Avatar of nostrebor68
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    1. nostrebor68 10 yrs ago


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As the party made their way into the tunnel, they were surrounded by the inky blackness that only exists below the earth's surface. Though absolutely man-made, the tunnel had a naturally musty atmosphere, and the lack of airflow made it feel much smaller than it actually was. The end of the tunnel opened up in the massive underground sewer system below the development district. This particular section of the system hadn't had people in it for years, at the very least, and the silence felt tangible.

There were myths about the city's sewers, stories of failed genetic experiments being tossed into them to rot, or to hunt if they managed to stay alive. There were also stories of some gutter folk trying to start a new district in the sewer, but nobody had seen anything to prove that as anything more than rumor. Plus, if there were monsters or people in the sewers, ThyssenKrüpp would have cleared them out long before this...right?
Alfred ran his gaze over each of the three prisoners. They all spoke truly (for the most part, at least), but did he really trust Jhona to these people? They seemed mostly competent, besides the one in the beak, but Alfred's memories of the Gutter were full of people focused on personal gain. Those weren't the kind of people he wanted protecting the son of Hemingway Robington. After a minute of consideration, however, Alfred decided that he didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"Alright, I believe you all. Now let's go over things before I untie you. Jhona, my ward, has basic combat training thanks to myself, but has never been in any serious danger. I need you to make sure that stays that way. He's far too important to die in a Gutter fire-fight. Once you deposit him in the Garden district I don't care what you do, but until you do that he's your primary focus."

Alfred swiftly untied all three of them, and then shifted over to the far side of the room. Once there he pushed a hidden panel in the wall, and a door slid up, revealing a young red-headed male.

"Jhona, these fine citizens are going to be escorting you to the Garden district. Follow them, and trust them, to a point."

Alfred then pulled bags out of the wall, and handed them to the prisoners.

"These contain any equipment you had on you when you were captured, as well as some things you might need. Good luck."

Alfred turned to leave, and as he walked past the group he whispered to Lyra "Athena, your gun and armor are in the bag. Figured you might need them. Do us proud."

With that, he slipped out of the door. Bartek was going to be there any moment, he guessed, and he needed to be ready to buy the four escapees as much time as possible.
Bartek stood in the main hall of the Robington building, passing the time by hacking in and out of the building's security system.

Alfred sure is taking his damn time. Maybe he's making me wait on purpose. The old codger never did like me.

He decided to glance into the cell in the building's basement, to keep an eye on the prisoners. They all seemed to be awake at this point. The bird man was panicking, which gave Bartek a good laugh. He always did enjoy watching gutter scum out of their depth.

"Bartek, sorry to have kept you waiting."

Alfred made his way down the stairs towards Bartek. With the death of Hemingway it had fallen upon Alfred, the family steward, to run things until the son was fully trained (a point that he was far from, as far as Bartek was concerned).

"That's quite alright sir. How is the boy handling his father's death? I'm sure he must be quite distraught."

"You and I both know you don't care. Have you talked to the prisoners in our basement yet? If not, I'd prefer to be the first to question them. Hemingway was quite important to me, and I'd like them undamaged before my turn at them."

The old fellow's trying to do my job.

"Absolutely Alfred, be my guest."

Alfred and the Initiator saluted each other, and Alfred began to make his way to the basement. Bartek turned, refocusing on keeping himself entertained. Who knows how long the old man was going to take, but Bartek would be damned if he wasn't going to have a turn. The girl with all the junk mods caught his eye in particular, he could have some fun hacking into those.

I wonder what Alfred could possibly hope to achieve by interrogating the prisoners first? Maybe I'll watch.


Alfred made his way to the basement very quickly. He didn't like Bartek, but the man was smart, and it might not take him very long to figure out that something was wrong. He slid open the hidden door into the basement cell, and stepped into the light, so that the prisoners could see him very clearly.

"All of you, I need your attention. Now. You don't have much time. I need you to tell me completely honestly, did you kill Hemingway? Don't bother lying, I'll be able to tell."

With the last statement Alfred tapped the center of his forehead, indicating his particular genetic enhancement.

"If you didn't do it, I need you all ready to leave. You're taking my ward and getting out of this part of the city. There's a safehouse in the garden district you can go to. I just need to know that we can trust you."
Niklas nodded in agreement as Quackshot suggested their egress. He grabbed his emergency supplies from behind the bar, stuffed a .25 Auto into one side of his belt, and a cleaver in the other. Motioning to the others, he started making his way to the door. It was then that the gunshots started. From outside the bar came the sounds of various street weapons, from chuggers and pop-rockets

(guns that just about any street tough could get their hands on) to shredders and .45 Cal SMGs

(guns only the bubble gang could afford). What really concerned Niklas though, was that he heard a couple guns that he hadn't heard in a long, long time. In between the bursts of shitty Gutter guns, Niklas could just barely pick out two sounds that chilled him to the bone. The first was a quiet, abrupt burst of static, and the second was the distinct whistle of a Thysenkrüpp smart rifle. A smart rifle that was being fired very, very close to the bar.

Niklas turned around, and was about to shout something to the others in the bar, when he felt the impact on his back. The force carried him directly to the floor, spraying blood around him. In his last moment before passing out, he saw shadowy forms slipping down from the ceiling.

Bartek slipped down from his perch on the ceiling, slowly lowering to the bar's floor. His cloaking field shimmered as he took his place behind the beak-faced gutter slime. Tanika and Leroy took their places behind the other two, and in unison their knuckles slammed into the lower backs of their respective targets. Surges of electricity ran through the three bar patrons, and they each slumped to the floor.

"Take them back with us, and grab the two bodies. Take care of Mr. Robington's, otherwise things might get messy."

Quackshot, Ronnie, and Lyra awake to find themselves tied together in the center of a dimly lit room. The floor seems to be some kind of industrial metal surface, and the only distinctive features they can make out are a small drain near them, and a couple vents in the walls. A single metal door stands on the east side of the room, with no distinct features. Each of them has a searing pain spreading up and down their spine, and their legs appear to be nonfunctional (those with cybernetics feel the implants/mods restarting, a painful process). Niklas and the corpse(s) from the bar are nowhere to be seen, as are any weapons/equipment they might have had on them. Their attire seems to be untouched, and besides the back pain each of them seems unharmed.
Niklas thought for a moment, pondering the dead man.

"No, I can't say that I did. I'd like to think I'd remember something that odd. As far as I can remember I've never seen anyone with a twitch quite like that one."

Niklas paced the bar for a few moments, until Quackshot turned to Lyra with his question.

"If you've got some connections, even if they might not know that rat, getting in touch with them might not be a bad idea, Lyra. I just want to get this cleared up and figured out, otherwise sleep won't come easy for a while. For now, let's just get this place cleaned up-"

During the middle of Niklas' sentence the bar's doors were kicked open, and a small metal canister rolled in. Before anyone could react it exploded into a blinding flash of light and sound, leaving everyone in the bar temporarily incapacitated. After a few minutes everyone's senses slowly restored to relative functionality, and Niklas came to a few realizations. First, that had absolutely been a flashbang. Second, he really hated flashbangs. Third, there was a different dead body in his bar now.

The third one came as a bit of a shock for Niklas. The corpse in front of him was no longer that of a dead rat, but instead a middle-aged man with greying red hair. What concerned Niklas even more than the new corpse, however, was what he was wearing.

Those are dev-district clothes. We need to run.

"I know everyone's just as confused as I am, but we all need to leave this bar and get as far away as possible, right now."
Something is very wrong

"I don't know if there's really anything wrong. Lyra, right? Look, Lyra, Quack, Ronnie, I might be completely off my rocker, but I swear this man was in my bar a few weeks ago, and then turned up dead a couple days later. Every fiber of my being is telling me that this man shouldn't have been alive at any point today, but here he is. Just based on the state of the corpse we can all clearly tell that he didn't die three weeks ago. Maybe I'm wrong, but this worries me."

"Quackshot, you looked over the body. Did you see any mods? Cyber or genetic? Ronnie, you don't know anything else at all about this Rat?"
Ronnie's terse explanation didn't really clear much up, but that was par for the course with her. But Niklas knew most of the Rats in this area, he had to. Because he was technically in Squid territory there were only a select few Rats that came by. Just because the two gangs were usually on decent terms didn't mean that they traveled between each other's turf freely. He needed to know if a particular Rat was supposed to be on the turf, and he didn't think this one was suppo-
Wait a minute, look at the face closer
Niklas stopped polishing glasses at the bar and shifted closer to the corpse.
You've seen that face before
Something was very wrong. The sense of discomfort that Niklas had felt before shifted into a full-scale internal alarm. He needed to figure this out.
"Everyone except Ronnie and Quackshot, I need you to leave the bar. There's something up with this stiff, and I don't want anyone getting roped into something they don't want."
After saying this Niklas turned back to the body. He stared at the face for a minute or so when it finally hit him.
This Rat was in your bar three weeks ago. He was laughing and drinking with a few other rats, plus some strange looking fella in a hoodie and leather leggings (you didn't get a good look at him).
Why was that setting off alarms though? Just because this guy was a former patron, Niklas shouldn't be this uncomfortable.
He's dead
Clearly he was dead, why was that an issue?
No, he was dead three weeks ago. They found his body two days after he was at your bar
Shit, there it was. Maybe he had a twin? Twins were rare in the Gutter, but it could be possible. But the resemblance was uncanny, even the scar on the nose was the same.
"Quackshot, I need you to help me look at this corpse, closely. Tell me if anything at all seems wrong with it, other than the obvious."
Niklas stared at the body for a few moments. Where did he recognize that face from?

"Don't worry about the mess" he muttered. Something felt off, but he just couldn't place it.

It was relatively often that of the various mercs or gang members in the area came in with an injured or dead friend, and it was relatively often that one of the two was Ronnie. Ronnie, however, usually ran pretty straight jobs, and this felt...wrong. The dead man was clearly a Rat, but the Rats were usually non-violent, and he was carrying a pretty high caliber revolver under his jacket, something that no Rat should ever have on him.

"Hey Ronnie, where did you pick up this scab?"
As Niklas repositioned himself back behind the bar he heard Quackshot's question. Before he could answer though, the neon-haired woman interjected.
Odd, she speaks with a gutter accent, but doesn't act like a local.
As the two finished up their conversation, or it at least reached a lull, Niklas turned back towards Quackshot.
"Everything's alright enough my friend. The usual scum causing the usual ruckus. You feeling well? You seem skittish. If there's someone bothering you, let me or the Dustin Brothers know, we'll deal with it. You've helped us all enough to warrant that."
The Rotten Plug was quiet. Ever since Die Glücklich had started pushing into the streets nearby the clientele had shrunk dramatically, much to Niklas' chagrin.

The bar's owner shook his head, as he polished shot glasses, and then surveyed the few folks still left in the establishment. Over in the corner were the Dustin Brothers, a couple street rats who were good enough folk. They always paid their tabs and sometimes tipped Niklas when the district was getting too dangerous, so that he could close up shop and usher out his customers. The Brothers also served as bouncers if anyone in the Plug got a bit too rambunctious, and as payment Niklas usually let them drink for free, or at least for a lot cheaper than anyone else.

In one of the booths on the south side of the restaurant sat one of the odder folk Niklas had met in the Gutter. The man went by Dr. Quackshot (clearly not his real name) and worked as a street surgeon for those in need. He usually didn't accept payment, and simply asked for gossip or information, which made Niklas inherently uncomfortable. Information was a dangerous commodity these days, and anyone who was searching for it had to be more than Gutter slime. However, Quackshot also kept Niklas' customers in good health, and had even worked on the barkeep himself once or twice. Having Quackshot around made the bar look like a more quality establishment, even if the man made Niklas himself a tad uncomfortable.

There were only two people sitting at the bar itself. One, a regular, sat sipping Drain Juice quietly. He tended to keep to himself, and left his face covered by a carnival mask. Niklas had been quite uncomfortable when the man had first come to the bar, but he made no trouble, simply buying three Drain Juice shots and then leaving every third night. The other bar patron was a young woman with neon hair, who seemed to be fidgeting more than she wanted anyone to be aware of. Niklas was pretty sure he'd seen her around the bar once or twice, but had never paid much attention. She seemed like an interesting enough character, and if Niklas had owned a bar anywhere else in the city he was sure that he would have asked for her life's story, or something similar, but he owned a bar in the Gutter, and interesting people were a great way to get killed.

That left the only other patrons in the bar, a group of Bubble Gangers sitting at one of the tables and being generally rambunctious. While the Plug was technically in Squid territory, it was close enough to Mr. Pinky's borders that some gang members sometimes ventured over. The Squids were obviously not too fond of it, and as such neither was Niklas. The Squids let him keep his bar running as long as he stocked some of their chems every now and again, and he was pretty sure Pinky's group would just turn it into some sort of brothel.

Niklas stepped out from behind the bar and sauntered over to the Bubble Gangers.

"Alright sad asses, time to pack it in and haul it out, you're being too rowdy tonight."

One of the Gangers, who seemed to be slightly more authoritative than the others, turned to Niklas with a grin.

"Oi gramps, all we doing is chuggin' and druggin'. 'Ent no pushers or roaches floatin' in these flows no more, 'en I 'ent rearin to catch no teethers 'en me ass. Ye 'ent got no flexers wit' ye', so we stayin', 'less ye got 'em hid 'en the splinters."

Niklas didn't much appreciate her tone, or the fact that he only understood about a third of what she had just said. The street slang had evolved from his younger days, and he could barely keep up with it anymore. The Bubblers clearly weren't planning on going anywhere though, so Niklas nodded at Dustin Brothers, who started making their way towards him. The Bubblers noticed the brothers a bit too late, and two of them were lifted and tossed out of the Plug before they could even say a word. The other two Bubblers jumped out of their seats, and pulled small chuggers from their belts, pointing them at Niklas and the brothers.

Niklas stood his ground. The Bubblers knew that if they shot him the Squids would be all over their asses almost immediately. The brothers he wasn't so sure about though, so he motioned for them to stand down.

"Look, this is my bar, and I just want a little peace and quiet in here. Now get out."

The Bubbler who seemed to be in charge stared at him for a while, finger twitching on her trigger. Finally, she lowered the gun, and turned to storm out of the bar. As she was almost through the door, she turned her head back, glared at Niklas, and said "Pinky's apt t' filter in 'bout this old man. 'N when 'e turns up ye'll be flushed and gutted, y'hear? I'd wash out and go play wit' the Teethers, they do things fast-like."

With that the Bubblers turned and left the bar.


"I don't care Alfred, keep him in the house. I'll be gone for about four hours, and when I get back we're packing up the study. I can't have anyone digging around my notes again, not after what happened last week."

Hemingway Robington turned from his butler and walked towards the door of his home. Alfred took care of things around the house well enough, but he spent too much time coddling the boy and not enough actually tidying up the place. Alfred had been a part of the family far too long to get a new butler, however, and Hemingway supposed that he brought a certain levelheadedness to the home.

As Hemingway stepped into the alley he reflected on how much quieter the district had become since the last of the original residents had be relocated. He was sure they weren't particular appreciative, but he was truly enjoying the uniformity of the tall, pyramidic buildings surrounding him. Many of ThysenKrüpp's executives chose to live in the Garden district, because they enjoyed the larger estates, but Hemingway had always prefered the industrial atmosphere of the Development District. Hemingway began making his way to the ThysenKrüpp Think Tank, which was located on the east side of the district. When he was a couple blocks away from the building, he noticed an odd noise coming from the street to his right.

Before Hemingway could turn, he heard a scream, and frantic footsteps running towards him. Assuming that the district enforcers had found another former resident hiding out in the district, he paid the commotion no mind. It wasn't until he saw his neighbor, and fellow ThysenKrüpp executive, Matricia Weber, running past him with blood streaked down her arm that he realized his mistake. Too late, Hemingway turned to see the figure charging towards him, and too late he noticed the knife in the figure's hand.
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