Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; The Obelisk.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Raymond Rahlei.
Every breath… it was strained.
Struggling to keep up pace with Raymond as they ascended the stairs, following in the path the other two had taken, Julie slowed to a stop, a single hand lifting to press gently against her chest, taking a moment to catch her breath as the warmth of a hand came to rest over her shoulder, lingering for a moment before her head was lifted.
“..we need to keep moving, Julie… the others… I cannot even see them anymore…” His finger slipping from under her chin, Raymond gently caressed her cheek, daring a glance behind him and up the stairs to where he knew the others had disappeared off to.
“..I-I know… forgive me… I just-...” Her voice soft, Juliette let her sentence trail off into nothing, her chest heaving lightly up and down with each and every breath that she let slip in through her lips. Hesitating, unsure if she would be able to make it on her own, she shook her head lightly, her hand lifting, reaching out to take a gentle hold of the front of his top as she forced herself to take another step, letting him know that she was willing to push on; to keep moving, though as quickly as her foot met the step, it was gone.
Her body torn from his as the whole construct gave a lurch, pain shot through the back of her head, as she was thrown against the wall, her hair growing warm… wet as she fell to the steps below, her body rolling down them until eventually it drew to a stop at the bottom.
“..Juliette..! Julie..!” Struggling to keep on his feet, Raymond watched the scene helplessly, his eyes flashing with worry as he dropped as close to the steps as he could, clinging to them as he searched for a safe way down to her, his body sliding down step by step without once letting go as he tried to reach her.