[ ♝ ] D I S C L A I M E R
Currently, The Order Saga (2003-2016) is not taking applications or invitees for players. If you are interested and know me or any other member from a previous game please contact myself and @DruSM157 through private message so we can see if it is manageable to work you into the game.
[ ♝ ] P R E M I S E
The Order Saga is a collaborative story that has gone through several changes and influences over the course of twelve years. It is the longest running RP I’ve ever worked on and I couldn’t even begin to tell you what number of revisions and reboots it has had. The idea came to me when I was sixteen years old and was working with two of my closest friends on a story that provided escapism for us with heavy anime and high fantasy influences. Whilst it has become much more elaborate in the years since, it still represents itself at the core an escapist fantasy about heroes fighting against the forces of a fanatical cult that holds mysterious and dangerous powers that they wish to use to control, dominate, eliminate, and purge those against them.
The setting takes place on the planet of Sengia, which is generally by all appearances a normal modern world— but as suggested this isn’t exactly the case. Based around modern fantasy conventions the world of Sengia is home to several fantastical and supernatural abilities ranging from conventional magic, spiritual energy, inherent elemental abilities, psychic powers, and so on. Those who are gifted are not necessarily the “norm”. But the focus isn’t exactly on people who are the ungifted majority— much like any story focusing on high octane action/adventure with magic as its centerpiece, the focus is on the gifted individuals who come to get swept up in this whole nonsense about cults, heroes, artifacts, and agendas.
The central location where The Order Saga, particularly this chapter, takes place in is known as The Confederacy of Dun— a small assortment of independent nations occupying a lowland area encompassing marshland, swampland, forests, and soft rolling hills alongside sprawling rivers. It’s a wide area that is loosely affiliated and is equivalently a wild frontier similar to the western United States in the 18th and 19th centuries; just replace tumbleweeds with bog monsters. The year itself is the winter dawn of 4427, and the cult known as The Order has been quiet for a few months; but they are back to doing what they do.
The setting takes place on the planet of Sengia, which is generally by all appearances a normal modern world— but as suggested this isn’t exactly the case. Based around modern fantasy conventions the world of Sengia is home to several fantastical and supernatural abilities ranging from conventional magic, spiritual energy, inherent elemental abilities, psychic powers, and so on. Those who are gifted are not necessarily the “norm”. But the focus isn’t exactly on people who are the ungifted majority— much like any story focusing on high octane action/adventure with magic as its centerpiece, the focus is on the gifted individuals who come to get swept up in this whole nonsense about cults, heroes, artifacts, and agendas.
The central location where The Order Saga, particularly this chapter, takes place in is known as The Confederacy of Dun— a small assortment of independent nations occupying a lowland area encompassing marshland, swampland, forests, and soft rolling hills alongside sprawling rivers. It’s a wide area that is loosely affiliated and is equivalently a wild frontier similar to the western United States in the 18th and 19th centuries; just replace tumbleweeds with bog monsters. The year itself is the winter dawn of 4427, and the cult known as The Order has been quiet for a few months; but they are back to doing what they do.
[ ♝ ] M A G I C
A question that many have pondered over the course of the universe’s existence, no matter where the question is asked it is always answered in silence. Magic is an umbrella terminology for the energies of the world that cannot be explained away by rigorous study like objects of conventional science. For every theory about these energies there is another handful waiting to offer a different explanation and people as a whole have not found their answer. However, whilst magic’s origin or purpose cannot be explained into a concrete design there does exist the ability to harness it despite the dangers that comes with attempting such a thing. Depending on the magic the individual seeking to harness it can find themselves walking a dangerous path that could potentially corrupt or harm themselves doing such.
There are six types of unknown energy:
Arcane Energy: Named after ancient scientist and scholar, Arcanus Potestatis, it is the magical energy that acts as primordial glue of all mystical phenomena. It is known to be the most imaginative of all magic as it is the only one that can be bent to the imagination of the user in its entirety. The study of Arcane Energy can lead to a variety of utility such as conjuration, alchemy, divination, and much more.
Celestial Energy: Named after the celestial skyline where mortals dream of the afterlife, it is the magical energy of souls long departed and of good & evil. Most certainly it is shrouded in obscurity and secrets holding knowledges at bay due to the dangers that could be. Despite this there are few men and women who do dare to cross into the celestial plane and try to grasp the power of corrupted and long-dead souls. To tap into this force can cost you your life and the life of others when you let loose something that should’ve been left well enough alone.
Divine Energy: Named after the divinity of the gods of chaos and harmony, it is the magical energy of sin and virtue. It is a radiative energy that absolutely corrupts or enlightens with various cults and tribes worshiping the power of the artifacts left behind as symbols of the energy’s power. Prolonged use makes you inherently more orderly and lawful or destructive and chaotic, but many go beyond the risks to unsurprisingly achieve power over others.
Elemental Energy: Named after the elements of nature, it is the magical energy that runs through the world and for some their own dynastic bloodline. To be of elemental blood is rare, especially considering many of the bloodlines have thinned out due to ancient wars and infighting amongst rival clans. The study of Elemental Energy is limited to the bloodline but still exceptionally powerful within the abilities to manipulate and create these elements as the user pleases.
Psionic Energy: Named after the first clairvoyant and psychic, Sofia Psioni, it is the magical energy of the mind. There are a small handful of private educational institutions that cater to the unique gift of clairvoyance, psychokinesis, telekinesis, and telepathy. Much like elementals, psions have a huge swath of power at their disposal and many of these aforementioned institutions make it their mission to keep their knowledge obscure and anyone that opposes them taken out of the picture.
Spiritual Energy: Named after mortality’s crutch, the soul, it is the magical energy that lives in every living being and can be utilized by anyone with a little focus and determination. Due to the widespread knowledge of this type of energy there are hundreds of clans and schools that have unique techniques developed for combat, defense, and longevity; thus it is probably the most populous of magical applications in the known world. It however is one of the most dangerous due to the energy being tied to the soul itself and misapplications can lead to critical injury or death.
There are six types of unknown energy:
Arcane Energy: Named after ancient scientist and scholar, Arcanus Potestatis, it is the magical energy that acts as primordial glue of all mystical phenomena. It is known to be the most imaginative of all magic as it is the only one that can be bent to the imagination of the user in its entirety. The study of Arcane Energy can lead to a variety of utility such as conjuration, alchemy, divination, and much more.
Celestial Energy: Named after the celestial skyline where mortals dream of the afterlife, it is the magical energy of souls long departed and of good & evil. Most certainly it is shrouded in obscurity and secrets holding knowledges at bay due to the dangers that could be. Despite this there are few men and women who do dare to cross into the celestial plane and try to grasp the power of corrupted and long-dead souls. To tap into this force can cost you your life and the life of others when you let loose something that should’ve been left well enough alone.
Divine Energy: Named after the divinity of the gods of chaos and harmony, it is the magical energy of sin and virtue. It is a radiative energy that absolutely corrupts or enlightens with various cults and tribes worshiping the power of the artifacts left behind as symbols of the energy’s power. Prolonged use makes you inherently more orderly and lawful or destructive and chaotic, but many go beyond the risks to unsurprisingly achieve power over others.
Elemental Energy: Named after the elements of nature, it is the magical energy that runs through the world and for some their own dynastic bloodline. To be of elemental blood is rare, especially considering many of the bloodlines have thinned out due to ancient wars and infighting amongst rival clans. The study of Elemental Energy is limited to the bloodline but still exceptionally powerful within the abilities to manipulate and create these elements as the user pleases.
Psionic Energy: Named after the first clairvoyant and psychic, Sofia Psioni, it is the magical energy of the mind. There are a small handful of private educational institutions that cater to the unique gift of clairvoyance, psychokinesis, telekinesis, and telepathy. Much like elementals, psions have a huge swath of power at their disposal and many of these aforementioned institutions make it their mission to keep their knowledge obscure and anyone that opposes them taken out of the picture.
Spiritual Energy: Named after mortality’s crutch, the soul, it is the magical energy that lives in every living being and can be utilized by anyone with a little focus and determination. Due to the widespread knowledge of this type of energy there are hundreds of clans and schools that have unique techniques developed for combat, defense, and longevity; thus it is probably the most populous of magical applications in the known world. It however is one of the most dangerous due to the energy being tied to the soul itself and misapplications can lead to critical injury or death.
[ ♝ ] E V E N T S
Chapter I: Dawn of Fear
Chapter II: The Edge
Chapter III: Awakening the Dragon
Chapter II: The Edge
Chapter III: Awakening the Dragon
[ ♝ ] C U R R E N T I N V I T E S