September 19, Virgo
Rhiannon, better known as Rhi, comes from a long line of hunters. However, her family has gotten it's name by hunting all sorts of creatures, to rather Han focusing on just one. 'Knowledge of all things is just as lethal a weapon as a bomb,' is how her father had explained it to her and it stuck with her better than her four older siblings.
Despite being fairly young, Rhi has been in charge of her own hunting group since she was 16, and has made quite a name for herself amongst the hunting community. If not for the success of her hunts, then for her particular set of skills. She is extremely well rounded and is a munitions and a demolitions expert. Both of these knowledges have helped her against the multitudes of hybrids she has encountered.
Rhiannon is also known for being quite the con artist, as her team puts it, and can almost always coax whatever information she needs out of whoever she needs it from. Most of them think it's because it's all guys she gets the information from, but it always gives them good leads, so she doesn't complain about the means.
She is a strong leadership and had connections all over the world and often travels. She has studied more than a few in the large group of supernatural creatures coming from the school, hoping one day to find it and destroy it.
Rhi's puppy,
MidnightWarrior- Beth Crowley--

May 18, Taurus
Sergio was the first member of Rhi's team, and he has been with her longer than almost everyone. He met Rhi when she was 16, in Russia, after her and her father had a huge fight and he kicked her out in the middle of a blizzard. He took her in, and after sitting and talking with her, he decided to change from his original plan. He had planned to re-enlist in the Russian Army, but he knew that Rhi needed his help more than Russia did. Once Rhi recovered from being sick, he moved to the states with her to help her out.
Sergio was a hunter long before he met Rhi, and he had enlisted in the Russian Army numerous times in hopes that his training with them would help his hunts. Which it did. He has a lot of ghosts in his past, and he rarely talks about his time before he met with Rhi other than when he was in the army. He does this as a sort of self-preservation technique, so that he doesn't lose what sanity he still has.
Sergio cares for Rhi as if she were his daughter, and he doesn't hesitate to protect her when it is called for. He encourages her to do better, and unlike her own father, will help her and forgive her if she makes a mistake. Also, a very little knock fact, Sergio has been dating Rhi's mother for a while. They haven't made it public because they both know what it could cause but they plan to at least tell Rhi about it soon.

February 1, Aquarius
Kyp is Rhi's left hand and has been with her the second longest, having joined her team about a year after Sergio. He tends to be somewhat reclusive and very cautious about everything due to the incident that brought them together. Before he met Rhi, Kyp had made quite a name for himself as a hacker and is currently on a few watch lists, but he is also on an FBI list that causes him to be even more cautious. He often goes by other names when in public, so to not draw a lot of attention, but he isn't usually out often enough to worry about that.
For this reason, Kyp is Rhi's tech guy. He is very thorough when going through information and tends to know more about people than they want him to. Because of his cautious nature, he also put a tracker in Rhi's phone, just in case something were to ever happen to her. Though he isn't in the field much, he is pretty good at hand to hand combat, but he prefers to use handguns instead.
He is very OCD about organization and cleanliness, being a borderline germophobe. He doesn't like a lot of human contact, but it has been known to happen. He likes to stay in his comfort zone and will only leave it if absolutely necessary.

May 31, Gemini
Wes has been on Rhi's team for three years now and acts as her mechanic, even though she can do most of that herself. He met her when his car broke down on the side of the road and he couldn't get his arm in the space to fix the part. Rhi had pulled off, took the wrench from him and fixed the part before he could even try to tell her what to do. To his amazement, the car started right up and he thanked her. Not long after that, he had ended up calling her, not knowing it was her, with a question on one of his hunts. It was on that hunt that he joined her team.
Wes is a fae hunter, and he has always been a little leary of them. He knows that though they may not sound like the most dangerous of creatures, they can be. He only knows this because one of his friends when he was younger was killed by one, even if it was an accident. He started branching out when he joined Rhi and started studying more on werewolves as well, since most fae areas weren't far from wolf areas.
He is a very much a hands on sort of hunter, though he is known to use anything he can get his hands on to help him. Because of this he keeps a crowbar and tow chains in his truck wherever he goes. Though it could seem like for other reasons, it is mainly so if he ever needs a weapon he can grab one of those and go.