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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by skieth


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok I figured I'd start off on the new site with my first rp being my favorite thing in the world and that is music. This rp is going to be based off of a band that is going to be playing there last small time gig. Soon their lives are going to be changing more then they could have ever imagined. There isn't much detail besides a basic direction for where I want this to be, because I love character steered rps where you honestly don't know what is going to happen. For instance everyone could be happy but someone is homesick and finds ways to compensate for that be it alcohol, drugs, or sex. So that being Said I'll have some rules basing around some things that can be happening here.

1. Language is allowed just not every other word.
2. Romance or sex is allowed as long as you don't go to detail. If you do fade it out or take it to pm.
3. Don't control another character without that person or my permission.
3. Make sure you add at the bottom of the CS that there is two threes.
4. You must at least post every two or three days.
5. If you can't post for whatever reason let me know.
6.Send all CS to me for approval
7. To verify you have actually read all the rules at the bottom of your cs put L3TS ROCK

Lead Singer: Gowia
Back up Vocals: (Do you just want to do back up and stay out of the spot light? This can be numerous people if needed.)
Lead Guitar: ME (Sorry Guys)
Rhythm Guitar: Rusalka
Co-Rhythm Guitar: (If we need a triple guitar assault let it be)
Bass Guitar: 6Deadly6Venom6
Drums: Avanhelsing
Keyboard: (add those ballads and high notes to really send music over the edge.)
Synth: (Do you like that electric noise!)
Violin: Apoalo
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's ready! Yay!!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by skieth


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Drake Redgrave
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight but under right circumstances could become bi
Position in Band: Lead Guitar
Instrument: Dean Custom 380

Personality: A very sarcastic with little to no remorse for what he says. Chances are if it sounds offensive it is with him. He isn't afraid to go after a girl if he sees something he likes. Definitely has a real passion for the music and desperate to achieve his own sound. If your his friend he has your back even if it may seem like all he wants to do is get in your pants. He has a natural compass towards the dangerous and has been known to get hurt and laugh about it.
Favorite Bands: Stone Sour, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, A Day To Remember, Pantera, Winery Dogs, Steve Vai, Led Zeppelin, Scorpions, Black Sabbath.
Hobbies/Skills: repairing guitars, playing guitar, drawing, recording, sex, booze.
Job: Works in a local guitar store.
Bio: Born in England he was raised by a couple young parents who met and fell in love in a bathroom at Led Zeppelin concert. He grew up surrounded by music 24/7 and loved all the tones that came from that magic instrument known as the guitar. His parents moved around a lot eventually leading them to the states where he found some modern american rock and roll. Since he has lived there he opened a guitar store with his father after high school and managed to get a band together with some interesting individuals to say the least to put out a sound that was never heard before. They simply called themselves Out Of Thin Air.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Jack Sullam
Age: 26

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Position in Band: Lead vocals

Instrument: NA

Personality: Jack takes his singing seriously however he is also happy to have a joke. He takes everything in his stride and is almost always very laid back, he plays the suave gentlemen and loves it. His icon is Alex Turner (Lead singer of Arctic Monkeys) and he tries to be like him every day however he sometimes finds himself becoming quite suddenly depressed as he still desperately wants to be an icon of his own. Acting out he can find himself lashing out at those he should be holding closest. His dad left when he was young and despite claiming he is over the whole thing if somebody were to go on about it he would strike out in rage.

Favorite Bands: Arctic Monkeys, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park and The Gorrilaz.

Hobbies/Skills: Jack is an okay footballer, loves to play poker, enjoys listening to other bands and also works out quite a bit.

Job: He currently is an intern at a local radio station.

Bio: Jack was born as a teenage pregnancy and because of this his dad left when he was only 1. He has always been quite popular at school however they were never really real friends, only people he could impress. He had one good friend when he was 12, Dave Gooden. Dave used to be there for everything Jack did and Jack was always there for Dave. They even joined a band together when they were 14 and this is where Jack discovered his love for singing. They were part of a few contests and got a number of trophies and prize money. However when they left for college they split up as only Jack really took the music as serious as the rest of them so he began looking to try and get a solo contract, doing small gigs in pubs and bars. The money wasn’t great and he went hungry more nights than he cared to remember. Finally he began to give up and started trying to follow a career in radio so that at least he would still be involved in music.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 6Deadly6Venom6


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Name: Lucy Fire

Age: 23

Gender: Chick

Orientation: Lesbian

Position in Band: Bass Guitar


Personality: A real wild thing. The product of poverty and rock'n'roll, Lucy's philosophy is pretty much 'nothing is serious, so anything goes'. She is more than likely to make innapropriate jokes and not get why no one else is laughing. She'll talk your ear off about death metal, crime, the occult or strange historical occurences if you let her. She's obsessed with dark and weird subject matter, but ultimately she's happiest making jokes, mocking people, scaring people, defying authority and hooking up with cute girls.

Favorite Bands: Slayer, Vader, Mercyful Fate, The Haunted, Anthrax, God Dethroned, Havok, Behemoth, Children of Bodom, Skeletonwitch, Venom, Morbid Angel, Celtic Frost, Warbringer, Starkill, etc.

Hobbies/Skills: Learning about history/morbid trivia. Tombstone etching. Watching horror movies. Hunting. Jogging. Cooking. Driving.

Job: Pizza Delivery.

Bio: Grew up poor in the city. Dad was a country boy. Took her hunting and fishing a lot. Introduced her to classic rock. She was kind of tomboyish as a child. But as she grew up and got into heavier and heavier music, she also became less of a tomboy and more of a dark metal chick. She picked up her first bass guitar when she was 13 and has been practicing her ass off ever since.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ultimate Spidey
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Ultimate Spidey

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm so sorry, but I am no longer interested in playing.

Hope you all have fun!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name:Ben Curtis
Age: 21
Orientation: Straight but maybe just maybe Bi.

Personality: Jack is a joker pure and simple. He cracks jokes at bad times and does not seem to really care who gets insulted. However he can in fact be serious when the time requires it. Sometimes he does not seem to care though. He is loyal to his friends when push comes to shove.
Favorite Bands: Rolling Stones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, basically he likes anything.
Skills and Hobbies: Playing the drums ((Duh)) and reading. He is bilingual as he speaks Spanish and English. He works out often.
Job: He is currently working at his father's office. He is a cubicle monkey. He hates it.
Bio: Benjamin Curtis was born to a rich father and mother. So he was born into wealth. However he never really fit in all that much with his peers. He learned how to play the drums against the will of his father who had planned for his son to take his position as CEO of the family job. He never cared for it though. He became even more distant with the tragic death of his mother. Playing the drums was all that he had to help himself get through.
((I prefer to add more to the bio as I go along. However I set up a few struggles for Jack.))

((His hair is blonde and his skin is tanned. I liked this picture but the black and white....))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Ned Attwater
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Position in Band: Manager
Instrument: N/A

Personality: There are some kinds of people that are great at their given profession, there are other kinds of people that are a bit odd, Ned is what happens when you mix those two together into a very odd creation. Some might call him off-hinged but he prefers to be called a "differently sane". Extroverted and filled with energy, he never seems to be able to stand still for too long, and he is always doing something. His head is firmly rooted in the clouds, drifting along with the birds but his feet are rooted to reality. As a wise man once said "Though this be madness, there is method in it." Though he may be a little more odd then most, he still takes his job very seriously and he still has a strong education and basis in logic. Though his logic may be abstract in the thinking of it, it still makes somewhat sense if you step out of the box of standard human perception and looked at it from his angle.

Favorite Bands: Plumtree, Black Flag, Metric, Weezer, Broken Social Scene
Hobbies/Skills: By trade Ned is a classically trained pianist, but he also enjoys whittling exclusively ducks.
Job: He is a private piano teacher, usually driving his Oldsmobile around to middle or upper class family homes and teaching their little half pints simple chord progressions and the such.

Bio: Ned was raised around music his father being a fairly respectable audio engineer, while his mother was a column writer for their town's local newspaper. He was raised in simple suburbia, were everyone was a happy thirty something year old couple with a dog/cat and 2.5 children. He was an average student in school, no grades his parents could complain about, he played hockey and lacrosse for his school teams and even had a smattering of like minded individuals, that one might be able to define as a friend. Though his real passion they say was the piano, an art he picked up at the age of four and never stopped. It was in many ways the one thing he excelled at, the one thing that made him more then just a sort of odd kid. He would come home from practice or hanging out with his friends or whatever and he would just play his father's old grand piano until it was time for dinner, for some reason it just made sense to him.

Everything after his graduation from High School is highly disputed among his friends and those that know him. It is a conundrum for the ages because he never seems to give the same answer twice. Though from what could be pieced together, apparently Ned was accepted into Julliard which he attended for only a year and a half before leaving without a word to anyone leaving a half finished composition on his desk. This is believed to be true, because the school does have records of a young man with his name attending the school. When an associate asked Ned about it, he responded simply "creative differences" and never said anything more about the topic. They say after that Ned spent his days traveling the majority of North America in his car, because he could. This took him another year or so but on a fated day they say his car broke down in town one day. The first time it had broken down in his entire trip and so he took it as a sign and stopped. He found his first job at a local record shop and put down his roots. Though because of his somewhat eccentric behavior and odd patchwork past that is still disputed about over the years he has become a sort of recognizable figure in the local music scene, so doors open a little bit easier for him. He met the band when they were on one of their first auditions for a gig, he liked their sound and as they say the rest is history.


Two Threes what is their significance?! What do they mean!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Name: Landon Helton
Age: Just turned 17.
Gender: Male
Orientation: He's not entirely sure.
Position in Band: Electric Violin, and Violin

Personality: The goody two shoes, the brainiac, the straight A nerd. Those are the things used to describe Landon when people first see him, but that quickly changes when you hang around him and get to know his personality. Landon is a happy-go-lucky kid who loves being around people and gets along with just about everyone. He's a music virtuoso and has played Violin since he was 4. Other than that Landon is still somewhat confused about the world and how people act, his innocence still there. He has never kissed a girl or boy for that matter, and he really doesn't know his sexual orientation. When approached by strangers he is rather shy until he finds his place in the conversation or activity.

Favorite Bands: Not a band but Jason Yang, Bryson Andres, Bond.
Hobbies/Skills: He practices his Violin and plays for the cities orchestra. He is also good with computer games.
Job: None.

Bio: Born and raised by an executive CEO of a major bank and a Hospital General Owner Landon has never wanted anything in his life without being able to get it. He lived a very sheltered life being basically raised by his nanny. He attended a private homeschooling with other children of CEO's and the curriculum was as rigorous as the rules were. When he was 10 he saw some other boys his age playing baseball on the television and he begged to be allowed to do that. Of course the answer was no and Landon started feeling lonely and depressed. When he was 13 he attempted suicide by drowning himself in the pool, attaching a heavy weight to his ankle. Luckily for Landon his father himself walked down to try and find him for the party that night and saw him in the pool. Ruining his suit his dad untied his ankle and managed to revive him on the floor. Ever

After that incident he was allowed to do more things with other kids, which included hosting slumber parties, sponsoring teams that Landon played on and the public relations ended up doubling his father's business's stock. Everything was going perfect for once. When he entered High School his parents buckled and let him attend the public High School not to far away from the mansion. Here Landon found he was very much ahead of his grade level and coasted through classes making friends with the not so cool, not so preppy crowd. He enjoyed being able to live for once and with his faithful violin beside him Landon felt he could now conquer the world.

Not long after the start of the second semester of his freshman year Landon was found by what would become his best friends. He was playing his electric violin in the auditorium to a crowd of band students. He was of course showing off his prodigal status as a violinist and he had most of the students jumping to the rock/pop music he was blaring out. They approached him about joining their band and Landon quickly agreed even offering to have his dad sponsor it.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I think thats everyone? Shall we get started!?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I believe it is the last person. Yay!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Im ready to roll
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 6Deadly6Venom6


Member Offline since relaunch

Sweet. Lucy can talk metal/classic rock with Drake and horror/monsters with Haruna. And possibly trade some offensive humor with Ben.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by skieth


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright first post is up have at it!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by skieth


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Come on guys start posting have fun
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Damn! I wish I knew about this earlier. I've been looking everywhere for an awesome RP like this. If there's any open guitar positions lemme know. \m/ I'm thinking of making a thrash metal chick.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll post later.
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