Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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"What have you done this time boy? The voice of the All-Father boomed around the hall. Sat atop his golden throne, Gugnir in his left hand. The one judging eye looking down upon him as always, the look of silent contempt upon his face. No matter what Thor had done to prove his worth, his father had always shunned him. Instead, his adoptive brother had his father's ear, had his counsel and his trust. Was it not he, Thor Odinson who had brought peace to Midgard? While the Gods of Olympus and Asgard sat silent, willing to let the other realms bring havoc.

Was it not he who year after year dove in to save the Dwarves of Nidavellir from the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim? Instead, his father listened to Loki. A trickster and a deceiver, who used politics and treaties to bring peace. A fool's game. "I did as you ordered Father. I went to Nidavellir to investigate the threat, I found this Beta-Ray-Bills people already dead when he attacked I attempted to disarm him-

Loki appeared out a back chamber while Thor spoke, whispering into the All-Fathers ear. Thor saw a spark of anger in Odins' one green eye. -And so you deigned to kill him? Rather than bring the Mortal Before me to answer questions. You are a foolish whelp."

Loki at this moment decided to speak. "In Thor's defense father, with the rage and stupor that the beast was in it was unlikely that it gave him much of a choice."

Odin turned his adoptive son. A look of scorn on his face. "Do not jump to his aid so readily- He turned his face back to his son. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Over one thousand years of life and yet he still acts as if he is a child. Acting with his fists first rather than thought. The Mortal could no more kill you than any other mortal could, you are a vain-[/color][/b]

Thor stood up, a low rumble of thunder could be heard outside the walls of the palace. "-and you are a fool and a coward!" Frejya moved as if to speak but Odin raised his hand in her direction.

"Nay. Stay your tongue wife. Let me hear what the boy has to say about the world of men."

This just drew more ire from Thor, stepping closer to the bottom of the steps that elevated Odin's throne above the rest of the room. "You think yourself omnipotent, and all-powerful and yet you sit here in your throne doing nothing. Do you forget who brought peace to Midgard? Or the other realms? Midgard is in crisis, the seers all say it converges on Midgard. A fate worse than Ragnarok, and yet you sit here doing nothing. Forbidding travel to Midgard for the sake of avoiding the ire of the Olympians."

Loki looked to his adoptive father, in a silent request to speak. Odin merely nodded. "While it is true you lead the charge many years ago, the treaty is what has kept lasting peace-"

Thor turned, his anger directed now at his elder brother. "You call it peace, but instead there is turmoil as others begin to move against us-" He turned back to Odin. "I beg of you. Allow me to travel to Midgard. There I will discover whatever this threat is to the nine realms, and defeat it. On this, you have my word as Odinson." He bowed, allowing himself to fall to one knee Odin stood up, raising Gugnir into the air he slammed it back down. As the All-Father let go the spear remained where it was, standing straight if through nothing but the All-Fathers will.

Each step seemed to reverberate around the hall in ways that thunder never could, each step shaking him to his core. "You wish to return to the world of mortals?" Odin scoffed. "Long have your thoughts dwelt there. So be it, I shall give you till midsummer. Once Lithasblo has begun I will recall Mjolnir to Asgard. If you have not dealt with the threat by then, then I shall denounce you as my son and my heir. You will lose your title, your power, and access to this realm. Doomed to wander Midgard as an immortal among men."

Thor felt a fire brewing within him that he had not felt in him for a long time, a call that he had not answered and yet he paused. "What say you Thor Odinson?" Thor stood up again.

"Aye. I will go to Midgard, and I will return victorious." He stood up and turned around, a billow off his cape as he headed towards the door. It swished behind him as he pushed on towards the grand doors, them opening before him as he went forward. As he left the hall he was stopped almost immediately by a woman with black hair.

"Tell me that you aren't planning on actually doing this." Thor merely nodded, sidestepping Lady Sif. She grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to twist to face her. He could see the torture on her face. "Thor. You can not do this, not alone."

Thor shook his head. "You must stay here, someone needs to take care that Volstagg doesn't eat the food stores of Asgard empty." He let out a hearty laugh, it rang hollow. He didn't fully believe it, in truth while this was something he had to do. For better or worse, a war he had to fight. He couldn't risk Lady Sif, or anyone else on something that he had to do. "Defend Asgard in my stead, I wish to have a home to come back too."

She dropped her arms in defeat, letting him go walking away towards the Bifrost. "Just make sure you come back my prince."

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

100 Years before the Dawn of Man // Jotunheim

Odin, Vili, and Ve worked in unison. The three Borson moved in perfect harmony as they cut through the giants before them. Vili continued pushing up on the left flank, Ve on the right. With the might of Gungnir Odin brought up the rear, firing beams of energy at the Jotuns who attempted to attack them from afar. Pushing their way into the tall caverns of the Jotun hall. Ice carved away in increasingly intricate patterns, the chill in the room cut to the bone as the three Princes of Asgard pushed back against wave after wave of defenders. There was a thunderous roar as three beasts came crashing through the walls of the room, two of them instantly careening into Odin's younger brothers pushing them through the opposing wall and taking them out of sight.

Odin roared as he and the beast charged at one another, he pushed himself to his knees then into a powerslide. The beast jumped over him, as Odin pushed his staff up towards the beast, the blade grazing the monster's skin. Drops of thick blue blood dripped onto his face. Odin could feel his skin freeze as the blood made contact. He turned to face the beast as it finished passing over him, blade in a low guard. He raised his free hand and wiped the blood from his face, Odin stared the beast down. Worry for his brothers tore at him, but yet his father had entrusted him to do a job here. His father who found them useless in his eternal war to pacify the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil, and yet he would prove his father wrong today. He would prove his worth. “ᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᚠᛁᚷᚺᛏ ᛗᛖ ᛏᚺᛖᚾ ᛗᛟᚾᛋᛏᛖᚱ!”

Odin charged the beast as darkness spread throughout the room. Unwilling to waver in his attack, he drove the spear forward as the beast charged him, the tip of the spear puncturing the beast's eye through to the skill. He found himself pushed back by the force of the assault before it fell limp. Pulling the spear from the monster's skull he turned to see him facing a group of six giants. In the middle of them was the biggest of them all, Fárbauti King of the Frost Giants, he held a sword with a hilt as large as Odin and to Fárbautis side was his Queen Laufey. In her hands a casket, from which the chill winds and snows came forth. “ᚱᛖᛚᛖᚨᛋᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛋᚴᛖᛏ, ᛋᚢᚱᚱᛖᚾᛞᛖᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛟᚢ ᛗᚨᚤ ᚤᛖᛏ ᛚᛁᚡᛖ”

The Ship of Beta-Ray Bill // Nidavellir

Lady Sif and the Warriors three walked through the halls of the vessel in which Thor had fought the being that had identified itself as Beta-Ray Bill. Volstagg knelt beside the dent in the floor in which Thor had nearly pummelled the beast to death. “It was a good thing Thor had been the one to fight this beast and not Volstagg the Vigorous-”

“More like Volstagg the Vain.” If Volstagg had heard the retort from Fandral then he had chosen to annoy it.

“-I would not have entertained the beast for as long. So says the finest warrior in Asgard!” The God stood up, standing a solid two-foot higher than everyone else present and he also had significantly more volume. His considerable girth likely would have been impossible for a mortal to maintain, while also being as strong and able as he was and yet he somehow managed to live his life and boast feats he could never complete.

“We are not here to cast judgment on what happened between Thor and the beast. We are here by the command of Freyja to determine what happened to the other mortals that were aboard this ship, a threat is coming that is an endanger to all nine realms.” There was some grumbling as the two warriors spread out. Sif cast her eyes upon Hogun, the silent Vanir was busy working away at some panel near a door.

Hogun looked back over his shoulder. “I have found something.” The other warriors approached, all looking at the panel. There was a large gouge mark in the panel. “Something either wanted in here or wanted to keep something in.” Volstagg approached the door chuckling, cracking his knuckles as he approached the door.

“Not to worry, Volstagg the Weighty shall make light work of this door!”

”You can’t do anything light.”

Volstaggs mighty fists came crashing down on the door, hitting it once and the doors barely moved. Twice and it gave way just by a small margin. Giving up on the fists Volstagg roared as he charged shoulder first into the door. There was a bang, a clatter and a groan as the metal moved to give way, and yet it still did not cave under the pressure. He pushed himself harder. “This-” He hit it again “door-” and again “will-” and again “yield-” and again “so-” and again “says-” and again “Volstagg-” and again “the-” and again “FORCEFUL!”

Lady Sif sighed as she turned around and walked away. Let the foolish men use brute force to try and uncover secrets, she would use the power of her mind.

Palace of Kings // Asgard

Odin sat atop his mighty throne, his wife Freyja stood at the foot of the steps as the All-Father stood up and walked towards her. “Wife, go to the healing chamber. Discover what secrets you can learn from this Beta-Ray Bill. Something threatens all my domain and I would know what it is.” As he continued to approach her she looked up at him and for the first thing he noticed was rage and pain in her eye. “What is the matter, wife?” She looked like she might hit him as she turned toward him with a fury.

“You are going to banish our son?”

Odin rolled his eyes. “The threat of banishment shall put things into perspective, the boy is a fool and a thug.”

“I wonder where he learned that.” The hall echoed as Odin paced towards his wife, his rage insurmountable.

“You dare?”

“Yes I dare. You send him to a world of Mortals, and thugs. A world that has changed far beyond his knowledge to investigate a threat you don’t see with your apparent omnipotence.”

“You dare question who put the hounds to chase the Sun and the Moon in motion? One of the Old Gods who hung the very stars in the skies?”

Freyja sighed, a look of complete and utter disdain on her face as she turned to walk out of the room. “Too long have you sat on your throne and not ventured among the people. I shall do your bidding my King. Perhaps you should be the one to head to Midgard and find some cool for yourself.”

With that she turned and left the hall, the door slamming closed behind her. Odin sighed as he threw Gungnir into a corner, it clanged and clattered as Odin groaned and roared out of anger. She was such a bullheaded stubborn fool of a woman! It had been endearing when he first met her, battles between the Aesir and the Vanir until Freja offered peace through marriage between Odin the All-Father and his daughter. While at first, it may have been purely to end a war that showed no sign of ending, he had eventually fallen in love with the beautiful goddess. Now she questioned him, doubted him and his power. He knew what he was doing, after all, he was Odin. All-Father and the most powerful being to ever exist in all the ten realms.


Odin looked up as two black ravens entered the hall, flying straight through a window as if it was not there. One landed on the right-hand side of his throne while the other landed on the left-hand side. They spoke as one, alternating between every other word.

”He comes, he comes. From Midgard, he comes. With an ax of cold and fury. Aiming to knock the fruit of the world tree bare and start again.”

“Bah!” Odin swatted the two ravens away and they fluttered away out of the room. Odin walked back to his throne, sitting back on it. Turning to a nearby guard. “Bring me the head of Mimir!”

Mount Olympus // Midgard
Greek Pantheon portrayed by @Mao Mao

The Bifrost came shooting down from the sky atop Mount Olympus. To any mortal who happened to be looking on at that moment in time, they may have believed it to be a strange lone bolt of lightning, as a thunderous roar echoed for miles around. Loki stood in his finest Asgardian Garb, golden horned helmet upon his head. Gold embroidery on all his clothes, green and black highlighting his chiseled features. Walking forward through the mists he saw a figure approaching him. Wearing a toga and a helm, the golden-haired God came towards him raising a hand towards the Asgardian God of Mischief.

Loki bowed, till his body was at a perfect ninety degrees angle, right hand motioning forward before swirling around to the right, his other hand over his chest. “Greetings Hermes! Greeter of Olympus, runner of errands.” He looked up at God with a twinkle in his eye. The two had always had an understanding during the time where they shared Midgard, both being of a mischievous persuasion. Loki would have respected him more however had the Olympian had more stomach to follow through on some of his pranks. “I know you were not expecting an Asgardian on Midgard until several years from now, however, I come before you in need. I request an audience with your Lord Zeus.”

“Loki?!” Hermes didn’t believe his eyes to see his old friend in the flesh! He gave the mischief a strong hug before letting him go. “Oh my brother! How have you fared since your last visit?”

Loki awkwardly joined in on the hug, before pulling back away from Hermes with a smile upon his face. “I have been well. The All-Father prepares for the Odinsleep, and I stand ready to be regent in his stead. The Jotuns have been restless of late, and more scouting parties of Dark Elves have been seen in the hills of Alfheim and Nidavellir.” Loki shook his head. “Merely another year in the nine-realms, another year closer to war, though that is not why I am here. My brother has come to Midgard, and as per the treaty I must discuss matters with Lord Zeus, master of Olympus.”

Hermes’ mood suddenly changed upon hearing that an Asgardian dared to set foot on their playground. It was blasphemy. “Oh... Well, I’d expect Odin himself to defend this defiance of the sacred treaty.”

“Where is he?” questioned Hermes as he looked around for the revered God.

Loki gave a wave of his hand. “The All-Father has more important matters to deal with than the comings and goings of Midgard. He has sent me in his stead to discuss how this impacts the treaty, as Crown Prince it is my right and I speak with the full authority of the All-Father. Go now Messenger, bring me before the Gods of Olympus.”

“You’re cute when you act like a king.” Hermes lightly slapped Loki’s face in a flirty manner. “Unlike me, though, the others won’t be pleased that you’re speaking for Odin. Especially my father. But, I will do my best to smooth things over. For old times sake.”

Reaching into his satchel, Hermes took out papers and a quill and instantly wrote out a formal request to the other Gods. And then, he sealed them with a unique wax. Being the messenger for a long time enhanced his speed to be the fastest of all the Olympian Gods. However, he turned to the nearby marble Kolossi in his ancient tongue. “These guardians will keep an eye on you while I get the debate ready.”

Loki bowed once more before the Greek God. “Go do so Hermes. I will wait.”

Oslo // Midgard

Thor sat in the rear of the chariot, the wailing of a dead banshee announcing their presence to all the mortals nearby. It must have been some form of high honor, likely so that people recognized his station and the importance of his quest. It worked for the most part as other chariots moved out of the way for them, and the fine warriors escorting him seemed to ignore whatever rules that the other chariots appeared to follow. He held on, yelling with glee as they turned corners and the force of the turn cast him into one side of the chariot to the other. As he hit the side the entire vehicle shook and the two warriors cast nervous glances to one another.

“So tell me Noble Warriors! What is the name of this mystic you take me to see? I hope they are most wise indeed, I am on a quest from the All-Father Odin himself!” He elected not to tell them that the All-Father was an insufferable old fool who sat atop his throne and never did anything of consequence.

One of the mortals turned around, the one not behind the wheel that seemed to control the contraption. <“We’re taking you to see the chief, she’ll know what to do.”>

Thor let out a hearty laugh. “A mortal wench for a chief? My how times have changed on Midgard! Last I was here Women of the station were few and far between.” He held Mjolnir in his hands, as the chariot came to a stop outside a building he saw many more warriors standing there, welcoming him in a mighty reception. As the door was opened for him he stepped out and stretched his arms wide. “Lo noble warriors! A fine greeting indeed.” He turned back to the two who had brought him here. “Take me to your chief, for once we find this great threat to Yggdrasil we can ride together into glorious battle!”

One of the warriors outstretched his hand before speaking <” Sir, we’re going to need to ask you to give the hammer to us.”>

Thor merely laughed. <” We’re not joking Sir, we’re taking you in for questioning and you can’t be armed.”>

Rage built within Thor, questioning? Had this just been an elaborate trick? Lies and deceit, the likes of which he would expect from Loki, trolls or Dark Elves but not from the honorable people of Midgard. There was a crackle of Thunder overhead. “Tell me you jest, noble warrior, that you would not lie to the God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard. Not when the lives of billions are at stake.”

The warriors all looked uneasily at him, one made a move for Mjolnir. As his hand clasped it Thor let the hammer go, it fell to the ground unable to be lifted. Without so much as flinching Thor walked calmly up the steps. “I would answer the questions of your chief-” Behind him two mortals now strained to try and lift the hammer. “-Though know that no man nor woman other than Thor may lift the mighty Mjolnir.” A warrior stepped before him with one hand raised as if to stop him. Thor extended one arm and lifted him pulling him close to his chest. “Do not stand in my way. I would have words, and then I shall leave you to whatever machinations you are planning. My quarrel is not with you, nor your people.”

By now there was a gathering of mortals near the base of the stairs up to the building, some of them holding the small square things pointing at him while more and more warriors arrived. Some switched out with the ones attempting to lift the hammer but he paid them no mind. As he approached the door it opened before him.

A man in a suit stood there, flanked by two other mortals who were equally as impressively dressed. He turned to one of the people beside him. “I was told this was going to be a nice, calm assignment after the mess that went down in New York with Stryfe.” He turned to Thor, though before he could speak Thor cut him off.

“Are you this Chief I have been told wishes to speak with me?” Thor eyed him with disdain, while all these warriors appeared small this man would hardly be fit to be a toothpick for a Frost Giant.
The man raised an eyebrow as he looked at Thor. “You speak English?”

“Through the power of the All-Speak no matter what language is spoken I shall understand it, and whatever I say will always be understood. Now answer my question. I grow weary of these games.”

The man nodded, took out some form of parchment bound in leather and showed some form of signet with runes upon it to him before putting it away. “Then we can begin, I’m Phil Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and we’d like to ask you a few questions.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

Oslo // Midgard

Thor tried to side-step as Bor rushed towards him, the very fabric of Midgard seemed to quake with every step. Mjolnir crackled with energy. The goliath Asgardian God careered into his chest, knocking the wind from his chest. The shockwave sent ripples, shaking nearby windows and buildings. People screamed, the excitement of what was going on now gone. Replaced with fear. Giant hands with a grip as strong as uru grasped Thor's shoulders and slammed him against the ground. A hole in the ground forming below him.

Thor groaned to speak through the pain. “Grandfather, why do you assault me? Why assault the -ugh-” Thor slammed into the ground again “-the mortals!”

One of Bors's hands clasped around his throat as he was raised into the air. “You think your mortals deserve life?” Bor raised a mighty fist then punched Thor, he went flying down the street as he tasted blood. “Midgard was meant to be the crown jewel of Yggdrasil. Instead, these mortals have tainted it.” Bor roared as he leaped into the air, crashing down towards Thor who managed to roll just in time to dodge the blow, Bors fist cracking through the surface of Midgard. He stumbled slightly, however as Thor went to spring back into a standing position he found himself struck by a backhand. Breaking through a nearby well, Mortals who lay cowering in hiding screamed. Desperately trying to clamber over each other to get out.

Thor outstretched his hand towards Mjolnir lay forgotten. “The stain of mortality, of free will has infected Yggdrasil boy.” The voice came before the man. Thunder rolled outside as the rain started to fall. “You’ll learn your lesson, and then I’ll make sure all the nine realms understand that Bor has returned, and they will learn their place.” The goliath stepped on tables and chairs, they were crushed and fell to pieces under him. “Or I will tear them from Yggdrasil myself.”

Lightning crackled, a thunderous boom unlike any other in recorded history spread throughout the city. Dogs howled, cats shrieked and windows shattered as Thor stood, Mjolnir crashing into his hand. Electricity jumped from the hammer onto nearby surfaces. Bor rushed towards the God of Thunder screaming as he swung the ax in a curve. “I say thee NAY! The hammer collided with Bors' face, catching him under the chin. There was a crack as all the lightning from the hammer transferred to his grandfather, Bor went crashing through the roof and into the sky. Swinging Mjolnir towards him Thor roared as lightning lashed out from the sky crashing into his grandfather who roared.

Thor allowed Mjolnir to cast him into the sky. “So the welp of Odin has teeth after all!” Bor laughed as he pulled the ax from its holster on his back and threw it straight at Thor. Thor swung Mjolnir to deflect the blow. There was a clang as the two weapons clashed, the ax went careering into the ground, an explosion casting up dust and debris. Hovering above the ground Bor roared as he cast beams of energy lancing towards Thor. Raising Mjolnir in his defense the energy hit it square on.

Jotunheim // A Hundred Years before the Dawn of Man

As Odin withdrew his staff from the child who stood in his way. Fárbauti swatted the child away with one hand, struggling to stand after. “ᚤᛟᚢ ᛁᛗᛈᚢᛞᛖᚾᛏ ᚹᛖᛚᛈ! ᚤᛟᚢ ᛞᛁᛋᚺᛟᚾᛟᚢᚱ ᛗᛖ ᛒᚤ ᛒᛁᚱᛏᚺ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛟᚠ ᚨ ᚹᛟᚱᛏᚺᚤ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ.” The Frost Giant King grabbed his sword that had fallen when he had pushed the child away. Rushing at Odin, Odin spun to dodge the blade, spear twirling between his hands and with a spin around his back the tip of Gungnir found itself lodged within the throat of Fárbuati.

The King gasped, dropping the sword on the ground. Fárbuati fell to his knees as Odin pulled the tip of the spear from the throat of his foe. The child rushed at Odin, hitting him with fists that would barely move a grain of sand. The God looked down upon him, there was a warrior's spirit within the boy. A note of honor, though the boy was no bigger than an Asgardian Child. Ve approached, sword drawn. Malice was his intent when Odin raised his hand towards his younger brother. “ᚾᚨᚤ! ᛈᛖᚱᚺᚨᛈᛋ ᛏᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᛒᛖ ᚢᛋᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚤ ᚤᛖᛏ.” His brother stopped a look of confusion on his face and yet he nodded. Giving in to the wisdom of his older brother.

A lone Asgardian came running into the hall. “ᛋᛁᚱᛖ, ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ-ᚠᚨᛏᚺᛖᚱ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚠᛟᚢᚾᛞ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛋᚴᛖᛏ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚷᛁᚡᛖᚾ ᚲᚺᚨᛋᛖ.” Odin looked between his two brothers.

“ᚱᛖᛗᚨᛁᚾ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ, ᛏᚨᚴᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚤ ᛒᚨᚲᚴ ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛁᚠᚱᛟᛋᛏ. ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚨᛋᛋᛁᛋᛏ ᛟᚢᚱ ᚴᛁᚾᚷ.” The guards' eyes flashed green as Odin ran past. As he left the temple the streets of Jotunheim were different than they had been when he had arrived. The echoes of war still traveled through the city but the dead littered the streets. The Valkyries would be busy today, as would the hounds of Hel. He ran through the streets and out into the wastes. Closing his eyes occasionally, he and his father were bound together by magic unknown to him. Should he ever need too he could always find his father and King.

Turning a corner Odin saw his father. Though he appeared as white as snow. The Casket lay before him, with Laufey nowhere to be seen. That was when he noticed his father was indeed frozen. Not only that he appeared to be blown away with the wind.

As Bor began to blow away in the wind, calling for help, calling for Odin to gather what sorcerers he could. Carried off into the winds that bordered Jotunheim and passageway to Asgard Odin merely shook his head. “ᚾᚨᚤ!”

Scuttlebutt // Nidavellir

“Error. Error. Vocal input not verified-” Lady Sif shook her head. Could this vessel truly have sentience? If so was this it's way of expressing emotion? Through her time first as a maiden and then a warrior she had seen many sights. Though this had to be the strangest that she could recall, in all her lifetimes.

Sif placed her sword back into its scabbard. “Friend Skuttlebutt, do you know what happened here? Who has slain your people?”

There was a loud crashing sound, as the lights turned red and a sound like a wailing animal came through speakers in the ship. “Alert five hostiles detected. Activating interior defenses.”

As the screen went black Sif ran towards the console, pressing buttons. “Nay! I am here to help Skuttlebutt! Do not assault me or my companions!” Wait, had the ship said five hostiles? That meant that there was someone else here, other than Sif and the Warriors Three. She turned around and ran back down the corridors, past the chambers that spat out the cold, and the dead bodies lying among the corridors back to where Volstagg was still attempting to break down the door.

He was gearing up for another run at it while panting heavily. Fandral was sitting down bored, while Hogun looked on with the same stoic expression as always. “Halt Volstagg!”

The voluptuous man turned to Sif. “Lady Sif! You have come just in time to witness my triumph.”

Volstagg turned to charge the door again when it opened. He collided straight into the chest of a black armored man. Falling back down on his backside Sif drew her sword, Fandral jumped up and Hogun moved his hand ever so slightly to the handle of his mace. Volstagg pushed himself to his feet. “Hail, be you friend or foe?”


Lady Freyja walked through the halls of the eternal city. People bowed their heads in respect as she walked past until she entered the healing halls. She was still seething from the dismissal she received from her husband. A marriage that had outlasted entire civilizations, and for what? To turn bitter and cold towards her. She would tend to the one that had called himself Beta-Ray Bill. If only to discover the threat to Asgard so that she could save her people, and save Thor to return him to Asgard. Perhaps then, finally, Odin would return to the Kind-Hearted man she knew him to be.

Entering the room that held the alien he lay down on a bed of what appeared to be solid stone, mystics surrounded him. Hands moving through the air as the soul forge projected the internal image of the alien hovering above him. She eyed it suspiciously. His whole body was not as it should be, he had been modified. His soul taking on a different form than his physical self. Turning to the mystic who ran the forge she indicated the controls. “May I?”

The mystic bowed her head as she pulled back. “M’Lady.”

Hall of All-Knowing // Omnipotence City

In a city older than any other in the Universe Gods met as Pantheons rose and Pantheons fell. A city created by the most ancient gods in all of reality. It was where disputes between the Gods were settled, trials and treaties. Though Loki didn't come to watch it as the Gods fought among themselves, not this time.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Sep Lord of All Creation

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414th LEGION

As the Clone Wars erupt all across the Galaxy lines are drawn, the Grand Army of the Republic is rushed into service under the control of Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi Order.
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Race: Bothan

Faction: New Republic Defense Fleet

Character Alignment: Good

Character Background: Trask wasn't really anyone before he joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or the Rebel Alliance as it was more commonly known. He worked in logistics in a small shipping company out of his home planet of Bothawaiu towards the tail end of the Clone Wars. Like many command staff within the Rebel Alliance he didn't just live under the oppression of the Galactic Empire, he saw as the system he believed in crumbled and fell into something much darker. As a man renowned as a hero of the Clone Wars throughout the Galaxy.

Some still considered now Emperor Palpatine a hero, the liberties they were loosing deemed a 'necessary' evil in order to facilitate a peaceful transition, ensure that war couldn't strike again and eradicate any last Separatist Cells that existed in the Galaxy. Trask, like many others, didn't buy what the Imperial Propaganda machine was selling. When his firm was approached with a contract to move a Clone Wars Era Venator to the scrapyard world of Bracca they accepted. Only to be approached by Rebel Agents. They offered little in the way of money but still asked that the firm hand the ship over to them rather than scrapping it on Bracca. They agreed, but Trask had one condition. That he be allowed to go along with the ship to join the Rebellion.

The handoff didn't go exactly as planned, someone within the firm gave them up to the Empire, so when the tugs approached the rendezvous they were jumped by several Imperial Ships after the Rebel ships turned up. With only a skeleton crew aboard Trask gave the command to fire up the main reactor and bring power to the hyperdrive. While they managed to escape with no hopes of finding the Rebellion, no real crew, and no chance of entering any major system they laid low for several rotations while they quietly worked away on repairs. Keeping in focus on the holonet. Yag Ilsen, a Givin Trask had aboard the ship scoured the holonet for cyphers and codes that may lead them to the Rebellion. When they discovered that there was a refuelling base on Vrogas Vas they set course, and finally joined the Rebellion.

His crew were split and separated, however, recognising his skill from his civilian life and the fact that he managed to keep a barely functional Venator flying and secure with very little crew Trask was given the position of Captain and made the second in command of the ship, now christened the Relentless Endeavour. It took several years until the Endeavour was deemed to be 'fighting fit'. During which time the Battle of Yavin came and went. The Endeavours first official mission was the evacuation of Vrogas Vas. With Darth Vader himself on the planet dealing heavy casualties to the Rebel Alliance with no backup it was deemed an acceptable use for one of the few capital ships within the Alliance Navy. While it saw no combat at this time the mission was deemed a success.

Trask helped command the ship through several small skirmishes however its first real test was after the Battle of Hoth. As the Rebel Fleet scattered it was soon discovered that the Imperials had cracked Rebel Encryption protocols, the instant one Rebel Cell contacted another Cell the Imperial Fleet could pinpoint its location. Acting as the Flagship for the task force the Endeavour came under heavy fire when the Imperials discovered its location. Pulling the Tano Manoeuvre they managed to hold off the larger Imperial force long enough to plot their hyperspace route out of the fight.

Several other skirmishes and battles came and went throughout the years until the fateful battle of Endor. The Rebel Fleet was joined together for two assaults, a small assault as a diversionary tactic on Sullust while every other available ship went to Endor to fight the Second Death Star and the Emperor himself. It was a long gruelling battle, though eventually as the Death Star II was destroyed the Imperial Fleet fractured and the war by many was considered won.

With the victory, and growing navy promotions were rapid as the navy tried to grow to accommodate its new set of circumstances. Enlistment went up as worlds joined the Fledgning New Republic, while the New Republic officially maintained five fleets within these fleets were many different tasks forces. Trask became a Vice Admiral, commander of the 67th Defense Force also known as Task Force Rancor. Typically assigned to holding territory against rampaging Imperial Warlords or pirates he was most recently assigned to the Grizmallt campaign, holding it against probing Imperial incursions from the Core as well as rogue elements.

Character Personality: Trask is free-thinking enough to adapt to obstacles but is logistical in his initial approach. Warm and charismatic to those that he knows he has a reputation for caring deeply and respecting every individual member of his crew. A firm believer that anyone can achieve and advance through merit and hard work.

Character Class: Soldier?


Supporting Characters:

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Race: Human

Faction: Grand Imperium

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

Character Background: Born on Coruscant during the waning days of the Republic Koren was always exposed to the rife and the corruption that spread throughout the City Planet. He saw as Aliens abused their increased abilities to commit a crime, and the hate spread through the human population. So that when he eventually had the chance to do something to make a change he did, joining the police. He was a stickler for the law in a time when corruption was the main currency of the Undercity and even the upper-levels. A weapons deal gone bad resulted in Koren leaving the Police Service in exchange. An Intelligence Asset by the name of Gallius Rax took an interest in the young detective and his way of doing things. Through the Agent he came to know a young Senator from Naboo called Sheev Palpatine.

Through Palpatine, Koren gained his first job in Republic Intelligence a couple of years before the onset of the Clone Wars. As Palpatine became chancellor he began moving select people around into several high-end positions, known as Palpatines Confidants Koren counted himself amongst this number and became the head of all Coruscant Security Forces, in charge of every police bureau and detective agency. Like many of Palpatine's hand-picked he proved himself, working his way to eliminate corruption and maximize efficiency. Everything he did fueled the popularity of Palpatine and the movement that was rapidly gathering behind him. Koren remained close to the chancellor, while like many he was not aware of Palpatines true identity as Darth Sidious he was privy to some more sensitive conversations between the Chancellor and a certain Wilhulf Tarkin.

As the Clone Wars erupted and Palpatine grabbed more power for himself he remembered those who had aided him to get to the position he was now in, Koren gained his own 'emergency' powers. Able to issue warrants and follow through with arrests on the barest evidence, the conviction rate soared through the roof. As refugees flocked to the capital as the Clone Wars raged on throughout the Galaxy Koren convinced Palpatine to have Clones to bolster the numbers of police on the streets, slowly bringing about martial law. As the day came closer and closer to the Declaration of a New Order more and more meetings were held behind closed doors. Tarkin would become Grand Moff, second to only the Emperor, sectors would be given to trusted officers and individuals. While Palpatine would remain on Coruscant even after the Declaration Koren was given the title of Governor and control over the sector.

With the destruction of the first Death Star Palpatine gave Koren the knowledge of routes into the Deep Core, having him move resources and assets into the core bolstering its defenses and ensuring that the Core could last as a holdout should the worst happen, or as a possible source of reinforcements were the rebels to be as bold as to attack Coruscant itself. As Governors betrayed Palpatine for greed or were killed by the Rebel Alliance the Emperor moved the ones he trusted around, increasing their power. Re-writing laws on a whim, Korens power grew in the Core until he maintained a handful of systems. Though his focus was always on the capital itself, Palpatines anti-alien views causing a veritable powder keg to exist below the surface, with several attempts on his life happening almost on a daily basis.

When the news came that the Emperor had died above Endor along with Darth Vader riots broke out over Coruscant, people who were pro-Empire and people who were Anti-Empire. Koren couldn't stand to see his people be in such a state of disarray so as Mos Ammeda killed himself he stepped in and seized power. As more and more Imperials returned to Coruscant his power grew, announcing himself Lord of the Grand Imperium and fixing what he felt were some glaring issues in Palpatines Empire. Over time as more and more Imperial Warlords fell Koren consolidated his power, until the New Republic turned its eyes upon him.

Character Personality: Koren is logical, he believes in Order through any means. He isn't a Sith, he isn't a Force Wielder. Power may have corrupted him, and he is unwilling to give up that power but he truly believes that his way of doing things is better than the chaos that is the New Republic, and even that the Galactic Empire was a better solution. He has no intentions on Galactic Conquest, just to not lose his home to the anarchy that is spreading throughout the galaxy like cancer. Will he push back against the Rebels? Only time will tell, and it depends on how much strain they put on him and his people.

Character Class: Soldier/Leader


Supporting Characters:

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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Trask stood in the comm room aboard the Relentless Endeavour, starting at a holomap of the Utrost system. A small cosmopolitan world near Coruscant, there was no easy route to Coruscant directly from Utrost, especially with all interdiction technology used by the so-called ‘Grand Imperium’ however launching a full scale assault on the capital wasn’t the intention. The 67th Defense Force, now being re-organised into a more offensive role, would push on Utrost to test the retaliation from the Core. Apparently operatives on Coruscant reported that ‘Imperial Lord Ozell’ had no intention in open conflict with the New Republic, the longer the conflict in the Core dragged on the more the Senate would talk about leaving the Grand Imperium alone.

Afterall the Rebellion started beyond the Mid-rim, many of the Senators who had fought and suffered through the darkest years of the Rebellion didn’t care what happened in the core, others saw Coruscant as the seat of power, so long as it was held by the enemy it would prove a potential threat against the New Republic and everything it stood to represent. As such plans were put into motion, as fleets were rallied and moved around as necessary to facilitate an invasion on this scale, the 67th would lay siege to Utrost. Weakening defenses on other worlds that the New Republic had its eyes on, should Trask actually prove successful in his task and actually manage to hold Utrost then it would be their staging ground for an assault on Coruscant.

Trask looked around the room to those gathered: Commander Run Drol his Commander of the Air Group, Captain Lena Raidne his Second in Command, Chief Engineer Thorn and Marine Sergeant Dobbs and Colonel Tali Ruk. Each would have their part to play in the coming conflict. While Trask was responsible for the fleet Lena would command the Relentless Endeavour in ensuring it was it stuck to the plan, as CAG aboard the Flagship Run would be responsible for ensuring the various air wings throughout the fleet knew their positions, Thorns job was self explanatory. Dobbs would ensure no boarding parties could destroy the Relentless Endeavour from within and Tali Ruk would lead the ground assault.

That was after Trask told them the actual plan going forward. He cleared his throat and tapped several keys on the holomap, representations of the fleet appeared. “At 1500HRS Local time the 67th will enter the Utrost system and push in to engage the Imperial Fleet in orbit above the Eastern Hemisphere, meanwhile our transports under the protection of half our air wing will enter the Western Hemisphere. Using a series of micro jumps around the system, the planet's moons will help hide this assault from sensors until the ships are in the atmosphere. At this point air assets will provide cover for the ground as well as fulfilling any fire support requests.” The map adjusted as it followed the path of the makeshift invasion around to below the Imperial fleet. “Whatever assets are available will push up behind the Imperial Fleet, engaging their unguarded flank. Any questions?”

Everyone around the room shook their heads. “Very well then. Captain Raidne, if you’ll stay behind. Everyone else, go brief your respective departments.” Trask watched as the doors opened and everyone filed out, Drol and Thorn paired up, no doubt discussing possible ways of increasing squadron effectiveness, while Dobbs and Ruk likely headed out considering what armament they would be using. Once they were out of the room Trask turned directly to Raidne, the two of them had seen a lot of combat together and had grown close over the years. He nodded at her and smiled. “This will be our toughest skirmish yet Lena, you ready for it?”

She merely returned the smile and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good, then shall we address everyone else then?” He turned to the holotable and keyed in the sequence to communicate with the rest of the fleet. The various forms of Captains and Commanders appearing before him. “Alright everyone, this is the deal…”
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Imperial Lord Koren Ozell // Coruscant

Koren stood in his office, hands clasped behind his back looking out on the surface of Coruscant. It was a beautiful world, the only world he had ever truly known. He turned around to his desk, two Sentry Droids stood at either side of the door. He had forgone Palpatine's Royal Guards, many had gone out on revenge sprees against the New Republic hunting down the so-called heroes of the Rebellion responsible for their master's death. Instead, he preferred droids, they were loyal and easy to control. Even if someone managed to hack into his encrypted control net he had a kill switch that would shut them down. Easy, dependable, loyal. Byss was in the process of producing them en-masse, he already had a reasonably sized force of them but he intended to replace the frontline Imperium force with droids, that way he wouldn't have to face the idea of losing troops unnecessarily. Another win in the PR department.

Sitting at his desk he brought up a list of projections for the New Republics' continued assault. He had already reinforced several planets, the smart move from the Republic would be to open up multiple avenues of attack. Then on the push to Coruscant itself, he would need to divide his fleet weakening his position significantly. With Coruscant Koren could maintain some semblance of control, some semblance of order within the Galaxy. He sighed placing his hands on his head as he felt a migraine coming on. He leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling above him. He had been in this very room many times while Palpatine had been in office, while the decor had been changed to something more sleek and modern one of the most important aspects had remained the same. The desk was in the same position. He led the people from the same place Palpatine had, arguably the most important person in the last thousand years of the Galaxy.

Koren's domain was considerably slower, but it would grow if he proved capable. Palpatine didn't need to conquer territory, and neither did he. He would earn it, his way.

If the New Republic could just leave him alone for long enough. That's when the idea struck him, but it wouldn't be a popular one. Some of the people would see it as weakness, others capitulation. He tapped a series of buttons on the desk and within moments General Verillion appeared before him. Cybernetic eye and all, the General had worked closely with him for years. He trusted the military man with his life and was one of the few men that he could consider a friend. "General."

The holographic image saluted. "Lord Imperium."

"General. How goes the integration of droids into our forces?"

The General raised an eyebrow. "Very well My Lord. The Mk.II Sentry Droids-"

"Dark Troopers." Koren corrected, the term had been coined by General Rom Mohc. A Clone Wars Veteran and the push force behind augmenting and assisting flesh and blood troops with droids. A Dark Trooper knew no fear, was heavily armored and heavily armed. The successor to the Sentry Droid, which was already a beast in its own right.

Verillion nodded. "The Dark Troopers are working well, there are still some issues with their programming but all in all things seem to be progressing well. Knowing you however My Lord, I know you've read my briefing front too back. What is it you wish to know?"

A small smirk crossed the old man's face. Few people could see straight through him like that, it was refreshing. "I'm considering sending an envoy to the New Republic-" If the General had any misgivings about this idea his face did not betray them. Instead, he waited patiently for Koren to continue. "-we can't hold the New Republic back, especially not indefinitely. Perhaps we can convince them that we don't intend to go out claiming territory, which we don't. That was never on the cards, I care about Coruscant and her neighbors. Peace, Order, and Justice brought to these systems, not that chaos that is spreading throughout the Galaxy. If other worlds wish to join, that is on them."

"You understand, that in opening a dialogue, you will alienate yourself from the other fractions of the Empire that exist? After all, you will only legitimize the New Republic as an equal, rather than a terrorist movement." Koren scowled. They couldn't live in the past forever, they had to find a way to change and to adapt.

"Perhaps." Koren stood up, and walked back to the window, staring out at the cityscape. "Though perhaps there is another way." He turned his attention to one of the droids by the door. "Summon Knightmaster Dredar." He leaned on the desk, his face approaching the hologram, a look of malice in his eye. "Thank you General, as always you have proved a great asset."

The holographic image saluted, and the man went to speak but before he could Koren ended the transmission. A plan was all coming together now.
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T Y R E L L O M I - R E N

Race: Human

Faction: New Jedi Order

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Character Background: Tyrell Omi-Ren was raised on the shipbuilding world of Fondor. His mother and father worked on the shipyards as the Grand Army of the Republic became the Imperial War Machine. His parents were quietly discontent with the change in leadership. Wartime under the command of the Republic was hard, and yet somehow the peaceful transition into the Empire was harder. Longer shifts, less pay for more hazardous conditions. When Tyrell was but a boy a ship crashed into the shipyard near where his father was working, being first on the scene he found a woman badly wounded crawling out of the ship. Recognizing her attire as that of a Jedi he managed to smuggle her out, and smuggle her home.

In the weeks that it took her to recover she talked to his parents, telling them how the Clone Army turned on the Jedi and hunted them down. How she had escaped the 414th Battalion only to find herself hunted by figures in black, when she discovered the Force Sensitivity within Tyrell she trained him in secret. Not through the hopes of training a new generation of Jedi, but to ensure that he could control it and through the control keep his nature hidden from those who would seek to exploit it.

As things would work out, teaching a five-year-old child how to use an ability that makes him unique and special and them telling him to keep it a secret doesn't always work. Tyrell showed his ability to move things with his mind to one of his friends, who told their parents. Within a week an Inquisitor had killed his parents and forced the two of them on the run. While at first they merely ran from one planet to another, never spending too long there. Eventually, they heard rumours of the Empire destroying every trace of the Jedi. Rumours of a Rebellion, Talia - now his Jedi Master and the closest thing to family he had left, and Tyrell decided to scour the galaxy for any information they could find on the Jedi Order so that they could help preserve it for future generations.

Along the way, they gathered up a couple of other outcasts, all with a similar goal. As the Galactic Civil War erupted into an all-out war they decided to put themselves into hiding in order to protect their work on a world in the Unknown Regions. With spotty communication, they have only recently learned of the Emperor's Demise, and now they hear exciting rumours about a Jedi Praxeum being built on Yavin 4 by a Luke Skywalker. A Surname that brings a sense of recognition to Tyrell's ageing master.

Character Personality: Tyrell is calm and collected, he has a firm understanding of the past and its value. A strong sense of honour and what needs to be done in order to maintain justice. Unlike other Jedi who was trained post-66 by a survivor he has a strong belief in the code and its teachings after all the Jedi didn't fall due to not following the code, but due to the machinations of a Sith Lord. He is calm and collected, and yet jovial.

Character Class: Force Wielder


Lightsaber: The Kyber Crystal gives the blade a light blue hue.

Nighthawk: Personal ship, where he keeps any Jedi Relics between missions. A Barloz Class Medium Freighter

Supporting Characters:

Jedi Knight Talia Meetrik - A female Jedi Survivor from Order 66. Technically never promoted to Jedi Knight, her master had indicated she was close to Knighthood before Order 66.

Relani - Relani was a former Guardian of the Whills. Once the Empire took over Jedha she went out into the Galaxy on her own, it was the will of the Force that she would run into Talia and Tyrell. Since then she has devoted her life into protecting whatever it is the two Jedi find.

Thriik Tolson - A Gotal Archaeologist. Studied the history of the Jedi for the University of Commenor prior to the subjects ban. Talia and Tyrell found him while searching the ruins of an old temple, and he has been a member of their band ever since.
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Story Prelude

In the generations after Avatar Wan closed the spirit portals humanity has flourished and prospered as they spread throughout the world. Nations have come and gone as humanity has warred between themselves, the Avatar always resurfacing to bring about peace, balance, and harmony. The last great Avatar was the mighty Si Wong, who brought an end to the warring Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation forming a great city in the desert of her namesake, which has since been named for her, a place where peoples from all walks of life, and all cultures can come together in peace and prosperity. Since then it has grown into a mighty city, capable of rivaling the great Ba Sing Se.

As Si Wong died while stopping the Dark Spirit Hēi'àn her death was mourned, as agents from the city began scouring for the next Avatar. They were never found. Nearly seventy years later some believe that the Avatar cycle was broken and that the Avatar will never return to the physical world. The world continues, as nations scheme and plot. The Earth Kings eyes upon the great city of Si Wong, while spirits have been seen returning to the physical world in places where humanity has tainted the surface of the planet. Many fear what is coming to pass, and yet there is a glimmer of hope.

The Avatar has returned.

Out of Character Information

This Roleplay is set centuries before the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Based around the city of Si Wong within the Si Wong Desert it deals with the return of the Avatar after the last one died, and the next one in the cycle was never seen or heard from. This is the story of the return and their battle with dark spirits and movements from the other Nations as individuals all over the world aim to expand their power and territory.

A player will be chosen from those willing to become the Avatar, and this player will be at the very center of the major plotlines that I put forward for the players however everyone is an important member of the cast. I will stress however that this is Open-World. You can go wherever you wish, and interact with whatever you want and even enjoy your own storylines however I'll be watching, always watching and you never know what will happen next.



"Fire is the element of power."

Fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. Unlike other forms elemental bending it does not require a present source of the element, and instead, Firebenders can manipulate their own Chi in order to create fire. Firebenders do not have any real defensive movements, and instead, repurpose offensive tactics in order to defend themselves. These can be as simple as quick jabs in order to parry incoming projectiles or to create walls of fire to prevent the enemy attacks.

Those within the various warring states within the fire isles have found that rage and anger can help power their bending, this newfound ideology has brought about the rise in various warlords throughout the Fire Isles.

Certain firebenders are able to generate and manipulate lightning by separating the yin and yang energies, this then creates an imbalance which the universe tries to restore allowing the user to channel lightning. This unique ability is considered a myth, with only certain masters and prodigies able to conjure lightning.

Combustionbending is an equally as rare ability, it requires a bender to focus their chi up through their body and out of their forehead. The resulting explosion is effective at both close and long-range. Most combustion benders have a tattoo on their forehead in order to assist them in focusing their chi. It is extremely dangerous however if anything blocks the flow of chi it can backfire.

"Air is the element of freedom."

Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly problems and concerns; finding peace and freedom was the key to solving their difficulties in life. Airbenders continually sought spiritual enlightenment, and, as a result, all children born into the Air Nomads were benders. The first airbenders learned their art from the flying bison.

The key to airbending is flexibility and finding and following the path of least resistance. Airbending is notable for being almost purely defensive, as well as the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Airbenders can overwhelm many opponents at once with large and powerful attacks that could prove fatal; however, due to the pacifist nature of the Air Nomads, such attacks are rarely used. Instead, an Airbender strives to use the opponents' energy against them. Due to their aforementioned spirituality, they often adapt to the situation surrounding them and employ negative jing, preferring evasive maneuvers as opposed to direct confrontation.

Airbenders are typically more in tune with the spirit world, and even have the opportunity to project their spirit through the physical world through the use of advanced airbending techniques.

"Water is the element of change."

Water is the element of change. The moon is the source of power in waterbending, and the original waterbenders learned to bend by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides. The Water Tribes are the only people who did not learn to bend from an animal, though the Moon and Ocean Spirits took the form of koi fish in the mortal world near the beginning of the Avatar world.

The fighting style of waterbending is mostly fluid and graceful, acting in concert with the environment. Foggy Swamp style waterbending, however, is more rigid and straight. Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy; they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents' own forces against them. Even when waterbenders do take an attack stance, their moves always appear to flow from one to the other.

Waterbenders also have the unique ability to heal, they use water as a way to connect to the chi of a body redirecting the energy in order to accelerate the natural healing off the body.

"Earth is the element of substance."

Earth is the element of substance, while the people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse, strong, and enduring

The key to earthbending is utilizing neutral jing, which involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively. In other words, earthbenders generally endure their enemies' attacks until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself. Earthbending differs from the other bending arts in that it maintains a distinct balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, though waterbending involves a more refined version by channeling defense into offense. Earthbending uses a balance of strength and defense to overwhelm opponents.

Sandbending is an alternate earthbending style that has been adapted for use in the Si Wong Desert by the people that live there. They move quickly in the desert on specialized wooden sailers that are propelled by bending miniature, localized sandstorms behind their sails. Because sand is sediment which travels inflows, their style resembles air and waterbending more than earthbending. It is implied that most, if not all, earthbenders are capable of easily bending sand, but because of the loose shifty nature of sand, it is not an easy transition for the average earthbender.

Lavabending is a specialized sub-skill of earthbending that allows the user to manipulate molten earth. This rare ability allows the bender to phase-change earth into lava, lava into earth, and otherwise manipulate existing lava with great dexterity.

Character Sheets

Please note when applying, your sheet should reflect the position of your character and the proficiency of their bending. If your character is a master bender then I need suitable evidence to support this. People in positions of power. Governors/Princes/Monks/Princesses/Spirit Guides need detailed sheets as these are people who have influence over others.

[h3][b]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/b][/h3]
[sub]'Iroh level quote'[/sub][/center]

[b]Character Age:[/b] Self Explanatory
[b]Character Gender:[/b] Self Explanatory
[b]Character Race:[/b] Water Tribe/Earth Kingdom/Fire Nation/ Air Nomad
[b]Bending:[/b] Whether or not they have bending, and if they do how proficient they are.
[b]Skills:[/b] Other than Bending, what skills should we take note of?
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] Not everyone is great at anything, what are their shortcomings?
[b]Posessions:[/b] Do they own anything of note?
[b]Biography:[/b] Where did they come from? What made them who they are?
[b]Supporting Cast:[/b] Are there any NPCs of note in their story? If so fill out their details here!


These may seem strict, but honestly, I'm here to make sure we all have fun.
1. While I am willing to consult on ideas/concepts I'm the GM and will always go with what I think is best for the game and its longevity.
2. Characters can die, accept that if you do something stupid you may not survive it. I work on a 3 strike rule. You get yourself into a deadly situation your character cannot survive, I will give you two possible outs.
3. Player drops will initially become NPCs, allowing the player time to send me a PM (which can be a simple as RL stuff going on). Those chars will be spared, others not so much.
4. This is Sci-Fi, but we're keeping a foot in the door of reality.
5. Romance is okay, but if it goes beyond a kiss take it to PM or off guild (Guild rules)
6. Putting this in casual, I don't expect super long posts but please do your best for quality. I believe in you all.
7. No Super Long Collabs. It's hard to deal with someone who drops in a collab, keep them short so if need be I can offer GM interference or someone can interrupt. If something big happens I.E. your dragon escapes and tears through the city, post as no doubt someone else would notice that.
8. I shouldn't need to say this, but no metagaming, powergaming, godmodding, mary/Gary-sueing, or anything silly like that.
9. Have fun.
10. Do stupid shit? Expect consequences.
11. One character, to begin with, you can only get more if you prove you can handle it.
12. The turnover for posts is once every two weeks. If you do not post within this time without giving an acceptable reason to one of the three GMs the story will move on. Your character will be removed from the roster and turned into an NPC/killed off.

The OOC is subject to change as things shift and move on. Please feel free to ask any questions.
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Sep Lord of All Creation

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'It is not just the duty of the Avatar to bring balance to the world, all of us together must work to unite the world and make it a better place.'

Character Age: 35
Character Gender: Male
Character Race: Air Nomad
  • Air Bending Mastery: Xunsu was born and raised in the Northern Air Temple and has devoted his life both through spirit and through the body in order to master the element of air. While he is six feet tall and not by any mean thin or lithe he is remarkably light on his feet and nimble. His movements always fluid and precise, every move calculated to perfection. Xunsu has reached such a skilled level that he has both his tattoos and the ability to project his spirit through the physical world.

    While some Airbenders are said to have mastered the ability of flight, Xunsu has not and must use his glider or flying bison in order to fly. That said he has earned the name 'Windwalker' for the ability to create dense pockets of air for him to walk on. It's not as efficient as flying and is tiring but it allows him to cross chasms and help him climb walls where there is no other way up.

  • Spiritual Guru: Xunsu is a spiritual guru. He has spent his life meditating and gaining spiritual enlightenment. He is fully capable of entering the spirit world, and while he is no great bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds he has interacted with spirits on occasion. As a spiritual leader within Si Wong City, he aims to guide the populace to bring about understanding and compassion.
  • Artistry: Art is a form of meditation, he has spent years perfecting his skills in artistry.

  • Air Nomad: Air Benders can be one of the most lethal types of benders. Air Nomads however try to avoid violence and use their bending for peaceful pursuits instead. As such fighting is a last resort.
  • Guillible: Xunsu trusts people and believes in them, so much so that should someone tell them that they will change their ways he will believe it and give them another chance.
  • Indifferent: Xunsu is indifferent to the worldly concerns between the nations of the world and the reasons too why they fight. He's a spiritual guide, and some would consider him 'aloof' as he never takes into account the reasons for strife or conflict.

  • Airbender Staff: Like most Airbenders he carries a staff that can expand out into the orange glider associated with his people.
  • Monk Robes: He only ever wears the robes of his people, being a spiritual guru and in charge of the chapter in Si Wong city he has been given the bead necklace to denote him as a monk within the Air Nomads.

Biography: Xunsu was born within the Northern Air Temple and much like all the other Air Nomads he was immediately separated from his family and taken under the tutelage of the monks. He took to the spiritual side of the training with relative ease. While other children struggled with the necessary focus to enter and maintain a meditative stance. While like with many Air Nomads he took to understanding the forms and the beginner levels of Air Bending he found the spiritual work and connection far easier. Under the tutelage of Monk Chen by the age of seven, he was taken to a grove near the temple that had strong ties to the spirit world, together the two of them ventured into the Spirit World for the first time to Xai Bau's Grove. Xunsu would learn to interact with the spirits, nowhere near the level the Avatar could reach but he still found the entire experience enlightening.

Soon after the young Xunsu was taken away to the Eastern Temple to pair with a Sky Bison calf. Chosen by the calm, but somewhat skittish, Peng the two became fast friends and journeyed together between the Air Temples, a pilgrimage most young Air Nomads undertook in order to learn the thirty-six levels of Airbending. By the age of eighteen, he earned his tattoos and became recognized as a true Airbender. From there the desire to help others and spread the teachings of the Air Nomads.

His Journey as a Spirit Guru began in the Northern Earth kingdom, moving from one town to another. While he would usually assist in matters of the spirit, guiding others in meditation he would often be called to help during Bandit Raids and as gangs of criminals plagued towns outside the reaches of their local lords or the Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se. While initially during his younger years he found these adventures to be exciting, as he joined up with other noble hearts on their journey to assist others and bring balance to the world he felt a real sense of accomplishment. Though he soon became tired of the senseless violence, and the repetition.

Xunsu soon stopped answering calls to help with bandits and raiders, instead of resorting to tackling issues that had arisen between the Spirit and Physical world. Traveling from town to town in order to bring people the balance they sought in their lives. Spiritual enlightenment. Eventually, Xunsu found himself in Si Wong city in the local Air Nomad chapter. He quickly found his calling, rising up through the ranks of the local chapter so that he eventually became a monk. In recent times he has felt the balance shift. Dark forces loom near Si Wong, and Xunsu fears for the worst. Now he knows his new mission, he must find the Avatar.
Supporting Cast:
  • Peng: Peng his Xunsu' trusty Skybison. They have been together since they were both kids, growing up together they have a strong spiritual bond and one is not often seen without the other.
  • Tuo Po: A skilled Earth Bender. She is one of Xunsu's first friends that is not an Air Nomad. The two shared a brief romance while fighting off bandits though as Xunsu sought a more spiritual existence the two ended the relationship. They still remain close, albeit awkward, friends.
  • Dai: Dai is a cunning swordsman. Brother to Tuo Po, he wasn't born with any bending ability but has made up for it in his mastery with swordsmanship. The Two have not spoken much since Xunsu broke up with Dais sister.
  • Si Wong Air 'Temple': While not a full-sized temple, Si Wong has a chapter off Air Nomads seen as spiritual leaders of the city. Over his time presiding over the chapter Xunsu has seen many new Airbenders come and go to experience the life of a city unlike any other.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…


There was a time when Thor had not answered prayers, such thoughts plagued his mind as the thunder rolled through the skies of Midgard. In the time before, when Asgard was but one of the many Pantheons interacting with Midgard, he had only cared for very little. The young(er) Godling, so tired of his training, so tired of the rules of Asgard and off his father, had turned his back on them and journeyed to Midgard. He couldn’t remember all the women he bedded and it was even less likely he could remember the foes he felled. The question often raised was ‘why had he killed?’. He wished that he could say it was due to some form of noble sacrifice, but instead it had been for the thrill. The raw power, the idea that the men he faced on the battlefield. Well, their lives were in his hands. There was a reason Thor had not been worthy of Mjolnir in the age of vikings, and even now he could still feel Mjolnir weigh heavy in his hand at the mere thought of it.

Now he had a different purpose.


In the skies above the playground dark clouds billowed and roared in the distance, lightning danced behind them illuminating the sky. Had anyone truly been paying attention they may have even sworn that a figure moved through those clouds. Instead, all focus was on a group of boys surrounding one lonely girl, small and blonde tears ran down her face despite all her resolve, and courage. “-Shut up that’s not true!”

“Ah-huh. My Dad told me so, your dad is one of those freaks, what do you call them? Muties. Hear he even prays to Thor and Wonder Woman.” The lead bully outstretched his hand and pushed the girl by her shoulder, hard enough to knock her back however she was strong. She stayed on her feet.

“I bet that’s why he’s not here today, too ashamed to show his mutie face.” Two of the kids gave each other another high five. In the background the parents stood watching on, some of the kids looked back as the girl burst into tears, worried that one of the parents or guardians brought today might move to intervene. Lucky for them nobody was going to help the daughter of one of those Woken freaks. Believed that Thor and all his Asgard buddies were actual Gods and started to worship them instead of the one true God.

Just before the children could let loose another string of insults and abuse the school bell rang. Everyone moved inside the school as raindrops began to fall. Everyone except one scared little girl who stood alone crying. She wasn’t alone for long as two heavy feet landed beside her. Thor placed Mjolnir on the ground between them, kneeling as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright child?”

The girl recoiled slightly and gasped. “T...T...Thor?”

The God of Thunder merely nodded. “Aye. I was on my return to Asgard when I heard your prayers.”

The girl looked confused. “I didn’t say any prayers sir-”

“Call me Thor, as your people would say. The All-Father was my sire.” Thor did his best to give a reassuring smile. “You may not have knowingly called out to me, but us Gods are a strange bunch and so I am here to help. Tell me your name child, and what would you have me do?”

The girl smiled at school in what had felt like the first time in years. “My names Alison. My Daddy couldn’t come to school today and it is bring a parent or guardian to school day, I know your busy but could you-”

“It would be my honour, Alison.”

The two of them walked into school, through the hallway. The Janitor dropped his mop as they passed, Hope reached and opened the door walking into the classroom. The teacher turned to face her ignoring the man dressed as a mechanic that was standing at the front of the class. “Excuse me, Miss Blaire but if you can’t be bothered to arrive on time for my lesson then I suggest that someone of your nature would be best spending their time-”

Thor turned through the door and the whole classroom went quiet, from the teacher to the group of children and parents that had been whispering and sniggering among themselves at the back of the classroom.

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Sep Lord of All Creation

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C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"My Apologies, Social interactivity was set to low priority"

In this iteration I'm dropping the cosmic super-tornado that fights his evil tornado self but that it isn't actually himself? Red Tornado is confusing, but honestly, I feel like that he and his family are a pretty cool group of individuals.

In my iteration, Red Tornado activated Three Years ago, found by Damage Control units cleaning up the mess left behind after the battle between the newly formed Justice League and the entity only known as Starro. With no memory and only basic functions initially the units self-preservation routines kicked in and the unit enacted defensive protocols attacking the Damage Control team that was trying to move it for scrap and study. After briefly demonstrating some of its offensive capabilities it was returned to a S.H.I.E.L.D where under the guidance of Agents Fitz and Simmons it was brought back online and given new directives as an Operative of Damage Control.

Reds main purpose within the organization has been the protection of assets acquired by Damage Control in the execution of its duties. Basically, when the Supers have finished having their fun, damage control moves in for securing any potential hazardous technology or substances, as well as performing rudimentary repairs to any local infrastructure to allow for the correct authorities to come in and finish the work. Due to the high risk nature of their work Red acts as security against any opportunist supervillains. It also provices it's strength, durability and aerokinetic abilities to aide in reconstruction efforts.

Lately however, Red has started recieving a signal. What is it though? and what could it mean?

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…


The stench of ale, blood, sweat and a hard day's labour filled the hall. Men jeered and yelled, songs of a thousand days and a thousand nights long past. In the corner, Mjolnir lay on the ground. Occasionally a drunkard would stumble over and attempt to lift the mighty weapon. With no success. At the end of the hall in a position typically reserved for the earl sat the boy-faced God Thor. His blonde hair was being braided by the wife to the earl, Hilga while her daughters warmed his lap one on each knee. In his right arm a horn of ale, he brought the frothing liquid too his lips throwing his head back with the horn. The luke-warm liquid poured down his throat, the horn finished he crushed it in his bare hand. Laughing as he did so, cheers following the action.

Turning his head, he grabbed the younger of the earls’ daughters head with his left hand and pulled her lips to his, enjoying the sweet taste of her flesh upon his. Releasing from the kiss he stood up, grabbing the two girls by the waist lifting them into the air and placing them atop his shoulders. “My friends! Long have you and your ancestors enjoyed the support and protection of your Gods, yet your faith waivered as your lands were plagued by this beast-” Thor reached behind him, kneeling forward and picking up a head and holding it in the air. “-it pillaged your lands and raped your people. You prayed for Thor for protection, and thus I delivered.”

Thor threw the head into the fire, the flames reaching up and growing around them. The fire-spitting and cracking as the flesh sizzled and bubbled. It peeled away as the heat seared the flesh. He raised both his hands in the air basking in the cheering and celebration of those that filled the hall. As he turned back to return to his seat the heavy wooden doors were blown open at the end of the hall. A great wind travelled through the hall blowing out candles and the fire leaving the hall in twilight with the main source of light being the moon through the open door. A long shadow appeared as Thor turned. Everyone in the hall was turned looking at him, Mjolnir raised from the ground as he extended his hand, the weapon roaring too his hand as thunder rumbled on the outside.

A tall feminine figure dressed all in black walked into the hall. Her eyes a livid orange. “Thor Odinson! I would speak with you, Asgardian!”

Stepping forward cautiously Thor kept his footing wide, prepared for an attack designed to knock him off his feet. Right arm back while in his left Mjolnir sat in a guard position. “You have me at a disadvantage. To whom do I speak? Afterall you seem in possession of my name, yet I am at a loss of yours.” Thor paused as she raised a hand and clicked her fingers. All the candles and the main fire in the hall ignited. There stood a beauty as fine as any of the Goddesses that inhabited Asgard. Red flowing locks, a common trait among the Gaels and pearly white skin. Her black dress hugged her form tightly in a way that left surprisingly little, and yet much, to the imagination. A corset around her waist left her bust raised in the air, with the low cut top leaving her cleavage on display in a way that bordered on the inappropriate, should they have been meeting under formal circumstances in Asgard. All in all, she was a thing of beauty, and in any other circumstance, Thor would be already trying to bed her.

“I am Morrigan-” Whispered panic echoed throughout the room. “-and that-” she pointed to the withered husk in the fire. “-is my son.”


Deep within the safety and security of the palace, there was a room, the existence of which was known only too a few. It was not filled with treasures, weapons, trinkets or historical scrolls. Instead, it held a bed. A golden sphere encompassed it as Odin lay in the bed. His eyes closed, there was a stillness to him that Thor always found unnerving. The All-Father had the weight of nine worlds on his shoulders, and it was usually evident in everything he did. To see him so still and helpless gave the Thunder God a series of doubts about what it was he had to do. Even now Odin could see and hear everything going on in the world, he did not dream. He merely rested. His body shutting down to replenish its reserves of unfathomable power.

Freyja sat resting by his bedside, his hand clasped in hers as she rubbed it lovingly. Thor had heard the stories of their marriage, in the age before when Asgard and the Vanir were at war. While his Grandfather Bor sought too take Vanir by force it was Odin who proposed marriage to unite their two peoples. A rough relationship at first, in the aeons they had grown to truly love one another. Thor cleared his throat, as Frejya turned to look at him a kind smile spreading across her face.

“Thor! How long have you been waiting?”

“Not too long, in all honesty, I had thought that you had noticed me and were simply being polite.”

“Perhaps I still am.” A slight hint of mischief crossed her face. While Loki was the Trickster God, he had learnt all his early magicks from his adoptive mother, and a lot of his tricks as well. Whether or not he liked to admit it. Standing up with a grace that Thor could never match she walked over and opened her arms. Walking towards her she held him for what seemed to be an age in a mother's embrace. Something about it made his worries almost fade and melt away, though the moment it was broken the gnawing feeling of guilt returned. “Tell me, Thor, what brings you to me?”

“I must return to Midgard-”

“Thor…” Freyja allowed it to trail off, he could already hear the disappointment in her voice.

“I know what you are going to say, my place is here while Odin sleeps. Yet it has been far longer than I can even remember since Asgard was last attacked and Baldur will be here-”

Freyja placed a delicate hand upon his shoulder, as he looked down at her face he could feel his resolve wavering. She may have been small and frail in comparison to him yet in this situation she held all the power. “Our people need you, Asgard needs you to protect it.” She sighed as she pulled back and walked to Odin's bedside. Placing both hands on the edge of the bed as she looked at his face. “With Odin here, you are our best defence against whatever threats may come our way. Yes, we have Baldur, Sif, the Warriors three yet all of them pale in comparison to you, not just in power but also in prowess and heart.” She sighed, lowering her head before turning around once again to look up to Thor.

“If Loki possesses a norn stone he poses a threat too Midgard, should he be left unhindered he could pose a risk to all the nine realms-”

Freyja shook her head, chuckling slightly as she did so. “One day you will be King and you will make these decisions on an ongoing basis for centuries to come
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago



Exaron is a cold tundra world on the outer rim of the Galaxy. Neglected in Galactic Affairs since it was first colonized in 99BBY. A world of miners seemed to boom from strength to strength, eyed by the Mining Guild as a possible world for subsidization, however soon the mines were empty and people started to leave.

Its next use came at a time of strife and conflict, as the Clone Wars sprawled into the Outer Rim the vast flat and open spaces of the planet's notorious Tundras proved the perfect place for a Republic Base. Great temporary structures were erected allowing even the largest of Republic Vessels to land on the planet's surface for resupply or repair. Wartime brought a second boom to the economy, however as the Republic was replaced by the Empire the inevitable curse of Exaron returned as their luck started to fall.

As the Empire's hold on the Galaxy became complete, Exaron was handed to Governor Ideon Kordall. As the Empire worked the people harder than they ever had, the surface became ruined with the hulks of old Clone Wars Era starships, the debris dropped from space to be scrapped for the glory of the ever-growing Imperial War Machine. As the death's rose and the liberties died with the people, resentment towards the Empire grew. Like many worlds throughout the Galaxy, the first seeds of Rebellion started to form.

Elsewhere in the Galaxy a Rebel Alliance operative fleeing his would-be captors picks Exaron as his destination, only to find himself shot down and captured. The information he holds could prove vital to the fledgeling alliance, but will he manage to escape with his life?
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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On that fateful day as Luke Skywalker fled the explosion of the Second Death Star aboard a shuttle with a dying Darth Vader, the young Jedi was visited by the visage of his mentors Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. The two Force Ghosts teaching the young Skywalker what he needed to know in order to heal his father, and bring him back too Endor alive. Redeemed, and miraculously alive both Luke and Leia agreed that it would be best if their father didn't hand himself into the newly christened New Republic, and instead move into hiding. Anakin however refused and faced the most public trial the Galaxy has ever known.

A target for extremists on both sides of the continuing war Anakin continued to supply information while being moved around from one safehouse to another as rebels attempted dot kill him in retribution, and Imperials attempted to kill him in order to stop him from continuing to give the New Republic information on their protocols, movements and bases. At the end of the trial, Anakin was granted his life in prison rather than a death sentence. Held in the former Jedi Temple, and Imperial Palace, on Coruscant. Visited regularly by Luke Skywalker who continues in his efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order his father tried so desperately to destroy, and while he has had some success they can both feel something coming. The Galaxy is about to change in ways neither of them could predict.

So if you couldn't tell this is an AU idea. The core change between this and Legends/Disney Continuity is the fact that Vader survived his injuries. Players will be given relative freedom to explore/interact with the Star Wars Galaxy however be warned. Something dark waits in the shadows, and you might not be as prepared for it as you think.
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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The PURGE of Mandalore

Lady Bo-Katan with help from allies within the Rebel Alliance has reclaimed the Dark-Saber. A weapon that holds significance to the Mandalorian People, for whoever holds the Dark-Saber holds the title of Mandalore. Now together, the great Clans of Mandalore must unite and fight together in order too free their world from the tyranny and oppression of the Empire. Although there is no doubt that the Empire won't give up without a fight...

Really there isn't much more to say about this. Empire is in control of Mandalore. Mandalorians no likey (for the most part). Mandalorians fight back, shenanigans ensue. This will take part in Disney-Continuity with ties to both the Mandalorian TV show, Rebels and Clone Wars. However if any conflicting information is released at a later date we will not go along with it. We will go with what we know at this point.

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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 24 min ago

The Clone Wars continue to rage across the Galaxy, the Battle of Coruscant repelled. The Separatists are on the defensive as the Grand Army of the Republic surges with renewed vigour out into the Galaxy. A dark cloud gathers over Coruscant as Grevious is killed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a general air of unease spreads throughout the temple as a group of the strongest Jedi Masters in the history of the Republic go to the senate to confront Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This night will always be remembered in the Galaxy, as the night the Jedi Fell.

A group of Jedi, with no connection to one another, will survive a night unlike any other. Will they survive to meet again? Or are they doomed to wander the galaxy forever?

You the player are a Jedi Knight, Padawan or friend to the Order. Order 66 has been enacted and you have to escape with your life. You must flee, but where will you go, and what will you do? This is for you to decide. One thing is for certain, the Galaxy will never be the same again...
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