@AristoThat's what I was suggesting, though whoever does make a Dwarf Kingdom I'd need a good reason for my guys to be splintered since they pride themselves on high morale and loyalty to race.
In humans you have varying racial identities/ethnicities, yet you'll find that they all war with each other. There is hardly a notion of loyalty to the entire 'human race.'
One of the biggest failings of fantasy, in my opinion, is that fantasy races are all expected to be homogeneous - all dwarves mine and are good at crafts, all elves are long-lived, graceful and 'perfect,' all orcs are inherently evil and war on the 'good races,' etc. Fantasy becomes much more interesting when these traditions are subverted, and you have different races of dwarves or elves or orcs.
So a dwarf that lives deep in the mountains, knows everything there is to know about geology and is immune to magic might be very different from a dwarf that lives on the other side of the world in a tropical jungle. Put them side-by-side and any concept of loyalty to their species might go out the window.
As influential and comfortable as Tolkien and D&D are (and I have great admiration for both), I think there needs to be some breaking of the mold once in a while.