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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Heh, close." Lorag commented sarcastically. Even if Janius would have said nothing, Lorag would have assumed that was what was going on between them. Janius had bragged about his exploits in the Imperial City for Lorag, and really most of the others, to think he would do anything else.

Ahnasha glanced to Lorag with a bit of a grin. "What, did you expect him to do anything different to a woman he fancies?" She said, echoing Lorag's former words. She chuckled, then turned her attention back to Janius with a more serious demeanor. "Anyway, I'm not sure how successful you're going to be talking to him. In my experience with people like him, that hate is not something that will go away, no matter what you say or do. People with such deeply held beliefs rarely change them based on...anything, really. Or at least anything anyone else does. Maybe...your best bet might to be approaching from some other avenue. He will probably hate you until the end of time, but you might be able to stop him from acting on it. If you can convince him that it would be wrong or somehow disadvantageous for him to act, then he might just continue to hate you in silence. I don't know, it still might be difficult to pull off."
Meesei greeted Tunxeek and motioned for him to take a seat as well. Her breakfast consisted of smoked wamasu tail spiced with leaves from a dragon's tongue plant. It had been quite a long time since she had the opportunity to dine on wamasu, so it was something she was enjoying. Sabine was not eating much at the moment, but Meesei was going to make sure she ate enough to be adequately fed before her fight. "Sabine is working on a potion for her upcoming trial. She wishes to be well-prepared for her fight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Janius smiled. Perhaps it was only he who thought the situation was as serious as it was. It was at least reassuring against his guilt. Ahnasha's advice was useful as well. There were more possible ways open to him if he tried to reason with the Master-Hunter without trying to change his beliefs. Still, Kaleeth-Rei was the one who knew her father the most, perhaps she had some ideas.

"Do you think that might work, Kaleeth?" Janius looked to Kaleeth-Rei, now with a bit more hope than before, "What kind of things might your father believe that would clash with trying to do anything harmful? You mentioned something last night about the teachings of the Hist, what do they teach in this regard, exactly?"
Tunxeek looked down at the equipment and nodded. "Okay. Do you need any help? I can-" Tunxeek started to reach forward.

"Go away!" Sabine shouted into Tunxeek's face. She had a stressed and upset face and her eyes dug into Tunxeek with frustration.

Recoiling from Sabine's explosive reaction with a frightened face, Tunxeek looked back at her silently. "S-sorry, I did not want to..." Sabine's look hade him so uncomfortable that he started to get up. "I will leave you alone," he said with some sadness. Tunxeek quietly exited the common hut with his head hung forward. He took one last look over to Sabine from the door and saw that she had resumed her work. He left feeling upset and rejected, but he knew that Sabine had her own issues.

From then on, Sabine seemed even more worked up as she prepared her potions. The stamina potion came out fine and in a short amount of time, but the strength potion seemed to be eluding her more. She eventually got it done, but not in a relaxed way. On a couple of occasions, she accidentally cut her finger, only adding to the stress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"I...have never been more uncertain." Kaleeth responded with a depressed sigh. "I do not know what to say to him. I think Ahnasha is right. Father has always not trusted outsiders. It is just...a part of him. I think the only reason I do not feel the same way is because he did not like to talk about outsiders at all, so he did not mention it to me much as a hatchling. To try to convince him to give up his hate would be like...like trying to convince someone to change their personality. I don't think it is possible. But, he does believe in the words of the Hist, at least that is what he always says. He always told me to listen to everything Thorantilth said, to be like the Treeminder told me to be. He must believe in the Hist's teachings, but he is not acting like they would want him to. Maybe he thinks he is doing the right thing? Maybe he has tricked himself into thinking he is being cautious like the Hist says? You...could try mentioning it. It could work...It think. Maybe. I don't know."
Meesei gave a nearly inaudible sigh as Tunxeek left. Once Sabine finished her potion, Meesei moved closer to her and placed a gentle hand on her back. "Sabine, I understand your frustration. The last trial is not something to underestimate, and you are right to be concerned about it, but you should not take your frustrations out on others. That can only lead to more stress in the future. Just take a moment and look at me." Meesei said in a light, calming tone. "I am here for you, for advice, guidance, and comfort. I will not let you come to serious harm in the duel. You have prepared well so far, and I am ready to help your prepare even more should you need it. Just stop, breathe in, then let it out slowly. Is there anything coming to your mind that you think you might want to ask me about? I have no restrictions preventing me from answering any of your questions."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"It's something, at least," Janius placed his hand on Kaleeth's shoulder and smiled reassuringly, "I'll try my best. If it turns out that he's going to act out in some way in the end, we'll just have to take it as it comes, but now the odds are better."

The explanations evoked more thoughts as Janius ate the rest of the wamasu meat he was served. Perhaps he could get some advice from Thorantilth before going to talk with Zharanthixil. If he could get more specific words to use, then it would help his credibility. Even so, now it was more hopeful. Janius may only need to remind Zharanthixil of his devotion to the Hist and to advise that he think on his actions according to whether the Hist would truly approve.

Janius glanced around again at the villagers around him. He asked Kaleeth and the pack indirectly, "Where is the Treeminder anyway? I might have a talk with him about how best to approach Zharanthixil like this. That is, if he isn't too busy with the trials and such."
Sabine followed Meesei's direction to look at her and calm down a little. Meesei was right, she didn't need to shout at Tunxeek. She was so worked up anticipating the trial that she was letting herself become overwhelmed. There was still a niggling anxiety in her mind that seemed to seep forth whenever she wasn't checking it. It was irrational, she knew it, but that didn't erase it. "What if... I can't win?" Sabine asked quietly to Meesei. Of all the fears she had, this was the one bothering her the most. She had lost her best chance in the potion that she had left to settle overnight. Having to try something so important without being at her best was distressing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kaleeth shrugged her shoulders. "I do not know, exactly. If he is not eating breakfast, I guess he is getting ready for that trial. I do not know exactly where the trial will be. Somewhere open, near the edge of the village maybe? I also don't know if he is busy. You can try though. I will make sure to come with you to talk to father. I might be able to help...maybe. I am not used to father being angry at me, I...don't like it. But I will try my best to help."

The wamasu ate its fill of the hackwing meat, then curled up next to Kaleeth to rest. She looked down to it, then over to Ahnasha and Fendros. "Could you take care of wamasu when we go to talk to my father? I don't want to carry it with me when we go to him."
"I am confident in your abilities, Sabine. The trial of body is not meant to be impossible. Your opponent will be selected with consideration to your skill, and the effects of the poison. It will be tough, certainly, but you can do it. Your potions will help, not to mention your own natural attributes. Remember that you are much stronger than other girls your age, and definitely stronger than your opponent will be. There is much more to fighting than simple brute strength, but that is an advantage you will be able to make use of. And, if worst comes to worst, the trial of body can be repeated. You do not need to worry about becoming ineligible for the ritual in this attempt at the fight." Meesei explained, hoping it would help to calm her down. Both of them knew that Sabine was not an accomplished fighter, but that meant that her opponent was not supposed to be either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Fendros looked at Ahnasha, then back to Kaleeth. "I suppose we can. I can't say I know much about them, but we'll keep an eye on it if you like." He replied. As it lay curled up, it looked particularly peaceful. As long as it didn't try to shock them and bite and their ears too much more, then taking care of the creature for a while wouldn't be a problem. What's the worst that could happen?

With his breakfast finished, Janius rose and took another quick look around. "I think I'll have a quick look around for Thorantilth." He looked down to where Kaleeth sat and extended a hand for her. "Do you want to come? We can talk to your father right after."
Sabine closed her eyes and tried to ingrain Meesei's words in her mind. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to overcome it no matter how hard or how often she tried, but there was no sense in not trying at all. She opened her eyes and picked up the two waterskins that contained the finished potions. She took one more slow calming breath, stood up, and nodded, trying to feel as confident as she could. "I am ready." Sabine mumbled.

She didn't feel ready, but she doubted that she ever would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kaleeth nodded to Janius, then handed off the wamasu hatchling to Ahnasha, since she seemed more accepting of it. As it had been disturbed from its rest, it tried fruitlessly to crawl away, but once it was in her arms, it settled down quite contently curled up against her fur. Lorag left for the common hut shortly after Janius and Kaleeth, leaving only Fendros, Ahnasha, and the wamasu outside near the Hist.

"So...I wonder exactly how big this thing will end up getting?" Ahnasha commented.

Kaleeth started to seem increasingly nervous as she walked along with Janius. They had not found the Treeminder yet, and when they did, Kaleeth really wasn't sure what to expect. He probably did not even know about what happened between them yet, and he might be busy with preparing for the trial. Even if they did talk to him, Kaleeth wasn't sure he would approve of their relationship either, not because he was judgmental towards outsiders, but because of the idea that she might abandon her responsibilities within the village because of it.

Meesei stood up as well and gave a confident smile. "Then let us go." The pair left the common hut just as Lorag was entering, then started to make their way towards the location of the trial. The fight would be taking place near the edge of the village, at the same spot as the race from the previous day began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"I have no idea," Fendros shrugged, looking at the wamasu in Ahnasha's arms. "I've not seen a baby crocodile, much less a wamasu, but if it took Janius to pin its mother then... I don't know, fairly large. I just wonder how the villagers would handle such a thing if they decided to keep it. It'll eventually be big enough to do some damage if they aren't able to train it."

As Sabine walked to the trial with Meesei, she found that her breathing was unsteady, even though she tried to look strong. She held her potions in either hand tightly. It would be her potions and the introductory level of fighting skill that she had been taught that would carry her through, though she would have been much more comfortable if she had her original fortification potion. They came upon Thorantilth waiting patiently for them. Sabine looked at him expectantly as she approached. When she stopped, she noticed that her legs were shivering involuntarily.

With how focussed Janius was with finding Thorantilth, he didn't end up taking heed of Kaleeth's anxious body language at first. Instead, he played it off as just being nervous about eventually talking with Zharanthixil. Janius could empathise, he wasn't exactly comfortable with the situation either. It had to be done though. Once they'd searched nearly half the perimeter of the village, Janius started to worry about her. Her placed a hand on her upper arm and gave her a concerned look. "Hey, are you alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Thorantilth was waiting with a brown-scaled, lightly tattooed Argonian man when Meesei and Sabine arrived. The Treeminder bowed his head slightly to them as they approached, then motioned to his friend. "Good morning, Sabine. This is Nuz-Riska, our healer. He will be observing the fight and making sure no one is seriously hurt as a result of it. There are still a few things to do before we can begin, so I would take a few moments to rest and prepare. I need to go see if the practice weapons are ready, and we are still waiting on your opponent to arrive. Also, if you could allow Riska to examine your potions for a few moments to make sure they violate no rules, that would be appreciated."
"I am alright, I am just...afraid." Kaleeth answered, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "Maybe we should just go talk to father now. I don't know if the Treeminder would be able to help, or even want to. He is not judgmental, but he would not want me to give up my...responsibilities, and he might think I will. I mean, I already know everything Thorantilth has taught me about the Hist anyway. Surely father will listen to the Hist's will when we remind him of it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Sabine nodded and held out her two waterskins to Nuz-Riska. She didn't like that she would have to wait. She tried to keep herself calm, but she just wanted to get the trial over with. The more she waited, the more her anxiety built up.

Before Thorantilth left, Sabine had one last question. "Thorantilth," She said to get his attention, "what will the practice weapons be?"
"I see," Janius replied, putting his arm around Kaleeth's shoulder and holding her for a moment to comfort her. "If you think we should go straight to you your father, then let's go. It's probably for the best that we don't delay anyway."

With that, Janius let go of Kaleeth-Rei and headed back into the village. Janius needed Kaleeth to point out where the Master-Hunter's hut was, but it wasn't difficult to locate. Janius and Kaleeth stood outside of it for a moment, then Janius spoke up. "I'll go first." Janius took a breath and held it to stave off any nerves, then strolled up to the door curtain. Furtively, he pulled the curtain aside and leaned in to see if Zharanthixil was in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"We have many practice weapons available, even something like the swords that are popular with outsiders. I will bring at least one of each. Unless your preference is for something especially exotic, you should be able to pick something you are comfortable with. I will go collect them now while we await your opponent." Thorantilth answered reassuringly as he stepped away back towards the village.
Zharanthixil was sitting on his knees as if meditating with his back to the door when Janius entered, and his daughter close behind. He was not wearing his armor as he was before, revealing a dozen or so heavy scars along his back, consistent with marks from a whip or lash. Like most Argonian huts, the interior was open and mostly plain, apart from a few decorative tapestries. The only exception were seven of what appeared to be shrines positioned evenly along the walls. They consisted of feathers and animal skins arranged around a wooden stake, each with an Argonian skull resting on top.

The moment Zharanthixil heard someone enter, he turned around, locked eyes with Janius, and immediately bared his teeth. "I did not invite you into my home." He warned with an agitated glare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Sabine bowed her head forward and waited for the healer to finish scrutinising her potions. As Thorantilth walked away, she thought about what weapon she would use, at least as a mental task to ward off her anxiety. She practiced mostly with a sword with Lorag, but before he allowed her to even draw it, he made her practice with sticks. The first stick was about as long as a sword and she had practiced mostly with that, but she also tried a longer stick with which she was taught a couple of basic spear and staff techniques. The reach helped her quite a bit, but she was still under-practiced. Perhaps it would be an easier decision to make when she met her opponent.
When he entered, Janius quickly glanced around the room before looking back at Zharanthixil. Even though the Master-Hunter's expression was threatening, Janius held a blank and unassuming face. He was trying to be diplomatic this time. He had hoped that Zharanthixil would have been more open, but he still showed anger. "Zharanthixil. We need to talk. I insist. It won't take long." Janius stood up straight and kept his arms by his sides, but he kept his eyes on the hunter in case he decided to lash out. If Kaleeth's words were true, then he would not have to worry, but he still wanted to be prepared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Zharanthixil stood up and cast his gaze onto Kaleeth. "Was it not enough that you allowed him to corrupt you, that now you have to bring him here disturb me in my own home?"

The Master-Hunter took a few steps forward. His demeanor was angered, but not necessarily aggressive in a violent sense. He let out a soft hiss as he eyed Janius for a few moments in silence. Despite his attitude, he did not appear nearly as enraged as he did by the river. Time had helped to calm him to some extent, but his beliefs about Imperials were not something that one could expect to change easily. "I have no reason to speak to you. I respect the Elder and Treeminder, but they are too short-sighted to see the threat you pose. I have seen what happens when Saxhleel provide hospitality to outsiders. You take our gifts, then stab us in the back with them when we are not looking. I do not know what you intend to do to us with this ritual, but I promise you, I will not let you take us by surprise. I will die for this village, and I will most certainly kill for it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"I'm not here to convince you that my friends and myself are not threats, Master-Hunter." Janius raised his palm to Zharanthixil, keeping his composure and trying not to give any reason for him to become angrier, "Neither am I here to question your loyalty to the village, let alone the lengths you will go to protect it. I'm only here for two reasons." Janius angled his head forward slowly, still looking directly at Zharanthixil. "First of all..." he held out both of his palms facing the ceiling, "...I'm here to apologise." Janius withdrew his hands and brought his head level again, "I insulted you down by the riverside, and did not mean to upset you by laying with your daughter. I don't expect to be forgiven at this point, that much is clear. I just want you to know that none of this was meant in malice. It was all my fault, my friends didn't have any part in it." Janius closed his eyes and shook his head for a moment, "Of course, I don't expect you to believe me either. No, more important is the second reason I've come to speak with you."

Janius' brow creased upwards in an insistent expression. "I know you hate me, I won't try to convince you otherwise of that either. I know that your mind may be breeding intent to act in spite towards myself or my friends, but just... before you do such things, please ask yourself whether you are doing so in the name of the Hist and the protection of the village, or in vengeance towards myself. I understand that the nature of such motives cannot exist together, Kaleeth-Rei has mentioned as much to me." Janius nodded his head to one side, "And even if you want to act in spite and vengeance, I only request one thing, as one protector to another." Janius looked Zharanthixil directly in the eyes and made every word in his next sentence clear, "Leave Kaleeth and Sabine out of it. Leave all my friends out of it. Sabine is my sister, Kaleeth is your daughter and very dear to me as well. My friends, they're also my family, the only family I have. By your honour, can you promise me that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Even before he said anything, it was easy to tell that Zharanthixil was unimpressed. He held his arms crossed over his chest while letting out a low growl. "You think to come to me and speak to me about honor? About my own intentions? You might be so conceited to think this is all about you, but it is not. You are merely a single pest in a larger swarm. Your 'friends,' that Breton, that Dunmer, that traitorous Saxhleel, all are threats as far as I am concerned. I have experienced the 'friendship' of outsiders, I have witnessed with my own eyes the effects of your motivations."

As he spoke, Zharanthixil walked over to one of the shrines along the walls and lifted up the Argonian skull off of its stake. He looked into its eye sockets for a few moments and let out a soft sigh before marching over to Janius and practically shoving the skull into his arms. "Perhaps you wish to revel in the 'accomplishments' of those who came before you, is that it? Perhaps it will satisfy you to know that the skull you hold belonged to one of the most fearless defenders of his people that I have had the pleasure to know, and that his life was snuffed out by one of your kind? I bet it would make you smile to hear that he fought to his last breath to protect a group of hatchlings, only to be beheaded before their young eyes."

With growing anger, the Master-Hunter stomped over to another shrine for another skull, then forced it into Janius' arms as well, atop the other one. His face was filled with a great deal of emotion, both anger and sadness, and he spoke at nearly a yell. "Or perhaps Nathrisk's skull would be more to your liking? She was treeminder of our village; a wise woman, and a generous soul. When the attack came, she embraced her own teachings of peace and refused to fight, instead deciding to talk to her attackers. To reason with them. Oh, but do not worry, she was rewarded for her devotion with a sword through her heart."

The last skull Zharanthixil approached he did not take to Janius, but instead picked up and stared into its empty eyes. For a moment, the anger in his expression seemed to fade completely, with depression taking its place. His voice became much more solemn, though the rage was still definitely present. "Perhaps my own suffering will give you greater amusement? My mother, the one who gave life to me, cared for me, and provided for me, cut down in her prime while her son watched. Her murderers were not content to simply kill her quickly. They let her bleed, they violated her in ways I do not care to repeat. After witnessing what happened to her, never did I think I would have to see someone I care so much about be violated in the same way again." Zharanthixil turned his head to lock eyes with Janius. "Then you showed up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

His expression remained the same save for looking down at the skulls that he was handed, but Janius' breath was emptied in what he could only describe as pity and sadness. He saw these skulls every day? No wonder he was so fixated. He was reminding himself of traumatic memories each and every single day.

"Kaleeth had told me about your former village, but I did not know that last detail." Janius said after a moment. Even though he had nothing to do with the acts against Zharanthixil's mother, he couldn't help but feel guilt on behalf of the Imperials that were involved. He understood now truly why the Master-Hunter was so enraged. "So, you would indict all outsiders with these crimes? Hmm..." Janius' expression took a turn as he studied the skulls in front of him. Before, it was a sort of pleading, but now it turned to cynical thought. Zharanthixil was just as afraid of outsiders as most misunderstanding people were afraid of werewolves. Just another scarred soul consumed by his own fear. Part of Janius just wanted to leave then. To decide that there was no point and give up.

Janius pursed his lips together for a moment, looking away, then spoke up again. He didn't want to lose his temper this time, but his view of Zharanthixil was mixed at this stage. "Zharanthixil, is everything you know about outsiders written in the acts against these Saxhleel heads? How much do you truly know about outsiders?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

"What do I know? I know that we invited them into our home. We gave them food, shelter, we shared stories and gave them advice. We showed them all the hospitality we could, and they used it to spy on us, figure out when our defenses would be weak, then used that to slit our throats. I tried staying away from you. I tried just waiting it out and letting you leave, but you proved that you can not be trusted. Now, with what you've done, I know I was right about you." Zharanthixil answered before snatching the skulls from Janius' hands and replacing them on the shrines.

The Master-Hunter turned his head back and bared his teeth at Janius. "And I know I want you out of my home...NOW!" He shouted. "Leave, before I make you leave." Zharanthixil's demeanor was considerably more threatening than before, and he did not seem to intent on listening to anything Janius had to say.

Kaleeth wanted to speak up, to say...something to defend Janius, but she had never heard her father shouting like this before. Her mind was filled with fear, causing her to freeze up. Her father was not yelling directly at her, so it was possible she might be able to say something to help, but she couldn't even stop herself from shaking, let alone form a cohesive thought. Her mind completely drew a blank on what she could say or do to help the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

There wasn't anything else to say. Janius had done as much as he could as far as he could see, anything else was falling into the trap of trying to convince the man of something he did not want to believe. Janius glanced to Kaleeth, then turned to walk out. At the door, he looked over to Zharanthixil one last time. "I'm sorry about what happened to your village, Zharanthixil." Janius then walked outside and waited a moment to see if Kaleeth-Rei would come along. She might have some words for her father, but Janius' presence was only making things worse.

Although it didn't seem like it, Janius hoped that he had made his stance clear. It didn't seem like Zharanthixil had any intention of harming him or the pack while the Elder and the Treeminder were around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 days ago

Although she desperately wanted to say something to her father, Kaleeth was simply too afraid to think of anything helpful. Anytime she tried, she just kept thinking about how it might cause him to get even angrier at her. She didn't want to destroy her relationship with her father, but neither did she want to abandon Janius. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she almost didn't notice when Janius started to leave. She looked at her father nervously, but as soon as she met his disappointed gaze, she quickly turned her head and left just behind Janius.

As soon as she was outside, Kaleeth hung her head in shame. She had been given the opportunity to say something to her father, but she had been too nervous to do anything and just let Janius take the majority of his rage. She felt guilty and was afraid she had angered Janius in her inaction. "I...I am sorry, I just...I couldn't think. I looked at him and I couldn't stop shaking and I...I'm sorry." She said, taking her eyes off the ground long enough for her to look at Janius with a pleading expression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Even though Janius' own face showed disappointment, it was directed more to himself and Zharanthixil than Kaleeth. When Kaleeth started to speak of her inaction, Janius closed his eyes and sighed through his nose slowly. He opened his eyes and met Kaleeth's look. "Oh Kaleeth," he said with a consoling tone, walking up to her and wrapping his arms lightly around her neck, "You have nothing to be sorry to me about." He pulled her close to him for a few moments until her heartbeat slowed to a normal rate.

The skulls that Zharanthixil kept struck Janius as glory to his internal suffering, as if he wanted to prolong it rather than have closure and move on. Regardless, Zharanthixil's experiences would live with him for the rest of his life, but to be reminded every day, to punish himself with those memories would make sure that he could never be free of the pain. Janius had hoped he could see past the hateful hunter and see the loving father that Zharanthixil was, but he only exposed the way of most of his enemies. It was because of people of the same mentality as Zharanthixil that lycans like him were ostracised. Now he couldn't even be a plain old Imperial without attracting the ire of such people. It made him feel very unwelcome. Janius felt like saying as much to Kaleeth, but she still loved her father. Janius thought it would be selfish to give her any more reasons to disagree with Zharanthixil.

When they pulled away from one another, Janius held his hands on either side of Kaleeth's jaw. "Was there anything you wanted to say to your father?" Janius glanced at the hut, then back to Kaleeth, "I'm not welcome in there, but he still loves you, it's not ever too late to talk to him. You can take the time to think about it before you go in if you like, then you won't be put on the spot like just then." Janius smiled encouragingly, "Don't be afraid to be honest."
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