Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My inspiration, and To give you an idea of what you should expect.

The setting: A nightmarish world where everything, from the mountains to the gun wielded and the bullets the primitive, vaguely humanoid abominations fire, are living creatures, shaped into twisted, disturbing forms. We are the makers of these lands, the Genius Loci. Armed with the powers of evolution and life, nothing dies here. Everything, from the body and the mind, to the spirit and soul, are remade into new things after the old thing has expired. Everything here is reincarnated into new things, overtime. What you make of these materials, is up to you.

As of now, the Living, Breathing World is simply a figment of imagination, the nothing that makes up endless opportunity. Before the rest is to be made, the foundation, the world's architecture, must first be made. The process is simple.

Name: The Esophaghul Mountains

Geography: A range of mountains, covered in massive blades of black, sharp, jagged blades of bone. Within the mountains are a series of tunnels and caves, all of them covered in thick, slippery slime. Within the caves are vast lakes of liquid. Most are only slightly acidic, like saliva, harmless to most. However, at any given point, an extra compound is released into the lake, causing it to become extremely toxic and acidic, the rank, toxic fumes causing anyone nearby to become violently ill for several hours, and completely dissolving anything within the lake in a few minutes, creating a quick, painful death. The only thing not dissolved is the thick slime that covers the surface, which is the only thing that keeps the mountain from digesting itself.

Method of recycling matter: Dissolving and absorbing anything within its lakes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 19 days ago

Cool idea. I never did a nation RP before but I'm game.

However, I got a few crooked exclamation marks to ask:

Outside of immediate terrain what is our nations going to be. I get the gimmick but are we just mindless flesh nations trying to eat each other or will some form of sentient political issues be at play?

What kind of system are you thinking of for the construction and determining power of nations?

Obviously creation is a big part of this. How will that spread to the nation units themselves. Like...if we have 5 players, am I going to have to look up a sheet for all of their custom units. Or will there 1 or 2 custom units and a general "standard" infantry stat or something?

Looks cool. I'm interested, just want a little more info about things I'll be RP'ing exactly before I commit.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Right now, we're just mindless flesh nations. After our lands are set up, I'll begin phase two, which is when the flora and fauna of the lands are created. After a sizable bestiary is made, I'll start up phase 3, which is when the sentient species are created. This is when nation politics become a thing and we play through the advancement of the horrid monsters through technology and culture. Last comes the invasion of alien forces, who first begin with scouting, and slowly begin to colonize the land, drain it of its resources, and terraform it to add to there intergalactic empires. Enemy nations will also fight each other for the land, while the natives attempt to fight of the invaders who are slowly killing and industrializing the planet.

As for power spread and such, I'm leaving that to the players with what they create. I'll keep track of the species to make sure they're properly balanced. It would be a good idea to look up biomes and ecosystems, I'll be acting as the AI for the flora and fauna, and in general try to simulate proper nature, to an extent.

Hopefully you'll enjoy it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 22 days ago

Name: Ephemeral Plains of Ill Repute

Geography: Dominating the plains is the Plateau Encephalon, a sagging, disgusting mound of moist flesh-soil with an enormous grimacing mouth-canyon. A thousand rows of black-gummed teeth gnaw and gnash for eternity anything that slips into the canyon. Stretching out from the Mouth are veiny black ravines and tunnels that stretch to the furthest reaches of the Plain. These labyrinthine paths change and shift frequently, and ultimately lead any creatures to the Mouth for consumption.

Method of Recycling Matter: The Mouth at the center of the Plateau Encephalon deposits matter into the vast subterranean intestinal complex known as Damnation. Depending on the size of the matter (and the resilience) it may take centuries or hours for something to be consumed and returned to the Plains.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

If this helps, heres a loose guideline of what my mind has imagined this world being.

I imagine my sci-fi hardness being 4. One Big Lie. The lies being:
-That a planet sized super-organism can exist. Otherwise, all other rules of biology and geography apply. The planet is wired like the human body, so local scale psionics could be a possibility, I think.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Rivers of Chaos

Geography: A river constantly runs red, runs straight into the middle of these lands that feeds it "water". This river connects to many smaller rivers that cover a vast portion of the land. Occasionally the rivers stop, sometimes for a day or sometimes for years. Where the rivers normally flow downstream, they flow upstream in a rapid torrent often causing something akin to a small tsunami. Afterwards, the river disappears completely. The land can be turned to desert if the river is gone, but it always comes back. When it does, the river unleashes another "tsunami" to resettle itself. The river is never in the same place.

Method of Recycling Matter: Most old material can get dragged back into the ground itself when the river recedes or carried along when the river reseeds itself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interesting land. Accepted. Will start after one more region is created.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 22 days ago

Name: Rivers of Chaos

Geography: A river constantly runs red, runs straight into the middle of these lands that feeds it "water". This river connects to many smaller rivers that cover a vast portion of the land. Occasionally the rivers stop, sometimes for a day or sometimes for years. Where the rivers normally flow downstream, they flow upstream in a rapid torrent often causing something akin to a small tsunami. Afterwards, the river disappears completely. The land can be turned to desert if the river is gone, but it always comes back. When it does, the river unleashes another "tsunami" to resettle itself. The river is never in the same place.

Method of Recycling Matter: Most old material can get dragged back into the ground itself when the river recedes or carried along when the river reseeds itself.

Cool idea Lauder. Could you do anything with the 'source' of the river? I'm assuming it's not actually water in the river?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Cool idea Lauder. Could you do anything with the 'source' of the river? I'm assuming it's not actually water in the river?

Nope, not water but instead blood. The wound closes itself every now and again or it ruptures again. The source, it could be like a deep cut in a mountain. Though, I never put much thought into that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 22 days ago

<Snipped quote by Polybius>

Nope, not water but instead blood. The wound closes itself every now and again or it ruptures again. The source, it could be like a deep cut in a mountain. Though, I never put much thought into that.

Hmm maybe the blood itself is the thing, the source.
I'm super interested to see where ravenous takes this.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It could be boils in the land that occasionally burst and cause the tsunamis. Anyways, I like the idea of the land, it can flip between being a blood swamp and a desert at any time. That'll be a cool environment to play in. I'm liking how things are turning out in general. I think I'll start up the game now, get to the flora and fauna creation phase. People can join up later, applications will always be up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Serious Face
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Serious Face A not so serious Top hat

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Odoror Desert

Geography:A large rocky desert with deep fissures dotting the surface. The ground around these fissures collapse whenever pressure on the ground around them is felt, trapping whatever fell in on long hair like strands. These strands are covered in a goo that not only acts as an adhesive but slowly dissolves whatever it touches. Causing much of what is caught to fall down and land in a empty area, and for the fissure to eventually blow everything out in a eruption similar to a geyser. And the rocks of this dry area are in reality hard scabs formed over wounds made by falling debris.

Method of Recycling Matter:Dissolving what it catches on the hairs
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Serious Face
How about instead of sucking people in, the ground near the holes collapses in when pressure is felt, dumping them in the deep, sticky holes? Otherwise, I like it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Serious Face
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Serious Face A not so serious Top hat

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Serious Face
How about instead of sucking people in, the ground near the holes collapses in when pressure is felt, dumping them in the deep, sticky holes? Otherwise, I like it.

First off I like that, give me a minute to edit the post. Secondly, thank you!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ragenaut


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I will get this thread up and running as soon as I can, I haven't left your great, gory nations out to rot yet. I'll likely be busy this weekend and Monday, but I promise to begin the creation of life phase on Monday, at the least. I have a big post to write up on Tuesday, so at the very least, I'll have time to write on Tuesday. Keep it fresh!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago


I sense many puns there
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm liking this idea, so I think I'll throw this in. I hope it's okay for me to mention some insects, since they're essential to the whole "reclaiming matter" thing. If it's a problem I can change it.

Name: Sea Of Swarms

Geography: The Sea Of Swarms is a vast ocean, and what it lacks in solid land it makes up for in sheer expanse. Islands dot the waves, sandy beaches covering the vast structures of bone that exist to keep the sea's waters from flooding into the innards of the world. The water is not salty, but full of microscopic particles of bone shaved off over thousands of years. This gives the water a special nutrition to it, and the rivers that flow into the countless islands seed the land with nutrients. Within the center of the larger islands and dotting the seas are massive sinkholes that lead into the planet, allowing it to take advantage of the interesting land that has formed on it.

Method of Recycling Matter: Massive swarms of insects and tiny sea animals take any old matter their instincts choose to, then return to one of the many sinkholes to deliver the matter to the planet for consumption. Ocean sinkholes near constantly draw in water, allowing the planet to reclaim some of the bone the water has taken from it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ragenaut Seems interesting even though I have never ever done a Nation RP before.
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