Star Wars: Edge of the Empire; Convicted.

Greetings Gentlebeings,
Civil war rages through the galaxy with the REBEL ALLIANCE opposing the vicious EMPIRE despite their lack of resources. With the testing of a secret battle station imminent the Rebel Alliance are desperate to find a way to stop this terrible perfection of the TARKIN DOCTRINE. This all unbeknownst to the desperate souls that are being processed through the Imperial penitentiary system and are just now arriving on a new planet to find redemption in labour…
Indeed, if the title hasn’t made it clear yet this is a go at a small scale prison (escape) roleplay. With a little foresight for character creation: you will be set to work in a mining facility. For this roleplay I am thinking of running the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Role Playing Game (RPG). Specifically the Edge of the Empire book.
As a fan of the FFG Star Wars RPG series I want to experiment with the narrative dice of this game in a forum environment. The beauty of the RPG system is that, instead of static ‘succeed or fail’ checks of many other RPGs, uses ‘narrative dice’. These dice nigh always ensure that something good or bad happens on the side of succeeding or failing what you set out to do. This keeps on (pleasantly) surprising the players and Game Master (GM) with environmental or narrative elements that are added to a situation.
How I expect this to work is that you won’t be rolling any dice yourself, you will only make your character using the RPG rules. After that most of the rolls will be behind the ‘screen’ with the Player Characters (PC’s ) posting in intentions and the GM posting what happens with those intentions.
Now before I post the links to make clear how you create your character and so on, this is the general interest check. For which I only need 3 (dedicated) people that can post at least once within a week, preferable twice, to keep the speed up.
Let me know if this is something for you.
(This is a campaign I will be running as a GM for a group of friends as well and it has content for 4 sessions now, which means about roughly 2-3 months of posting in my experience).

Greetings Gentlebeings,
Civil war rages through the galaxy with the REBEL ALLIANCE opposing the vicious EMPIRE despite their lack of resources. With the testing of a secret battle station imminent the Rebel Alliance are desperate to find a way to stop this terrible perfection of the TARKIN DOCTRINE. This all unbeknownst to the desperate souls that are being processed through the Imperial penitentiary system and are just now arriving on a new planet to find redemption in labour…
Indeed, if the title hasn’t made it clear yet this is a go at a small scale prison (escape) roleplay. With a little foresight for character creation: you will be set to work in a mining facility. For this roleplay I am thinking of running the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Role Playing Game (RPG). Specifically the Edge of the Empire book.
As a fan of the FFG Star Wars RPG series I want to experiment with the narrative dice of this game in a forum environment. The beauty of the RPG system is that, instead of static ‘succeed or fail’ checks of many other RPGs, uses ‘narrative dice’. These dice nigh always ensure that something good or bad happens on the side of succeeding or failing what you set out to do. This keeps on (pleasantly) surprising the players and Game Master (GM) with environmental or narrative elements that are added to a situation.
How I expect this to work is that you won’t be rolling any dice yourself, you will only make your character using the RPG rules. After that most of the rolls will be behind the ‘screen’ with the Player Characters (PC’s ) posting in intentions and the GM posting what happens with those intentions.
Now before I post the links to make clear how you create your character and so on, this is the general interest check. For which I only need 3 (dedicated) people that can post at least once within a week, preferable twice, to keep the speed up.
Let me know if this is something for you.
(This is a campaign I will be running as a GM for a group of friends as well and it has content for 4 sessions now, which means about roughly 2-3 months of posting in my experience).