Nation Name: Royal Zargonian Empire (RZE)Theme:
Home World: Zargonia, a desert planet that's three times the size of Earth with three times Earth's gravity, it has three moons and orbits a binary star system that's near the edge of the galactic rim in a pretty isolated area. Both stars are the same size as each other and are yellow like Earths sun, but their slightly bigger. There are five other planets in the solar system.
Zargonia has two small pole continents both covered with Ice, a super continent at the equator that's mostly desert that take's up almost two thirds of the planets surface. Part's of the continent near the poles are more tropical and covered with plant life, there are three other continents, two of which are close to the super continent but are near the north pole so their mostly covered in plant life and partially snow. The last continent is at the other side of the planet, it's also at the equator in the middle of the ocean and it's less then a fourth in size compared to the super continent, but it's extremely hostile due to dangerous wildlife.
Race(s): Zargonians or Zargans (Reptilians):
Their height can very from 13ft tall to 15ft tall, their tough reptilian hide has scales that are a light golden brown color. They also have a row of spikes going from the tip of their snout, down their spine to the tip of their tail. They have an incredible sense of smell, natural night vision and good hearing, they also speak verbally to each other like humans do.
This picture closely resembles them =3 they basically look like
but without the fin on their back, or the blue skin tone, and they wear more clothing then that, where as soldiers and guards wear armor. =3
Sas-Zak (Insectoids):
These bug's stand just under 6ft tall, the spikes on their arms and legs helps them climb on almost any surface and their pincer like feet help them keep their grip on multiple surfaces. Their wings allow them to fly at incredible speeds, they have what appear to be very short tails attached to their shell like abdomen, but it's actually a stinger with a volatile poison which could paralyze most creatures on Zargonia, excluding most of the larger creatures on the planet. Their shells are mostly dark colors to help then stay hidden from dangerous creatures. When they aren't in danger they have bioluminescence as a way to communicate, as well as multiple clicking, chattering sounds, but one thing that they evolved to have was Telepathy, which helps them communicate amongst themselves, and some of the creatures on Zargonia, which has helped them survive.
Racial Traits:
Zargan: because of their home world they evolved on, they have very tough scale covered skin. Zargan's are incredibly strong, determined and durable, they heal quickly from small injury's and if one was to break their arm, it would take them less then a week and a half for it to fully heal,, if they were to lose their limb it would grow back, but it would take about three months to grow back to the way it was before. Their scaly hide hardened to protect them from the heat of the suns and scorching desert's along with the sandstorms as well as defend them from the dangerous creatures that also live on their planet. They fight with ferocious savagery and tenacity, both with weapons, technology and with their claws and teeth. If they have to they'll rip their enemy limb from limb to secure a win, and they wouldn't be bothered by it, and they can live up to 700 year if their lucky.
Sas-Zak: Their strong, there's no doubt in that, they have the strength to move rock's almost as big as them with relative ease for tunneling underground. But if one was to get into an accident and break it's exoskeleton, it would take a while to fix even with medicine because it's hard shell takes time to heal, but the tissue beneath heals quickly. The middle eye on the top of their head see's in infrared which helps them spot prey or predators in the dark, the two eye's behind the first two eye's see in night vision which helps them see under ground or at night on the surface, the two eye's near the front of their head see things in color like humans for when their on the surface during the day. They are somewhat savage when they fight, but there's also planning in it, they fight smart because they aren't the strongest being's where they live. Sas-Zak have been known to live up to 200 years if their lucky.
Racial disadvantages:
Zargan's: Because of their size they're not that hard to miss in an open battlefield, and their size give's them overconfidence in battle when they are facing a smaller enemy
Sas-Zak: Because they evolved underground they breath through there skin as well as their mouth to get more air. Because of their evolution they are more susceptible to poisonous and dangerous air born chemicals then other races, as well as getting sick.
Civilization Tier: Interstellar (on their way to Galactic): Expanded from their home system. Colonization of first exo-planet to full-scale colonization of stars. FTL discovered.
Population: 1,000,000,000,000
Zargan's = 600,000,000,000
Sas-Zak = 400,000,000,000
Culture/Society: the R.Z.E has a warlike society, with a monarchy culture, but there is honor in them, both in combat and life (that's the best i got =/ )
1,000,000 B.C.E: (before common era, like the technology we have today =3 ) First Zargan's appear and start to spread across the super continent. slowly claiming to be one of the most dangerous top predators on the planet.
950,000 B.C.E: The Zargan's begin to gain intelligence, the ability to use their mind to analyze, create, deduce, and formulate, allowing them to communicate effectively. They start to grow in number and form tribes, and hunt in large packs.
920,000 B.C.E: Zargan's begin making weapons to help them hunt and fight against hostile creatures and tools to help them build shelter from harsh environment instead of hiding in caves.
890,000 B.C.E: Zargan's have made small town's and villages to take refuge in and live, farms are made to support growing population. Half of the hunters become guards to protect civilians while hunters are out hunting, written language is created.
854,000 B.C.E: Iron age has begun, armor is now made to protect guards and hunters, metal weapons are made to make combat against hostile creatures safer. Metal constructs are made, they help make stone walls instead of wooden walls around their towns/villages/cities. Mine's are created to supply weapons, armor and structures, currency is made for trade and equivalence. Star charts are mapped as well as the planet, the Royal Zargonian Empire begins.
830,000 B.C.E: Zargan's discover gun power, this leads to explosives which helps mining. Eventually projectile based weapons are made (mounted cannons).
821,000 B.C.E: Hand held cannons (guns =3 ) are invented, this leads to better security and safety for cities/villages/towns but bladed weapons are still preferred.
785,000 B.C.E: Industrial age has begun, steam powered technology is invented. Town's and villages that are to far out from main capitols feel neglected, they band together as rebels and the first war against the R.Z.E begins but ends quickly, rebels are outnumbered and outgunned.
764,000 B.C.E: Vehicles are invented, making traveling and trading easier and faster. Weapons are improved as well as armor, magazine's are made so weapons don't have to be reloaded after one shot. Armor is reinforced for better protection, swords are made sharper and stronger. Cities are better protected from the hostile environment, bombs have improved, and grenades are made from them. Electricity is discovered, city defenses are now include electric barbed wire on top of city walls.
754,000 B.C.E: Second war against R.Z.E begins, rebel's are better equipped then last time but still pose no real threat.
753,890 B.C.E: R.Z.E make armored war vehicles, which are used to drive rebels back, rebels retreat and go into hiding.
753,834 B.C.E: First flying vehicles are made, radio waves discovered, combustion engines are invented. Civilisation improves, automatic weapons are invented to help fend off hostile creatures.
753,345 B.C.E: Large rebel army surprise attack's R.Z.E's main capital causing devastating damage, R.Z.E declares war of rebel faction.
752,458 B.C.E: R.Z.E finally wins 887 year war against rebels though some still remain hidden. Technology has improved greatly over the war, they now have plasma based weapons, but they mix them with projectile based weapon for both have their uses as well as bladed weapons.
752,421 B.C.E: Zargan's lower their weapons and look to the stars above them, then the space race begins.
752,402 B.C,E: First rocket model is made and launched, the attempt to get to space fails, but in doing so they invent jets.
752,387 B.C.E: New prototype rocket is made and tested but ends in disaster.
752,363 B.C.E: Another prototype has been made and tested multiple times before attempting to leave atmosphere, new rocket model is successful. Zargans's have made it to space, but rocket is stuck in orbit, for they didn't think on how they would get back down. Tragedy hits when the flames of the rocket are seen as they land on farmland, destroying it.
752,303 B.C.E: Newest rocket model has been made, and tested, Zargan's successfully get back into space, and are able to get back down to Zargonia without burning up, or exploding.
751,343 B.C.E: Zargan's land on all three of their moons and begin looking beyond their home to the rest of their solar system.
750,234 B.C.E: Zargan Civilization has advanced, mega cities are starting to form from capitals cities, sky scrapers and underground cities are flourishing. They have made it to the closest planet in their solar system, getting to space isn't as risky as it was before, but it still takes time. Weapons have advanced as well as armor and vehicles.
750,000 B.C.E: New intelligent species appears on Zargonia on extremely hostile continent, it goes unnoticed by Zargan's.
749,978 B.C.E: Rumors begin spreading about strange sightings of Insectoids near the coastal area's of the super continent.
749,950 B.C.E: R.Z.E gather's it's military force and decides to explore the hostile continent, first contact with another intelligent species is made. Both species have a disliking for each other for both believe that they are the rightful owner of the planet. Another war begins when the other species throws the first punch, the R.Z.E forces engage them and seem to have an easy victory for their superior technological might and numbers and well as brute strength, but the other species merely retreated to underground cities hidden from sight.
735,000 B.C.E: War continues to rage on, Zargan's have made flamethrowers to combat the other species. The other species have dug in deep and are using guerrilla warfare to combat the Zargans. Since the beginning of this war the other species has advanced greatly in technology, considering how long they've been around, they have managed to make automatic magazine fed projectile based weaponry and explosive devices. Their knowledge of technology seems to increase rapidly
733,000 B.C.E: Both sides of the war grow tired of fighting each other and the fighting slowly dies down. The leader of the R.Z.E, the King, takes it upon himself to try and make peace between both of their kinds, or at least com to some kind of agreement. When the king arrives at the ravaged hostile continent they are surrounded by the other species, but nether side attacks. Then the discovery that the other species can communicate with their minds happens when the leader of there kind reveals itself, negotiations are made between them. The other species designates themselves as the Sas-Zak, which overtime have been accepted into Zargan culture and have been welcomed into their cities, the damage from the war is then repaired over time.
720,000 B.C.E: With the combined effort from Zargan's and Sas-Zak space travel is made easy with new engines that are a lot more effective then previous models. Vtols are invented as well as mecha tanks to help defend against larger wildlife as well as upgrade their armor and weapons. Space warships are made in precaution of possible rising rebellion threat.
650,000 B.C.E: With a large fleet in the sky's of Zargonia and planetary guns being built to shoot down possible enemy ships, as well as possible meteors that would cause devastating damage to the planet, the rebel attack didn't happen, for a while at least, but they did eventually. The rebels attack but they were thwarted before they were able to pick up speed.
600,000 B.C.E: The R.Z.E were able to colonize two planets in their solar system by terraforming them, but the other two planets environments are to hostile and are strip-mined for resources which helped them build up their planets civilizations and their fleets.
500,500 B.C.E: Zargan's look past their solar system and beyond wondering what else is out there, and the Sas-Zak offer their help to find out with them, prototype designs are planned out for faster then light speed drives for fleets engines.
500,200 B.C.E: First prototype light speed engine is tested and ends in total failure as the test ship goes to activate it's light speed engine it explodes as it goes to jump making debris fly across the solar system and slamming into one of the strip-mined planets at light speed causing massive damage to the surface. Good thing it wasn't colonized...
500,050 B.C.E: Redesigned light speed drive added to test ship engine, the test was successful. R.Z.E test ship was able to jump from one side of the solar system to the other and back without any problems. With further testing they deem it safe to add light speed drives on all R.Z.E ships.
500,000 B.C.E: Nearest star system is picked out to explore, R.Z.E send's colonizing ship as well as military escort.
499,990 B.C.E: Ships arrive at star system, the star burns a green color, it's somewhat smaller then Earths sun. Their are 18 planets in this system, 4 planets are able to be colonized the rest have hostile environments to hostile to colonize. 1 of the planets holds primitive intelligent life, R.Z.E attempts to make contact, but life forms attack as soon as they see the ships, R.Z.E leaves the planet and it's life be. The other three planets are colonized.
499,980 B.C.E: The uncolonisable planets are strip-mined for there resources, increasing the numbers of the newly colonized planets and further increasing the fleet.
499,000 B.C.E: Primitive life on the planet left alone show signs of technological advancement, artificial light dot's the planets surface. R.Z.E attempts to make contact again, once again the primitive life lashes out, R.Z.E then wipes out primitive life on planet from orbit and the planet is colonized.
480,000 B.C.E: Light speed trade routs are made between second star system and first.
475,000 B.C.E: After the population reaches it's maximum capacity third star system is selected. Colonizing ship is sent as well as military escort like before.
474,950 B.C.E: Third star system is reached, the star burns blue and is larger then earths sun. There are 6 planets, two of which are colonisable, when the R.Z.E reach them, they find out that there was advanced intelligent life on both. Unfortunately it appears that they wiped each other out, there technology is salvaged and shielding systems are discovered from them. The planets are terraformed and colonized increasing the star system trade rout, remaining planets are strip-mined, increasing colonies and fleet.
474,000 B.C.E: Third star system intercepts alien signal, R.Z.E locates direction the signal originates from and find another star system close by. They set a course to explore it.
473,965 B.C.E: Fourth star system it reached, it's star is a massive red giant, it has 3 planets all habitable. When the R.Z.E get's there they find out the signal the received was a distress signal. There seems to be a war going on between two planets and their space fleets, the third seems to have gone silent. R.Z.E stay's out of range of detection from the two remaining planets at war.
473,930 B.C.E: The war between the two planets seems to come to a stop, it would seem that one side has been wiped out.
472,000 B.C.E: Intelligent life has colonized the remaining planets, R.Z.E sends out signal to them, they respond, with war. They send their fleets to engage R.Z.E fleet, they are wiped out. R.Z.E takes over star system by force, leaving no survivors.
400,000 B.C.E: Era of peace sets in, expanding into the stars is put on hold.
300,000 B.C.E: Population begins to over populate, new worlds are needed, closest star system is located. Warships are sent along with colonization ships.
240,000 B.C.E: Fifth star system has been found, the star burns white and is slight smaller then earths sun. 6 planets colonized two planets strip-mined and the fleet size has increased. No signs of intelligent life were found when they arrived some thousand years back.
200,000 B.C.E: Hidden planet in fifth star system is found by accident it doesn't appear to be natural. As planet is explored something is unleashed, large fleet of unmanned ancient ships comes from inside the planet, R.Z.E explorers are never heard from again. Ancient fleet heads towards R'Z.E colonized worlds, R.Z.E defense fleet engages them under the assumption that they killed the exploration team. R.Z.E out numbers them but the ancient fleet out guns them, over half the defense fleet is wiped out before ancient fleet is finally destroyed. R.Z.E worlds remain untouched, ancient fleet remains are salvaged as well as destroyed R.Z.E ships, from this stronger ships are made, new offensive and defensive technologies developed.
199,995 B.C.E: Ancient world is turned into a mobile fortress world and is moved to first star system.
30,000 B.C.E: Sixth star system is explored, it's star is orange and is two times bigger then the earths sun. Three planets colonized, five strip-mined, fleet size increased.
20,000 B.C.E: Second era of peace sets in.
C.E (current era =3 ) Population shows signs of overpopulating again, search for nearest star system begins.
Air-Space Forces: all ships have light speed drives
For every planet the R.Z.E colonize, a new one is made to defend it. These massive ships are 50,000 meters long, they have advanced state of the art heavy shielding. Their armed with 10 forward facing cannons that all fire a 10 meter in diameter, 20 meter long heavy metal rounds at 10% the speed of light. 10,000 missile pods, 30,000 600mm point defense turrets, 5,000 cannons that fire 6 meter in diameter, 12 meter long rounds at 5% the speed of light.
6,000 meter's long, it has heavy shields and is armed with 3 forward facing cannons that fire 6 meter in diameter, 12 meter long rounds that travel 5% the speed of light. 1,000 missile pods, 850 point defense turrets that fire 100mm rounds, 6 cannons that fire 4 meter in diameter, 8 meter long rounds at 4% the speed of light.
3,500 meters long, it has heavy shielding and is armed with 600 missile pods and 900 point defense turrets that use 100mm rounds. 3 cannons that fire 4 meter in diameter, 4 meter long rounds at 4% the speed of light.
50 meters long, they have light shielding and are armed with 3 heavy mini-guns that use 60mm rounds. They have up to 30 missiles.
These are 60 meters long with light shielding. Their armed with 2 50mm guns and can carry up to 100 bombs.
These are close to 65 meters long and have light shielding. Their armed with 4 turrets that use 70mm rounds and can carry up to 10 missiles.
These go to 4,000 meters long , they have heavy shielding and are armed with 2 forward facing cannons that fire 6 meter in diameter, 12 meter long rounds at 5% the speed of light. 800 missile pods, 650 point defense turrets that fire 100mm rounds and 4 cannons that fire 4 meter in diameter, 8 meter long rounds at 4% the speed of light.
These go to 2,500 meter long ,they have light shielding and are armed with 1 forward facing cannon that fires a 6 meter in diameter 12 meter long round at 5% the speed of light They have 450 missile pods, 350 point defense turrets that use 100mm rounds, 2 cannons that fire 4 meter in diameter, 8 meter long rounds at 4% the speed of light.
These are 1000 meters long , with medium shielding. Their armed with 1 forward facing cannon that fires a 6 meter in diameter 12 meter long round at 5% the speed of light. They have 200 missile pods, 250 point defense turrets that fire 100mm rounds, 1 cannon that fires a 4 meter in diameter, 8 meter long round at 4% the speed of light.
These ships are 850 meters long and are lightly armed with 2 300mm cannons, and 4 point defense turrets that fire 100mm rounds. They have light shielding and are used for trading goods between systems.
These are 700 meters long with 3 300mm cannons and 2 400mm forward facing cannon, they have light shielding.
These platform are 2,500 meters long and fire kinetic impact rounds or piercing rounds. A massive metal round that's over 7 meters in diameter and 14 meters long is fired at 8% the speed of light. They have 300 point defense turrets that fire 300mm rounds, and have medium shielding.
These ships are used for colonizing worlds, their 4,000 meter's long and have 650 point defense turrets. They also have light shielding.
Land Forces:
These machine stand at 40ft tall and are equipped with 80mm mini-guns on their shoulders that fire armor piercing rounds as well as ballistic and incendiary. As well as a missile launcher in their right shoulder, two plasma cannons attached to their right arm and a laser on their left arm. They have heavy shielding as well as heavy armor, with jump jets of their back allow then to be dropped from orbit.
These machine's stand at 35ft tall and come equipped with a a long range rail gun on their left shoulders, missile launchers on their right, and 20mm machine gun on their right hand. They have jump jets on their back which allow them to be dropped from orbit, they also have medium shielding.
These are close to 32ft long and fire two 160mm rounds that are ballistic and armour piercing, they have medium shielding.
These are 28ft long and have 2 10mm mini-guns side by side on top of them, as well as light shielding.
These are 30ft long and fire a 200mm ballistic round that can reach about 20km in distance, they have medium shielding.
These are close to 68 meters long, they have medium shielding as well as a 900mm cannon as their main gun that shoots armor piercing ballistic rounds or plasma shells. Accompanied by two 450mm cannons that fire ballistic rounds on the front and back. also there are 20mm mini-guns with ballistic rounds.
These are about 30 meter high and have medium shielding and fire heavy metal rounds that are about 3 meters in diameter and 6 meters long, they can also fire plasma shells if needed to. There's also have two rotating guns that use 420mm armor piercing rounds.
These cannons have heavy shielding and fire massive metal rounds that's 5 meters in diameter and 10 meters long with an explosive tip.
Their armor for their soldiers basically looks like this and have light energy shielding. But with a tail part added to the back. The Sas-Zak don't have armor for their exoskeleton shells are bullet resistant, but they do wear shielding units as well as oxygen breathers for when in low or no oxygen zones.
This ancient artificial planet that reaches 400km in diameter has been turned into a fortress world and stays at the star system that gave birth to the R.Z.E. It has no visible weapons that they know of on it's surface or inside it, it's more like a trophy to the R.Z.E then anything. Though they are continuously studding it to see what they can find out about it, to see what technologies they can create from it.
Weapons :