Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Hal-Neesa may have been arrogant, as well as a little insulting, but she was also smart. Judging by her referencing an event that happened generations ago, she had extended her life in some fashion, probably by becoming a vampire herself. Fendros and Janius were both just thankful that she appeared to prefer the prospect of working with them rather than Vile's followers. What was also apparent, though, was that Molag Bal's cult hungered for souls. That came through in Hal-Neesa's desires, and would probably outline what favors the pack would have to give to gain the cult's favour.

With the way Hal-Neesa spoke to them all, Janius in particular didn't want to be the subject of any more word games. He was on the brink of calling out and demanding that their hostess name her price, but he controlled himself for now. If only for Rhazii and Sabine's sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I am...glad you see it that way." Meesei commented, definitely offended, and definitely careful not to show it. "In exchange for a truce in the coming war, what service would you require we perform for you?"

Hal-Neesa held up one hand, as if to stop Meesei. "Not so fast. I am not keen on dealing with Clavicus Vile, but for a matter such as this, that influences my entire court, I need to discuss the matter with my husband. He is away dealing with an important matter for the moment, and shall be for a few more days at minimum. If we agree to make a deal with you, then I do have a task in mind, but you should not concern yourself with it right now. Until my husband returns, you shall remain here, and you may not leave, with the exception of one person, accompanied by a group of my underlings, to collect whatever belongings you require at your camp. You will not be confined to your quarters for your stay, but be warned, do not prove yourself a nuisance. You may not enter the quarters of anyone else without permission, and you may not disturb my experiments, or those of my underlings. Beyond that, remain courteous, and you shall not be harmed. Cause problems and you can be sure that I will make good use of your corpses."

Shortly after Neesa finished speaking, another set of footsteps could be heard from down the hall behind them. Through the door into the chamber entered four more of the mages, in the middle of which was Sabine, holding a crying Rhazii in her arms. Evidently, the mages did not care about the young wamasu, as Leaps was also following on Sabine's heels.

The moment she saw Rhazii, Ahnasha abandoned any sense of formality and rushed to Sabine. She knelt down beside her and gently, but quickly took Rhazii into her arms, holding him close to her chest. Her familiar embrace helped to silence the infant cub, which was fortunate, as a few of the mages around them looked moderately annoyed by the screaming. "Oh, Rhazii, thank Hircine you're alright. He hasn't been harmed, has he?" Ahnasha was quick to ask. It might have been considered insensitive that Ahnasha did not seem concerned about Sabine's safety, but considering that she was a new mother fearing for her cub's safety, it was understandable.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As soon as Rhazii's screaming could be heard down the hall behind them, Fendros looked over his shoulder. Rhazii, held by Sabine, was escorted into the chamber. Fendros' reaction only came as it appeared that Ahnasha's actions were not objected to. He marched briskly up to Sabine and made sure his son was okay.

In response to Ahnasha's question, Sabine shook her head and let Rhazii go in Ahnasha's arms. Sabine held herself tensely and filled with fear. Her wide eyes presented her discomfort to all. "I'm...I'm sorry, they came out of nowhere," Sabine stammered.

Fendros didn't offer consolation to Sabine at this stage, clearly more worried than angry. He placed an arm each on Sabine and Ahnasha's shoulder, "They got us the same way, but we're all alright, that's the important thing now. Come." Fendros encouraged them back to the pack.

Looking over his shoulder as well, Janius was relieved to find that they weren't going to be keeping Sabine and Rhazii as separate hostages. Not that it mattered, they were all trapped here. He looked at Meesei with an uneasy expression, showing as much discomfort for the situation as the rest of them. "I'll volunteer to collect our things, if you want," Janius stated to Meesei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Meesei nodded in response to Janius. "Alright, thank you, Janius." At the same time, Neesa shifted her focus to one of her underlings, the Altmer vampire.

"Vinaremo, take a few others and escort our guest back to their camp. And make sure to actually have some of the others help him; I would rather you not spend the next few hours walking back and forth from the xanmeer." She ordered in a somewhat condescending tone.

"At once, my lady." He responded with a slight bow before stepping away to request the assistance of a few of the other mages.

"Oh, and Nulik." Neesa began, calling the attention of one of the other robed mages, this one a mortal Argonian. "Be sure to show the remainder of our guests to their rooms."

No one in the pack, including Meesei, had any real desire to extend the conversation with Neesa so all except for Janius began to follow the Argonian tasked with taking them to their rooms. Meesei was sure to walk alongside Sabine, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Are you alright, Sabine? Do not blame yourself, there was nothing you could do."

Meanwhile, Vinaremo and a few of the other hooded individuals that had previously escorted them approached Janius. Perhaps intentionally, they seemed to surround him while the Altmer spoke. "Well, it looks like you will be remaining with us for a while. You know, I am glad we did not kill you on sight. I was skeptical at first, but I see now that this was a wonderful idea. To think, we could have missed out on having such obedient servants at our command? I am excited for what is to come; I have always wanted a dog." If his words were not enough, the Altmer actually reached out and rubbed his hand through Janius' hair like a dog before turning to lead the way out of the catacombs. "Come, dog, let's go fetch your things."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Yes, I wasn't hurt," Sabine said back to Meesei, with a little shame in her voice. Being captured was certainly a heavy blow to Sabine's confidence, but Meesei was right. There was nothing she could have done. The cultists evaded both her own and Leaps' senses. They had to have known about her whereabouts beforehand. Unfortunately, the fact remained that they were effectively prisoners of an enslaving cult, saved purely by their representation for Hircine. While the pack were ushered towards their rooms, Sabine looked up to Meesei, still fearful, "What is going to happen?"

The Altmer's words were one thing, but the demeaning physical contact was a step too far. As soon as Janius felt Vinaremo's fingers on his head, he ducked his head forward and swatted his arm away with a sudden movement. It was then that Janius' eye contact was provoked. "I'm not your pet, Altmer," Janius spat, beginning to walk. He could tell that Vinaremo was trying to rile him up, but Janius would only tear him apart as soon as their mission was complete. He didn't want to experience any moment longer than he had to with this individual.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The Altmer simply laughed with a satisfied smirk at Janius' reaction. "Oh, you make this far too easy, dog." Without a word more, he started to guide Janius, along with the rest of the escort, out of the catacombs. From there, Janius could lead the way to camp.

For the rest of the group, they were guided along through the hallways by a significantly less hostile Argonian. Much like the throne room, many of the other halls besides the entryway were decorated with tapestries, paintings, and other artwork, some of it even using the ancient Argonian carvings as focal points. Overall, despite consisting entirely of underground catacombs, the place felt like a castle, with mixed styles and influences from Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, and Morrowind, primarily. It all had an air of nobility to it, something that seemed to put these cultists a cut above the standard necromancers. Given that many of the pieces of artwork were created in styles popular far in the past, even going back to the Second Era, it was possible that this cult had been in existence for that entire time. Perhaps this place had been lived in ever since its creation.

Eventually, the Argonian led them to a hallway with eight separate rooms on either side. He stopped, then addressed the pack apathetically. "Here we are, take any or all of these rooms. Needless to say, we'll not likely be getting any more visitors than you. If you have any questions, bother someone that isn't me."

The Argonian was quick to leave, as he obviously wasn't too thrilled about leading them around in the first place. They had plenty of rooms to choose from, though they were more likely to share than not, regardless. Meesei, followed closely by Lorag, stepped into the first room she saw and, at the very least, was not disappointed in what she saw. It was a well-furnished living space, with a sizable table, a few drawers and chests for storage, a large dresser, and a comfortable-looking double bed. The sheets and pillows were clean, and there was even a large, beautiful painting of what appeared to be a Valenwood landscape on the back wall. A room such as this would be what Meesei would expect of a fine hotel in a city, which made her think that these rooms were not where these cultists would normally keep those who were essentially their prisoners.

Ahnasha selected a room a few doors down from Meesei's, so Rhazii would not disturb the others as much if he started to act up. It was just as fine of a room as Meesei's, but she spent little time observing it and instead rushed straight to the bed and sat down. She had been holding back as much as possible while they were being watched, but now that they were alone, she held Rhazii tightly in her arms and closed her now tear-filled eyes. The worry she had felt for Rhazii had been tearing her up inside ever since they had been captured.

Kaleeth had been dead silent since they had been taken, but that did not change even now that they were alone. She was deathly afraid of these cultists and wanted more than anything just to leave. If she believed she could succeed, she likely would have already ran. Instead of talking with the others, she picked one of the rooms next to Meesei's and immediately curled up on the bed, silently hoping she would soon wake up from this nightmare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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While they quietly followed the robed Argonian to their rooms, Fendros could see the anxiety in Ahnasha's demeanour steadily rising. It rubbed off a little on him, even if he was stressed enough by having Rhazii with them in this place. As Fendros thought, Ahnasha let loose her emotion once she was in her room. Fendros followed her in and walked up to her quietly, seating himself down beside her and hugging both her head and Rhazii close to him. "Whatever happens, he mustn't let them even touch Rhazii." Fednros continued to try and hold the expression of his worry back in order to stay strong in front of Ahnasha. "We're in danger, but I promise, I'll not let them harm us. We'll not let them harm our son."

Sabine, now left alone with her shock, stood silently in the hallway for a few moments, before finally following Meesei and Lorag into their room. She just stood and stared for a while, trying to find some sanity between the situation they were in and just how opulent everything was. Sabine had never been in a room such as this. The bed was so big, you could fit five people in it. Now that the prying eyes had left, or at least any of the cultists, Sabine took the time to breath and try to calm. After a few moments, Sabine looked up at Meesei, having been greeted with silence to her last question. "Meesei, what did the woman on the throne say to you? What's going to happen?"

During the trip back to the camp, Janius stayed silent amongst the cultists. In the time he had to think, he came up with at least five more quips that would have been far sharper than his initial reaction to the Altmer's words. It was essentially for naught, though. It wasn't as if this wretched worm was worth arguing with. Seeing as he had four extra people, Janius took just about everything that they could carry with him, including bedrolls and food. He wasn't going to assume that they wouldn't be in dirty cells, despite the reality he had not been witness to yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ahnasha shook her head. As much as she hated it, she understood the reality of the situation they were in. "That isn't a promise you can keep. None of us could keep it. We don't have control anymore. Sure, if these cultists turned on us, we could tear this place half to pieces. I don't care if they are mages, in these close quarters, we could kill a good portion of them, but...we couldn't really win. We couldn't kill them all, or even really just get out without taking losses ourselves. Several, or maybe even all of us could die. And their leader...I'm not sure what to think about her. Old mages tend to be powerful, and she's a vampire. There is no way to know how old she really is."

"For now, we have to wait." Meesei began to explain. She sat down on the bed and let out a deep breath, trying to rid herself of some of her worry. "Their leader, Hal-Neesa, said she needs to discuss our deal with her husband. I assume he is a leader of this place as well. By her words, she seemed more inclined to deal with us than Vile, but I do not trust her. Vampires tend to be silver-tongued beings, and she is a servant of the Lord of Schemes. In any case, we cannot leave until she has made her decision. In the meantime, it would be wise for us to learn more about this place, as well as these cultists. Any knowledge could help us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"We have to do our best, Ahna. I know things may seem out of control now, but there will be a plan, some opening. We'll just have to find it." Fendros tried to reassure, even as Ahnasha spoke the truth. "That vampire Argonian, that woman, she seems to be humouring us, but I don't trust her." Fendros pulled away and took Ahnasha's face in his hands. His worry was seeping through. "You speak the truth, I can't promise that we'll be alright, but you have to promise me this much: If things suddenly turn bad and we have to fight, just take the child and run. We will keep them at bay as best as we can, but you will have to run Rhazii to safety. At that point, your lives will be all that will matter, okay?"

Sabine found a chair to sit down in Meesei and Lorag's room, she wracked her brain for all she knew about Molag Bal, but it had been a long time since she had been taught. "Boethiah, Meridia, Ebonarm, and Mephala. Molag Bal's enemies. Not Hircine," Sabine spoke as she recalled, holding one wrist against her forehead, "Enslaves, dominates, rapes. Collects souls, but not like Vile. Vile keeps them locked away, Molag Bal uses them as slaves." With what little of the daedric prince Sabine remembered now said, she slid off her chair and walked out of the room, stopping at the door to notify Meesei. "I heard the Hal-Neesa woman say we were allowed outside of our rooms. I want to look around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ahnasha sighed, staring into the red eyes of the child in her arms. Fendros' suggestion was painful to think about, but he was not wrong. There could be a point in the coming days that violence could erupt between them and the cultists, a time where one or more of them could lose their lives. "If you would have said that a few months ago, I probably would have yelled at you. I would have stayed to fight until the last, but now with Rhazii...I think you're right. I have to keep him safe above all else."

Meesei dropped off what little she was carrying in one of the drawers, then approached Sabine at the door. "I believe that is a good idea, but I should come with you. I do not trust these necromancers and warlocks to not cause trouble. There may be more like that insufferable Altmer who would want to disturb us. Let's just be sure to avoid the entryway. I do not want to make them think we might be trying to leave."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sabine had originally wanted to look around to try and distract herself from her fear. Normally her alchemy would be the regular method, but her equipment and ingredients were back at camp. It wasn't a problem that Meesei was accompanying her, in fact, Sabine felt safer with her along for it. Sabine just started off looking into each of the rooms, finding them virtually identical. Sabine was about to explore further, but didn't feel like leaving Kaleeth curled up on her own in fear, so she urged her up to come with them.

Whether Kaleeth accompanied or not, Sabine planned to explore the halls carefully, keeping track of the way back in case they proved to be more widespread than she first thought.

In his and Ahnasha's room, Fendros nodded and let go of Ahnasha. He wouldn't have expected any less than for Ahnasha to want to fight to the end, but he was glad that she agreed. In the end, he just wished it wasn't this dangerous for them, but there wasn't much he could do about it now.

Fendros stood up, unmoved by the decorations and furnishings of the room, then began to pace and look across the walls, suspiciously looking for any traps, peepholes, or secrets. He wasn't sure whether any existed, being in an ancient xanmeer, but he wanted to use his time for something useful.

Janius arrived back not long after the expected round trip time from the xanmeer to the camp. He carried various implements, tools, and supplies, while the cultists carried rolled up bedrolls, Sabine's alchemy supplies, and a few other things. Janius had a look of impatience in his face indicative of resisting reaction to the Altmer that lead the party. He made his way wordlessly towards the rooms to drop things off, then given no more distractions, planned to find Kaleeth, wherever she had ended up. He needed some way to calm his frustrations. At this point, finding out that they would be sleeping in beds more akin to his former home in Bravil than anything else was not something that was very relieving.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Though her mood did not change, Kaleeth did nevertheless concede to follow along with Meesei and Sabine. She seemed to sulk behind them, speaking to no one with her head hung low. Every time she caught one of the cultists looking at her, she felt a bit more afraid. This was not a place she had ever wanted to end up. Her curiosity for the old Argonian catacombs was far exceeded by the fear she felt for her own life. There were so many of these cultists, and by the way that most of them were acting, they did not like that the pack was there.

Meesei too felt the judging stares of the cultists as they explored. If nothing else, they looked down on the pack as lesser beings, or perhaps potential subjects for their profane experiments. Nevertheless, they were not disturbed by anything more than glares as they explored the halls of this subterranean castle. At first, they searched for places that would be important to them during their stay, namely the dining room and kitchen. As long as the pack was eating the same food as the mortal members of the cult, Meesei would feel reasonably safe partaking in the cult's meals. After moving on from the dining room, they eventually found what looked like a training room. It was in one of the larger chambers they had seen. Most of the room was dedicated to magical training, with soul gems powering magic wards that mages could practice breaking, while some simply practiced on each other. More disturbingly, there were also literal piles of corpses, some mortal, some simple creatures, presumably that necromancers could practice their skills on. Meesei was at least somewhat impressed that they had managed to find a way to keep the bodies from producing any kind of odor. Additionally, there was a smaller section of the room dedicated to the practice of martial combat, but it seemed to be receiving less use.

As they were about to leave the training room, they found the exit blocked by about the last person Meesei wanted to see. Evidently, the group with Janius had returned, as the vampiric Altmer, Vinaremo, had made his way to the training room as well. With him was the same Argonian he had been speaking to when they first saw him, though he was leaned up against a wall near the door, not nearly as interested in Meesei and the others as the Altmer seemed to be.

"Well, look who it is, the leader of Hircine's mongrels. Come to catch a glimpse real mages as work, have you? Are you hoping some of our skill will rub off on you?" Vinaremo taunted. Even the Altmer's Argonian friend rolled his eyes at the comment, muttering his annoyance under his breath. It seemed like more than just the pack acknowledged how arrogant the Altmer was; perhaps some of them were a bit more reasonable than appearances would suggest?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Past it's dark veneer, the interior of the xanmeer turned out to be a fully provisioned living space. However grisly some of the aspects were, such as the half-rotten corpses in the corner of the training room, everyone could tell that the cult at least lived comfortably. Sabine did her best to ignore the looks directed at her and gathered as much information as was available.

Running into the Altmer again was not something that Sabine wanted to be bothered by. He was speaking like some bully child despite his indeterminate age. Sabine was about to move around him wordlessly, but stopped before she started as an idea formed in her mind. She turned her head to one of the stationary wards, then up at the Altmer's face. Up this close, Sabine could see his discoloured eyes, but swallowed down her unease. If this Altmer was arrogant enough, he would be more than willing to display the limits of his power. "Break the strongest ward over there. If you can." Sabine's voice wasn't quite inflected enough to be heard as teasing Vinaremo, but the words enough might provoke him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sabine's words caused a dark smile to form on Vinaremo's face, as well as an audible sigh from the Argonian behind him. "You had to tempt him." He muttered under his breath.

Vinaremo took a few steps forward a bit closer than was comfortable to Sabine, then leaned down with an expression that was both confident and threatening. "Oh, a challenge is it? And what, may I ask, will I get out of this challenge? What wager would you make on your...assessment of my abilities, hmm? Perhaps something valuable to you, or better yet, something valuable to me. Perhaps you would like to be the subject of one of my exciting experiments, or pledge a day of servitude to me? The possibilities are endless. I suppose you could also ask for something in the event that I...fail." The Altmer said with an almost menacing laugh. As if Meesei needed any more of a reason to despise him, she was almost ready to strike out at him if he laid a hand on Sabine. Since he was just talking for the moment, however, she stayed her hand, even if magicka was coursing through it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sabine tried as best as she could to stand her ground. Vinaremo towered over her such that she had to hold her head back at a steep angle to see his face. Sabine didn't like the situation much at all, but even as she felt her knees starting to quiver in fear and her heart starting to beat faster, she wanted to see if she could take this far enough without falling into this trap that he had laid.

She stood staring for a few seconds, then found something to respond with. "You're not strong enough. You're not worth it. I can tell." Sabine said, this time sounding a little more provocative, "If you were strong enough, you wouldn't have to serve under Hal-Neesa. You would just take control."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Vinaremo's expression turned livid. He clenched his fists and began to shout. "Why you little...I'm going to have your soul on..."

"Vinaremo." The Argonian behind him interrupted simply, but firmly.

The Altmer turned his head briefly, and seemed to calm at least slightly, but he was still quite angry. "Ah...but for now, this challenge. You agreed, yes? You said you would serve my every command for a day if I succeed, I know I heard you say it. Such an agreement is binding, and I know our Lady Hal-Neesa will enforce this deal. I look forward to commanding you to my whims; all I have to do is go break a simple..."

"Break my ward instead." Meesei interrupted. Even if Sabine had never made any wager, it was likely that Neesa would believe him over her, and though the ward in question did appear strong, it was entirely possible that the Altmer could break it. Meesei, however, could create a ward much stronger than what could be made with a single soul gem. "More specifically, I challenge you to break my ward before I can break yours. If I win, you leave all of us alone and do not speak to anyone in my pack unless we want to speak to you. if you win...I will take her place."

Vinaremo paused, looking Meesei over from head to toe, as if examining a horse or piece of livestock for imperfections. "Hmm...yes, I could have a use for you. Fine, I will break your ward, then we will have a wonderful time together."

As Vinaremo took his position, Meesei glanced to Sabine. At least she was now absolved from any danger; it was anyone's guess what the Altmer might have done with her if given a day to command her. It worried her that she had no reference to how much magical strength the Altmer might have, but he would have to be quite skilled in order to outmatch her. Honestly, she wished Sabine would not have spoken up, but this could at least be a chance to stop him from harassing the pack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

It was when Vinaremo turned to lies that Sabine took a step back and her expression faltered. She had pushed him too far, but without him getting angry enough to simply validate his pride. He would deceive to have his way, just like a servant of Molag Bal would. Sabine was about to sprint off to try and get to Hal-Neesa first, or to hide, she didn't rightly know, she just needed to escape. Before she ran, though, Meesei spoke and essentially rescued Sabine from the situation.

Sabine looked at Meesei with a worry that silently asked if this was the best idea, but Sabine knew there was no way to go back now. Meesei was probably the best candidate to challenge Vinaremo. All Sabine could do was lower her gaze and step out from between them. She sincerely hoped that this vampiric Altmer would not be stronger than Meesei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Both Meesei and Vinaremo took their positions in an open part of the training room. The Altmer's anger seemed to be masking any other emotions Meesei might have been able to see in his expression, though if he was wise, he would be worried about Meesei's abilities just as well as she was of his. As soon as Meesei put up her ward, Vinaremo followed suit with his, followed by near simultaneous destruction spells. Vinaremo did not seem to be inexperienced, as he selected the same spell as Meesei: a constant stream of lightning, which was generally the preferred spell to use on mages.

While Meesei started out pacing herself, the Altmer was aggressive from the start. Unfortunately, his arrogance was backed up with skill, as he was able to produce quite powerful bolts of lightning. The light of Meesei's ward flickered, but did not yet break, as Meesei had one talent that made her well-suited to maintain a defense. Her meditations and studies into the nature of magicka granted her a strong understanding of how interconnected various forms of magicka really were. As a result, she could take a portion of the magicka from Vinaremo's spell and use it to bolster her ward's strength. It still, of course, weakened over time, but at a much slower rate. When the Altmer concentrated his magicka into a single bolt in the hopes of suddenly overwhelming a weakened ward, he was surprised to find that it was still more than strong enough to hold up.

Now that he had exhausted a large portion of his magicka on offense, it was time for Meesei to retaliate. She heightened the intensity of her storm of electricity, causing the Altmer's ward to begin to flicker and fade. He had to struggle to keep his ward up, to the point that he abandoned his offense entirely. With the pressure off of her, Meesei lashed out with a concentrated bolt, much like the Altmer, but this time, his ward burst in front of him.

Generally, Meesei was not one to gloat, but this Altmer deserved to feel shame. His Argonian friend was already laughing by this point, which drew an annoyed glare from Vinaremo. Meesei would have joined in, were it not for another voice coming from the entrance of the chamber that captured everyone's attention immediately.

"Well done." Hal-Neesa commented as the approached the group. "Perhaps you will be less insufferable from now on, Vinaremo. Your arrogance annoys even me. Go, take a rest and lick your wounded pride. I desire a...friendly duel with our guest." Meesei did not know for how long the cult's leader had been watching, but it was obviously long enough to attract her attention. As much as Meesei wanted to get a sense of Neesa's abilities, she felt a duel with her was a bad idea. If Meesei won, then she might consider her a threat and have her killed. If she lost, Neesa might become confident enough to become more demanding in their negotiations. If at all possible, Meesei wanted to find a way to avoid a duel.

"I would like to duel, of course, but...I feel far too drained from the last duel.. I am afraid it would not be much of a contest at the moment, I need time to rest." Meesei responded, hoping it would be enough to excuse her from the duel. Unfortunately, Neesa simply reached into her pouch and produced a potion bottle. Using telekinesis, she hovered it in front of Meesei as she took her position in the center of the training room.

"That is no problem. Take a moment and drink this magicka potion. You should be ready in moments." Neesa said, somewhat demandingly.

Letting out a sigh, Meesei grabbed the bottle out of the air. She uncorked it and took in the scent of its contents. It at least smelled like a normal magicka potion; not like she had an actual choice in drinking it by this point. Reluctantly, she drank it, wondering if it would have been better to simply lose the first duel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Whether or not it was Sabine who made Vinaremo too aggressive to duel effectively, or whether he simply underestimated Meesei, Sabine saw from the start to the end that Vinaremo was little match for Meesei. It didn't prevent a sigh of relief from escaping Sabine's lips when Meesei did win, however. The sigh was sucked back into Sabine's lungs just as quickly when Hal-Neesa made herself apparent. From then, the stakes were not so high that Meesei was going to be enslaved or experimented on, but this Hal-Neesa woman had her own kind of threat surrounding her.

Exploring to try and find Kaleeth, Janius wandered the halls and bumped shoulders with a rushing Vinaremo. His demeanour seemed completely different from earlier, but Janius only gave a confused look before proceeding. Something interesting was happening up ahead. In the next room, evidently some kind of multifaceted training room to Janius' eyes, the way people were placed suggested some tension in the air. Were they going to fight their way out after all? All the attention was centred around Meesei and Hal-Neesa as they stood opposite each other in the room. Looking around, Janius found Kaleeth and Sabine, and walked up to them.

"What's going on here?" Janius asked them both in a part-whisper.

Sabine answered without taking her eyes off the duelists, "Meesei and the leader, Hal-Neesa, are going to try and break each others' magical wards. I don't think it is a duel to the death, but..." Sabine trailed off, wishing she knew for sure what Hal-Neesa's motives were.

Janius pursed his lips with concern, but only looked on for now. They were probably just testing each other, but this could still end badly. Janius reached for Kaleeth's hand and stepped close to her. "Stay vigilant," Janius breathed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Meesei took a few moments to let the potion take effect, then took her spot opposite Hal-Neesa. This time, Neesa was the first to raise her ward, followed by Meesei. As before, both started with a constant stream of lightning to wear down one another's wards, but Neesa did not focus on offense from the beginning. Instead, she started off with a moderately powerful spell. It would take a while to drain her magicka reserves with it, so Meesei matched with a lightning spell just slightly stronger. She was able to use the power from Neesa's spell to help bolster her ward, so it did not weaken quickly. Unfortunately, Neesa's ward showed no signs of diminishing as well.

"You know, I should thank you, Meesei. I do enjoy seeing Vinaremo publicly humbled. Sadly, he is skilled enough that there are few in my court who can match him in a duel, and I cannot be bothered to deal with him. Orskan-Tan seemed to get a laugh out of it." Neesa said loud enough to be heard over the sound of lightning impacting wards. Her tone almost seemed friendly, not that Meesei trusted it to be genuine.

"If you do not like him, then why does he seem to be so important in your court" Meesei questioned.

Neesa's ward still seemed as strong as it had ever been, while Meesei's flickered ever so slightly. Based on their appearances, it did not seem like Neesa had to concentrate near as much to maintain her ward. "Weren't you listening? I said he is skilled. He is a powerful servant; a useful tool. There are few in this place whom I actually like, apart from my husband and a few others. My court consists of those wise enough to recognize true power, who will serve myself and my husband faithfully, and without question. In return, they, over time, gain a portion of our strength by studying alongside us. We do not need to be friends for that arrangement to bear fruit."

"Well, I wish you all luck in that endeavor, but I prefer life with my pack." Meesei commented, refocusing her attention on her ward. Both of them were still maintaining a constant, moderately powerful stream of lightning, and neither of their wards seemed too close to faltering. Meesei's ward pulsed slightly, but was not far separated in strength from Neesa's. "It seems we are closely matched." Meesei observed.

Neesa said nothing in response, and instead gave a worryingly confident grin. Suddenly, the output of Neesa's spell boosted exponentially, while her ward remained perfectly strong. The bolt of lightning she produced was strong enough to break Meesei's ward in an instant, loud enough to feel like it was shaking the room, yet concentrated enough not to harm anyone around them. Meesei was fortunate that it had not been directed into her body, as her heart surely would have stopped.

While Neesa had won the duel, she was not yet finished. Reaching out her hand, she grabbed Meesei with a spell of telekinesis more powerful than any she had seen before, or even thought possible. Like something from tales of mages of eras past, Neesa was able to lift Meesei off the ground and pull her mere inches from her face. The force of the spell constricted Meesei's movement, as well as crushing her windpipe to the point that she could just barely breathe. Even the greatest of modern mages could not sustain such telekinetic force for more than an instant, yet Neesa seemed to be doing so with ease. It was abundantly clear that Neesa had merely been toying with her for the duration of the duel.

"Not quite." Hal-Neesa remarked mockingly. With a simple motion of her hand, she tossed Meesei forcefully aside, slamming her into the nearest wall, then turned and calmly exited the room as if nothing had happened. Meesei fell to the ground with a bloody nose, completely out of breath. After a few seconds, Meesei brought her aching body up to her hands and knees and started gasping for air.
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