My favorite thing that I forgot doesn't have an "s"
idlehands said
I don't think I could do it. I enjoy describing things and playing other characters as well as my main character. I think I look at RP as more like collaborative story telling than just playing a singular role.
Blitzkrieg said When I first came to the guild, I wasn't sure how I rated as far as roleplaying skill went so I decided to try a "free" roleplay first.
After having posts of 500 word paragraphs be replied with: "The archer saw something in the shadows." I knew I didn't belong.
Dervish said
Free RPs having a plot is usually like finding a unicorn. I am honestly kind of baffled how some of those games can go on for a long while when there's literally no established plot and the players wing the whole thing half a sentence at a time.
idlehands said
Haha I remember my first roleplay. I went for Casual and saw a pirate RP. I joined, found a cool looking pirate woman picture to use, and then I noticed something. Everyone else was using anime pictures...and there was a 'powers' is this? What is One Piece? omfg I joined a fandom RP of some anime thing I'd never heard of. I had no idea. I dropped out. >.>
Dervish said
Blitzkrieg said
Dervish said
13 year old me was not a good writer haha.
Seravee said I only roleplayed horses for my first two years or so.