First of all, I couldn't find any rules against this, but if I was absolutely meant to write an interest check before creating this thread, I'm sorry. Right, so basically this is a super casual role based off the play by Samuel Beckett. (Waiting for Godot). It hasn't got the same plot line as that play has, but rather the bleek atmosphere and the absurdity of the all of the events. Basically, most of our characters are waiting... for someone... forever. Most of what I expect is dialogue, but some action will be necessary. This is how I want each post to be formatted:


Bob does an action. Describe his feelings if necessary. Bob does another action.

"What is that? Oh my God, it's pie!"


So basically, all description is bolded whereas the dialogue is not. Remember that the emphasis is on the dialogue- the absurd, pointless banter between our characters- rather then the actions. The action is just there to *support* the dialogue and to provide context where necessary. I don't honestly care how flesh out you make your characters, since this is a super casual Role-play. It hasn't got any overarching plot, nor any meaning to it apart from the fact that life is both absurd and pointless. You may include your own (dramatic- not action based) subplots in it between your characters, I don't care. :P This doesn't even have a set time zone. So I could be a poor merchant from the dark ages and you could be a political leader in modern times. Mean- \while a cave man is there, whacking his stick over everyone's head!

To prove how casual this is... this is my character sheet:

Name: Sir Fitzpatrick Lohan
Age: 23
Appearance: Tall; Brown, long hair; green eyes; scared arms: was once beautiful but now ugly.

The role-play will begin once someone, if they do, joins.