supertinyking said
Yea. Thanks. I am do I explain? My guts feel like they are in knots, I feel warm like I am blushing, I am shivering....I just feel like I a coming undone...
I get that feeling often...
supertinyking said
Yea. Thanks. I am do I explain? My guts feel like they are in knots, I feel warm like I am blushing, I am shivering....I just feel like I a coming undone...
supertinyking said
Can't. I am still at a friends. Also it won't help it'll make it worse.
CreedTheChimera said
I get that feeling often...
supertinyking said
Thanks guys. Well enough of me stressing out let's roleplay.
supertinyking said
Thanks guys. Well enough of me stressing out let's roleplay.
kishin asura said
How about we continue the murder mystery rp? Angel, creed, what say you?
kishin asura said
How about we continue the murder mystery rp? Angel, creed, what say you?
kishin asura said
Okay, that's two votes, ..... I have an idea. You up for it creed?