The lights of Petrova used to be on for twenty hours every day. The city would bustle, the markets would flourish, and even the Gutter District was full of life. People always had someplace to be, something to do, and someone to meet. The wealthy in Petrova would only ever get wealthier, but the poor always had a chance to slowly catch up, thanks to the limb markets. They would go to the clinics and have an arm or a leg replaced with a 1st or 2nd generation cybernetic, and then the clinic would sell the limb to be used for genetic research. The original owner would of course get a cut of the limb's price, so then they could invest that in improving their position in the city.

This system went on well enough until the city government decided to invest in this same genetic research. Soon money that would have been invested in infrastructure was instead sent to the labs, so that they could persue new and exciting improvements to the human form. To the city's credit, the labs boomed, and soon almost everyone in the city had modified themselves in some way (except the poor, they were stuck with cybernetic enhancements, now a thing of the past). Unfortunately, the labs were just about the only part of the city that was still succsessful, as the city itself was almost completely bankrupt. All industry had been shoved to the wayside in favor of genetic research. The people of Petrova were anticipating their city's collapse, and a descent into anarchy. Then, in the last moment, ThysenKrüpp stepped in.

ThysenKrüpp was a multi-urban conglomerate that bought cybernetic clinics, limb factories, and just about any business related to metahumanization in some way. Now that genetic manipulation had advanced beyond a mere theory, they wanted in. At first the city and the labs tried to turn ThysenKrüpp down. They worried that a large conglomerate's presence would destabilize the city's economic and political balance. They were right, but it wasn't long until they caved and sold all of the genetic clinics to ThysenKrüpp. Within a few hours ThysenKrüpp's Initiators were in the city, preparing a site for one of the conglomerate's headquarters. The Initiators were little more than paramilitary thugs, but they had the money and resources of a cybertech powerhouse behind them. The next week was a chaotic whirldwind of people being evicted by the Initiators, people being shot in the street for trespassing, and people protesting outside what they assumed were the edges of ThysenKrüpp's property lines. What they didn't realize, was they ThysenKrüpp hadn't just bought a small section of the city, they'd purchased the entire Development District. Tens of thousands of people's homes were razed, whether the people were inside them or not. The people that weren't killed by this, or trampled in the mass exodus that followed, were forced to live in boxes and hovels in the city's Gutter District. Back in the days of the 20-hour lights the Gutter District was, while still a haven for poverty, monitored by the city's police, and was generally safe from disturbance. However, ThysenKrüpp's presence in the city lead to an increased police presence in the Development District and surrounding areas, leaving the Gutter District unprotected.

Gangs sprung up all over the district. Some traded in new bio-chems, others in people, and still others in violence. The Gutter District devolved into chaos. This is where you come in. I don't care how or why, that's up to you, but each of your characters needs to be in the Gutter District, near the Rotten Plug (a skeevy little dive bar in the western part of the district) on October 26th, 2094, at noon: two hours before a prominent ThysenKrüpp executive's body is found in a dumpster behind the Plug.

This system went on well enough until the city government decided to invest in this same genetic research. Soon money that would have been invested in infrastructure was instead sent to the labs, so that they could persue new and exciting improvements to the human form. To the city's credit, the labs boomed, and soon almost everyone in the city had modified themselves in some way (except the poor, they were stuck with cybernetic enhancements, now a thing of the past). Unfortunately, the labs were just about the only part of the city that was still succsessful, as the city itself was almost completely bankrupt. All industry had been shoved to the wayside in favor of genetic research. The people of Petrova were anticipating their city's collapse, and a descent into anarchy. Then, in the last moment, ThysenKrüpp stepped in.

ThysenKrüpp was a multi-urban conglomerate that bought cybernetic clinics, limb factories, and just about any business related to metahumanization in some way. Now that genetic manipulation had advanced beyond a mere theory, they wanted in. At first the city and the labs tried to turn ThysenKrüpp down. They worried that a large conglomerate's presence would destabilize the city's economic and political balance. They were right, but it wasn't long until they caved and sold all of the genetic clinics to ThysenKrüpp. Within a few hours ThysenKrüpp's Initiators were in the city, preparing a site for one of the conglomerate's headquarters. The Initiators were little more than paramilitary thugs, but they had the money and resources of a cybertech powerhouse behind them. The next week was a chaotic whirldwind of people being evicted by the Initiators, people being shot in the street for trespassing, and people protesting outside what they assumed were the edges of ThysenKrüpp's property lines. What they didn't realize, was they ThysenKrüpp hadn't just bought a small section of the city, they'd purchased the entire Development District. Tens of thousands of people's homes were razed, whether the people were inside them or not. The people that weren't killed by this, or trampled in the mass exodus that followed, were forced to live in boxes and hovels in the city's Gutter District. Back in the days of the 20-hour lights the Gutter District was, while still a haven for poverty, monitored by the city's police, and was generally safe from disturbance. However, ThysenKrüpp's presence in the city lead to an increased police presence in the Development District and surrounding areas, leaving the Gutter District unprotected.

Gangs sprung up all over the district. Some traded in new bio-chems, others in people, and still others in violence. The Gutter District devolved into chaos. This is where you come in. I don't care how or why, that's up to you, but each of your characters needs to be in the Gutter District, near the Rotten Plug (a skeevy little dive bar in the western part of the district) on October 26th, 2094, at noon: two hours before a prominent ThysenKrüpp executive's body is found in a dumpster behind the Plug.