Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"A time will come when men will stretch out their eyes. They should see planets like our Earth.”
--Christopher Wren

With conflicting ideologies and cultures, there's bound to be violence between civilizations in this roleplay. That's okay. What's not okay is the pursuance of showing how your nation is the best by subjugating all others (bonus points to your asshole meter if you specifically target smaller civilizations because it's 'easier'). This roleplay is about civilizations interacting in more than just a war-like fashion, and I expect to see this reflected in IC posts. With that said, just about anything goes here. Whatever it is your nation does, it does. While there will be specific events that occur, nations are not required to act in any certain way. Note thought that those civilizations that are more active will receive higher chances of positive random events occurring for them.

Random events will be enacted at the end of every week (Fridays) for every nation, and can vary vastly. Sometimes they will be on a small scale, others on a titanic scale. Though you control your nation, some of these events may necessitate that I control certain aspects of it. If you have an issue with a random event, PM me with decency, please. Other non-random events will appear that allow for all nations present to participate in, and will technically be more important towards the plot of the roleplay. Sticking with them to the end will reveal prizes.

All civilizations and their worlds will be mapped out using Universe Sandbox, a real-time 3D space simulator, with accurate distances and time functions built in. Bonus points to players who detail their worlds and the solar systems they reside in. It'll help me a lot. If you need to know specific about your own planets/stars/systems/etc, feel free to ask me. The program includes a number of details on different stellar bodies that would otherwise be pretty difficult or obnoxious to try and deduce on your own. I'm still figuring out a way to display this map accurately for everyone to see.

Below is a basic skeleton for you to fill out with your nation's information, as well as the race(s) in it. You are free to add on anything else you wish, so long as you include at least what is asked for below.

Race(s) should include appearance and basic physiology. Racial traits should be a single positive and negative trait. Use common sense and careful consideration.

Civilization Tier is understood according to the following list:

Tier 1 Civilizations are not allowed unless given permission.

Nation Name:
Racial Traits:
Civilization Tier:

  • Be civil and sort out issues with one another before coming to me. If I see that you can't be civil, well...

  • E-penis arguments, 1up discussions, and shameless banter will be swiftly ended and the culprits punished.

  • While usage of hard-science is not an omnipresent force here, it will be used to avert the creation and usage of particularly unfair or ridiculous technologies.

  • Don't metagame.

  • I reserve the right to intervene in any way when it comes to the IC.

  • This is an advanced-level roleplay.

  • When your nation sheet is complete, please send me a link to it via PM.

  • Allied Remnants of Relia
    - Phantasms of the cosmos, never quite able to be tracked down as their superior cloaking technology aids them in expert escape and hiding technique.

    Graal Confederacy
    - A highly militaristic, tough, and unbending nation built upon old technology and a culture favoring turmoil over peace.

    Collected States of Erephim
    - Explorers of the stars, the Collected States push onward towards greater scientific enlightenment, valuing discovery over all else.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Nation Name:
    -- Collected States of Erephim (CSoE)
    -- Nera: Somewhat diminutive humanoids that resemble the "greys" of Earth pop culture. They possess bones which can selectively become supportive or rubbery, large eyes, a curious spinal-based nervous system, gills located adjacent to their lungs, a mouth in their stomach, and a pressurization chamber in their heads which is used for both launching small projectiles and communication in the form of clicks, whistles, and trumpeting. Nera breathe chlorine, and require a breathing apparatus in non-chlorine environments.
    Racial Traits:
    -- Stargazers (+): The Nera have long been obsessed with what lies over the horizon, on the dark side of the moon, and beyond the stars. Their technology has always been attracted towards means of discovering and understanding these things; Erephim sensors, scanners, and communications technology are all exceedingly advanced, with high resolutions and impressive computing power. On top of this, the Nera themselves have excellent vision and inquisitive minds.
    -- Junkers (-): Despite having an overdeveloped industrial economy, Nera tend towards quantity over quality, and it shows. Their tech is often made to low standards and is prone to breaking down or falling apart at inopportune times, and one often sees jury-rigged equipment and outdated mechanisms.
    Civilization Tier:
    -- Tier 3: The Collected States have spread to the stars, but there is still much that they're trying to learn. Approximately three-dozen colonies have been settled, in various states of development.
    -- 29.6 billion Nera.
    -- The home system of the Nera is occupied by three rocky terrestrial worlds, a single gas giant with a large number of moons, and a massive asteroid belt and stellar debris field. The first planet from the sun is covered in crags and a thin, hot atmosphere. The third is an icy snowball. The gas giant is orange, angry, and exhibits a wide variety of traits across its several-dozen orbiting bodies. The system is located corewards of the galactic north-east.
    -- The Nera's homeworld, Toch'k, is the second planet from the sun. A mid-sized rocky world with shallow oceans, high tectonic activity, and a thick chlorine-based atmosphere, Toch'k is rich in minerals and hydrocarbons with which the Nera have fuelled their industry.
    -- The Collected States are, in many ways, oppressive. The leadership is generally made up of ambitious scientific and industrial figures who push forward progress at ever-more unsustainable speeds, resulting in half-measures and overreaching endeavours. The civilian population is strictly controlled, with access to the implants required to prevent sterility closely guarded and assigned as reward for satisfactory work or service. A sort of cult of personality has formed around the idea of advancing technologically, and despite the substandard quality of their industrial product the Nera take great pride in the devices and equipment they have developed.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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    Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    I would like to mention that letting me know where in the galaxy you'd like your central homeworld to be located would be very helpful. The galaxy is a spiral form, so just let me know the general area in which you'd like to be (ie; closer to the center, tip of an arm, etc).

    And again, specifying details on your worlds, their stars and the bodies around them helps me greatly. If you don't, I'm left to assume you don't care, in which case I'll take my own liberties at designing them.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Asuras said
    I would like to mention that letting me know where in the galaxy you'd like your central homeworld to be located would be very helpful. The galaxy is a spiral form, so just let me know the general area in which you'd like to be (ie; closer to the center, tip of an arm, etc).And again, specifying details on your worlds, their stars and the bodies around them helps me greatly. If you don't, I'm left to assume you don't care, in which case I'll take my own liberties at designing them.

    Slight updates to my sheet, then, giving more specifics about their home planet and the surrounding system.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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    Cpt Toellner The Hero We Deserve

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    I'm reserving a spot here, a Tier-3 mercantile society closer to the center of the galaxy. will produce a CS soon.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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    Member Seen 16 hrs ago

    Crowned Republic of Esmaria

    Government: Monarchical Republic. The Crowned Republic functions differently then most democratic nations, in that while they elect their leaders, rather then a lone person, the entirety of a Noble House is chosen to be the Ruling House of the Republic, the current Matriarch/Patriarch of the Elected House is then chosen to become the new Head Sovereign of the State. The rest of the Major and Lesser Houses then form the Royal Assembly, whom both act as the Advisers of the Ruling King/Queen, and help govern and enact laws of the republic.
    Racial Traits:
    Civilization Tier: Interstellar
    Population: 12 Billion
    Culture/Society: While prosperous, they are not without their flaws. There remains a divide among the Noble Houses, and the ordinary citizenry of the Republic, from lifestyle, to political power. Despite some of these flaws, Esmarian Space is quite open and accepting to people of all nationalities and species who wish to become citizens.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Nation Name:Remnants of the shattered sky
    Racial Traits:
    Beast Kin- They are one of the two largest groups within the remnants. As well as the most diverse. They all have physical traits of the beasts that used to inhabit their home planets. They are all mammalian if they leave their planets behind, the reptilians were simply too stubborn to leave their worlds behind. They make up the largest portion of the nation due to their versatile nature allowing them to breed with either man or beast, they also produce litters.
    Advantage: They have heightened senses
    Disadvantage: They are split down the middle between beast and man. This means an eternal struggle that tends to cause them to fracture their personalities. They suffer bouts of insanity.
    Elementals they were mutated by the energy that leaked into the environment and caused them to mutate into elementals of the four base elements.
    Advantage They are capable of blending with their elements.
    Disadvantage they are weak in areas where their element doesn't exist and if they blend with their element and it is destroyed they are mortally wounded.
    Civilization Tier: 4
    Population: 20.1 Billion Total
    9 Billion elementals
    11.1 Billion Beasts
    Culture/Society: They are simply trying to pull their society together having joined under the flag of the remnants. Their society was once on teh bleeding edge of science but they destoryed themselves.
    Where: They live in a two red sun system in the central area of the spiral universe. It has alot of debris in space from planets that are not around any more having been completely destroyed in the war. The planets are in order:
    Aurum: Uninhabited Desolate wasteland
    Argentum: Uninhabited Desolate wasteland
    Djour: A water planet: Small islands where Lizard people live and water elementals survive in underwater cities along side fish people.
    Terra: A mountianous planet: two oceans that are surrounded by land. Primarily a planet of air and earth elementals.
    Magus: A planet also called Nexus it is a planet alot like earth but it has radiation that ripples off of its areas that goes out into space and messes everyone's systems up. There are very few who live on this planet all are elementals holding titles of sages. They live in areas where the radiation lines up with their own body.
    Aurus THis is a planet that has a very small land mass. It creates gravity enough to create an atmosphere. It is a planet haven of the air elementals.
    Jusen: This is a jungle planet primarily inhabited by beastkin.
    Mugen: This planet has no beasts on it it is a planet covered in ash and magma earth and fire lives here.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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    Rare The Inquisitor

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    - Place Holder -
    Nation Name: Marath Union.
    Race(s): Alyians.
    Racial Traits: Peace Talkers(+): If there's a change in peace or prevent a war from breaking loose, they will take it no matter what happens at the end. Due to their religious beliefs, they must think out a peaceful way of ending a war by not just killing everyone before entering a war. Not Great Allies(-): This is due to their religious beliefs as well, since they can't enter a war for no reason at all. They make it bad allies, because they wouldn't join the nation's side.
    Civilization Tier: Tier 4/3.
    Population: 232,134,980.
    Culture/Society: The old generation sticks by their religious, like glue sticks on paper; while the new generation, isn't that strict with their religious and ready to expand beyond their planet. Yet, the older generation wants to stay on the planet and is saying it's a sin to be more powerful against god. But with the last old generation queen dead, the new generation's queen is breaking sin after sin. So said that the world will end when the FTL drive is used for the first time.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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    Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

    Member Seen 2 hrs ago

    Placeholder for my nation.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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    NacNak The Warrior

    Member Seen 4 days ago

    Nation Name: Royal Zargonian Empire (RZE)Theme: Indestructible

    Home World: Zargonia, a desert planet that's three times the size of Earth with three times Earth's gravity, it has three moons and orbits a binary star system that's near the edge of the galactic rim in a pretty isolated area. Both stars are the same size as each other and are yellow like Earths sun, but their slightly bigger. There are five other planets in the solar system.
    Zargonia has two small pole continents both covered with Ice, a super continent at the equator that's mostly desert that take's up almost two thirds of the planets surface. Part's of the continent near the poles are more tropical and covered with plant life, there are three other continents, two of which are close to the super continent but are near the north pole so their mostly covered in plant life and partially snow. The last continent is at the other side of the planet, it's also at the equator in the middle of the ocean and it's less then a fourth in size compared to the super continent, but it's extremely hostile due to dangerous wildlife.

    Race(s): Zargonians or Zargans (Reptilians):
    Their height can very from 13ft tall to 15ft tall, their tough reptilian hide has scales that are a light golden brown color. They also have a row of spikes going from the tip of their snout, down their spine to the tip of their tail. They have an incredible sense of smell, natural night vision and good hearing, they also speak verbally to each other like humans do.

    This picture closely resembles them =3 they basically look like but without the fin on their back, or the blue skin tone, and they wear more clothing then that, where as soldiers and guards wear armor. =3
    Sas-Zak (Insectoids):

    These bug's stand just under 6ft tall, the spikes on their arms and legs helps them climb on almost any surface and their pincer like feet help them keep their grip on multiple surfaces. Their wings allow them to fly at incredible speeds, they have what appear to be very short tails attached to their shell like abdomen, but it's actually a stinger with a volatile poison which could paralyze most creatures on Zargonia, excluding most of the larger creatures on the planet. Their shells are mostly dark colors to help then stay hidden from dangerous creatures. When they aren't in danger they have bioluminescence as a way to communicate, as well as multiple clicking, chattering sounds, but one thing that they evolved to have was Telepathy, which helps them communicate amongst themselves, and some of the creatures on Zargonia, which has helped them survive.

    Racial Traits:
    Zargan: because of their home world they evolved on, they have very tough scale covered skin. Zargan's are incredibly strong, determined and durable, they heal quickly from small injury's and if one was to break their arm, it would take them less then a week and a half for it to fully heal,, if they were to lose their limb it would grow back, but it would take about three months to grow back to the way it was before. Their scaly hide hardened to protect them from the heat of the suns and scorching desert's along with the sandstorms as well as defend them from the dangerous creatures that also live on their planet. They fight with ferocious savagery and tenacity, both with weapons, technology and with their claws and teeth. If they have to they'll rip their enemy limb from limb to secure a win, and they wouldn't be bothered by it, and they can live up to 700 year if their lucky.

    Sas-Zak: Their strong, there's no doubt in that, they have the strength to move rock's almost as big as them with relative ease for tunneling underground. But if one was to get into an accident and break it's exoskeleton, it would take a while to fix even with medicine because it's hard shell takes time to heal, but the tissue beneath heals quickly. The middle eye on the top of their head see's in infrared which helps them spot prey or predators in the dark, the two eye's behind the first two eye's see in night vision which helps them see under ground or at night on the surface, the two eye's near the front of their head see things in color like humans for when their on the surface during the day. They are somewhat savage when they fight, but there's also planning in it, they fight smart because they aren't the strongest being's where they live. Sas-Zak have been known to live up to 200 years if their lucky.

    Racial disadvantages:
    Zargan's: Because of their size they're not that hard to miss in an open battlefield, and their size give's them overconfidence in battle when they are facing a smaller enemy

    Sas-Zak: Because they evolved underground they breath through there skin as well as their mouth to get more air. Because of their evolution they are more susceptible to poisonous and dangerous air born chemicals then other races, as well as getting sick.

    Civilization Tier: Interstellar (on their way to Galactic): Expanded from their home system. Colonization of first exo-planet to full-scale colonization of stars. FTL discovered.

    Population: 1,000,000,000,000
    Zargan's = 600,000,000,000
    Sas-Zak = 400,000,000,000

    Culture/Society: the R.Z.E has a warlike society, with a monarchy culture, but there is honor in them, both in combat and life (that's the best i got =/ )

    Air-Space Forces: all ships have light speed drives

    Land Forces:

    Weapons :

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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    Member Seen 16 hrs ago

    Updated my sheet slightly, still needs work.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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    I'm trying to decide between giving the Nera more conventional weapons, or getting creative for that proper retro "grey" feel.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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    Member Seen 16 hrs ago

    Either ideas could be good. Perhaps a mix?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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    Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago


    Nation Name: Graal Confederacy

    Race(s): Graalus konanicus; commonly referred to as the Graal [GRAHL]
    -- Silvius geanus; commonly referred to as the Tallidarans [TAHL-IH-DAR-INZ]
    -- Alantaya virgata; commonly referred to as the Hyagarans [HY-UH-GAR-INZ]
    -- Kudoros tandus; commonly referred to as the Skorf [SK-ORF]

    Racial Traits:

    TOUGHENED: The Graal, primarily because of their evolutionary trail from their hot and dry homeworld of Gruul H'ea have become immensely sturdy, in regards to more mildly designed species. Gravity three times heavier than a normally inhabited world, the Graal's physical growth is naturally stunted and they stand only a meter and a half tall, but because of the binary star system their epidermis is cracked and nearly an inch thick -- enough to ward off otherwise lethal ballistic and low velocity lasers. They are mammals and possess the natural organs to keep that functioning, but the heavy gravity forced additional vertebrates along the thoracic and lumbar sections of the spine, which gives them increased protection from physical harm.

    Fibrous organelles called Ruks line the Stratum basale of the Graal's epidermis. These organelles hold additional water, which began to interact with the body with severe dehydration sets in. This allows the Graal to go weeks without water, and for those who are unaware of these biological evolutions, the Graal seem to never tire, never thirst or feel hunger -- and it is a myth of many war stories of years past.

    ANTIQUATED TECHNOLOGY: The Graal have stolen technology from the nations they have conquered, but have been unable to devise new methods of warfare and travel beyond this. As technology continues to evolve, the high water mark for the Confederacy seems to fall in line with yesterday. The most common form of propulsion is a hybrid ion-diesel array called Pulse Push Technology. Highly unstable, it allowed the Tallidarans to reach FTL travel with an 81.2% success rate. Not so good when compared to the success rate of other FTL civilizations at 99.99999%.

    Civilization Tier: Galactic Power: These are the big boys. They have pretty much full mastery of their current technology. They are highly respected and powerful empires.

    Population: 161,000,000,000 Graal, 71,000,000,000 Subjugants (Tallidarans, Hygarans, Skorf).

    Culture/Society: Largely patriarchal with a societal adherence to tenets of ruthlessness and violence. The Graal are nominally militant which largely impedes their diplomatic and social statuses with other civilizations. Slaves are one of their major exports (though Graal slaves are illegal). Many cases of law are often rationalized based on premises of strength. (If someone stole something from another Graal, guilt is determined via if the claimant is strong enough to get his stolen goods back).

    NOTE: I would like to start the game in a Cold War with another Level 2 Civilization. Not a conventional war, but a war of the Graal ideology (Autocracy, Ruthlessness, Oppression) versus another one.

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


    Member Offline since relaunch

    If I played a tier five civilization, could I have their world be of many different nations? (Because that's how the earth is now, after all. We can go to Space, but we aren't really in the Space Age yet).
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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    Sigma said
    Either ideas could be good. Perhaps a mix?

    I'm going with fancy-looking electronically primed projectile weapons and some plasma guns with the ability to arc and bounce their projectiles. I'll add more stuff as I think of it. I need some sort of distinct explosives, I think.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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    Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Hello again Asuras, been some time uh? I would like to claim a galactic power (If claiming is allowed). If it is not well, galactic power WIP coming...

    @Sigma: Well here we go again! (Not being UF this time though)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    If there is enough room left I would like to reserve a spot I expect to have the CS up soon
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
    Avatar of Asuras

    Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Serpentine88 said
    Hello again Asuras, been some time uh? I would like to claim a galactic power (If claiming is allowed). If it is not well, galactic power WIP coming...@Sigma: Well here we go again! (Not being UF this time though)

    Good to see you Serp as well.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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    Member Seen 16 hrs ago

    Serpentine88 said
    @Sigma: Well here we go again! (Not being UF this time though)

    Indeed, we're screwed :P

    Should be good fun!
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