Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Evangelina Vertesca

Nickname, if applicable: Eva

Age: 27


Home Country: Eva hails from Demura, a land that lies three days journey from Adin, but still within the land known as Capernaum. Her village is known for their military strength and their ability to keep peace amongst the sea-faring traders. The land is two-thirds surrounded by the golden sea and is a bustling port of activity for most of the goods that come into Capernaum by sea.

Background: Eva’s father is the general of the Solaic Army, the protectors of the land and though it is quite unheard of for a woman to be involved in battle or things of that nature, she forced her way into the fold. Having a strategic mindset and strength that shouldn’t belong to a woman of her size and structure, she has trained for years and years to perfect the art of stealth and hand to hand combat. Something is a bit strange about her and though most would inquire to know more, they fear the wrath of her father might befall them. Having lost her mother during her birth the town whispers in the shadows of a curse that holds tight to the girl, but nothing has ever been proven.

Magic is looked down upon in her village as is anything outside of the normalcy of life. Eva works with her Aunt in their bakery during the early hours of the morning and then trains with her father’s men all afternoon and deep into the evening. Even though she’s a bit older, her interest in relationships – families and such – is little to none. She believes something bigger lies just beyond her grasp and waits impatiently for the opportunity to attend to it.

Strengths: Stealth – Eva is capable of sneaking through the shadows without moving the very air around her, her body agile and her mind completely focused on the art of surprise.

Hand to Hand combat – Having trained with her father’s men she is quite capable of wielding a small blade and dancing on deaths edge in the form of hand-to-hand combat. It’s uncanny how she seems to understand which way her opponent might move before doing so.

Manipulation – Being a woman, and a beautiful one at that, she is quite capable of manipulating her way into or out of most situations. Her father spoke only days before her departure of never being willing to send his only child to a foreign country and yet – she leaves today.

Weakness: PM’d this one.

Weapons: Two small daggers.

Additional Info: It has been said that Eva’s skin will almost glow as if sunlight lies below her skin when she is in danger or fear has consumed her. She has the ability to move the air just around her and has a connection with animals that she shouldn’t have.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Lily bellafante
Nickname: n/a
Age: 22
Home country: Lily comes from the small town of Weathering. It is merely a farming town, where the emphasis is on provoding for yourself, your family, and any other person in town that may need it. It has good farming and stock raising lands surrounding it.
background: Lily was born in a neighboring town, however at the age of 12 when her parents died she fled the town, and upon her families horse came across the town of Weathering. It was two weeks before anyone noticed that she actually didn't have a home. She would sneak into a barn and spend the night. She got food from hunting, as, thanks to her father who trained her, she was an excellent shot with a bow. When the towns people realized this, she was taken in my a couple who, for years, had been trying to have children. Lily was grateful for this. Lily however didn't want to be an imposition, so she worked various farms, learned various trades, and learned how to stand on her own two feet.

Her saddest moment was when she had to say goodbye to her horse, the last thing she had of her parents. When this happened, Lily withdrew into herself, often sitting for hours staring at nothing. A man came to her, and said "you need to be strong, to get stronger" and that was it. She rose, and then set out to become strong. She quickly sought out how to fight.

She learned all she could go survive, and become a serious young woman. She didn't take kindly to people saying something was a mans job, and quickly proved that she could do just about anything, maybe not as a man would do it, but she still managed to do it. Many thought it was a shame that she never showed any interest in settling down, having a family, for they thought that was what she needed. Lily however didn't want to be known as someone's wife, someone's mother. She wanted to be know for who she was. So, she continued to live her life as she had been.

Bow master-Lily is excellent with a bow, and rarely has she missed a shot. She makes her own arrows.

Hunting-Lily is exceptional at hunting. She knows which tracks are which, and can track an animal for, potentially, miles.

Adaptability-Lily can easily adapted to many situations quite fluidly. She has been known to get out of dangerous situations unscathed
Weaknesses: pm'd
Weapons: bow and arrows
Additional information:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LadyBella


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Name: Marcus Selwyn

Nickname, if applicable: N/A

Age: 31


Home Country: Marcus is from a small town on the outskirts of Capernaum known as Kilmer. The tiny town runs solely on it's profits from it's farmers. It is surrounded by rolling hills of golden wheat, corn, vegetables and fruits. It's a poor town, but it provides a lot of food for other cities around it. The journey from Kilmer to Adin would be a long one, perhaps 5-6 days depending on the steed.

Background: Marcus grew up as a farm boy and for the most part he had no qualms about it. At seventeen he married, had two daughters in the coming years. He had his own land, his own buyers, he had everything he wanted. Life was good for him. When he was twenty, Marcus's wife and his two young daughters traveled to a neighboring town to visit family. On their way back they disappeared, no trace of them was ever found save one of his daughters shoes. Marcus went insane. Literally, he locked himself in his house, drank himself into a stupor and paraded around town on his horse, screaming and cursing God and anyone who tried to quiet him. Finally, he left the town, taking only what he could pack and started to travel. On his travels he learned, through trial and error, to throw a punch. He was a pitiful excuse for a man.
In a tavern he picked a fight with a rather skilled warrior, his own drunken mistake of course, but the aging hunter saw potential in the drunken mess and cleaned him up. By cleaned him up, the hunter locked him in a room, cut him off of alcohol and women and let him be. When Marcus emerged, dirty, haggard, and quite smelly, the hunter told him what he wanted. Marcus no longer had anything to live for in his own mind so he agreed to learn to fight.
By the time he 'graduated' from the hunters teachings, he was twenty-seven, with a rage behind him that not many people had seen. He returned to Kilmer, but did not farm any longer. He basically became a monster killer for hire. It seemed he had no morals or any sense of right or wrong. If someone offered him the right amount of money he would kill who ever he was asked to kill. However, this was simply a facade. Sure he'd kill anyone for money, he enjoys killing, perhaps too much, but he knows he is no better than the people who took his family. He has accepted that he is a tainted soul and will burn for his indiscretions and he simply doesn't care what happens to him after he dies. He doesn't want to get close to anyone ever, having convinced himself that he is somehow cursed.

Strengths: He is quick about his work, doesn't ask very many questions, and he doesn't care who he kills as long as he gets paid

Weakness: Will PM shortly

Weapons: The two swords in the picture above. Marcus is ambidextrous.

Additional Info: He may seem unfeeling and a little evil, but he isn't actually he just has a really hard time expressing feelings...except anger...he's pretty good at anger. Also he turned out darker than I originally had planned, but he'll change over the course of the RP I promise :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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Name: Kaelle d'Loran (kah-elle)

Nickname, if applicable: Kale (as in the vegetable) only by her closest friends.

Age: 18

Home Country: Kaelle travelled from the small country of Endachold, a country known for its mining of an unique ore named Luom. Endachold is commonly called "The Kingdom of Lights", which refers to how Luom illuminates the land entirely. It is so bright that it appears as though the country is in constant day. The people of Endachold are kind and gentle and all subjects are treated as equal to the king. The grand castle is but a mere illusion as the royal family live amongst the commoners and live as they do. The only difference is the King and his family are recognised in all the land and they do not dress in the typical attire of white and gold robes.

Background: I'm not happy with her bio because I wrote it in a bit of a rush and tried to summarise a lot. Her backstory would probably require a whole 'nother story in itself.

Kale was technically royalty in Endachold as her mother married the king of the land, making her a princess but not by blood. Her father disappeared before she was born, leaving her in the care of her mother for twelve years in the lowest district of Endachold. Despite that all subjects of the King were treated as "equals", Kale and her mother suffered from poverty, forcing Kaelle to learn how to hunt.

Upon Kaelle's 14th turning of age, she discovered that her mother and the King had been having an affair after the passing of the Queen. And just like that, Kale had jumped from the lowest district to the highest district where only politicians, mages, priests and the royal family lived. Four years passed and Kaelle later received a letter to join fellow hunters in the capital city of Adin in the quest to kill the Shade. Kale naturally dismissed the letter, happy with her life in Endachold. Until the arranged marriage was decided. The King had a son a few years older than Kaelle and it was upon his own decision that the two were to marry and have a son of royal blood. This led Kale to leave the kingdom and head off on her week journey towards Adin.

Strengths: Agile: Kaelle is as quick as the wind and has a reaction time similar to that of a lightning strike. Whilst she does not fight in hand-to-hand combat, Kaelle is able to make the enemy stumble on their feet due to her lithe movements and actions.

Ranged combat: Kale is a master at ranged combat with her trusty bow and arrows. She is able to hit a bullseye from hundreds of metres away and never misses a target. Kaelle's ability with a bow and arrow is unlimited and such skills include firing multiple arrows at once and firing a volley of arrows, as well as skills yet to be revealed.

Traps/tools: In addition to her bows and arrows, Kale has an extensive arsenal of tools and traps such as bolas, grenades, throwing knives etc. which prove to be an excellent help in battle and hunting.

Weakness: Will PM in a sec

Weapons: Kaelle uses a specific carved wood bow and steel-headed arrows which she smiths herself. She also carries around several grenades, bolas, throwing knives, caltrops and smoke bombs.

Additional Info: not at this point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Name: Tyden Konrad

Nickname, if applicable: Ty

Age: 29


Home Country: Tyden comes from the island of Seisau, located deep in the south. Seisau is one large island, which used to be part of the mainland millions of years ago but seperated and moved further into the ocean ever since. The only way in and out is by boat. The landscape is dominated by a vast rainforest with very diverse wild life. This diversity was found to be very attractive by those that study wild life as well as those in search for new cures to various diseases. The people of Seisau where always careful not to destroy the diverse flora and fauna located here. Seisau's primary strength is it's navy, one of the largest in the world. They do not have an army, since they never really needed one. They do have however, a peacekeeping force that keeps things in order on the island. Seisau is a military state, ruled by the navy, who disposed of the last king, a power hungry tyrant, 5 years ago. The island only has 5 cities. Odar is the capital and the most largest. Odar is a port city, one of the largest in the world today. Water dragons are rumored to exist within Seisau's territorial waters, in communion with the local populace, but nobody from other kingdoms was lucky enough to bypass the navy and check out this rumour.

Background: Tyden was born in Seisau as the son of a blacksmith. His mother died after giving birth to him. He was a lonely child and had no brothers or sisters. Twenty two years ago the king of Seisau, tired of the continous threat represented by the children of the Shade, decided to create a group of specially trained people to hunt down these magic users. Tyden was one of those chosen to be the first hunters of Seisau. Like all other candidates, he was taken away from his family at the age of 7 and sent to the training camps, where he was trained to become a hunter. He was subjected to the grueling, and sometimes inhuman training that was instituted by the king. For all hunters, graduation came at the age of 19, when they were given an knife and sent out in the wild to survive for a week. They weren't supposed to kill themselves or something like that. Just survive. And that proved to be no easy task in Seisau's lush rainforest that had dangers at every step. At the end of the week only three quarters made it back alive. Tyden was among them.

From that point forward Tyden and his fellow hunters concentrated their lives solely on hunting down any magic users located throughout the territory of Seisau and bring them to justice. Many were captured in this matter. Punishment was death, either by decapitation, incineration or torture. All of these executions were public. Every time one or more magic users were killed, their execution was transformed into a real spectacle in the towns of the island. Despite the genocide of magic users in Seisau, the ordinary people living in the island see them as heroes and protectors of good and they were also treated like kings. When Tyden recieved the invitation to come to Adin he saw this as an oportunity to see how the outside world is like and what kind of danage magic users have done there. So he accepted and the next day he went off.

Agility - During his training as a warrior and hunter, Tyden focused primarily on speed, agility and fast reaction, leaving strength for 2nd place.
Resilience - An important part of Tyden's training was represented by pain tolerance. He was taught, through torture, to withstand as much pain as his body allows him to.
Hand-to-hand combat - Tyden is deadly as long as he has a blade in his hand. He is also skilled in some form of kickboxing, originally developed in Seisau that also allows the use of knee and elbow techniques beside punches and kicks.

Weakness: Will PM in a sec.

Weapons: Two kukri blades.

Additional Info: Tyden is somewhat racist and diislikes anything that dosen't look human. It's not his fault though. He was raised that way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Peter Drake

Nickname, if applicable: Pete

Age: 21

Appearance: ((With out the parrot))

Home Country: He was born in the city state of Celondia. A rather brutish city that focuses mainly on its trade with the rest of the region. The city is rather famous for its weapon forges that have kept the city alive. To get to Celondonia from Adin it would take about 5 days. Ruled by the Trade Princes it is a cruel city. It is known for the fact you can get anything you could ever desire in Celondonia.

Background:Born on the mean streets of Celondia, Peter Drake has always had to take care of himself. Since his family died when he was young he had no one to take care of him. So he learned quickly. He joined the Gaurd for two turns on the Shimmering Walls, the great walls of Celondia. No one had ever done so before. he had no where else to go. There he learned how to fight with a sword and crossbow. He became rather good at it. There he learned of the invitation. He quickly grabbed his sword and crossbow and set out for Adin. Along the way he saw the evil that had been unleashed on the world. He swore he would protect the innocent so as they would never become like he had.

Strengths: Quick witted- One has to be to survive on the streets of Celondia.
Street smart: He is rather good at getting himself out of situations.
Fast: He is very nimble when he needs to be

Weakness: PM'd

Weapons:A sword ((The one in the picture.) and a crossbow. Just a basic crossbow.

Additional Info: (Anything else you find important)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Reynault de Lyons

Nickname, if applicable: Rey to his friends

Age: 25

(I can try and find a non-armor picture if need be)

Home Country: The kingdom of Stahlberg. A small nation hidden in the mountains just north of Adin. This land is famous for it's steel and the quality of it's weapons and the men who use them are famous. The men and women of Stahlberg also have strong feudal traditions and ideas of chivalry, honor and courage. It's a harsh land and cowardice and dishonor are tantamount to sin.

Background: Reynault is a noble from a minor family from Stahlberg. Trained from birth as a knight, Reynault was raised on tales of heroic knights and glorious battles. He wishes to make his mark on the world as a knight of legend.

The youngest of a family of knights, he has a serious rivalry with all three of his older brothers. They have all gone off do to great things, while Reynault is struggling to make a name for himself. This leads him to be somewhat headstrong and needlessly daring, but ultimately he prevails due to his stubborn nature. He sees this quest as a way to become famous and he wants to be able to show his family, especially his brothers that he has done something worth noting.

Strengths: Trained Fighter: Reynault is trained in the use of both sword and lance.

Talented Rider: Ajax is Reynault's trusty warhorse, and the two share a bond like no other.

Strategist: Reynault has a good grasp of military strategy and is capable of thinking outside the box.

Weakness: Pm-ing this.

Weapons: Stahlberg Longsword

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Sors Kelden

Nickname: The Grey Executioner

Age: 46


Home Country: Sors comes from a land far to the north of Adin and even Stahlberg about a three weeks journey if one has a good mount, a land collectively known as the Broken Kingdoms. The remains of a once great empire \that had broken and splintered over the years. Now composed of about a dozen smaller kingdoms, with new ones being created and destroyed everyday. All of them are run by a series of absolute monarchies, which each King, Viscount, or Queen making their "rightful" claim to the remains of the empire. At the time Sors was born, their were seven greater kingdoms and a dozen minor kingdoms, not counting the minor fiefdoms and lord rulings as well as conquered principalities. Border wars are constant, and war seemed to be perpetual, green fields and forests tainted red by blood. Mercenary companies hired by these monarchs to defend their lands have little love for the common people, and rape and slaughter is common, with the actual military forces being no better. Infighting and court intrigued run rampant, with the wars between neighbors, been fought normally on at least two fronts the pressure leading to civil wars within. A land of grey skies, scraggly mountains, and dotted with the ruins of a once great empire reduced to little more then squabbling fools, that want to expand their empire a few feet, by killing thousands in the process. Though in the years after he left the broken kingdoms have more less been conquered by Lyria, the largest of these warring states. With the nations no longer fragmented know having pledged loyalty to their Lyrian conquers. Which has caused a stir in the southern lands, as the sound of Lyrian war drums draws closer and closer.

Sors, was born into one of the minor kingdoms within the Broken Kingdoms called Kaerun. Making most of its money of the trade coming both North and South located on the Old road, connecting the former empire to Adin, as well as through its lumber industry. Sors grew up with his mother and his older brother, his father having died in one of the border wars with Valden a fledgling minor kingdom created after the civil wars in Lyria, the dominate Major Kingdom at the time. His brother left when he was seven years old to join up with one of the mercenary companies that were traveling through their village. He was conscripted into the Kaerun military at the age of 15, to take part in yet another war against Valden. After one entire year of bloody combat Valden fell to Kaerun invaders and the small kingdom's territory expanded.

After this though, King Torin the current ruler of Kaerun grew greedy, after his first successful conquest. So several others soon followed and Sors was shipped off with the rest of them, to the west, east, north, and south. Battle, after battle, war,after war it went on for four years. By the time Sors was twenty. he had seen more combat then most men see in two life times. He had killed soldiers, peasants, and yes even a king. His name became synonymous with the Kaerun military strength. This all changed with the Lyrian invasion of Kaerun. King Torin's militaristic expansion was too successful and he was gaining too much land and power too quickly. He was becoming a threat to the normality, and because of it he needed to be crushed. And so in a war that would be known as the War of Winter, over the course of one winter season, Kaerun was crushed and wiped off the map in its whole entirety by the might of the Lyrian Invasion force. The village he was born in was burned to the ground, he was mother was raped and killed, his King's head was put on a pike. Sors managed to escape death by fleeing southward, along with the remnants of the broken Kaerun military those that had not been already slaughtered by the Lyrian or forced to join their ranks. Most split up long before Sors reached Adin, joining up with mercenaries, bandits, or finding homes in new villages off of the Old road, starting new lives, finding a women and rising a family.

But Sors went as far south venturing into Capernaum, but that were he finally stopped. One day at an old crossroad, in an Inn that seemed to have been forgotten by time its self. Sors met a group of fledgling Hunters.This being during the time of the Shade's rampant destruction of outlaying Capernaum. The hunters were not experienced, they were not doing it for a reward, the just did not want to see the fall of Capernaum, and the death of their people. Sors was surprised, he fought as a soldier and when he fought then he fought because those were his orders, he fought as a mercenary and a bandit as he traveled south but then he fought to survive. He had never fought or have thought to fought to serve for the betterment of men, he had never fought because it was the right thing to do. And so appreciating the sentiment Sors joined them on their quest to destroy a large demonic beast that the Shade had summoned and destroying village after village along the northern border. And after that, well they say that the rest is history. For twenty six years, the boy helped combat the Shade as he slowly became a man. Ages passed and his black hair slowly turned to grey, but the soldier that started his bloody past all those years prior was still within him and his reputation grew.

Sors is a firm believer in Consequentialism. "The ends justifies the means", His actions are often guided by an impersonal logic, refusing to let his conscience, personal, and emotional connections cloud his judgment of what he believes is truly best in the big picture. This has of course lead him to do things that haunt him still to this day. Including an act twenty two years prior to the events. When he was still just a fledgling hunter. The city of Aramieth. A bustling city in southwestern Capernaum officially it was listed that the Shade destroyed it in his initial acts of terror. But what really happened was something much much darker. His influence spread through the City, and his shadowy taint slowly began to drive the people mad. Sors was called in along with a team of other Hunters, for the people began to act strangely. Sors began to investigate and it eventually brought him to the cellar of a nobleman's house, where he found a sort of Alter to the Shade. And that was when he realized what was happening, that his sicking darkness was beginning to corrupt these people. And so they did the only thing they could, they sent a messenger bird out of the city and told the army Capernaum military to block off the road leading in and out of Aramieth. And then Sors and his team began to butcher every last one of the citizens. They knew that they couldn't be saved and he knew that this corruption was moving slowly that maybe only a small fraction of the residents had been tainted so far. But that small amount was enough, for the betterment of all, he had to do what he had to do. Women, Children. Fathers, innocents of all kinds, they didn't stop till they were all dead. By the end close to two thousand people had died. The faces still haunt him and he refuses to this day to go back to Aramieth which was know a ghost town, the streets left empty the houses. The corpses left were they were. If he had one regret it would be Aramieth. And that why he fights the Shade with such anger with such Passion.

By the time he was forty he had earned the nickname "The Grey Executioner" due to his age. He became famous due to his unrelenting determination and because how many creatures and people evidently fell to his blade. He became something of a folk hero in the eyes of the people of Capernaum, the man from the north with his strange accent fighting the encroaching darkness with nothing but his blade.Kids in the villages would play The Executioner Vs The Shade, and where he went he received something of a heroes welcome. But of course Sors, would deny these claims knowing that for the most part he was lucky and he knew his luck was running out. By the time this "Great Hunt" against The Children Of The Shade began Sors was forty six years old. He had been living alone in Northern Capernaum away from the people, feeling as if it was time for him to finally lay down his sword. But that was when he received the invitation for him to join in the hunt. And he picked up his sword once again for he knew that if he just let some young folks chase after The Shade and his Children. That he could only imagine the worst.

Experienced: He has been fighting the Shade for twenty six years, having much needed experience and knowledge of fighting against the dark arts, and before that he has been fighting since he was fifteen.

Master Swordsman: Pretty self-explanatory, when one uses a sword for as long as he has, it becomes an extension of one's self and no longer just a weapon

Folk Hero: He is well known and generally has the support of Capernaum's people. So doors somewhat open a bit easier for him if you know what I mean.

Weakness: PM'd it

Weapons: His Sword seen in the picture above the only token left of his past coming from the days when he served in the Kaerun military, and a small dagger kept at his side made of the tooth of the first unholy abomination of a creature he slew when he first became a hunter.

Additional Info: Nothing yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jonathan Eclesius

Nickname, if applicable: Deathwalker

Age: 32

Human Appearance:

Home Country:
Baelor, a country covered in forests and low mountains, called the Copper Hills. The land is tough and cold, hard to grow anything on, and the people rely on hunting and whatever they can plant for food. The forest provides them with wood, and the Copper Hills are aptly named, although copper is not the only metal that they found there, simply the first. They export iron, coal, copper, tin, wood, and even gold, silver and precious gems in exchange for grain from other countries and for this reason, few want to wage war against them.

The people are skilled craftsmen, both with wood and metal, and are extremely superstitious. So much so that the Church is the ruling body and government.

Jonathan Eclesius was not his born name, although what that was faded long ago from his memory. Born in the cold northern country of Baelor, he discovered that he had magical potential at a young age, although old enough to know the curse that it was. He fled his parents house at seven years of age, running for his life as some of the village people discovered what he was, and wanted to burn him for it. They feared the forest, however, and there he found solace and sanctuary. Of a sort.

Darkness grew in his heart as he turned his magic into something terrible and awful. His power grew, and as did his legend in the area. So much so that the church deemed him a threat and charged a special unit to capture him and bring him back to a court to stand trial for his witchcraft. But the young warlock had no intention of going quietly. The battle that ensued was of legendary proportions, and at the end of it, Jonathan was left nearly dead.

Oddly enough, and elderly priest, the head of the troop came forward and used great light magic to heal him. But the event was traumtizing, leaving the young man without any magical power or much memory of his past before he came to the forest. He was brought back for judgement, but the elderly priest pleaded his case before the jury, telling them that he was no longer capable of practicing magic. However, he did owe a great debt to the church for what happened in the forest, so he vowed, from that moment forward, that he would fight for the church, bringing down their enemies, especially the witches and warlocks. His name was given: The Deathwalker, named so because he was living, as the Church saw it, on borrowed time. He owed the Gods for his life, and as thus, had to repay them in the blood of the dark ones.

His name took on a different, more lethal meaning for the ones that he was charged with hunting down and slaughtering in the name of the Church.

Strengths: Works best in the dark, able to see perfectly well even in a pitch black environment. Faster than a lightning bolt and agile as a cat, as well as moving as silent as one, hard to hit is the name of his game.

Weapons: Right Vambrace with retractable claws.
Two daggers, carried around his waist.
All weapons are blessed against breaking and working as poison against dark ones, including himself. If the blades puncture the skin, without magical help, the target would be dead within minutes even from the smallest wound.
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Double post...
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Triple post...
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Starting to piss me off...
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I'm giggling at you Bane. :)
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Hunter CS:



Home Country: The White Kingdom. Arlese is from the elvish kingdom deep in the White Bark Woods which lies east of Aldin (two day to the edge of the forest and four more to the kingdom). It is said the kingdom glistens in the sun, its building made of pure white marble and stone, bright flowering trees and bushes litter the palace and every kind of animal is safe there. Of course that land has not been seen for centuries and so the elves are thought to be extinct or even simply a myth.

Background: Arlese was born and raised in the white kingdom, born to a family of high status and soon after dedicated to The Woad, the protection and worship of nature. It was with this future in mind that Arlese was raised to never eat meat, know another's touch, and prepare for the fight of dark creatures that would seek to destroy their land. As she grew Arlese became one of the best, a Woman of the Woad by her 80s and the youngest ever. As the elves felt the power of the shade and his children grow they strengthened their defenses and prepared, till a message from a human king arrived and Arlese was chosen to travel for the first time in a long time to travel outside the White Woods, the first time in centuries to do so with the human's awareness.

Increases fitness: As an elf Arlese is extremely physically capable. She can out run any human or witch, jump into a tall tree with little effort, and moves with the grace that can only come from inhuman flexibility and a light step.

Forest Affinity: Arlese was raised exclusively in the forest and so knows many of nature’s secretes and is close to those animals that inhabit it. She can move through them almost undetectable, never gets lost, and has increased damage when fighting inside woodlands.

Purity: Arlese is a Woman of the Woad and so has been raised to be extremely pure of heart and spirit. Because of this she has an increased resistance to dark magic as well as possessing weapons that have been passed down by generations of Woad warriors and have increased in power with every elf, giving it more lethality against dark creatures.

Weakness: PMed

Weapons: Long handled sword

Hunting bow

Additional Info: Arlese has a ‘stead’ of types that she calls “Boleo”

She is also a vegetarian
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