Irl me: ..... rubick you bastard.... kibatsu: kishin, you already overused dubstep geass to the point of nearly dying. Don't try anything that will kill you. Irl me: ....... rubick you lucky bastard......
supertinyking said
((I'll give you guys some hints. Rubick can throw people around, steal spells and is resistant to magic.))
supertinyking said
*Rubick uses telekinesis to throw a meteor at creed while using the same energy blast he used against the gods to destroy the rest before they hit. He then recreates the spell and summons his own. Or he would of a large tree limb didn't erupt from his stomach.*Rubick:*Behind him is me. the wound is still there my organs hanging out from the hole. My mouth is in a huge wicked smile and my eyes are blood shot and twitching.*Me: Good night rubick...when you wake up me and you are going to talk.....*Rubick passes out but remains alive for now. I throw him tree limb and all into a portal.*