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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurkerlurks
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Lurkerlurks The Rp Addict.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The sun had just been setting on the city, some parts of it had been lit on its own even though it had been raining, as if the fires would burn eternally. The sounds of sirens could be heard echoing through out the nearly empty roads. Few people would be out this late, especially since the curfew would be set soon. Some where along the empty streets a a television would be playing in the window of a store. It had been a news woman, she had been speaking in such a worried tone that anyone who had been watching would just simply walk off, attempting too ignore her voice.

“Fortunately, The Heathen Pack, although still adorning their masks came too save the school from the few members of the Spade gang, since then it had been rather quiet from the Spades..” she would fix her glasses, running her fingers through her short blond hair, as she’d continue her news. “Since it is twenty minutes too curfew the government asks me too urge the citizens too head home or be home. “ she would add softly, as the sound of thunder would hit through the sky as if a great drum echoing along with the sirens. “Unless you are with emergency services i ask that you please, for your safety stay home, or go home.” Lightening would crash along the sky, as puddles of water would soon decorate the ground.

“There’s been no sign of the Spade gang, especially who some are calling their leader Sage Spade.”

A hooded figure would be staring too the television screen, as most would rush home. The sirens would call again through out the city. Her ears would twitch, one would be confused if it was the police sirens or firemen.. but it was a trick, it had been both of the vehicles. The hooded figure would give an annoyed sigh as they’d shove their hands in their pockets. There had been rumors of a group of ghouls trying to join Sage, she had too let her group take them out. Her eyes would glance up too the sky and her eyes would appear too be the same color as the dark grey clouds in the sky.

Glancing back to the ground she would look around, too be honest she had her group on patrol for this group. It had been a group of three if her sources had been correct, she had even informed the Q-squad, after all, she knew better than anyone she who and what kind of militia had attacked the city, had been attacking the city. Like a virus that had been so stubborn and so rooted into the very core of the city that it would be a challenge too uproot it.

On the other side of the third ward, only a couple block away from the hooded woman, a red eyed ghoul had been slowly crawling from the sewers, spider legs moving from the sides of both of her hips as she would move and contour her body in a sickening way that would push her through the sewer drains. The red eyed ghoul would move through the shadows, staying silent and keeping its scent low. After all, the creature had found out that word had spread about it’s plan, about it’s crew’s plans.

The part of the ward the creature had been lurking in had been rather crowded for how close curfew had been, it had been full of citizens grabbing last moment supplies and rushing home, or waiting for the bus to get home. There would however be police officers on either side of the side walks, walking up and down literally patrolling their beat. Just because the CCG had been taken down, the police force didn’t step down-although there had been a drop of police officers since they had taken the burden.

They had help though, especially from Q-squad and The Heathen Pack; even though some officers had been wary of the Pack, the enemy of my enemy is my greatest friend, they say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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On a rooftop near the border to the 3rd ward a ghoul with a white wolf mask stalked the area watching the area. The wolf was a member of the heathen pack and as such had to do his own patrols but not simply so he could protect the ordinary humans but so he could get his meal of ghoul blood, unlike most ghouls the wolf ghoul had a taste for cannibalism the taboo among most of his kind. However that very taboo made him incredibly strong at the price of his own sanity. The white wolf or actually designated Wolf Claw by others. Scratched his head as he kept hearing the voices of those he ate some were crying out in pain, others begging for forgiveness, most were angry as hell trying to scream at him. Wolf claw was lucky if he could get any sleep at all because of it but it didn't effect how he hunted.

Wolf claw soon heard a scream coming from a nearby alleyway so Wolf claw started running leaning his body downward as he ran soon jumping off another building nearby and so on until he looked down to see the scene before him 2 ghouls were attacking high school girls who couldn't make it home in time for curfew. With his mask already covering his face he jumped down to see the two neither had their kagune out but then again against humans they really didn't need them. They turned to see the wolf claw and they called out "Hey get out of here punk its first come first serve Said the one on the right wearing a red hoodie and having a birds beak mask covering the bottom part of his face. The other one had a black half mask covering the left side of their face however that one seemed to be the smart one as he said "Jonny man we gotta go he is the wolf claw don't you recognize that mask? He eats us not the humans". "What are you kidding me nobody would stoop so low as to eat their own kind it is probably a rumor so he wouldn't have to fight guys like us" he said to his friend but Wolf claw simply smiled at their idiocy.

Wolf claw looked to the girls and he said "close your eyes girls you don't want to see what will happen next" He said and the girls didn't need to be told twice as they turned away hoping for it to be over. They both revealed their kagune the one with the hoodie and the bird mask revealed that his kagune was a Ukaku revealing a purple wing on his left side. The one with the half mask revealed that he was a Bikaku as a tail like kagune wrapped around his left leg. Wolf claw soon got down on all fours and his kagune came out revealing the 4 wolf claw like kagune. After a moments hesitation it was the Ukaku that attacked first and wolf claw jumped backwards and used his appendages to block the attack from close rang while he tried to strike forward and hit the Ukaku with a strike but he jumped high to avoid it. Wolf claw then used two of kagune to attacked him in mid air but he got some footing and jumped to the other side of the alleyway. "See man he is nothing but talk he isn't all that tough The Ukaku said trying to encourage his scared friend to act.

The Bikaku nodded and started to attack from behind wolf claw but he jumped backwards getting behind him and with one of his claws grabbed the bikaku tale forcing him backwards towards him before he was able to strike through his gut with his fist killing him in an instant. The Ukaku then started to shiver in fear as he said "What the hell are you! He said still trying to act tough. Wolf claw grinned and said "I have a saying, to kill humans you must be a monster. To kill monsters you must be a demon!" He said and that made the Bikaku try to run but Wolf claw grabbed his leg bringing him back into the alley and he kept trying to shoot Wolf claw with his Bikaku to try and make him get off but Wolf claw used his other two appendages to block them. Once he got close enough Wolf claw punched him as well piercing through his chest destroying his heart in one blow. He turned to the scared girls and said "run now, they wont hurt you now" He said and they screamed at the scene before them and ran as quickly as they could. Once they left Wolf claw started to eat the ghouls knowing he would have two more ghouls screaming in his head....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Outside a small club in a dark, damp corner of Tokyo, Mae Shiba rolled her eyes at the curfew announcement. Honestly, any human that hadn't figured out that being outside at night was a bad idea by this point just about deserved what they got. Natural selection, you know? Besides, she'd been getting a bit... Peckish. She hadn't eaten in quite a while, and she worried that her human-loving pack mates were rubbing off on her. Couldn't have that.

And so, crouched in the shadows, 'Comedy' watched the door from behind her ever-smiling mask. Oh, it was possible that whoever came out of the club would be a perfectly decent person, just down on their luck and looking for escape. Perhaps they just couldn't find work, or were looking for someone they'd missed. Maybe they had a partner, a child just waiting for them to get home. Wouldn't that just be tragic? Sadly, these thoughts didn't bother Mae Shiba. To tell the truth, she couldn't care less.

Besides, there were very few decent people around these parts. So, when a man stumbled out of the club, drunk and trying to get back home before curfew, he was sliced in two almost instantly. At least it was a quick death, as these things went. Some ghouls would be a lot more showy about the whole thing. Grabbing the remains, Mae disappeared down the alley, a glossy puddle the only evidence of the man's demise. Once she got a bit further away, she ate her meal.

She thought about bringing some back for the others, but decided not to bother with the idea. At best they'd reject it, at worst they'd get all judgemental or something. Why they were so hung up on helping the humans, she would never understand. Ghouls were just above them on the food chain. Simple as that. Of course, any hope of actually taking anything despite that was dashed when she glanced down the alleyway, and saw a pair of black eyes staring back at her. He wasn't seriously going to pick a fight with her, was he? No, he couldn't be that stupid.

The ghoul unfurled their kagune - another Ukaku, by the looks of things. Oh, joy. Mae lazily released her own Kagune as the ghoul launched a flurry of projectiles at her, which were easily blocked by a single large wing. Honestly, it was slightly pathetic. Barely a C-level ghoul, by the looks of things. Not even worth toying with, which was a shame. He did seem fairly surprised to find his left leg no longer attached to his body. And half of his right one.

"You know, in future, you should probably look at your opponent before trying to hunt them. What you just tried was like a rabbit trying to fight a lion. Say, have you ever heard of survival of the fittest?" she said casually as she strolled over to him. He glared up at her, muttering defiantly. "S-screw you."

Behind her mask, Mae raised an eyebrow, then leaned down, her mask's grin just inches from his face as she laughed at him. "You know, I might have let you live, but it seems you just can't learn your lesson. The weak die, unless they bow to the strong. That's just the way it is. Allow me to demonstrate."

It was the last thing he heard before a razor-sharp projectile went through his skull. Mae stood up, satisfied, but she heard the sound of people approaching. With a sigh, she took flight, landing several blocks away. What a pain. At least she'd gotten something to eat before he'd tried anything - dealing with idiots and weaklings tended to ruin her appetite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurkerlurks
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Lurkerlurks The Rp Addict.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The thick smell of iron would dance through the air, the sun would set as the scent would hit the air. The temperature would drop steadily with the ever moving orb, as darkness would lay it’s claim too the land. The woman would continue too watch the news, giving a soft sigh she’d scratch the back of her head, still keeping the dark hood over too shadow her face. Her nose would twitch and she would turn too sniff at the air. Ah, she knew that scent. That scent that caused the beast inside her too rage, she however had not been weak and would not falter. She didn’t care for the hunger at this point, it was Riley’s own slight madness. The woman would starve herself, for weeks at a time before finally breaking.

The subject of her outlet would always be met with an unfortunate fate.

Giving a soft sigh, she’d let her hands drop to her sides as she would begin to walk towards the scent. It meant one of two things:: Her operatives had succeeded and she had nothing to worry about; or she would have too put a creature out of it’s misery. She would turn a corner as she’d glance around, rubbing her chin slightly. “Where did I hide that....” she’d murmur softly as she would grab a small sack behind a trash can, grabbing at the inside of the bag as she’d pull out a lupus like mask.

Clocks had been covered over the mask, on the forehead and on the cheeks of the dark mask. The woman would put on the mask and one of the eyes of the hound had been put a deep crimson as she would walk towards the scents. The Time Hound would be a wild animal free in it’s favorite terrain. Riley- the Time Hound would have various weapons hidden underneath her clothes. She’d turn a corner looking around. Oh yes, there he was.

Her eyes would go over his shadowy form as he devoured the fallen ghoul. The sound had been music too her ears, the sickening sound of flesh being torn from bone, muscles dripping with blood being ripped from it’s ligaments. She’d turn around and tilt her head back slightly. “Finish your meal and then follow me.” she’d speak softly, before walking off.

She’d make her way slowly too the club, she could sense something had been off, however she wouldn’t be able to place what. The thunderclouds had rolled in, it’s great boom of thunder announcing it arrival as rain would begin too pour louder. Great, even her beta would be a pain in the ass too keep up with. Crossing her arms as she would stay underneath the entrance of the club, shelter from the rain.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Markus enjoyed his meal in peace eating each part of the body they had his favorite was their torso and arms since they held the most muscle mass he growled a little sensing someone around that would ruin his meal but calmed down when he saw it was riley their leader. When she said to finish his meal and follow her Markus sighed a little but took one last bite from both ghouls and swallowed feeling full as he soon followed her. Markus couldn't remember when he joined up with the heathen pack but he knows the leader didn't mind that he ate other ghouls she hasn't attacked him either despite how unstable he seemed. Simply doing that much got his loyalty to her plus they both had masks like wolves and he liked that. He kept behind her and once they got the entrance to the club Markus sat down against a wall not really caring about being wet but hunting in the rain would be hard for any ghoul since it dulled their senses. Thankfully Markus already ate his fill for a while. As he started to relax the voices started to talk again and he growled "shut up you....no I don't have regrets about eating you because you were about to eat a child....quit your whining you big baby" Markus quietly yelled looking to his right side then his left side as if he was talking to people despite them not being their. This happened all the time when he would have to deal with the ghouls that he ate it was rare for Markus to get any sleep because of it and if he took his mask off then people would see the dark rings under his eyes to prove it...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mae had been flying around the city for a little while, darting between buildings fast enough that she was barely noticeable. She scanned the streets below, until eventually she caught sight of her allies. She dropped down into the alleyway, retracting her Kagune and landing silently behind Riley. "Miss me?" she said, tapping the other ghoul on the shoulder as she removed her mask, the ghoulish grin being replaced by the face of a young girl with a slight smirk.

Her expression darkened as she heard Markus yelling to himself, as usual. "Oh, and you even brought the crazy one. How fun. Feel free to take offence to that, by the way, Wolf Claw." she said sarcastically. Hey, she appreciated that the guy was a teammate and all, but if he was going to sit there having a conversation with himself, then she had to mock him a little bit. Really, it was an easy target. Besides, he'd know she wasn't serious. Probably. Eh, she could outrun him anyway.

She turned back to Riley. Hang on a second. Something seemed off about her. Striding over, Mae grabbed the other ghoul's mask, lifting it up for a split second before letting it snap back into place. With a look of extreme irritation, she sighed. Riley didn't look well. "You've been starving yourself again. How many times do I have to tell you to stop that?" Honestly, sometimes she felt like the only sane ghoul in the group. Telling the Time Hound to eat properly was hopeless, and she knew that, but decided to try anyway.

"I'll speak slowly so you get it. You. Are. A. Ghoul. Act like it. You're putting yourself in danger as long as you don't. Oh, why am I even bothering, it's not like you'll listen. You haven't the last fifty times." she rolled her eyes, and sat down against the wall with a pointed look at the other two Pack members.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurkerlurks
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Lurkerlurks The Rp Addict.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Staring too him as he would approach her, looking too Wolf Paw as he’d sit down against the wall. She could hear the loud music of the club even over the hard pounding of rain. One of the red orbs would glance too him as he would speak up, she’d listen closely as he would speak too himself. This hadn’t been anything new, however she knew the risks of cannibalism, and she could only assume Wolf Paw and her entire pack knew. Her ears would perk up as she would look behind herself as Comedy would land on the ground hardly make a sound, oh there she was. At least they had defeated their kills, she was happy too see them alive. Sage had been unpredictable, at times she found it hard not too worry about her pack.

She would frown at her words as she would sigh.

“Comedy, that wasn’t funny.” She would speak calmly looking too her and then too Wolf Claw. Staring at the girl as she would lift her mask, Riley would raise an eyebrow as she would scold Riley. The Time Hound would laugh softly, as her mask would cover her face again.Always like Comedy worrying for her. Of course, she had been the only one who slightly knew what Sage had been up too. The Time Hound would speak calmly, as she would sniff at the air some more. She enjoyed the scent of rain. “I sense a change coming with these rains...” The Time Hound would state calmly.”I want you two too be prepared..” Now it was all about recruiting for the rest of her pack.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Markus growled a little as he talked to himself until he saw comedy come over and say that he was crazy and honestly it wasn't anything new so long as neither of them harbored no ill will towards him Markus could care less about their comments. "none taken, although you should remember that to me you may as well be a tasty snack" Wolf claw said with a growl although like her comment about taking some offense she knew that Markus wouldn't eat her or riley. Markus had some sense in knowing who was okay to eat which was whoever got in their way so long as they weren't human, their taste was to mild for Markus anyways. He looked up when riley began to speak and say that she wanted them both to be prepared. Markus gave a small laugh "Their is no need to worry boss, but I do need to get some sleep otherwise I may pass out somewhere that I really shouldn't" Markus warned and the two of them should know that when their are voices screaming in your head 24/7 that rarely gives you the opportunity to sleep one time he did end up passing out on a rooftop for hours they found him before anyone from the spades did though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mae shrugged at the other two's response. "Oh, I wasn't joking. He's definitely crazy, but he's our crazy. You know I don't actually mind it, Wolf Claw." she'd forgotten that they could be a little sensitive. "Although I agree that I'd probably be delicious."

Mae listened to the Time Hound's warning, although she didn't really seem bothered by it. When weren't things changing in this city? You got used to it after a while, so the advice didn't actually do much for her. She tended to sleep with one eye open at this point, 'cause you never knew who'd turn around and stab you in the back. With a smile, she responded. "When am I not prepared, Time Hound?"

If things were gonna get more dangerous, though, the crazy one had the right idea. "Wolf Claw has a point though. If things are gonna happen, we're better off getting some rest while we can. You know where to find me if things go wrong."

There was an abandoned skyscraper where she tended to stay on the top floor when she could - the stairs were destroyed, so no humans could really get up there to bother her. Ghouls were a different story, but that was the same anywhere in the city. If they needed to track her down, she'd told them where it was.

With a smile, she fixed her mask back on her face and gave them a nod before she flew back up to the rooftops, darting between them towards her destination. At this rate, it would take maybe ten minutes to get where she was going, but she scanned the streets below to see if anything caught her interest. If it did, then she'd consider dropping down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Jiko Gisei

Jiko sat beneath an underpass, hidden behind the overhead structure's deep shadow. He held his head between his knees to hide his unnatural, tell-tale, crimson-eye. Not many would believe him nothing more than a monster if they saw it, or so he thought o’ so critically of himself.

What did he have to offer the world now beside pain. His grip over his shoulders tighten, the fabric of his coat pulling into his taunt palms. No one wants me now…

He stayed in that position for hours. The cold barely bothered him anymore, the same could be said for heat. Jiko had no fear of humans either. The beings he feared was Ghouls and they almost seemed non-existent. The Spade Gang was out terrorizing but he had yet to see them himself. It was like he was alone.

His stomach churned and squealed for flesh. He had refused the entity its one desire for weeks now. His father’s shoulder was still grotesquely imprinted in his memories. The relief of warmth and delicious taste of living flesh especially.

A car alarm blared somewhere to the west of him. Jiko tightened his grip on himself.

“I… I wanna die.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Huey walked along the river admiring the moon, he remembered when he was little he wanted to go to the moon. Guess dreams will always be dreams that will always be crushed by one thing called reality. See in reality Huey is a ghoul who goes around eating pass curfew, and what does he eat? Well that answer is standing right in front of him.

A ghoul was just approaching a lousy human he was on the ground missing a foot. Huey placed his mask on and strolled up to the ghoul who quickly turned their attention to him. "Hey this one is mine now go find your own meal!" Huey just starred at the human examining the fear in its eyes, how helpless they are, and this is why Huey prefers hunting ghouls. "You broken in the head or something? I said go find your own damn meal!"

Huey just chuckled slightly before finally speaking "Oh... But I have found my own meal..." the ghoul knew that was a threat, but he took it as Huey wants what he was about to have. How wrong that ghoul was. In a mere second the ghoul already was swinging his Koukaku at Huey who dodged it with the help of his wings. The ghoul tried his hardest to keep his attacks up to par with Huey's but he was just too slow. Huey fired off a barrage of projectiles and brought the ghoul to his knees "Now you are quite lucky as I'm not that hungry, but I still need something." that said Huey cut both of the ghouls arms off. "This should do.

After taking his dinner to go Huey turned and walked back the way he came from stopping under a bridge to eat. Yet again looking at the moon and thinking of when he was little. "Yeah dreams will always be dreams that get crushed by reality..." he sighed at the end and got back to eating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurkerlurks
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Lurkerlurks The Rp Addict.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Riley Spade ⌛ Time Hound

Time Hound would stay quiet, as she would listen too her two pack members both give into sleep, although.. she quiet frankly couldn’t blame them, with a nod of her head towards Comedy the woman would be bouncing from roof top too rooftop, going only gods know where. She would tilt her head back sniffing at the air as her eyes would glance too him. “Wolf Claw, it isn’t safe for Comedy or yourself too be gallivanting around alone.” she would speak up calmly, no doubt Comedy would be opposed too it. “Ensure her safe arrival too her tower,I have a few more matters too tend too, then I will go there too take you too your house safely.” she would speak too him calmly, they did have a nice safe zone, however she didn’t exactly force her members too do things, that wasn’t a team. A team made compromises, and only when it came down too it did the leader make a decision, and that was only when that moment is called for.

Pointing in the direction after Comedy, “Thank you my old friend...coffee is on me next time we all go out” she would nod her head too him. “I hope perhaps tonight you will sleep well.” She would add with a nod of her head. Turning too face him one last time, The Time Hound would pull off her mask, sticking it snug in her jacket as she would pull her hood down as well, long dark hair escaping through the open. She would sigh softly, her eyes converting back too their soft cyan eyes. Her hands would shove back into her jacket before she would follow down the street, it was good too know her pack was fine, and it was good they were worried about their well being enough too sleep.

They would need all the energy they could obtain for the hell they would walk through for her, she hadn’t even known either of hteir take on humanity, completely. Riley ate humans ate times, but even now she couldn’t deny her right. Her stomach would growl loudly and she would give an annoyed sigh. Time for some coffee.

♠ Sage Spade

These streets had been his own, been his home now, the land that his feet touch belonged to him and him alone. He would move along the empty streets, no humans had dared be out this late. Like a ravenous pack of wolves a group of ghouls would be behind him, their Kagune activated as he would walk past the darkened buildings. His men would work quickly, professionally and beautifully organized. They would attack like a well oiled killing machine, raiding the houses of humans.

A grin would spread across his face as the music would begin too play against the air. Sage Spade had been soo, oh soo happy, that sound, he could dance too, the sound of disparity, the sound of madness, and the sound of the powerless becoming the only good thing they were for, food. The delicious scent of human blood would spread through the air, as from the darkness more of his hungry soldiers would prevail, this Ward had been his own, and after all, the leader of this ward had given him permission too only take these two buildings, cattle full of fresh meat for his men and women, the children that looked too him for leadership.

“Take the weaker too the children and women, they need to get use too killing.” “What about the re-” “Pay no mind too the rebels.” he would call back too his soldier. He would tilt his head back and grin, too think... Riley Spade and her little rag tag group of misfits had been on these very grounds. He began too chuckle slowly, as he could hear the elderly screaming, the young- either way it would be food. However, that wasn’t what had been so funny too him. Breathing the air in deeply, he had at one point offered too protect little Riley from this very wrath. He tried too isolate her, isolate her and save her from herself. Now, though.. his kagune would be red and two great wings at this point, spreading them wide too shot their true wing span, easily the size of his own body as he would walk down the streets.

A fire would have been light in one of his apartments, no doubt they had drained their first farm dry of cattle, oh well, humans breed like rabbits, if not worse then those creatures. He would run his hands through his hair, his great frame lumbering through the streets. With the CCG gone, the world would be put back too correct balance, to it’s correct order. He would no longer allow the Ghouls of Tokyo too hide in fear and die or starvation or live in starvation, if they would join him they would earn a place in his glorious future, a perfect place for all ghoul’s alike.

“Stay alert for the police, if they still have the nerve too go up against us.” He would lick his lips as his eyes would move too the burning building, the fire was ever so refreshing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Wolf claw looked up at their leader as she gave their first order in a while which was to walk each other home. He didn't think much of it but shrugged lightly "Whatever you say boss lady, just don't be late I'd rather get some sleep eventually. Be safe boss" Wolf claw said to her then he turned to comedy and stood up just in time to see her jump up to leave. Wolf claw jumped up after her and followed behind. He was willing to do whatever he was asked so long he was given and order by someone who he knew had his best interest at heart.

He made sure to stay behind her as he kept looking around to make sure that nobody would ambush them. Staying in pairs was a good plan but that meant that one of them would be alone when leaving. He was the strongest at least he was very unpredictable and would be tough to beat in any fight. His own home though was not in a skyscraper like comedy. His home was under a bridge, no he wasn't a troll or goblin but this particular bridge had a maintenance shaft behind a door. In that shaft was a large open area for Wolf claw to call home. It was perfect because their were only two ways in or out and it was easy to lay alarms at both entrances so if someone came in without his permission he could lay a trap for them in advance.

Wolf claw knew that soon all hell would break loose and when all else fails he had to be ready to kill...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mae paused and looked at Wolf Claw, seeming kind of irritated that he was following her. "You know, I don't need you to babysit me. Believe it or not, I handled myself fine before you guys turned up." she rolled her eyes. "Seriously, feel free to grab a coffee or something."

She was really glad she'd gotten something to eat earlier, to be honest. Normally she'd hunt on her way back home, but she really didn't want to with him looking over her shoulder. Him and the Time Hound both seemed to get a little sensitive about the whole 'eating humans' thing - the concept of a food chain and the natural order was completely lost on them. Lost on the humans as well, who insisted on calling your average ghoul a cannibal - ignoring the fact that they literally couldn't eat anything else. It really got on her nerves.

A dark look crossed her face as she darted over another few rooftops, then paused at the base of the skyscraper. "Well, home sweet home, I suppose. You can go now, take a walk or go skipping or whatever you do with your time." she said, clearly dismissing Wolf Claw.

Behind her mask, a look of concern crossed her face. "I know you can handle yourself, but be careful, okay? I've got a good view from up there, so I'll be watching your back. If anyone tries to ambush you, I'll drop in and help out." she laughed, although she was serious with what she was saying. Despite her teasing, and the fact that he had a few screws loose, he was still one of the Pack, and she couldn't have him getting hurt. As much as anything else, she'd never hear the end of it.

With that, she unfurled her Kagune and flew up the side of the building - visible for only a couple of seconds before she reached a cracked hole in the wall and headed in to the top floor. She had a makeshift living area there, with a small gas heater, a mattress and a pile of blankets. There was also a sketchbook, which she spent most of her spare time drawing in - something that she'd never admit to the others, of course.

Instead of lying down to sleep quite yet, she waited at one of the windows to watch and make sure Wolf Claw didn't get ambushed. Anyone that thought they'd catch him alone would be in for a nasty surprise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Jiko Gisei

Where had his hunger carried him now?

That question was some infant’s whisper behind the ravenous screams of pain and hunger that assailed him. He sauntered weakly towards a chaotic scene. He could smell the charming aroma of blood in the air and heard the all but tempting screams of people close by.

He spotted a herd of Ghouls running into flaming buildings and couldn't stop himself from following after them. Slowly he stumbled into the first home. The door had been splintered and thrown out the kitchen window several meters away, the house was lit by the flickering light of flames. Ghouls fed on a shocked woman that could no longer fight, her glazed eyes staring at a beheaded body that laid limp on the stair case.

Jiko felt warm, wet tears fall from his eyes. Blood mixed beneath the tear-trail of his red-eye, the only semblance that gave away his Ghoul biology. He stepped towards the decapitated head at the bottom of the stairs and dropped to his knees.

He sobbed as he held the bloody mess against his chest without control. Conflicting thoughts yelled back and forth.

Devour the flesh, take in the warm blood!

NO, you are human, you are kind.

No! You are Ghoul, they are food! You must eat to survive!

He felt so confused that he gave in to the urge. It felt like his jaw had unhinged as he fixed his mouth over the man’s face. He consumed the man’s left ear with a single bite and at once, felt a heavenly relief from the hunger pains. It was such a first-aid that he hadn’t hesitated to devour every inch of flesh. Savagely he bit and gnawed on a stranger’s head.

He lost himself completely when his sounds became monstrous and animalistic, something so far from human that he had known himself as a Ghoul and not a human.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Huey had finished one of the two arms he took and was about to start on the second one. But before the first bite a smell filled his nose and a taste filled his mouth. It made him throw the arm in disgust, it was the smell and taste of human flesh which had ruined the rest of his meal. "He could at least not let them set fire to the buildings, and have the smell fill the air... Oh well..." Huey had gotten up from his spot and used his wings to fly up.

He starred down at the city and the chaos that was going on. Spade was really doing it tonight, Huey couldn't remember the last time it was this crazy. He had his mask on and was just taking laps to shake off that taste of human probably didn't help since he was in the sky. But something did make him stop, and it was something really good by his standards. See since Huey has been hunting ghouls for food he's been able to distinguish certain ghouls from others. To put it in better terms he can smell which ghouls are stronger than others, so he doesn't end up wasting his hunting time on some weak ghoul. The scent lead him to a skyscraper he could quickly spot a ghoul standing at one of the windows.

"Better check with Spade about this one..." Huey thought as he flew away looking for Spade who he found strolling the street. Huey landed next to Spade making sure to get his attention. "So I found this pretty strong ghoul all alone in a skyscraper, and was wondering if I'm aloud to hunt her?" he asked hoping the answer would be yes. Huey was really up for a challenge tonight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IgnisMendacium
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IgnisMendacium The Liar

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Shadow: Celisse "CJ" Spade

No taller than a young girl, and no older in looks. CJ, a 19 year old girl to the inexperienced eye. She was no ordinary petite girl, she was a ghoul. On this night this ghoul needed to eat, no, not eat, feed. Most of the time it wasn’t about eating to survive she fed because she knew it was her idol’s wishes. The cattle needed to be slaughtered the girl thought to herself. This stuck with her always. This same thought reoccured to her as out from the shadows she dashed from shadow to shadow nails outstretched shaped like claws. She ripped the jugular of the throat of a simple human woman running away from a burning building. This would sustain her as a snack she’d hunt a human when the flesh was crispy a recently recurring delicacy for her.

Oh did these buildings burn so bright. The streets of Tokyo were where it all was going to begin.the dream she had always fantasized of her and her leader hand in hand as the world burned in await of a world made for the new top of the food chain; Ghouls.

Cj had followed Sage for only a year but she had made a name for herself. She always shadowed him from the darkness he did not need the protection but it made her feel necessary to always be the external outlook for him. This and an indomitable loyalty are why the leader of the Spades always kept his “shadow” as someone he could look to for a second opinion. He was her world, there was no one thing bigger than his use for her.

As she caught up with object of affection she caught him relaying orders. She loved hearing him command “Pay no mind to the rebels,” and “Stay alert for the police, if they still have the nerve to go up against us.” These words were gospel, Celisse was by no means a religious ghoul. Religion was for weak minded humans, but she knew this baptism of flame was going to be uprising of the ghoul lord and saviour.

"So I found this pretty strong ghoul all alone in a skyscraper, and was wondering if I'm aloud to hunt her?"

“If a ghoul is foolish enough not to be with us they deserve to die.” Cj muttered to herself in her native tongue. She mulled over the thought of her: with us, against us mentality this may be the doing of RIley’s muts. “Could be a trap” she said a little louder shrouded by cloak hiding in the darkness mere footsteps away from Spade and her fellow follower.

“Realistically we should find a place to set up headquarters, if we are able to get the message across to the cowardly masks, we may be able to build our numbers and encounter less ghoul resistance.” she moved to a mere step behind and to the right of Sage “Sir,” she asked formally as she always did. “If we want our coup to be taken seriously we should mobilize a few task forces, we should send one team to overthrow the local government and another to overtake a major media station.” She said all of this knowing the possible punishment that may come from speaking out to her commander. She also knew how successful revolutions were run by much weaker humans. She had studied ever since she met Sage.

If he hit her for outburst she knew she’d deserve it. She just hoped she was echoing his thoughts and vocalizing them for her fellow comrades to digest.

This was going to be their revolution… Together.... The Spades.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The sounds of suffering and death in his ears, the smell of smoke and fire in his nostrils, and a relatively new magazine in his hands, Rei was firmly disinterested in the entire commotion that was currently unfolding, much despite the clear joy it was bringing his surrounding kin. Instead he stood off far to the left side behind an undisturbed corner, pale green eyes narrowed as he stared down at the magazine held carefully between his hands in front of him. He did not bother to raise his head to even speak or grant anyone else around him any form of acknowledgement, while it might seem rude to the outside eye, anyone who had been around him for more than a few weeks knew well enough that he was listening- even when at a distance. Not that there were many around his current spot anyhow. Just choosing not to join in or participate in the enjoyment of whatever was going on. And in this case, he was choosing to not join in on the slaughter! For a good reason, at least in his opinion, excluding the fact he had already eaten earlier. He could see blood and dying humans any time but who knows when he could be so lucky as to find a new magazine featuring decorated cakes?

After just a few moments of standing, Rei dropped down into a crouch, his jacket bunching up around his hips as he did so. The magazine in his hands hardly even having moved from the motion and the ghouls eyes did not even blink. On the current page he was on, three, was a very interesting looking cake. Four different tiers of four entirely different flavors, each one colored differently with some kind of odd design on it. Though as he flipped to the next page, his disinterested face finally cracked as a very faint smirk formed on his lips. Now, this page was already his favorite. The entire two pages were his favorite. While not overly fond of cute things, there was something oddly charming about small bunnies made of gum paste and royal icing.

He would never be able to eat such a thing, of course. But it never hurt to look. Sighing silently to himself, Rei quickly flips to the next page and then the next. He quickly found himself disappointed though, especially as he flipped through the rest of the pages. Nothing but some stupid sports designs and weird retro-themed wedding cakes. Who the hell had time for weddings these days anyway? Without another thought on the matter, Rei quickly re-opened the page with the cute-but-inedible bunnies on them and with a well practiced hand ripped both of the pages out and promptly tossed the left over magazine back into a small pile of trash he had found it in. After spending another moment or so carefully folding up the two pages he had collected and sliding them into his jacket pocket, Rei quickly pushed himself up and stuffed his hands into his pocket before making a b-line from between the buildings back to the street. It seems his timing was nearly perfect, having just arrived just in time to catch Cj beginning with 'If a ghoul'.

Unable to stop himself, he quickly spoke up before Sage nor Huey could manage to get a word in.

"As true as that all might be, doing too much at once could be a horrendous idea. Especially considering it wont take them all that long to figure things out, I'd be willing to bet on it. Though while we are on the topic, I am quite sure I spotted a straggler making their way in with the group. Smelled a bit off, I don't think they are a real threat or anything, just the 'hungry and lost' sort." Rei didn't look towards any of them, instead his gaze was straight forward, his nose crinkled as he sniffed the air. A brow quirked slightly and a corner of his mouth lifted a bit. He might have had more to say, but whatever it was clearly died before it could be brought out, his attention already having shifted towards the building.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurkerlurks
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Lurkerlurks The Rp Addict.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Riley Spade ⌛ Time Hound

Riley wouldn’t even had made it ten steps away from her original spot, before her nose would twitch ever so slightly. Something had been burning in the city, it had too be pretty close, maybe four or five blocks away, six at the most. She would tilt her head, probably just a house fire of some sort. Her hands would move deep into her pockets as her eyes would close and she’d continue on her path. Her movement would be away from the smoke, until she would pause, and the faintest scent would hide ever so perfectly underneath the scent of wood and old paint burning. She would turn her head towards the scent, her eyes would flicker red for a moment as she’d frown. It was probably nothing... she should just turn around. Her feet would kick at the ground lightly.

Humans could need help, and she doubted her body could ignore the smell of a barbecue, so perhaps it would be wiser too help than too stand idle. Groaning softly, she’d scratch the back of her head, why did she have too go and have a conscious. She’d jump up high, landing gracefully ontop of a building. She very rarely activated her Kagune, she had other weapons. After all, how could one play the part, if they couldn’t look the part. She would move higher up, she would rather see and not be seen. Blending into the shadows all too well. Her movement would be that of a well oiled machine, built for one thing, too observe and then too react; and oh, she would react.

The cyan eyed ghoul didn’t even have too get three hundred feet of the area too see what was going on, too smell the scent that she wished she never would. Gripping her hood tightly too her face, she wouldn’t let him see her. He wouldn’t have his fight this soon, she would frown slightly. The Time hound had not been a fool, no matter how powerful she had been, it would be a dead man’s wish too move into that front. She would frown and softly sigh, she’d move ever so carefully too the path of the smoke, allowing the rough scent too cover her own.

Well, was she supposed too react first? No, observe first. Crouching low, she’d tilt her head. This wasn’t hunger, this was a statement, this was wild untamed gluttony. Such an inspiration too show her the ways of what she would never, ever choose too be. She’d watch as small forms would rush into the burning buildings, no doubt hungry ghouls.. however her eyes would narrow onto a figure who seemed too be admiring the burning buildings infront of him, his back towards her. She’d watch as the snakes seemed too crawl from the shadows.

And of course, he didn’t see her, they didn’t see her.

As long as her curious friends wouldn't get nosy everything should be well. She didn't want any confrontation, however her hands would be reaching towards her weapons, the two guns snug against her lower back.

♠ Sage Spade

Sage’s crimson eyes would slowly move from the burning buildings, he was the savior too his people. To the humans he would be consider, their lord or christ. He would grin as he doubted they would never question his ways. Turning slowly towards the soft footsteps of one of his more capable foot soldiers, he knew the boys name. He knew the name of every single face in his army, and the ones that would soon be apart of his army, even if they didn’t want to. He would smile kindly towards the young man, Huey was his name. He picked up a petty nickname, but Sage didn’t like too bring up such... distasteful matters, especially at the dinner table. A strong ghoul. He would speak up towards Huey, before he could say anything his shadow seemed too pull from the darkness.

Oh, so the bear decided too come out of it’s den. Amusement would swim over his eyes as Cj tried too explain too him what was better for his cause. He would stare too her in silence as she would continue too speak. His eyes would flicker between the two, Cj- she had been one of the only creatures he trusted, mainly because the young woman had been completely in love with him. It was a weakness and a strength, he didn’t encourage it openly, but it did have it’s uses. He doubted that she would ever turn her back on him, doubted that she would keep secrets. “Now, now Cj... we do not know exactly who this young ghoul is...” His eyes would lazily flutter towards his soldier.

“Huey, go bring me a living human...mmmm, make that two.” Sage’s words would be kind and soft, however a tone behind them would be very prominent that this was not Sage asking Huey, it was him telling the young man. He would wait for Huey too leave, however he would not be able too speak up Rei would chime in. Ah yes, his patience was being toyed with tonight. Speaking out of turn was something he expected from Rei, but rarely he got it from Cj. He would keep his kind smile however, as his arms would cross slowly, his deep crimson Kagune would tense slightly before relaxing ever so slowly. His eyes would look too Cj and he’d wait for Huey too leave, and he’d speak up suddenly, his words would be drench in poison, you know.. like cyanide mixed with tea. Something sweet, but deadly.

“You know, I believe, only humans will get the message I am truly trying too spread.” He would begin too the two slowly beginning one of his infamous speeches. Why did he have the faintest feeling there had been someone watching them, his eyes would glance around. He would think he saw a movement in the smoke but only for a second before there’d prove too be nothing. “For me too take the one feeling they are suppose too feel away would just prove against my point.” He would continue, his words growing louder and no doubt this would pique the curiosity of his ravenous warriors. “That they are weak and powerless, desperate creatures... i want them too watch their militaries try their hardest against us, we’ve already wiped out the priority threat..” he would pause for the moment, too breathe in the air.

“So no, Little Shadow we will not over take their media or government.”

Turning abruptly too Rei, his eyes would look over the man. “I noticed that as well, it will be dealt with appropriately.” He would say calmly. He would move from the group ever so slowly, before calling out too the rest of his warriors. “Let’s make this fast food now, I want us too be gone before the proper authorities realize what this is.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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As they traveled and got to her home in the skyscraper Markus smiled a little seeing the concern on her face as she said that she will watch him."If I didn't know better I would have thought you were worried about me." Markus said with a smirk as he simply waited for their leader to cone so she could take him to his home. After a few minutes he thought about leaving on his own until he saw a fire in the distance and the feeling that he was being watched. He had the feeling that neither of them should be left alone for the time being. The scent was only their for a moment but he did smell another ghoul.

Markus then decided that he needed to join her and keep watch. Normally he wouldn't worry if a single ghoul was around but he smelled blood and the blood of something strong. Markus used his kagune and used the claws to climb up to her floor. Before she argued however that it was her home he whispered "we might have company, it ran fast no doubt a scout Markus told her with a serious look on face which she should know by now that he wasn't playing around. Markus might be crazy but he wasn't stupid he could tell when a situation was going to get bad. Hopefully she would understand his concern
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