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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

I can alter that no problem.

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>


<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Very well, I'll eliminate the list then.

re:color That was a typo. I meant note, not know...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A lore thread would be a good place to dumb the extended information, such as Vat's ten pages of magic lore. But a summary of that kind of information should be in a hider in the OP.

My magic lore would be easy. I posted that a few pages back in OOC. Everything else.. Including the Supernatural.. That would need a thread. I got lore for the heavy hitters in the mystical world and how the other mystical entities live in this human world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago


This informative pamphlet was brought to you by:

NiteMare Shape.........Editor-In-Chief

Current Month: February
Current C-A-H World Arcs

Pax Metahumana / @Dedonus / In Progress / OPEN

Rules and Expectations

* Stay true to the personality and abilities of the character, such as no Cyclops moving planets with his optic blasts, Dazzler defeating Galactus, or Aunt May as Galatus's new Herald...

* Do NOT rip off existing heroes in comic universes. Come up with your own creation. If your character is too similar to one in Marvel, DC, or other comic companies, you will be asked to change it or come up with a new character.

* Before starting a game wide event, check with the GM to ensure it will not conflict with ongoing plans. Such events should NOT be your introductory arc.

* Gods and other deities are not allowed. However, characters such as Darkseid and Odin, who may have been worshiped as such; are.

* Reality warping and cartoon physics and other such powers are not allowed.

* Do NOT criticize another poster’s character. We are not all Stan Lee or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive. This rule applies even if a poster asks for feedback.

* Your character should make sense. Wolverine doesn’t dance in the flowers. If you have a meek character, they shouldn’t be smacking other characters around.

* Communicate with others in your arc. This is key to the fun. It doesn’t matter how many fights you win, it matters if the fights were written well.

* The Game Masters have the final say in matters of character acceptance. You are welcome to alter the character to make it less powerful or more creative, but arguing with the Game Masters is not allowed. This is a game, let it be fun.

* You are allowed three characters. However, if you are new to the game we recommend starting off with one. You can always add another character later.

* This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such.

* If you are new to the RPG, your first arc should be your origin arc. There are NO pre-established characters in this RPG.

* You can reside in any place in the New Universe. Note, however, that the main city is Lost Haven, Maine. This is where a lot of the action will take place. You can also travel off-planet.

* Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless you're a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.

* Don't be killing people without reason. You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Dazzler will lose against Thanos one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away.

* If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval.

* You can form super villain gangs, superhero teams, alliances, the works.

* There can be a number of stories going on at once, using different people.

* Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities.

* There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative.

* There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.

* No obscene topics! NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.

* People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters.

* I made most (if not all) of the character banners in this game. If you join and would like one, feel free to ask.

* This game has OPEN ENROLLMENT. There are no limits on the number of players who can join. Feel free to fill out a CS and join the fun!

Need to Know Events:
Name-Time estimate (months it covered IC estimate, including any years ago if needed)-brief summary
  • Insert my summaries here.

Lost Haven


Current Active PCS

Walking the Line


Character Sheet

Create a Hero RPG Application
Interested? Fill Out This Application:

Character you have created: Character's Real Name

Alias:Name other than their real name

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): See either the "Formatting Cheatsheet" (for convenience during posting) or the Guild's Color Guide (for a preview of what the colors will look like in a post) for possible colors, see CSes to note what's currently in use and what is still available.

Character Alignment: Three different alignments.

-Hero- Enjoy helping others, following the rules, and preventing the suffering of innocents? Ex: (Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man)
-Villain- Want to create some havoc, live for only your morals and needs, and take what you want or have while enjoying the fall from the aftermath? Ex: (Joker, Green Goblin, Magneto)
-Walking the Line- Liking keeping a distinct balance between good and evil by living by your own set of morals, never answering to anyone but your sense of right? Ex: (Punisher, Deadpool)

Identity: Is your real name a Secret or Known to the public?

Character Personality: Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations, how they socialize and more.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like.

Origin Info/Details: How did they gain their powers, where did they originate and end up where they are now? What experiences do they have and events in life turned them into the people they are today?

Hero Type (Select one):

Normal- Average human or Non-powered characters
Brick/Muscle- Strongman or Brute type character
Elemental- Select: Water, Wind, or Earth.
Energy-What kind of energy? Ex. Electricity, Fire, Spirit, etc.
Psychic- Use your mind to toss or bend items, read minds, or even just cast illusions to make people think they're crazy!
Acrobat- Balance on great heights, twist into interesting ways and always land on your feet.
Speedster- Duck and weave, you can't catch me because I'm too fast for you.
Gray Matter- Who needs fancy powers or extreme weapons when I fully can and will out smart you.
Shape Shifter- I was a little lady once, then a young boy, and now a supermodel. What shape next, I wonder, should I take?
Mystic- Spell casters and magic users, if you're using any sort of magic then it goes here.
Supernatural- Divine agents, vampires, werewolves, zombies, angels, demons, and the list goes on...
Other- if you managed, somehow, to create something that doesn't belong in any of the above list then please put it here.

Power Level (Select one below):
A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)
D. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)

Powers (Be Specific):
Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100+ tons.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100+ MPH.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours.
Agility: Normal Human, 5X, 10X, 15X, or 20X Human level.
Intelligence: Average/Genius/Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained/Trained/Mastered

Resources: Minimal/Average/Large/Extreme


Supporting Characters: Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

[b]Character you have created:[/b]
[b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b]
[b]Character Alignment:[/b]
[b]Character Personality[/b]:
[b]Origin Info/Details:[/b]
[b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b]
[b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b]
[b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b]
[b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b]
[indent]Strength Level:
Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
Fighting Skill:
[b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b]
[b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b]
Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.):

Credits for the OP

Listed in Alphabetical order

Nitemare Shape
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
Avatar of Dedonus

Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Fallenreaper: I will try to fill in some more of the new OP as the day continues. Also, I found where the code mistake was that was giving you the error message. There was a stray [indent] code in the character sheet section, right before the "character name" entry.

@nitemare shape: The beginning of the game started in February, correct?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I think, personally, our Lore section should go after Characters but before the Character Sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

My stuff for Vigilante comes from over 3 or 4 different websites of game worth and several years of play... frankly I don't want to scare the living shit out of anyone trying to come to terms with the game, that's why I tried to keep mine fairly simple and broad strokes need-to-know in the app itself (with specific mention of his relation to magic).

To be honest, I thrive and get inspiration from reading Lore and such. Even large amounts, but when I first joined I had, even now I'm still having trouble figuring it out, who had what or where to go for information. Right now, it's not an issue. However, I know others who feed off that as well and while I agree it might scare off newbies, there's way to do it without literally making it visual until they need it. At least if they know the source or person to go to, it helps some. You also don't need to make summaries into extreme details, but rather board strokes with enough detail that you have some idea of how it works.

With just my stuff alone I'd need a Lore thread. Then considering everyone else adding their lore, companies, PC friends. Et cetera. So should we put up a community Lore thread?

That's actually up to everyone, I can't answer that alone. So it might be best to vote on it, but the big question is who to send the votes of yes or no to really. *looks to @nitemare shape, @Dedonus and @Hound55.

Vigilante will punch your gods in the face just so he doesn't have to learn a bunch of new lore..

He already has to learn new history for this dimension!

Who says you have to learn it right now or at all? The Lore Thread, if we make one, would be more of a dictionary of information over our creations. You can just use a table of contents to skim to the current topic and research what you need at the time you need then pm the creator over the source if you need more information on their key thing. It seems like you would need to anyway due to the communication clause in the OP. Are you telling me you never used a dictionary ever before when you were looking for information and didn't bother memorizing it? :p

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

re:color That was a typo. I meant note, not know...

The main reason I made the chart was so people could see the colors against the guild background as it's easier to chose a fitting color. It's easier when you can visually see it in action, at least for me. The background on the link is white, not grey after all, so not all colors will show up well in grey. The deep, dark colors in the blues and purples don't but they show well in the white since they are close to black. They make it hard to read unless you highlight them which isn't an issue, but can be a annoyance some times. There's also a very, very subtle differences between the white that doesn't seem easy to spot on the grey background. So the chart did have more than one purpose while I spent hours working on it. This isn't me whining or hurt, merely stating something I think you might've not known or realized.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Fallenreaper: I will try to fill in some more of the new OP as the day continues. Also, I found where the code mistake was that was giving you the error message. There was a stray [indent] code in the character sheet section, right before the "character name" entry.

@nitemare shape: The beginning of the game started in February, correct?

Ah, thank you Ded. And give me a second while I look at it as I was writing. XD

I think, personally, our Lore section should go after Characters but before the Character Sheet.

Well, another option is put the CS in the Character thread section that way while the player is looking over the Characters, which I've seen people do often, that will linger in their heads and it also relates to it. That would leave the bottom open for mainly Lore because some of the Lore aren't just connected to PCS but the world and plots too. Example, Midas and Genecorp are leading corps in their fields which means almost everyone can spot their label and know who it is. Yet the references are rarely used as descriptions. They are also apart of the world as well because of that fact.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 16 min ago

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

To be honest, I thrive and get inspiration from reading Lore and such. Even large amounts, but when I first joined I had, even now I'm still having trouble figuring it out, who had what or where to go for information. Right now, it's not an issue. However, I know others who feed off that as well and while I agree it might scare off newbies, there's way to do it without literally making it visual until they need it. At least if they know the source or person to go to, it helps some. You also don't need to make summaries into extreme details, but rather board strokes with enough detail that you have some idea of how it works.

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

Who says you have to learn it right now or at all? The Lore Thread, if we make one, would be more of a dictionary of information over our creations. You can just use a table of contents to skim to the current topic and research what you need at the time you need then pm the creator over the source if you need more information on their key thing. It seems like you would need to anyway due to the communication clause in the OP. Are you telling me you never used a dictionary ever before when you were looking for information and didn't bother memorizing it? :p

The latter was just me being a smartarse. The former? Well, again, a lot of his history occurred "off dimension" on other sites and may have limited bearing to this game. Just illustrates his experiences and history more... which I detail as it becomes relevant IC anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

The latter was just me being a smartarse. The former? Well, again, a lot of his history occurred "off dimension" on other sites and may have limited bearing to this game. Just illustrates his experiences and history more... which I detail as it becomes relevant IC anyway.

Smartarse doesn't show up in text... BELIEVE ME, I've tried and failed! :p

Still would help to have a area where you can access the information when you're ready should the person involved in it be busy right? At least I think so, but that's me and I'm strange! :p

Add on:

Also...Getting a wonderful hype as I'm enjoying this activity and back and forth. *bouncing off the walls.. almost.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fallenreaper *Remembers I need to go off and build more lore tonight for Sampson. Maybe will stop being lazy and put up his CS tonight..* I expect I'll be giving you more stuffs soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Fallenreaper *Remembers I need to go off and build more lore tonight for Sampson. Maybe will stop being lazy and put up his CS tonight..* I expect I'll be giving you more stuffs soon.

*buzzes more and at a greater vibration...*

Also got FacePunch's stuffs. ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by VATROU>

*buzzes more and at a greater vibration...*

Also got FacePunch's stuffs. ^-^

Glad I could fill you with a greater pleasure... Don't forget to replace the batteries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

With just my stuff alone I'd need a Lore thread. Then considering everyone else adding their lore, companies, PC friends. Et cetera. So should we put up a community Lore thread?

That's actually up to everyone, I can't answer that alone. So it might be best to vote on it, but the big question is who to send the votes of yes or no to really. *looks to @nitemare shape, @Dedonus and @Hound55.

So, I think we have three options. We can have the lore in the OP, in a separate lore thread, or in a dedicated C-A-H wiki. While I do not know which one everyone prefers, I do think we need to at least keep a short summary of recent events (like my summary of major events that is currently in the OP). Below, I will list what I think are the pro's and con's of each option.

Lore in the OP:
Pros: We do not need to worry about NMS disappearing, so it can always be edited. In a centralized location (don't need to go elsewhere for the information).
Cons: We have to send NMS the information, who then has to put it in the OP. Might make the OP a little cluttered.

Separate Lore Thread:
Pros: We can go into as much detail as we want without making the OP cluttered (we can have a link to it in the OP).
Cons: Risk of someone disappearing and therefore we cannot edit some parts of the thread. May become disorderly and someone would still need to update the OP of the Lore Thread (if we put any info in the OP of the Lore Thread).

Dedicated C-A-H wiki:
Pros: Don't have to rely on anyone to put up the information. Could make it organized.
Cons: Anyone can edit it. Need someone who know how to set up a wiki (although we could probably just google how to do so).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Guys, I think we need to pause this discussion. You have gone a very long way down the road without nightmare's input at this point and some of us aren't huge fans of the forced lore compilation and standardization.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@DedonusYou're missing option 4. Create a new user specifically for a Lore thread. Something like C-A-H Lore Thread. Then you can given the password to the mods or who else you would trust. Reaper mentioned it before and thought that it should be within the rules. We might need to clarify that with one of the mods but it could be a viable option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Guys, I think we need to pause this discussion. You have gone a very long way down the road without nightmare's input at this point and some of us aren't huge fans of the forced lore compilation and standardization.

Very well
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@RaptormanYou will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA- Coughcough
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Guys, I think we need to pause this discussion. You have gone a very long way down the road without nightmare's input at this point and some of us aren't huge fans of the forced lore compilation and standardization.

I agree that compulsory lore compilation shouldn't be the norm. Honestly, I only think we need a list of major events (and a summary of those events) to give new players an easy way to get into the game. And we already have this. Is 10 pages worth of lore only on magic going overboard? Probably.

If we do some form of lore compilation, I think it should be more focused on summaries on things that have already happened and brief bios about companies, locations, and other important things instead of writing novels on lore that hasn't been used in game yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@RaptormanYou will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA- Coughcough

Honestly, I feel his characters (Nightmare, the Good Doctor, if he is still using that character) and the stories about them are better if there is a shroud of mystery about them. If Raptorman would be forced to write lore about them, it might take away from the discover of the lore in the IC as the events unfold. Furthermore, I am sure some might not want to put the time in or might not have the time write them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by FacePunch>

Honestly, I feel his characters (Nightmare, the Good Doctor, if he is still using that character) and the stories about them are better if there is a shroud of mystery about them. If Raptorman would be forced to write lore about them, it might take away from the discover of the lore in the IC as the events unfold. Furthermore, I am sure some might not want to put the time in or might not have the time write them.

If I was heading the project, he wouldn't have to reveal any information he hasn't already revealed in the IC thread. Even then, he wouldn't be required to write anything; lore should be completely optional instead of required.
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