Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kaleeth held on tightly to Janius when he hugged her, and once they pulled away, she kept her arms on his shoulders. "I...don't really know what to say. I mean, I can't think of anything. You saw how we was, how strong he believes. He has always had those skulls. He said he keeps them to remind himself of his failures, and to remind him of why he has to be strong for the village. I think it just reminds him of pain."

Letting out a sigh, Kaleeth looked around, then leaned in and gave Janius a kiss. As easy as it would be to just stay away from Janius to avoid upsetting her father, she did not want that. While she did not want to anger him, she also did not want to accept his hate. In her mind, parting from Janius over this would be just the same as accepting her father's biases as valid. "Maybe we should just try to avoid talking to father and enjoy our time together. We do not have too much time left, and...I would rather enjoy that time with you instead of worrying about how to not upset father. We should not let him ruin it for us. Your friend is having trial right now, right? We could go support her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Very well," Janius replied. Taking Kaleeth's hand, he walked alongside her to try and find the site of Sabine's trial again. As much as Janius did not want to see Kaleeth-Rei's relationship with her father deteriorate, she was right. It would be nicer just to take the little time they had. It came as some relief, actually. As soon as he was a distance from Zharanthixil's hut, he began to notice the sun's warmth again and began to smile more naturally now.

Over in the trial site, Sabine was so restless that she started tapping her foot against the ground uncharacteristically. She was still nervous, but now also had too much pent up energy. She kept her eyes out for Thorantilth, but also shot glances at the healer every now and then. She had to keep reminding herself not to get so tense just because she wasn't holding the potions she had made. The tension led to thinking about her failed powerful potion on one occasion, but she scrunched her eyes shut and stamped the thought back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

It was not long before Kaleeth and Janius found their way to the site of the trial. The healer had cleared Sabine's potions for use by this point, and Thoranthilth had sent Tunxeek with the practice weapons, so all that was left was to wait for the Treeminder himself, and Sabine's opponent. Just as Thorantilth had said, there were a wide variety of practice weapons for Sabine to choose from. The blades and sharpened weapons had been blunted to prevent them from puncturing skin as easily, while the blunt weapons were not as heavy as their "real" counterparts. Overall, they could still be dangerous, but were not nearly as prone to causing severe injury as normal.

It took longer than expected for Thoranthilth to return, but when he did, it certainly did not deflate tensions. When he came into view, he was walking just behind Zharanthixil and a younger Argonian boy with a distraught and concerned expression on his face. "Zharan, please listen to me. I do not agree with your choice of opponent for this fight. Wutanxeex is too well-trained for this. The trial of body is not like your hunter trials, the participant does not train for years to pass it. It is not meant to be this difficult. Now please, I beg you reconsider. If you could find an opponent more appropriate for-"

"Enough! Zharanthixil shouted at the Treeminder. "Choosing her opponent is my right, is it not?"

"Yes it is, but-"

Zharanthixil quickly interrupted before Thorantilth could continue. "Good, now let's get this over with." The Master-Hunter turned his head towards Sabine, looking at her with a disdainful expression. "You, Breton. Pick your weapons and ready yourself." He ordered as the opponent he selected took his place in the clearing. The boy looked to be a year or two older than Sabine. As he only wore a simple loincloth and had no tattoos, there was nothing to indicate his status in the village, but he was an initiate hunter. He had a blunted bone dagger on the leather strap that acted as his belt, and a practice club in his hand. He was not very well trained by any means, but Zharanthixil had selected the toughest opponent he thought he could get away with. Not only that, but Wutanxeex had taken to believing much of what the Master-Hunter said about outsiders. He did not have the same deep-rooted hate, but he was not fond of outsiders and was looking forward to fighting with Sabine.

Although they had spoken in Jel, Meesei had been sure to translate for Sabine. Like Thorantilth, she was none too happy about the situation, but she was a bit more hopeful than the Treeminder. Zharanthixil had likely selected an older boy to fight Sabine for the perceived strength advantage he would have, which was why it would come as a surprise when Sabine could easily outmatch him physically. There was, however, still the matter of his fighting skill to contend with. Sabine could not just rely on raw power to beat him, but she had other advantages she could use. Meesei looked down at Sabine beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Remember, just play to your strengths. You have more advantages than you think."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

After a quick greeting to the people gathered, Janius and Kaleeth stayed out of the way on the sidelines. Janius was surprised to see the Master-Hunter again, but not pleasantly. By the tone of the Jel being thrown between him and Thorantilth, he had decided to stir up trouble. By the physicality of the boy that accompanied him, Janius suspected that he had not taken his plea against harming Sabine into account. Still, Janius didn't speak up. Even though the boy looked stronger, Janius knew for a fact that Sabine was much stronger than her gaunt figure betrayed. It would be a competition of skill versus strength. In any case, Zharanthixil had reduced Sabine's chance of winning. With a concerned whisper, Janius leaned to Kaleeth, "What does your father hope to achieve by doing this? Does he just want to see Sabine getting hurt?"

It seemed that just as Sabine felt like she was regaining some semblance of control, it had come crashing down again. The appearance of the Master-Hunter was enough to make her uneasy, but the translation made her eyes dart around and her heart race. He must have picked a stronger and more skilled opponent because he didn't like the pack. This other boy, Wutanxeex, was not picked as an even match. Meesei's comfort was at least enough to encourage her to shakily pick out a wooden staff from Tunxeek's arms and step forward. Before anything, she uncorked the waterskin that held her strength potion and downed it as fast as she could, almost breathing some in by mistake in her rush. Now she would just have to take the poison that they mentioned and the bout would begin. If she hadn't noticed that she was shaking before, she was most certainly shaking now. She had to hold onto her staff tightly just to keep her fingers still.

Tunxeek himself didn't offer any words to Sabine after upsetting her earlier that morning, but his face showed some fearful concern as well. Father was right, Wutanxeex was not an even match for Sabine. And with the way he parroted the Master-Hunter, he might beat Sabine to a pulp if they let him. At least, he thought. He wasn't sure if even he would go that far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kaleeth looked at Janius nervously and shrugged. "I...do not know. He cannot make you leave, so maybe this is the only way he can think of to hurt you?" She looked down and shook her head. Everything seemed to be going so wrong, which upset her to the point that tears started forming in her eyes. "Why does he have to hate you so much?" She said quietly, more to herself than anyone.

Thorantilth was obviously upset, but there was nothing he could do right now. Wutanxeex was just close enough in skill to what Meesei had described for Sabine that it was not blatantly unacceptable. The only way that he would be able to void the fight and pick a new opponent for her would be if either Zharan or Wutanxeex directly broke one of the rules of the fight. Until that happened, the Master-Hunter had control over who Sabine fought. Reluctantly, he took a waterskin from his satchel filled with the ritual poison and offered it to Sabine. "Here, this is the poison you need to drink. Take your position in the clearing opposite Wutanxeex. Once you drink it, the fight will begin. I...wish you luck. May the Hist guide you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sabine took the waterskin in one hand and made her way to the opposite edge of the fighting area to Wutanxeex. She looked across at him with alertness, but not panic. She kept that hidden in her heartbeat and her shakes. The strength potion had taken effect, so she felt springier on her feet, but this poison could hinder her coordination greatly. She did not specifically know. There was nothing else for it. Sabine uncorked the waterskin and drank down the poison. It was a sour brew, but she expected as much. As soon as she swallowed the last of it, she dropped the waterskin, held her staff in both hands and dropped into the guard stance that Lorag had taught her.

"Sabine is stronger than she looks. I think she still has a chance." Janius said, looking intently at the bout. Despite his words, he held Kaleeth's hand tightly. He was still worried. If Sabine was to be badly hurt, he felt as if he should take Zharanthixil's memorial skulls and smash them against a rock. When he realised that it was vengeance he was thinking of, he stopped himself, but another thought arose from the idea. Perhaps that was what Zharanthixil himself needed. If his sadness wasn't constantly reinforced by the skulls each day, then perhaps...

Wutanxeex and Sabine began to circle one another, sizing each other up. Sabine had picked a longer weapon, so she would have some reach, but the boy was taller than her. Perhaps reach wasn't the best option. She had strength over him... probably. He had skill though. If she was cautious, she might be able to make it work. Suddenly, Sabine staggered sideways, regaining her balance quickly. The poison was taking effect. Her mind slowed as well, she could hardly think further on what to do. Her vision started to lose focus, but she kept in position. Her hesitation cost her the initiative as she observed Wutanxeex rapidly stepping forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Wutanxeex is not that skilled. He is a new hunter, still learning. I do not think he is any better than your friend, but with the poison...I don't know." Kaleeth observed. Even if Wutanxeex was no expert, this fight still did not seem right. "Her opponent is not supposed to be just as skilled as her. The poison makes her tire faster, and it makes her head blurry and unfocused. The fight should not be like this. I hope it ends quickly, and she doesn't get hurt."

Sabine's opponent knew his one-handed club did not have the reach of her staff, so he had to close in. He didn't know any other way to do that than to just run at her when he had a chance. Once she started to stagger from the effects of the poison, he saw that chance. He bolted at her with his club raised and poised to hit her head. The fight was meant to be non-lethal, so he was supposed to be careful, but he did not exactly care how much he hurt her. Besides, he was using a practice weapon, so in his mind, a strike from it wouldn't be that bad anyway. If his attack failed for whatever reason, he would try to grapple her to eliminate the advantage her staff provided, and to use the strength advantage he thought he had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

In a reflexive reaction, Sabine raised her staff with the centre between her head and the club. The weapons met with a clack, but what was surprising was how Sabine stopped the blow without so much as a step backwards. As soon as the club was stopped, Sabine angled her staff to push the club away and thrust the end of it onto Wutanxeex's chest. Before she could strike, he followed through and grappled her. Sabine struggled back a couple of steps, taken off-guard, but was not forced to the ground.

Janius couldn't even blink. Under his breath, Janius encouraged Sabine, but did not coach her out loud for fear of voiding the competition. "Come on Sabine, come on, throw him off."

She managed to keep his club at bay, but Sabine had to react somehow. Seeing an opportunity, she put her right foot back, then threw her knee up into his chest. If it was enough to discourage Wutanxeex, she would try to thrust the end of staff at his gut to try and push him back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

To say Wutanxeex was surprised would be an understatement. It was unbelievable that a Breton girl a few years younger than himself could outmatch him enough in strength to completely throw him off of her. To make matters worse, she jammed him in the stomach hard enough that he nearly lost his balance. It took him a few moments to recover, but when he did, he was angry. He was training to be a hunter, and this was a young girl who was drugged with a poison. It would be embarrassing for him to lose to her.

Wulanxeex's second attack was no more cautious than the first. The only thing he changed was that he was not going to telegraph his attack as early, and would hit somewhere less obvious. With the poison blurring her vision, he doubted she would be able to block accurately. He would try to dodge her counter if he could, but at this point, he didn't care if he got hit. He just wanted to hit her as hard as he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Pushing Wutanxeex away was a small victory. She she got some distance, Sabine decided to try and step forward to swing the end of her staff onto Wutanxeex's left shoulder, but her limbs wouldn't allow her to move fast enough before he struck first out of nowhere. She didn't have the time to dodge, so she tried to redirect her weapon to block again. Her staff couldn't quiet close in in time. "Ack!" Sabine let out a high pitched yelp in pain. The club caught her directly on her open side, causing her to drop to one knee.

Both Janius and Tunxeek winced in unison. It looked as if she could have avoided the blow, but the drug's effect was evident in all her movements.

In desperation, Sabine swung wildly at Wulanxeex's legs to at least ward him off. She could hardly breath from the pain and having the wind knocked from her.

"Get up. get up!" Janius whispered pleadingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Once Wulanxeex landed his first hit, he immediately went for a second, trying for the head again. His aim was off, but he did land a rather heavy hit on her shoulder as she was striking with her staff. As a wide sweep with a long weapon did not require much accuracy, she was able to sweep his legs out from under him with her reaction. He had not braced for the hit, so he landed rather hard, face-first in the mud. Pain shot through his body and the breath was knocked out of him. The surprise of the impact stunned him for a moment, so there was a few seconds of delay before he started trying to get to his feet again. He just hoped his strike had stunned her as well.

Meesei looked on uncomfortably as the fight progressed. They had been trading blows, and Sabine was not doing badly, but neither did she have the advantage. What concerned her was that Wulanxeex was being a bit too forceful with his strikes. He did not seem to care if he risked hurting her. His club might have been lighter and softer than normal, but with enough force, anything could be dangerous. With the poison making her tire more quickly, Sabine needed to finish it as quickly as possible. She did have her stamina potion to reinvigorate her, but she would need to have an open moment to drink it if she wanted to make use of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Before Sabine could stand half way up, she was knocked down to her knee again by a blow to her shoulder. Wulanxeek was met by another short shout of pain, but Sabine's swing at his legs did manage to hit as well as she had hoped. Wulanxeex had fallen prone and she had some extra space. Sabine stepped back, held the length of her staff over her head, and tried to bring it down on Wulanxeex's torso. She was so drained and dizzy that she was surprised that she was able to keep herself from falling backwards. The time she took to try and get her balance resulted in enough time for Wulanxeex to at least defend himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Wulanxeex did manage to put up his arms to block the staff from hitting his torso, but he still received a sharp pain from the weapon hitting his arms. Nevertheless, he retained enough concentration to grab the staff. Remembering her strength, however, he didn't try to pull it from her grasp and instead reached out with his other hand and grabbed one of her ankles. From his current position, he might not have been able to get a good enough grip to pull her off of her feet normally, but since she was already off-balance, he was just able to trip her up and cause her to fall beside him.

As quickly as he could, Wulanxeex moved to capitalize on the opportunity. He did not even bother standing all the way to his feet and instead just got up on his knees, grabbed his club off the ground next to him, and started to hit her as hard as he could, as many times as he could. With the way she fell, her head was out of reach, but he was able to strike her in the body multiple times.

Meesei winced with each blow Sabine's opponent landed. Sabine was not in a good position, and Meesei had already unconsciously started to charge magicka through herself. Wulanxeex was already pushing the line, and if he stepped over it, Meesei would not hesitate to intervene. For now, as bad as it seemed, Sabine still had a chance. If she could get a hold of him, Wulanxeex would not be able to get away unless Sabine let him get away. With how close they were, Sabine might be able to grapple him into submission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The world spun as Sabine was brought to the ground again. The position of her staff meant that one end stuck into the soil on her way down, pulling it from her hand and landing just out of reach. Wulanxeex didn't give her a single moment before she began to receive hits over her body. In the shock and confusion, she instinctively curled up into the foetal position with her hands either side of her head and wrenched her eyes shut. Everything was so dizzy and blurry that the pain began to make her panic. She didn't know to yield, so Wulanxeex kept hitting her.

Janius saw the same chance that Sabine had as Meesei had spotted, but as the chance passed, he looked rapidly between the fight, Thorantilth and Meesei. He couldn't bear to watch anymore. He stood up quickly and shouted to the treeminder, "Thorantilth! Stop this before the boy kills her!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Thorantilth agreed with Janius and hastily spoke up. "Wulanxeex, stop! The fight is over." He shouted. The boy had his club raised in the air, but stopped mid-swing and looked up to the treeminder. He was about to get off of Sabine, but then Zharanthixil decided to interject.

"No, she has not submitted yet. You say she is strong? Prove it. Wulanxeex, continue the fight." Zharanthixil said, barking the order to the hunter initiate.

"What? No, that is ridiculous. Wulanxeex, get off of her, you've won the fight." Thorantilth said with desperation in his voice and a shocked expression. He knew of the Master-Hunter's bias against outsiders, but he could hardly believe that someone who had so selflessly protected his village would be capable of such cruelty.

Fight her! Zharanthixil shouted, which was enough to make his confused initiate stop thinking and just act. He reared back with his club and started a swing towards her head.

And that was all it took.

Meesei immediately lashed out with a well-aimed telekinesis spell that sent Wulanxeex flying head over heels and landing a few feet away, while leaving Sabine untouched. Her action was the excuse Zharanthixil needed to finally draw his weapon. Taking the spear off his back, he rushed at Meesei with his weapon poised to impale her through the chest. She, however, had other plans. Launching an even stronger telekinetic blast, she ripped the weapon out of his hands when he was only a few feet in front of him. Meesei followed through quickly with a lighting bolt just strong enough to stun him, then a very satisfying punch in the jaw to knock him to the ground. The other hunters in the area had bows and spears drawn, but were too uncertain about the confusing situation to take action. It took Zharanthixil a few moments to recover from Meesei's surprise attack, but his response was almost predictable.

"Kill her!" Zharanthixil ordered, but Thorantilth stepped in almost instantly. He moved in front of Meesei, between her and the archers aiming at her.

"You kill her, then you kill me as well." The Treeminder declared, stopping the hunters in their tracks.

"You traitor! Not only did she interfere and violate the sanctity of the fight, but she attacked me as well." Zharanthixil shouted. His expression was completely earnest, showing that he was fully convinced of what he was saying.

"She violated nothing. It was you that decided to tarnish the spirit of this trial. The fight was over, the Breton had lost. Your order to your initiate was nothing but wanton cruelty. Enough is enough, I am taking a stand. Over the past few days, myself and Reanaseer have been tolerating your behavior. Your complaints, your attempts to have our guests exiled. Every flimsy point and loose interpretation of our traditions that you have presented have been met with patience and understanding, but no more. It is clear to me that your blind hatred of any non-Saxhleel prevents you from having any rational input in this situation. You have consistently violated the teachings of the Hist that we all strive to follow. I am going to speak to Reanaseer about having you removed from any consideration as to the proceedings of the Trials, or the Ritual itself. Thorantilth responded. He looked across the hunters around them who, while they still held weapons in hand, looked confused and unsure. He sighed, then tried to give them some direction. "Just...return to your homes. There is no threat here."

Meanwhile, Meesei was staring down Zharanthixil, who was returning her scowl. He thought he was a skilled fighter, and indeed, he probably was, but no matter what he could do, Meesei could do it better, and she wanted him to know that. If he left them alone from here on out, she would leave him alone, but she would take no threat to herself or her pack lightly. As Zharanthixil said nothing further, they slowly began to return to their homes one by one. The Master-Hunter had picked up his spear and brought himself to his knees, but after a few moments of staring at his weapon, he slammed it down on the ground in frustration, stood up, then stormed off towards his own hut.

Meesei wasted no time after the threat was gone to turn her attention to Sabine. She practically ran over to her and dropped down on her knees beside her. She put her arms under her, then lifted her up off the ground. Meesei held Sabine close to her own body and began to pour restoration energy into her body. The tide of magic swept over her like a soothing balm, numbing almost all of the pain and accelerating her healing. "Do not worry, they will harm you no longer. I said I would not let them hurt you, and I meant it."

By this point, Kaleeth was sitting on the ground next to a tree with her head buried in her hands, crying from the emotional stress of the entire situation. Everything just seemed to be going so wrong. Seeing Wulanxeex mercilessly beat on that poor Breton girl with a club, and her father shouting at him to keep doing it even when she had stopped fighting back, it was almost unreal. Her father, someone she had loved and cared for all her life, had become someone she hardly recognized. Not to mention he tried to kill that Argonian woman, Meesei. When she shocked him, Kaleeth feared for a moment that her father could be killed, which only further added to Kaleeth's fear. All of it made her wish that this was all a bad dream, that she would wake up in a few minutes in Janius' arms by the river. Her father would have never found them, they could just stay secretly in love, and Sabine wouldn't have had such a tough opponent. Unfortunately, Kaleeth knew she wasn't lucky enough for that to be the case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As things were looking like they were going to break out into a fight, Janius braced himself to rush to Meesei and Sabine's defense, but Thorantilth thankfully halted the attack before it could spread. Still, Janius was shocked. Zharanthixil had not only encouraged the Argonian boy to keep hitting Sabine, he attacked Meesei with no justifiable provocation. Without heed to Kaleeth-Rei, he ran up to Meesei and Sabine and stood by them, trying to discern the damage done. "Are you alright, Sabine?" He asked frantically. It didn't look like she had suffered more than a few bruises, but she looked like she was in a state of utter fear.

Sabine had tears running down her cheeks by the time Meesei reached her. Meesei's healing magic nullified the poison, bringing her back to full awareness, but the reality had hit her as hard as the blows. She had lost. She wasn't good enough. The possibility that she might never overcome the trial made her stay curled up and sob quietly into her hands. Luckily, she had come out of the fight without wounds that Meesei couldn't immediately treat. "I can't... I can't do it." Sabine said through her tears, "I'm not good enough."

Tunxeek approached the three. He was as worried as they were. He quietly stepped around and retrieved Sabine's staff, then went to see her. The entire situation had turned to madness in his eyes. He looked from Meesei and Sabine to Thorantilth. "Father, why did he attack Meesei? He's never trusted outsiders, but why was he so violent?"

Janius looked about for any remaining danger, staying around to keep them safe. While searching, he spotted Kaleeth seated by a tree looking distraught. He simply looked over to her. He had a look of genuine worry at this point. Even with the possible punishment of Zharanthixil from Reanaseer and Thorantilth, the pack was not safe in the village anymore as far as he was concerned. Glancing once more at Sabine, safe in Meesei's arms and without serious injury, Janius decided that there wasn't much else he could do and walked slowly back to where Kaleeth was seated. He looked at the ground beside her and spoke, "She's going to be okay, I think she's mostly just shaken." Squatting down in front of Kaleeth, Janius reached out and gently took one of her hands so he could look her in the face, "Are you alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"The fight was not fair, Sabine. The Master-Hunter never intended to give you a chance, it was not your fault. Just rest, let me heal you. It will all be alright." Meesei said, trying to comfort Sabine. She stood completely to her feet with Sabine in her arms and continued to treat her wounds with healing magic. None of her injuries were particularly threatening, but she was sure it was still a jarring experience for her.

Thorantilth sighed, shaking his head and looking down to his son. "The Master-Hunter was just looking for an excuse to attack. No matter how justified, she did attack Wulanxeex, so he used that. He answered. Looking down at Sabine in Meesei's arms, he held a concerned and sympathetic expression. She did not look too badly hurt, and Meesei seemed to have it well in hand, so all he could do was comfort her on her performance. "Do not worry, this fight is void. Zharanthixil stepped far over the line in this. If you are willing to undergo the trial again, after a period of rest of course, it will be with an opponent of my choosing, not his."

Kaleeth took one of Janius' hands in hers, then placed her other on his cheek. "I just...I didn't want any of this to happen. I feel like I caused so much pain for you and your friends. I love you, but...maybe this is bad idea. Maybe we are causing too many problems by...no!" She shouted suddenly, interrupting herself. She reached out and hugged Janius as tightly as she could. "We can't give in, it's not right. That is what he wants me to do. I can't let him win. He is a...what is word? Bully, he bullies you. Tries to hurt me, you, your friends. If we give up, it will...validate him. I'm not giving up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

With a look of distressed confusion, Tunxeek looked over at the back of Wulanxeex as he walked away, then back to Sabine. He could hardly fathom the Master-Hunter's motivations. He had changed since these outsiders came. He wanted to investigate further, but he stayed with his father in case he was needed for anything else.

Sabine continued to sob quietly, despite the words of comfort from the others. What made her stop sobbing was something else she realised. Her breathing was shallow and more pained than usual. When she realised that the sensation wasn't going away, she quietened herself for a moment and slowed her breathing, wincing slightly every time her breath reached a certain point. While trying not to move too much in Meesei's arms, she reached one hand down to the base of her ribcage on the side she was struck multiple times. Even with Meesei numbing the pain somewhat, there was a particular spot which shot a sharp pain when pressure was applied to it. "I... want to go... and lie down." Sabine whimpered between small breaths. She still felt completely shut down from failing the trial and the sadness was still written on her face, but for now all she wanted to do was rest. It was too physically painful to keep crying with the injury on her side.

Over by the tree, Janius was pulled from his squat to his knees by Kaleeth's embrace. Even though he didn't quite want to admit that he was scared of what Zharanthixil might want to do next, Janius' expression betrayed the thought. However, as he slowly lifted his arms to hold Kaleeth as tightly as she was holding him, he felt encouraged. This time it was Kaleeth that was warding worries away. If she could stand up and not give into the fear, then Janius thought perhaps he should do the same. Without giving away the true reason why, Janius closed his eyes and said with relief, "Thank you, Kaleeth-Rei." He ran his hand up her back to her shoulder, "Thank you."

After a while, they pulled away from each other and Janius attempted to smile with his hands still holding Kaleeth's. He took one more look at Meesei and Sabine from where he was and his smile faded. "I didn't think he would go that far." He looked back at Kaleeth-Rei, "I don't want to give up either, but your father could have killed someone just then. Is Thorantilth going to do something about it? I didn't understand what he said."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"He said he is going to speak to the Elder to stop him from being a part of the Trial or Ritual. I don't think the Treeminder wants father to be around you anymore." Kaleeth answered. She looked up at Meesei, as well as Sabine in her arms. She felt bad that the girl had been hurt so much, but at the same time, she was impressed with how Meesei dealt with it. She stopped the fight with her magic without hurting either participant, and she managed to stop her father in his tracks. Despite her initial fear, Kaleeth was glad she was there, and she was glad she didn't take the fight with father any farther than she did. Even if it would have been justified, Kaleeth simply would not have been able to handle losing her father.

"Your friend, Meesei, she was very brave to do what she did. She must be very good with her magic to stop father like that." Kaleeth commented. Soon enough, Meesei started to walk back to the common hut with Sabine in her arms. Both of them were still glowing with the restoration magic Meesei was using. She would stick by Sabine's side and heal her until she had no more magicka left to use, just to prevent her from experiencing the slightest discomfort at her wounds. Meesei still wanted Sabine to be able to undergo the ritual,

Kaleeth had stopped sobbing by this point and, all things considered, seemed to be okay. "At least Sabine is in good hands." She looked down for a few moment, then back to his face with a slight, forced smile. "Maybe we should go find your other friends and get the wamasu back from them, if they even want to give it back."
"Come on, get down from there!" Ahnasha shouted up into a tree. She and Fendros had decided to continue where they left off before with her painting, so they had gone to the edge of the village like before and, naturally, had brought the wamasu with them. Everything had been fine at first; it just curled up and slept on a rock. Ahnasha even considered moving it next to Fendros so she could add it to the painting, but after a while, it grew restless. Now, it was up in the branches of a tree, and she wasn't in any condition to go climbing.

Ahnasha looked at Fendros beside her while scratching the back of her neck. "I swear, I didn't know that thing could climb like that. Would have kept a better hold of it if I knew. Maybe...you think you could get up this tree? Once you get up there, I don't think it would be hard to-" She began, but was suddenly interrupted when the wamasu hatchling jumped from its branch and landed directly on Fendros. The creature wasn't that heavy, but the sudden surprise caused him to fall right on his back. In response, Ahnasha of course started laughing hysterically. For a good ten seconds, she laughed harder than she had for quite a while, almost to the point where she was out of breath. "Nice catch." She commented after gasping for breath for a few seconds.

Ahnasha slowly brought herself down to the ground and sat next to Fendros' head. The wamasu was resting on Fendros' chest, with its nose just a few inches from Fendros'. It sniffed of him a few times, then chirped. "You're just gloating now, aren't you?" Ahnasha commented while looking at the little creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Some relief entered Janius' mind. Hopefully now Zharanthixil wouldn't be in a position to harm anyone. If the Elder and the Treeminder had decided that his prejudices had become a problem, perhaps they would try to teach him otherwise and hopefully take steps to heal his mind. It wasn't a guarantee, but for now it was sufficient.

"Yes, Meesei is probably the best mage I know, but she's also wise. She wouldn't harm anyone if it wasn't needed. She'll see to Sabine's injuries." Janius replied, his eyes following Kaleeth's. He looked to meet her smile and couldn't hold back a smile of his own, a genuine one. He had completely forgotten about the wamasu hatchling in all the excitement. "Quite. Though, I'm not sure if they would have adopted the thing by now. It seemed to be giving them enough mischief earlier this morning." Janius let go of one of Kaleeth's hands and walked back to the village by her side.

Tunxeek walked back with Thorantilth, Meesei and Sabine, but stayed with Meesei and Sabine for a while with a suspicion. When the signs made his suspicion more valid, he licked one side of his teeth in thought and leaned forward to look at Sabine's face while they walked. "Sabine, are you breathing okay?"

Breathing shallowly through an open mouth due to a blocked nose and with her face still marked by streaks of tears, Sabine looked at Tunxeek with a small amount of surprise. Her eyes looked down and around, as if searching for an answer, then looked back at him. She slowly shook her head and placed her hand over her wounded side. She didn't seem panicked by it, rather she thought she was just cramped and was waiting for the pain to go away. It wasn't excruciating with Meesei's treatment after all.

Swiftly, Tunxeek shifted in front of Meesei and walked backwards, leaning forward to get a look at where Sabine had placed her hand. He found a large welt that seemed to be slowly shrinking with Meesei's magic. There was something else though. "Meesei," Tunxeek started cautiously, while he looked at the wound, "I do not think to doubt your healing, but I think you may need to focus on this part if Sabine is to attempt the trial again soon." He looked up, at Meesei's face, "Rib has broken."
"I suppose I cou-oof!"

The wamasu must have been a trained assassin with its accuracy. Fendros' back was sent to the ground like a plank. After the initial shock of the landing hitting the wind from his lungs, he coughed and looked up to his chest to behold the creature's little face. From this angle it looked like it was smiling. Fendros had a look of surprise. His pride had taken a scratch, but once he got his breath back, he grinned along with Ahnasha's laughter. "Why do I get the feeling this won't be the last time this happens?" Fendros groaned.

If anything was going to brighten his mood after the earlier events, seeing Fendros getting accosted by the daredevil wamasu hatchling from afar was certainly just that for Janius. He was still chuckling by the time he and Kaleeth reached them. "Thinks it's a bird of prey, does it?" Janius asked.

Fendros slowly blinked and looked at Janius with a high brow. Still laying comfortably where he landed. "Its got good aim, I'll give it that. How did your chat with the Master-Hunter go?"

Janius hesitated. With a sigh, his expression darkened and he looked to the ground.

"Not well?" Fendros hazarded, showing some concern as well.
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