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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Today is the day that you and some other trolls are going to play Sgrub. Which is a game that you totally illegally acquired from a troll somewhere in the city that you occasionally snatch epic games from. Not like the supposed genius ever notices. He's probably too busy lisping about how awesome he is to even notice that you have been "borrowing" things from his grubwork for sweeps. Ah well. His lost, you guess. In any case, you're just super fucking stoked to start this game. You just know that the others will love it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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Do you want us to post CS here for approval or go ahead and post them in the CS area?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Post them here. I will look everyone's over, but I highly doubt they need them. =3
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by effervescentF
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Knight of Life and Prince of Space approved!

Omfg, shovelkind. Does he use it to bury his fallen enemies?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

I will get started on my Seer of Heart soon. Also, I changed my avatar and signature to better represent my obsession with this fandom.

Also, John is best boy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by effervescentF
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effervescentF effervescentFeral

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@auspiciousPetal If only he were that badass, haha! ALSO, I forgot I was going to change it to witch of life. I had these things written up before. ;w;

@Leslie Hall John has sparked within me an inexplicable fascination with Nicholas Cage

When CSes start to appear by the way, when I have time I will absolutely get drawing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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BoundToPlay Gender? Never met them

Member Seen 6 days ago

You name is LESHAS MUVAAR and you live under a rock. Well more accurately you live deep underground, beneath a mountain in one of the rockier parts of your planet. But hey, why make a mound out of a mole hill?

You spend a great deal of your time DIGGING TUNNELS with the expressed goal of FINDING PRECIOUS THINGS. Crystals and Gems are your favorite but you won't turn down the odd precious metal or lost artifact. Though most you find are rather busted. You have been told you are a CHEERY SORT, possible to a FAULT. Though that doesn't mean you don't have a temper, it just takes a lot to push you over that edge. Instead you enjoy JOKES, PUNS, and GENERAL TOMFOOLERY as well as HORDING YOUR FINDS which would be a problem if it weren't for your mole dad who instilled a industries attitude in you at a young age, so you have dug plenty of tunnels in which to keep your various finds. So what do you do with all the various odds and ends you collect. Well given your access to gems, metals, crystals and the like as well as your RIDICULOUSLY STRONG GEOKENTIC ABILITIES, you've become quite the AMATURE JEWLER, making various items for yourself and for sale.

Despite your freakishly powerful ability to move various forms of minerals about with your mind, you tend to do a lot of digging with your DRILL, which is incidentally your weapon of choice. If your MOLE DAD taught you anything, tis that HARD WORK and a POSITIVE ATTITUDE can move mountains.

Your Trolling tag is crystalWisecracker and Your goo:D cheer n_never wavers!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Your name is ALEIDA ISMENE and boy, ain't your life COMPLICATED AS HELL.

You have a good bit of INTERESTS,and that makes up for the fact that your abit LAZY. One of said intrests is GAMING, mostly anything HORROR or FANTASY related. The LUSUS you have always has a KEEN-EYE on you, even if you like that or not. You being ALERT TO SOUNDS may make others think your PARANOID, but your really just trained to always be READY TO STRIFE. You would always think such MORBID THOUGHTS and WAYS TO DIE and not shiver at that, you think thats ODD.

Your the type of troll to be CALM IN ANY SITUATION, that mean any scenario that other trolls would RUN AWAY from. Once a goal has been set, you would not let anything GET IN YOUR WAY, by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. If one was to ANGER you in some way, you would attack them...but it all depends on how MAD they made you. It goes from a SLAP to an ALL OUT BEATDOWN that have other trolls pull you off the ignorant victim. Other than that, your a nice girl.

Your trolltag is MidnightPsycho, and you 4lways 4dd 4little rhyme to wh4t your s4ying since your bored 4ll the time. =T
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Leslie Hall

True dat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

My trolls CS/Intro is done. Every relevant detail should be in there and then some.

Prospit Dreamer
Vermillion Lowblood | ஜ
Seer of Heart | The Land of Fog and Silence

Your name is PLUTUS ISHTAR, and you are best described as a SPINELESS WHELP.

At least, that's what you've been told by other trolls. You are SIX SWEEPS old and live in your mountain hive with your Lusus, LIONESS MOM, who is very strict and protective. In fact, your Lusus is so overprotective that she refuses to let you leave the hive to play with your friends or any other manner of EXTREMELY DANGEROUS OUTDOOR ACTIVITY. She also keeps you inside as your status as a VERMILLION LOWBLOOD makes you a target of bullying and possible culling from other trolls of a more respectable blood caste. You don't mind though, because your incredibly spacious hive is packed to the rafters with various goodies to keep you entertained.

Yes, an upstanding MALE TROLL such as yourself has a variety of INTERESTS in which you engage in daily. You fucking love FLARPING, but not being able to play with friends does limit yourself to solo campaigns only. Oh, but how you dream of one day running your own multiplayer campaign. You have many interesting and engaging ideas for these campaigns, which you keep stored in your HUSKTOP for safe keeping. You do enjoy casual WRITING and READING ANCIENT TROLL LITERATURE from time to time. Particularly you are a fan of YOUNG ADULT ROMANCE and thoroughly enjoy imagining yourself being whisked away by your own personal Troll Prince Charming. Your hive is filled with countless novels that your Lusus has brought back to you over the years so you wouldn't be bored.

Your prized possession is your absolutely stunning PEACEKEEPER RIFLE, a long ranged sniper rifle that belonged to your ancestor; THE HIGHBLOOD CULLER, a rebel who assassinated Highblood trolls for their prejudices against the lower castes. You would often spend your afternoons using the rifle from your hive to help your Lusus hunt food for you in the forests down below. While you would never dream of killing another troll, you do wish you weren't so SHY AND TIMID, just so you could stand up to the various Highbloods who torment you by vandalising your hive and stealing your stuff. Alas, the courage of your ancestor was not a trait you inherited.

Unfortunately, you no longer have your STRIFE SPECIBUS: SNIPERKIND anymore. It was stolen, along with your SYLLADEX. You are fan of the LINGUISTICS MODUS, which translates the name of anything you place into your Sylladex from Alternian into over 1000 different languages from across the galaxy; though you're pretty sure most of them are made up. You can take out anything you'd like from the Modus, but you have no idea what anything is anymore. Unlike other Sylladex's, there is no picture displaying the item stored. You find the Modus to be both a fun way to learn other languages as well as an amusing guessing game. You suppose you'll have to find a way to get those back sometime. Perhaps you could ask one of your many TROLLIAN FRIENDS.

Despite your low blood caste and INTROVERTED TENDENCIES, you have quite a handful of online friends which you chat to quite regularly. You are a very GOOD LISTENER and are surprisingly in popular demand in the realm of MOIRAILLEGIENCE. However you haven't committed yourself to any of your quadrants just yet, feeling quite HESITANT AND FRIGHTENED by the whole ordeal. Your Trollian is TimidScribe and you tend to type AZ IF TO EMULATE YOUR ZTRONG, COURAGEOUZ, ANCEZTOR.

Despite your reclusive nature, you are actually quite a tall troll. Though it's easy for others to mistake you for average height with the way you slouch and try to make yourself smaller. Your cheeks are flushed with vermilion red and your teeth are pointy and sharp, with elongated canines that sit just over your bottom lip. Your black hair kept short on the sides, but the top is left to grow long and wild, like a floppy Mohawk that falls down over your right eye. Your horns are short and nubby, but one is slightly larger than the other for whatever reason. Your outfit is usually very standard, grey trousers and a black shirt with your Troll Sign printed on it. However you do enjoy wearing your ancestor's leather jacket, which was clearly designed for someone with more muscle mass than you. The article of clothing was left in a chest for you to find along with the Peacekeeper Rifle. It's much too big for you, but you dream of one day being able to look just as cool as he probably did wearing it. You also like to wear a pair of large goggles.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-> Enter Name
Topcake McNo
Nice Try Asshole
Try Again?

Your name is Fortid Ischyr and you CAN'T STAND SHIT! You are CONSTANTLY ANGRY, and you ARE ALWAYS ANNOYED. Because of this ANNOYANCE you have decided to partake in a RELEASING career; That being, a THRESHECUTIONER. Thanks to this aspiration, your weapon of choice is the SICKLE, which you've actually gotten pretty badass at. You train with the SICKLE during battles in EXTREME roleplay games that you often do with some of your friends, and you've become pretty notorious for SLAUGHTERING trolls and their Lususes both. Speaking of Lususes, you have the BEST one ever, whom is basically just an ENORMOUS FUCKING SCORPION.

You are currently on your 9th sweep, and you LOVE pop punk music, although a lot of your friends think you're a nerd for it. You have a few other INTERESTS, such as CAGE FIGHTING and watching mediocre sci-fi, which you refuse to think is anything other than BADASS AS HELL.

You've also been using TROLLIAN, a semi-new IM service, and your troll tag is rampantCrone. You are PERPETUALLY AGGRAVATED, and tend to yell EXCLUSIVELY.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by effervescentF
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effervescentF effervescentFeral

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leshas reminds me of someone...

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Leshas reminds me of someone...


I was thinking more along the lines of;

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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@Leslie Hall@effervescentF

Neither of you are wrong xD

So, who wants to start discussing character history and dynamics? ( whose close with who, who crushes on who, who dislikes who, ect)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by effervescentF
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effervescentF effervescentFeral

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'd be delighted to discuss! Right off the bat, I can say that Irevir kind of wants to be friends with everyone. Being raised by a wolf and all, she wants a "pack."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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BoundToPlay Gender? Never met them

Member Seen 6 days ago

Leshas is similar, though she is the sort to have less Patients for trouble makers ( looking at you @hagroden :P if you are interested in a kismissatude, your troll seems like the sort that leshas would have a hate crush on that she has yet to realize is there )

@Leslie Hall your sheet mentions plutus living on a mountain, I mentioned living beneath one. What would you say to the idea that they are the same mountain?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In regards to quadrants, I could see the possibility of;

@effervescentFIrevir Grawel; Caliginous Feelings, but not a kismesissitude, more so just annoyance.
@effervescentFVelant Corune; Fluxuates between Caliginous and Flushed, Fortid finds him adorable, but exceptionally frustrating.
@KiltmanBagzLeshas Muvaar; Intensly Caliginous, he thinks her fucking rock fetish is stupid as hell, and her cheery bullshit pisses him off more than anything he could ever imagine. He also thinks she's cute as fuck, which only pisses him off more.
@UnknownScarlet4Aleida Ismene; Black as all hell, he can't even remember the last time they didn't butt heads on something. (Possible Ashen Relationship, if someone was interested in auspisticising between them)
@Leslie Hall Plutus Ishtar; Pale, Fortid thinks he's very calming, and can often diffuse his hostile personality. Fortid also thinks he's a fucking wuss, and could use a badass like himself to keep people from being too much of an asshole to him.

Also, after some research I'll update Fortid's intro with an actual CS.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by effervescentF
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effervescentF effervescentFeral

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I could see Irevir being in an ashen relationship with Fortid, whether that's as one of the rivals or as the auspitice. She'd be pretty annoyed back at him at times. I think she might develop a black crush on Aleida. >8) That'd be funny as fuck, too, because if Fortid were to develop spades feelings as well, there would be this love-triangle that's actually a hate-triangle and it would generally be a hilarious clusterfuck. So far, I think she'd be most likely to develop red feelings for Leshas. Just try and tell me these cheery little shits wouldn't be great for each other. (Her pale quadrant is filled, incidentally with my own moirail's character, but I don't think they felt like joining. ;w; Not sure if that should remain a thing in the roleplay or not, similar situation with Velant.)

As for Velant, maybe he could be someone's moirail? 8D Maybe Aleida's. Someone's going to have to keep her shit calm, amirite?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by effervescentF
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effervescentF effervescentFeral

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh, I'm going to have to get drawing, too. 8D
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