Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yeah, you don't know my mind,
You don't know my kind,
Dark necessities are part of my design.

Sure, you’ve heard that the supernatural exist in some form or another, in this world or perhaps another plane altogether. And yet they choose to be seen or simply dwell in the shadows as folklore, myth, and campfire stories for no other reason than to be left alone. No doubt, you’ve seen the movies, read the books, and even played a game or two on the subject. Vampires. Demons. Wraiths. Sea Monsters. Shit, even those flaky little sprites and faeries. They all make for great fiction, although whether or not they still roam around with the living remains to be seen.

But what about werewolves? Those mindless “giant dogs” that run amuck, terrorizing and preying on the innocent during the light of the full moon? No way, that’s Hollywood’s idea of the beast, and while they are creatures of raw power, instinct, and even some mysticism, the werewolf is anything but a mindless savage.

Werewolves have been a topic not often brought up within a circle of paranormal conversations. And why not? Well, I suppose the creatures are exceptionally adept at hiding their presence as any good predator would be, however, like most secrets, there is always more to it than that. Secrets that only those with the gift of the wolf would begin to unravel.

I’m not insinuating werewolves exist in massive numbers, running about in the wilds and cities, doing as they please. No, the hunters of old took care of those problems long ago, driving their numbers into the ground when this country was in it’s infancy over 200 years ago. But what I am saying is that the beasts still exist unbeknownst to us, living inside those few chosen human vessels, whether by bloodline or bite, lying stagnant until the day comes for The Change. The moment when the life you thought you knew vanished and was born anew into darkness and rage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

We chase misprinted lies
We face the path of time
And yet I fight
And yet I fight
This battle all alone
No one to cry to
No place to call home

The words came slow and steady from her lips, song lyrics she’d known for years and sung repeatedly to herself every day as a lullaby since her arrival to this place. It kept her mind at ease and grounded into a life she once knew, a life that had seemingly come to an end through a series of unfortunate events. And yet now, each line of the song seemed fragmented, hazy, and meaningless. Had it been hours? Days? Weeks? Of this, she had no bearing, no baseline to judge her passing moments. Time had no place in this shithole.

The hum of the exhaust fan above became almost hypnotic, whereas even the annoying rattling and squeaking of the internal metal gears were soon phased out, leaving a somewhat bearable droning sound of white noise in it’s place that provided a decent focal point to clear away the cacophony of echoes. She wanted to be far off in another world, to allow her mind to be free from her body as long as possible, but whatever toxins they had pumped into her system didn’t allow such luxuries as independent thought. Not much thought at all really as her eyes remained wide open, staring at the moldy, cracked, and sagging yellowed ceiling tiles. Drops of water from leaky pipes in the ceiling ran down from the tiles, and onto the filthy checkered linoleum floor causing a pool of murky water in the corner that the attracted thirsty rats from time to time. The fluorescent lighting was poor, and with barely a single bulb working properly, shrouded the small desolate room with an eerie dimness, desaturating color that may have once existed.

The girl’s wrists and ankles were strapped to a crude hospital bed that had seen better days, matching the dank, somber atmosphere that was her new living quarters since the incident a few hours earlier involving an orderly who was being less than inappropriate. The woman’s body was bruised, beaten, and defiled. Her face covered in a mixture of grime, cuts, and dried blood, but not of her own blood. She grinned at the fleeting thought of that moment when the stranger decided to touch her in ways that should not be, and knew he deserved every bit of the pain inflicted unto him. It was pain, bitterness, and regret stored up for a long time, locked away down below where no one had to see it. But he saw it. He saw the fires of rage erupt in her eyes, even while he pinned her struggling body down to take what didn’t belong to him. But in the end, the bastard allowed his own selfishness and perverse sexual appetite to skew his better judgement, only fueling the monster inside the woman to lash out in a flurry of teeth and nails, peeling flesh from face until there was only an unidentifiable shell of a man laying in his own pool of blood, piss, and maimed organs, writhing in the agony he inflicted on himself.

It wasn’t the first time the wayward girl had been consumed by the inevitable darkness growing inside her. In fact, it was that unusual disposition which landed her in the prison system, forever labelling her “psychopathic” and unfit for civil society. This imprisonment of mind and body that seemed to have no end or means of escape. Perhaps this was her fate, to be caged like some primitive animal for the rest of her life, locked away in a place that seemed to care nothing for treatments or rehabilitation, but rather torment, disgrace, and dehumanization.

Maybe this is what hell truly is.

The door on the other side of the room squeaked opened, pouring in brighter light from the hallway, revealing a silhouetted figure in a lab coat.

“Good evening 2-6-1-7, I trust you've had time to reflect on things. My name is Doctor Zvikas, or ‘Z’ if you prefer. It makes no difference to me.”

The doctor's voice was smooth, with a slight Eastern European accent. He stepped over to the bedside, checking the integrity of the restraints and moved to have a better look at his patient’s wounds. The woman flinched as his cold hands touched her shoulder and neck, staring at his otherwise non-threatening appearance through a drug-induced haze that wanted nothing more than to gouge his steel blue eyes out.

“The shaved head suits you.” He said with a hint of sarcasm.

Not that she had a choice in the matter since her hair was cut and an electric razor run through it until nothing was left. The process, as she was told, had been standard protocol along with strict adherence to stripping and delousing each patient upon arrival, which of course was “for their protection”, whatever that meant. However, she saw it as nothing more than a public shaming, more so out of perverse pleasure than any practical reasons.

The woman tried to say something in response but it came out as a mere whisper. The doctor leaned in just close enough to hear her utter the words “Go fuck yourself” before turning her head to look away.

“Charming.” The doctor said with a soured expression. “But that’ll have to wait I'm afraid, as you have a new neighbor on their way soon, and her room needs the proper preparations."

Doctor Zvikas lifted his clipboard and scribbled a few notes before turning and heading for the door. “You'll warm up to this place my dear. Just remember, we have all the time in the world…” A slight chuckle could be heard in his voice as it drifted away and the door was shut behind him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kelly was cowering in the corner of her cell, her expression full of fear and anguish as the two medical aides approached her. She pushed herself away from them until her back was flat against the wall, and she knew there was nowhere else to escape.

"Please, no..." she cried, but each one grabbed her by arm and effortlessly lifted her off the ground. As soon as they walked her out of her cell, she realized they weren't taking her down the usual path to the "rehabilitative" chamber. The men said nothing, and Kelly grew extremely curious.

"Where a-are you taking me?"

No response from either one of them. Kelly walked in silence for a moment before asking the question again. "I said, where the fuck are you taking me?!"

Big mistake.

The men looked at each other, and the taller one gave his partner a nod before he let go of her right arm. That split second of freedom wasn't enough for Kelly as she found herself slammed against the filthy wall before she was even able to react. She cursed again, this time in pain, but that didn't slow her down. The second before the aide was able to pin her against the wall, Kelly kicked him in the shin, then elbowed him in the mouth. She didn't have any professional training, so it was more than likely that her body, not her brain, was instinctively doing the work. Kelly wanted to run, she wanted to get away from this hell which she had been sentenced to, but she felt the vaguely familiar needle piercing her skin and she knew that she had lost. Even though she was now drugged, the staff didn't take any chances with her. One of the guards helped the aide strap her down to a gurney in order to quietly transport her. On the way there, Kelly could only make faint, incomprehensible noises as a form of protest. She didn't have the strength to fight the restraints, not that it would do her any good anyway. Instead, she tried to focus on the visuals; the room she was being wheeled into and the fact that it looked worse than her cell, if that could even be a possibility.

Yes, her second day in this hospital from hell was off to a shitty start.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kelly’s mind was dulled by the recent injection of sedatives, a cocktail the orderlies jokingly referred to as “purple haze”, as they rolled the gurney up against the far wall of the small room. The single light above flickered in random intervals, causing a strobe effect that made the dim shadows it cast from nearby objects appear to be dancing in time. One of the orderlies, a thin, younger man with a lazy eye leaned over the patient’s numbed body, and then looked back at his taller, chunkier co-worker.

“Hey Dan, come help me flip her over on her back. I just want to take a look at something.” He said with a half smile that revealed damaged & yellowed teeth.

“Geez man, just be quick before the Doc gets here.” The lumbering orderly sighed and stepped over next to the gurney, lifted Kelly’s body and turned her around. The thin one ran his hand up and under her gown, groping around her midsection and smiling. “How’s that feel bitch? You’re so high flying right now that it wouldn’t matter what me and my buddy did to you. We own you, ya know.”

He removed his hand, and leaned in closer, staring at her heavy eyelids and half-opened mouth, before placing both of his dirty fingers between her teeth to pry it open further.

“Well look at that Dan” The thin one said, pointing at Kelly’s opened mouth. “This bitch has a tongue stud. You know what that means, right? I bet this ho sucked a whole lot of d-”

“What in the nine hells are you two idiots doing?” The loud accented voice came from the doorway.

"Shit, Doc Z...eh, we were just leaving." The thin kid said nervously.

“Get back to work, both of you!” The doctor moved out of the way, as both orderlies exited the room in a hurry, but not before the trailing one received a sharp crack in the back of the head with the clipboard.

The doctor stepped over to the gurney and shook his head in disappointment as he straightened out the patient’s gown, and gently pushed his hand under her chin to close her mouth.

“My apologies Miss Denver. Good help is terribly difficult to find in this place, but rest assured that a swift reprimand will find those two soon enough. I don’t tolerate patient abuse here at my facility.”

He pressed two fingers against her neck and checked his watch. “My name is Doctor Zvikas, or simple ‘Doctor Z’ if you prefer. I am the lead psychiatrist here at Bridgewater and will be attending to you during your stay with us.”

The doctor’s expression appeared sincere enough, with a warm smile attached to a clean-cut appearance, and piercing blue eyes that almost seemed to glow even in the low light. His thick dark hair, kept neatly combed back, had random streaks of gray that probably put him around his mid-forties. He began flipping through the documents attached to his clipboard, nodding his head as he scanned through each one.

“Well, I don’t need to remind you why you’re here, only that we hope our extended treatments and interactions will help you along your path of recovery. “

He folded the notes back and stared up at the flickering light with a soured expression. “And I’ll see about getting this light fixed.”

Doctor Zvikas turned and headed toward the door. “In the meantime, relax and I’ll come to check on you later. Oh, and currently you are not restrained to that bed, but that doesn’t mean you have free reign to roam around as you will. This door will be locked and we have armed patrols on this floor, so if you need something, then let the nurses station know by pressing the call button on this console here near the door.”

He exited the room, closing and locking the door behind him, and the only sound Kelly could hear at that moment was her own irregular heartbeat. The sedatives kept everything dead and vulnerable, both which brought even more misery to her, fearing that she may never see her old life again. Fearing she may be alone in this wretched place...


The girl struggled against the restraints, and with every movement they seemed to become tighter and more uncomfortable, causing burns on her skin and frustration everywhere else. Unfortunately, the sedative those two freaks had pumped into her system a few hours ago was wearing off and the once dulled pain began to resurface in a bad way. She wanted to scream, but lacked the strength, or to be more exact, the will to care, as most of her rage had been exhausted enough previously. The smells of her room repulsed her more than anything else, and her gown was soiled with her own urine, which was turning more rank as time passed. She needed to get out, to run away and escape this hell hole. It wouldn’t have been the first time since she was here, and it wouldn’t be the last. The thought left a slight grin on her lips, but was quickly vanquished by her thoughts of home, of her long-dead parents, and the life of family and music she had once enjoyed.

“Ya skuchayu po tebe.” She muttered in Russian, a language she spoke very rarely, and only around her parents when they were still alive. I miss you. She echoed the same in her head, trying to hold on to the strands of memories that this place slowly stole from each person.

The sound of the Doctor’s loud, yet muffled voice snapped her back to her terrible reality, as Czigani could hear the faint goings-on in the room next door. She smirked, realizing ol’ Zvikas had to keep his two lap dogs on a short leash once again. Why he kept them around she couldn’t understand, but the Doctor himself just didn’t seem to fit in this place. Either way, whoever the new victim was in the room next to hers was, Czigani hoped they would focus their attention on them and not her. She didn’t need the attention they gave her.

She didn’t need anyone.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Some time after the good doctor left, maybe an hour, or two, or ten, Kelly's body convulsed. The spasms didn't last long, but to the poor woman, they felt like an eternity. The flickering lightbulb above her intensified the scene to something that the old Shyamalan would have directed in his good days. At least that's what it would appear to a regular civilian if they walked in on this monstrosity.

But that nightmare was a walk in the park compared to what was going on inside Kelly's head. Something was eating away at her, making her to want to commit acts of violence deemed too brutal and savage to even mention, but she couldn't make the feeling go away. No, she had to lie there, unable to move, while her mind pushed her to the brink. Kelly was lost.

She had been staring at the same wall and for the life of her, she didn't dare to look away. Due to the sedatives, Kelly's self-awareness came and went as it pleased, sending her into a deeper realm of hell. When she closed her eyes, because that's as much physical freedom as she was allowed, she was even more confused. Things took a turn for the worse when she started to hear voices, those which she couldn't differentiate between real or made-up. This made her sad, but at the same time angered her. It's as if Kelly's emotions where being controlled by some outside force, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Help..." she managed to whisper, although whatever rational thought she still held on to knew that no one would save her, no matter how many times she cried for them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The green landscape seemed to stretch into eternity, and the more she walked, the further away the parking lot was from when she exited the south side of the White House. There was nothing new here, heading toward her car outside the gates and hoping to end the evening with a glass of wine and a few friends down at Josie’s Pub. But something was off as her casual stroll turned into a fast walk, and the sense of being watched lurked in the back of her mind. Kelly dismissed it as “work stress”, or maybe lack of sleep, but the feeling was there nonetheless. She could see her car, one of the few left in the lot at the end of a long day, but why did it seem so out of reach? She ran, unsure of why, but she did, and the unexpect the sound of a low guttural voice followed her, keeping pace as though it were only inches from her ear.

“You can’t escape me girl. We are one and the same, you and I...”

A gloved hand curled around her mouth, forcing her to stop, as she was pulled by an unknown entity, dragging her backwards by her head. Kelly’s hands reached out and grabbed the massive arms which held her, yet she was unable to scream, to call for help as fear set in, paralyzing any further attempts.
“You are mine. Remember this…”

The stranger’s voice echoed in her ear and a sharp pain penetrated her neck and shoulder, suddenly waking her from the nightmare as her body quickly convulsed, causing her to fall off the bed and onto the cold tiled floor of the hospital room.


“Touch me again with that thing, and you fuckers are going to die, do you hear me!” The girl screamed, thrashing around against her restraints, as one of the orderlies and a guard struggled to hold her down.

“Can you hurry it up Diane, I swear this woman has gotten stronger since yesterday!” The orderly exclaimed, pushing down on her legs.

The young nurse did her best to keep the syringe steady under duress, as she held onto Czigani’s secured wrist and stuck the needle shaft under the skin, relieved she finally hit a vein after multiple attempts. She slowly pulled back on the plunger, filling the barrel with the proper amount of blood, before pulling it out and bandaging the area.

“What the hell do you need my blood for?” The patient yelled, pulling her arm away as far as she could after the fact.

“Tests, ma’am...just, p-preliminary tests.” The nurse turned on her heel and left the room in a hurry, wiping the sweat from her brow.

“Fuckin’ interns” The guard said bluntly, as he and the orderly both chuckled at the remark.

“Okay, I’ll leave you to clean up this mess, Jimmy. Let me get back to my patrol.” The guard said, straightening his uniform on the way out. He stopped at the door to the room Kelly was being held in, swiped the keycard hanging from his belt to unlock it, and turned the knob to open it until a frantic call came into his radio requesting assistance to restrain in another room further down the hallway.

“Copy that, on my way” The middle-aged guard said, releasing the door knob and quickly making his way down the hallway, unaware that the door had not latched.

Back in Czigani’s room, the orderly busily cleaned up the bloodied rags, tossing them into the small barrel he brought in marked “Biohazard”. He pulled out a fresh gown from a small stack of folded linens, and began untying the woman’s soiled one. Czigani recoiled.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She said, lunging as far forward as the restraints would allow, clenching her teeth as she gave the kid a dark stare. “Didn’t I just tell you not to touch me?

The orderly moved his hands away quickly with a fright, and an overwhelming nervousness made him shake, as he held tightly onto the new gown. “L-Look, I don’t want trouble, I was told you n-needed new clothes, and from the looks of it, you really do.”

Czigani could see straight through the boy’s brown eyes that had begun to well up with tears, and caught a faint glimmer of light. A light that slowly released the built up rage in her heart, a rage that wanted to tear the kid to pieces, but instead subsided, allowing reason to step in for once.

“Jimmy is it?” The boy nodded, but stayed silent, as she continued “Ok then, I get it. You’re just doing your job. You’re obviously not like the other goons I’ve come across here, so maybe you’re new or running on a different shift, I don’t know. Shit, I don’t even know what time or day it is…”

Her voice trailed off for a moment, and she relaxed her body. “Aside from everything that’s happened in my life, all the shit that got me thrown into here...I don’t know what’s wrong with me. This place isn’t normal for sure, but neither am I.”

The kid stood there unmoving, ready to say something, but the words wouldn't come out.

“Just do what you need to do, kid, and leave.” Czigani finally said with a deep sigh.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Officer," James greeted the guard with a nod, happily continuing his leisurely stroll through the hallways when he didn't get a response from the guard who appeared to be in a rush. Ignoring the obvious lack of respect that seemed to be deeply rooted amongst the majority of the staff in the hospital, James stopped dead in his tracks when he came across an unlocked door.


He shifted his head down to the left, then to the right. Rapidly rubbing his hands in anticipation, James opened the door and skipped inside the cell.

"Honey, I'm ho--what the fuck?!"

James clearly looked distressed, confused at the sight of a new patient lying half-dead on the floor. He could have sworn this was Janine's cell, unless something had happened to her. No matter, he would just have to make a new "friend".

In a chipper mood once more, James got on his hands and knees and crawled over to Kelly. She acknowledged his presence by locking eyes with him, but remained still otherwise.

"You're the submissive type, eh?" He plopped on the ground next to the young woman, giving her a smile which seemed anything but friendly. Dragging her over to him, James wrapped her in a bear hug as he spooned her, using his legs to further immobilize her. Not that she was going anywhere anytime soon. She had been given the regular cocktail, after all. James was whispering into her ear, but Kelly didn't force herself to make sense of his words. Instead, she gathered whatever strength she'd been saving to target his nose with a reverse head-butt. Kelly succeeded, eliciting a string of curse words from James.

"You fuckin' bitch!" he pushed off of her, getting up while examining his nose for any signs of blood. Not happy in the least bit, James picked her up and pushed her against the wall, holding her up so that she was forced to look at him. "By the time I'm through with you, you're gonna wish you hadn't crossed me."

Kelly just stared at him, but something in her eyes made James a bit uncomfortable, something foreign he couldn't quite understand.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Who was this freak that thought he had the right to walk into her room and start some shit? Kelly’s reactions would have been much more excitable and frantic if it wasn't for the “fuck it all” serum they injected into her hours ago. Although, she had a bit more mobility than expected, it wasn't enough to pull away from the tattooed man. James on the other hand stood there petrified, holding the woman up, and staring, locked eye to eye as though he'd witnessed a car crash. He angled his head, slightly intrigued by whatever uneasy impressions Kelly had left on him, and leaned in closer so their noses touched.

“What the hell are you?” His tone overlaid with confusion and a hint of anger as though lack of understanding pissed him off.

“I ASKED WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE, BITCH?” The kid emphasized his anger by violently shaking her.

The echoes of screaming reverberated off every wall and into the hallway, where a passing orderly responded to the noise, calling over to one of the nearby nurses for help.

“James! Let her go, now!” An older nurse demanded, pulling out a syringe from her coat pocket. “You know better than this!”

James’ expression instantly changed to that of sorrow and guilt, as a small child being reprimanded by a parent. He turned his attention toward the nurse, she motioned with her hands, and James slowly removed his grasp, as Kelly's body slid down the wall crumpling into a sitting position on the floor. He crossed his arms and slumped over while walking toward the door, giving the nurse a dirty grin as he went by. “Cunt”. Followed by a mock punch toward the young orderly, causing him to flinch, and James to start laughing hysterically, skipping off into another direction.

The nurse shook her head and walked over to Kelly’s body.

“Jimmy, come help me with her, please” She said to the skinny orderly standing in the doorway, watching as the tattooed freak went further down the hall.

They both lifted her up onto the bed in a prone position causing a bit of a moan from the girl and the nurse checked her pulse. Satisfied with the results, she fixed Kelly’s gown and headed back out the door, instructing Jimmy to replace some of the linens before he leaves the room. The kid nodded in acknowledgement, but had a weird feeling about being in there, the same feeling that he had in the room next door a few hours ago.

“Ok Jimmy, just one more hour until your shift is over, and you can get the hell out of this place until Monday.” The thought made him grin as he busily took the soiled towels and sheets and replaced them with slightly less repulsive linens.

He stopped what he was doing for a moment, as though the thought of being watched just occurred to him. He turned his head and noticed the girl laying in the bed had her eyes opened, yet they weren’t necessarily fixed on anything in particular.

“H-Hello?” He waved his hand hoping to catch her attention, but the eyes were unmoving.

“Oh my god, that’s creepy…” He said, slowly walking over to the side of the bed, and reaching his hand out toward her face, hoping to close her eyelids. A sudden muscle spasm caused Kelly’s body to shifted slightly, scaring the kid enough that he stumbled backwards, tripping over a floor mob, which sent him crashing into the small linen cart nearby that wheeled forward hitting the door, and causing it to close, engaging the auto lock. Jimmy looked back frantically.

“Oh no no no….” He scrambled to his feet, and tried the door, before searching around for his keycard. “Shit, where is it?” He mumbled, walking around the room to see if he’d dropped it somewhere.


The sweat forming on her arms and wrists made it easier to slip out of the loosened leather restraints, and she quickly went to work unbuckling the remaining straps with her free hand.

“This place isn’t going to hold me, I swear I will kick everyone’s ass on my way out.” Czigani grumbled to herself.

The crash she heard coming from the next room snapped her attention to the dividing wall, and then to the small ventilation grate near the top, which also fed into the next room and allowed her to eavesdrop on much of what was going on, especially sounds she was surprised to have picked up. She could hear Jimmy worriedly mumbling something to himself, and for whatever reason, this brought a little smile to her face. She was sort of an ass to him, even though he went out of his way to grab a pair of maroon-colored hospital scrubs because he’d run out of the standard patient gowns. Czigani liked the kid, he seemed about the only genuinely nice staff member at an otherwise hell hole of a clinic, he just needed to toughen up if he was going to survive this place.

“Geez Jimmy, what the fuck are you getting yourself into now?” She said in a low tone under her meaningless grin.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Are you looking for your keys?" Kelly asked despite knowing the obvious, speaking for the first time in hours and visibly startling the poor guy, "Because they're not in here. I noticed that the tattooed freak swiped them from right under your nose." Her voice remained low, with no trace of emotions detected yet coherent enough to be understood by the frightened orderly.

When Jimmy replied with a cowardly "oh", Kelly propped herself up on her elbows, raising an eyebrow in the process and pursing her lips as if she been forced to argue with a child. She could tell he was scared, probably fearing for his life, for even more unsettling was the fact that she was kind of enjoying his current state of anxiety. Kelly sat up, her feet playfully dangling off the bed.


Something within her was giving Kelly the urge to lunge at the orderly, to shred him to pieces until only a bloody mass of guts and bones remained. But the rational side of her knew that was utterly and despicably wrong. More so, Kelly couldn't help but feel frightened and in somewhat of a state of vulnerability in light of these instinctual savage urges. But she wasn't like this prior to her sentence, before she was banished to this forsaken prison to die.

Jimmy must have sensed what was going on inside her head because he cowered into a corner just like she had not too long ago prior to her transfer.

"Oh, don't be scared," Kelly said with a wicked grin which suggested otherwise, hopping off the gurney before walking towards Jimmy with a limp to corner him against the wall, "I don't bite," she whispered in his ear, staying there for a moment before stepping back to stare into his eyes. "I just need your help getting me out of here...can you do that for me, Jimmy? Please?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“F-Fine. Just d-don’t hurt me...please.” Jimmy's voice was barely above a whisper as Kelly knelt down a few inches from him, holding a sly grin. He looked up at her after a few moments, and his expression seemed less fearful and more intrigued, as his gaze locked with the woman in front of him.

“The...um…” He paused for a moment in his unusual daze, before continuing. “The d-door won’t open without the k-key card. I’ll have to radio the nurse to let me out.” Jimmy pointed down to the walkie-talkie clipped on his belt. “I-I can tell her that…” The kid found himself staring down at Kelly’s breasts, and then back up at her eyes. “I can tell her that you’ll need a shower.” A sheepish smiled grew across his lips, as he lifted the radio to his mouth and called to the nurse. A few choice words were thrown back at him, since apparently it wasn’t the first time he’d “lost” his keycard. Nevertheless, the nurse said she’d be on her way in a few minutes.

Kelly’s ears perked up, as a faint shuffling sound, coming from somewhere up in the ceiling tiles along the wall, caught her attention. Jimmy gave her a strange look, as he wasn’t sure what had suddenly distracted her, but then one of the tiles fell to the floor with a thud, breaking apart into a few pieces, causing the kid in the corner to let out a short yelp. Kelly’s sight picked up the outline of a figure up in the darkness, and it’s scent seemed oddly familiar, yet sweat filled and rank at the same time.

“Well hey there Jimmy.” A female’s voice chimed in, poking her head out of the square hole. “And girl I’ve never met.” She shot Kelly an intrigued expression, sniffing the air. “Or have I?...” She mumbled to herself, although Kelly was able to pick up on the hushed tone.

“Is that Dior or Armani you were wearing before you got thrown into this dump?” She said with a slight grin, as the strange girl’s bare feet dangled from the ceiling and she quickly leaped down onto the cold floor. At first glance, the girl dressed in dark-colored scrubs seemed tall and lean, with a small chest, and wide hips. Her facial features were angular with defined cheekbones, dark circles under her eyes, and hair shaved short. Grime and a bit of dried blood was smeared on her chin, forehead, and wrists.

“Either way, you must have had some real sweet money in your former life. Me? You’d never catch me wearing any of that shit.” She said nonchalantly, as though this were just another day for her. “Although I also wasn't some rich bitch, either.” She added, shrugging her shoulders and looking over at the cowering kid in the corner.

“So Jimmy, I couldn't help but overhear the earlier conversations in here...something about losing a key and now you feel like you're up shits creek without a paddle?” She said with a smirk. “Well, in so many words of course.”

She walked over to the thick windowless steel framed door and knocks on it, barely making much of a noise. “I suppose you’ve tried knocking, even though these damn doors were made for a castle not a hospital. They probably wouldn’t have heard you anyway.” She said walking back over to the others, lowering her voice. “I propose that we wait for nurse whatsherface to show up, then you, new girl, feign unconsciousness while our boy Jimmy calls the nurse over to investigate a potential problem with the patient.”

The woman then nods her head, rubbing her hands excitedly together as though the plan was foolproof. “And then, I’ll be over there in the corner, waiting for the moment to jump out and knock that bitch on her old ass, so we can get the fuck out of here.” Her half-smile grew to larger more sinister looking grin, as though she were playing out the entire scene in her head with perfection.

“So...I already know that Jimmy is game” She gives him a wink. "But how about you, new girl?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Hey, can I see you for a moment?" Kelly motioned to the girl to walk with her to the other side of the cell, away from Jimmy. "How are you so sure that we can trust him?" she asked in a hushed tone, wondering why the girl thought that her plan was flawless. If she had any doubts moving forward, then it wouldn't be worth it, not when the risk outweighed the reward, as it was the case here. After all, who knows what Dr. Z would put them through once he found out... Still, something about the girl which Kelly couldn't quite pinpoint. Maybe they'd met before? If so, it's not like she would remember anyway, not with the insane amount of people she came into contact with on a regular basis.

"The kid appears to be weak, and he seems like the type to be swayed very easily. One complaint against us to that nurse and we're through." Kelly then smiled, easily switching her uptight demeanor to that of a care-free spirit.

"Unless you meant what you said about him and you're absolutely sure he'll pull his weight...then I'm game as well," she added with a smile.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Czigani had a tough time focusing on what the girl was saying, since being in such close proximity of her elicited unusual feelings, almost like some odd connection on a level completely foreign to her. She had to refocus her thoughts, and shake off whatever vibes were crawling up her spine, drawing her attention back to the conversation about Jimmy. She almost felt taken aback by the girl’s lack of faith in Czi’s ability to get something done and just shook her head in disappointment.

“Look, rich girl, I know you may have done things differently back in the lush and fancy world you were ripped from, but here in Hell’s waiting area, we don’t play by any rules, because you just end up flat on your back.” A smirk formed across her lips as she arched an eyebrow. “Although, no doubt you’re probably used to that position.” Czi winked at her. “I’m teasing, but the fact of the matter is, that kid over there might be a spineless bitch, but I know he won’t say anything because he knows I’ll slice his cock off and feed it to him.” Her voice went from a hushed tone to slightly raised on the last part, as she shot Jimmy a serious look. “Isn’t that right?”

He simply nodded in acknowledgement as he rose to his feet from the floor, dusting off his blue scrubs and adjusting glasses that had seen better days.

“W-Whatever plan you have, miss, you may want t-to be quick, since Marge will be here soon.”

“Marge? The nurse's name is Marge?” Czi bellowed, apparently thinking that as being a more unusual name than her own. Her ears suddenly honed in on the sound of heavy footsteps quickly approaching, and her smile faded.

“Shit here comes the hag…”

“Wait what? How do you know she’s-” Jimmy interjected, but was quickly cut off by an angry Czigani.

“Shhhhhut up you! Okay...rich girl, go play dead on the floor, and you, dumbass, go tend to her. I’ll be topside...”

Czi jumped and grabbed onto the pipework in the square opening she had come through earlier, and pulled herself up into the ceiling, just in time for the door locks to release and the nurse to come through the door.

“Okay Jimmy, here’s another card, please don’t lose-” The nurse noticed Jimmy leaning over Kelly’s body on the floor and hurried over. “What’s going on here? What happened to the patient?”

“I-I don’t know ma’am, she collapsed.” Jimmy said, trying to hold back his nervousness as he peered up into the ceiling from the corner of his eye, catching a glimpse of the girl lowering down from her hiding spot. “...uh, and I think she may have hit her head…”

The nurse lifted Kelly’s head to examine, when the sound of the door suddenly slammed shut, causing both Jimmy and the nurse to turn their heads in that direction “What the heck?” The nurse exclaimed. ”I know that door didn’t just close itself!”

Jimmy looked up in the ceiling and then across the room and saw no one, then let out a long sigh. “No. No it didn’t ma’am…”

Kelly’s brow immediately furrowed at the realization of the situation, and her eyes opened staring up at the old nurse with a sour expression. Her senses had already told her everything she needed to know, the sound of hurried footsteps, the trailing scent, and even the faint whisper of “suckers” that only Kelly’s hearing could pick up. The girl who’d promised to help, ended up only helping herself.

“Are you okay, young lady?” The nurse asked Kelly, helping her to sit up, and putting a hand over her forehead. “You’re starting to feel hot, let’s get you back up on the bed and I’ll put a cold towel on your head.”

She and Jimmy began helping her up, but Kelly wouldn’t have any of that as she pushed their hands away and easily stood up on her own, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

“Okay then” The nurse said with a bit of an attitude. “If that’s how it’s going to be, then I suppose I’ll be on my way. Jimmy get this girl a cold, damp towel for her head and then check on the woman next door in room 67.”

The young orderly nodded, knowing that there was no longer a woman in the next room, and the nurse walked out and down the hallway.

Jimmy looked over at Kelly with a sullen expression. “I’m sorry miss. I s-should I have warned you that might happen -that she might escape- but she’d already threatened me b-before and...” Jimmy swallowed hard before continuing. “...well, she said some terrible things that I’d rather n-not repeat to you.”

He walked over to his cart, and picked up the stuff that had fallen earlier, placing them into their little bins. He also pulled out a set of light-blue scrubs from the bottom shelf and handed them to Kelly. “You can c-change out of that horrible gown if you want.” He said, giving her a forced smile, before heading toward the opened door. “Oh…” He turned around and placed his new keycard onto the small chair in the corner. “You might be needing this later…”

Jimmy left and closed the door behind him, which immediately engaged the locks. Kelly stood there holding the non-descript keycard, which she assumed could be used for many of the doors within the hospital. She also held up the scrubs that were folded nicely, pulled the top out and held it up to her chest to check the fit, which appeared suitable for her frame. Of course beggars can’t be choosers in this case. In the back of her mind, she could still sense a faint presence left by the girl who left them, and her scent was still strong, but where did it come from, and how is it that any normal person could have this kind of heightened awareness of her surroundings.

Perhaps the time came to find out.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kelly shook her head with a sigh, wondering whether the drugs they had pumped into her were legitimately making her go crazy. She was picking up faint traces of conversations she couldn't quite comprehend, that along with movements that seemed to be happening near her, although they were obviously out of her reach and therefore impossible for a regular person to detect. But there was a silver lining. Kelly had an access key and some scrubs that she would use to move around, hopefully undetected, until she could find an escape route. Once she was free, it was only a matter of time before the drugs wore off and she didn't hear the voices anymore. Or at least, that's what she hoped would happen.

With renewed hope, Kelly got out of her dirty gown and slipped on the fresh set of scrubs. She tucked the gown away in the vent the girl had used to get to her cell before using the keycard to unlock the door. And it worked. If there was one person she could trust in this place, that would Jimmy.

Kelly stuck her head outside, looking in both directions before tiptoeing outside. The walls outside looked just as bad as the ones in her cell, so she didn't feel too bad. The staff who worked in the hospital apparently hated being there as much as she did. One thing that caught her attention was the fact that everything seemed to come to life. The voices got a bit louder, along with random sounds which ranged from footsteps to fingernails scratching a wall, and she was able to notice extremely small details a normal person shouldn't, like the tiniest cracks in the ceiling maybe 20 or 30 feet away. Kelly used this to her advantage as she moved forward. Whenever the sounds of voices or footsteps became increasingly louder, she would duck into a utilities closet or any other resourceful space and she would stay there until it was safe to move out again. This strategy of hers got her pretty far, and she was sure she was near the reception area when she heard someone typing away.

How the hell do I get past them?

Kelly tried to come up with a way to get past the receptionist, but her best bet was to wait a bit more. A couple of minutes later though, she got the answer to her prayers. Kelly peeked through the glass in the door and saw the woman heading back through a small doorway. This was her chance. She used the access key to exit into the main reception area and dashed to the exit, slowing down only to push open one of the double doors before she was finally outside.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Alright Czi, you can do this.”

The woman stood in front of the wide overhead door labeled “Garage”, pulling up on the handle, but unable to get it to budge more than an inch or so. The key card she swiped from one of the nurses didn't have the access levels to open any doors in the rear of the building, so of course the only logical solution was to screw with it until it did open.

Fuck. Futile to the last.

Czigani looked up in the ceiling and noticed a small ventilation grate, which most likely fed into the garage on the other side. She cracked her knuckles and took a deep breath. As of late she'd had an impressive amount of agility and adrenaline flowing through her, unaware of it’s origins but also didn't care all the same. She knew something was different, but couldn't figure out whether it was all the shit they pumped into her over the last few weeks or possibly the electroshock treatments they've doled out like it was going out of style. Either way, something within her physical makeup was changing drastically, and her thoughts, senses, and general outlook on the surroundings seemed sharper and less scattered.

She took a few steps back and sprinted forward, pushing off on the wall with one foot, and gaining enough vertical momentum to grab one of the steel conduit pipes coming out of the ceiling. She lifted herself up and balanced rather effortlessly on the narrow ledge, but making the mistake of looking down only to throw off her equilibrium.

“Shit...I must be like forty feet above the floor.” She gasped, turning her attention back to the vent which was easy enough to open as she crawled in head first. She slid her body carefully along the dust covered air duct until reaching the adjoining vent, which she pushed opened and then dropped down onto a stack of crates that made the rest of the trip down easy.

The room had no lights on that Czigani noticed, yet she was able to see with precision and clarity as though they were on, but the colors she saw in pitch darkness were much more muted and dull.

“What the hell? This has got to be some drug induced shit going on right now.” Her voice echoed in the large garage, which appeared to have a full stock of tools, parts to various mechanical things, and a covered vehicle.

“I bet that's it” She said with grin, pulling on the canvas cover that didn't appear to have any dust on it. Underneath was a cherry red 1969 Chevy Chevelle, the very car she'd overheard Doctor Zvikas mention on a few occasions. Apparently it was his most prized possession, and now it was going to be hers if she could just remember to hot wire the ignition, a trick she’d picked up years ago, but only ever actually used on one occasion for a friend of hers. All she knew now was that she needed to get out, and the place certainly wouldn’t miss one insignificant patient amongst the one hundred or more that were unlucky enough to be trapped there. She fumbled around with the paneling under the steering wheel column, and popped off the small cover, exposing a few wires. At that moment her ears perked up, catching a faint jingling of metal, and the fluorescent lights overhead turned on, revealing a thin figure standing near the interior doorway across from the vehicle.

“A-Are you looking for these, ma’am?”

It was Jimmy, holding up a pair of keys that, she assumed, belonged to the car she was attempting to steal. Czigani sat up in the driver's seat and looked over at Jimmy with a sheepish grin. “Uh...hey there kid. This isn’t what it looks like…” She said, clenching her fist that was out of his line of sight. She didn’t want to have to hurt him since he was really one of the only decent people she’d met at the hospital, but she also couldn’t afford anymore obstacles. Not now. Not ever.

“Oh, no w-worries ma’am, I’m just h-here to help.”


Kelly’s heart hammered from the adrenaline she’d mustered up during her quick escape, and she leaned up against the wall for a moment to catch her breath as the outer door she exited from closed behind her and the locks engaged. Her eyes met the night sky for a moment, which was clear and full of stars, probably more than she’d ever remember seeing living in large cities where the bright lights of the cityscape took away from the subtleties of the darkness. But out in the middle of nowhere, miles from where the larger cities were located, the night skies were unmolested and the galaxies seemed to shimmer with life.

She found herself in a large courtyard area, surrounded by lush trees, bushes, flowers, and several small patio tables with umbrellas. Several tall black lamp posts were evenly distributed throughout and illuminated the area with a warm glow that made it more comfortable and serene.

The smell of something resembling grilled meats assaulted the girl's nostrils, causing her mouth to water, and an instinctual urge to erupt from within. Kelly was hungry. She hadn't had a decent meal since the incident days ago that put her away and into the system to waste away. She searched out the source of the wonderful aroma and found it. Across the courtyard, sitting at one of the tables which had several dishes of food and drink, was Doctor Zvikas.

“Please join me Ms. Denver.” He gave a Kelly a quick wave and a smile, as he motioned for her come. “Rest assured no harm will come to you, however there are measures put in place should you decide to continue your intended course of action...”

The doctor motioned out into the vast acreage beyond the courtyard, and Kelly noticed armed patrols with assault rifles, accompanied by german shepherds, walking along the inner and outer fence line and across the long stretch of grass that appeared the length of a football stadium.

“So you see, I implore you to come sit, enjoy a good meal, and then there are a few matters we need to discuss.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kelly made eye contact with Dr. Z, using her peripheral vision to take notice of the large group of guards surrounding the institution. She sensed some of them had stiffened up at her presence, probably the rookies. Even weirder was the fact that the dogs did not seemed threatened by her, despite being trained-and possibly tortured-to instinctively feel otherwise. But Kelly didn’t think much of it; she was largely outnumbered, after all. Despite the tense atmosphere, she started to approach Dr. Z, hands at her side to give the impression that she wasn't a threat.

“Are you this nice to all of the patients who try to escape?" Kelly didn't know what else to say, whether to confront him or play along. Either way, she knew she'd have to be smart about their encounter. "Because I'm having a hard time adjusting. One of your patients would have had his way with me had he not been interrupted by the nurse. If I'm going to be here, I need you to assure me that my health and safety is of your utmost concern. Not just mine, but everyone else's as well."

She took a seat across from him, taking a sip of water before serving herself a plate of food two sizes the limit for a girl with her frame. She remained quiet as she rapidly started eating. Her appetite had suddenly snuck up on her, although its absence could be due to all the drugs that she had been fed up to that point. Kelly could barely remember her last meal, if one could call it that, so to be outside again enjoying one of the best chicken she's ever had was like being in her own personal heaven, although she knew the feeling was temporary at most.

The doctor had started to reply, but Kelly knew she had to act while he was distracted. It was only a matter of seconds before she suddenly stood up, gripping one of the knives with her right hand before lunging up and over the table, tackling Dr. Zvikas to the ground. Kelly held the tip of the knife against his neck, using her free hand to pull on the collar of his lab coat to get him up on his feet. She swiftly circled around Dr. Zvikas until she was behind directly him, the knife menacingly resting against his neck. As expected, all the guards aimed their weapons at her, the barking dogs somehow secured to their owners but wildly barking as if she were a monster. Well, maybe she was.

"Let's get to the point," she whispered into his ear. "You're going to order your men to stand down, and you're going to take a walk with me. I don't care how far away the nearest town is, I want you to take us there. Don't even think about having anyone follow us. If you manage to follow my instructions, I may just let you live. If not, cross me and see what happens."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There was a brief moment of silence as the knife was pushed up against Zvikas’s neck and Kelly’s demands were made clear enough, neither of them making a move. Being in such close proximity of him now, the aroma of his aftershave filled her nose, which had the slightly familiar, yet pleasant scent of rum spice and bayberry leaves. Certainly not a widely used combination among men she had met, but generally preferred by those of European descent and a more classical taste.

“This is absolutely not the way I intended for our meeting to go, Miss Denver.” The doctor’s tone came very even and calm, showing no signs of hostility or apprehension. “However, you are in control of the situation now, and so I will do as you ask.”

Doctor Zvikas slowly raised his arm and gave a signal that indicated to the guards to lower their weapons and desist, which they did rather reluctantly, but continued to monitor the situation from their vantage points.

“Now, Miss Denver, since you are obviously unaware of the exit, allow me to lead the way. I’ll keep my hands in sight and you can hold onto that steak knife if it helps ease any tension.”

She gave him an acknowledging nudge forward, and the doctor began walking at an even stride, leaving the courtyard and heading along the rear wall of the building, with Kelly only inches in tow. The nearby guards kept their distance as they tracked both her and doctor closely, yet the dogs wildly barked and carried on as though they were ready to pounce any moment, breaking the otherwise quiet evening. Kelly could feel a foreign instinct building up inside, one of which prodded her into wanting to attack, to lash out at anyone or anything in her way. Gasping momentarily, she fought it, pushing it down as much as she could as she continued walking.

“Now that we have each other’s undivided attention...” The doctor said in a matter-of-fact tone, his eastern european accent smooth and calm as always. “...Let us speak plainly.” He paused for a moment, then continued. “You’re hurting, Miss Denver, and you know this. You have a disease which you are completely unaware of and it has been eating at you for some time now. This anomaly has kept you from the woman you once were and is seemingly pushing itself further to the surface.”

Kelly found herself rapidly blinking her a eyes a few times to refocus, as her vision seemed to waver and her head began feeling light as air, making it a bit more difficult to concentrate on what he was saying. The doctor’s words crept into her ears and she knew them to be true, but what was it that he wasn’t telling her? What did he know of this “anomaly”, and was it really infact a “disease” as he so eloquently stated. She could feel her strides slowing and her steps heavy and clumsy. She wanted so badly at that point to curse the guy out, but the words seemed to escape her tongue as she propped herself against the wall.

“Are we feeling okay, Miss Denver?” Doctor Svikas turned to look at her with an expressionless face, cocking his head a bit as though he were intrigued by something.

“Impressive. Although, I suppose you shouldn’t have eaten so quickly.” He said with a slight smirk. “But you were rather famish, no?”

Her body weakened and she dropped the knife from her grip, as she slowly slid down the wall and collapsed onto her back in the soft, moist grass. Kelly’s mind was filled with a mixture of her senses all at once, each slamming into the next, muddling up her surroundings, and blurring that which used to be clear. She gazed up at the doctor who was now kneeling over her, his fingers examining her neck for a pulse, as his voice and words became nearly indistinguishable.

“Sir, we found the other one in the garage.” An unidentifiable voice said from a few feet away, but out of her line of sight. “We have her contained.”

Kelly’s world went dark.


Sound, smell, and taste was all she had to work with for the moment, as a short burst of electricity awoke Kelly’s mind and body, followed by the heckling of two disgusting voices that were vaguely familiar. Her head hurt, but it was manageable, and she found herself blindfolded, gagged, and wrists and feet secured tightly to a cold metal armchair. She picked up the scent of terrible body odor mixed with vodka, as well as the humming of what could be a generator of some kind.

“Aw, the little pup is awake I think.” A voice said in a condescending tone.

“Well she should be, it’s been like four of five hours now” Said the other with a gruff voice. “And to think I was going to introduce her to my man-sized stromboli.”

“Hah, more like a damn dill pickle, dumbass.” The other snorted.

“Hey, fuck you Dan, just because you don’t have a dick, don’t mean you gotta hate. So why don’t you go back into storage and grab us another bottle of Stoli’s, so me and this bitch can have some private time…” The guy snickered through his teeth, which Kelly now remembered being yellow-stained, crooked, and rotten.

“Fine, but don’t come crying to me when your cock falls off. These bitches are probably full of STDs and shit.”

She finally realized the two geniuses were the disrespectful orderlies from her room awhile back, and it seemed as though they still had free reign within the confines of the hospital. Apparently Kelly’s point wasn’t made as clearly as she thought, something she hoped to rectify soon enough no doubt.

Kelly could hear the guy sucking air through his teeth as he walked around her chair, brushing his hand across her hair, face, and chest. This sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through her body, so much so, that she could feel the thick leather strap secured to her wrist begin to loosen as her arm pulled against it.

“I’m really hoping to continue what I started back in your room…” He said, his breathing getting heavier and heart rate rising. “...and I’m gonna fuck you long and hard until you can’t walk straight any-.”

“Hey!, numbnuts!” A husky-sounding female voice called from across the room. “Why don’t you take that ‘stromboli’ of yours over here so I can bite it off and spit it back into your fucked up nasty pig face.”

“Pig face? Bitch I own you and can end your life right now if you don’t shut that whore mouth!”

“Bring it on, cowboy…”

At that moment, Kelly recognized the voice. It was that damn girl who’d promised to help her escape and instead ran off and left her having to fend for herself. She could hear the orderly’s footsteps shuffling over toward where the other girl’s voice came from.

“Yeah that’s right, step up and get in my face, asshole!” She yelled, egging the guy on.

Meanwhile, the sweat forming on Kelly’s arms made it possible for her to slid one of her hands out of the leather strap, and she quickly pulled the blindfold down from her eyes. She was sitting in the middle of a fairly large room, a single lamp hanging over her head, and small fluorescent lights - some flickering or burned out - illuminating the rest of the area. She looked over her shoulder and saw a few metal cages, about the height of an average person, lined against the brick wall, and the tattooed girl with the shaved head and the attitude, locked away in one of them.

“Come closer dickhead!” The girl continued taunting the guy, who started kicking the cage door out of anger, and just when he was within arms reach, the girl grabbed him by his shirt collar, and pulled him so violently hard that his face smashed into the bars, knocking him unconscious as she let him tumble back onto the floor.

“Well hey there” The girl said looking over at Kelly with a wry grin. “Um...no hard feelings, yeah?”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"No hard feelings you say?" Kelly couldn't help but smile. People always sought her help when they were the ones in the deep end, even though they had just finished screwing her over. But that's how most of the federal government operated; it was almost expected. In the outside world though, it's something that almost always managed to surprise her. Kelly quickly finished setting herself free before rushing over to the row of cages.

"You're right, I have nothing against you personally, but that doesn't necessarily mean I have to help you. I'd be wasting my time trying to figure out how to break you out and I just can't afford to do that. Instead, I'm going to let you get comfortable in there while you wait for Dr. Z to come get you and deliver whatever punishment he pleases. Don't worry though, your friend here will keep you company."

Kelly kicked the orderly to make sure he was indeed unconscious.

"You stupid-"

"Bitch? I know. People tell me all the time."

The girl refused to say anything else, and Kelly didn't waste any more of her time. She searched the man for the access key and found it inside his left front pocket. Now she had to hurry up and find a way out of there before the other idiot showed up. Even though her mind was still hazy, Kelly could sense some hostility coming from the girl. She couldn't blame her, but it's not like the chick should expect everyone to bend at her will, especially not after the way she likes to treat certain people. Without so much as looking in her direction, Kelly got up and rushed to the door. She wanted to get out of there quick before she was caught again. Stoping for a moment in front of the door, Kelly listened in for any footsteps or voices approaching her. When she was met with mostly silence, she unlocked the door and made her way out into a small space which led to a narrow set of stairs. Nothing was distinguishable; ceilings, walls, and floor had the same pale shade of grey, and for some reason it made Kelly feel somewhat depressed.

As she headed upstairs, Dr. Zvika's words came to mind. Maybe she did have a "disease", but so far it had proven more helpful than damaging to her. Kelly wasn't too sure how she felt about it, but she might as well use it to her advantage while trying to find a way out of there. She thought of the possibilities for a while before she came across another locked door. Using the access card again, she pushed on the door and found herself outside in the dead of the night. Kelly sneaked around the building, staying close to the stained wall while listening for any sounds that may indicate someone's nearby. As she got to the edge, she decided to look around the corner. She saw the courtyard where she had first come across Dr. Zvikas, but obviously he wasn't there anymore. Some guards were walking around the perimeter, but Kelly figured she was far enough to not be spotted. She turned around and continued walking along the wall, heading away from the main entrance to avoid calling any attention to herself. After a minute or two, she turned another corner and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a guard standing still a few feet away from her. The faint glow indicated he was using some electronic device, more than likely his cell phone. Go figure.

Kelly's mind went blank as the attacked the man from behind. He barely had time to react as both of them fell to the ground, but she was faster, and now stronger as well, apparently. She pinned him to the ground before she snatched his rifle and used the butt of the weapon to smash his face a few times. Blood sprayed around the area, but she knew that killing the man would be better than him screaming for help. She sat there in the dark, staring at her first murder victim, trying to figure out how to feel about what had just happened. It was both a thrilling and satisfying feeling, but another side of Kelly knew that what she had done was wrong, and that made her feel somewhat conflicted. No matter, she didn't have time to play doctor on herself. She got off the dead man and undressed him very quickly, putting on his uniform and trying to adjust it accordingly so that it looked as if it belonged to her and not someone much bigger than her. After she was done, she reached down to grab his phone and put it in her pocket, then she grabbed the rifle and adjusted the sling so that it was a better fit for her. After all was said and done, Kelly headed to the fence line to walk the perimeter. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd be able to finally slip out without looking too suspicious.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Czi was irritated, but not so much at her own predicament since she was ultimately the one who landed herself into the vicious cycle. No, she was upset with the new girl who didn’t want to stick around long enough and listen to reason because apparently she knew better.

“Fine! Just leave!...I don’t care!” Czigani’s voice echoed across the room as she watched Kelly unlock the door with the access card, and slip out into the stairway leading up from the basement. “It’s not like I wasn’t trying to help your sorry ass!”

Kelly was gone, and Czi curled up her fingers into a fist wanting so badly to punch something or someone. She’d already tried pushing and pulling on the cage bars earlier, but all attempts of escape were futile, only leaving her hand bruised and sore. Instead, she stared blankly down at the unconscious orderly, half of his face bloodied from the cut on his forehead, and yet for some reason he still had that stupid smirk on his face as though he’d just won a challenge.

“Fuck you, pervert!” She yelled at the body. “I probably should have just let you ravage that rich bitch and kept my mouth shut!...”

Czi let those words go and felt a lump growing in her throat as she leaned her head against the cold metal bars. Just the thought of something that debased and grotesque made her feel sick. No one deserved this place, nor did they deserve the horrific treatment and abuse that seemed to come along with a facility that was literally out in the middle of nowhere. Vivid thoughts sent her back to that final evening at the restaurant; the dozens of men, women, and children gathered around for good food and live music. Czigani had always loved to perform there, not just for the atmosphere, but for the people. Her people. A gypsy heritage usually meant one of isolation from many other cultures, especially in America, and those who immigrated from Russia and the surrounding regions weren’t met with much kindness. There had always been a stigma among the Romani when dealing with outsiders, as though every one of them were born of thieves, liars, and prostitutes. But, like every ethnic group, there were always those bad apples which spoiled the bunch, and sadly the ramifications for such actions usually ended in bloodshed. That night in the restaurant’s patio had been a terrible reminder of the growing ignorance and lies that seemed to spread like a plague among her people. Czigani had later found out that the police were looking for an illegal immigrant of “Ruska Roma” lineage who was wanted in other states and seen frequenting the restaurant. If Czi hadn’t acted out in defense for her people, however, things wouldn’t have escalated into what they did and she would have never killed the police officer. Things would have been much different.

“This was all my fault.” She whispered to herself, realizing that maybe she did belong in a cage like the animal she’d become.

The door across the room unlocked and opened, with the other taller and huskier orderly walking through holding a large bottle of vodka. “Alright Sammy, you better be finishing up with that…” He stared at the empty metal chair in the middle of the room. “...girl?” His eyes widened as they went from the chair over to the his unconscious buddy, then landed on the girl standing behind the iron bars. “You! What did you do, you scrappy little cunt?”

He hesitantly walked over toward the cage, holding the bottle neck as though he were carrying it as a weapon.

“He tried to come at me and hit his head.” Czigani said in a low, flat tone. “Poor bastard.”

“Where did that other woman run off to?” The orderly blurted out.

“Hopefully far away from you, that dumbass on the floor, and this whole wretched place.” She finally said after a few moments with a wry grin. “So why don’t you go crawling back to the Doc and let him know how you were outsmarted by a girl”

“They’ll be no need for that.” Doctor Zvikas’ soft, yet commanding voice echoed across the room as he emerged through the already opened door. “Danny? How many times need I remind you to shut and secure each door you enter through? It’s really not that difficult.”

“Sorry Doc, I-”

“I don’t need your excuses, Danny, just do it next time. Now please take young Samuel upstairs so the nurse may examine him.”

“Yes, sir”

The orderly paused and stared at the bottle of vodka in his hand, then looked over at the Doctor who’s raised eyebrow and piercing eyes basically told him everything he needed to know. He quickly put the bottle down, lifted the other orderly with both arms and carried him out of the room, closing the door behind him. Doctor Zvikas stood there silent for a few moments, holding his hands behind his back and staring at the girl in the cage as though he were sizing her up. A smile formed across his face and his eyes relaxed, giving off an overall non-threatening aura about him, something Czigani was able to pick-up for the first time. Whatever heightened senses were developing within her had allowed her some faint idea of a person’s mood, and for the most part, she’d come across hostility. But with Zvikas it was always different. No hostility in his voice, his body language, or even the general vibes she got from him.

“So...are you just going to stand there and gawk at me or did you need something?” She said in an almost nervous tone, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

“My apologies Miss Novikov.” He snickered. “I am fascinated is all.”

“Fascinated?” She said, tilting her head in a puzzled response. “Doc you’re not getting all pervy on me, are you? I mean sure you’re a good looking guy and all but-”

“No.” He interrupted her with his calm tone of voice. “I assure you that is not my intent.”

His words faded to almost a whisper at the end, and Czigani took a nervous step back away from the bars and snorted. “Doc, you’re talking in fucking circles. Just let me out of here okay, no more games. I won’t try anything.”

He stepped closer to the cage. “I’d like to believe that, Miss Novikov, but we both know that isn’t true. It is pertinent, however, that you stay here, not only for your safety, but the safety of our hospital staff as well. You’ll be properly tak-”

“Fuck you Zvikas!” Czigani instinctively lunged at the bars, her arm stretched out to grab for his throat, which he effortlessly sidestepped and countered by grabbing hold of her wrist. The girl’s heart was pounding and she could feel the surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, drawing on an unknown strength from within, and yet the doctor’s grip overpowered her and she was helpless to pull her arm back.

“I could easily break your arm like the branch of a sapling.” The doctor stood there holding firming onto her arm, his pupils appearing to shift from their normal blue color to an amber as he stared at her intently, yet still no anger erupted from him.

Czigani couldn’t take it, she felt trapped, overwhelmed, and a rage that increased every second was building inside her wanting to strike out and anything and everything. She didn’t know what was going on anymore, her head was throbbing, vision wavered in focus and colors, and she could feel an intense heat emanating from her skin.

“What the fuck do you want!” She screamed, a single tear running down her cheek. A tear she’d sworn she would never shed again, and yet there it was, as rage and revenge gave way to panic and helplessness.

“I’m merely observing, Miss Novikov.” His response didn’t break the calm tone he’d initially had, even while holding onto her arm, even as her veins began pulsating and hand twisted and contorted to try breaking free of his grip. “Observing and waiting…”

“Waiting for what you sick fuck??” Czigani’s response echoed a few octaves lower than her normal voice.

“A rebirth.” Zvikas said with a half-smile, releasing her arm and stepping back a few paces.

The woman’s eyes grew wide as she crumpled over in pain holding her torso and letting out a scream that slowly manifested itself into a low growl. Sound of bone and cartilage crunched and cracked in unison as it’s form shifted, giving way to mass and bulk in muscle and flesh. The woman’s body grew, and her skin rippled as follicles of long dark hair penetrated outward from every part of her body, tearing the clothing apart in the process as her thighs, arms, torso, and head began transforming and molding itself to the likes of a beast. As her human appearance gave way to the creature freeing itself, her clawed and elongated hand grabbed onto the metal bar of the cage, still in it’s transformation stages. Her face, once that of a recognizable female girl slowly cracked, stretched, and tore away at the old skin, flesh, and bone, changing into that of a wolf. Rows of massive sharpened teeth sprouted from the muzzle as it grew straight out where her nose and mouth had once been. Patches of silvery hair grew in various places giving a unique pattern to the charcoal colored fur that now covered her entire new form.

A low growl emanated from deep within the beast as it turned it’s head slightly toward the doctor who stood there in awe as he witnessed the change. The creature’s light blue eyes reflected the ceiling light giving an impression they were glowing, as it stood up to it’s full height, which could be nearly eight feet tall. A sight that would cause any to flee in absolute terror, yet Doctor Zvikas simply stood there nodding and smiling in approval.

“Excellent.” He said in a hushed tone. “Simply a beautiful creature indeed.”

Czigani could feel the beast and see through it’s eyes, but had no control, as though she were a passenger on a joyride with a psychopathic driver. Except she was that driver as well. Her thoughts were scattered, blurred, random, and even her voice of protest, confusion and anger merely presented itself in the form of growls from the beast as it lashed out at the cage trying to claw at the man standing only a few feet away. She was that beast, and the beast was her, and yet at this point they were on completely different sides of the psychological spectrum.

“Now, as for Miss Denver” Zvikas said, rubbing his chin in thought. “Her strolling about freely will pose some difficulties to say the least, as I assume her change will come fairly soon as well if my calculations are accurate…”

Doctor Zvikas turned on a heel and headed for the door.

“Do not worry Miss Novikov, your condition isn't permanent and you should be slowly settling back into your human form within a few hours. Presently, however, I need to attend to the other young lady as I fear her transformation will not be as kind to her.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

So far, Kelly's "patrol" was going smoothly. She could attribute the lack of bodies to the fact that it was the middle of the night, that, or people like her weren't up at this time attempting to make their escape from the hospital. The fence line took a sharp turn to the right, and so did she, following along the path as if she actually worked the job.

Even though Kelly was on high alert, the voices that suddenly appeared out of thin air spooked her to the point where she took the rifle off its safety setting and placed her pointer finger on the trigger. The voices were barely above a whisper, and Kelly's pulse shut up until she was sure that her heart was going to burst from her chest. Having developed tunnel vision, the poor woman subconsciously ignored the signs that something wasn't right with her body. The odd tingly sensation was unnoticeable at first until it rapidly developed into intense pain. At first, Kelly gasped, having just experienced her body purposely working against her, but when her condition worsened, she couldn't help but drop to her hands and knees as she screamed in utter and complete agony. She felt her blood boil from within her chest before it coursed through the rest of her body, making the experience anything but pleasurable. Her skin started to stretch beyond a comfortable level, shredding the uniform she had on and snapping the sling attached to the rifle. As all that was happening, Kelly's screams continued to fill the night, alerting the guards closest to her who immediately ran to her location to investigate the situation. Unfortunately, they didn't make it in time to witness her transformation, how her skin changed to white fur as her body contorted into something resembling a beast.

Kelly wasn't the pretty, petite woman she was before. Her appearance was now that of a werewolf, unbeknownst to her at the moment. As the guards approached her with a look of shock and disbelief, animal instincts took over and she lunged at them, blood and gut staining her white fur as she failed to contain herself, or whatever it was.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
Avatar of Rawk

Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Code Red! Southeast quadrant, extreme hostile situa-”

The frantic voice on the other end of the radio had been cut off, and what sounded like the vicious snarling of a wild animal filled what was left of the momentary open channel before it went to static and then silence.

Her scent was strong, like that of a distressed creature calling out for help to it’s mate, Zvikas had no problems following Kelly’s trail left behind from the basement level and heading up and out toward the courtyard. A grim expression formed on his face as he thought about the newest discovery. On the one hand, there was excitement, and the great possibilities of learning more about such a supernatural being, as well as it’s origins. However, he’d also wondered if this marked the time of a resurgence amongst the werewolf population, a rebirthing perhaps of a new generation risen from the ashes of their destruction almost two hundred years ago. Had they been hidden from the prying eyes of the Hunters all that time, or has the Veil -the blinders pulled over the minds of humans to hide the existence of the supernatural- been lifted? What did this mean for his kind as well?

As he opened the door heading out to the courtyard, his eyes immediately gazed at the sky, high above the treeline in the distance, as the light from the early morning sun began its ascent.

“Damn, where has the time gone…” He whispered to himself, a hint of anger underlying his otherwise calm demeanor. Several gunshots were heard in the distance from the guards stationed in the towers at each corner of the perimeter fence.

“Do not directly engage! I repeat do not directly engage.” Doctor Zvikas’ voice was just above normal levels, but still even toned and in control as he spoke into the radio. “Tranquilizers only.”

Ahead, along the fence line, he could see the newly birthed beast, it’s white fur a stark contrast against the darkened forest beyond the gates. The creature was hit a few times, but Zvikas new a mere bullet would only stun a creature such as that for a moment before accelerated healing closed up any fatal wounds. No, he knew what would cause real harm to a werewolf, but he wasn’t prepared to take such extreme measures so soon, not when there was still much more to understand. He walked up to where the courtyard ended and the long stretch of green field started, keeping his eyes on the beast, just as he now noticed the beast focused on him. Zvikas had been a master at hiding his secret from the mortal world for longer than he can remember, yet he knew that another creature of supernatural existence would most likely see past that which he worked so hard to bury away. There was always something different -almost too perfect- about the doctor, but it was anyone’s guess what that may have been.

Kelly’s bloodied clawed hand held onto the thick chain linked fence as she rose to her powerful hind legs, recovering from the few bullets that seemed more a nuisance than any real threat. Her eyes scanned the area; the two guards bloodied and dismembered remains lay at her feet, and the heat signatures of several other guards off in the distance with rifles pointed directly at her. Her head snapped from side to side as she searched for quick egress, and that was when she noticed him. The unarmed doctor simply stood there from across the field, and the beast within Kelly erupted with a combination of curiosity and rage as it bolted across the wet grass, running on all four legs, until it reached within only a few meters of where Zvikas was standing. The doctor was unmoved while a smile formed across his lips, admiring the massive stature and brute power that emanated from the creature in front of him.

The human side of the woman wanted to lash out at the doctor, feeling betrayed by someone she thought she could trust, yet all the theatrics were nothing more than a means to an end. The food, the drink, the compliments, and a situation that appeared too good to be authentic. Why did she allow those primal instincts to cloud her better judgement. It didn't matter then, all things considered, as the beast was more than she could handle and had no other choice than to cower under the weight of its will. But why couldn't the beast of pure rage and strength move any further?

Zvikas stood, cocking his head slightly as he looked into the creature's glowing eyes, responding with his own eyes illuminating a dim amber color and a single whispered word leaving his lips.


That was it. Kelly wanted nothing more than to run at this point as her own anger turned to fear. Fear of the unknown. She didn't know who or what Zvikas was, but the hold he had on her mind -the beast’s mind- was too much. It was a mental restraint holding both her and the creature at bay. She pushed, not against the will of her beast but against the will of the doctor. Pushed until at last she felt the opening she needed and the creature within knew this, as they both leapt at the man before them with rage in their eyes.

Zvikas quickly and gracefully sidestepped the attack, causing the beast to fly past and tumble to the ground. A barrage of gunfire erupted immediately following, hitting the beast with several cartridges of tranquilizing agents, causing a loud yelp to come from the wolf.

“I didn't give the order!” The doctor yelled into the radio, this time backed by an anger that hadn't presented itself previously. “Stand down! Now!”

It was too late though, as the jolt by the impact of the projectiles combined with Zvikas being distracted, broke Kelly and her creature’s mind free from the hold as they fled at an unnatural speed toward the fence, and with a last ditch effort to escape, leapt over the ten foot high fence, nearly missing the razor wire coiled at the top. The light peeking through the thick forest ahead had been more of a beacon to her than anything else, as she ran as fast as her strength could carry her not bothering to look back. The massive amount of tranquilizers, however, had begun to take affect as her focus wavered in and out and her speed drastically declined by the toxins streaming within her system.

Doctor Zvikas could only look on as the remaining darkness within the forest swallowed up the werewolf, and the inevitable sunrise reared its hideous presence. He knew he couldn’t follower her, which was only a minor set back at this point, but he also knew she wouldn’t get far east. Either way, the doctor shook his head in disappointment as he headed back into the hospital, aware that he will need to do a lot of story spinning and general damage control regarding the previous incident.

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