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Chapter IV: The Mind's Eye

Marlowe Bladeson

NPCs and Other Nonsense!

Azarnite Weaver

Veas Celamine
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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24 Mikael Sentarous The Lost Guardian
“So should we knock or are we going stylishly through a window?”

[ ߜ ] V I T A L S
Mikael Aarun Sentarous, Son of Ehiram & Shiari

[ ߜ ] B I R T H
September 22nd, 4403 CE (Sentaharum, Sapari Territories)

[ ߜ ] G E N D E R

[ ߜ ] E T H N I C B A C K G R O U N D

[ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E

[ ߜ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y

[ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S
Elemental Guardian: Mikael descends from the ancient people of the northern stretches of the Sapari Desert, the Sentari, and as such has inherited the particular abilities of the tribe— particularly the gift of fire. This is contemporarily known as one of the pillars of elementalism that represent life, rebirth, and destruction; a bloodline gift that allows the wielder to create, manipulate, and control fire. Whilst Mikael is not one of the most powerful users of even his generation to wield this gift he is at the very least dangerously competent as he has been practicing it since he was a child.

Gunslinger: Despite only being familiar with short-range firearms such as handguns, Mikael is a compete marksman with his weapon of choice— on one occasion equaling Deya Talis in a shooting competition.

Martial Artist: Mikael was trained by Rath Dorian, the former grandmaster of the art known as Shet Ek Sahim and an expert at using firearms in unorthodox fashions for maximum effect. Following Rath Dorian’s death, Mikael has succeeded his former master and beyond being a skilled contemporary gunslinger is said to be a master martial artist in this art. Shet Ek Sahim has been described as “gun fu” by some journalists and it’s oddly apt.

[ ߜ ] B A C K S T O R Y

[ ߜ ] R E L A T I O N S
Azarnite Weaver:

Cain Sentarous:

Kath Sentarous:

Marlowe Bladeson:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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26 Rin Chiyuhato The Exiled Prince

“Tch. How about we knock some heads?”

[ ߜ ] V I T A L S
Rin Takeharu Chiyuhato, Son of Toshiro & Ayame

[ ߜ ] B I R T H
January 11th, 4401 CE (Chidaku, The Shogunate of Kataloni)

[ ߜ ] G E N D E R

[ ߜ ] E T H N I C B A C K G R O U N D

[ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E

[ ߜ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y

[ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S
Elemental Guardian: Rin descends from the ancient people of the western stretches of the Jungles of Gavia, the Kataloni, and as such has inherited the particular abilities of the tribe— particularly the gift of storms. This is contemporarily known as one of the pillars of elementalism that represent life, rebirth, and destruction; a bloodline gift that allows the wielder to create, manipulate, and control lightning. Whilst Rin is not one of the most powerful users of even his generation to wield this gift he is at the very least dangerously competent as he has been practicing it since he was a child and was formally trained by a known master of the art.

Martial Artist: Rin was trained by various master martial artists trained in the arts historically attributed to the kata people. Rin is primarily focused in these arts and before his exile was said to be one of the most dynamic hand-to-hand combatants of his generation. It is hard to say if Rin is on the level of competent mastery given his aesthetically unorthodox fighting techniques he implements in his forms but given his history of brawls and skirmishes it wouldn’t be inane to think as such.

Skilled Swordsman: Rin’s sword, a katana named Sutōmushadō, is rarely unsheathed but in the instances where he has done so Rin has shown he is also a skilled swordsman. He has been able to fight Kath Sentarous blow for blow during the events of Awakening the Dragon.

[ ߜ ] B A C K S T O R Y

[ ߜ ] R E L A T I O N S
Marlowe Bladeson:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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17 Imele Moyen Seeker of the Dead

“So, are we supposed to surrender or something?”

[ ߜ ] V I T A L S
Imele Agara Moyen, Daughter of Patrek & Maritka

[ ߜ ] B I R T H
January 4th, 4410 CE (Dunskari, The Confederacy of Dun)

[ ߜ ] G E N D E R

[ ߜ ] E T H N I C B A C K G R O U N D

[ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E
Imele looks like a young woman who has lost much and bears a significant pain in her beaten blue eyes. Bringing a presence into every town she comes into contact with and her supposedly cursed fate brings people at odds, and she carries herself often like a reaper of sorts. Imele stands at an unassuming height of 5’4” with long disheveled green hair and light skin.

Most often Imele is tattered in a hooded long jacket, a neck-high over-shirt made of wool to keep her warm, and a light shirt underneath both things alongside a pair of unassuming pants and mud-tracked boots. She bears a necklace made of silver that represents her clan by showcasing their symbol, and a long belt to sheath her priestess staff is usually equipped even though she rarely uses it considering she holds onto the item more often than not.

[ ߜ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
Imele is quiet and introspective, feeling the rare situation where she needs to talk. This is, in part, due to her being one of the only survivors of the Moyen Clan Massacre by The Order in 4425; a deeply scarring event that has damaged a once brighter, friendly, and optimistic girl. But Imele doesn’t put the blame entirely on the traumatic event as she explains that it has more to do with how seeing, comprehending, listening, and convening with lost souls has brought her a “new perspective” on life— though she does still feel much sadness for what happened to her family. Though despite not having malevolent intentions the people of Dun are generally unnerved by her quiet and solitary personality in combination of her abilities. People are intimidated by her sullen presence which causes Imele to gain little friends or romantic companions.

However, when Imele does speak— her brief expressions through dialogue are seen as either too direct or at times inappropriate. Whilst she doesn’t seek to insult others she is blunt, honest, and rather straight-forward regarding how she feels about certain situations and about what her powers lead to. Generally, most people don’t want to hold a conversation with someone who has brief matter-of-fact responses and is blunt about how she can convene with the dead; the latter has especially caused friction in townships where the Moyen Clan is obscure leading to accusations of her being a witch, warlock, and on one occasion a necromancer.

To say Imele is apathetic about these accusations and happenings would be incorrect however as buried as they may be the green-haired girl does have feelings, attractions, and emotions that go beyond “sullen, sad, and honest”. A direct reaction to losing everyone she’s ever loved has made her struggle with showing more chipper emotions and the effects of seeing lost or lingering spirits has affected her ability to relate with others and properly express joy and happiness.

[ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S
Martial Artist: Imele was trained by Guon Moyen, her father and a former warden of Dunskari’s Vann. She was trained specifically in redirection of blows and subtle strikes rather than distinctly inflicting harm. In addition to her dexterous training as a Priestess of the Moyen Shrine this adds a supplementary ability that has proven useful.

Shrine Priestess: Imele’s mother, Maritka Moyen, trained her to follow the traditions of the clan and particularly her unique talent of convening with lost souls. In addition to the rites of passing, and extensive lore knowledge this included a training in their clan’s weapon arts. It is due to this that Imele carries about a priestess’ staff and knows how to use it in combat and non-combat utilizations.

Spiritual Medium: Imele descends from the Moyen Clan, a group of people that studied the world of spirits, the deceased, and the energy that binds them together. Sourced in the magical force that represents souls of the long departed, Imele and her family have existed to serve spirits for the better. As a medium Imele can detect life, feel the essence of residual energy from various spirits, and consult the knowledge of old souls— specifically of the Moyen bloodline.

Spiritual Vessel: As an extension of her abilities as a spiritual medium, Imele can consort with spirits when she is in a meditative state and ask for them to share their knowledge and abilities with her during states of crisis. There are multiple risks with allowing powerful spirits to bond with her with the worst aspect being subject to malicious possession.

[ ߜ ] B A C K S T O R Y
Imele was born on the outskirts of Dunskari in a large territory alongside the Xahg River known as Moyrah, the birthplace of the Moyen Clan and several branches of it that came together. The town was centered around a central tomb, graveyard, & cathedral of no specific religious origin. Imele’s parents raised her alongside her two siblings, Jonas and Andru. For the majority of her life, Imele grew up knowing the responsibilities of the Moyen Clan and what it would mean to become a priestess of the dead. Her father, a reserve member of Dunskari’s Vann raised her with awareness of the nation beyond the confines of the village and the importance to travel and experience the world whilst her mother trained her to deal with spirits of all kinds with respect and understanding should she choose to act upon her teenaged wanderlust.

In 4426 with her family is approached by a member of the group named Kanados who asks for their allegiance in the coming conflicts as he attempts to relate to their goal as keepers of the dead and protectors of Dunskari. However, the clan’s members see through his deceit and see his true intentions and refuse his arrangement to which they are executed by the man who orders the entire clan territory burned to make a statement. Some survivors flee, Imele, amongst them. She is the only survivor of her immediate family.

Following the incident that led to the massacre of the Moyen Clan, Imele became a wanderer as she began confronting the increasing presence of The Order, bringing Kanados to justice, and bringing peace to her family.

[ ߜ ] R E L A T I O N S
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DruSM157
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20 Marlowe Bladeson The Man Fate Denied

“The heroes are all dead or gone. We’re the ones left to carry on their work.”

[ ߜ ] V I T A L S
Marlowe Anders Bladeson (Vallis), Son of Fergus and Ayna.

[ ߜ ] B I R T H
July 7 Unknown Year (Plox, Fishing Village)

[ ߜ ] G E N D E R

[ ߜ ] E T H N I C B A C K G R O U N D
Appears Landeian

[ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E
Marlowe has shaggy dark brown hair, and it is obviously unkempt and not well maintained; in fact, Marlowe's hair is so dark, most believe it to be black. A good description of the color would be a "chocolate brown". Marlowe's eyes are slightly sunken in and for the most part, he keeps deep, purplish rings under his eyes, a mark of a complete lack of sleep. His nose is small, tipped slightly downward, and his nostrils do not flare much. His lips are thin, and a thin mustache and goatee surround his lip and cover his chin. Instead of being a proper goatee, it create more of a van dyke look; since his mustache and goatee do not connect. His physical shape is slim; his arms are not extremely muscular. His chest and gut are relatively flat, though they lack tone. The main distinguishing feature of his torso are his bevy of scars covering his chest and back; signs of what seems to be a very radical surgery.

For this reason, Marlowe keeps bare torso hidden from anyone he meets, for this is a sense of shame and disgust at his own person. His legs are average length, and like his arms, slightly hairy. The hair on his chest grows in slight patches, since the surgery has caused scar tissue where hair still has not grown. As far as clothing choices, Marlowe tends to trend away from armor, staying with a simple tunic shirt, slacks, jacket and cloak covering his torso. His usual colors are either a soft burgundy jacket and white tunic, or a simple white shirt. His slacks trend from a dark brown to a light khaki. For footwear, he keeps a pair of dark brown leather boots. He also wears a leather belt, and usually keeps a leather bandolier where he keeps his greatsword scabbard.

[ ߜ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
Marlowe comes across as friendly, open, honest, kind, overly idealistic, foolish and brash. The perfect storm to cause problems with a group that has no qualms with murdering innocent people. In fact, it's Marlowe's personality that gets him in the most trouble. His "charge and save everyone" approach, which never works, is how 90% of his fights begin, and they tend to end with him missing teeth, pints of blood and sometimes a few parts of his body. Marlowe’s brash behavior has led him into several extremely emotionally damaging situations, forcing him to re-examine how he battles. Recently, Marlowe has been training to be a more tactical fighter than before. Due to the extreme situations he has been faced with in the previous few months, Marlowe’s personality has taken a darker turn. When faced with the violence and cruelty of The Order, especially the treatment of innocents, Marlowe’s gentle nature changes into a berserker fury.

Marlowe’s own violence and cruelty has come to a shock of his companions, who find the bloodlust in Marlowe’s heart too close to The Order’s own violence. Marlowe also eats roughly 200% more than an average person, due to his body’s “intricacies”. Marlowe’s average caloric consumption ranges from 5000-10000 calories per day. On the road, it is nearly impossible for Marlowe to achieve this, and he tends to appear more exhausted the longer he remains on a journey.

[ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S
Healing Factor: Marlowe’s body has undergone inhuman modifications, causing him to rapidly heal from wounds and be incapable of dying. This does not affect Marlowe’s defense from attacks, as he is still worn down and has to take time to heal from serious wounds. The weaker he is, the slower his body regenerates. Burning his flesh also kills the skin, forcing it to regenerate slower. Marlowe’s apparent immortality has made him a brash and foolish fighter in the past, leading him into deeper trouble. Recently, Marlowe has aimed to be more careful in combat to avoid putting others in danger.

Blade Skills : Marlowe has moderate skill with one handed swords, as evident by the saber he keeps at his side. While battling against a singular foe, Marlowe can usually hold his own, it is against large groups that he suffers. Marlowe’s new weapon, a legendary great sword dubbed Hard Edge is his attempt at evening the odds when fighting large groups of enemies. Still the sheer size of the weapon renders it useless in close quarters areas, forcing Marlowe to rely on his older weapons.

Boxing : Marlowe is not well versed in Martial Arts, and instead is focused more as a boxer in hand to hand fighting. Marlowe is capable of slugging enemies with severe force, but his speed and his control of the fight suffer. Still, Marlowe’s sheer endurance and willpower allow him to outlast many enemies.

Gunner : Marlowe is not well versed in firearms like several of his companions. Still, Marlowe does carry a small blunderbuss, referred to as a “scrap gun”. A survival weapon, the scrap gun can be loaded with nearly any projectile in the front, and carries a black powder charge to fire. It’s a slow reload, but at close range, the weapon is incredibly devastating.

[ ߜ ] B A C K S T O R Y
Two years ago, Marlowe washed ashore in Dun. His memories have been disjointed and confusing, and while he does remember aspects of his old life, many events remain blocked from his mind. Marlowe is sure of one thing: Dun and Sengia at large have nothing in common with his home. Marlowe and his companions have many theories about how he came to Dun, ranging from him coming from a mirrored world to Marlowe simply having false memories. What he does remember is relatively simplistic: he was born in a fishing village named Plox, and he lost both his parents at a young age. He went to live with his grandfather, a gambler and a con artist.

Some time during his youth, Marlowe became the subject of a dire experiment, which transformed his body into what he feels is an abomination. Marlowe battled against his fate alongside a group of friends, but ultimately memories of those days become hazy as he attempts to remember the specifics. Since arriving in Dun in 4425, Marlowe has wandered the countryside (or swampside if you take Dun’s geography into consideration) looking for meaning in a world that he feels he has no place in. Marlowe found a purpose in fighting The Order; and his ability to withstand the kirhas has made him an intriguing and dangerous thorn in The Order’s side. Marlowe fought alongside the Vann members Deya and Kath, as well as Kath’s mentor Otis and a wanderer named Rin against the Order in 4425. Marlowe was able to convince Orderling Mathis Rauzil to leave the cult, convincing him that genocide was no way to uncover lost secrets of the world. Marlowe and company also met with Lexi Uael, another defector against The Order’s cruelty. Together the group launched an attack on The Order’s base in a swamp ruin, led by Lexi’s own father. During the battle, Otis was slain, and Marlowe and Kath landed the killing blow on the powerful orderling.

Marlowe, feeling that he lacked the strength to protect others, left his companions for a year and traveled to the ancient country of Derim, where he joined forces with Viera Versul, a member of the country’s ruling clan. She helped Marlowe uncover an ancient weapon that Marlowe dubbed Hard Edge, and bonded Marlowe’s soul with the sword, intertwining Marlowe’s fate with the ancient weapon. Wishing to see the world and to find a way to free the country from the tyrannical fist of her older brother, Viera set off with Marlowe back to the mainland. All was not well, as Marlowe discovered his companion and dear friend Rin had been indoctrinated to The Order in the time he was gone. Marlowe set off to save his friend, but his crusade to save Rin nearly led to Marlowe losing himself in his rage. Marlowe was able to save his friend, but the recent battles have forced him to rethink his outlook on the world. Marlowe fears what could happen if he fell into the same traps his companion Rin did, and now seeks to find new ways to fight, instead of relying on sheer strength and bloodlust to win him his battles.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Northan
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Northan Meme Boy

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19 Veas Celamine The Monster of Reut

“That would be a great idea, if it weren’t for the fact that it’d end up killing us.”

[ ߜ ] V I T A L S
Veas Celamine

[ ߜ ] B I R T H
October 11th, 4406 CE (Reut, Ordos)

[ ߜ ] G E N D E R

[ ߜ ] E T H N I C B A C K G R O U N D

[ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E
Veas is a fairly average, though fit-looking woman. Despite this, the girl’s skin is notably pale, and heavily ringed under her eyes. She typically looks very annoyed; it’s hard to find a moment where the girl doesn’t have a scowl on her face.

She wears a set of dark violet traveller's robes. Despite looking of high quality, they look well worn, and starting to show some age. Veas always has a silvery grey shawl wrapped around her head and neck, which seems better cared for than her robes. She also a satchel with her containing numerous texts, along with a large bound Journal of her own.

[ ߜ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
Veas’s life has elicited a healthy dose of skepticism in the girl. Veas has a very high-strung, no nonsense personality, fitting of someone who toils away to live their life. While the girl may seem abrasive at first, she fiercely values common people's’ lives and well-being, and will act against her better judgement to protect them.

[ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S
Blood Magic - Veas has been able to perform blood magic from a very young age, and is highly adept at its practice. Despite her propensity for it, she tries to perform it as rarely as she can, in an effort to keep a low profile.

Occultist - Similar to her knowledge of blood magic, Veas is well versed in many manners of the occult. The girl is familiar with many types of involved rituals to accomplish strange outcomes. Likewise, she has sufficient knowledge in the field to be able to put research into any supernatural curiosity that piques her interest.

[ ߜ ] B A C K S T O R Y
Veas was born in the small farming village of Reut. As she grew, the girl earned the reputation of being a smart child, and began exhibiting a number of signs of magical talent. Nobody in the village recognized these signs, writing them off as good omens for the girl’s health. Around the time Veas turned twelve, Olvric Alter, an exiled scholar of the University of Potestatis arrived and settled in the town, attracted by the solitude it would bring. It was not long before Veas’s potential was recognized, and the mage took her into his charge.

Olvric found a welcome apprentice in the young girl, teaching her what arcane magics he could to someone so young. Regardless, the man’s willingness to help the village however he could swiftly turned him to a pillar of the community. However, after a number of years, the scholar grew became discontent with his ability to harness arcane energy, and began searching for shortcuts to accumulate more.

In his search Veas became more of a test subject than an apprentice. His research started out rather harmless, but as time passed, Olvric became more and more desperate in his search, turning to more extreme methods. It was only a matter of time until one of these experiments failed, and when it did, the results were catastrophic. Veas was robbed of her affinity for the arcane as well as her ability to sleep, but with time, found she was able to harness power from blood. Disgusted with what he viewed to be an aberration, Olvric cast her out from his care and accused her of being a monster to the whole of the village. Despite her protests, the people turned on her, chasing Veas out and exiling her.

The young girl lived a life of desperation in the following years, trying to come to terms with what her life had become. Much of her time was dedicated to researching what exactly had happened to her, but the young girl had no luck. With time, travel, and fatigue came complacency. After years of struggle, Veas came to settle in Dun, having strayed far from home and honed her craft.
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