Kingdom of Heaven

From the quill of
Jean de Brienne

The Kingdom of Jerusalem
January 2, the year of our Lord, 1220
The past few years have been fraught with disaster for the kingdom. After a string of defeats the Ayyubid Sultanate has crushed the last Crusader army, securing an uneasy truce with the Pope, though neither side seems willing to honour the 8 year treaty. Jerusalem is lost to us, our home ransacked and taken by the Muslim heathens.
Settled in Jaffa, we look to restore our kingdom, yet the power of Ayyubid cannot be underestimated. We will need allies if we are to reclaim the holy city of Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, this old campaigner is beginning to feel his age. I find myself dragging to get out of bed every morning, beset with fits of coughs and dizzy spells. Loathe as I am to admit it, and wound my pride as I must, I can no longer manage the kingdom as I used to.
Responsibility of managing the realm must fall to the council until, God willing, I am better.
~ Jean de Brienne, Lord-Regent of Jerusalem.
How to Play
Welcome to Kingdom of Heaven, a Crusader Kings roleplay based off the Paradox Interactive strategy game. Players will be taking on the role of councilors and steering the course of the kingdom, managing their particular field of expertise. Players set their actions through IC, directing the course I take in game. Based on their choices, an OOC is posted exploring the state of the kingdom and the outcome of player actions, highlighting in game events. A new IC opening up a council meeting is then posted where players will provide input on what to do next.
Much of the game will take place in PM, with players directing their personal vassals and receiving reports. Expect political intrigue, posturing for power, and dark schemes taking place behind the scenes. There may be more then meets the eye with each opening of a council meeting.
Any questions of what may be going on in the game can be directed through IC PM to your agents, open IC to Jean de Brienne, or asked in OOC to me (though I prefer IC)
Chancellor - the Chancellor of Jerusalem is the kingdom's leading diplomat and chief adviser of matters of state. The chancellor has the ability to improve diplomatic relations, sow dissent in other realms, and fabricate claims in the name of the Queen. It is the chancellor's duty to direct the diplomatic course of the kingdom. Arranging marriages, managing alliances, and conducting diplomatic missions fall under the purview of the chancellor.
Marshal - Chief military adviser and strategist for the holy armies of Jerusalem. The Marshal has the ability to suppress revolts, train troops, and research military technology. It is the marshal's responsibility to oversee the military, laying out overall strategy in times of war, and leading armies.
Steward - Chief financial adviser for the Holy Kingdom. The steward can collect taxes, oversee construction, and research economic technology. The steward oversees the economy of kingdom, managing the treasury, dispensing funds for endeavours such as fairs and tourneys, hiring mercenaries, and building projects.
Spymaster - Top adviser in all matters related to then clandestine. The spymaster may be a male or female character, and has the ability to scheme, build spy networks, and study technology in other realms. It is the spymaster's role to provide valuable intelligence to the council, keeping an eye on possible intrigues within the kingdom and beyond.
Court Chaplain - Leading religious adviser to the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The chaplain may proselytize across the kingdom, research cultural technology and improve religious relations. The Bishop relays the will of the Pope (and anti-pope) to the council, manages holy armies sworn to the kingdom, and oversees the spiritual well being of the holy kingdom.
Available Titles
Players may choose to begin the game with the following titles to flesh out their back stories and raise their overall standing within the kingdom.
Baron/Baroness - ruler of a barony in Jerusalem based within a castle, providing them with military might.
Lord-Mayor - ruler of a city within Jerusalem, providing them with a valuable source of income.
Bishop - ruler of a Bishopric in the kingdom, giving them strong ties to the Vatican.
Commander - An unlanded title but gives the character the ability to lead armies and formulate strategy in the field. (Can be used in conjunction with any of the above landed titles.)
Signing Up
Players may apply for one of the listed council positions above, using the following format...
[image/character/family crest/optional]
Council Position and titles
Council Position and titles
Those accepted will be approved and able to move their character to the character tab.
State of the Kingdom
"Kill them all, for God knows his own."
~ Pope Innocent III

The Kingdom of Jerusalem has diminished in size following the failed Fifth Crusade. Jerusalem is in the hands of the Ayyubid Sultanate, and there are too few troops and light coffers should another conflict break out. The principal enemy of the kingdom is Sultan al-Kamir Naser-al-Din, who commands the powerful Ayyubid Sultanate. The sultanate currently dwarf's Jerusalem and any engagement with them should be taken with great care.

Queen Isabelle, daughter of the late Queen Maria, is too young to rule, only nine years of age, leaving the Council to direct the kingdom. A leading priority for the council should be deciding the queen's education. For now the queen is safe in Jaffa, but that could quickly change. The queen has family ties in France and in Sicily, making both desirable places to search for a tutor, should one at court be deemed undesirable, though such a decision needn't be made until the queen turns 12.

There are several options available regarding the queen's education.
Duty - The queen is tutored by guards and retainers at court, focusing on duty and diligence. The early education of the queen will be overseen by the steward, a common trait for such an education is conscientious.
Thrift - Isabelle is tutored by artisans and merchants, focusing on mathematics and invention. Overseen by the steward with a common trait outcomes of curiosity and fussiness.
Pride - tutored by nobles of the court, the queen is groomed for rulership. Common trait outcomes are haughty and brooding. Prideful education is managed by the Marshal.
Struggle - Loosely managed by the Marshal, the queen's tutorship is very lax, largely left to her own devices and make to compete with other children at court. Common traits of such an education are rowdy and willful.
Etiquette - tutored at court, the queen's education focuses on etiquette and courteous behaviour. Overseen by the chancellor, common traits include playful and indolent.
Humility - tutored by servents, overseen by the Chancellor, the queen will focus on service and humility, adopting such traits as timid and affectionate.
Heritage - Overseen by the regent, Jean de Brienne, the queen is versed in her family heritage and that of the kingdom, tutored by various family members and courtiers with a focus on assimilating the french culture and Catholic faith.
Faith - Queen Isabelle is tutored by priests, with a focus on learning the Catholic faith and religious faith. Overseen by the Bishop, a common trait is Idolizer.
Laws of Jerusalem

The kingdom is currently under the Agnatic-Cognatic inheritance law, meaning the eldest child gains the primary inheritance, other sibling gaining minor titles. Such a law allows for the queen to hold a large demesne. The current heir to the kingdom is Count Guglielmo of Monferrato, cousin to the late Queen Maria and a vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor.

The landed nobility of the kingdom currently enjoy low authority of the crown, being left to largely govern themselves. The pope appoints bishops in the kingdom and power is decentralized, dispersed among the burghers and lower nobility.

Currently vassals are not required to submit taxes to the crown, obligated only to provide troops in times of war. Cities, however, must provide nominal taxes and troops.
Laws of the kingdom may not be changed during the regency. After the queen comes of age she may be counseled on a change of laws.
Military of Jerusalem

The military is currently too weak to stand up to our rival, the Ayyubid Sultanate, holding an army little over 3,000 when gathered. Jerusalem must rely on the aid of the Pope and allies in order to withstand the sultanate.
The Vatican

The current pope is Honorius III, who seems intent on continuing the Fifth Crusade. Our candidate to join the College of Cardinals is Bishop Simon of Tyrus, a worthy candidate to relay Jerusalem's interests to the Pope.
Those interested in playing, please feel free to post a sign up sheet.