Sparrow (Mary Cross) | Female | 21
Yes, this rather bored looking woman would be the N.E.S.T. Project’s little Sparrow. She’s a taller woman, standing somewhere in the ballpark of 180cm. Her’s is an athletic build with visible, yet not enlarged, muscle tone. Despite the strength her body may convey, she’s rather light on her feet, gliding as she moves with the grace of a dancer.
Her dark brown hair is rather fine, falling flat against her head down to the base of her neck. It’s rather straight, with nary a curl in sight. Her bangs arch around her face, cut just a tad below the brow. Two small gray-blue eyes peek out from beneath the dark curtain. There’s a tiredness to them, more evident by the bags underneath. The bags aren’t too obvious though, for which she can thank the sun having darkened her skin somewhat. It’s still light, but there’s a bit of an even glow throughout.
Below even the bags would be a short, upturned nose and a small mouth. A scar runs from the corner of the left side of her mouth to about halfway up her cheek, curving up as it goes. It leaves her with a permanent half-smile of sorts. Her teeth are rather clean and all accounted for. They’re a bit on the smaller side, but they do the job. Her face tapers down to defined chin. It gives her head a sort of inverted triangle shape.
When not in combat gear, Sparrow prefers lightweight clothing. She’ll usually be wearing some sort of black, brown, or green color scheme though.
Personality:Ah, the rebel without a cause.
Sparrow’s always been a bit of a problem child, causing enough trouble to be a nuisance, yet not enough to justify kicking her out of the program. She probably gets away with more than she rightly should...but if so, then it’s only because she’s so damn effective. Brutally effective. When she puts her mind to something, it gets done. The results she brings to the table just cannot be argued.
That, however, makes it all the more frustrating to see how she acts. She’s a lone wolf. She barely cooperates with her team, putting in the minimum effort possible before acting on her own. She’ll accomplish the mission, but in her own way. Really, issuing orders to her is an exercise in futility. She seems them more as suggestions. The punishments that come along with such insubordination don’t seem to phase her too much. Yes, they can be severe, but they haven’t served to straighten her up just yet. Not permanently, anyway. And as annoying as that can be to her superiors, she’s seen as too valuable to just throw away. Many of them are simply waiting for her to fuck up a mission, any kind of excuse to get rid the brat. And make no mistake, the moment that they can justify getting rid of her, the moment that the cons outweigh the pros, she’s dead.
And she knows it.
It shows in how Sparrow interacts with others outside of the mission. She cares about herself: everyone else can get bent as far as she’s concerned. She can seem a bit selfish, which really isn’t unfair to say. Sparrow can also come across as a bit mean-spirited, something that is not really helped by her love of sarcasm. She’s not above having a laugh at somebody else’s expense. She’s also extremely competitive. She wants to be the best. Hell, she’s gotta be: it’s really the only thing keeping her alive.
She’s not all bad though. Not saying she’s nice in any way, shape, or form, but she certainly is a free-spirit. The aloofness and her carefree ways could be seen positively. Maybe.
It’s not an easy thing, getting past Sparrow’s walls. Nor is it particularly rewarding. She doesn’t trust well, if at all. She keeps most people at arm’s length. Quite frankly, it’s pretty easy to get on her bad side. She cannot stand blind loyalty. Humans are meant to free, so to see somebody that’s chained themselves to another person, group, or idea? It infuriates her. She wants to do nothing more than to rip off their blinders and show them the world. Then, y’know, kick them in the ass for making her have to do that in the first place.
Underneath that steaming pile of bitch is a girl with a strong moral code. Despite her “brutal effectiveness” in accomplishing her mission, she won’t compromise herself. Unethical things are just a no go. The ends do not justify the means. Life is precious and shouldn’t be wasted: even if she does have a dislike of people in general, she doesn’t want to see them get killed. Enemy combatants are a bit of a different story though. If it’s between her and somebody’s an easy choice. But every time she has to make that choice, she resents those that force her to fight more and more.
She bides her time now, but Justice comes in time. And with that thought in mind, she moves forward. Whatever she must do to survive, she’ll do, because Justice IS coming.
And Justice is she.
Team role: Flex -- Sparrow’s very mobile style leads to her darting to and fro across the battlefield, rapidly responding to put herself in the best possible position for the current combat engagement. While her light armaments and armoring do not allow her to be an offensive or defensive juggernaut, she can fill either role rather competently. Add in her ability to seemingly be in all places at once, and Sparrow not only fills certain weaknesses in the teams composition, but allows for more strategic options.
...if she'll cooperate, of course.
Skills:(1) RUNNER: Sparrow’s always been rather naturally athletic. She’s also been pretty fast since she was a kid, so...running just kind of became a given. She quick and she’s got enough stamina to go for quite a while. Don’t race her, and don’t let her chase you. It will be embarrassing.
(2) ACROBAT: While Sparrow’s enhancement did much for her ability to move her body, she had a knack for gymnastics long before that. Add in a flair for the dramatic and a pinch of more-or-less superpowers, and we’ve got one flashy bitch here. She soars through the air, twisting and turning in a mesmerizing manner. And she sticks her landing. What can she say? She’s got the moves like Jagger.
(3) DEXTEROUS: Another little bonus of her enhancement, but Sparrow’s got amazing hand-eye coordination. Her hands move like the wind, deftly maneuvering exactly how she wants them too. Please, try her at five finger fillet. It’ll be more embarrassing than the race. And you’ll cut off a finger. So that’s nice.
(4) COMBAT AWARENESS: The young woman has a rather keen battle sense, rarely losing herself in the heat of combat. Her instincts are strong and her mind sharp, so when the tide of war shifts, Sparrow is on top of it.
Genetic Enhancement:Enhanced Agility <Reflexes/Dexterity>
If the human nervous system is the biological information highway, then Sparrow's system would be the Autobahn.
Despite undergoing her procedure later than the norm, Sparrow's body adapted quite well. Her nervous system was enhanced greatly and her response time was lowered dramatically. While she might not have been able to develop as much as a standard subject of the N.E.S.T. project, she can quite easily hold her own against them. Along with her reflexes being cranked up to eleven, Sparrow's motor skills are off the charts. With the hands of a surgeon and the balance of the gymnast, she's a damn fine shot, even when on the move. She commands precise accuracy with every movement of her body.
For the most part.
But the procedure wasn't flawless. Mary's "enhancement" has left her rather restless. If she doesn't have something to focus on, she tends to fidget, squirm, or even twitch. Sleep is damn near impossible. She became impulsive, excitable, aggressive. But arguably, the worst of it is her lack of restraint.
This, like so many other flaws of the human mind or body, is easily controlled via a drug regiment. The normal, daily drugs dull Sparrow's system, which causes her to become rather lethargic. Not so great for combat performance, but they keep her calm and to an extent, docile. It's not perfect, however, and tends to wear off as the day goes on. She's still a bitch, but at least she's slower.
In combat, however, this simply will not do. Instead, she is treated to a chemical cocktail affectionately referred to as "Blitz" or a number of different terms by the soldiers who use it. It's a blend of powerful combats stims that usually increases focus and provides energy comparable to multiple caffeine shots along with releasing a sort of euphoria that nulls most pain until it wears off hours later and leaves a nasty hangover. Reaction time usually increases. It gets it's name from the intense rush that kicks in a few moments after ingestion.
For Sparrow, this causes her system to go into overdrive. Her twitching, fidgeting, and whatnot is dulled out, leaving only perfect control. Her aggressiveness and impulsiveness remain, however. More than that, they seem to be just as amplified as her abilities. When the stims kick in, Sparrow more or less fades out and simply lets her combat instincts take over. She's hard to order around when she gets like that: unless she has complete trust in both the order and the one issuing it, she's likely to just ignore it and do her own thing. It's best to just relay information to her and let her do with it as she sees appropriate. At least, that's what her superiors have resigned to doing.
The hangover is nasty, however and leaves her drained, sore, and overall miserable. Of course, the effectiveness and duration of Blitz and the corresponding hangover depends on the dosage she was given.
Blitz is also highly addictive and comes with a wide array of side effects. Many of them bad.
Most of them bad.
Thanks, Government.
Armor description:
Sparrow's armor is outfitted in a white and gray color scheme, making it perfect for arctic operations and absolutely useless for camouflage just about everywhere else. Sparrow insisted. It is designed for optimal mobility. The plating is very thin and light, offering just token protection with little to no restriction on movement. The main feature would be the mag boots.
While most NEST suits do come equipped standard with magnetized boots, Sparrow's have been modified with highly experimental anti-grav generators. They don't offer her flight capabilities obviously, but they do allow the woman to float over most surfaces in a manner that resembles ice skating. It's quicker than running, but covering long distances would still be better in a vehicle. Rough terrain ceases to be an issue, though. The anti-grav when used in conjunction with the magnetic function can allow her to scale vertical surfaces or skate along walls or ceilings. They can even be used to glide in air, though it serves as little more than slowed falling. Due to the anti-grav unit's strict load restrictions, however, the concept hasn't become standardized. The general consensus being that the increased mobility doesn't make up for the harsh sacrifices made in protection, armaments, and support equipment. The prototype would have been scrapped altogether had Sparrow not volunteered to test it in live combat situations.
It comes equipped with a discrete assault rifle that could easily pass for any of dozens of makes. When not in use, it can be attached to a magnetic connector on the suit's back. Sparrow is a decent shot with it, and for medium-range encounters, it's her go-to weapon. But she's not a big fan of rifles and given the opportunity, she'll go for her next weapon any day of the week.
That would be her customized hybrid revolver. Straight out of the NEST Project's Engineering R&D lab comes this behemoth of a sidearm. It's capable of firing not only traditional bullets, but also the experimental laser, EMP, and explosive rounds. Of course, those specialized rounds lack the penetration and stopping power of the standard round, but allow for more utility. The revolver can be stored in the built holster on the armor's right hip, but Sparrow frequently carries it around with her even when not suited up.
She carries a smaller pistol in a similar holster on her left hip. It's nothing fancy, but it gets the job done if she needs it. It's usually equipped with a silencer and primarily used when Sparrow needs to take out a target quietly from a range. Otherwise...
The Baton. Another experimental toy from the boys in R&D, the Baton at first glance seems like little more than a flashlight. However, upon activation, the emitters within the handle create a highly condensed laser field of about 28½ in, affectionately referred to as the blade. Contact with the blade can result in severe burns and lacerations. With the beam so tightly condensed, it can actually cut. What a concept. The Baton easily ties, if not outright beats, the Revolver when it comes to favorite weapons. It's a nice and silent way of dispatching enemies, even if it does require her to get way too close for comfort. The baton is usually stored horizontally across the small of the back. It's common for Sparrow to use it in conjunction to the Revolver, bobbing in and out of close range to alternate Baton swings and handcannon blasts. She'll usually carry it when not armored as well.
Backstory:Mary Cross was a daughter of a rebellious colony. And after the rebellion was put down, many of the orphans were rounded up and taken away. Partially as punishment, partially to acquire new subjects for the NEST Project. Mary, who lost her parents in the suppression, become one of those children.
She underwent the procedure at a much older age than was the norm. It was the first successful procedure performed on somebody already that far along in their development. Though, success is perhaps not the right word. While Mary did adapt physically to the enhancement, she developed a number of less-than-desirable personality and behavior traits. Rather than scrap the subject as a failure, though, she was used to test a number of drugs and combat stims. She would be put through the standard training and education. After all, it would be a waste to just throw away such a subject. Good, bad, or anything in between, the data that she could provide could prove to be invaluable.
She ended up being a rather difficult youth, constantly flirting with trouble, but her impressive natural aptitude for combat and sharp instincts kept her from going too far. Still, it was a dangerous game she played, though she seemed to enjoy the thrill.
Mary's assignment to a team struck many as odd, what with her poor teamwork and bad attitude. It certainly wasn't her choice. The Project grown tired of her antics. They had no use for lone wolves, but had decided to be merciful this time, more for the data's sake than her own. She would be given one last chance: either shape up or be put down. Mary, not one to willingly off herself, would go along with things...
For now, anyway.
Theme Song:Fight Song: