My trolls CS/Intro is done. Every relevant detail should be in there and then some.

Prospit Dreamer
Vermillion Lowblood | ஜ
❤ Seer of Heart | The Land of Fog and Silence
Your name is
PLUTUS ISHTAR, and you are best described as a
At least, that's what you've been told by other trolls. You are
SIX SWEEPS old and live in your mountain hive with your Lusus,
LIONESS MOM, who is very strict and protective. In fact, your Lusus is so overprotective that she refuses to let you leave the hive to play with your friends or any other manner of
EXTREMELY DANGEROUS OUTDOOR ACTIVITY. She also keeps you inside as your status as a
VERMILLION LOWBLOOD makes you a target of bullying and possible culling from other trolls of a more respectable blood caste. You don't mind though, because your incredibly spacious hive is packed to the rafters with various goodies to keep you entertained.
Yes, an upstanding
MALE TROLL such as yourself has a variety of
INTERESTS in which you engage in daily. You fucking love
FLARPING, but not being able to play with friends does limit yourself to solo campaigns only. Oh, but how you dream of one day running your own multiplayer campaign. You have many interesting and engaging ideas for these campaigns, which you keep stored in your
HUSKTOP for safe keeping. You do enjoy casual
READING ANCIENT TROLL LITERATURE from time to time. Particularly you are a fan of
YOUNG ADULT ROMANCE and thoroughly enjoy imagining yourself being whisked away by your own personal Troll Prince Charming. Your hive is filled with countless novels that your Lusus has brought back to you over the years so you wouldn't be bored.
Your prized possession is your absolutely stunning
PEACEKEEPER RIFLE, a long ranged sniper rifle that belonged to your ancestor;
THE HIGHBLOOD CULLER, a rebel who assassinated Highblood trolls for their prejudices against the lower castes. You would often spend your afternoons using the rifle from your hive to help your Lusus hunt food for you in the forests down below. While you would never dream of killing another troll, you do wish you weren't so
SHY AND TIMID, just so you could stand up to the various Highbloods who torment you by vandalising your hive and stealing your stuff. Alas, the courage of your ancestor was not a trait you inherited.
Unfortunately, you no longer have your
STRIFE SPECIBUS: SNIPERKIND anymore. It was stolen, along with your
SYLLADEX. You are fan of the
LINGUISTICS MODUS, which translates the name of anything you place into your Sylladex from Alternian into over 1000 different languages from across the galaxy; though you're pretty sure most of them are made up. You can take out anything you'd like from the Modus, but you have no idea what anything is anymore. Unlike other Sylladex's, there is no picture displaying the item stored. You find the Modus to be both a fun way to learn other languages as well as an amusing guessing game. You suppose you'll have to find a way to get those back sometime. Perhaps you could ask one of your many
Despite your low blood caste and
INTROVERTED TENDENCIES, you have quite a handful of online friends which you chat to quite regularly. You are a very
GOOD LISTENER and are surprisingly in popular demand in the realm of
MOIRAILLEGIENCE. However you haven't committed yourself to any of your quadrants just yet, feeling quite
HESITANT AND FRIGHTENED by the whole ordeal. Your Trollian is
TimidScribe and you tend to type
AZ IF TO EMULATE YOUR ZTRONG, COURAGEOUZ, ANCEZTOR.Despite your reclusive nature, you are actually quite a tall troll. Though it's easy for others to mistake you for average height with the way you slouch and try to make yourself smaller. Your cheeks are flushed with vermilion red and your teeth are pointy and sharp, with elongated canines that sit just over your bottom lip. Your black hair kept short on the sides, but the top is left to grow long and wild, like a floppy Mohawk that falls down over your right eye. Your horns are short and nubby, but one is slightly larger than the other for whatever reason. Your outfit is usually very standard, grey trousers and a black shirt with your Troll Sign printed on it. However you do enjoy wearing your ancestor's leather jacket, which was clearly designed for someone with more muscle mass than you. The article of clothing was left in a chest for you to find along with the Peacekeeper Rifle. It's much too big for you, but you dream of one day being able to look just as cool as he probably did wearing it. You also like to wear a pair of large goggles.