Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Frisk sighed as she wandered down the dark halls of the True Lab that was below the lab that Alphys normally used more than anything. They didn't know how they knew where they was going as they had woken up with no memories except for their name and the names of Chara, Gaster and Flowey, and their purpose for being down here. Other than that, it was like a blank slate in their mind.

[i]'To free all the monsters in the Underground'[/] their thoughts said. Frisk stopped when she saw the DETERMINATION extraction in front of them. Frisk was a small child that looked around the age of 9 or 10. They wore a striped psychedelic-purple and blue shirt that was covered in dirt, blue pants, and brown shoes. Frisk have medium length straight brown hair and bangs that went along their forehead. Their face was blank of emotion. As they stood there a sentient, grinning, golden flower, with a white androecium, six yellow petals, and a light-green stem appeared before them, his eyes looking around.

"So Frisk, what is your reasons for being down here now" his loud voice asked.

'I am trying something new to free the monsters from the Underground, I am hoping to find something in here to help me free W.D. Gaster from the void' the gender-neutral child signed. Flowey looked at Frsik be doing a shake that almost mimicked a shrug, obviously going to follow Frisk and their plans.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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(Everyone still has their memories right now.)

Normally, Sans wasn't too worried at this point in the "game". Frisk had befriended Alphys, and could now go do... whatever it was that happens to free everyone from the Underground. Sans still didn't really understand that part yet. But, this time seemed different.

Frisk hadn't seemed to want to Leave the Underground anymore after befriending Alphys. So when Frisk tried to sneak away from the group, Sans followed them, all the way to the true lab. Gaster's old lab. He'd done pretty well at hiding, but, Flowey was there talking to Frisk. He stepped out of the shadows as he saw Frisk explain thier plan to the flower, walking towards the two slowly.

He made sure that Frisk had noticed him there before speaking. "heh. kiddo, it's not like we haven't done this before. but, that was only possible because the barrier was broken, right? that, weakened the veil between the void and reality enough for me to reach out to Gaster and pull him back into existence. what's gonna make it work this time?"

Gaster always found it hard to concentrate on single events anymore, he'd seen them all before, but he also had no interest in simply watching something happen without being able to do anything about it. He felt so useless like this, seeing everything but unable to be seen or heard by anyone else... well, anyone but Chara, that is.

But Chara didn't really count, because they were in the same situation as him, unable to be seen or interact with the world except for Frisk on special occasions, the same as him.

He did like watching, as useless as it was to do so, it was nice that he could see his sons whenever he wanted to. Papyrus was currently with Alphys and Undyne, helping Alphys return the Amalgamates to their homes, and Sans was... missing.

Gaster looked around for a moment, finding Sans in his old lab along with Frisk and Flowey. He seemed to have stumbled across a new situation. Frisk doesn't normally ever try to go back to the true lab after... well, ever actually.

He watched in his usual forced silence as the scene played out.

Chara had been following Frisk around as usual, trying to see if they could break the little pacifist facade. No such luck this time it seemed, however it was somewhat interesting that Frisk didn't immediately go to break the barrier once again.

They watched and followed Frisk as they went back to the true lab, and could barely contain their laughter as they heard Frisk explain the new plan. "Hm, the bag of bones has a point. This will never work with the barrier still in place."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Frisk looked at Sans with that same blank expression on their face as they ignored Chara for the time being. Flowey looked at the short skeleton in front of him as he also heard his once adopted sibling. Floey made no motion to address Chara at the time as Frisk began to sign with their hands.

'Perhaps if I use my determination I can weakened the viel over the void long enough to get him out of there' Frisk signed and looked at the DTERMINATION extraction machine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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At that Sans' mind blanked. No. No way. "um... yeah i'm not gonna let you do that to yourself kid. that machine hasn't been used in who knows how long, and even if you can figure out how to work it, it's never been used on, uh... living humans before."

The way Frisk always seemed so neutral about everything, Sans had no idea if he was getting through to the kid. "i'm not gonna let you kill yourself kid."

"Wouldn't you need like, a time machine or something like that? What's the DT Extractor gonna do to 'pierce the veil'? While I don't think it'll kill you, I don't think this'll have the effect you want it to either." Chara sighed as they finished speaking. Frisk obviously wasn't going to leave without trying, and honestly Chara wanted them to try. If this weakened Frisk enough, Chara could take over.

It's never too late to destroy everything.

Gaster wasn't sure what to think. He'd been trying to get himself out of the void for years, but he'd never been able to because... well, it didn't really matter at the moment. Frisk was onto something, but Sans was refusing to look past the potential risks while Chara, who Gaster had just noticed was there, simply lacked the knowledge to see what Frisk was seeing. While the DT Extractor's main purpose was for the study of the human SOUL in the first place, it was also the only precursor to Gaster's own teleportation/time machine because of the inherent ties between Determination and time itself. The DT Extractor is, in a way, a prototype of the very machine that caused his exile to the void, and could be his way out.

Gaster went over to the console, half covered in dust from the years of non-use, and started messing with the calibrations and settings. If Sans wasn't going to help Frisk, he would. The machine started to him quietly as he turned on the main power, also turning on the unnaturally bright fluorescent lights in the room. There was no way to know yet if they would run into the same problem here as he always had in his own, he could only hope that it wouldn't be a problem.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Frisk ignored both San's and Chara's words as she got closer to the machine. Sure they knew that the machine wasnt used on living humans before, but if they could put enough determination into the machine, they could break through the thick veil between reality and the void and get Gaster out of there. Frisk looked at Flowey who seemed to know what they wanted and reburied himself in the ground before appearing by the switch that controlled the long time unused machine. Frisk got into the seat and let themselves relax.

"Ready Frisk" Flowey's loud voice asked, it echoing in the empty halls of the true lab. Frisk nodded and Flowey pulled the switch down. The machine hummed as it slowly turned on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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The humming continued as the machine started up. It wouldn't be long now before it started sucking all the Determination out of Frisk. Sans didn't try to stop them any further, if he tried to turn off the machine at this point it could hurt Frisk much more than if he just trusted them on this. As the process started, Sans looked around the room for Gaster. Certainly, the old scientist was already here. He always showed up whenever something interesting was going on.

Sure enough, Sans could see a faint outline of the man near Flowey at the console. He tried to reach out and grab Gaster with his Blue Magic, but he only managed to get Flowey. "heh, sorry. i guess Gaster isn't quite... here yet." Sans kept waiting, watching the outline to see if Frisk's plan was actually working.

Chara kept watching, nothing else to do really. Except, if this would work they'd have to act quickly, otherwise Frisk might actually get the happy ending they want. Why couldn't they realize it was useless? Humans are just pure evil, they care nothing for their own kind, so why should they EVER accept monsters? The only way to make it better, is to end everything.

Suddenly, there was a bright light. The DT Extractor was working!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Friks heard the machine beginning to hum with life and they could feel their DETERMINATION beginning to drain little by little. They could also see the faint outline of Gaster standing there by Flowey as he was grabbed by San's blue magic. She waved to Gaster completely ignoring Chara who was not too far away, they knew some how that Chara would not win this at all, and if Chara tried, they would use every once of DTERMINATION to stop them without hurting them as Frisk could never bring themselves to hurt anyone, even if anyone was as evil as Chara.

Frisk was a bit startled when there was a sudden blind light. Frisk began to feel even more of their determination draining to the point, they grew wary, but not enough for Chara to take them over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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When the light flashed, 3 things happened at once.

Sans tried to grab Gaster again, this time succeeding in pulling the old scientist into reality, but not before Chara had grabbed onto Gaster- forcing themselves into reality along with him.

The third thing, the DT Extractor exploded at the same instant that Gaster and Chara were brought into reality.

Sans was far enough away to be safe from the main blast, though the outward force still knocked him down. The others, weren't as lucky.

He rushed over to check on them, starting with Frisk. As if it wasn't bad enough that Frisk had been weakened by using the DT Extractor, they had also been the closest to the blast and were pretty badly injured, as well as unconscious now. Gaster didn't seem injured at all, but Sans was unable to wake him up no matter what he tried. The same seemed to be true for Chara and Flowey as well, no visible injuries but unconscious to the point that he woulda thought they were dead if it weren't for the fact that he could tell Chara was breathing.

He moved all of them to the infirmary in Alphys' lab before leaving to get Alphys herself, explaining what had happened to her on the way back.

A few days later, Alphys had healed all of Frisk's injuries, but despite not being hurt anymore they were still unconscious along with the other 3. Finally, Alphys checked all of their DT levels, and found out that they were all extremely low on Determination but had not fallen down. She decided to try injecting them all once a day with the smallest amount of DT possible, hoping that by raising their levels slowly they would all wake up without any adverse side effects.

In a week, her plan showed successful. Frisk and the others all woke up within minutes of each other, although something seemed... off about them all.

Chara was the first to try to speak or move, but at Sans' suggestion Alphys had restrained them in case they were to try something.. dangerous. "Um, where... why can't I move? Where am I?"

Gaster was awake before Chara, but had not said or done anything other than stare at the ceiling until he heard the child speak. "This place feels like it should be familiar..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Frisk was the last to wake up, and sat up since they were not considered dangerous like the other two strapped down. They tried to think of where they were, but nothing came to mind confusing them. They looked towards the other two. They couldn't recognize them at all and that made them much confused. They took note of the straps that were holding them down and wondered why they were strapped down, but not them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Chara made a sound that was somewhere between a scream and a laugh as they looked to the side and saw Flowey, Frisk, and Gaster in the room. "Ok, that explains it. I'm going insane. I must be in a mental hospital." They struggled against the straps, obviously freaking out. "N-nurse? Doctor?! Anyone?"

Gaster seemed surprised at Chara's reaction. He'd been calm, Frisk seemed calm, and as far as he knew the Flower hadn't said anything yet but probably was just as confused as them. Why was this one child so terrified at this moment?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Sans was not freaking out as well and was amused that Chara seemed to freaking out as Frisk just shook their head, getting a headache at the screaming and laughing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Chara was getting louder and more forceful by the second, screaming for somebody, anybody to come help them. When Gaster could no longer hear himself think, he finally found his voice. "Excuse me, but-" he teleported out of his straps and walked over to Chara, starting to undo the child's binds as he continued. "I -as well as these three I would assume- have no idea who, what, where, or when I am. Let's add "why" to that as well. Why am I -or any of us- here?"

Once Chara was free they jumped off the bed they'd been strapped to and started backing away from Gaster, Frisk, and Flowey -heading towards the door. They were quiet now, or at least compared to their screaming only a few seconds ago, but they were mumbling to themselves. "he's right" They managed to say loud enough for the others to hear. "I don't know..." They looked curiously at the three others in the room. "Are you all... Is this.. Real?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Sans looked around."I think this is real, but I don't know how and I want to get out of her" He said helping Frisk out of their binds. The child was still silent as ever, rarely did they ever speak of word unless they were talking or flirting in battle which was strange for a child. Flwey looked around with a frown.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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"AHH! WHY ARE THERE MORE NOW?!?!?" Chara screamed, looking at Sans and Alphys as they finally noticed the two scientists. Gaster was frozen in place as he looked at Sans, a strange and unplaceable feeling coming to the forefront of his mind. "Well? I believe I asked a valid question, mister...?"

Chara made a mad dash for the door, hoping to get out of the room.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Sans shrugged and looked at Gaster. "This has never had happened before in the other timelines, so I can't tell you" He said with a shirg that was in a lazy fashion. Even now he still acted like a lazy skeleton.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Chara has left the building. or the room at least.

after a minute a crash can be heard, followed by a rather choice string of words-that-might-have-been-curses if Chara could remember what a curse word was.

Gaster teleported away to find the child, not really wanting to talk to the now-obviously to-lazy-to-give-a-damn skeleton anymore. He'd just have to find the answers he wanted on his own he supposed.

The hallways were dark and dusty, despite the bright lights that illuminated the passage. He found Chara in a room with shelves filled with tapes and a tv that could play them. Chara was trapped under a collapsed shelf as one of the videos was playing. He paid the tv no mind as he easily picked up the shelf and helped the child out.

Sans and the rest had kinda followed the two, once Gaster had disappeared at least. Alphys was kinda adamant about finding out what was going on now that she was over the fact that she'd actually succeeded at treating someone using DETERMINATION for once. They weren't a pile of goop! This was amazing!

When they got to the tv room, Chara and Gaster were watching a tape. Chara and Asriel were in frame, with a pie in front of them that had a single candle in it. It was obvious that Toriel was holding the camera, and Asgore's hands came in frame to cut each of the children a piece once they'd blown out the candle together. the tape cut out to static after Toriel and Asgore shouted "Happy Birthday you two!"

"I, don't understand... That, that was me? Right?" Gaster was holding Chara now, it seemed they were injured by the shelf falling on them, they couldn't stand or walk on their own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Sans, Flowey and Frisk had joined them. Frisk had already seen the clip and just watched silently as Sans frowned glaring at Chara and Flowey. He wouldn't trust the two and the Gaster person they were with was definitely not trustworthy.
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