supertinyking said
"I wish all my voice would die." I say."We love you too." Insanity says, but this insanity is different.
Irl me: same here. Assuming I had an inner voice. Evil voice me: ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND KILL SOMEONE ALREADY!!!
supertinyking said
"I wish all my voice would die." I say."We love you too." Insanity says, but this insanity is different.
CreedTheChimera said
Perv voice: *disappears*Nice voice: Sealed him in the mind vault...Me: *is pulled through a portal* Whoa! *the portal closes*
kishin asura said
Irl me: same here. Assuming I had an inner voice. Evil voice me: ACKNOWLEDGE ME ANS KILL SOMEONE ALREADY!!!
shion sonozoki said
voice me and me: *screams*
Spiritstallion1 said
Hey Kishin *was feeding Mkali*
shion sonozoki said
(( here the one with the white hair is me black hair voice me and i gtg be back later))
kishin asura said
Irl me: same here. Assuming I had an inner voice. Evil voice me: ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND KILL SOMEONE ALREADY!!!
kishin asura said
Irl me: 'sup?
CreedTheChimera said
Madison appears. "Hey Kishin." Taps your forehead and you can hear your evil voice.
Spiritstallion1 said
Still the sky
kishin asura said
Evil voice me: VICTORY! Irl me: *looks at Madison* what have you done......?
kishin asura said
Irl me: how did I not see that answer coming?
kishin asura said
Evil voice me: VICTORY! Irl me: *looks at Madison* what have you done......?
FoxFireOfDawn said
Roar. I have arrived, my dearies!
CreedTheChimera said
"Wait for it..." You hear as your evil voice is brutally murdered by a 'Madison Voice.'"Welp, that's the most interesting thing to happen to me today..." The Madison Voice says.
CreedTheChimera said
"Wait for it..." You hear as your evil voice is brutally murdered by a 'Madison Voice.'"Welp, that's the most interesting thing to happen to me today..." The Madison Voice says.
CreedTheChimera said
Uhh... Hi... .-.