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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Post up. @Kalistar@NeutralNexus@nitemare shape: So, how do you all want to move forward with these two missions?

@DedonusIcon does seem to attract plenty of attention, from every gender. Good for him. Thankfully Eva isn't head over heels for him, to be honest I haven't thought about what her type might be.

Well, someone needs to get some attention other than Arachne.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thunderbolt and Boom seen to have the Wonder twin's powers. They both took the form of drooling fanboys. Hehe.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

So this character was already accepted, but I am reposting her since unlike the others I was playing previously I will be continuing with her.

Character you have created: Elaine Ward

Alias: _____

Speech Color:

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: There are many types of people in this world, and many that you would expect to see make the decision to adopt a life of villainy. Elaine is not really one of those people. She does not have a particularly forceful personality, or the driving will that is so common there. She is rather indecisive, and prone to second guessing herself. She actually is quite intelligent and her plans tend to be well put together, but her own lack of confidence has been one of her biggest enemies in her life so far and it only stands to reason that it will continue to be problematic for her in costume as well. Elaine is also at times almost painfully shy. Now these together do not seem to make a super-villain, but anyone can be pushed to the edge and the feeling that you are against a wall is a pretty good motivator. Her life is falling apart around her and she sees this as the only way.

Elaine is of roughly average size and has a rather slight build. She stands 5'6 tall, and weighs in about 120 pounds. Her hair is almost pure white in color, as is her skin, and her eyes are a pale blue that almost seem to lack any color whatsoever. She is badly nearsighted and so wears a thick pair of glasses nearly all of the time. Her hair is long and she doesn't normally style it much.

At the moment Elaine's 'costume' is rather pitiful, though it will not be pitiful for long. Currently it is composed of several several winter scarves wrapped around her head and face, an old surplus grey trench coat that she bought from a used clothing store, winter gloves, and heavy grey pants. Her hair is bundled up inside of the scarves so that it can't be grabbed and pulled on and her glasses make it so that her eyes at least always have to be somewhat free. Due to her current lack of intentions to pursue a life of crime and her current goal of using her powers in this way only the once to get money she hasn't exactly invested heavily in the costume.

Her first real costume will detailed here when she has it.

Origin Info/Details: There really isn't all that much of a story to tell in regards to Elaine's origin story, likely because so little of her story has actually been told thus far, after all she is yet to actually use her powers in more than an idle fashion. Still there are some things to discuss. Elaine was born approximately 22 years ago to a lower middle class family. She was the third child and the lower middle class bracket for her family while somewhat comfortable was not really a safety net.

School was not a particularly pleasant experience for her as she did have a rather distinctive look, and that paired with her intelligence and awkwardness with the other people helped contribute to a lack of friends and a tendency to be picked on. Despite the difficulties she managed to do well and escaped into college, leaving her family behind and moving to a place where no one knew her. Of course things really didn't go the way she had planned. There was no true fresh start and she had difficulties at her new home as well.

Still she did alright for herself, making it through her first year and a half without failing out. It was a few months ago that disaster struck. Her mother and father died in a car accident, and while she was never close to them, they had been paying most of the bills. They left little behind and her ability to pay for her education rapidly vanished. While she was able to scrape up enough to pay for the semester that has already started, all the other bills are coming up and she has no real answer to them.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):
Street to City at this point, could become world eventually.

Elaine has the power to animate inanimate objects at a touch and shape them into temporarily animate constructs that serve her will. Her power only applies through direct physical contact with her skin, and is most often channeled through her hands though it could theoretically be channeled through any other part of her as well. Her constructs can possess powers of their own, though typically only simple ones that relate to the shapes that they take. A construct that resembles a dragon for example could feasibly have the ability to breath fire or fly. She has control over the process of formation and when she initially creates something the resulting creation is based on a mental blueprint. The more time she has had to perfect the mental blueprint the better build the construct will be. She can store the blueprints in her mind and can create without one, but creations made up on the spot tend to decay very quickly and have glaring flaws. Finally the larger a construct is the shorter the period of time that it will last as a rule. Returning to physical contact with her keeps a construct from decaying and renews its lifespan.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human currently

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human currently

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human currently

Agility: Normal Human currently

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal


Supporting Characters:
To be added as they appear.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:

She was nervous. That really wasn't a surprise considering what she was about to be doing, but nonetheless the nerves were getting to her. She had tried to make sure she was prepared, finding out the route that the truck would be taking, planning out what she would need to animate to succeed. But it wasn't going the way she had planned already. Elaine had figured out the route, and timed the truck several times to make sure she knew exactly when the vehicle would be coming, but it was late now and she was growing concerned. And the layers of scarves wrapped around her face were itching something fierce. A slim hand, clad in a winter glove rose up to fiddle with the scarves, trying to make them itch less as she fidgeted.

The alleyway also stunk, it was too cold to be standing out here, she was already going to have a hard time finishing the paper that was due in a couple of days, and now the truck was late. There were a lot of reasons to abort but the young woman stayed in the alleyway, peering out around the corner periodically through her thick glasses as she waited. There were a lot of reasons to abort, but they were trumped by the simple fact that she needed the money.

Eventually the gleam of headlights and the silhouette of a large vehicle came into view and Elaine knew this had to be it. She took of her gloves off, wincing as the cold bit into her and slipped her pale hands into two of her coat's pockets to grab at two of fist sized metal spheres she had in them. Then with a brief moment of concentration the metal in her hands began to shudder and shift. She stepped out from the alleyway and threw the pair of spheres in the direction of the oncoming truck.

If this didn't work she wasn't going to have very long to regret it. The young woman dropped to her knees, and for a second she panicked as thoughts of failure flashed through her mind obscuring her mental image of what she needed. Her hands touched the ground and she forced an image to form as the ground began to ripple outwards from her hands.

At the same time the spheres she had thrown continued to shift, both morphing into strangely insect-like creatures of metal. At their front ends were hard points like battering rams, their backs included metal wings that buzzed and whirred as they propelled the creatures forwards into the vehicle. As they struck the front windshield the bulletproof glass shattered and the creatures almost instantly positioned themselves, razor sharp limbs pressing against the throats of the men who were supposed to keep the truck secure.

It was a few seconds later, and with not much time left to spare that the ground heaved upwards in front of the truck, briefly seeming to form into a shape not unlike a giant hand of concrete and asphalt, a hand that stopped the truck in a crash and scream of tormented metal before shattering itself. The two men in the front of the truck were not fit to do anything, and even if they had been the pair of bug like creatures were still in position.

Elaine scrambled back up to her feet, rubbing her hands together from the cold as she called out in a voice she was trying to keep from sounding too much like her normal one. "Don't move and you will be fine. I only want the money."

With that said the girl in the makeshift costume of scarves and a coat hurried around to the back of the truck and withdrawing a third metal sphere concentrated again. The sphere reshaped itself in moments, forming another creature, this one lacking wings, but with a series of long legs and a single large center of mass. She held it up to the door and the legs hooked onto it as the creature began to scuttle along the doorway, a bright beam of light blasting forth in a precise stream as it did so, cutting through the door bit by bit.

She had never thought this would go so well. She'd nearly fucked up horribly, forgetting the design she had planned to stop the truck, but everything else was working.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Uhhhh..... Okay. I can work with this. This can work. It totally didn't shift my plans from "Have real talk with War-Pulse and find a new base" to "HOLY SHITBALLS IT'S THE JUSTICE LEAGUE."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Also, I like the interesting love polygon.

Thunderbolt -> Radiance -> Icon <- Boom

Icon looks like he's attracted some attention. :)

Waitaminute...what have I missed? :::Rushes off to get caught up IC:::
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

So this character was already accepted, but I am reposting her since unlike the others I was playing previously I will be continuing with her.

Character you have created: Elaine Ward

Alias: _____

Speech Color:

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: There are many types of people in this world, and many that you would expect to see make the decision to adopt a life of villainy. Elaine is not really one of those people. She does not have a particularly forceful personality, or the driving will that is so common there. She is rather indecisive, and prone to second guessing herself. She actually is quite intelligent and her plans tend to be well put together, but her own lack of confidence has been one of her biggest enemies in her life so far and it only stands to reason that it will continue to be problematic for her in costume as well. Elaine is also at times almost painfully shy. Now these together do not seem to make a super-villain, but anyone can be pushed to the edge and the feeling that you are against a wall is a pretty good motivator. Her life is falling apart around her and she sees this as the only way.

Elaine is of roughly average size and has a rather slight build. She stands 5'6 tall, and weighs in about 120 pounds. Her hair is almost pure white in color, as is her skin, and her eyes are a pale blue that almost seem to lack any color whatsoever. She is badly nearsighted and so wears a thick pair of glasses nearly all of the time. Her hair is long and she doesn't normally style it much.

At the moment Elaine's 'costume' is rather pitiful, though it will not be pitiful for long. Currently it is composed of several several winter scarves wrapped around her head and face, an old surplus grey trench coat that she bought from a used clothing store, winter gloves, and heavy grey pants. Her hair is bundled up inside of the scarves so that it can't be grabbed and pulled on and her glasses make it so that her eyes at least always have to be somewhat free. Due to her current lack of intentions to pursue a life of crime and her current goal of using her powers in this way only the once to get money she hasn't exactly invested heavily in the costume.

Her first real costume will detailed here when she has it.

Origin Info/Details: There really isn't all that much of a story to tell in regards to Elaine's origin story, likely because so little of her story has actually been told thus far, after all she is yet to actually use her powers in more than an idle fashion. Still there are some things to discuss. Elaine was born approximately 22 years ago to a lower middle class family. She was the third child and the lower middle class bracket for her family while somewhat comfortable was not really a safety net.

School was not a particularly pleasant experience for her as she did have a rather distinctive look, and that paired with her intelligence and awkwardness with the other people helped contribute to a lack of friends and a tendency to be picked on. Despite the difficulties she managed to do well and escaped into college, leaving her family behind and moving to a place where no one knew her. Of course things really didn't go the way she had planned. There was no true fresh start and she had difficulties at her new home as well.

Still she did alright for herself, making it through her first year and a half without failing out. It was a few months ago that disaster struck. Her mother and father died in a car accident, and while she was never close to them, they had been paying most of the bills. They left little behind and her ability to pay for her education rapidly vanished. While she was able to scrape up enough to pay for the semester that has already started, all the other bills are coming up and she has no real answer to them.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):
Street to City at this point, could become world eventually.

Elaine has the power to animate inanimate objects at a touch and shape them into temporarily animate constructs that serve her will. Her power only applies through direct physical contact with her skin, and is most often channeled through her hands though it could theoretically be channeled through any other part of her as well. Her constructs can possess powers of their own, though typically only simple ones that relate to the shapes that they take. A construct that resembles a dragon for example could feasibly have the ability to breath fire or fly. She has control over the process of formation and when she initially creates something the resulting creation is based on a mental blueprint. The more time she has had to perfect the mental blueprint the better build the construct will be. She can store the blueprints in her mind and can create without one, but creations made up on the spot tend to decay very quickly and have glaring flaws. Finally the larger a construct is the shorter the period of time that it will last as a rule. Returning to physical contact with her keeps a construct from decaying and renews its lifespan.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human currently

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human currently

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human currently

Agility: Normal Human currently

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal


Supporting Characters:
To be added as they appear.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:

She was nervous. That really wasn't a surprise considering what she was about to be doing, but nonetheless the nerves were getting to her. She had tried to make sure she was prepared, finding out the route that the truck would be taking, planning out what she would need to animate to succeed. But it wasn't going the way she had planned already. Elaine had figured out the route, and timed the truck several times to make sure she knew exactly when the vehicle would be coming, but it was late now and she was growing concerned. And the layers of scarves wrapped around her face were itching something fierce. A slim hand, clad in a winter glove rose up to fiddle with the scarves, trying to make them itch less as she fidgeted.

The alleyway also stunk, it was too cold to be standing out here, she was already going to have a hard time finishing the paper that was due in a couple of days, and now the truck was late. There were a lot of reasons to abort but the young woman stayed in the alleyway, peering out around the corner periodically through her thick glasses as she waited. There were a lot of reasons to abort, but they were trumped by the simple fact that she needed the money.

Eventually the gleam of headlights and the silhouette of a large vehicle came into view and Elaine knew this had to be it. She took of her gloves off, wincing as the cold bit into her and slipped her pale hands into two of her coat's pockets to grab at two of fist sized metal spheres she had in them. Then with a brief moment of concentration the metal in her hands began to shudder and shift. She stepped out from the alleyway and threw the pair of spheres in the direction of the oncoming truck.

If this didn't work she wasn't going to have very long to regret it. The young woman dropped to her knees, and for a second she panicked as thoughts of failure flashed through her mind obscuring her mental image of what she needed. Her hands touched the ground and she forced an image to form as the ground began to ripple outwards from her hands.

At the same time the spheres she had thrown continued to shift, both morphing into strangely insect-like creatures of metal. At their front ends were hard points like battering rams, their backs included metal wings that buzzed and whirred as they propelled the creatures forwards into the vehicle. As they struck the front windshield the bulletproof glass shattered and the creatures almost instantly positioned themselves, razor sharp limbs pressing against the throats of the men who were supposed to keep the truck secure.

It was a few seconds later, and with not much time left to spare that the ground heaved upwards in front of the truck, briefly seeming to form into a shape not unlike a giant hand of concrete and asphalt, a hand that stopped the truck in a crash and scream of tormented metal before shattering itself. The two men in the front of the truck were not fit to do anything, and even if they had been the pair of bug like creatures were still in position.

Elaine scrambled back up to her feet, rubbing her hands together from the cold as she called out in a voice she was trying to keep from sounding too much like her normal one. "Don't move and you will be fine. I only want the money."

With that said the girl in the makeshift costume of scarves and a coat hurried around to the back of the truck and withdrawing a third metal sphere concentrated again. The sphere reshaped itself in moments, forming another creature, this one lacking wings, but with a series of long legs and a single large center of mass. She held it up to the door and the legs hooked onto it as the creature began to scuttle along the doorway, a bright beam of light blasting forth in a precise stream as it did so, cutting through the door bit by bit.

She had never thought this would go so well. She'd nearly fucked up horribly, forgetting the design she had planned to stop the truck, but everything else was working.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Waitaminute...what have I missed? :::Rushes off to get caught up IC:::

Nothing really, only that Icon is a sex magnet, I'm sure even Arachne would agree he is hot. Thankfully none of my characters swing that way or are interested in his type.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dedonus Like @Athinar said, we can work with this, you guys go ahead with your plan, and Athinar and I can plan accordingly. I'm still hoping we get our real talk down before you show up, but if not we'll roll with the punches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Waitaminute...what have I missed? :::Rushes off to get caught up IC:::

-Thunderbolt was eyeing Radiance.
-Boom was eyeing Icon.
-Radiance was eyeing Icon.

Uhhhh..... Okay. I can work with this. This can work. It totally didn't shift my plans from "Have real talk with War-Pulse and find a new base" to "HOLY SHITBALLS IT'S THE JUSTICE LEAGUE."

@Dedonus Like @Athinar said, we can work with this, you guys go ahead with your plan, and Athinar and I can plan accordingly. I'm still hoping we get our real talk down before you show up, but if not we'll roll with the punches.

Sorry. Kind of misread the War-Pulse post. I thought you both went your separate ways. You guys can finish it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

So I guess Kali and I will head off to Albany to find Zac and the others. I'll get started on my part for that in the next day or so. I guess we'll be taking a STRIKE transport to NY
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So I guess Kali and I will head off to Albany to find Zac and the others. I'll get started on my part for that in the next day or so. I guess we'll be taking a STRIKE transport to NY

Or it could be a private plane provided by Arthur, since S.T.R.I.K.E. is not involved with this little meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

Or it could be a private plane provided by Arthur, since S.T.R.I.K.E. is not involved with this little meeting.

This is very true
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

This is very true

I can't wait until we recruit Arachne. I already have a rough draft of my set-up post for that situation. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

I can't wait until we recruit Arachne. I already have a rough draft of my set-up post for that situation. :)

Does it involve fondling in any way?? I'm sure it does..

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

I can't wait until we recruit Arachne. I already have a rough draft of my set-up post for that situation. :)

So..who's going to try to recruit her?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have a feeling that Angel might try and throw his wrench in the works of this little team-building exercise, simply of the virtue of it being a S.T.R.I.K.E. mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have a feeling that Angel might try and throw his wrench in the works of this little team-building exercise, simply of the virtue of it being a S.T.R.I.K.E. mission.

It doesn't sound like a STRIKE OP, more Iron Knight recruiting those he feels can aid him, but of course Angel might not know that.

Also just noticed your new avatar. Cthulhu for President, can't be any worse than who we have running already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

So..who's going to try to recruit her?

I know who isn't. Iron Knight. ;)

Icon will go for sure. Chris needs to take advantage of the fact that Icon basically knows everyone (kind of an exaggeration, but still true).

Maybe War-Pulse if he mentions that he knows Arachne. Maybe Wasp, mattering on how well Lyger and Radiance's task goes. I planned that Arachne's recruitment would happen after War-Pulse and the Albany heroes.

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Does it involve fondling in any way?? I'm sure it does..

No...at least it is not planned. *gives the evil eye towards @Kalistar*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Also just noticed your new avatar. Cthulhu for President, can't be any worse than who we have running already.

Well, we have Clavicus Vile on one side and Sheogorath on the other. I'll leave you to figure out which is which.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I have a feeling that Angel might try and throw his wrench in the works of this little team-building exercise, simply of the virtue of it being a S.T.R.I.K.E. mission.

It doesn't sound like a STRIKE OP, more Iron Knight recruiting those he feels can aid him, but of course Angel might not know that.

Also just noticed your new avatar. Cthulhu for President, can't be any worse than who we have running already.

Vatrou is correct. While Iron Knight is affiliated with S.T.R.I.K.E., the meeting at Settler's Clearing (and therefore the assignments) were not.
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