Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Watchpoint: Gibraltar was once an outpost teaming with heroes from around the world. During the golden era of Overwatch it stood as a strategic point on the Mediterranean. The bases' vibrant oranges, whites, and browns collided symbolically with nigh-golden rocks and ocean blue. Those days seemed but distant memories now. While the colors never changed, aside from the occasional rust, the inhabitants did.

A base that once saw regular traffic was now desolate; its only occupants a gorilla, scientist, named Winston and his computer program Athena. The constant flow of new heroes had halted entirely since Overwatch had disbanded. Gibraltar was a husk, a representation of what Overwatch had become, and a culmination of all of the failures of the organization. As rust had crept through every crack and crevice of the outpost so too had the overwhelming feeling of helplessness. Winston's powerful mind betrayed him as he seemed to cycle, ad infinitum, through every stage of grief.

Ultimately it would be around a decade of grief, and a constant barrage of new threats that made Winston decide that it was time that Overwatch returned to set things right. In the midst of a Second Omnic Crisis and Talon operating far more frequently, the world needed new heroes as well as old ones. Winston realized that not every former agent would be up to this, but he also knew that many heroes would once again answer the call.

Unfortunately, Reaper- formerly Gabriel Reyes- had managed to catch wind of Winston's mission to recall the agents of Overwatch. Through methods unknown to Winston, the mercenary managed to capture a prize he had long been seeking. Vital information that outlined a myriad of heroes' identities was leaked to Talon operatives. To protect other agents, both new and old, Winston re-instated the Blackwatch operative force. For now, the agents of Overwatch would operate covertly until they could restore the public image of years passed.

Today was the day that this journey for redemption and reformation began. The agents have been recalled to Watchpoint: Gilbratar in secret. Though our heroes are here for their own, respective reasons- they all are now the conduits for a resurgence that will change the world forever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Deep within the base of Watchpoint: Gilbratar, Winston had activated Recall just a few mere days ago. He is already quite restless, and in fact he has been more active then ever before, already completing the final retouching of the base. When he was hiding out here, it was a bit of a mess, with trash littered all over the place, like peanut butter caps being around 60% of the garbage lying around, having some mold trouble in the basement, along with other problems of course. But since he initiated Recall, the great ape was hard at work with getting the base fixed, with Athena guiding him through the process and instructing him on what he needed to do. Every day since was quite frantic for him, since he had instructed everyone to arrive for a secret meeting to meet at this particular date just three days ago. And he didn't have much time.

Regardless, the clock is on the verge of striking high noon as Winston finished dusting off some old electronics, followed by throwing out some old garbage out in the back. The watchpoint was already looking good as new, and he was proud of it.

"Excellent work, Winston." the voice of Athena compliments him, "I'm surprised you've been able to make the base look brand new in under three days. You've been doing more cardio workout compared to the last 46 days, 10 hours~"

"Indeed I have," Winston interrupts swiftly, not wanting to listen to Athena's speech again, "At long last I'll be able to work alongside my old Overwatch comrades again. It feels simply refreshing to get this rush of excitement once in awhile. Hmph... I don't even remember the last time I've felt this sensation..."

"Are you really certain that you want to do this?" Athena asks curiously, "And yes, while Reaper did invade the base just mere days ago, you do realize that~"

"I am absolutely positive Athena..." Winston interrupts again that ends in an annoyed sigh, "Besides, there's no turning back now. The world needs Overwatch again, even if it's deemed illegal. Plus, he has revealed the locations to who knows how many hero identities coming from it. I can't allow them to be captured, or worse. It's finally time to act."

The gorilla then heads upstairs via his trusty tire-elevator swing to the control monitor, checking the security cameras for anyone who answered the call.

"And I believe you told me that you're going to reinstall the Blackwatch operative as well?" the AI asks again.

"Yes," Winston responds, "And no, it won't be like the old Blackwatch initiative. This is simply to protect the identities of the heroes and one that we can use to operate in secret. It's only temporarily though. Once we can restore Overwatch's public image, we can disband it if it gets a little out of control."

"If it can get that far I suppose," Athena responds with some concern, "Regardless I have full faith in your abilities to succeed. It all rests on your shoulders now."

Winston sighs again at this realization. This was going to be one hell of a task to complete. If it succeeds, it can save the world, but if not, it will be disastrous. And who was the one who initiated Recall? He, Winston, a gorilla scientist who has pushed it off for long enough. Regardless, it's not like he's going to be alone. He'll have old comrades to fight alongside with, as well as perhaps some new recruits as well. All that can be done now, is simply wait for them to arrive...

And it seems like it didn't take too long for one to arrive...

"Soldier: 76"

The first person to arrive was a rather unexpected one to say the least. It was a man, a rather old looking man showing white hair, wearing a leather jacket containing red, white, blue, and black elements to it with the number 76 imprinted on the back, as well as holding a very familiar looking heavy pulse rifle, and wearing some kind of tactical visor. Winston inspected the individual from the front door camera. The man looked like the one that had raided the old Overwatch facilities in America, as well as being known in Dorado, Mexico. Soldier 76 was it? He always wondered who he was, but at the same time he has also sensed something oddly familiar about him. The man walks up to the door and knocks three times before noticing the camera and nodding at it.

"One second." says Winston to Athena as he quickly heads down to the main floor and presses a red button near the entrance of the facility.

The door slowly creeks upwards, inviting the bright hot Mediterranean sunlight in as it reveals the man known as Soldier 76, the light casting himself as a dark figure until the door completely opens all the way.

"Ah, welcome." he greets him in a friendly welcoming voice, "I take it you're that Soldier 76 guy from the news."

"Long time no see Winston." the man replies in an old but slightly raspy tone, "It's been awhile."

Wait... that voice. That voice sounded oddly familiar to the ape. Could he really be who he thinks he is? No no, it couldn't be. It couldn't be him right?


Winston had an almost dumbfounded face as he inspects Soldier 76 carefully.

"U-Uhh," he stammers a bit as he points a big finger at him, "A-Are you who I think you are?"

Slowly, the soldier reaches for his tactical visor with his right hand, gripping it gingerly. Then, a wheez can be heard as the mask becomes loose, allowing him to slowly remove it from his face. What Winston saw next was downright shocking. Standing in front of him, was the identity of Soldier 76. It was the one and only...

"Commander Jack Morrison?!" Winston says surprisingly as his jaw dropped, "I-I don't believe it! I thought you were dead!"

"That's what everyone thinks," Morrison replies as he pats Winston on the back, receiving one himself from the ape, "But you know what they say, 'Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away."

The man then walks inside as he inspects the newly refurbished Watchpoint: Gilbratar, breathing in the air from within.

"Looks like you've been keeping the base in prime shape," he congratulates Winston as he takes a seat on a couch, putting his pulse rifle beside him, "Lotta memories of this place... they weren't all bad."

All Winston did was chuckle at Morrison's statement, happy to see him alive and kicking. And the best part was, this was only the beginning. The beginning of what would be a new era in Overwatch history.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Reinhardt & Puppetmaster


"'Weren't all bad'? Hah! This was our banquet hall, where we would drink and sing and revel in the glories of battle! You should show it a little more respect, Jack! We may be getting old, but I know you haven't forgotten just yet."

The hulking frame of Reinhardt Wilhelm squeezed itself through the front door, clad head-to-toe in his familiar Crusader armor. The 3m tall exoskeleton gleamed like polished steel. Little did they know, Reinhardt had spent the last three days buffing out all the scratches especially for this occasion. If this was to be his triumphant return, he wanted to look good for it.

Once he was inside, he lifted his helmet, revealing his rugged beard, his battle-scarred face, and a smile wider than any ocean. Setting aside his lordly helm, he rushed forward and embraced his former comrades in greeting, wrapping one enormous arm around Commander Morrison and Winston each.

"It is good to be home," he said. "Now, enough with the pleasantries. Let's get this party started! I brought plenty of beer and currywurst for everyone! Brigitte! Did you bring the cooler like I asked?"

A grunting noise could be heard from outside. Slowly a young girl dressed in mechanic's clothes appeared dragging a locker-sized cooler that was presumably stuffed with cheese and frozen meat. She dropped it as soon as it was within reach of the front door, groaning. Reinhardt raised a bushy eyebrow.

"And the keg?"

Another set of grunts followed his question as a rather short and skinny lad from the 'States appeared behind Brigitte, himself dragging an old-fashioned wooden keg from Stuttgart, Germany. Steins hung off him and were stuffed in every conceivable pocket and sleeve of his red hoodie like a walking Oktoberfest, mugs enough for everyone.

He let go of the keg by the meat locker, panting and dropping to the ground. Clearly he didn't exercise very often.

"Is... is that all, Mr. Reinhardt sir?" he asked, huffing.

"Yes, you did wonderfully my boy! Now come, have a drink with us while we tell stories about the old times!"

"I don't think I can legally... oh forget it," the boy said, lying down on his back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Alexander "Smoke" Wright

Smoke strolled leisurely through the old halls of legendary Gibraltr, a facility of infamy among the hero world, and long time symbol of strength for Overwatch. The rust creeped up on this place like mold and sicked him to his core. How had things been allowed to decay to such a point when the world was crumbling all about them. The world might not need heroes but it needed someone willing to fight for the sake of peace and unity, not cower in the fear of a shadow too big to contain anymore. People needed help. It was obvious. If that meant being a criminal to the eyes of the governments meant to 'protect' those very people then so be it.

Alex was used to being called things like that.

Others had come to the watchpoint in secret, same as him, and even now they were starting to gather. Smoke watched it all from a steady distance. More interested in taking in the view of the sea than whatever this new issue needed. Smoke didn't care much about the people here, he cared about the next mission and how he would fit in. Until the greetings died down he would continue to watch from a distance and simply observe the sea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Honestly Rahul hadn’t been too sure what to expect for the group’s reunion. He’d been mulling over the possible scenarios in his head for the past couple of days as the Nautilus made its way to Gibraltar. Most of which seemed rather sombre, with Rahul picturing the meeting to be one of reflection and remembrance of the ones that they had to leave behind in the field. He’d even imagined it being simply one of business; essentially a regular briefing like from the days of old. What he hadn’t pictured however was his old teammates returning with barrels of alcohol!

Maybe save some for after the war, eh Wilhelm?” Captain Nemo joked charismatically, as he approached his old friend, holding out his hand in front of him for him to shake. "Good to see you, old friend!"

The captain was currently wearing his usual uniform, which largely resembled that which he had warn in his previous years during Overwatch. Unlike Reinhardt, Rahul tended not to wear his suit unless it was absolutely necessary. It was an experimental prototype after all, and he did not want to accidentally incapacitate it before even going into combat. While he’d probably be able to fend for himself if that happened, he would be of absolutely no use to his team, which was the most crucial thing.

Instead, various members of his crew had arrived at the Watchpoint alongside him, dragging along a huge storage container containing everything he would need. As well as that, they were helping to refurbish the outpost with more weaponry and security, at the personal request of Winston himself.

Rahul was about to approach the scientist himself to inform him that his men were in position, when he caught sight of the man relaxing on the couch. Seeing Morrison wearing that ridiculous costume finally confirmed the theories Nemo had been conducting in his head ever since his sources had first spotted the vigilante, Soldier 76. As such, the revelation wasn’t all too much of a surprise, so instead of opening his mouth in disbelief, he simply let out a laugh.

Hah! I knew that had to be you Morrison!” He jested, all the while taking in the all so familiar surroundings around him. “I must ask though, what’s with your newfound love of the number 76? Your lucky number perhaps?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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Quarantine 17
Quarantine 17 arrived at Gibraltar, all his trusty gear with him. After he heard the news of recall, it took him only a day to make his choice. The appearance of the base did not change much, except for the rust. He smirked as he walked across the buildings. The sight of them brought back his memories when he was in Overwatch. He would take part in missions, assisting his allies, some friends, some strangers. Then he got into this warehouse and.... He shook his head to finish his thoughts. He also realized that he got lost at least five times just to find a single door. He spotted the door, and grunted. All the time he spent, and it was right next to the area he searched ten minutes ago. Swearing under his breath, Quarantine 17 headed to the door.
"Old memories."
He grumbled as he stood in front of a door that would probably lead him to where the others were. Would they notice him? Or would they not? Maybe his 'faking one's death' strategy did not work well, and they would call him by his old name. But nothing mattered, for now he'll have to see familiar faces, whether he's happy with it or not.
He knocked the door three times, waited for a second, and knocked three times again. Then he stood there, tapping his feet. Now to wait for someone. He thought. According to some sound coming out from the door, he could speculate that the mood inside was rather bright. He checked his appearance, looking at his yellow hazard protection suit, and made sure that he was wearing his gas mask well.
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