hyped for it! :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Space Boyfriend

Space Boyfriend Yo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And so it begins :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 2 mos ago

So I don't know what tactics should we use during hunt. Chase the prey to exhaustion, surround them and make one group chase them towards another hunting group or set of traps in r use dividing tactics if the prey stays in a herd and pick them off after like divide and conquer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Bishop If you guys want to go on the hunt then I'll leave the strategy up to you, though we shouldn't spend too long on the hunt. Mostly it'll be a good opportunity to establish/build any pre-existing relationships between characters before we really get into the thick of things.

the other option we have is for the group to become side-tracked from the hunt when Kwenda shows up with the journal.

I'm cool with either option so whatever you guys decide is all fine by me.
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