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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Character you have created: Caroline Lewis
Alias: Babel
Speech Color: DeepPink
Character Alignment: Villain
Identity: Known
Character Personality:
Babel is entropy in action: a disaffected, destructive adrenaline junkie who now finds herself with the ability to fulfill every whim, appetite and revenge fantasy she ever had. There's no plan, no grand ambition, no long-term goal other than burning through life like a roman candle and tearing down the comfortable little illusions of a broken society. She's a one-woman circus, and everyone's getting a free ticket.


Caroline herself is thin, her face long and a little too pale, crowned with a punkish, neglected mess of bright pink hair and glittering with a number of cheap piercings. Most of her life til now has been spent comatose in thrift store throwouts, threadbare stockings and hoodies and bad heavy metal t-shirts.

In contrast, her 'working' costume is a well-tailored carnivalesque outfit that was intended for an upmarket casino hostess: A glossy lycra catsuit the same deep, lurid pink as her hair, belted at the waist and stitched with six black diamonds in a playing card style, the ensemble completed with shoulder-length gloves and heeled over-the-knee boots in matching black patent leather. You know, like a comic book. Not practical? Maybe. But when all you have left is making an impression, why stop at the ankle?

She keeps two Glock-18 automatic pistols tucked into the belt, the slides repainted in pink and engraved in silver glitter -- one reading 'Eat Me', the other 'Drink Me'.

Origin Info/Details:
Babel was an experiment that both succeeded and failed. First a happy accident; then an unhappy one. Remember Darrow Engineering? They may be a lot of things, but they're not quitters. The loss of Dr. Gaster and xenohybrid experiment BPE-45A (Yeah. Her.) was a setback to their psionic tinkering, but while they lost the subject, they'd learned a lot. They still had a wealth of research, a clear agenda, considerable resources and powerful backers greedy or frightened enough to want that power in their hands.

With stakes that high, "ethics" is just a word.

And that's how we got the Babel project: a grand attempt to create organisms that could access and influence what they called the noosphere -- informational space. A tall order, and one that required raw material. A lot of raw material. Living material. Recidivists, junkies, the homeless; people nobody would care about or miss, supplied in secret to covert facilities by shadowy third parties or corrupt law enforcement. Deniable. Disposable. And Caroline Lewis was all of these things. A deeply troubled young woman who had lost the battle against her inner demons a long time ago and finally fallen so far down her own spiral of substance abuse and self-hatred that even the thugs she'd found shelter with had left her to overdose or die in a drunken fistfight with a moving train.

Despite her penchant for self-destruction, tests showed Lewis as one of the most promising specimens by far: in fact, she was a latent natural psychic in potentia, who only needed a touch of biological coaxing to blossom into rich, useful material for the project -- material that would then be harvested, cultured, and put to better use.

But history has a way of repeating itself. Impossibly and for no understandable reason, the subject activated before the altered brain could be removed. The half-baked specimen was unleashed, and the facility was burned out to the last living thing.

Guess they didn't learn as much as they thought.

The final punchline to this bitter joke is that the source of the girl's psychic potential is a small, anomalous brain tumor, inoperable and steadily growing, which allowed the unnatural treatment to take root, almost seeming to welcome it. By degrees, it is both twisting her brain into increasing states of mental power and ever so slowly killing her. She has a limited, stolen supply of an experimental medication, Noussphairaretroamphetamine 44 (abbreviated to Nupharamine, or just "Noose" on the black market) that stabilizes her condition and allows her to exert greater control over herself, but in one last, cruel twist of irony, the tablets are damagingly addictive when taken over an extended time, taking a toll on her even as they ease her burden.

Hero Type (Select one): Psychic
Power Level (Select one below): Street/City
Powers (Be Specific):

Babel radiates madness like an isotope. Where she goes, a whirlpool of psychic chaos goes with her, and unlike most metahumans, she doesn't so much employ her powers as try with all the willpower she can muster to keep it under control. Restrained, her influence manifests as overexposed vision and chromatic aberration, images splitting apart into flickering red, green and blue planes like a malfunctioning LCD monitor. Unleashed, her presence dramatically warps the perceptions and sanity of those around her, its intensity ranging from confusion and disorientation to mass hysteria. People collapse, scream, hallucinate, attack one another, and gradually lose control of language, regressing into an odd form of glossolalia. The closer to her epicenter one draws, the worse it becomes.

As if this weren't enough, she is vulnerable to rare, psychoactive seizures which tremendously swell the power of her abilities while completely incapacitating her control over them. Paradoxically, it is at her most vulnerable that she becomes the most dangerous.

When in control of herself, Babel can influence the nature of the illusions she spawns, and through that, the people experiencing them. In accepting the evidence of their senses, people find themselves playing by her rules.

1.5 Second Sight:
Babel's affliction dilates her perception of time, allowing her to instinctively 'see' 0.5 to 2 seconds into the future. While so short as to be useless for planning, this expanded awareness has a critical effect on her aim, physical instincts and reaction time, giving her the appearance of having superhuman reflexes when in fact her physique is normal, and she's simply started moving a second before a shot is fired.

White Noise:
It's not that Babel is immune to mind reading; It's just that attempting to mentally probe or restrain her is like flying a light aircraft into a hurricane. To a psychic or sensitive, her mind reads as raw, lurid chaos, a raging pink vortex that doesn't repel them, but rather tries to drag them in and eat them alive.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Normal human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal human speed/Uncanny reflexes (precognition)
Endurance: Normal human
Agility: Normal human/5x depending on illness and drug use.
Intelligence: Average.
Fighting Skill: Somewhat trained

Resources: Minimal -- if she wasn't able to take what she wanted, she wouldn't know where her next meal was coming from.
Pyrrhic Victory: Babel's greatest strength is also her most dangerous flaw: Her own power is slowly killing her. Restraining her psychohazard ability taxes her greatly, even painfully, and though rare, her random seizures can leave her hemorrhaging, crawling on her hands and knees.

Addict: A dependance on experimental, psychoactive medication to stay in control is its own set of problems.

How Can You Challenge a Perfect, Immortal Machine: Since Babel's abilities are almost exclusively mind-affecting, robotic adversaries, drones or those otherwise completely immune to psychic influence naturally counter her main advantage, leaving her to rely on her precognition window and her capable but limited combat skill.

Supporting Characters:
Cheshire Cat: Only Babel can see or hear this taunting, elusive monster. It has to be a figment of her fevered imagination, yet it sometimes knows things it shouldn't possibly know...

Rabbit Hole gang:
The Rabbit Hole is a seedy "villain bar" frequented by C-list bad guys unlikely to ever make the big time.

Tommy Trollface: A former mob triggerman, Tommy's life was changed after an accident during a shootout in a chemical plant with a vigilante hero left his face permanently twisted into an uncanny replica of the Trollface meme. Though initially embittered, Tommy has since embraced his new persona and is even considered something of a folk hero amongst the bulk of internet culture. If he had a voice actor, it would be Gilbert Gottfried.

Professor Amstrad: After being diagnosed with terminal cancer during the height of the cold war, this brilliant scientist replaced most of his body with mechanical parts, attempting to future-proof himself using the finest cutting-edge computer technology 1981 had to offer. The result is now something both impressively ahead of its time and laughably obsolete. Though something of a laughing stock amongst the meta community, it's never wise to underestimate the old professor. He may be a stubborn traditionalist, but he is still a genius, and his assault robots are no less lethal for being made of ribbon cables and cheap plastic.

Killa Deth: A hereditary metahuman and rap artist who inherited abnormal size and comparative super-strength from his father, an unnamed superhero who didn't stick around to pay child support. Despite his name, Killa Deth is actually a chilled-out vegetarian and not given to violence. Unless you badmouth his mixtape, in which case he'll pulp your skull with his bare hands.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character you have created: Johannes Schmidt

Alias: Türk Filmleri Adam

Speech Color: Saddle Brown(8B4513). (Note: italicised text from Türk Filmleri Adam and his companions is spoken in German in-universe).

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: It would perhaps not be entirely accurate to describe Johannes as a modern hedonist, were it only for the fact that he lacks most of the glaring traits and habits commonly associated with that archetype; however, upon deeper reflection, it becomes apparent that there is simply no better definition to be given of him. There is little he truly cares for beyond his own, unconditional enjoyment. That said, he is neither so egoistic as not to include those few who have attained the privilege of his friendship and esteem into this aspiration, nor so weak-willed as to let himself be entirely mastered by his lusts, or to allow himself any sorts of the latter beyond the tamest ones. He sets pleasure as foremost among his goals in life; yet he does not mindlessly crawl toward it as many other do, nor lash himself into a frenzy which he then strives to assuage at any cost, but is capable of constructing logical and sufficiently elaborate plans to reach that end.
His demeanour is, in spite of the latter trait, not quite affected. Honest to the point of bluntness, abhorring as he does misunderstandings and quid pro quos, Johannes shall never hesitate to face whatever situation he might find himself stumbling into, exhibiting a bravado bordering with foolhardiness and an often uncalled-for flair for the dramatic in any conceivable circumstances. Such perilous traits are compounded by an almost unnaturally unshakable indifference to stimuli which would normally cause fear or anguish, seemingly acquired by Johannes along with his powers.


Johannes has adopted as his makeshift costume a horrendous patchwork of scraps, cardboard and adhesive tape, completed by what seems to be a repurposed curtain and a clumsily glued-on false beard, to reflect his favoured pastime. He usually wields a short wooden javelin wrapped in colourful paper and a golden cardboard sword:

When not donning his heroic paraphernalia, he appears as the very epitome of the average youthful Mitteleuropean type, with nondescriptly light-brown hair and vaguely greyish eyes; more often than not, he wears cheap, anonymous sport-style clothing.

Origin Info/Details:
Johannes Schmidt was born in Berlin as the neighbouring Deutsche Demokratische Republik was breathing its last, and the entire country whereof he was a citizen was clamouring for the long-awaited unification which was finally at hand. It might have been that these events occurred too early in his life to leave any lasting impression, or that he soon felt he had had quite enough of them; however it might be, never in his life would he display any measure of national pride, or any other feeling, for that matter, nor would he regard politics with anything but slightly amused bafflement at the importance attributed to such fundamentally abstract matters.

As the Schmidts were a moderately well-to-do family, their latest offspring lacked nothing in the way of basic necessities, and had the possibility to trudge his way through the education system up to graduating in History at the Freie Universität. Though he never displayed a particular aptitude for academic learning, he compensated for his lack of exceptional skills with a diligent, disciplined approach to study, fuelled by the belief that it would all pay off someday. Though such an opinion was not altogether unjustified, the reward for these years of application was not as swift in arriving as Johannes expected, and throughout his first autonomous years he found himself drifting from one clerk-level occupation to another, ever seeking a suitable opportunity to rise through the ranks and ever being met with an indefinitely long, blind routine which left him quite discontented with the world at large and the employment sector in particular. It was at that time that he met Nejat Gucli and Turan Ahmad, his peers in age and position, whose Turkish descent had grown largely diluted by generations of more or less steady integration, reaching, they averred, back to the times of Friedrich the Great himself. Sympathy, first comradely, then personal soon sprang up between Johannes and the pair, and it was not long ere they introduced him to the ruling passion which had first united them, and soon captured him as well - namely, the somewhat perverse enjoyment of turksploitation films. Sitting till late at night before a smudged screen in Nejat and Turan’s apartment, Johannes nearly laughed himself ill at the inconceivable gymnastics of clumsily costumed actors whose expressive repertoire consisted entirely of fearsome grimaces, and swore repeatedly that there never could be enough pictures of that sort in the world. This marked the beginning of an enduring friendship between the trio, who rapidly grew inseparable - a condition which, among other things, offered distinct economic advantages, as the rent was paid collectively.

Then, one night, the unexpected occurred. Upon returning from the last workplace he had established himself at, Johannes happened to be strolling through a park, which, fortunately enough, lay directly across his path. Catching sight of a small, glimmering object on the ground before him, he bent to retrieve what seemed to be a coin, and was surprised when the minute item proved unexpectedly heavy and unaccountably cold to the touch. Upon closer scrutiny, he saw what he had lifted was indeed a metallic disk of some sort, but certainly not a monetary unit of any sort he was familiar with. The shining surface was a of a cerulean-veiled white in colour, and bands of iridescent light ran across it without any regularity or, indeed, motive. At that moment, he became aware of a chilling numbness spreading through his arm, and had barely enough time to be afraid before a sudden electric shock enveloped his mind and senses with impenetrable darkness.

Of what followed Johannes has but a dim recollection. He recalls awakening and passing out again at brief intervals, almost intermittently, in an environment whose appearance he has described as vaguely resembling a grimy, long-abandoned airport in a severe state of disrepair. Large greyish-green shapes often flitted at the corners of his vision which he is almost certain were living creatures, and he could have sworn that he occasionally heard, among the humming, rasping and clattering of machinery, grunting sounds of distinctly organic origin. He frequently found himself strapped to flat surfaces (it was unclear whether they were horizontal or vertical) surrounded by spinning lamps of indescribable colours, or at the core of vast, thundering mechanical constructs of unclear functions. Finally, he awoke facing a screen whereupon there appeared, in a slow, laborious sequence, a series of sentences written in what appeared to be a curious form of semi-phonetic English. UMIN YUR OGGANIZMS MENTOTIC POTANSHUL AZ BIN ALTRT flared the letters before him, mingling monstrous spelling with outright nonexistent words, YU WL UZIT AN MEK UZ SI | YU KEN. Thereupon a shock identical to the one which had heralded his arrival into that nightmare shot through him again, and, when next he regained consciousness, he was in the park where he first had stumbled upon the fateful coin-like lure.

His return home was met with astonishment, and he was informed by Nejat and Turan that he had been missing for a full week. Having initially devised a feeble alibi involving a deceased uncle, he was soon constrained to disclose to his friends what had truly transpired upon beginning to manifest certain startling abilities. Although he did not perceive anything unusual even while doing so, he frequently found himself telekinetically manipulating distant items with a mere effort of will, often unconsciously and without being in the least surprised by it himself. Additionally, at times he uncontrollably blasted images he was mentally envisioning into the senses of others, with his companions being the first collateral victims of this nascent power. It was not long before Johannes, who had recovered from the shock of his experience in startlingly little time, discovered that, by exerting his will, he was able to harness these abilities and direct them coherently, as well as to modify their effects as he pleased. In particular, seeing as he had grown able to select what images he projected into the minds of his targets, he adopted the psychic display of his beloved Turkish abject-series films as the signature of the image he had been building for himself - Türk Filmleri Adam (roughly “Turkish Film Man”), Berlin’s first resident superhero.

As the city had heretofore never known the salutary influence of superhuman protection, this figure, zealously assisted by Nejat and Turan, who met the opportunity of becoming Türk Filmleri Adam’s sidekicks with nothing short of glee, was in no shortage of occupations. However, his intents were not so pure as to warrant his diving headfirst into action. Rather, his priority was to negotiate a deal with the authorities, by which he would track malfeasants and consign them to justice - for a reasonable price. Nor was this partnership exclusive: Johannes thought little of selling his services to the highest bidder, even when the latter was a company seeking to instil dread into trade unions or accomplish some similarly morally dubious goal. The treatment which had granted Johannes his abilities appeared to have made him strangely callous, insofar as even the deaths of his parents due to illness did not seem to affect him. His friends, already not being especially idealistic individuals themselves, took his new demeanour in stride, as it was not reflected upon their relations.

After a couple of years, however, business began to grow scarce, and the days dull. Those of the most significant criminals who had not been neutralised, such as the local cell of one Shroud Syndicate, had gone into hiding beyond Türk Filmleri Adam’s rather clumsy reach, and the discipline reigning in the private sector was exemplary. Johannes and his companions had grown accustomed to adventure, and, being deprived of it, they began to cast their gazes toward more promising lands. On the other side of the ocean they had often heard that superhumans abounded, and, when Turan discovered that the city of New Sardis was (roughly) quite close to the areas of highest interest and offered some of the cheapest real estate they had ever seen, all doubts concerning their plans for the immediate future were dissolved.

Hero Type: Psychic

Power Level: City Level


Mental Projection
The favoured offensive ability of Türk Filmleri Adam, this application of his skills enables him to subject his targets to specially conjured mental images by psychically affecting their sensory reception neural nodes. Those in the grip of this power find themselves experiencing entirely life-like visions, perceived as though they were themselves an integrating part thereof. Projections do not render their subjects unconscious, but usually leave them unable to act due to severe mental and physical disorientation and a painful strain upon the neural network (not to mention shock at the horrid nonsense they are forced to witness); prolonged exposure may result in permanent neural and psychological damage. The visions' end is as abrupt as their beginning, provoking nausea and a reeling sensation. Türk Filmleri Adam may extend his projections upon any number of individuals within his field of vision; however, he must maintain concentration in order for the effect to last, and tampering with the senses larger quantities of targets demands a proportionally greater effort.

Rudimentary Telekinesis
With a mere exertion of his will, Türk Filmleri Adam is able to affect physical bodies at a distance, thrusting them away from himself, pulling them in his direction or lifting them from whatever surface they might be resting upon. While the raw potential of this capability is impressive, it is unsuited for any sort of fine manipulation or actions requiring a grip lasting longer than two or three seconds.

Kinetic Armament
Türk Filmleri Adam's costume and weapons, being composed of harmless household materials, are scarcely a combat asset in their own right. However, by surrounding them with a malleable telekinetic field of compressed force and air, their wielder can grant them lacerating edges and sufficient toughness to withstand impacts equivalent to medium-calibre gunfire, though without entirely suppressing the ensuing vibrations. These enhancements require a moderate effort to activate, and last for as long as their generator remains actively conscious of them (thus, rendering him unconscious or entirely distracting his attention would cause them to fade).

Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam
In critical circumstances where his powers should result insufficient to fend off danger, Türk Filmleri Adam may, with a potent application of willpower, temporarily refine his telekinetic capabilities, becoming able to alter matter at a sub-molecular level. While thus empowered, he can atomically translocate his body, effectively teleporting across brief distances, disrupt the structure of inorganic matter, causing items to violently explode, and even concentrate light into blinding flashes. Upholding such a state is tremendously exacting, and it is impossible for a human of average resilience to prolong its effects for more than ten minutes.


Height: 5’7’’

Weight: 172 lb.

Strength Level: Normal Human / Up to about 5 tons with telekinesis

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average


Human, All Too Human
For all his modified “mentotic potential”, Johannes remains a human being, and not an extraordinarily strong or clever one at that. He is no more invulnerable to wounds, diseases and various mishaps than any other person off the street.

The Limits of Faith
A curious aspect of the powers Johannes has been endowed with is the fact that they are fuelled by his own belief in what they can accomplish. Thus, any application thereof of whose success he is not entirely assured will prove ineffectual, even though it might have been theoretically plausible.

Power Tends to Tire
As mentioned, activating Johannes's psychic abilities requires an effort of will. Although the fatigue toll may initially seem negligible, it gradually waxes increasingly draining, and lengthy usage will often leave him exhausted.

Supporting Characters:

Nejat Gucli and Turan Ahmad: Johannes's long-time friends and, more recently, assistants in super-heroic endeavour, Nejat and Turan's characters seem to be pre-ordinately congenial to him and each other alike, sharing the same enjoyment-driven inclinations and cinematographical preferences. The main difference between the two's personalities lies in their attitudes: while Turan is usually more proactive (though this is a comparative term), Nejat bears a pronounced antipathy toward the very concept of effort, though, when hard-pressed, he has demonstrated a certain aptitude for lateral thinking.

The Experimenters: The mysterious beings responsible for abducting Johannes and endowing him with superhuman powers as a result of a not better described process (or “fiddling”, if one is less than lenient). Johannes himself knows nothing regarding them, though he suspects they might be of extra-terrestrial origin, if for no other reason than the outlandish appearance of their machinery.


New Sardis

Located across from Newport, Rhode Island, across Narragansett Bay, New Sardis was once one of the most relevant portual cities in the region. However, failure to modernise and a gradual decline in its position’s commercial importance have led to its progressive decay, moderated only lately by a number of service-providing companies taking an interest in its few, yet noteworthy investment opportunities. Nowadays, New Sardis is infamous for its dramatically under-staffed and ineffectual administration and police force; nonetheless, its legal infraction rate is astonishingly low for mysterious reasons, and organised criminality is limited to a negligible handful of street gangs within its boundaries (though the occasional disappearance tends to arouse suspicions on this matter).
Architecturally, the city reflects its recent erratic and almost haphazard development. Towers of glass and steel are often flanked by anachronistic pre-Edwardian houses, and the few piers still in use lie alongside numerous promontories of decaying wood.

Notable Features:

Saint Albertus Magnus Cathedral: A Catholic anomaly among New England’s sober Puritan temples, this imposing Gothic structure stands in the very centre of the city. Though both the Cathedral and the vast adjoining graveyard ought to be periodically restored by the urban authorities, the latter’s prolonged inactivity has enabled them to fall into such a state of sinister decrepitude that they tend to be fearfully shunned. Upon the Cathedral’s façade one can still barely discern the curious inscription “SOMNVS RATIONIS MONSTRA GENERAT”.

The Docklands: Once the city’s greatest hub of activity, the Docklands have long since degenerated into a veritable open-air slum, where New Sardis’s homeless population gathers in abandoned warehouses and it is deemed unsafe to pass with any valuables upon one’s person, lest these valuables unaccountably disappear. The few intact quays seem to be used solely for Aegis industrial shipments.

Istvan's Dragon: Since the end of World War II, the only enduring criminal element in New Sardis was that of outlaw biker clubs, ranging from free-spirited rebels to brutal thugs. Though local and small in size, they were numerous and, with the gradual decay of the city's police force, their influence became anything but invisible. Somewhere around the late 60's, the notorious drive bar known as Istvan's Dragon came to be, founded by an Eastern European immigrant. Located near in the Docklands, at the back of a small unimportant harbor, said establishment commonly served as a place for negotiations between different clubs, as well as a melting pot of all sorts of characters from the fringes of society over the years, until the eventual bloodbath that occurred in the early 90's. The Istvan Massacre was sparked by the rising tension between two rival clubs, leading to thirty casualties, seventeen of them being otherwise innocent patrons. The bar never recovered, and was left abandoned ever since. Along with the surrounding dock, it is now a sort of no man's land, as unwritten rules render it a sanctuary, prohibiting any sort of violence within it. Even law enforcement is wise enough to respect this condition. Despite its seemingly useful nature, the area remains abandoned, sparking urban legends of hauntings.
(Contribution by @Turbowraith)

“Atlantis” State Aquarium: New Sardis’s only possible tourist attraction, the Aquarium, built on local State funds with the backing of certain private bodies, is fitted with some of the most advanced equipment in its field. This has allowed for some daring experiments, such as the rare success of keeping giant cephalopods in captivity. The investment has proved fruitful, yielding large sums in the guise of admission fees and the sale of assorted merchandise.

Aegis Incorporated Complex: At some distance beyond the suburbs, surrounded by a stretch of forbidding wasteland, lies the ominous black citadel which serves simultaneously as headquarters, production plant and research establishment for the shadowy Aegis Inc. This comparatively young company, specialising in bellic and defensive technology, is said to have rapidly acquired a redoubtable power base, and, despite taking no interest in New Sardis itself, is almost universally dreaded by its inhabitants.

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Sample Post:

For days, the leaden sky which menacingly loomed over them, notwithstanding their steady motion - truth be told, at a velocity which would be deemed unacceptably low whence they had come, owing to the unfamiliar driving practices with which most visiting continentals were constrained to come to grips with - across the rather bleak landscape, had failed to deliver upon its threat of precipitation, which might have prompted them to jot down a note concerning the matter of “dispelling popular misconceptions about...”, had they been ever so rash in making assumptions (which they were) and actually interested in such an endeavour (which they were not). Notwithstanding the lack of sociological aspirations, they had unanimously concluded that the much-reviled Albionic climate might be better, or at least could not be quite so much worse than the only one they had hitherto known.

“Weren’t you thinking the same?” Johannes inquired, without, however, turning to face his companion.
“What?” the latter listlessly replied, in a tone dulled by a lengthy period of sitting and gazing before himself. One could, of course, argue that he had not been effectively doing anything beyond that, but that would probably elicited little more than genuine incomprehension.
“I say, that it has rained the entire time we were in Germany since we left, and some days before that, but not for a single hour while we have been here.”
“And Belgium.”
“It’s also rained in Belgium.”
“Not in France, though.”
“A bit after the border, it did. What were you saying there, again?”
“No, I was saying, it seems to rain less here than in Germany, doesn’t it?”
“Could be. I think it also depends on the season. Don’t you remember we had a completely dry summer in Thüringen?”
“But that’s Thüringen.”

Having thus apparently exhausted their stimulating conversational subject, the pair finally exchanged a weary glance, then simultaneously turned backwards for a brief moment and eyed the sleeping Nejat with a hint of envy. The third member of their diminutive party lay all but sprawled on the back seat of the slightly battered automobile, amid rucksacks and satchels of varying sizes and colours, leaning toward the less tasteful end of the spectrum, with his feet a mere few inches away from resting upon an already abundantly scratched suitcase. His fellow-travellers found this all the more outrageous as he had not in the least contributed to their progress through virtually half of the (semi)continent, nor to the journey from Dover to Southampton, and yet was able to blissfully slumber for a length of time which would have put a sloth to shame, whereas neither Johannes, who steered the unreasonably crammed vehicle, nor Turan, who attempted to navigate their way by cycling through a series of maps, with the predictable result of frequently driving them to meander in such parts as they would never have dreamt of visiting, were able to enjoy a night’s rest without spinning about and repeatedly rising to raise or lower the blinds for some two hours beforehand. The final pause before the ferry boarding could have finally allowed them some respite before nearly a week of struggling against sea-sickness, yet even now they seemed to be unable to do anything but trade inconsequential remarks concerning the weather. How else could it be? The topic of their preliminary plans was already spent, and it was as yet too early to begin actually pondering their execution.

All of a sudden, a rap against the glass by his head startled Johannes from the slumber he had been, in spite of all, drifting into. Not a little irritated, he lowered it and turned to face the whiskered countenance of the customs officer peering from beyond it.
“What is it, my good man?” he asked, not immediately realising that his impromptu usage of a rather colloquial expression had yielded a potentially offensive result. Not that it would have concerned him, but it was somewhat embarrassing for being unintended.
“Excuse me, sir,” the man began quite civilly, probably not being altogether inexperienced in interacting with foreigners, “Your vehicle looks like it might be exceeding the weight limit.” Was its crammed state quite so visible? Most likely. Meanwhile, the boarding queue was beginning to move forth - and they were being detained by this overly zealous, or thus it seemed to him, fellow.
“I assure you that we have passed all necessary controls. Here, we have these tickets they give there. Turan, do you...”
But Turan had drifted away into a tranquil slumber. Curse him, could he think of no better moment? Johannes began hastily rooting through the sheaf of various printed pages - mostly maps - in his lap. Where could he have buried them? Before them, the path onto the vessel was now empty. Ah, that was quite enough. No more of this nonsense.

“Sir, do you have the...”
Johannes abruptly turned toward the mustachioed intruder and, gazing fixedly into his eyes, which made him stagger back in surprise, theatrically raised his right hand, with the palm stretched outwards. This gesture was functionally unnecessary, but what was life without a little flavour? He focused his mental energies upon the figure before him and, almost envisioning the outline of its psychic nucleus, hurled at it a brief sequence of visions - nothing especially astounding, but enough to serve their purpose.

The man staggered, flailing his arms as though he had suddenly lost his sight and were attempting to clutch it before it flew away. Failing to grasp any solid object, he nearly collapsed, but was able to moderate his fall by crouching with what seemed to be a supreme effort. After about a minute, the expression of his eyes grew slightly less wild, and he saw that the potentially overloaded automobile had already vanished beyond the ascension ramp. Rising totteringly to his full height, he waved reassuringly at the other drivers, who were looking at him with some concern, and moved toward his position with quivering steps.

Aboard the ship, Johannes smiled to himself with a hint of triumph. Petty, admittedly, but was life not likewise composed of simple pleasures? His mouth still set in its twisted shape, he let his thoughts hasten forwards. Soon, he would have crossed the ocean, and then the true merriment would begin. A world of adventure lay ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Name
Marie Elizabeth Heartford

White Witch


Speech Color
As Marie / Moccasin
As White Witch / Moccasin
As Holt / LightGreen

Character Alignment
Walking the Line


Character Personality
Marie is a typical, unassuming millennial who, like most her age, follows an ever shifting moral compass. A long-time fan of the occult and current practitioner of Modern Traditional Witchcraft, Marie’s outlook on life is that it should be experienced in whatever manner one so chooses. Of course, being a millennial, Marie tends to side with more liberal ideologies, believing heavily in all manner of civil rights and liberties (including those that affect the supernatural/superpowered communities). She does, however, possess a few quirks and caveats that make her slightly more complex than the average civilian. Despite her outlook on life, Marie is quite the introvert, often finding more pleasure in reading and remaining in solitude than going out for a night on the town. Her looks betray her awkwardness, for while her beauty and sense of style are apparent, she lacks conversational skills and tends to stumble over her words. Whatever social difficulties she may have, Marie is quite the skilled problem solver, able to calmly approach any nonsocial situation. Being a practitioner of witchcraft, Marie has no problem in exacting vengeance when she believes it to be necessary and always has a curse in her back pocket. However, so too does she believe in using power to protect those in need and is more benevolent than she lets on.


To hide her appearance, Marie wears a glamour charm in the form of a necklace that makes her unrecognizable to others. The simplicity of the charm makes it all the more powerful, concealing her true identity from even the sharpest of magical minds.

The White Witch is also equipped with a hand-crafted broomstick with a crooked handle adorned with a small lantern that acts as a spirit vessel for her familiar, Holt.

When not in costume, Marie dawns quite trendy, often over sized, clothing ranging from pastels and gray-scale. She has long, dark hair and soft, rounded, pale features.

Origin Info/Details
As a little girl, Marie had a powerful fascination with all things magical. She adored bedtime stories, fantasy worlds filled with wizards and witches, outrageous fairytales and the like, so much so that she would wander the wooded areas near her family home in New England and sing enchantments of her own design or talk to the trees and the flowers, hoping and praying that one day they might respond. It was during one of these outings that she encountered something that frightened her, something straight from a fairytale, or perhaps a nightmare. Within the sparse foliage stood a tall figure, chest tanned and exposed, legs covered in dark garments with hooves erupting from their bottoms, and a head like goat’s with a candle balanced above its brow. Marie ran, fearing the strange creature, but her curiosity saw her return to the same clearing each day, and each day she was greeted by the same image.

Eventually, she grew brave and began wandering closer to the goat-headed man, each new journey into the forest taking her a few steps nearer, until finally they were close enough to touch. Though the man looked outlandish, it was clear that he meant Marie no harm. She grew more comfortable with his presence and after some time began to see him as a friend. Marie would bring him the occasional gift, a wreath of flowers, a drawing, pastries and sweets, and though he did not speak, he seemed to emanate something that felt like joy or gratitude. This friendship grew, and Marie began to divulge her deepest desires and fears, relating tales of her mundane adventures to him as if he were a diary.

After some time, Marie gathered up the courage to ask the man’s name, and finally, he spoke, or rather, she heard a voice, a deep, echoing voice within her mind that seemed to answer her questions. The being told Marie that his name was Bucca, but he was known by many other names across the world. He told her that he appreciated her company and gifts, and that it was time for him to bestow her with a gift. Bucca raised his arm, extended his finger, and touched Marie’s forehead. For a moment, she felt a slight pain, like a burn, but it was over in an instant. He then removed a large, leather-bound tome from his waist and handed it to her. It was covered in many strange symbols and words that she couldn’t recognize. He told her that with this, she could make all of her dreams come true, she could have whatever she wanted, but she must keep this book a secret from others, lest they think differently of her. Overjoyed, she hugged Bucca and ran back home to read through the strange book.

Within were several charms, enchantments and recipes that could bring wealth, luck, misfortune, bring rain, calm a storm, bind a wind, etc. Marie immediately began performing all the little spells that she could, making her life as magical as possible with what few resources she had. She returned to the forest to speak with Bucca, but for the first time, he wasn’t there. Subsequent trips to the woods would prove uneventful, and Marie never again saw Bucca in person, though sometimes, she believed she heard his voice in dreams.

Now a young adult with a plethora of experiences with magic, Marie realizes that she had encountered a being known to witches worldwide, the “witches god” so to speak, known to religious folk as the Devil. For whatever reason, he had chosen to bestow her with the witch fire, a special connection to the Otherside only gifted to certain practitioners that greatly enhances their magical talents. White Witch formed from necessity. After Marie saw the state of the world, the damages that other powerful individuals had caused, she decided to follow in the footsteps of those that came before her, to become a modern Cunning Woman more powerful than her predecessors. She crafted her costume, moved to Lost Haven, where the strange activity seemed to be the heaviest, and began her career as White Witch whilst managing an occult shop within the city as Marie.

Hero Type

Power Level
City Level (Her powers make her more effective at Street Level, but she certainly has City Level potential.)

  • Witchcraft/Sorcery/Occultism: Marie is a practicing witch with a connection to the spiritual Otherworld, allowing her to exercise her will over this world via the use of incantations, spells and rituals, herbal/alchemic formulas, etc.
  • Shared Soul: Marie is the current incarnation of a witch from the 1500s, giving her limited access to that witch’s knowledge and power. However, given that her former self was a natural witch (one born with an affinity for witchcraft), Marie possesses certain innate gifts and qualities that make her magic more potent and require far less complexity.
  • Spiritual Familiar: Marie possesses a familiar spirit, Holt, who acts as a supernatural servant and aid to Marie. Holt is able to carry out certain magical tasks at Marie’s command with little to no effort on her part. He can also provide Marie with valuable information regarding past/future events (with certain limitations), can appear most anywhere she desires and act as an informant, can travel between this world and the next, and can transform himself to appear as anything Marie might require. Using Holt’s power, Marie is capable of flight upon her broom, which would normally require a mystical ointment to achieve flight.

Strength: Normal Human (May very under the effects of magic)
Speed/Reaction Time: Normal Human (Speed increased to around 20-70 MPH during flight)
Endurance: Normal Human, 2 Hours
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average/Above Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Average-Large (Managing occult shop = discount)

Marie’s magic is slightly stunted in that, while it is more powerful than most mundane practitioners’, most of it (aside from certain conjurations and invocations) requires some physical aspect such as a talisman, charm, crystal, herb, potion, etc., or a spoken incantation which can sometimes be an inconvenience. She is also physically weak given that she is human and untrained in combat.

Supporting Characters
Robin Goodfellow/Puck: A sly demon from medieval times that has since relocated to Lost Haven and set up a magical tavern called The Red Devil. Puck is Marie’s employer and is in the business of magical deals and contracts.

Madalena Hawthorne: A beautiful New Age spiritual, Madalena is Marie’s friend and employer. Owner of the “Shadow of the Moon” occult and curiosities shop in Lost Haven, she has suspicions about the White Witch’s true identity.

Holt: A shadowy familiar that was gifted to Marie by her now deceased friend, Joseph Mathers. Holt acts as a friend to Marie and her magical assistant.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Name:

She known by the names and titles: Trivia (Roman Name), Cthonia, Beldam, Hag/Witch Queen, Queen of the Night, Devil’s Bride, etc.

Immortal / Ageless

Speech Color:

Character Alignment:
Walking the Line (With a tendency to go dark)

Both known and not. As a powerful witch, her form is known to change.

Character Personality:
She is as the gods, a fickle beast whose moods change with the wind. At any moment, she is a beautiful being who lusts for excitement, for revelry and praise. She is as her kin, those blessed with the witch-fire, a creature of the night whose deadly malice rains upon any fool who dares slight her. She is as the shadows and Others, a mysterious force who lurks at the precipice of reality. Her temper is hot like the black tar of hell, her beauty as radiant as the sun, and her mind is a place unlike any other, filled to the brim with knowledge of worlds just beyond man’s reach. Her means and motives are beyond explanation, sporadic and chaotic like her domain.

Most often seen in a form befitting of her origin, Hekate dawns the image of a Greek woman, with dark hair, olive skin, and large, brown eyes. Her features are sharp, telling of her years and wisdom, yet her overall expression is youthful and unassuming. She adorns black, silken garments from eras past, covered in a shawl that flows with otherworldly grace, and fine golden bands, rings, and circlets with diamond fittings. However, as one not bound by time, she must adorn herself with clothes befitting of the modern world, still bearing her physical beauties.

Origin Info/Details:
Hekate is a being not of this world, but one of the world Beyond. She is an Elder Spirit from the Otherworld who embodies its greatest secrets and darkest arts, those of witchcraft. Born of the Otherworld to no parents in particular, her presence was felt most heavily in Greece, where stories of her powers formed and spread, influencing literature, culture, and magical practices.

To them she was a goddess, a being worthy of their praise. She was perhaps the first witch, the one who opened portals to the Otherworld, ushering spirits and demons from her realm into ours, showering the people of that era with many gifts and blessings. So vast was her sphere of influence, so great was her worship that she drew the attention of the other gods, the Athanatoi, great celestial beings from a world all their own. She was respected by them, for they knew her powers were great, and she offered respect in return, offering the gods and their children aid when it was needed. She was beloved by Zeus, who showed her many great secrets of the Athanatoi and offered her a seat among the heavens, an area over which she had no previous sway.

Even as time passed, with the fall of these civilizations whom had held her so dear and the spread of Christianity across Europe, her powers were still felt. Men and women found their way to her in the Middle Ages, offering their devotion in exchange for her powers. She walked among men as peasant, merchant, and nobility alike, heading the night rides of witches across the sky. She married and courted many beings of the Otherworld, who came to be known as Devil by Christians worldwide. Even when her kin were hunted, hanged, and burned, she cast a shadow over them so that the truly guilty might be free of the inquisitor’s gaze, ensuring their safety and the damnation of the “innocent.” When the witch-hunts came to America, so did she, a night hag dressed in black who tormented Puritan hearts.

She is a being of magic, a witch by name and trade, and while not patron to all, she is their predecessor, and she is the most powerful among them.

Hero Type:
Mystic / Supernatural

Power Level:
World Level

  • Witchcraft: Hekate’s is a more powerful Craft, for she need not channel another being’s power, she may channel powers directly from herself and the Otherworld.
  • Teleportation/Manifestation:As a being of the Otherworld, Hekate can manifest her consciousness wherever she pleases and can freely travel between worlds.
  • Immortality: Ageless beauty, timelessness, and the ability to reform her body. If destroyed, her being returns to the Otherworld, where it is reborn.
  • Shape-Shifting: Capable of taking on the forms of animals and men alike.
  • Power Transferal: As a spirit of the Otherworld and a being of magic, Hekate possesses the ability to grant mortal beings mystical powers, creating a link or contract with them that may not be severed, not even by Hekate.

  • Strength Level: 50
  • Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 70
  • Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5 hours
  • Agility: 10X
  • Intelligence: Genius with respect to occult knowledge. Nearly so with respect to all other things except technology.
  • Fighting Skill: Trained
  • Resources: Large / Extreme

Despite her association with them, Hekate is not a member of the Athanatoi and has certain weaknesses tied to her spiritual nature. Her powers are capable of being warded against, though the number of practitioners required to combat her magic number in the hundreds. Though immortal, she is not invincible and can be defeated in close combat with some effort. Her presence is easily felt unless glamoured, making it easy to spot her/track her in this plane. She is also bound by her word, meaning she cannot break contracts with others, though she does find sneaky ways around them.

Supporting Characters:
The Athanatoi: Though her contact with them has waned over the centuries since their departure from Earth, she still has the means to council with them should the need arise.

Circe: A sorceress from Greek myth, daughter of Helios, aunt of Medea, and mother to three sons by Odysseus. Circe, at a point in time, called Hekate her patron, and like the goddess, possesses great powers that keep her from aging. She is stationed on the mythic island of Aeaea, whose whereabouts are unknown and believed to be shielded from mortal eyes.

Medea: A powerful sorceress and early pupil of Hekate, she is most known for her role in helping the hero Jason with his greatest quests, and the subsequent murder of their children and flight from Colchis on the dragon-lead chariot of her grandfather, Helios. As a powerful witch and the granddaughter of one of the Athanatoi, Medea is kept from aging. Her current whereabouts are unknown to all but a select few.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Character you have created: The Vigilante
Alias: Isaac Fontaine

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Regular white on black with bold. Without bold for “thought quotes”.

Character Alignment: Hero with shades of grey

Identity: Secret and paranoid about keeping it so.

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):
Mid-to-late 20s but has been fighting crime in his way for well over a decade. Slight frame but well cut as a former light middleweight amateur boxer in school. Not a big man for someone with his “hobby” – slightly over 6 feet and put in a lot of work just to get to 180lbs – but gets by through intimidation and reputation which leads people to believe he’s a bigger man than he actually is. Was the sole heir to a very wealthy family but lives/eats like a bum – a lot of microwaveable food, and quick-to-prepare meals. Everything about him screams of “Practical over aesthetics” from his straight black costume, to his unkempt appearance in his other life. He’s someone who plans his actions thoroughly, but will often lash out speaking his mind thoughtlessly with little concern for the consequences. That doesn’t mean that he is beyond remorse, merely speaks brashly.

Fontaine is more about effectiveness than style, as such everything he takes/wears has to be justifiable. He wears a black balaclava, generic black tracksuit top and pants, strapped with duct tape at the wrists and ankles to avoid leaving DNA evidence, wears rubber surgical gloves under leather gloves allowing him to remove leather gloves for greater dexterity.

Origin Info/Details:
Born in the mid-80s, his was a remarkable situation. A very rare condition saw his mother’s body treating the foetus as a disease/obstruction, her immune system attacking the baby and leaving the mother dramatically weakened and needing an extremely pre-mature c-section. In what was previously thought to be a zero survival rate case, Isaac Fontaine the miracle baby was born in uncomfortable silence. His nerves fused in such a way as to not allow the sensation of pain to travel through to the receptors in his brain as his body managed to somehow naturally adapt to prevent the foetus dying of shock. Due to disuse and redundancy his brain’s pain receptors atrophied away to nothing. His mother’s body however was ravaged and weakened by the birth, dying in the hospital. Her body died fighting the baby her mind wanted so badly. The father named the child Isaac, as was his mother’s wish and he raised the child as she would want, despite some deep-seeded resentment towards the child for being the cause of death to the woman he loved so much.

The boy and his father would eat at the dinner table with the evening news on in the background, and his father would comment on it with the problems of the day (his father was a brash, opinionated man, just as the son would be – he was also grooming him to one day rise to fill his shoes in the corporate world). A liberal government combined with the news would lead to great rants from the conservative father, about the government being out of touch and needing to crack down on the criminal youth element (gangs and organised crime were becoming increasingly prevalent in Terraria through the 90s-early 2000s). One phrase which was repeated often which would resonate in the younger Fontaine’s ears: “Something has to be done”.
Fast forward a few years, and a young Fontaine is playing soccer, representing his boarding school, the young Isaac was taken out via a slide tackle from a vastly bigger boy from a rival school with a bullying reputation. Isaac got to his feet and shoved the bully who countered by punching Isaac in the face. Isaac had his feet set and took the brunt of the blow, returning fire with a shot that broke his nose and sat the behemoth on his arse. The following season he was urged into boxing as word passed through the school of the soccer incident. That next winter he also moved into rugby as he grew to love the positive response and reputation he got as a fearless, loyal teammate who would throw himself in to play support regardless the odds for success… coming out on top more often than not.
His first vigilante moment came at 16, when he saw an old man get mugged by 5 punk kids who stole his wallet and, seeing that nobody around was looking to oppose them, kicked the old man in the chest and walked away laughing. Fontaine’s dark scowl reflected his posture as he hunched in an intimidating fashion over the wheel. Observed the 5 walk to their car and trailed them back to a house. Fontaine picked off the residents one or two at a time, found the wallet and fled. From the security of his car he saw the wallet had been picked clean of cash, after a brief stop he returned the wallet plus $200 to its rightful owner after knocking on the door and leaving the wallet on the step whilst checking from a safe distance. The old man’s heart dangerously skipped a beat when he found it brimming with currency, but all was well and a hero was born.

A year later his father was mugged and bled out in a backstreet after leaving through a backdoor avoiding current affairs reporters who had been harassing their way to the top due to the poor behaviour of a comparatively lower down representative of the company. With this event a hobby mutated to obsession as his father’s words echoed with meaning now greater than ever.
With access to new wealth from his passing father, an empty house to work towards his fixation and the additional alibi of taking some time off to mourn the passing of his father added to his rapidly improving methods and the cool, fearless head which led to many calling him “Iced veins” Fontaine as an amateur boxer, Isaac now threatens to be the biggest blight on crime yet… if the police and a Premier seeking re-election don’t take him down first.

Now in the last year or so his life has become quite a bit more chaotic... but that isn’t his origin.

Recent Events
Isaac was flung into this universe after interdimensional shenanigans with a device called a “tetherporter” went awry. After using the device once he went to a strange new Earth, where - misunderstanding the instructions that came with the device – he ejected that Earth’s version of himself along with the tetherporter, breaking it in the process. The turmoil to the space-time continuum caused the multiverse to re-shuffle itself, hurling Isaac into an Earth that could more readily handle his presence.

Once everything settled on this new Earth, Isaac found himself getting abducted by a group of aliens who were this sector’s Guardians or Protectors (no exact translation) of the spacetime continuum. Sensing an abnormality in a region where the dominant species had not yet developed the technology to be able to cause the aberration they found.

The aliens explained to him, in a very contemptuous fashion, what had happened. That all organisms have a destiny, a set place and role that can be mapped across all of four dimensional spacetime. That a tetherporter is a simplified device to allow for a safe, “idiotproof” traverse between 2 specific pre-set dimensions. When an organism is off-dimension, their path is held by a thread which pressures the being to return to their own dimension.

Through Isaac’s action, breaking the tetherporter, the odds of his returning to his own universe shrank in proportion to the size of the multiverse.

The multiverse is infinite.

His own actions had severed his “thread”. Isaac Fontaine became a man of no destiny. Destiny was one of the fundemental pillars of magic, as such he was not bound to the laws of magic. A man who lived outside of its purview.

Due to the potential for harm to the spacetime continuum that a being which doesn’t have a set place in the tapestry of destiny, the aliens were going to kill the Vigilante. Until he pointed out that their presence as a force suggested a specific end-date to the multiverse. Why have a devoted force policing spacetime if there was not a legitimate threat to all existence? He was able to convince the aliens to leave him on the “primitive mudball” of Earth (which “hadn’t even achieved the relatively minor civilization goals of solving the energy crisis, perpetual motion engines, lightspeed travel, or war”), as a wildcard to counter the big threat at the end of times that was the reason for their spacetime preservation force. When all things, even the multiverse have a pre-destined end… maybe a lowly being without a destiny could somehow have a use?

The aliens informed him that the universe he had now been thrown into was one that would be best adjusted to his presence. Things may have been a certain way for this universe’s previous version of him that best enable him to fit this universe. As if to highlight that fact, immediately after he’s returned to the Earth he’d receives a phone message from his childhood friend (who also handles his portfolio) Tony Morris; this universe’s version of Isaac had enrolled at LHU (in courses where lectures could be taken from online and his presence on campus wasn’t mandatory) as an alibi and cover story for his vigilante activities and presence in Lost Haven.

Isaac was also present during the Pax Metahumana incident. He has a shaky relationship with Arachne after shooting her with a bolt from his grapple gun whilst trying to determine which was the real Arachne in a standoff with the meta-mimic Effigy.

He is extremely protective of the hero Icon, for reasons which seem to stem from his home universe.

Last we saw, Isaac was attempting to trail Effigy, the sole loose end after the Pax Metahumana event and stumbled upon tape of the group’s leaded Doctor Diplodoc talking with a mysterious unknown old man with a hat and glasses. He was called into the Dean’s office at LHU for reasons thus far unknown.

Hero Type (Select one):
Leans closest to Normal, with slight aspects of muscle, acrobat and intelligence.

Power Level (Select one below):
Going by the level of his actual powers you would say 1. By definition he watches over his home city though.

Powers (Be Specific):
Inability to feel pain. Very minor healing factor that allows him to heal perhaps 50 percent faster than regular people.

A non-conductivity (or immunity, if you will) to magic. “Lucky”. The universe he’s been flung into seems somehow attuned to providing him some level of aid at times… but will sometimes pressure him into situations and places he really doesn’t want to go.

Strength Level: High level human. Pain no factor.

Speed/Reaction Timing: High level human.

Endurance at Maximum Effort: Above regular level human since not held back by pain barrier.

Agility: Held to human level.

Intelligence: Borderline genius intellect by human terms. Particularly suited to his own lifestyle.

Fighting Skill: Heavily influenced by boxing where he gained experience as a high school amateur boxer. Will kick, but generally when opponent is exposed. More power than finesse, will occasionally break his own bones/harm himself trying to take out opponents. Knows some counters in other martial arts but is far from a master in any. Looks to intimidate. Not opposed to inflicting serious injury to self or opponents in combat. Better at fighting against knives than with one himself, since training low and he’s largely self-taught from a decade of crime-fighting. Not a good marksman due to his inexperience/fear of possible harm to innocent bystanders and largely abhors guns in general.

Resources: Large but not obscene to Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark/Danny Rand levels. Family was wealthy as father was banking high-up and left with vast inheritance. Rents numerous places in Lost Haven as “safe houses”, this allows/results in him living in a number of places and not really considering anywhere in this new city home.

Equipment: Nightsticks (previously jimmy-sticks), grappling hook gun/bolt gun (which he carries both piercing bolts and “concussion” dulled-head bolts), “flash-bang” grenades, balaklava, $500 in cash, spare cable/hooks, duct tape. Will occasionally carry light pack with other ordnance/equipment. At this point his equipment largely comes from a single ally (former Colonel “Gunny” Bracken) and what he has taken from criminals.

Weaknesses: Poor marksman, but doesn’t really use firearms anyway. Is very intelligent, but needs it focused to be applicable. Quite (extremely) socially maladjusted; too frequently speaks his mind. Is only human in a world of superhumans. Inability to feel pain results in more serious injuries since he pushes his body to further and further extremes.

A non-conductivity to magic. This swings both positive and negative. Magical allies can not heal him, he can not transport via portals, etc. Likewise swinging both ways is his “Luck”, whilst the universe seems attuned to provide a suitable “fit” for Isaac, life does seem to drag him in all kinds of outrageously ridiculous directions. Directions he’d often rather not take or have to deal with.

What can you bring to the RPG: The same thing I bring every season, Pinky...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Character you have created: The Aquilifer
Alias: Dennis Connolly

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Yellow, Georgia

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret. Not yet public knowledge

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): 24 years of age. Lazy, born-loser. Has a massive inferiority complex to his dead brother and sizeable self-confidence issues. Cares too much about what other people think, compared with doing the right thing. Unemployed, drinks, has partaken in what his mother calls “the pot” and is just completely ill-equipped to inherit the legacy of a super hero...

But other than that he’s a nice enough, personable type. Just not someone you’d trust to loan money too, let alone significant power or responsibility.

Dresses fairly casually usually, although will tend to wear a leather flight suit jacket lined with down to protect from wind-shear with only an emblem of wings over the breast-pocket as evidence of his “eagle-bearer” legacy. An old flight helmet with a decal of eagles wings and jeans when he intends to go into action.

Origin Info/Details:
In the 1920s and 30s the United States had their own golden era of heroic figures. People who would prevent bank robberies, retrieve cats from trees (if asked politely, as all would do in the salad days of yore), put out fires, save people who fell whilst cleaning high rise windows (hey! It happened more than you may think) and otherwise making the world a better place. Whilst never looking to get involved in global politics. (Because, gosh darn it, hard working types had earned those positions and had more experience and were doing the work they were best suited for in those roles).

Then came the ‘30s. And Nazis. The Attack on Pearl Harbor awoke a sleeping giant. And suddenly the U.S. was unable to stay out of the war.

And the earliest heroes suddenly realised where their efforts would best be suited.

Amongst these heroes, was one man. The Aquilifer. Who named himself after the ancient Roman standard bearers who carried the symbol of the eagle. Armed with the Golden Rod, a powerful technological device years beyond anything mankind could surely have devised – possessing a power that surely could have come from God himself, the Aquilifer quickly forged a name for himself as a symbol for justice, righteousness and freedom from tyranny.

Eventually, the good guys won the day. Soldiers, both powered and otherwise came home and returned from making America and the free world safe from rat-zi jackboots, and set to work once more in their role of making the country the best place possible to live. The Aquilifer returned to his home town of Lost Haven and looked to use the Golden Rod to do just that and more. While the Aquilifer set to work in that regard, a gentleman by the name of Alan Coghlan looked to achieve the same goal himself... by providing a new technological renaissance, CoghlanGears grew into a large company coming up with many patents and tremendous innovations that were years ahead of their time.

In the late ‘40s during a battle with one of the Liberty Legion’s great foes, Tempus Flare the Time Pirate several members of the Liberty Legion, including the Aquilifer, disappeared. It was a dark day for the nation and the lost members were honoured in the Hall of Heroes at the Museum of Supers in Lost Haven, which had quite a large representation of members of the group, and in numerous other memorials in cities ranging from New York to Washington D.C.

Strangely it was around this time that the founder of CoghlanGears, Alan Coghlan, also disappeared. Apparently seeking a life of solitude and meditation.

It was with great jubilation that the world saw these missing heroes return in the sixties. It appeared that instead of dying or being lost for eternity in the terrible time tunnel of the Time Pirate, they had merely all “been misplaced” and jumped forward over 20 years until they had successfully taken down the dastardly Tempus Flare.

Many of the heroes struggled to adjust to the changes they had seen in the American culture after their lost twenty years, and many settled down presumably to families or perhaps a well earned retirement. The Aquilifer continued to strive for justice, albeit in an increasingly limited capacity for the following ten years.

Around the same time the elusive Alan Coghlan had been discovered. Due to his unreliable absence over the years his company had moved in other directions from the conscientious board of directors who had assumed control in his stead. A nice suburban house in the Little Ulster quadrant, with a white picket fence and a second chance with the wife he had unthinkably left behind all these years were suitable enough payment for his years work in constructing the company he had abandoned. It was around this time that his wife Margaret fell pregnant to Alan and gave birth to a daughter; Helen.

The ‘70s saw the retirement of the Aquilifer, who had undoubtedly deserved a peaceful retirement after decades of service.

The mid-to-late 1980s saw Helen (now Connolly) Coghlan have her own two children, both sons, named Sean and Dennis Connolly (nee Coghlan).

The early nineties saw a tumultuous period in the U.S. and the world as a whole. Desert Storm, the L.A. riots, Waco and the bombing of the World Trade Center saw a re-emergence of the Aquilifer of sorts. Despite clearly being a different man than the last Aquilifer, this man was a little harder nosed than the last. A different hero for a different age, his methods were at times swifter and more shocking than the previous Aquilifer. However in an age when several heroes were taking more drastic measures in response to darker threats, the Aquilifer was a steadying force and generally not in favour of needless wanton acts of violence.

The Golden Rod saw many changes itself over the years in the hands of this new Aquilifer, and also developed new tricks and uses for the Rod as well as different ways of utilizing its new features.

Meanwhile, Helen Connolly raised her boys through high school in Lost Haven, before moving across the country to Seattle to join her husband who had until this point been putting off starting his own business. Sean was doing well, was Valedictorian and also starting quarterback for his final two years. Sean received several offers from fairly big football schools but chose to stay in Lost Haven, the home he’d always known, because he couldn’t see the NFL being in his future. Dennis... was also still around. Dennis decided to go the junior college route before attending the Rockefeller Community College before eventually getting his degree in English literature. The two boys would remain in Lost Haven watched over by family in the absence of their mother and father.

The modern Aquilifer had a strong determined streak and would push himself to his very limits. But the years started to get to him by the late ‘00s, his fateful inevitable demise came in 2012, where Tempus Flare got his revenge. Traversing through time and appearing out of thin air, attaching a device to the wielder of the Golden Rod whilst the Aquilifer aged to dust on national television.

A private will-reading saw the Golden Rod bequeathed to science, however through what must have been a terrible accident on behalf of the man who was the Aquilifer, he bestowed it on the former owner of CoghlanGears, Alan Coghlan rather than the company itself.

A new, considerably younger Aquilifer appeared almost immediately after the funeral. Presumably after the elderly and disorderly Coghlan misplaced the Rod.

The new Aquilifer was a breath of fresh air, bringing back a sense of joy and whimsy to the role whilst also possessing strength, stature and intelligence. It was his inexperience however that was his downfall after the beloved hero was lured into a trap and slaughtered by Miz Demeanour and the Fel-honeys after Demeanour misrepresented herself as a rape victim. The Aquilifer eventually recognised his attackers but by then it was too late, they had him trapped, outnumbered and were armed and prepared for the specific defences of the Golden Rod.

Sean Connolly was found deceased on the scene and it appears that he had discovered the Golden Rod after his grandfather had misplaced it and had the foolhardy thought that perhaps he could use it himself.

The funeral temporarily brought the entire family together, but the parents have since left back for their Seattle home. The sole surviving son Dennis still resides in Lost Haven with his grandfather.

Few fear Dennis might have similar benevolent thoughts of flying out and changing the world should he ever stumble upon the Rod...

Hero Type (Select one):
Regular human wielder of the Golden Rod. A tech-based “energy weapon” of so-far unknown origin, which is far more than just a weapon.

Power Level (Select one below):
City level/World level

Powers (Be Specific):
The Golden Rod is a tech based energy weapon which has a myriad of uses:
Energy absorption
Anti-gravity fields that allow flight or for objects to be moved/lifted
Defensive force fields
Energy blasts to a range of roughly 75 metres
Heat emission
Light emission
Solid constructs of energy

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human, but the Golden Rod allows him to lift 10 tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human reaction time, able to fly at 400 mph (straight line at a high altitude with no fear of hitting birds) but with a cruising speed of 75 MPH (remember, while the Golden Rod allows him to fly at subsonic speeds, he's still a guy holding onto it with regular human reaction times, so he seldom gets the opportunity to "open up" and push it to it's limits).

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, but the Golden Rod never requires any form of recharging. The upper lengths of it’s endurance falls upon that of the wielder. At this stage Dennis is in somewhat less than peak condition.

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: At this stage untrained

Resources: His own resources are minimal, but he has a supporting benefactor in his grandfather, whose own resources (assets) are average, but his resourceFULNESS is large.

Weaknesses: Psychological – Dennis has large self-confidence and inferiority issues to his late brother,

Has numerous self-destructive bad habits.

Still just a regular guy, who has access to a remarkable tool.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Alan Coghlan, grandfather – Alan was the original Aquilifer, from a different time. Having lost 20 years of his life had a traumatic effect on the old Golden Age hero, and the heavy adjustment to just how much the world had changed in those years have taken their toll. Now more than ever Alan believes the role is necessary... and he’ll mould Dennis into someone suitable even if it kills the both of them.

I’ll list more as the character develops.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

“Mmmm-eah?” he grunts into the phone.

“Oh thank God you’re OK! It’s all over the news!”

“Geez, ma. Calm down, what’s all over the news?”

“Wait, where are you? Are you home? You can’t be home if you don’t know what I’m talking about... Where’s Grampa Alan?”

“Ma, calm down. It’s too early for this. Now slow down. I am home, what’s all over the news?”

“Go check on Grampa Alan...”

“Alright, I’ll check on Grampa Alan. I’m going now, I’ll call you right back.”

“No! Don’t hang u--! Clik”

Dennis threw on some pants and a tee, to make the small trek from the accessory apartment he lived in to the main house which was his grandfather’s. Strange that his mother would call on his cell. It’s an expensive call from Seattle, she’d normally call the house number. But for all he knew, maybe she had and he slept through it. He was a pretty heavy sleeper after a night on the town, so it’s not unheard of that he could have slept through... oh...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Nytefall The Old One

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Theodore Roosevelt

Alias: None

Speech Color: Normal speech.

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: His identity is known, the fact that he's still alive is secret.

Character Personality: Roosevelt is very gung-ho (bully!) and considers himself a man of action. He will not hesitate to do whatever he needs to do to accomplish his goals. His willingness for combat is a front at this point. He needs to fight to feel alive. Long stretches without missions throw him into a state of melancholy. With no family and no friends, he needs something to do to give him purpose and strength. His is a man who needs a mission and without a mission he falls apart.

Uniform/costume: Picture

Origin Info/Details:

Executive Branch Backstory

In 1776, the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence and went to war with Great Britain. In early 1777 General George Washington met with John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, representatives of the Continental Congress, in Philadelphia. With Jefferson was a man from France. The young Gilbert du Motier, known as the Marquis de Lafayette, was a prominent French military office even at his very young age. With Washington was Prussian Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. Both men spoke to the three revolutionaries about an old and powerful society known as the Timekeepers. Made up of the elite thinkers, noblemen, and politicians, the Timekeepers acted as metronome for the entire world, responsible for maintaining the rhythm and natural order of things. It was the Timekeepers that declared that the time of British hegemony in the Americas would begin to end. The colonies would win the war, Lafayette and von Steuben would help them.

In a ceremony in Philadelphia Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were inducted into the Timekeepers order and shown their secrets. The ancient society possessed powerful artifacts of supernatural nature and had access to magic. Using the Timekeepers' tools, the Colonies defeated England and declared their independence. In 1787 Washington was elected president of the United States, Adams his vice-president, and Jefferson appointed secretary of state. As part of the Timekeepers, all three men had been made immortal and given a serum that gave them special abilities. All three faked their deaths at appropriate times and went into hiding in Europe in the early 1800's.

In 1830 the three men discovered the Timekeepers' long and winding plot that would see the United States expand all the way to the Pacific ocean, and then shatter into two separate nations after a long and bloody civil war. The three founding fathers could not bear to see the country they founded destroyed. Defying their society, the men fled Europe and returned to US. They used whatever means they could to stop and delay civil war, influencing politics from the shadows. In 1860 they used their hidden influence to elect a man who would keep the Union together: Abraham Lincoln. They revealed themselves to him and covertly worked with Lincoln throughout the war. The Timekeepers discovered the founding father's treachery and turned on them. Unable to stop the Union from winning the war, they had Lincoln assassinated in revenge. This did not stop the Founders, who used their magic to bring Lincoln back from the grave days after he was killed.

Europe and the powers that controlled it could no longer be trusted. The old world could never govern nor control the new. The four presidents founded the Executive Branch. It served as a clandestine organization that would protect and fight for the United States, her interest, and freedom any place and anywhere. Their ranks are made up of former American presidents and other historical figures, each of them turned immortal in the same way the three founders were. Their long war with the Timekeepers ended after the First World War, when the last remnants of the old and rotten society were swept away in the fiery cataclysm of the war.

Now in 2015, they wage clandestine wars against a variety of threats that include the Secret Soviet Union, the Fourth Reich, and the Roman Republic of Zombies. But something dark and unknown lurks on the outer reaches of the world. A darkness is setting in, and an old power is returning to take control.

Roosevelt Backstory

Theodore Roosevelt was born in 1858 to a prominent New York family. The young "Teddy" had several adventures, from becoming a boxing champion at Harvard to a historian and politician, to cowboy and sheriff's deputy in Montana, before he ventured into public service. He served as the first Commissioner of the New York Police Department and helped the expanding city's police develop into a true metropolitan police force. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy before the outbreak of the Spanish-American War caused him to resign his office and recruit his own cavalry regiment to the fight the war.

As Colonel Roosevelt leading the Rough Riders, Teddy accomplished military victories in Cuba that launched his political career further. He ran and was elected as Governor of New York and began a crusade for public reform. The powers that be in New York became scared of Roosevelt and out-maneuvered him by having him nominated as Vice-President under incumbent William McKinley, tossing Roosevelt out of the governor's mansion and in a meaningless post for four years. An assassin's bullet changed everything.

When McKinley died, Roosevelt became President and pushed forward with the rapid expansion of American military and industrial might, as well as reform in industry, government, and business. He finished McKinley's term and was reelected in a landslide. He decided not to seek a third term and handed the ball to his good friend William Howard Taft. Roosevelt in retirement watched Taft's presidency with a critical eye. He judged that his friend has mismanaged the cause of the Progressives and decided to run for president again in 1912 as a third party candidate in the "Bull Moose Party" the bitter election between Roosevelt and Taft caused the two men to split the Republican and Progressive vote, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to be elected.

Roosevelt watched powerlessly while Wilson guided America into the First World War, a role he believed he should have done. His failing health only worsened when he learned the devastating news that his youngest son Quentin's plane had been shot down over France. The man who had always loved the thrill of combat had the brutal truths of war brought home to him. He died less than a year later at the age of sixty.

Shortly after the war the Executive Branch exhumed his body and brought him back to life. Immortal and reinvigorated, Roosevelt tried to work his way out of the loss of his son. As an operative he participated in OPERATION: SCAR in Chicago to root out occultist bootleggers in 1924 and OPERATION: DAGGER STEADY in 1936 involving the growing mystic powers of the Nazi Thule Society. During the outbreak of the Second World War Roosevelt was active in all theaters, from stealing the German Enigma Code with Abraham Lincoln to battling a Japanese sorceress with his old rival Taft. After the collapse of the Third Reich and the retreat of the Fourth Reich, the Executive Branch dug in to support freedom during the long Cold War with the Soviet Union and their counterpart to the EB, the Heroes of Lenin.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of terrorism as the main concern of the day means that Roosevelt and his colleagues have had to change up their way of doing things to protect the world from threats.

Hero Type: Normal

Power Level: Street Level

Powers: None

Attributes: Roosevelt is an expert marksman with his fabled elephant gun as well as a skilled combatant in a variety of hand to hand fighting styles. Executive Branch training has also given him proficient espionage and spycraft abilities.

Strength Level: Normal Human.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: Roosevelt is immortal and cannot die of old age or disease, but he can be killed.

Supporting Characters:

Franklin D. Roosevelt - Theodore's cousin, director of operations for the Executive Branch
Abraham Lincoln - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
John F. Kennedy - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
Andrew Jackson - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
Fredrick II "Fredrick the Great" - Former Timekeeper grandmaster, Roosevelt nemesis
Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Soviet Sniper, Secret Soviet Union agent, Roosevelt love interest
Richard Nixon - Executive Branch's resident mage and mystic expert

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

MacArthur Island
South Pacific
13:33 Local Time

"What a scoundrel," Theodore Roosevelt snarled. "The audacity, the sheer hair-brained folly of it all."

The 26th president paced the floors of the small cell he found himself in while the 16th president sat on the cell's cot with his legs crossed. The enclosure's six by eight feet space made it a tight space for the two men, especially when one man was of Lincoln's height and one of Roosevelt's girth. While Roosevelt paced and grumbled, Lincoln breathed slowly and closed his eyes. His many years on the planet had opened his mind up to new experiences and ideas. The idea of meditation was one of those ideas he fully embraced when he learned of it. The truth was he had been doing something similar to meditation all his life without knowing what it was. His ability to slow down and think a crisis over rationally helped him through the Civil War and the adventurous years that followed.

Men like Theodore and MacArthur thrived when they had the initiative, they needed to be engaged in activity lest they stop and have to face doubts and second guesses within their own mind. For Abraham Lincoln, those voices needed to be faced. It was only until a problem was observed from its many sides could a plan of action be surmised. It was better to be a little slow and make the right choice, then to rush into disaster.

"Mr. Lincoln?!" Roosevelt said loudly. "Are you paying attention? Only we can stop MacArthur's Mongol hordes from rampaging across the globe and ushering in a new age of barbarism controlled by that buffoon and all you can do is yoga?! My God, man, the time has come to save the world. You are a Republican, Mr. Lincoln. Act like it!"

Lincoln opened his eyes a smidge and smiled at Roosevelt through half-closed lids.

"When I was a circuit lawyer in Illinois some years ago, I defended a man who had been accused of stealing his neighbor's chickens. The neighbor got up on the stand and railed about how we saw the accused hanging around his home the night of the theft, about how the accused was eating many chickens over the next few days..."

He searched through the pockets of his suit and vest coat as he spoke, ignoring the annoyed look on Roosevelt's face.

"But I asked him, 'Mr. So-and-so,' I can't rightly recall his name, 'Mr. So-and-so, did you see the defendant steal those chickens?' And he said 'No, but I know my neighbor and he is a scoundrel of the lowest quality--' and I cut him off and said 'Assumption has no place in a court of law, Mr. So-and-so. You have no proof.' Well...," Lincoln flashed a smirk. "I trotted out a bunch of character witnesses. This man was a God fearing man, a community pillar, a man who was seen by many as a leading light in the time... and I lost the trial anyway, the jury didn't give a hoot about assumption or character. This pillar of the community was forever known as a chicken thief. Point of the story is this, you think you know someone, but you don't. You never really do, I suppose. MacArthur thinks he knows us, but he doesn't. Even though he's made a career out of analyzing an opponent's mind, he still does not know us fully--"

With a rip on his suit vest, Lincoln pulled a small item sewn into the cloth. He held up a lockpick into the dim lighting of the jail cell.

"And he has no idea of our little tricks."


The compound guard strolled down the corridor at an easy and slow pace. He felt a yawn come on and went to stifle it when a large hand wrapped itself around his mouth while another powerful hand grabbing his shoulder. The unseen attacker tossed him hard against the side of the wall and knocked the man unconscious before he could even scream. Lincoln searched the man and came up with a radio, a combat knife, and an automatic weapon he tossed to Roosevelt.

"What is the plan, sir," Roosevelt asked as he examined the weapon. Lincoln rolled his sleeves up past his elbows and slipped the guard's radio into his back pocket. The knife he palmed and felt the weight of the weapon.

"I will try to find the communications center of this facility and radio Franklin back at Rushmore."

"I believe I shall make a beeline for that lovely room where the Khan is being held."

"Always eager to lock horns with a Mongol warlord?" Lincoln asked with a smirk.

Roosevelt's face broke out into his large grin as he said, "Far and away the best prize life has to offer is the chance to beat an enemy in dire need of a good beating."

"Bully," Lincoln said as he disappeared down the corridor away from Roosevelt.

"Bully, indeed," Theodore said as he went in the opposite direction.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Katherine Annabelle Königin




Crescent City, California


City - World

Katherine Königin is a conventional girl who has always had people gravitate towards her but she can be described easily and rather straight forward in general— she’s a prototypical youthful teenager with long blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes, soft complexion, average height, and a modest physical appearance that is still in the teenaged years of development. But even taking that into account there is something else about her that most people don’t notice; a darker presence following her and perhaps one that has made her expressiveness dulled and give an appearance of someone who is very world weary despite her young age and generally bright demeanor. However as inherent as this is it is also one that sits beneath half-hearted smiles and a warm yet friendly aura.

When transformed into a magical being this facade is dropped completely as scowls, furrowed brows, and aggressive expressions follow Katherine into battle. The cosmic energy also changes her appearance as well as radiating a presence that negates any outlook that this white-haired girl has any similarities to Katherine Königin. Beyond this presence and cosmetic changes to her natural appearance her transformation also changes her to bear the traditional garb of the wards of the Celestials with long fantastical coats, scattered armaments, and regal embroidery. Her long hair that is generally kept long as Katherine is also tied up in a ponytail with a fantastical bonding stringing it all together.

A few years ago, Katherine was the average girl from Crescent City— idealistic, cheerful, and optimistic. But in the time since the ever-smiling exterior of the teenaged woman has shifted into ingenuity; as if behind her now half-hearted smile exists a girl who is burdened by life and the consequences of the world she lives in. A case that is definitely true. In the present day, Katherine is more of a cynical realist who looks to everyone with a gaze of distrust and wary discontent. However, beyond her cynicism, angst, dread, and other pessimistic traits there is still the same person there was before her mother’s murder occurred in some part. Her confident bravado, sense of humor, and dedication to what she cares about is all still very present. Though some of these traits have been twisted by her experiences as a superheroine as evident by her streak of overbearing arrogance in not only her role as a protector but in her day-to-day mundane life. As she moves forward in her life she feels weary of her attachments to her “old self”; a fact that she reflects on daily as she remembers it was Katherine before the contract was the one who failed her mother and needed the powers she so desired that have burdened her since.

But despite the burdens placed upon her shoulders, she is not completely hopeless nor does she believe in that the world can be changed— she just has misgivings about who she is protecting and their own sinful souls that reside behind a facade of innocence; because there are few who are truly innocent. Even then, Katherine has sworn not only through her contract but to herself that she would protect others from a fate they don’t deserve, that senseless loss and death will not be accepted by her hands.

By all appearances, the childhood of Katherine Königin was one of unremarkable mundanity— never could she imagine what sort of responsibilities would fall on her shoulders when she became sixteen years old and her life would begin to take a dramatic and extraordinary turn that would change everything she had ever known. Katherine was born in Crescent City only a few days after the bells of the new millennium rang and was raised by her parents in what could only be described as an “idyllic” environment in a upper middle class suburban neighborhood that had little strife and issues to speak of; a sort of perfection that Katherine and her friends would jokingly call plastic and fake for the majority of their childhood as they explored without worry of consequence. Despite this though Katherine was not naïve in her upbringing nor was she snobbish like many others in the neighborhood; a reality that was due in part to the parentage of her father, Detective Jonathan Konigin, who molded Katherine’s morals and ideals from the onset alongside his morally-inclined wife who worked as a nationally regarded medical practitioner and socialite.

But despite all of the “perfection” that existed in Katherine’s childhood, it wasn’t to last forever. Whilst at a High School theatrical production where Katherine played the lead role a tension began to fill the air and not one from her prospective performance but rather on what was to come that she couldn’t at the time possibly be aware of. This was also be significant as it was the first time she would cross paths with the celestial alien lifeform known as Queon, though she would write off such appearance as her imagining things until their first real meeting several weeks later. Harboring an interest in Katherine, Queon had found himself interested with the girl’s moral compass, cosmic potential, and the tragedy itself that had prevented her mother from attending the play— the tragedy that had prevented her mother from surviving a chance encounter with a man outside the hospital of which where she worked; a man that had driven a knife through her throat.

The loss of Dr. Priscilla Königin was one that drove a wedge in the consciousness of the family; not only because of the sudden loss of the optimistic and idealistic matriarch of the family but also the brutality and ruthlessness of the murder itself. Katherine was appalled by the vicious crime, her younger sister was shocked by the happening, and her father was furious— all understandable emotions to feel regarding the situation they had been forced to experience. Dedicated by solving his wife’s murder, Detective Jonathan Konigin worked around the clock to pick up the pieces through dedicated investigative police-work where he and his team of fellow homicide detectives and forensic scientists began putting together the pieces. Tracking everything back to a young eccentric Silicon Valley-type millionaire by the name of Patrick Wells the long process of arresting and proving the murder was on Wells’ hands became the principal issue as Wells’ lawyer had evidence thrown out as circumstantial, poked holes in the prosecution’s arguments, and cleverly fabricated evidence that “proved” Wells was innocent. The police worked faster and harder, but ultimately the case was thrown out as a mistrial due to several factors and the millionaire savant walked freely and smugly that he got away with it.

The victory of Patrick Wells is what caused Queon to appear before Katherine in the darkness of the night. It was here that the celestial being proposed several pragmatic questions as he explained to her what he was and why he was on the planet Earth— and why he needed Katherine’s help. And that is where Katherine’s story begins.

Celestial-imbued Physiology: The cosmic beings simply known as “Celestials” have been monitors of the universe since time immaterial and as such have taken wards of various species to be their guardians, sentinels, and wardens against various threats on a galactic level. As the ward of a celestial, Katherine is imbued with cosmic energy to become effectively superhuman. These abilities are vast and can be summed to various effects such as god-like strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, and restorative abilities.

  • Superhuman Strength: Katherine’s strength level varies on her concentration, stamina, and endurance but ultimately it is safe to assume she is on par with what she tends to fight as a general rule. Her strength allows her to punch through concentrated steel, throw automobiles almost effortlessly, and possibly hold up at least two-hundred thousand tons of weight for a short duration of time.

  • Heightened Reflexes: The cosmic energy that runs through Katherine has gained her heightened reflexes so she can react quicker and faster when dodging enemy attacks as well as perceiving situations around her more efficiently. While she doesn’t have a “sixth sense” or anything of the sort it is described that her predecessors could perceive monstrous attacks fast enough to react to dodge them.

  • Levitation: Using the cosmic energy within her Katherine can levitate in the air giving the appearance of flight as well as move at various levels of speed when being imbued with enough energy to allow her to levitate— though the harder she pushes herself the more stress it will put on her.

  • Healing Factor: Katherine can recover from various wounds after a time of recovery; though such restoration of her vitality cannot be achieved within her “active” form.

While the abilities gained from being linked with a cosmic being have fundamentally given Katherine superhuman abilities it does come with several critical flaws, weaknesses, and limitations with most notably being that of her stamina and endurance as well as her mental state. In short Katherine is not invulnerable by any definition as a various amount of damage can be placed upon her by various effects— in the end she is still just an altered humanoid who can feel pain, bleed, and potentially die from exertions from other beings. Ultimately when her cosmic energy is depleted and her soul destroyed there will be no possibility of her recovering from any wounds.

Queon of the Celestials: The cosmic being that Katherine made her contract with and her mentor in her newfound mission against the Abyssals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: Lisa Hernandez

Alias: Subject GE-04

Speech Color: Blue

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Lisa doesn’t remember anything before her Meta transformation. She is wary of everyone, and will lash out if she feels threatened or startled, with often disastrous results. She doesn’t have much of a moral compass, and makes little distinction between right and wrong, having forgotten important lessons about justice and equality from her old life. She has no concept of personal space once she recognizes someone as nonthreatening, though hates being touched if she hasn’t initiated the contact first. She is very gullible once she thinks she can trust someone, though only remains loyal for as long as her new ally can keep her interested. In calmer moments, she likes to stare at the sky and nature. Nighttime, dark colors, and silence relaxes her the most.

Origin Info

Born and raised in Chicago, Lisa Hernandez had a perfectly normal childhood: her parents were loving, and had money to spend considering she was their only child. Lisa fostered a deep love for painting from an early age, and, after receiving a Hispanic scholarship from Lost Haven University, was well on her way to fulfilling her dream of becoming a professional illustrator. She worked hard in college, enough to catch the eye of one of the younger biology professors. Dr. Gregory Toothman was the talk of the science department, and soon swept Lisa off her feet. She graduated, and not long after, married Dr. Toothman. His connections opened up opportunities Lisa couldn’t have dreamed of, and while she was working happily in her dream career, he was making a name for himself in the scientific community of Lost Haven.

With the help of a new, better-paying job working for a private company, Dr. Toothman bought his new wife a large home in the suburbs outside Lost Haven. Lisa was pregnant, and after giving birth to their son Thomas, was happy to work from home and take care of the baby. Soon her baby became an energetic little boy, who was always happy to greet his father after his long absences on the job. Lisa had stopped trying to glean any information from her husband about what he did at his job, and was content to live her life without ever knowing. She became pregnant again, and this time she had a daughter named Maria. Dr. Toothman had been gone for days leading up to Lisa’s labor, and she was alone in the hospital while she recovered.

She returned to an empty house. Upset by her husband’s absence, she entered his office, determined to know at least something about the career that forced him to miss his daughter’s birth. She found more than she bargained for--files on several people dubbed simply “Subject”, charts attached to some of the files that mapped their status over time. The worst of it was the samples: tiny vials filled with blood, but some of the samples were near-black, and moved slower in their vials. It was disturbing, like something out of a science fiction movie. She left his office quickly, and said nothing to her husband when he returned. But those files and samples gnawed at her with a question she’d been asking herself for years, and finally she needed an answer. She planted a simple tracker into Dr. Toothman’s car, and traced it to the countryside beyond Lost Haven’s city limits. The tracker went dead just minutes before she could meet its location, and before she could turn back and go home, her car was ambushed, and she was captured.

She awoke to a sterile table, doctors, scientists, and needles.

The years wore her down. She accepted her fate after a while, and hoped one of the many tests she was put through daily would eventually kill her. She forgot the faces of her children, her parents, and her husband. After a while, she forgot her own face. Then her name. She was only another subject, GE-04, a designation tattooed on her body like a brand.

The scientists seemed pleased by her reactions to the serum they pumped into her every few months. She could feel her body change over that time, her baby fat disappearing, replaced by muscles she never knew she had. After years of hell, her last day seemed like any other. She was wheeled into a familiar operating room, her arms and legs bound by huge cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She didn’t flinch when they injected her with more serum, needle after needle in different places. A tingling began in her chest before it spread, out and out, burning, melting her down to nothing, until she was blinded by the scorching rays. In the distance she felt her husband’s presence and heard her children’s voices, somewhere beyond the pyre, beyond the room.

When she awoke, she was running. Desperate, nameless, lost. The world was a blur of darkness and pain. She had no idea from where or to where she was running, only ran, faster and faster, until the loud noises stopped and she could rest.

Hero Type: Brick/Psychic

Power Level: World Level


Evolution: GE-04 has yet to metabolize the last of the serum, and as such her powers are not yet at their full potential. As certain catalysts and stressors are introduced, her full strength, speed, and other attributes will be realized. ((Note: I'll only introduce the range of her powers that were accepted the first time I submitted my CS. Any additions that weren't originally accepted will be cleared with a GM beforehand.))

Empath: Subject GE-04 can tap into the minds of others and read their thoughts. Currently, she cannot control or direct her power, and indiscriminately picks up on the surface emotions of others in a disorienting mess. The harsher the emotions, the more agitated she becomes. Yellow-white light sparks from her eyes, shining brighter as she pushes her power further.

Endurance: Few things can actually harm GE-04. Bullets crumple against her skin like spitballs, poison is metabolized as smoothly as candy, and disease doesn't seem to affect her in any way.

Super-Speed: GE-04’s maximum running speed currently clocks in at around 300 MPH.

Rudimentary Flight: If GE-04 focuses, she can float. Having only recently discovered this power, she can move neither quickly nor meaningfully in any direction but upward. If her focus breaks, she will fall.

Attributes (Currently)

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 lbs

Strength Level: 20 Tons

Speed Level: 300 MPH

Reaction Time: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 1 hour

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: In her current state, she can barely control her psychic powers, and the feeling of unwillingly probing strangers’ minds causes her great distress. She has difficulty reading the minds of other Metas. She also doesn’t know her own strength or speed, and can bash into buildings or break things if she isn’t extremely careful. She's weaker to attacks utilizing superheated flame, plasma, extreme cold and the like, while supremely high-voltage electricity and strong magic are potent methods of incapacitation. She can’t break her wrist cuffs on her own, which deliver an agonizing shock if tampered with. She's easily distressed by the sight of blood.

Supporting Characters

Dr. Gregory Toothman
Lisa’s ex-husband. A scientist working for Gene Co’s Black Project branch. Has cut all ties with his former life.

Thomas Carver
Lisa’s son. Eleven years old. Adopted into a family with his little sister. Doesn’t realize his parents are alive.

Maria Carver
Lisa’s daughter. Seven years old.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character you have created:

Alias: Jaden Maxwell

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Aqua

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Jaden is for all intents and purposes a rather easygoing and calm individual. He enjoys life for what it is and tries not to worry too much about the future. Growing up with his Aunt and Uncle bestowed on him the values of hard work and independence, as such when he commits himself to something he tends to see it through, regardless of the consequences. Being a fanboy of anything related to anime or video games, when he runs into someone who shares what he is into, he can get surprisingly passionate and ecstatic, to the point that he briefly stops acting his age.

Inspired by the comics he read growing up, he has a strong sense of justice and morals and tries to see the good in people along with being willing to stand up for those who can't do so for themselves. He does not want to see anyone else suffer the tragedy of lost loved ones, but that does not mean he is blind to the real world either. He is aware that unfortunate things happen regardless of what one does in life but does not see that as a reason to do nothing either.

He does have a fun-loving side to him too, sometimes using his power to pull off jokes or pranks on his friends all in good fun.

Uniform/costume: Back when he was human, his appearance was that of a young fair-skinned man with jet black hair in a crop cut with brown eyes and weighing around 200 pounds. He stood about 5 foot 10 inches and typically wore clothing that fit the climate, such as tank tops and shorts during warmer months and baggy pants and sweatshirts during the fall and winter.

Thanks to being transformed into a living plant, Evergreen is capable of morphing himself into a wide range of plant-based appearances. Here are a few examples:

Origin Info/Details: Jaden had, for the most part, a normal upbringing growing up. He was born to a loving Mom and Dad who took good care of him for the first few years of his life and he had an Aunt and Uncle who thought the world of him that he frequently visited on the weekends or during the holidays. However, when he was about 7 years old...tragedy struck.

One night, he was at his Aunt's place watching cartoons when the phone rang. His Aunt went to answer it only to drop the dish she'd been drying in horror at what the police man on the other end had told her. Mr and Mrs Maxwell had been on their way home when a drunk driver slammed into them, killing both parents at once. Needless to say, it was like Jaden's entire world had come crumbling down in the course of just one night.

After the funeral, Jaden was taken in by his Aunt and Uncle and it quickly became evident that despite the fact that they treated him well, that life was not going to be easy since both relatives were in their elderly years and they did not have too much money. As such, Jaden had to learn at a young age to pitch in and be self-sufficient, helping his folks around the house and gradually learned skills such as cooking, cleaning dishes and even pulling weeds out of the garden. It didn't help that they ended up having to move twice even before he got into high school.

Life was difficult but it wasn't bad by any means as the young lad excelled in his classes and enjoyed helping others with their work. He took on a part-time job at one point to help his folks too. Of course, he sometimes let himself get lost in video games and anime as he got older. Eventually, he graduated from high school to the delight of his Aunt and Uncle and seemed to have a bright future ahead of him.

However, that's when his life took a most unexpected turn. During one summer, he took part in a field trip set up by a club he use to be part of that were planting trees in an area that had recently been decimated by a wildfire. During the program, Jaden caught sight of a bear cub that had slipped into the water and was now heading down the stream towards a waterfall. Without thinking, he risked his life to save the cub and return it to its family. Despite not thinking much of it, someone else took notice of his act...

That night, he was visited by a voice in his dreams. The voice introduced itself as Gaia, Spirit Of The Earth. It had watched the man's act and, despite its usual indifference towards humans, had been intrigued by his selfless act despite the fact he had risked his life and got no reward out of it. He explained that he didn't do it for a reward but because it was the right thing to do and that he didn't want anyone else to endure the pain of lost loved ones.

Growing ever more intrigued with him, the spirit handed him what she called the "Seed Of Gaia" and that she would give him the chance to prove to her that humans and the Earth could co-exist together. With that, the dream ended...Jaden thought no more of it.

One night though, he was in his room, doing some reading when he heard a commotion downstairs. Going to check, he saw several men in black suits ransacking the place while holding his Aunt and Uncle at knife point.

For a brief moment, he felt like a small boy all over again, like history was about to repeat itself...but not if he had anything to say about it. When the men saw him, they shot the young man on the spot...only for his wound to heal up within seconds, causing all those present to freeze in shock. Anger fueling his actions, Jaden's power activated and vines broke through the windows and floorboards, disarming the men and slamming their bodies against the walls over and over again with enough force to shatter the plaster.

However, just when it looked like he was ready to do the unthinkable and take their lives...his Aunt and Uncle's voices brought him back to reality. He collapsed to his knees, sobbing and wondering what he had become. His folks consoled him as the would-be murderers were taken into custody, likely traumatized for life by the ordeal. The police asked questions but nobody was in the mood to give the actual story.

After having some time to calm down, and being reminded that his Aunt and Uncle still loved him, it was decided that he needed to learn control since the world was likely not ready for an individual like Jaden. As such, the next week or so saw him practicing with his new abilities and growing quite adept at them. His body underwent more changes until he instinctively created a new identity for himself to go with his new form.

It was around this point that an event happened that awoke his inner hero and made him realize that his powers were meant for bigger things. A powerful Fae had come to his town by the name of Glastig and, true to the myths surrounding her, went about luring in unsuspecting men and draining them of their blood, leaving lifeless corpses in her wake, meant to gather strength as her followers constructed the pieces for a gate that would open a way to the Fae Realm and allow her army to come through.

After several close calls, and having his family's lives endangered, Evergreen cornered and exposed Glastig, in the process destroying the gate and closing one of the links to the Fae Realm for good. One lengthy battle later, Glastig was defeated. Evergreen refused to kill her...but that didn't mean he or Gaia let her off the hook either.

In an event that still haunts him, Gaia, manifesting physically, transformed Glastig into a plant entity...and then Evergreen transformed the fallen Fae into a tree for the rest of her days. Victory was his...but at the price of never again reclaiming a normal life.

For a time, things went well. Jaden kept his identity a secret. He used his powers to secretly bring life and prosperity to neighboring farms and communities, sometimes travelling further to places that needed him. Of course, he always felt like there was more he needed to do...

Gaia heard his wish and informed him of more places with potential gates, namely a place called Lost Haven that was emitting huge amounts of magical energy. So, with his family's blessings and using a cover of a Herbs and Medicine shop, Jaden left his town behind and headed off to Maine...

What changes to the world will he bring as Gaia's Champion? Only time will tell...

Hero Type (Select one): Elemental

Power Level (Select one below): World Level (Potential for Cosmic Level depending on development)

Powers (Be Specific):

Plant Manipulation: The power to control any and all plants and forms of flora within an area. The uses for this power are vast and varied, giving it immense versatility and almost unrivaled destructive power if misused. His abilities are broken down into Passive and Active:

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10 Tons (When using constructs, can go up to 100 tons)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 80 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours.
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Despite the enormous power and potential at his disposal, Jaden has a number of weaknesses, mainly related to his new physiology.

Element-based Weaknesses: Extreme Heat, Extreme Cold, and Lightning-based attacks are all quite effective against Evergreen, to the point they can even inhibit his Healing as long as he remains too close to the source of the attack. They are also much better at destroying his constructs than simple slashing or shooting. Even being in the general vicinity can make Evergreen quite uncomfortable. Lightning is particularly bad as it tends to leave him paralyzed for a short while afterwards.

Some of his abilities are only effective on creatures that are alive and have exposed skin. If Evergreen were to, say, use Poison on a machine, it would be useless since it is not an organic creature.

Supernatural creatures seem to have an innate resistance against things like poison and could likely expel it if left alone long enough though still be left very uncomfortable.

Sun and Water Dependence: Although Evergreen is powerful, much of his strength derives from his link to the natural world, namely the Sun and Water. Although he can operate for an extensive
period without them, he still needs to keep hydrated and so, being kept out of the light or away from water for a long enough period will start to slowly strip him of his strength and will to fight. His
constructs become easier to break and he heals only half as fast as he normally does.

Morality: Evergreen, being an extremely moral individual, does not enjoy using the more dangerous aspects of his power, even if they would make jobs easier, mostly due to risk of turning
into the very thing he wishes to stop and the chance of massive collateral damage. As such, fighting him in a populated area means he is more likely to hold back than he normally does.

Supporting Characters: Adrian Maxwell: Jaden's Uncle. Runs a store tailored to the maintaining of anything garden-related. A
rather tall, well-built man who at first seems rather imposing but actually has a big heart and values his loved ones and his work.

Laura Maxwell: Jaden's Aunt. A kind, sweet woman but at the same time not somebody you want to cross and more than willing to put her foot down if she feels something is going too far. She was even the one who taught Jaden to fight for what he believes in. Despite the changes happening, she and her husband trust Jaden to do what is right and make a difference.

Gaia: The spirit of the Earth itself and the one responsible for giving Jaden his powers and mission. She watches over and protects all life but in recent decades her power has started to wane due to pollution and humanity's wasteful ways and as a result she has begun to lose her faith in them and distance herself from them and their affairs. Despite this, she is willing to give Jaden a chance to prove her wrong.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 20 days ago

Character you have created: Henry “Hank” Hightower

Alias:The Prophet

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): N/A

Character Alignment:

Identity: Mostly Secret

Character Personality: The Prophet is a good leader. He is more than happy to lead by example, from the front lines. He is able to inspire unquestioning loyalty in his men, which in turn gives him a cult-like following amongst them. He was a life long military man, as was his father before him, and his grandfather before him, and is a strong believer in discipline. He does not suffer failure or excuses, but is not totally unreasonable. He is a man driven by two things, revenge and greed. He will do whatever it takes to reach his goals, and has no problem with collateral damage.

In uniform:

Out of uniform:

Tattoos: The Prophet has several notable tattoos. On his right forearm “Revelations 13” appears, referencing the biblical book of revelations which describes the beast of Seven Heads and Seven Horns rise up out of the seas.

On his left arm the words Death, Deceit, and Wisdom appear in Islamic text. Each word is parallel to the next, and run from elbow to wrist.

On the palm as well as the back of each hand, the Stigmata Wounds suffered by Christ on the cross appear.

Origin Info/Details: Hank Hightower was always a little different. He was always stronger than the other kids in school, and he was always just a bit quicker. He also always seemed to heal faster from injuries. Because of these factors, he was a star on his high school football team and a bit of a local hero in the small town of Acton California. When he graduated from high school, he decided to forgo a college education and enlisted in the army. Though many in his town did not understand, they believed that he could get a top notch education if he just accepted one of the many football scholarships that he’d been offered. However, it was an easy choice for Hank. He came from a military family, and he never saw any other type of life for himself.
When he enlisted, he was subjected to a physical, which was par for the course. However, he was surprised when he was approached by Captain Thomas Carson to undergo additional tests. When he asked why he was being selected for this, he was told that everything would be revealed in due time. Hank underwent several tests, blood and tissue samples were taken. He also underwent a number of physical tests, which tested his strength and reaction times. When the tests were finished, it was revealed to Hank that he had not only passed the tests, but he was selected for a new unit that was made up of “enhanced” individuals. He was also selected to test new equipment, such as the new SBXL53 Predator power suit. The suit not only enhanced his natural abilities, but it allowed him to blend into his surroundings as well as offering him added protection from enemy fire.
Over 8 years, his unit had been on many missions around the world. They had been sent into hotspots all over the globe and conducted operations ranging from disrupting South American drug cartels to eliminating terrorist organizations in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
It was on one such mission which sent Hightower and his unit to Chechnya to disrupt a terror cell with ambitions to detonate a dirty bomb in Times Square that Hightower and his commandos learned that the terrorists that they were sent to terminate were in fact bankrolled by the Pentagon.
After he and his men dispatched the terrorists, a second black ops team entered the fray and attacked Hightower and his men. The ambush was expertly executed, and Hightower’s unit was taken down man by man. Hightower himself barely survived the attack, having escaped by throwing himself into the Terek River and allowing its raging waters to carry him to safety.
Hightower spent the next several years on the run, moving through Europe, before finally returning to the United States under an assumed name. However, when he returned home, he found that nothing was as he had left it. While he was away, his wife had died of a rare genetic disorder, and his daughter had become a ward of the state. With no one to tie him down, he continued the work that he had begun in Europe, putting together a team of enhanced soldiers. However, this time, he and his team would not work for the US government, instead, he would form a core team of mercenaries to do the bidding of the highest bidder. The newly christened Black Tide quickly became a feared and respected paramilitary unit which earned a reputation for getting the job done. Not only did Hightower establish Black Tide as one of the world’s elite mercenary outfits, but a profitable criminal enterprise as well.

Hero Type (Select one):
Other- Brick/Muscle/Tech

Power Level (Select one below):

Powers (Be Specific):
Enhanced strength, enhanced reaction time, healing factor. When he is in his battle suit, his natural abilities are augmented, giving him increased strength and speed. Also, the battle suit is for the most part bullet proof, and has a cloaking ability which acts as natural camouflage, allowing him to blend into any surroundings, rendering him nearly invisible.

[indent]Attributes (Select one at each category):

Height: 6’2

Weight: 235

Strength Level: 10 Out of suit, 30 in suit

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2.5 hours

Agility: 3x Human level
Intelligence: Overall, slightly above average, however The Prophet is a tactical genius
Fighting Skill: Mastered


Weaknesses: All the weaknesses of a normal man.

Supporting Characters: Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?
Jason Ulrich- Right hand man
Myra Krylov- Confidant, occasional lover
Various soldiers and mercs who will be described upon introduction

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup

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