Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyderTheWriter
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RyderTheWriter Ryder

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The capital city of Lempea, Aderes, is laid out as a series of concentric circles with streets running the length of the city like spokes on a wheel. The outer rim is home to the city slums that are generally avoided by most of the city populace. The next rim is home to the city guard, no secret that they are there to protect the middle and upper classes from the poor and the vagrants of the slums. The next rim boasts the merchant’s district, all sorts of intriguing smells and sounds litter the place with an air of possibility. The Cathedral of Isa is the most prominent feature in the rim, directly across from the old library which still has a lock on the door and boarded up windows from when it was decommissioned, no one is allowed inside or has been allowed inside in over a century. The final rim around the city center houses the sprawling estates of the nobility, the estates often gifts from King Merrick himself to families who have served him dutifully and more importantly, successfully. At the very heart of the city is the jewel of Lempea, the Ivory Palace, home of King Merrick.

The Ivory Palace stands resolute against the decay of time. It’s white walls seem as polished as the day it was constructed. A gently flowing river encircles the palace and flows out to the Northern Sea. The gardens around the palace abound with wild flowers and shrubbery that even an elf would envy.

Kate Iles was the body guard of Prince Dominic, so much of her time was spent at the Ivory Palace. She lived by herself, in the outer rim. The homes of the slums were patched together with whatever building material could be found, windows were often covered with pieces of burlap to keep out the cold. A crack an down the center of the middle step leading up to Kate’s porch. The porch railing leaned slightly to the left and the thatch style roof was sagging in some places.

She dawned her plate mail armor, the crest of the Royal family stamped on her breast plate. Her auburn hair was pulled into a slicked back ponytail out of her fierce agean blue eyes. It wasn’t a terribly long walk to the palace, just crowded the closer one was to the merchant’s district. Kate spotted a merchant yelling at a small child, an apple was clutched tightly in their fist as tears streamed down their face.

Without a word Kate handed the man enough money to cover the apple and anything else the child may want from the food cart. He bowed his head at Kate and released the crying child who just stared at Kate’s retreating form like she were a God.

Once at the palace Kate was informed that the King wanted to see her. It was not an unusual request, he would often have her do things outside of her purview as a member of the Royal Guard. It still made her nervous, she was a Soturi right under the nose of the King. She suspected that he knew but since she always did as she was told without protest he probably preferred to keep her where he could keep an eye on her. Still, she made sure her gauntlet was securely covering her mark, a small leaf that looked similar to a tattoo, on the inside of her wrist.

“You wished to see me, Sir?” Kate offered a customary salute, bringing her right closed fist to her chest with a shallow bow before letting it fall back to her side.

King Merrick was not an imposing man, he would be rather unassuming except for his brilliant white garments with various gemstones sewn into the hem. His hair was as flaxen as it had been centuries ago, the ravages of time holding no meaning for one such as him, a Soturi. His pale blue eyes were staring out the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the river below. He didn’t even bother to look in Kate’s direction.

His voice was as smooth as silk but Kate could hear an undercurrent to it..a tone of…darkness. His voice always made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. “I have a guest I would like you to persuade to tell me what they know about an annoying group of traitors. They call themselves the Rebellion. I also suspect our guest is a Soturi. Should you discover that they are, I trust you’ll take care of it.”

“Of course, your majesty,” Kate bowed before leaving.

The guest was in the dungeons, the only living soul in the dungeon, or so Kate thought. Kate unlocked the cell containing the guest and dismissed the guard, explaining that things might soon be taking a violent turn.

“Come on,” Kate’s entire demeanor changed. “We have to leave. You’re not safe here. And now, neither am I. Let’s go!”

Kate grabbed the guest by the arm and practically dragged them up the stairs with her, stopping when she heard someone in another cell. The gnome, she was surprised he was still alive. She freed him too and dragged him along as well. It wasn’t long before they were discovered, trying to flee the courtyard. Before the alarm could be sounded Kate raised her hand and the guard that had found them was suddenly hit hard in the back of the head with a tree branch that hadn’t been there a minute ago. With another wave of her hand the guard was now tangled in the roots of the tree, it would be a while before anyone found him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 12 days ago

[edit: oops, didn't realize the character in the dungeon was someone else. One draft of Astran's app mentioned Fain's imprisonment, so I thought it was me, not realizing I discarded that draft.]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Trent found himself shoved physically down halls and into side passages that the normal guard would bypass. They held closets and servants, not a high priority, especially with the numerous bottlenecks that made it nearly impossible for thieves to slip through. However, there was no need for random soldiers to stumble across them. Kate was highly versed in these back passages, since she was restricted to them in her time as a servant. Trent struggled to slip away, but found Kate's constant adjustment on her grip difficult to escape.

Broad daylight held issues with quick identification from afar, oh how the two wished it was night. Upon glancing out at one of the bottlenecks there was only the usual guard in lax duty. This was the quiet job. The real vigilance was needed at the gates and on the walls. This was simply a checkpoint. If they acted normal, they could walk right past, their backs the only indication that they were even there. The guards were to stop entry, not exit. Kate was about to make a go of it, hauling Trent with her, when she found her efforts hindered by Trent stopping her this time.

"Kate, would you hold on a minute!" he had to stop her again. This wasn't time for a conversation, it was time to flee. "Kate!"

In sheer desperation, Trent hauled her back and forced her to look into his eyes. "Would you stop rushing! If you talked to me for five minutes this whole thing could be avoided. Everybody is incredibly excited about this, way too excited about it, I would even call it giddy."

The guards were shifting, and another few were approaching on a random patrol. Their window of opportunity was rapidly closing. More eyes meant more chance of catching on. She went to spring dragging Trent along with her, but his words held much more weight than Trent's sleight frame. "It's a trap!"

"I was asked one question before being dragged in here, 'Do you know Kate Iles?' There's only one reason for that, they were testing your loyalty, which means they expected you to bust me out of here!"

It would have been great to hold a tidy little conversation and debate it, but the truth reared it's head. One of the servant's doors opened and out strolled a guard possibly headed to relieve himself. The chamber held numerous other soldiers armed and armored for a fight and waiting for their signal to spring the trap. The fellow had to do a double-take when he saw them, a screaming indicator that he had been familiarized with their appearances and was keeping an eye out. Guilt and panic gushed out of his face at the sight of them and he went to alert the others.

Trent sprang to action, shoving the fellow and slamming him against the wall. His armor making a horrible crash. At this the guard screamed, and all hell broke loose.

"Kate, go I can take care of myself!" Trent ordered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyderTheWriter
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RyderTheWriter Ryder

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kate whispered for Trent to meet them somewhere outside the city. "Time to leave, gnome," Kate doubled her grip on the other person she'd freed from the dungeons, practically lifting him off the ground.

She headed towards the city but the gates were closing all around them. They were quickly running out of options. "Can you swim?" She asked the prisoner. Without waiting for a response she threw him into the river and jumped in after him, the strong current threatening to drown them even as it carried them to safety.

(I though short and sweet would be best in this case)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

His fist was like a block of stone, slamming into his adversary's face repeatedly. He was sent reeling from the bombardment of blows and then the kicking began, interrupted by a drop elbow square between the shoulder-blades. Pain shot out like an explosion from the point of impact and the poor fool could only release a grunt as gravity took over, none too gently it stopped his descent. The impact knocked the air from the poor bloke’s lungs.

Oh, I’m sorry, were you thinking Trent was doing this? No, no, no. See, Trent was the one sprawled on the ground, receiving ferocious kicks to his side.

Frantically he grabbed around the guard’s kicking leg, only to get another to the face. And another. Most of the other guards had charged after the real threat, Kate, the personal guard of the crown prince. Trent was merely slum rot. Still, a few stuck around to see the bait tossed out with the trash. That is, after he was good and dead.

“Finish him off,” came the order.

One of the guards nodded, and pulled out his dagger to dispatch of the wimp. But found Trent unsteadily rising to his feet.

“Is that all you’ve got?” There was an edge, a level of malevolence to his voice and expression, and the unwholesome way he rose after such a ferocious beating that added up to nothing more or less than grabbing a tiger by the tail. The guards hesitated a moment, but it was clear that they would need more than a mere hint of a threat to shirk their responsibilities.

However, the delay was plenty long enough for Trent to muster his rage and might... and then sprint the opposite direction and further into the castle. He was a slippery fish, giving every indication that he was going to fight, but secretly preparing to flee.

Down the way they came, then a sharp turn, and up a flight of stairs. The soldiers frantically chased after his flying feet but he was unarmored, and he was used to running away. The three on him frantically tried to hail other soldiers in order to head-off their fox, but all planning and strategy had been carefully arranged to encapsulate their enemy upon an attempt to exit, not plunging into the heart of the Ivory tower as they normally would have been distributed. Doors normally locked and heavily guarded were left open and the guard reduced. Patrols normally ordered to march the halls or line up in guard nooks, had been ordered to the servant’s quarters and told to sit and be quiet.

Even though he managed to evade the three, more and more guards collected and attempted to catch him. A few crossbow bolts darted past, effectively ending the career of the soldiers who fired them. See, the hallway which Trent raced down was not just any hallway, but the antechamber to the throne room, and the guards frantically dodging the stray projectiles were the King’s personal bodyguard. Perhaps it was luck, but the bolts struck uncomfortably close to the guards and made them reel out of sheer reflex. Ever diligent, though, Trent still frantically slid, dodged, and sprang off of the doorpost to evade the well trained blades. He was no match, he couldn’t help but release an “oof” as a blow struck his side, effectively knocking him into the room, but also sending blood gushing down his side.

It was at that time the fellow whom was unfortunate enough to lock horns with Trent in the first place, who was now frantically still searching servant’s quarters and the dungeon, came to the realization that his dagger was missing probably dislodged when Trent slammed him into the wall.

There needed no command, the king's guard immediately closed in on him as well as their king, but their momentum was incapable of Trent hurling his weapon into the crowd. He didn't even stop to look. A wall of steel and flesh encased His Majesty. Others of the guard frantically raced to subdue or kill the intruder. The entirety of the castle was frantically attempting to rid itself of the foreign body that it had so willingly absorbed.

In the king’s gem encrusted hand was the weapon that could have been his undoing... still safely encased in its leather sheath. Trent, even armed, was no threat.

The guards scrambled to stab him or hold him down, but he writhed free of a few, rolled and was back on his feet. He charged head-first at the far wall, the only portion of the room not occupied by soldiers now. However, to their amazement, the wall opened up and blackness devoured him as he slipped into the secret passage constructed, sealed, and hidden only for use should the defense of the castle be impossible and the King's life be in jeopardy. No sooner had it opened, that the security system closed and sealed behind him. No, this was not some sort of scholarship, nor was it luck, and it was certainly not because Trent was some sort of master burglar. How he did it, I will leave for you to speculate. Needless to say, by the time they had dispatched soldiers to intercept the end point, or to barge the door open, any sign of Trent was old and gone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SlashInfinite
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SlashInfinite Certified Winter Child

Member Seen 1 day ago

The marketplace was more than filled this day. Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters alike were rushing around the streets, most carrying smiles upon their faces. Elena was hiding underneath a gentle shadow, just outside the house she resided in. With a careful grasp around the books in her hands, she stood and watched. Observed, ever so carefully. There was something quite soothing about watching people go by with their days. The young woman had lost track of time, and it was not until a familiar figure approached her, that her trance was broken.

“I hope I’m not disturbing.” An old and rugged voice spoke. It belonged to Redarion Benneth, an old veteran of the King’s Guard. He stood calmly in his heavy armor, dotted with sigils of the king. The plated glove rested easily upon the hilt of his sword, as he offered a quick bow towards the magi. Elena offered a thin smile, as she dipped her head in a quick curtsey. The two had met regularly, seeing, as they would often walk towards the inner city together. Elena never quite knew what to make of him. The man was old, but his loyalty was unwavering. He never questioned a single order, even if it came to killing newborn Soturi. Perhaps it was that which kept her on guard.

“You’re not.” Elena assured him, before they trotted off through the markets. They quickly fell into their everyday small-talk as they left the noisy marketplace behind, walking through the quiet alleys. There was a shift of atmosphere around them, just as Redarion spoke again. “Tell me, how well do you know Kate Iles?” Elena furrowed her brows, before rolling her shoulders. “We’ve met on occasions.” She always was so minimalistic in her answers, which the older man knew perfectly well. “You’d consider her a friend?” He asked, causing Elena to look at him in a jolt of surprise.

“She knows my name, I’d assume. How come?” Elena asked curiously, as they approached the inner rims. Redarion waved his hand dismissively, shaking his head. “No matter. You are convinced you do not need a companion, for the questioning?” Elena snorted a gentle snicker at that, shaking her head, just as he had done. “Please. It is a gnome, and he is behind bars. What could possibly happen?”

“Awful lack of people.” Elena muttered to herself, as she stood in front of the dungeon. She reluctantly headed into through the open door and flicked through the pages of a notebook she had been given. A ledger, filled with names and crimes prisoners had committed. With a small frown, she wrinkled her nose at the list on the gnome. “This is small-time thievery and petty crimes. Why in the world would he know anything about this rebellion?” Elena muttered to herself as she looked around the very empty dungeon.

“Hello? Anyone? Anything?” The magi shouted with no answer. Nothing. Even two cells stood open. “Peculiar.” She muttered, her mind pondering. With a quick flick of the wrist, the book opened up again, and the pages flew by. Elena tapped her finger on the earlier page, reading the record once more. However, her eyes darted to the other page. Her eyes blinked several times.

“Trent?” She read the name to herself in disbelief. The two certainly knew each other, Elena considering him a long-time friend. How his name had ended up in a prisoner’s ledger boggled her mind. What had started as a rather ordinary day, had taken an abrupt direction. Without further hesitation, she sprinted out of the dungeon.
“An-jad’toh ensiah-nu.” She muttered to herself, along with a fancy gesture of her hands. A small orb of light came into existence, not much bigger than a lemon. It quickly flew off, leaving an ethereal string of light behind it. The magi darted after it without further thought. Should all go well, it would lead her to Trent. That was the theory, at least.

Elena heard shouting as she ran through the streets, following the noise more than the orb. At last, she spotted a familiar figure by the canals. “Kate?” She muttered, before shouting the name again. “Kate!” With hasty steps, Elena ran towards Kate, who appeared to toss a person into the canal, along with herself. “What are you doing?!” she cursed at herself, trying to keep up with the strong current in the canal. Once the girl had caught up, she spotted the gnome in the water.

First Redarion had asked about Kate, then Elena had seen Trent’s name in the ledger, and now Kate was running off with a gnome? Elena was perhaps more puzzled than she was earlier. She acted out of instinct, shouting for Kate again, hoping to break the sound of the water.
“Kate, blasted! What are you doing?!”

Meanwhile, the small globe of light continued to surge through the streets, darting in the direction of Trent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Adair Meagher

Adair was in the middle of forming a magic arrow when the alarm sounded, shattering his concentration. Rising, Adair glanced out the doorway to see the guards rushing towards the stairs that led up the Ivory Palace, emptying into the throne room.

Someone was making an attempt on the King’s life.

Adair rushed up the stairs, more guards at his heel. As a mage nearing the end of his training, Adair was expected to offer his abilities to the King in every way possible, and using his magic to keep thing King alive was chief among his duties. However much he may loathe Merrick, Adair had to keep the pretense up as he was currently in the King’s palace, surrounded by the king’s guard, and living in the King’s nation.

At the top of the stairs, Adair witnessed a young human male charge headfirst at the wall and almost meld into it, melting into the void that sprung up almost as if expecting him. Adair’s first thought was towards Soturi abilities, but he had seen the assassinator before in the palace—as a apprentice in the Mage Tower. Perhaps it was magic?

“You, mage,” the head of the guard called, addressing Adair. Adair straightened and walked over to the captain who gave him a critical up-and-down sweep of the eyes. “Can you open up the wall there? Like the traitor did?”

Adair hesitated. Should he say something about the Soturi, or just keep it straightforward and simple? He decided to go with the second option.

”I cannot, sir, unless there were a room behind the wall,” Adair told the man with an apologetic bow. ”As a mere mage-in-training, teleportation is beyond me.”

The captain cast his eyes upon the mage again, but this time Adair dared not to raise his eyes to meet them, lest he rouse suspicion. “What is your name, mage?”

”Adair,” Adair replied honestly. ”I am an orphan, sir.”

Letting out a harrumph, the captain of the guard signalled for Adair to leave, which Adair did quickly, rushing down the steps and back to the mage towers. Someone had made an attempt on Merrick’s life again, Adair thought, fists clenching briefly. Someone had failed. Again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Blont Merlin

Blont was a man of simple tastes. He liked gold, gems, wine, rum, whisky, women, comfort, power, strong knives, untraceable poisons, kittens, a good fight, the look of confusion on a guard's face when he had been outfoxed, good clothes, free things, leverage and a good time. What he did not like was a cell that he couldn't escape. However, this Lempean prison had bamboozled him... until the woman arrived.

Blont had been minding his own business in his cell (and imagining how the guard's face would look under his heel) when a young woman arrived in the cell block dragging a man with her. Blont had opened his mouth to make some remark about lawyers getting more attractive by the day but had been stunned into silence by her actions. First she opened his cell, odd, then she practically wrenched his arm out of its socket as she bodily dragged him along with her. As they ran Blont tried to get a good look at his rescuer; however, Gnomes are rather short as a general rule so he couldn't keep running and examine the girl. He got a better look at the young man who was also being dragged along. Lanky, short and with a surly expression, indeed the idiot was straining and shouting at the girl to 'let go of me!' If any guard wasn't aware of the situation before, thanks to the shrieking of this human they would be now... Blont decided then and there that he didn't like him.

The girl let go of the other man and continued along with Blont, he started hearing a commotion behind them as they ran. The girl practically lifted Blont off the ground and ran with him clutched to her chest, despite himself the Gnome grinned lasciviously at the eye-full he was getting. Distracted, Blont didn't hear what the girl said and so was unprepared for being thrown into the river.

Blont was many things, a good great thief, burglar, liar, conman, pickpocket, extortionist, brawler, lover, killer and occasional chef but was most definitely not a swimmer.

He screamed during the fall and shrieked at the touch of the cold water; he kicked and swung his arms about before being pulled under the surface and dragged along by the current. Somehow fate carried him to the surface again and Blont hungrily gulped in a lungful of air before the churning waters pulled him under again. He had no idea where he was or if anyone else was with him; the girl had jumped in after she'd thrown him...hadn't she? Blont prayed silently to Raha even as he screamed bubbles into the water. He felt himself starved of air and, out of habit, breathed in and felt water enter his body. Sheer terror gripped him and he flailed about underwater once again, however, the current continued to push him until his head struck something very hard and Blont fell into unconsciousness in the river's depths and remembered nothing more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyderTheWriter
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RyderTheWriter Ryder

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kate struggled to keep her head above water, jumping in with full heavy armor on was not one of her better ideas. She heard a familiar voice from above calling her name. It was Elena's voice. Kate swore as she struggled against the strong current, trying to stay within shouting distance of Elena.

"Elena! Find Trent! It isn't safe!" Her head fell under the water for a moment before resurfacing. "Find Trent!"

She wasn't able to struggle against the current anymore, she hoped Elena had heard her. If she hadn't she would possibly be in very grave danger, the guards had certainly heard her calling after Kate. Kate did her best to keep her head above water, she was scanning the river for any signs of the gnome. Isa be damned if the gnome couldn't swim.

She spotted him several yards down stream from her, struggling to stay alive when he collided with a rock, knocking him unconscious. Kate was beginning to curse this day as she swam towards the gnome. She looped her arm around his chest and cradled him against her, keeping his head above water, silently praying he hadn't drowned.

Once they were out of the city but before they could be carried out to the northern sea she pulled them onto the riverbank. Water poured out of her armor, it was a wonder she hadn't sunk like a rock. She spent a few moments lying on the riverbank, catching her breath. It wasn't that she had never expected something like this to happen, she just had not expected it today.

She debated if she should leave the gnome, a thief, if she remembered correctly whom the King thought might have a connection to the rebellion or if she should take him with her. She opted to take him, hefting him easily over her shoulder.

She made camp where she had told Trent to meet her. She had no idea if he would show at all but she would wait for him. She had hidden supplies here for just such an occasion. She used a rope to tie the gnome to a tree, not fully trusting him yet. All she had to do now, was wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Elena’s small orb of light raced towards it’s entire purpose of existence... to find Trent. It was getting so close, it could feel it, the little thing was getting so excited. Past the market and the guard, out into the slums and weaving deep within the heart of thatched huts and shanties. Then it took an abrupt turn. This was it! This was its entire purpose and it was about to succeed. Yay! Go, little orb of light, reach your dreams!

With a “squawk” a raven blazed past, disrupting the spell’s senses. A carnal means, but effective nevertheless. A twig tipped and snapped and suddenly a bone cage snapped shut behind the orb, trapping it inside. The ball danced and bounced, tried this way and that, but it was to no avail. It was stuck, trapped. Welcome to the real world little orb of light.

Somewhere, in the dark mansion that was decaying over the years, a tiny tin bell began to ring. It caught the attention of the denizen, a tall surly looking fellow who proceeded to the front door. With an annoyed snuff from his nose, the mostly bald fellow took the cage and proceeded into his house with it. He bolted the door with heavy iron bars, four in all.

“Well, little scry, what hell shall we put your master through to today?” he sneered at the spell, and opened a cabinet searching through it to locate some tools and materials. “But first things first.”

He unraveled a scroll of names and began searching thoroughly. Most of the names on the list were dead. Others were missing, which with the king and guard as tyrannical as they were, they were probably dead too. Some were incredibly adept, and it was dangerous to deal with them. However, with an assassin on the loose, the wrath of the king was not only going to need a reasonable redirection, but it counted as a distraction out of the sheer fear and panic that was to come with it as well. One name on the list had been burning in the heart of the landlord for years. Meagher, Marquis Faich Meagher. The powerful man had earned the jealousy and rage of the depraved little slum-lord for long enough. But never had any opportunity arisen that could dent the fellow’s reputation much less his power. This little man, though not afraid of backtracking or retaliation, feared the Soturi powers that the Meaghers held, wrapped in a mockery of secrecy. Everybody knew they had them, but no one dared to make an accusation. If the Meaghers somehow discovered existence of their enemy-in-waiting, then, somehow pieced together the identity of this man in the room... then and only then were they a threat. That was too much for him to simply toy with.

Then he pulled out some techniques and knowledge that few even knew was possible... even to the Maji. He tampered with the spell. Oh, sure, diversion, blinding, and disruption were all possible and relatively common techniques used by the privileged, however, to actually alter a spell after it had been cast wasn't even myth, it was considered completely outlandish. Yet he succeeded from decades of practicing the ancient knowledge and tact. Only 4 others on this globe had ever known how to do. Even the detection of such tampering would have taken the eye of an Arch Maji.

The little spell suddenly became confused about who exactly it was searching for. Souls blended and blurred and fluctuated until its scent was honed to search out Marquis Faich Meagher’s right-hand man... you know, the one responsible for the dealings of the house that were not exactly legal? Oh, the choice was quite intentional. Had the scry gone straight to the Marquis, suspicion would be cast as to why someone so high in the ranks would bother traveling far and wide and attempt to personally hide a fugitive.

With a little bit more tinkering, the spell was set to destroy itself upon arrival, leaving Trent completely undetected.

Carefully the trinkets were replaced, and the scry locked away in a cage, along with the three others the King’s wizards had used in an attempt to locate the troublemaker. This cage was to keep people out. There they would remain until a spell caster came to pay his dues to the King.

The diabolical fellow then sat in his aged seat at the desk in his office... that of the tax collector (who held the power to round up funds from all spells cast that passed through the streets) While he held knowledge to tinker with spells, they were all carnal techniques. In other words, magic was no profession of his, nor would he desire the renown.

Sure he would not receive his normal cut of taxes from the King’s search parties, and of course he would release the spell once they showed their authority, but little did they know the chaos which would follow. So lay the trap from the hidden-dragon known only as Ichor. The fellow stifled a maniacal laugh. His crows flitted and squawked again, disrupting another magical search. This was a busy day.


Down in the catacombs, Trent was being tended by an old... and I might add, rather unsanitary hag in the dank darkness. She worked through an iron prison door that remained locked, examining the wound on his side.

“Oh, did my deary get hurt by the bigger boys?” she mocked.

Trentrolled his eyes and sighed. She touched the wound with filthy hands, and he winced. “Does it hurt?”

She pressed hard on the laceration and he gritted his teeth and winced. She smiled and licked the shattered bits of her teeth, and jammed her thumb into the wound again. Trent finally had enough and smacked her hand hard. She withdrew, a coy smile on her lips as she sucked his blood from her digits. “Does he need a kiss and some motherly love?”

“Shut up, Lewoada, I’d handle this myself if I weren’t being hunted,” he shot back in annoyance. He glanced away, and then looked back, “I wound up discovering the king’s escape passage, no thanks to your cryptic little stories. You mind telling me how you found out about it.”

“My dear boy,” her squealing voice jumped and lowered in a hideous and demonic song. She retreated into her filth ridden cell. Tossing gnawed bones and refuse aside until she pulled out a festering root. She returned to her charge, and stuffed the disgusting thing into the wound. Trent gritted his teeth as it suddenly sprang to life, growing upon the contact of blood and binding the wound together. Roachwood was disgusting but useful. It would remain roachwood until the body eventually won out and it was piece by piece absorbed. However, one had to be careful as to the frequency of its use, or the roachwood would win out and the patient would become the treatment, completely replaced by the parasite. The pain was ten fold, and Trent stumbled backward clutching his side, and blinking back tears. The pain would last at least a half of an hour. “Twas I who harassed the king to the point of creating it, and twas I who made him fear it once it was complete. They are pliable in their fears, you should witness the nightmares I have put Prince Dominic through.”

“I wish you wouldn’t,” Trent grumbled. She glared at him in disgust. “It gives them ideas.”

Wonderfully twisted ideas mind you. Ideas of torture, massacre, and a reign of terror. Ichor and Lewoada delighted in their craft being publicly displayed, even if no credit was given to them. The truth was that the King and his men were thoroughly convinced that the atrocious ideas were entirely theirs... but they weren’t. It was the “art” of those Trent now spoke to. However much they enjoyed their labors, They preferred to remain hidden entirely. “Now, you MUST become my pupil now that Lempea is no longer safe save for our underworld. We will throw a party, and watch hellfire rain down on the city tonight, death will march the streets and the gutters will flow with blood! Then, you will take your rightful place by my side and we shall devour this nation from the inside out, and rather than a pure ivory tower, we will create a dark and unwholesome pit in its stead.”

“So, that’s what this is all about? You set the suspicion of the king upon Kate and fed them my way, just so that I can join you in your little game? Fantastic. Your own pride would see your downfall, hag, you would defile your own abilities if you delivered half of what you are boasting." He tried to laugh, but he was already short of breath. It came more in the form of a hemorrhaged breath. "I'm disappointed, Lewoada. It isn’t like you to make such a rash move, don’t tell me your judgement is clouded by your temptations.”

She withdrew, “Then where are you to go, child?”

“Muratti, and Kate is going with me.”

“You would sacrifice your nature for love? You would choose to allow fear to drive you to a place so ignorant and alien that it does not even know how to fear?”

Trent gripped his side amidst labored breathing. “Sure, love that’s it. Because I am a hormone driven teenager that thinks that life is a series of happily-ever-afters stuck together. Didn't you know? I'm going to go be a world famous jouster there.”

Trent was not about to spend another second in Lewoada’s hole being antagonized by her. Though it was very painful to even stand, he used his hand to guide himself down the passage and heading up to the basement of Ichor's house. Lewoada knew the truth. Trent was not so easily swayed. If he was going to Muratti, he (just like Lewoada) would have a plan, and if he were collecting Kate, he would have a plan there too. Still, Lewoada enjoyed annoying and antagonizing Trent by proposing the idea of affections. “You will learn. The choice is yours to learn by my tongue or learn by the blood spilled by you and your enemies, but you cannot refuse my offer, child. You... are mine!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vas Khaleen
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Vas Khaleen Gold fangs on, pocket full of coin.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Asha stood outside of the burnt down tavern that once housed the innkeeper whom she defended, fully armored with several layers; the first a padded layer of cotton pants and a shirt. The second layer consisting of a steel mail hauberk the sleeves long to the wrists with a hood as well, its rings reaching down to her upper knees; the final layer is several pieces of steel plate armor leather straps binding them together and keeping the weight suspended across her entire body. Which keeps her fast even beneath the eighty pounds of steel, her helm open faced with a long nasal guard extending from its simple rounded shape; the glint of steel catching the suns rays and reflecting them. A brown leather belt tied around her waist, a wooden black sheath hanging from both hips; black leather bound hilts protruding from the cases along with upwards curved crossguards.

Asha walked over to the swinging bodies of the innkeep and his two children, looking upwards at their bodies with anger; pulling the short kukri she carried to cut the rope and let their bodies down hitting the ground limp with a heavy thump. Sighing in exasperation as she fetched a shovel from beneath some rubble, shoving it into the earth deep and digging three five foot deep graves; setting the bodies down inside of the holes gingerly. Quickly filling the holes back up with dirt, placing makeshift wooden markers for their resting places before retrieving her horse form where it was tied against a fence post. Taking her armored boot into the black stallions stirrup, swinging her body up onto the saddle of the beast; putting her feet hard into the stirrups sending the horse bolting back down the road trying to put as much distance between herself and the capital of Lampea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by zackattack279
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zackattack279 That one guy that keeps the party alive

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Terrin & Ava

Terrin walked out of a small, natural cave that he spent the night in; his boots were getting muddy from the recent rain swept landscape. The only sounds that could be heard were that of the birds, wind and Terrin’s stomach growling; grabbing his daggers Terrin walked off to check his small snares that he set the night before. As one might expect due to the rain no animals were unfortunate enough to become Terrin’s meal just yet. In a disappointed state he walked off into the nearby woods to look for something to forage for or to quickly hunt.

Ava winced as she awoke from her slumber, the early morning sun shining through her window and hitting her in the face. She let out a yawn along with a stretch before she got out of bed, getting dressed and then exited out of her home that was high in the tree tops; it was much higher than where her kind usually made them, but she liked it for the safety it provided. She descended from from the tree where her home was, going to a nearby pond that had some fresh water and splashed it on her face once she was on the ground, the cool, refreshing water perked her up and made her feel much more awake now.

Alright, now to find something to eat, she thought to herself as her stomach began to growl. She took a look around her current surroundings, but was unable to really find anything eat and began searching else where in the forest. She finally managed to come across some berries she could eat after about ten minutes of searching. Finally, something to eat, she thought to herself once more, picking as many berries as her hands could hold and then climbed a nearby tree, resting against the trunk as one of her legs lightly swung back and forth as it dangled from the branch she was sitting on whilst she ate her sweet breakfast.

Slowly stalking in the underbrush Terrin hunted. He closed his eyes and listened to his surroundings, but all they brought were sounds of the birds still. How long have I been in this country now? he idly thought as he tried to count the years while listening to the wind Going on 90 some odd years no- his thought was interrupted by a rustling to the northwest. Terrin ducked down lower and began the real hunt, with his daggers in his hands ready to strike at any moment.

He was coming up near a clearing as he saw some elven woman picking berries from a bush on the other side. Of course it wasn’t an animal making that noise he chastised himself But maybe she may be of help to me, lead me to food. But she may not eat meat due to her only getting berries. Hmm...how to approach her, I could keep my hood on but elves never really liked the look of humans, I guess showing my ears would be the best bet for a diplomatic approach… during Terrin’s long planning phase the woman already gathered her bounty and climbed a nearby tree. Well here goes nothing I guess, I don’t think I’ve spoken to someone in a few months, not to mention someone so beautiful

Terrin lowered his hood, sheathed his weapons and walked forward with his hands in the air to show no harm. He put on the best smile he could and spoke in what he hoped was a chipper manner, ”Hello there fair elf! I was wondering if you know this area better than I! I’ve only been through this specific area shortly in the cave back that way” Terrin points to the southwest, ”I was staying there to ward off the rain, and I was trying to find any real source of food. All I could find were these roots so far, seems like the rain drove the animals into hiding. I was hoping you could help me.”

Ava continued to enjoy the sweet breakfast that was the assortment of berries in her hand, they were always her favorite of her vegetarian diet. She watched the sun continue to rise in the early morning, enjoying the gentle breeze that was brushing past her, unaware of the man that was just below her, scrounging around in the grass. She jumped when the man spoke to her, catching her off guard which made her lose her balance from where she was sitting; her unfinished breakfast and herself beginning to fall to the ground.

Terrin was still a good 30 meters away from the tree as the elf woman fell. Damn! It’s too far away to get to in time! was all he could think so he began to summon the power of the winds under the frail girl. Fortunately since she was so light he didn’t have to use too much power to slow her falling down as she drifted slowly to the ground. After she landed safely Terrin walked up to her and asked, ”Are you okay? I know you may be confused but I’m just glad you didn’t hit the ground. he said in a gentle tone with a natural smile. He introduced himself with a bow, ”I’m Terrin, Terrin...La’asdrassil” he spoke his last name with some obvious contempt. ”Whom might you be?” he asked the strange elf girl.

Ava saw the ground quickly approaching and she closed her eyes, using her arms to brace herself for the inevitable impact. Although when she didn’t hit the ground, she opened her eyes, seeing that she was floating just a few inches above the ground and then gently touched down onto it. She blinked a few times before looking to the man that began speaking to her,“Um...yeah, I’m fine.” She responded fairly quietly as she started to get up, dusting off some dirt and damp grass that stuck to her.

“I’m...Ava, Ava Chaelamin, thank you for saving me.” She responded shyly as she stared at the ground, holding one of her arms out of nervousness. Ava tended to have difficulties with meeting new people, once she knew someone she could converse with them without a problem, but with first meeting them, she felt a tad awkward and it was sometimes difficult for her to get her words out, but she tried her best nonetheless. “Um...what was that power you used to save me?” She couldn’t help but ask, figuring it was just some form of magic, but she was still curious.

Hmm, this is Muratti, no zeal for the bastard king here Terrin reasoned with himself. ”It will be easier to show you I guess,” as Terrin takes off his cloak and then takes off his shirt. He turns to Ava to show her his soturi mark, a pair of feathery wings across his shoulders. ”Please don't be afraid, I'm a Soturi, an air Soturi to be exact. Which is why you're safe now, I didn't want you to get hurt because of me. I'm not sure how the people of Muratti treat my kind, Soturi that is, not Half-elf. I know full well my kind are not liked around here.” he finishes with downtrodden eyes.

”I didn't mean to bother you so, I was just hoping for a bit of help in a strange place. But it looks like I needed to help instead.” he laughs slightly at the end trying to bring the mood back, he himself being nervous. He's never been good at conversing with people due to being a half breed, but he is trying his best to put on a smile for her.

Ava was a bit taken aback when he began to partially disrobe, though when he explained himself and the mention of being a Soturi, she glanced at her right arm that had a bit of cloth tied around it, thinking about her own mark that laid underneath it before returning her attention to Terrin. ”Oh, well I’m not like that, I usually try getting along with everyone I meet.” She responded with a small smile; he seemed to be okay for the most part, at least to her.

“I was just surprised, I didn’t expect anyone to be out here, should’ve kept a better grip on that branch I was relaxing on,” she added with a small chuckle then said, “so what exactly was it that you needed help with? I don’t know how useful I may be, but I should try to repay you somehow for saving me from that fall.”

”You...aren't the least bit interested in me being a Soturi?” Terrin asked with an extremely puzzled expression while putting his shirt and cloak back on. With such an unnatural reaction it is best to stay cautious. ”Well, like I said before, I'm new to this section of Muratti and had to spend the night in a cave. I'm famished and I believe the creatures of the woods have retreated due to the downpour last night so I was hoping if you knew any quick sources of food around here. I'm on a mission to find someone and dawdling serves no purpose.” he explains in a businesslike manner.

“Well not really, I don’t tend to judge people on stuff like that, pretty strange I know,” she responded with a slight chuckle. Since Ava lived alone and in slight isolation from the rest of her kind, she didn’t pick up a lot their negative views they had of various other races, so naturally, she tended to be friendly to everyone she came across for the most part, well when her shyness wasn’t getting in the way at least. ”Well there’s various assortment of berries nearby that I could show you, they’re pretty tasty, although I didn’t get to really finish them.” Ava added with a small chuckle once more as she glanced at the small berries that were sprawled on the ground. I wonder who he’s looking for, Ava thought to herself as she returned her attention to Terrin, though she kept her question to herself, finding it would be rude to get into a person’s business that she just met.

The true problem Terrin had with the situation was the lack of surprise with a sudden Soturi showing up before her. The thought rubbed Terrin the wrong way, I should be extremely careful from now on. He performed a deep bow and motioned ahead of him, ”Please Mrs. Chaelamin be my guide in these unknown lands then. My skill comes in hunting, not the foraging sort; I've only found a few edible roots before my incident with you. So I beseech thee for your assistance.” he punctuated his sentence with a large grin. I should keep her ahead of me, just in case she tries to lead me into a trap was Terrin’s last thought, completely cynical of the world he grew up in.

“Oh, I’m not married and you can just call me Ava,” she responded with a small smile and then added, “I’m sorry I can’t help you with your hunting, I tend to live off only fruits and vegetables; I believe all life is sacred, so I try to prevent harming the wildlife in the forest or anyone else for that matter.” Then Ava began leading him to the area where there were trees and bushes that had various berries and other small fruits growing from them. ”Well here we are, pick whatever you like,” she spoke to Terrin once more as she moved past some of the bushes, one of them snagging on the cloth around her arm and pulling it off, revealing her Soturi mark, though she was unaware of it.

Terrin walked behind Ava, ever vigilant in case of trouble. ”I wish I could think in such a way, but half my life was spent growing up in Lampea with the humans so I've grown accustomed to their diet; my musculature may be lean but I still need meat to sustain it. But perhaps one day or so in a lifestyle such as yours couldn't hurt. he speculated while he began picking some berries at random.

He heard a small tearing sound and found some cloth that looked to belong to Ava’s garment. ”Hey Ava, it looks like your sleeve torn a bit, it looks like a simple mend if you needed he-” he stopped short after seeing her small mark. ”Oh, I see. You're the same as me then.” He began in a more cheerful tone as you could hear him speak more calmly. ”I was so untrusting of you in the beginning, even though you did not know I must still apologize for my rudeness, he apologized with a deep bow. ”So, what element can you control if you don't mind my asking?”

”It’s not a lifestyle for many, but I could never bring myself to kill any of the animals here, even for my own survival, they all look so sweet and peaceful and they make the world a much better place; sappy I know.” She gently chuckled at her words, knowing that they were idealistic and perhaps a bit naive, but she didn’t care.

Ava looked a bit surprised when he mentioned that the bit of cloth she had tied around her arm came off, looking down, she saw that her mark was now revealed; a streak of crimson went across her face as she quickly put her arm behind her back to keep the symbol hidden. “Oh, that’s n-nothing, just a tattoo.” She stammered with a nervous chuckle, hoping that he would believe her lie and not press further on it; she never liked the mark on her arm, it always seemed to cause trouble for her and others that had been unfortunate enough to see it, it’s was one of the reasons she chose partial isolation of herself, so that way no one would get in trouble because of her.

”It is a little too late to guard it now I'm afraid. But it makes me happy to find one of my own here, it puts me at ease so to speak,” he smiles gently, “Please do not feel ashamed of your mark, it means you are special, the world needs people like us or we wouldn't exist at all. At least that's what I tell myself.” he returns her laughter with his own.

Terrin grabs Ava’s hand and motions to the Soturi mark, ”I know a mark such as this has probably left you isolated and lonely, I know that feeling not only from my own mark, but due to my birth. I will always be ostracized so I guess I was more able to accept my position, but for someone normal to be shoved off from their kind must have been very difficult. But just know there are people like me out there, people like you bearing this mark of the gods, wielding its power and suffering the burdens all the same. So please do not try to lie to me.” Ava’s hand is released as well as her cloth given back to her.

Ava hastily grabbed her cloth back from Terrin, tying it back around her forearm, “I’ve never liked this mark, it’s been like a curse, all it’s done is take away everyone I’ve ever cared about, like my parents and I wish it would just go away.” She looked at her now concealed mark with a little more disdain. She thought back to when her mark was first seen and how her parents were taken away as a result of it, it caused a bit of distress on her face as she gripped at the covered mark on her arm; one of her biggest regrets being her parents being taken away from her because of it.

”I've lost my family as well Ava, though my mark had nothing to do with it. I was an only child to a man who left my mother alone in the city; that bastard is out here somewhere in Muratti. I stayed by my mother's side until she passed away, after I settled the small amount of things that we owned I set out to find him, to ask him why would he do this and possibly for revenge. he spat out the word revenge with such anger that be began to tremble.

”I don't know why I have these powers, but I intend to use them well, to not become someone like my father, like the King of Lampea. Those are dogs that should be put down, for doing what they did to families just like yours. Terrin locks eyes with Ava and speaks with conviction, ”There are people like you all around, you're not alone, at least not as much as you might think. Just look now, you found me.

Ava perked her head up when Terrin spoke, a look of slight surprise when he mentioned his past as well as revenge, hearing the anger in his voice, “I see, so you’ve been through some hardships as well, I know it really isn’t my place to say, but I don’t think revenge is the right thing to do, I mean it won’t change what’s happened, all it will do is hurt a new set of people and a vicious cycle like that will never end.”

There was a brief moment of silence from Ava before she finally spoke up, ”I know what it’s like to have anger like yours; when I was younger, some soldiers saw me using my Soturi powers as well as my mark, they chased me all the way back home. My parents tried to hide me, but the soldiers were going to search for me anyways, my parents told me to run whilst they held them off; they ended up being captured and imprisoned. For the longest time I was so angry all I wanted to do was make them pay, but someone taught me that anger and revenge would just create more anger and revenge, so instead I chose for peace with everyone, to try and break a cycle like that, all I really want now is to find my parents and free them from their imprisonment.” She gave a small smile as she finished her sentence, knowing how naive her words sounded, especially with how young she was, well young for her kind anyways.

”Seeing the world in such a rosy way is a refreshing sight. I know I'm still young but I like to see the world for what it is,” he sighed deeply, ”But please keep your innocence, don't give up what you have. Terrin examines his surroundings more carefully, mostly to break eye contact, ”If you're still looking for your parents I can help you, you're no fighter that's for sure and if you go up against the King’s decree you better know how to wield a blade to get your point across; when it comes to Soturi he only knows the language of violence.” Terrin holds his hand out to Ava and makes one request, ”If you want things to change, you need to throw every ounce of your soul into the change. If you're ready to turn your life upside down for your ideals, if it is worth fighting for then take my hand. Terrin gives Ava a hard look down to her very soul, seeking change.

Ava was surprised that he was offering to help find her parents, she did want to look for them, but she hadn’t been thinking about finding them that morning and it felt sudden to her. Finding my parents? I could finally look for them? She thought to herself, a gentle smile appearing on her face at the idea of being reunited with her mother and father. She noticed the deep stare he was giving her, almost as if it was hitting her very core and she slowly reached out, placing her hand in his, ”I don’t know if I can bring myself to harm another person, but I’ll do what I can and in return try to help you find who you’re looking for.” She spoke with determination; whilst she wanted this, she couldn’t idly throw her ideals out in the blink of an eye, it just wasn’t who she was, though who knows how she will change along the way.

Terrin smiled when she placed her frail hand in his as he gently pulled her along. ”The first step in your journey should be getting used to being around people again, if your parents were captured they will be held in a large city or put to work somewhere, either way you need to learn to be around people without fear of your mark being shown.” He looks back to give her a reassuring look, ”You’ll change Ava, and I’m certain we will get your parents back, or at least do their sacrifice a service.” Terrin looked ahead as he took Ava to the near town of Ossilon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
Avatar of Thinslayer


Member Seen 12 days ago

There once was a soul, a ghoul, a fool,
There once was a fool who sold his soul,
He sold his soul for food and wool.
The ghoul who sold its life, it's rife
The ghoul who sold its life is rife
With strife with wife and bard and fife.
"Oi, what's this?" you say, you neigh?
"Oi, what's this?" you say, but nay,
I say you say your say and may.
"This ghoul and wife, wool and fife,
This soul that's rife with bard and strife,
Apply'st you nonsense to my life?"
Nay, my friend, a thread, a thread,
Is wed betwixt your words and head!
Why did the ghoul go sell his soul?
Bereft by theft, he's left with null,
His life is cleft by cold, hence wool.
Penniless, jobless, useless, young,
His wife was merciless, wagged her tongue,
So bards retell't with fife, and sung.

See, though devils make heroes' glory
Humans are devils enough for our story.

And so Solorfainiel put down her pen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Trent!” Screamed the Headmaster of the First-Years, “TRENT!”
He was angry, the ritual was to be prepared and waiting for him first thing in the morning. His aged eyes noticed movement in the back room, and he stormed back releasing a bombardment of abuse on his underling. “Trent, I told you to have this set up before I even got...”

Rather than Trent, there stood 5 men at arms, one with gold detail and a white enamel... a knight in the King’s personal guard. “I have some questions for you, headmaster.”

“Me? This looks like official business to me. I’m a law abiding citizen, I don’t even cast spells outside of school grounds. I wouldn’t dare tread anywhere close to disturb the state or His Majesty’s will.”

“It concerns one of your pupils by the name of Trent the Cobbler’s Son of Chazwall.”

“I... I do not know anyone named Trent.” It was a moment of panic. The knight approached cool and calm and emotionless. He looked the headmaster square in the eye. Though a panel of spells were at his disposal, the Master Maji broke out in a cold sweat, his stomach acids boiling up into his esophagus. “I... I mean, he’s no apprentice of mine. He is a mere servant. We hold no conversations or anything. I tell him what I want, and he does it. If he messes up, I threaten to discharge him from my duties. That is all, I swear.”

The knight clapped his gauntlet upon the Headmaster’s shoulder. The older man winced in anticipation of a blow. He removed his hand. “So, allow me to make sure I understand. He is not a student of magic then?”

“No, most assuredly not. The boy is of no reputation and no discipline. He isn’t material to become even a low level Magi.” he quickly explained. The knight nodded in confirmation.

“And he is no soturi?”

“Sir, if he were a soturi, he is one of the least talented and least gifted, for he has great aspirations but often grumbles and complains about the misfortune life has given him. You would think that he would at least use his abilities to get a leg-up.”

“And ability aside from magic, would you say he is adept?”

“Hardly, he is adequate for simple duties. Even then he bungles things up now and again.”

“And his loyalty, would you say he has divergent political views?”

“He is a complainer, but he has never given me any indication of disloyalty. I would have reported him to the guard and expelled him if he did.”

“One more question, then. If he holds no skill or power... how was he able to enter the King’s throne room? Over the past hundred years, though there have been many attempts on his life, only 6 others have ever made it into His Majesty’s presence without permission. ALL were well conditioned and highly trained,” The Magi couldn’t help but release a flavored burp in panic. His greasy breakfast was not settling well with this day. “Let us hope your... servant is dead and replaced by someone assuming his identity. Because if not, we may have to reach the conclusion that you are... mistaken. And we DO have means of drawing those very fine details out of your head, though for now we will forgo the... discomfort.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SlashInfinite
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SlashInfinite Certified Winter Child

Member Seen 1 day ago

With a racing heartbeat Elena came to a halt in her hopeless chase. In the violent stream of water below, Kate and the now unconscious gnome was dragged off with the current. The young sorceress took in a much needed breath, a small sigh being let out immediately afterwards. In the distance, heavy and plated footsteps could be heard with an alarming rate. Still, Elena could only muster to mutter to herself; “What are you doing, Kate?”

As she turned around, she was met with a fairly discouraging sight. Before her stood a band of steel-clad soldiers, almost resembling a pack of wolves trapping their prey. Each and everyone one of them had drawn their blades, holding them at the ready with a wary gaze. A single man stepped forward. He was a familiar face, with the usual sigil dotted across his armor. His eyes squinted, eyeing Elena in distrust. Redarion Benneth did not say a word, before the magi beat him to it. “They’re gone... I could not catch up.”

With a heavy frown the veteran nodded. He discreetly leaned to the side, whispering to one of the guards. Elena’s pulse was still running wild as a dog chasing after a piece of meat. She repeated Kate’s words within her mind, over and over again. It isn’t safe!

The magi’s breath slowed down in realization, wetting her lips briefly. Surely they did not suspect her of being associated with whatever was going on? Elena’s gaze darted to the still drawn swords, causing her to gulp. Whilst panic began to overcome her, she kept a rather calm outward appearance. Something her time with the courts had taught her to. Quickly she collected herself, before speaking.

“I will head back. I do not wish to come between you and your work. Best leave you to it.” She nodded firmly and set off, to pass around the guards. One of them raised his sword, blocking her way as Benneth spoke again, his voice being ever so plain, but still so very haunting. “Please, Miss Locklins. There may be more of these culprits on the streets. Allow my men to escort you safely to the Tower.” His eyes were unyielding. It was anything but a suggestion. Elena could feel her stomach twisting and turning at those words, but alas she agreed. “As you say, Sir Benneth.”

The walk back towards the Tower was occupied by silence. No one said a word, not even Sir Benneth. With every moment that passed, Elena became equally anxious. She was an apprentice and assistant to a respected mage of the court, which was probably the only thing keeping the soldiers from dragging her into a dungeon and interrogating her. Or perhaps Redarion truly wanted to escort her to safety, not for second doubting her loyalty to the crown?
That thought was discarded as quickly as it had entered her mind. No, all these events were all too convenient not to be connected. As each second passed by, her mind was endlessly debating with itself in a void within herself. There was an urge to chase after Trent; find him, as Kate had shouted for her to do. But unless Elena had the intentions of bringing him back to the dungeon, it would not reflect well on her position. But alas, if Redarion had already made up his mind, perhaps there was not much choice.

As they passed through the busy streets, one might spot a small puppy locked within a cage. It looked miserable; thin and coarse from hunger. The brown eyes stared at the passing group of soldiers, with the magi in the middle. For just a brief second, it felt as if Elena had eye contact with the creature. Pitiful, aren’t we? She sighed to herself, feeling just as trapped as the poor creature.

The Tower stood high as ever, undisturbed by the events of the day. Sir Redarion came to a halt, turning around on his heels. He clasped his hands behind his back, with an enigmatic smile creeping forth on the lips of the elderly man.
“I trust you’ll find your way to your quarters. However-“ He paused, opening a small pouch by his side. The man handed over a simple trinket of sorts, shaped as a flat hourglass, made in a transparent glass-material of sorts. “I would be most appreciative if the lady would carry this token. It is nothing but a relic of the God, to prevent harm from coming to you.”

Though reluctant, Elena accepted the gift as the soldiers walked off. She was left dumbfounded there. Nothing? No offer to ‘guard’ her quarters or the likes? Perhaps she was not considered a possible threat after all? Or?
Elena turned around, looking towards the direction of the guards. She wrinkled her nose, before stuffing the necklace into her pouch. Whatever reason there was to give it to her, she’d figure out eventually.

The woman stormed up through the tower. She knew what room she was headed towards, but her mind was clouded. Skipping swiftly up the stairs as a newborn mountain goat, Elena made her way through the home of the mages. In a leap of panic she knocked on the door, without even knowing how to begin. There was not anyone else she dared go to, even as little as they knew each other. Still, he seemed like a trustworthy person, at least on the outside.

“Adair? Adair! Are you there? Hello?!” Elena waited outside the door, a face of panic in the place of which a rather calm expression would usually reside. Messy hair which used to be neat and orderly, it was obvious she was troubled. Even if she was not exactly sure why herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

_________Somewhere Outside of the City_______

The morning crawled by. Minutes felt like hours. Already the names had been made public, the news had become public, patrols had exploded through the roof. Bounty hunters had been alerted, mercenaries recruited, reserves called to duty, and civilians ordered to become the eyes and ears of the King. Fear. Fear gripped the city, gripped the merchants and travelers and slums and nobles and foreigners, and yes, even the royalty.

The official story was that a suspicious and radical soldier had misused her authority and forged orders in order to sneak an assassin by the name of Trent of Chazwall into the Ivory Tower. While there was no immediate threat to the King, guards recall radical shouts of “Death to the Lempa and her King!” upon being exposed. Both escaped by taking a hostage who is now presumed dead.

Even in a small unremarkable location that Kate and Trent knew well was not untouched, for the glint of soldier’s blued armor shown in the sun, horses galloped, and peasants walked with haste down the distant path. A finely dressed gentleman broke off of the normal path and made his way to the location, with a quick check behind him. He carried a parcel and a bouquet. At first, Kate was sure she was to be exposed, but upon a quick glance, she recognized the eyes under the fine hat. It was Trent.

He had to do a double take upon seeing the gnome. He had forgotten, the little distasteful fellow in the cell next to him had joined their little adventure with a rather befuddling decision by Kate. The fellow had boasted of his antics, not realizing the death sentence he was so excitedly constructing. Seeing his bonds, Trent pulled out a dagger and chopped the cords in one swipe, embedding the blade into the wood of the tree Blont was tied to. “Well, if it isn’t the greatest thief in the world! Do allow me to hurry you on your way.”

He pointed back to the capital. “The Gallows are that direction if you are still intent on having your hands cut off before you are hung. But I am pleased to tell you that your stay has been upgraded to a surprise form of execution once you’ve used up your usefulness to the guard, and if you are in the mood for something more depraved, then hold out for deluxe package. All you need to do is NOT tell them everything you know about us. I’m sure they have other deals that they would be willing to provide if you ask at the front desk. Frankly, I would advise running for your life, but who am I to judge the aspirations of your little heart?”

Trent replaced the dagger. “Shoo, shoo, be on your way.”

Upon dismissing their “guest” Trent handed several packages to Kate. Making sure that the Gnome could not get a good look at what he had given her. Upon unwrapping there was a fine dress, the kind that a bride busted out on her wedding and honeymoon. This one, however, was indicative of more well-to-do than either Trent or Kate could actually afford. It also came with some not-so-practical shoes. Kate would need to abandon her armor and weapons, and no one should envy her feet. However, who (even among the guard) is going to stop two newlyweds on a leisurely stroll? If they kept the pace for 16 hours a day, the two should be able to pass town to town and make it out of the country in three days, considerably less if they could can catch a ride now and again. Nights could simply be staged to appear to have drifted to sleep stargazing. Furthermore, the parcels had been loaded with items of intrinsic value, and a gold wedding ring (something Trent could not afford unless he blew the entirety of his savings on was contained in the box.)

As Blont leaned in to see, Trent made very much intent to cover the contents, glaring at him in suspicion and resolve.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Blont Merlin

Blont was not happy.

He had come to with a start and had found himself restrained to a large tree. Somewhat damp rope bound him tightly in a position that made his back ache with a dull pain. Then Blont felt a sharp pain shooting through his skull, his near-drowning immediately flung itself to the front of his memory and he realised that the human female who had caused this debacle must have pulled him from the water. She stood awkwardly away from him, not quite looking at him, she seemed to be unsure of what to do.

Blont opened his mouth to speak and pain shot through his skull once more, he let out a strained cry before shutting his mouth tightly and grimacing. He waited until the pain dulled down once more and forced himself to open his eyes, he had closed them tightly during the bout of agony he had endured, he stared at the human with bitter eyes. 'I hope you're pleased with yourself human.' He spat on the ground next to him, an ugly splodge of phlegm left his mouth and shot into the dirt and congealed in with the hard soil.
'What a glorious rescue,' Blont didn't even try to hide the bitterness in his voice. 'Just a few questions, who are you? Where am I? Why in Raha's name did you nearly drown me?' The last question emerged as a near shriek and Blont winced at a stab of pain that lanced through his skull; the pain threatened to dull his senses and Blont fought to keep his focus on the human and to maintain his rage.

To her credit, the human didn't appear fazed by his harsh tone and accusatory attitude. Blont wasn't sure if he liked that. He opened his mouth to say something else when-

'Well, if it isn’t the greatest thief in the world!...'

Oh...merk. Somehow the loud and obnoxious human had found them once more. Blont honestly didn't know whether or not to be surprised by that; after all there was every possibility they hadn't been carried too far by the river, the castle and its dungeons could be just behind the cover of trees for all Blont knew. However, the male human was armed and carrying...something. He had bundles in his arms, forgotten while he blustered and gloated at Blont.

Blont wondered whether he should revise his opinion of the human; in a short time, almost too short a time to be actually possible given the sheer volume of equipment he now carried, the male had not only escaped the castle but had somehow picked up a surprising amount of weaponry and other objects. Indeed, now he was brandishing a dagger and...advancing on Blont.

Blont forced himself not to wince as the human raised the dagger and only gave a marginal reaction of surprise when the blade was used to cut his bonds.

“Shoo, shoo, be on your way.”

Blont did glance in the direction that the male pointed. The possibility of escape, however slight, was incredibly tempting; however, Blont was a pragmatist, he knew the likelihood of getting out of Lempea as he was now: no food, armour, weapons or even coin was slim to the point of non-existent.

Instead Blont tried to see what the male had brought with him, the male was showing the female his possessions while keeping himself between Blont and any view of what they were. Blont caught the boy's eye and couldn't help but smile at the youth's self-righteous glare, the way he was coiled for a fight at any moment...Blont had worked with such people before, they never made it far before starting their own demise.

Blont sighed, 'Alright,' he placed his hands on his hips and looked up at the two humans. 'What is this? Some lovers' escape? Planning to run and elope somewhere?' He finally caught a glimpse of the dress and hat as the female studied them without making any effort to conceal them and grinned. 'To be honest kid, I think she looks better in the armour.'
He raised a hand before the boy could bristle and, more importantly, open his mouth again. 'Look, I don't care what you two are doing but your lady friend took me by force from the dungeons so there's no way I'm letting either of you abandon me in the middle of nowhere.' Blont eyed the packages and parcels, 'Just give me something to help me survive until I'm out of Lempea and I'll be on my way.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyderTheWriter
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RyderTheWriter Ryder

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kate waited for Trent, amused at the gnome's outburst. She was afraid they had been discovered when a nicely dressed gentleman came their way but one look at the eyes and Kate knew it was Trent. So he had managed to escape after all, and apparently made some arrangements of his own. Kate was less than pleased when she saw the shoes he wanted her to wear.

"What am I supposed to use for a weapon if the ruse doesn't work in front of a guard?" Kate asked, ignoring for a moment that the gnome had spoken at all. "I would much rather keep my hammer and shield within easy reach. I know I can't keep the plate armor, it's got the royal guard's emblem on it for Isa's sake! But this is why we prepared the way we did! I've retrieved the packs we kept hidden for such an occasion. You really think it better to pretend to be newlyweds then just faceless travelers?"

"What is this? Some lovers' escape? Planning to run and elope somewhere?" The gnome loudly demanded. "To be honest kid, I think she looks better in the armour."

Kate quietly agreed.

He raised a hand, "Look, I don't care what you two are doing but your lady friend took me by force from the dungeons so there's no way I'm letting either of you abandon me in the middle of nowhere. Just give me something to help me survive until I'm out of Lempea and I'll be on my way."

"Not a chance, gnome," Kate turned to face the much shorter fellow. "I have no idea what you were doing in those dungeons other than the King though you had a connection to the Rebellion. If you do, I want to know what it is. If you don't, I can't risk letting you be found by the guards and questioned as to our whereabouts. No, I think it best if we take the gnome with us. What do you think, Trent?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Blont's words echoed through Trent's head, resonating like a sweet note on middle C. Something in his soul sang back, and Trent churned the idea over in his head. He shrugged. "Chum, you are arguing that by freeing you from a political prison with a terrifying reputation somehow messed things up for you. It sounds like you are arguing that you should be dead, which seems a silly side to take with anybody. Now, if that's not enough, you are going to take that stance in the presence of someone who killed people for a living and tortured them on the side, and an assassin? I'm seriously doubting your judgement.”

Assassin... the words were definitely news at this point.

He shot a glance at Kate. Murder? That wasn’t like him. It would have been impossible to see had you only known Trent from his time in the King's prison, but this was a massive alteration in his behavior. To Kate this young man was radically different. He wasn’t a survivor, he was the snarky wall-flower that said what everybody else was thinking. He was the guy who couldn’t get a date to the fall festival, and was in constant trouble at work because of his refusal to play politics. He was the dreamer who could only keep a secret because he had no friends. He was the guy you invited to parties if your guest list was too short. He was the guy you hung out with when there wasn’t anything else to do. In other words, the type of guy that people outgrew. And even if she fought it, Kate had outgrown him too. She was no rookie at life any longer, Trent (however) was still in training. Even now, in many ways he was still a child, he hadn’t really changed since Kate was just a young girl, not really. The only thing that made Kate trust his order to leave him was this strange and vague hunch that he was actually capable. You could call it confidence. Logically, with Trent’s track record, you could say it was a death sentence. At any rate, he looked guilty as if he were supposed to be shouting it upon first sight of her.

“The guard would have been all over you if they didn’t have more pressing business to attend to, like the King being in danger. So, they sort of think I tried to assassinate him." he abruptly jumped to further explanation, "But! But, I never did anything to even hurt him much less kill him, he just happened to be in the same location I was headed.

That's why I sort of changed the plan. Look, faceless travelers, when a threat to national security is involved, are suspicious and dangerous. Traipsing through wilderness is no longer going to be viewed as someone taking a shortcut, it becomes sinister and something the military might needed to know about. And... and look at him. We can't keep a prisoner while we run for our lives! We will be doing a poor job at both tasks, and our chances are slim already.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyderTheWriter
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RyderTheWriter Ryder

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"We can't just leave him, Trent." Kate argued. "If they find him and he tells them where we were headed or what we were disguised as we're dead. Even if he doesn't tell them, he's dead and I have not the slightest idea what he's done that would make him worthy of death, on our account no less!"

Kate ran her hands through her still damp hair exasperated. Their plan either way they went was horrible at best. She didn't like the idea of having no weapon to defend herself with. She was trained in hand to hand combat but that didn't do much against long range opponents...or an up close battle with a blade. She was a Soturi, sure, but she had limited knowledge of her abilities. She could do a few cheap parlor tricks but nothing worth boasting about.

"How do you expect me to walk in those shoes anyway? We'll be dead from the pace I'll be able to manage in those."

Kate sighed. "Isa be damned if we aren't all fools."
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